Angleščina 7, zbirka nalog z rešitvami

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Z lahkoto do znanja




Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje,

• razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov,

se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

Angleščina, zbirka nalog za angleščino v 7. razredu osnovne šole Urednica zbirke:

Alenka Kepic Mohar

Avtorja: Urednica: Strokovni pregled: Lektorica angleškega besedila: Lektorica slovenskega besedila:

Špela Podlipnik, Matevž Sušnik Valentina Praprotnik Cvetka Sokolov Justi Carey Vera Jakopič

Ilustratorki: Ilustracija na naslovnici: Slikovno gradivo:

Mojca Lampe Kajtna, Tanja Komadina Tanja Komadina arhiv MKZ, Shutterstock

© Mladinska knjiga Založba, d. d., 2012 Izdala in založila: Za založbo: Glavni urednik: Vodja Izobraževalnega založništva:

Mladinska knjiga Založba, d. d., Ljubljana, 2012 Peter Tomšič Bojan Švigelj Senja Požar Horvat

Prelom: Oprema: Natisnila:

Tomo Resnik Pia Rihtarič Tiskarna Grafika Soča, d. o. o., Nova Gorica, 2012

Naklada: 2000 izvodov Prva izdaja

Obiščite tudi spletne strani:, in

CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 811.111(075.2)(076) PODLIPNIK, Špela Angleščina. Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole / avtorja Špela Podlipnik, Matevž Sušnik ; [ilustratorki Mojca Lampe Kajtna, Tanja Komadina ; slikovno gradivo arhiv MKZ, Shutterstock]. 1. izd. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga, 2012. - (Brihtna glavca) ISBN 978-961-01-2125-1 1. Sušnik, Matevž 262118400

Vse pravice pridržane. Brez pisnega dovoljenja Založbe je prepovedano reproduciranje, distribuiranje, javna priobčitev, predelava ali druga uporaba tega avtorskega dela in njegovih delov v kakršnem koli obsegu ali postopku, hkrati s fotokopiranjem, tiskanjem ali shranitvijo v elektronski obliki, v okviru določil Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah.

CONTENTS 1. WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? (revision unit) 2. A BLAST FROM THE PAST (past simple; vocabulary: jobs; health) 3. CITIUS, ALTIUS, FORTIUS (adjectives and adverbs; vocabulary: appearance and character; countries, nationalities and languages) TEST 1

3 15

36 46

4. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAY? (going to-future; vocabulary: holidays, making a reservation)


5. WILL IT RAIN TOMORROW? (will future; vocabulary: the weather, natural disasters)


6. MAY I USE YOUR PHONE? (modal verbs; vocabulary: town and transport, directions)






Dragi ucenec, draga ucenka! Pred teboj je zbirka nalog, namenjena ponavljanju in utrjevanju snovi, ki jo boš usvojil pri pouku angleščine v 7. razredu. Naloge so sestavljene tako, da jih lahko rešuješ sam/a, na sredini so priložene tudi rešitve. V uvodu vsakega poglavja lahko prebereš, katero snov boš v tem poglavju ponovil/a. Razlagi slovničnih oblik in njihovi rabi (rubrika POMNIM) sledijo zanimive in raznovrstne vaje, med drugim tudi vaje za utrjevanje besedišča, razvijanje bralnega razumevanja in pisnega izražanja. Zahtevnejše naloge so označene z zvezdico. V dodatno pomoč ti bosta še slovarček novih besed, ki se pojavijo v besedilih, in seznam nepravilnih glagolov na notranji strani platnic. Vadnica vsebuje tudi dva preizkusa znanja, s katerima lahko preveriš svoje znanje. Tako, zdaj pa se le podaj na pustolovščino, ki se ji reče angleščina za sedmi razred. Želimo ti veliko veselja in uspeha pri reševanju nalog. Avtorja in urednica



WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? What does your best friend usually do in his free time?

V tem poglavju boš ponovil/a: - glagol biti (be), glagol imeti (have got), - navadni sedanjik (present simple) in opisni sedanjik (present continuous), - wh-vprašanja (wh- questions), množino samostalnikov in rabo predlogov.

And where is he now?

He plays football.

He is at home. He is doing his homework.

POMNIM 1. Glagol biti (be): + I am (I'm); – I am not (I'm not); Am I? + He is (He's); – He is not (He isn't); Is he? + You are (You're); – You are not (You aren't); Are you? 2. Glagol imeti (have got): + You have got (You've got); – You have not got (You haven't got); Have you got? + She has got (She's got); – She has not got (She hasn't got); Has she got? 3. Present Simple: + You live; – You do not live (You don't live); Do you live? + He lives; – He does not live (He doesn't live); Does he live? 4. Present Continuous: + I am (I'm) singing; – I am not (I'm not) singing; Am I singing? + She is (She's) singing; – She is not (She isn't) singing; Is she singing? + You are (You're) singing; – You are not (You aren't) singing; Are you singing? 5. Wh-vprašanja (Wh- questions): who, whose, what, which, where, when, why, how 6. Množina samostalnikov: a boy = 3 boys; a city = 5 cities; a watch = 4 watches; a wolf = 2 wolves; a mouse = several mice 7. Raba predlogov: School starts at 8 o'clock.



WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? To be, or not to be, that is the question ...

1. Dopolni povedi z ustreznimi oblikami glagola biti (be). 1.


is Mark? A: Where ___

A: ________ you tired?

’s at home. B: He ___

B: No, I ________.



A: ________ your parents at work?

A: Where ________ Ben from?

B: No, they ________.

B: I don’t know.



A: How old ________ your best friend?

A: What ________ your favourite colour?

B: He ________ 12.

B: It ________ red.



A: ________ Mel hungry?

A: ________ you happy?

B: No, she ________.

B: Yes, I ________.

2. Oglej si tabelo in dopolni povedi s pravilnimi oblikami glagola imeti (have got). Hannah

Liam and Gregory


a dog named Thunder and two fish

a guinea pig named Jed

brothers and sisters

two brothers, Dorian and Neal

best friends toys in their schoolbags


Liz and Shelly

Mark, Phillip and Mason


cards, action figures



WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? 1. has got 1 two brothers but she ___________2 any sisters. She ___________3 Hannah is 12. She ________ two best friends. They are Liz and Shelley. She loves animals. She ___________4 a dog named Thunder. She ___________ also ___________5 two fish. Her fish ___________6 any names. ___________ she ___________7 any toys in her schoolbag? No, she ___________8. 2. Liam and Gregory are brothers. They ___________1 an older brother, Ross. They ___________2 any sisters. They ___________3 one pet – a guinea pig called Jed. They ___________4 three best friends – they are all boys. They ___________5 cards in their schoolbags. They like to play with them during the break. ___________ they also ___________6 comics in their schoolbags? No, they ___________7. They ___________ also ___________8 action figures in their schoolbags.

3. Intervju o najboljši prijateljici dopolni s trdilnimi, nikalnimi ali vprašalnimi oblikami glagola biti (be) in imeti (have got).

My BFF is 1 you best friend, Sally? Adele: Who ____ Sally: It ___________2 my schoolfriend Ellen. Adele: Can you tell me something about her? Sally: Yes, of course. She ___________3 12 years old like me. The first things you notice about her ___________4 her beautiful blue eyes and long hair. She ___________5 slim and likes to wear trendy clothes. But she ___________6 very tall – she ___________7 only 1.50 m. Adele: ___________ she ___________8 any brothers or sisters? Sally: No, she ___________9. But she ___________10 two pets – a dog named Star and a cat named Lily. Adele: ___________11 they cute? Sally: Yes, they ___________ 12. We like to play with them. Adele: What ___________ you ___________13 in common? 6

REŠITVE 1 WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? 1. 2. are, aren’t 3. is, ‘s 4. is, isn’t 5. are, ‘m not 6. is 7. is, ‘s 8. are, am 2. 1: 2. hasn’t got 3. has got 4. has got 5. has (also) got 6. haven’t got 7. Has (she) got 8. hasn’t

2: 1. have got 2. haven’t got 3. have got 4. have got 5. have got 6. Have (they also) got 7. haven’t 8. have (also) got

3. 2. is 3. is 4. are 5. is 6. isn’t 7. is 8. has (she) got 9. hasn’t 10. has got 11. are 12. are 3. have (you) got 14. is 15. are 16. are 17. haven’t got 18. has 19. is 20. am not 21. is 22. is 23. have got 24. are 4. 2. doesn’t get up 3. takes 4. has 5. listens 6. is 7. collects 8. go out 9. doesn’t eat 10. likes 11. watches 12. plays 13. doesn’t read 14. visit 15. come 16. chat 17. don’t watch 18. go 5.

2. Alice tidies up her room twice a month. 3. My mother watches comedy films on TV. 4. Leon doesn’t know much about politics. 5. Does Cooper listen to every word his teacher says? 6. Does Evelyn like animals? 7. My sister finishes work at 5 o’clock. 8. Dave doesn’t speak Japanese. 9. Marian always arrives home very late. 10. What does Kurt want for dinner today?


2. Peter doesn’t have eggs for breakfast. 3. When does Meg usually come home? 4. Mat and Florence don’t work on Sundays. 5. Sometimes John doesn’t drive to work. 6. We often sing karaoke. 7. The baby cries when she is hungry. 8. Slovenian police officers don’t wear red uniforms. 9. What does Yasmien do in her free time?


2. They aren’t sitting. They are dancing. 3. She isn’t writing. She is painting. 4. She isn’t walking. She is riding a bike. 5. He isn’t cooking. He is playing basketball. 6. They aren’t fishing. They are having a picnic. 7. They aren’t driving. They are running. 8. He isn’t sunbathing. He is climbing. 9. They aren’t jumping. They are swimming. 10. She/He isn’t eating. She/He is flying.


2. Where is he planting flowers? 3. When are Alan and Deborah getting married? 4. What are Dave and Zara exchanging? 5. Why is the baby crying? 6. Where is Tanja skating? 7. Who is hiking in Ireland? 8. What is Kate looking at? 9. What are Gabby and Sammy toasting? 10. Why is Ron’s nose running?

9. 2. b) doesn’t travel 3. a) does your father do 4. c) isn’t raining 5. b) doesn’t your mother like me 6. b) ‘re doing 7. b) studies 8. a) doesn’t need 9. c) ‘s trying 10. 2. am 3. are (you) doing 4. ‘m listening 5. are (you) listening 6. ‘m listening 7. love 8. is 9. writes 10. sings 11. Isn’t 12. is 13. hope 14. comes 15. have (you) got 16. haven’t 17. want 18. aren’t

11. Across: 4. boys 5. mice 8. teeth 9. leaves 12. churches 13. oxen 14. families Down: 1. watches 2. keys 3. tomatoes 6. dresses 7. children 10. strawberries 11. fish 12. –s: oranges, tables, muffins, guys –es: heroes, witches, sandwiches, boxes –ies: countries, balconies, fairies, candies –ves: wolves, shelves, halves, elves irregular plural: geese, sheep, deer, women 13. 2. Why, d 3. Which, f 4. Whose, h 5. How, b 6. What, c 7. How much, j 8. Who, a 9. How, e 10. Where, i 14. 2. What does Sid collect? 3. What time does the train leave? 4. Why are you smiling? 5. Who is your best friend? 6. Where does Eliot keep his clothes? 7. Whose coat is this? 8. How many guests are coming? 9. How does Sue go to work? 10. What do they do after dinner? 15. 2. at 3. at 4. in 5. at 6. at 7. on 8. to 9. for 10. in 11. for 12. at 13. to 14. in 15. on 16. 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. F

2 A BLAST FROM THE PAST 1. 2. was 3. wasn’t 4. were 5. was 6. wasn’t 7. was 8. was 9. was 10. was 11. weren’t 12. were 2. a) 2. Karen and Mike were at a party. 3. Louis and Darryl were at the football match. 4. John was at the swimming pool. 5. Tina and Joe were at the theatre. 6. Sam was at home.

b) 2. Were Karen and Mike at home? No, they weren’t. 3. Were Louis and Darryl at the football match? Yes, they were. 4. Was John at the theatre? No, he wasn’t. 5. Were Tina and Joe at the swimming pool? No, they weren’t. 6. Was Sam at the party? No, he wasn’t.


2. Who was at the party? 3. Was your friend Sonia there? 4. Where was Sonia last night? 5. Were Peter and Mary at the party? 6. Were you happy to see them? 7. Where were all the guests at 10 pm? 8. When was the party over?

4. 2. to write 3. to teach 4. to sing 5. to sail 6. to rob 7. to act 8. to bake 5. 2. inventor 3. boxer 4. player 5. driver 6. inspector 7. fighter 8. worker 6. 2. a painter 3. a boxer 4. a runner 5. a worker 6. a sailor 7. a singer 8. a (taxi) driver 7. 1. painter 2. explorer 3. actress 4. teacher 5. driver 6. runner 7. singer/an actor 8. writer 9. actor 10. inventor 8. b) No, he wasn’t. He was a painter. c) No, he wasn’t. He was s driver. d) No, they weren’t. They were actors. e) No, he wasn’t. He was a runner. f) No, she wasn’t. She was a writer. 9.

c) Was Jan Comenius a teacher? Yes, he was. d) Was Agatha Christie an inventor? No, she wasn’t. e) Was Leonardo an explorer? No, he wasn’t. f) Was Alfred Nobel a driver? No, he wasn’t.

10. 2. called 3. knocked 4. pushed 5. moved 6. cried 7. changed 8. asked





Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole

Z lahkoto do znanja angleščine! Zbirka nalog vsebuje: • 123 raznovrstnih nalog v 6 tematskih sklopih, • stopnjevanje nalog glede na zahtevnost, • povzetek snovi na začetku posameznih poglavij, • 2 preizkusa znanja za preverjanje naučenega, • rešitve v sredini zvezka. Gradivo je preizkušeno v razredu.

Na voljo tudi zbirke nalog za druge predmete in razrede! 8.












se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

Z lahkoto do znanja


• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov,

se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov,

se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

CENA 7,95 €





Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole



Z lahkoto do znanja


• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov,

Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole


Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 9. razred osnovne šole


Z lahkoto do znanja




Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 8. razred osnovne šole

Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

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