Angleščina 8, zbirka nalog z rešitvami

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Z lahkoto do znanja




Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 8. razred osnovne šole

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje,

• razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov,

se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

Angleščina, zbirka nalog za angleščino v 8. razredu osnovne šole Urednica zbirke:

Alenka Kepic Mohar

Avtorici: Urednica: Strokovni pregled: Lektorica angleškega besedila: Lektorica slovenskega besedila:

Špela Podlipnik, Maja Krese Valentina Praprotnik Cvetka Sokolov Justi Carey Vera Jakopič

Ilustratorki: Ilustracija na naslovnici: Slikovno gradivo:

Mojca Lampe Kajtna, Tanja Komadina Tanja Komadina Shutterstock, arhiv MKZ

© Mladinska knjiga Založba, d. d., 2012 Izdala in založila: Za založbo: Glavni urednik: Vodja Izobraževalnega založništva:

Mladinska knjiga Založba, d. d., Ljubljana, 2012 Peter Tomšič Bojan Švigelj Senja Požar Horvat

Prelom: Oprema: Natisnila:

Tomo Resnik Pia Rihtarič Tiskarna Grafika Soča, d. o. o., Nova Gorica, 2012

Naklada: 2000 izvodov Prva izdaja

Obiščite tudi spletne strani: in

CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 811.111(075.2)(076) PODLIPNIK, Špela Angleščina. Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 8. razred osnovne šole / avtorici Špela Podlipnik, Maja Krese ; ilustratorki Mojca Lampe Kajtna, Tanja Komadina ; [slikovno gradivo Shutterstock, arhiv MKZ]. - 1. izd. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga, 2012. - (Brihtna glavca) ISBN 978-961-01-2128-2 1. Krese, Maja, 1980262507264

Vse pravice pridržane. Brez pisnega dovoljenja Založbe je prepovedano reproduciranje, distribuiranje, javna priobčitev, predelava ali druga uporaba tega avtorskega dela in njegovih delov v kakršnem koli obsegu ali postopku, hkrati s fotokopiranjem, tiskanjem ali shranitvijo v elektronski obliki, v okviru določil Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah.


CONTENTS 1. LOOKING BACK (revision unit) 2. SOMETIMES ALWAYS, OFTEN NEVER (present simple and adverbs


of frequency, prepositions in, on, at, from, to; vocabulary: freetime activities)

3. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! (past continuous; vocabulary: global issues) 4. ... THAT IS THE QUESTION! (questions with who, what and like, question tags; vocabulary: clothes and appearance) TEST 1

14 24

38 49

5. SHOP TILL YOU DROP (countable and uncountable nouns, expressing quantity, one/ones, possessive ‘s; vocabulary: food, drink and shopping)


6. HAVE YOU TIDIED UP YET? (present perfect simple with already, still, just, yet; vocabulary: daily chores and gardening)


7. HAVE YOU EVER …? (present perfect simple with ever/never, for/since, vs. past simple; vocabulary: film, media and the Internet)






Dragi ucenec, draga ucenka! Pred teboj je zbirka nalog, namenjena ponavljanju in utrjevanju snovi, ki jo boš usvojil/a pri pouku angleščine v 8. razredu. Naloge so sestavljene tako, da jih lahko rešuješ sam/a, na sredini so priložene tudi rešitve. V uvodu vsakega poglavja lahko prebereš, katero snov boš v tem poglavju ponovil/a. Razlagi slovničnih oblik in njihovi rabi (rubrika POMNIM) sledijo zanimive in raznovrstne vaje, med drugim tudi vaje za utrjevanje besedišča, razvijanje bralnega razumevanja in pisnega izražanja. Zahtevnejše naloge so označene z zvezdico. V dodatno pomoč ti bosta še slovarček novih besed, ki se pojavijo v besedilih, in seznam nepravilnih glagolov na notranji strani platnic. Vadnica vsebuje tudi dva preizkusa znanja, s katerima lahko preveriš svoje znanje. Tako, zdaj pa se le podaj na pustolovščino, ki se ji reče angleščina za osmi razred. Želimo ti veliko veselja in uspeha pri reševanju nalog. Avtorici in urednica 3


LOOKING BACK I’m really looking forward to the new school year.

V tem poglavju boš ponovil/a snov 7. razreda. Pri tem sta upoštevana tako slovnica kot besedišče: - preteklik past simple, pridevniki (vseh stopenj) in prislovi, prihodnjika will-future ter going to-future, modalni glagoli can, must, have to, need to, should v pretekliku, sedanjiku in prihodnjiku, - besedišče na temo bolezni, poklicev, vremena, zgradb v mestu.

Well, looking back helps sometimes.

1. Glagolom pripiši njihove oblike za preteklik (past simple). went 1. go - _______________

10. hit - _______________

19. answer - _____________

2. sit - ________________

11. eat - _______________

20. bring - ______________

3. play - ______________

12. make - _____________

21. stop - _______________

4. walk - ______________

13. do - _______________

22. decide - _____________

5. swim - _____________

14. jump - _____________

23. cut - ________________

6. take - ______________

15. get - _______________

24. wait - _______________

7. have - ______________

16. know - _____________

25. shoot - ______________

8. catch - _____________

17. write - _____________

26. leave - ______________

9. see - _______________

18. meet - _____________

27. look - _______________

a) Obkljukaj glagole, ki so nepravilni. b) Na črtice napiši glagol, ki ima za preteklik dve obliki; zapiši ju. __________ - __________, ________________

2. Dopolni besedila o slavnih ljudeh iz preteklosti. Pomagaj si z besedami v okvirčkih, glagole postavi v preteklik (past simple). 1.

beautiful be famous act good become love elegant first actress win was 1 an The woman in the picture is Audrey Hepburn. She _____ actress 2 and she _________3 in some very ____________________4 ________ films like Breakfast at Tiffany’s, My Fair Lady and Roman Holidays. People ________________5 her because she was ___________________6, _______________7 and a ________________8 actress. She _______________9 an Oscar and _______________10 one of the _________11 ambassadors for UNICEF.




start kill found crazy write be musician beautiful famous split up die come was 1 a ____________2 The man in the picture is John Lennon. He ______ and he ________3 from Liverpool. In 1962 he ______________4 a band called The Quarrymen that later became The Beatles. He and Paul McCartney _____________5 some of the most ___________________6 songs in the world such as Help, Yellow Submarine, Strawberry Fields and others. When The Beatles ________________7 he ________________8 a solo career. His song Imagine is one of the most _______________9 songs about peace for all mankind. He ________10 in 1980 when a ________11 fan ___________12 him in New York.


inventor intelligent Croatian study light bulb name work invent scientist do be (3x) think was 1 __________________2. This is a picture of Nikola Tesla. He ______ He _________3 a very ________________4 man: he _________ 5 a ________________6. He _________________7 electricity and _______________8 many experiments with it. For a while he __________________9 with Thomas Edison, another ______________________10. Some people even ______________11 that Tesla ____________________12 the ________________________13 and not Edison. They _________14 a crater on the Moon after him .

3. Preberi besedilo o raziskovalcu polarnega območja. a) Glagole iz okvirčka postavi v preteklik (past simple) in jih vstavi v besedilo. decide have (2x) write reach go lose get shoot survive beat make walk sink take play have to be continue can Ernest Shackleton: LEGENDARY ANTARCTIC EXPLORER beat 1 Shackleton to the South Pole, but Shackleton A Norwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen, _________ ___________2 exploring. In 1914, he ___________3 to cross Antarctica on foot. »It is the last great Polar journey that can be made, « Shackleton ___________4 in his diary. 5


LOOKING BACK Slowly crushed by thick ice, Shackleton’s ship ___________5. To get help, Shackleton and the five toughest sailors ___________6 in a lifeboat to South Georgia, over 1000 kilometres away across the Antarctic Ocean. The men, who ___________7 no phones or radios, ___________8 only find their way by reading the stars and the sun. Stuck on an ice island for 105 days, Shackleton’s team ___________9 football to keep warm. Temperatures ___________10 −30 degrees Fahrenheit, the wind was 160 km/hr, and there ___________11 often blizzards. In the winter, it was dark for 70 days. Amazingly, all the men ____________________12. They ___________13 no food, so Shackleton’s team ___________14 eat penguins and seals. The men ___________15 soup from seal bones boiled in molten snow. They even ___________16 their dogs for meat. Many men on Shackleton’s team ___________17 frostbite. One man even ___________ 18 toes on one foot. Shackleton ___________19 35 km across the icy mountains and glaciers of South Georgia to get help for the rest of his team who were stuck on the ice. There were no maps and Shackleton had enough food for only three days. It ___________20 36 hours of non-stop walking to get help and four months to get a boat to where Shackleton’s team was waiting. (adapted from TEAM Magazine, Jan/Feb 2005, p. 12, 13)

b) Odgovori na vprašanja s celimi stavki. 1. Who beat Shackleton to the South Pole? The Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen beat Shackleton to the South Pole. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Shackleton and the sailors get to South Georgia? ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How could they find their way without any maps? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What did the team eat to survive? ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why did one man on Shackleton’s team lose his toes? ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. How far did Shackleton have to walk to get help? ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Did anyone on Shackleton’s team die? ____________________________________________________________________________ 6

REŠITVE 1 LOOKING BACK 1. 2. sit - sat ✔ 3. play - played 4. walk - walked 5. swim - swam ✔ 6. take - took ✔ 7. have - had ✔ 8. catch - caught ✔ 9. see - saw ✔ 10. hit - hit ✔ 11. eat - ate ✔ 12. make - made ✔ 13. do - did ✔ 14. jump - jumped 15. get - got ✔ 16. know - knew ✔ 17. write - wrote ✔ 18. meet - met ✔ 19. answer - answered 20. bring - brought ✔ 21. stop - stopped ✔ 22. decide - decided 23. cut - cut ✔ 24. wait - waited 25. shoot - shot ✔ 26. leave - left ✔ 27. look - looked a) glej zgornje primere b) be - was, were 2. 1. The woman in the picture is Audrey Hepburn. She was 1 an actress 2 and she acted 3 in some very famous 4 films like Breakfast at Tiffany’s, My Fair Lady and Roman Holidays. People loved 5 her because she was beautiful/elegant 6, elegant/beautiful 7 and a good 8 actress. She won 9 an Oscar and became 10 one of the first 11 ambassadors for UNICEF. 2. The man in the picture is John Lennon. He was 1 a musician 2 and he came 3 from Liverpool. In 1962 he founded 4 a band called The Quarrymen that later became The Beatles. He and Paul McCartney wrote 5 some of the most famous/beautiful 6 songs in the world such as Help, Yellow Submarine, Strawberry Fields and others. When The Beatles split up 7 he started 8 a solo career. His song Imagine is one of the most beautiful/famous 9 songs about peace for all mankind. He died 10 in 1980 when a crazy 11 fan killed 12 him in New York. 3. This is a picture of Nikola Tesla. He __was_1 Croatian 2. He was 3 a very intelligent 4 man: he was 5 a scientist 6. He studied 7 electricity and did 8 many experiments with it. For a while he worked 9 with Thomas Edison, another inventor 10. Some people even thought 11 that Tesla invented 12 the light bulb 13 and not Edison. They named 14 a crater on the Moon after him. 3. a) 2. continued 3. decided 4. wrote 5. sank 6. went 7. had 8. could 9. played 10. reached 11. were 12. survived 13. had 14. had to 15. made 16. shot 17. got 18. lost 19. walked 20. took b) 2. They went there in a lifeboat. 3. They read the stars and the sun. 4. They ate meat of penguins, seals and dogs. 5. Because he got frostbite. 6. He had to walk for 35 kilometres. 7. No, they all survived. 4. 2. James Cook discovered Australia. 3. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. 4. John Baird invented television. 5. Isaac Newton studied the laws of gravity. 6. Nikola Tesla studied electricity. 7. Laszlo Biro invented the ball point pen. 5. a) 2. headache 3. temperature 4. cold 5. temperature b) 1. horrible, tired, cruel, worried, high 2. stay, die 3. flu 6.

Base high good3 happy5 famous hot9 far11 funny popular15 crazy17 unusual

Comparative higher1 better happier6 more famous7 hotter10 further funnier13 more popular crazier18 more unusual19

Superlative the highest 2 the best4 the happiest the most famous8 the hottest the furthest12 the funniest14 the most popular16 the craziest the most unusual20

7. 2. more practical 3. the driest 4. the nicest 5. the most wonderful 6. more sensible 7. better 8. worse 8. 2. heavily 3. funnily 4. nervous 5. terrible 6. sick 7. properly 8. dirty 9. wonderful 10. quickly 11. kindly 12. sure

4. I am going to study engineering at the university. 5. The Petersons are going to build a new house in the country. 6. Who are we going to visit at our next show?

10. 2. you will 3. will I live 4. you ‘ll live 5. will I travel 6. you won’t 7. I will have 8. You won’t have a lot of money 9. will I (ever) visit 10. will go 11. Will I become a doctor? 12. you won’t 13. will be 11. 2. ‘ll have 3. will be 4. are ... going to buy 5. ‘ll earn 6. ‘ll (certainly) be able to 7. ‘ll spend 8. won’t need 9. ‘ll ... be 10. won’t get 11. ‘ll have to 12. ‘ll have to 13. ‘ll put 14. ‘m ... going to have 15. ‘ll have 16. ‘ll enjoy 17. ‘ll have 18. ‘re going to get /’ll get 19. won’t get 20. ‘ll order 21. won’t have to 12. 1. dialog: 2. can ... find 3. straight 4. left 5. crossroads 6. on ... right 2. dialog: 1. is 2. second 3. on the right 4. left 5. next to 3.dialog: 1. Excuse 2. find 3. along 4. traffic 5. right 6. between 7. café 4. dialog: 1. there 2. here 3. there isn’t 4. can take 5. bus stop 6. ahead 7. corner 8. behind 5. dialog: 1. Well, there’s a restaurant on the other side of the river. Turn right at the crossroads, then go straight ahead and over the bridge, turn right and you’ll see the restaurant on your right. 13. a) 1. He can’t sing and dance. 2. Can you speak French? 3. I’ll never be able to do so much homework! 4. We weren’t allowed to use mobile phones. 5. I couldn’t come earlier. 6. We could all ski, but John couldn’t. 7. Barney must/has to stay at home. 8. I can’t climb the tree. b) 1. He couldn’t sing and dance. 2. Will you be able to speak French? 3. I was never be able to do so much homework!/ I could never do so much homework! 4. We aren’t allowed to use mobile phones. / We mustn’t use mobile phones. 5. I won’t be able to come earlier. 6. We can all ski, but John can’t. 7. Barney had to stay at home. 8. I won’t be able to climb the tree. 14. a) 2 . snow 3. sun 4. cold 5. windy 6. hot 7. sunny 8. cloud 9. rain 10. fog 11. storms b) 2. rainy 3. sunny 4. snowy 5. foggy 6. windy 7. icy 8. cloudy c) 1. sun 2. stormy 3. raining 15. a) 2. was 3. had to 4. went 5. moved 6. used to 7. learnt/learned 8. used to 9. was 10. wanted 11. chose 12. returned 13. visited b) Q Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 1

G D B c) 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F






+ The children play basketball



The children don’t Do the children play basketball. play basketball?

Those people know Those people don’t know me. me.

Do those people know me?

John makes the best pancakes.

John doesn’t make Does John make the the best pancakes. best pancakes?

You like snakes.

You don’t like snakes.

Sally plays the violin.

Do you like snakes? Sally doesn’t play Does Sally play the violin? the violin.

2. 2. gets 3. goes 4. takes 5. has 6. doesn’t go 7. teach 8. studies 9. has to 10. buy 11. asks 12. runs 13. likes 14. goes

9. 2. Carly/Luke isn’t going to take Luke/Carly for a trip. 3. Are people going to land on Mars?





Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 8. razred osnovne šole

Z lahkoto do znanja angleščine! Zbirka nalog vsebuje: • 113 raznovrstnih nalog v 7 tematskih sklopih, • stopnjevanje nalog glede na zahtevnost, • povzetek snovi na začetku posameznih poglavij, • 2 preizkusa znanja za preverjanje naučenega, • rešitve v sredini zvezka. Gradivo je preizkušeno v razredu.

Na voljo tudi zbirke nalog za druge predmete in razrede! 9.












Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 9. razred osnovne šole

Oglej si tudi:


Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

CENA 7,95 €





Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole



Oglej si tudi:


Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole


Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.





Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole

Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.

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