Angleščina 9, zbirka nalog z rešitvami

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Z lahkoto do znanja




Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 9. razred osnovne šole

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje,

• razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov,

se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

Angleščina, zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 9. razred osnovne šole Urednica zbirke:

Alenka Kepic Mohar

Avtorici: Strokovni pregled: Urednica: Lektorica angleškega besedila: Lektorica slovenskega besedila:

Nina Triller, Maja Rebernik Cvetka Sokolov Valentina Praprotnik Justi Carey Vera Jakopič

Ilustracije: Slikovno gradivo:

Mojca Lampe Kajtna, Tanja Komadina Shutterstock

© Mladinska knjiga Založba, d. d., 2013 Izdala in založila: Za založbo: Glavni urednik: Vodja Izobraževalnega založništva:

Mladinska knjiga Založba, d. d., Ljubljana, 2013 Peter Tomšič Bojan Švigelj Senja Požar Horvat

Prelom: Oprema: Natisnila:

Tomo Resnik Pia Rihtarič Tiskarna Grafika Soča, d. o. o., Nova Gorica, 2013

Naklada: 2300 izvodov Prva izdaja

Obiščite tudi spletne strani: in

CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 811.111(075.2)(076) TRILLER, Nina Angleščina. Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 9. razred osnovne šole / avtorici Nina Triller, Maja Rebernik ; ilustracije Mojca Lampe Kajtna, Tanja Komadina ; [slikovno gradivo Shutterstock]. - 1. izd. - Ljubljana : Mladinska knjiga, 2013. (Brihtna glavca) ISBN 978-961-01-2129-9 1. Rebernik, Maja 264738816

Vse pravice pridržane. Brez pisnega dovoljenja Založbe je prepovedano reproduciranje, distribuiranje, javna priobčitev, predelava ali druga uporaba avtorskega dela in njegovih delov v kakršnem koli obsegu ali postopku, hkrati s fotokopiranjem, tiskanjem ali shranitvijo v elektronski obliki, v okviru določil Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah.


CONTENTS 1. I LEARNED ..., I LEARN ... AND I WILL LEARN ENGLISH ... (revision of English tenses)


2. OH, REALLY? ARE YOU SURE? WHY ...? HOW ...? I’M BRILLIANT, AREN’T I? (questions and question tags)

3. IF I WERE YOU, I WOULD STUDY MORE (conditional clauses and time clauses) 4. ENGLISH IS SPOKEN ALL OVER THE WORLD (passive voice) TEST 1

5. DO I REALLY HAVE TO? (modal verbs) 6. STOP TALKING! I NEED TO LISTEN TO THE TEACHER (gerund and infinitive) 7. NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS (countable and uncountable nouns; articles) 8. I WANT YOU TO TELL HIM ABOUT HER QUARREL WITH THEM ... (pronouns) 9. ERIK SAID THAT I WAS STUPID (reported speech)

17 29 39 47 53 61 68 76 83





Dragi ucenec, draga ucenka! Pred teboj je zbirka nalog, namenjena ponavljanju in utrjevanju snovi, ki jo boš usvojil/a pri pouku angleščine v 9. razredu. Naloge so sestavljene tako, da jih lahko rešuješ sam/a, na sredini so priložene tudi rešitve. V uvodu vsakega poglavja lahko prebereš, katero snov boš v tem poglavju ponovil/a. Razlagi slovničnih oblik in njihovi rabi (rubrika POMNIM) sledijo zanimive in raznovrstne vaje, med drugim tudi vaje za utrjevanje besedišča, razvijanje bralnega razumevanja in pisnega izražanja. Zahtevnejše naloge so označene z zvezdico. V dodatno pomoč ti bosta še slovarček novih besed, ki se pojavijo v besedilih, in seznam nepravilnih glagolov na notranji strani platnic. Vadnica vsebuje tudi dva preizkusa znanja, s katerima lahko preveriš svoje znanje. Želimo ti veliko veselja in uspeha pri reševanju nalog. Avtorici in urednica



I LEARNED ..., I LEARN ... AND I WILL LEARN ENGLISH ... Do you know how many tenses there are in the English language?

Too many ...

V tem poglavju boš ponovil/a: tvorbo in rabo sedanjikov (Present Simple, Present Continuous), preteklikov (Past Simple, Past Continuous) prihodnjikov (Will-Future, Going to-Future) in predsedanjika (Present Perfect Simple) v trdilni, nikalni in vprašalni obliki.

POMNIM Ime slovničnega časa


Present Simple

Alice reads every day, but her brother doesn’t read at all.

Present Continuous

She can’t open the door, she is having a shower right now. I am meeting Greg tomorrow to show him my holiday photos.


I will help you clean the house.

Going to-Future

Our family is going to move to France in 2014.

Past Simple

Bob got up at 7.00 and left home at 7.25 yesterday morning.

Past Continuous

My sister was having a party when our parents came home.

Present Perfect Simple

She has done the washing up.

PRESENT TENSES A. Kako tvorimo Present Simple in Present Continuous? PRESENT SIMPLE TVORBA: I /We/You/They + osnovna oblika glagola He/She/It + osnovna oblika glagola + -s Primeri: (+) They live in London. / He usually swims in the sea. (–) I don’t live in Oxford. / She doesn’t swim in the swimming pool on Fridays. (?) Do we need more eggs? – Yes, we do./No, we don’t. Does he smoke? – Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t. Why do you fall in love every spring? What does it usually eat?

V trdilnih povedih glagolu v 3. osebi ednine dodamo končnico -s/-es.

Nikalne in vprašalne povedi tvorimo s pomočjo pomožnih glagolov do (za osebe I, you, we, they) ali does (za osebe he, she, it). Kadar uporabimo pomožni glagol does, končnice -s pri glagolu ni. (He plays golf. => He doesn’t play golf. / Does he play golf?)

Časovni izrazi: always, usually, regularly, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every day (year)... 4




Glagol ‘biti’ v sedanjiku

osnovna oblika glagola + -ing

I He/She/It/Alice We/You/They/Boys and girls

am is are

work + -ing

Primeri: (+) Look. She is wearing the same dress as my sister. (–) I’m not shouting, I’m just talking loudly. (?) Are you talking to me? – Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Is he talking to my mother? – Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. Why are you shouting at me? Časovni izrazi: now, at the moment, just now, these days ... B. Kdaj uporabimo Present Simple in kdaj Present Continuous? Present Simple uporabimo: • kadar izražamo dejstva (ki se ne spreminjajo in vedno držijo): Water boils at 100° C. • kadar izražamo ponavljajoča se dejanja in navade: I go to school every day. /I don’t smoke. • kadar izražamo stanja, ki se dolgo časa ne spremenijo: He works for IBM. Present Continuous uporabimo: • kadar izražamo dejanja, ki se pravkar odvijajo: He isn’t learning, he is watching TV. • kadar izražamo dejanja, ki se odvijajo v sedanjosti, vendar ne nujno v trenutku, ko o njih govorimo; ta dejanja so časovno omejena na določeno sedanjost oz. izjemoma potekajo le v določenih časovnih intervalih: I am reading a lot these days because I am on holiday this week. • kadar izražamo ponavljajoča se dejanja, ki nas motijo (nam gredo na živce) ali pa nas navdušujejo: Our teacher is always screaming. / She is working so hard! • tudi za izražanje prihodnosti, kadar govorimo o dogovorih med ljudmi, ki se bodo uresničili v prihodnosti: What are you doing tonight? – I am visiting my friends.

1. Preberi intervju in manjkajoče glagole zapiši v sedanjiku (Present Simple). SOUTH AFRICAN TEEN – an interview with a young girl about the life in South Africa ... Name: Jade Moody Age: 17 City: Pietermaritzburg are 1 (be) the advantages and Magazine: What _____ disadvantages of living in Pietermaritzburg? Jade: The best thing about Pietermaritzburg __________2 (be) the weather. In summer it is always sunny outside, so it’s lovely to hang out with friends by the pool and relax and enjoy the sun. I love the fact that in winter it is not too cold, so you can still go outside. For me the worst part of living in Pietermaritzburg is waiting in traffic! 5


I LEARNED ..., I LEARN ... AND I WILL LEARN ENGLISH ... Magazine: How ___________ you ___________3 (spend) your free time? Jade: Most of my free time I spend with my friends and family. During the holidays we often ___________4 (go) to the mall and ___________5 (watch) a movie, or we ___________6 (visit) the beaches in Durban. I really enjoy playing sports – hockey, football and tennis are my favourites, and I play hockey for my province. I also enjoy reading a good book and chatting to my friends on Mixt (a social networking site). Magazine: ___________ you ___________7 (feel) safe in your city? Jade: Personally I ___________8 (not feel) safe in my city. I haven’t been mugged because I ___________9 (be) very careful when it ___________10 (come) to safety, but a few of my friends have been and it’s really scary. A friend of mine was walking home from school and got robbed in broad daylight. She lost her phone and money. You can never be too careful about your safety! Magazine: Do you enjoy school? Jade: I love my school. We learn so many subjects – home economics, which is about cooking and food, business studies, and Afrikaans and Zulu, two of the languages we have in South Africa. My school also ___________11 (offer) many sporting activities – hockey, swimming, tennis, running, water polo, squash, rock climbing and canoeing, so you can get super fit! Magazine: What is your ambition? Jade: When I am older, I want to be a paediatrician, because I really like children. I would rather stay in Pietermaritzburg than live in Johannesburg or Cape Town, because it’s not so crowded. I work really hard and get good grades, so I ___________12 (be) confident of getting into university. (adapted from CLUB Magazine, Jan/Feb 2012, p. 8–9)

2. Poglej slike, uporabi dane besede in napiši, kaj ljudje in živali delajo oz. česa ne delajo. Uporabi opisni sedanjik (Present Continuous). 1. my brother – play – the guitar My brother is playing the guitar. ___________________________________________________________

2. the boys – use – the computer


3. Troy – learn – how to read


4. she – write – her diary



REŠITVE 1 I LEARNED ..., I LEARN ... AND I WILL LEARN ENGLISH ... 1. 2. is 3. do ... spend 4. go 5. watch 6. visit 7. do ... feel 8. don’t feel 9. am 10. comes 11. offers 12. am 2. 2. The boys are using the computer. 3. Troy is learning how to read. 4. She is writing her diary. 5. The dog is eating the dog food. 6. I am not swimming. 7. The couple are sitting on the bench. 8. They are not talking to each other. 3. 2. visits 3. does ... live 4. grow 5. aren’t growing 6. isn’t raining 7. don’t understand 8. doesn’t come 9. is 10. Are ... watching 11. is preparing 12. are setting 4. 2. got 3. saw 4. had 5. ended 6. did not get/didn’t get 7. dated 8. ended 9. started 10. accepted 11. bought 12. was 13. caused 14. watched 15. raised 16. was not/wasn’t 17. was 5. 2. The Children were not/weren’t running. 3. Prince Harry was talking. 4. Kate’s sister was carrying her sister’s veil. 5. The crowd was cheering. 6. Queen Elizabeth II was smiling and waving. 7. Prince Charles was standing proudly. 8. A man was not /wasn’t drinking champagne. 9. The old ladies were eating cake. 10. The photographer was taking photos. 6. 1. broke 2. stopped 3. was raining 4. were talking 5. was not/wasn’t working 6. took 7. did not/didn’t say 8. was cleaning 9. were not/weren’t playing 10. cut 7.


- I’ve already written a poem./ I have never written a poem./ I haven’t written a poem yet. - I’ve attended the same school since the first grade./I haven’t attended the same school since the first grade. FAMILY - I ’ve (just/already) cooked dinner for the whole family./I (still) haven’t cooked dinner for the whole family (yet). - I’ve already/just painted my room. /I (still) haven’t painted my room (yet). - I’ve (never/already) used swear words./I (still) haven’t used swear words (yet). - I’ve (already/never) told a white lie./I haven’t told a white lie (yet). - I have lived at my present address for over 10 years./I haven’t lived at my present address for over 10 years. SPORT - I’ve (already/never) climbed Triglav./I (still) haven’t climbed Triglav (yet). - I’ve (already/never) swum in Lake Bled or Bohinj./I (still) haven’t swum in Lake Bled or Bohinj (yet). - I have (already/never) won a gold medal./I (still) haven’t won a gold medal (yet). - I have (already/never) beaten the school’s record in running./I (still) haven’t beaten the school’s record in running (yet). - I have trained in volleyball since the beginning of primary school./I haven’t trained in volleyball since the beginning of primary school. HEALTH - I’ve (already/never/just) had flu./I (still) haven’t had flu (yet). - I’ve (already/never) had chickenpox./I (still) haven’t had chickenpox (yet). - I’ve (already/never/just) broken an arm, a leg ... /I (still) haven’t broken an arm, a leg ... (yet). - I’ve (already/never/just) fallen off a bike./I (still) haven’t fallen off a bike (yet). - I have felt well recently./I haven’t felt well recently.

2. Mike will find out something ✔ True. surprising this month. 3. Mike’s parents won’t fight with No, he’ll fight a lot with his parents him in the month to come. in the middle of the month. 4. Mike will meet a pretty girl on the No, he’ll meet a pretty girl at his exotic island. friend’s birthday party.

5. Mike will get sick this month.

✔ True.

6. Mike won’t win any prizes this month.

False. If he buys a lottery ticket, he’ll win a trip to an exotic island.

13. a) 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.T b) 1.c, 2.e, 3.g, 4.f, 5.b, 6.a, 7.h, 8.d

2. The girls are going to travel round the world after the end of their studies. 3. The temperature is going to rise because of global warming. 4. They are going to bump into each other. 5. The cook is going to prepare the most delicious wedding cake.

9. 2. If I leave now, I am back / will be back / am going to be back in time. 3. J esse isn’t quite sure if he will manage / is going to manage / is managing to finish the school report in time. 4. I saw Julie buying a new dress yesterday. She is going to wear / is wearing / will wear it at the party this weekend. 5. Sean promised that he is going to return / will return / is returning the books to the library first thing tomorrow. 6. The fortune teller told me that I am going to meet / am meeting / will meet my future husband on my next business trip. 10.

2. are not/aren’t coming 3. will do 4. are not/aren’t going to buy 5. Will you lend 6. will graduate

11. SCHOOL - I’ve already cribbed from another student./I haven’t cribbed from another student yet. - I’ve already used a crib sheet./I haven’t used a crib sheet yet. - I have already drawn a work of art./I have never drawn a work of art./I have recently drawn a work of art.

12. 1. Have ... been 2. have 3. was 4. ... did ... see 5. haven’t seen 6. Have ... locked 7. forgot 8. has ... tried 9. wasn’t/hasn’t been 10. stopped 11. Did ... fine 12. did 13. haven’t paid

14. 1. are filing 2. is 3. makes 4. live 5. work 6. earn 7. writes 8. return 9. sleep 10. stinks 11. have committed 12. was 13. died 14. is promising 15. is employing 16. has had 17. has sparked 18. will have to

2 OH, REALLY? ARE YOU SURE? WHY ...? HOW ...? I’M BRILLIANT, AREN’T I? 1. 2. Whose 3. Which 4. What 5. What 6. Which 7. How much 8. How often 9. How much 10. How many 11. Why 12. When 13. How 14. Where 2. 2. Who hasn’t completed the report yet? 3. Whose coat is hanging in our living room? 4. How long were you waiting in front of the library before your dad picked you up? 5. Which country has a bigger population, France or Germany? 6. How many scientists are going to give lectures at the faculty next Friday? 7. Why are the tourists looking at their maps so hopelessly? 8. Where have the farmers planted potatoes this year? 9. When are you visiting Todd’s exhibition with your sister? 10. Where do the Smiths usually spend their summer holidays? 3.

2. Who was the hunter saving from the river? 3. When does Ned like watching horror films? 4. Whose toys mustn’t we touch? 5. Who has recently left her husband? 6. What is Sue worried about? 7. How much did these glasses cost you / me?





Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 9. razred osnovne šole

Z lahkoto do znanja angleščine! Zbirka nalog vsebuje: • 95 raznovrstnih nalog v 9 tematskih sklopih, • strnjeno ponovitev učne snovi na začetku vsakega poglavja, • stopnjevanje nalog glede na zahtevnost, • 2 preizkusa znanja za preverjanje naučenega, • rešitve v sredini zvezka. Gradivo je preizkušeno v razredu. Na voljo tudi zbirke nalog za druge predmete in razrede! 9.








Oglej si tudi:


Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Oglej si tudi:

CENA 7,95 €




Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 9. razred osnovne šole



Oglej si tudi:



Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.

Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 9. razred osnovne šole

Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 8. razred osnovne šole





Zbirka nalog z rešitvami za 7. razred osnovne šole






Z lahkoto do znanja

• Vadim, ponavljam in utrjujem znanje, • razumem tudi zahtevnejšo snov, • se dobro pripravim na preizkuse znanja, • izboljšam ucni uspeh.

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