Canicola 9

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In dolce attesa del 2011, anno santo per la celebrazione del 150° anniversario della nostra Unità Nazionale, ci è sembrato doveroso unirci al coro di quanti hanno approfittato di questa opportunità irripetibile per promuovere in tutto il mondo il nostro Paese e le sue eccellenze. E così nel nostro piccolo del mondo piccolo del fumetto italiano ci siamo imposti orgogliosamente un numero tutto Nostro. Un numero che ci siamo giocati con uno schema chiaro: trasversalità, montaggio, (inter)generazionalità. La trasversalità è quella del disegno, scrittura comune per mani diverse. Disegno esperanto di chi pratica fumetto, propone grafica, illustra, mette in movimento segni figure colori, traccia sui muri. Ci sono disegnatori parecchio giovani e ragazzi di una volta che fanno sul serio. Esordienti e fuoriclasse del

3 / edo chieregato / michelangelo setola - musi di camion 25 / marino neri - tatto club 31 / gianluigi toccafondo - culo d’oro 65 / marco corona - briganti 68 / gabriella giandelli - 1981 76 / rosario vicidomini - deposto 88 / vincenzo filosa - il re dei pruppi 107 / anna deflorian - ufficio anatomia 118 / lorenzo mattotti - paesaggi urbani

disegno internazionale. Una formazione, questa nona, che tenta una proposta critica affinché lo spazio più breve tra due punti sia l’arzigogolo. Una selezione a zigzag, poco sistematica ma a vista fina, che attraverso il montaggio faccia saltare i fossi tra linguaggi cugini. …Noi fummo da secoli calpesti, derisi, perché non siam popolo, perché siam divisi. Raccolgaci un’unica bandiera, una speme: di fonderci insieme già l’ora suonò. Stringiamci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte, l’Italia chiamò. Stringiamci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte, l’Italia chiamò! Sì… Za zà. edo chieregato

138 / marco corona - le buone intenzioni 142 / samantha luciani - anche tu hai agito come alcune di loro?


148 / marco corona - briganti

197 / andrea petrucci - nessuno è di qui

149 / andrea bruno - pipeline

205 / giacomo nanni - giovane donna non si innamora

163 / luca caimmi - circolo tennis

215 / francesco cattani - giorgio

173 / giacomo monti - contro gli dei

223 / blu - quaderni

179 / paper resistance - pro-tech-tion

233 / stefano ricci - bruno è hans

187 / alessandro tota - pietro e cosimuccio

245 / ericailcane - acaro che diventa topo che dorme

musi di camion - edo chieregato / michelangelo setola

Truck Faces


tattoo gallery - marino neri





1. It’s them from Ciciorana, with their permission to go and make cheap robberies at poor old farmers’ houses.

1. Get the money out... 2. Or I’ll pierce your belly.



1. ...As they took off the hood she appeared to me surrounded by light as a sacred image. She was wearing the clothes that women from that secluded land wear on feast days. She didn’t speak a word while I was settling the camera on the tripod, she didn’t even greet me when they put the hood back on, to bring me back to the village. Because of an incorrect exposure, the photo turned out completely burned, but in my mind her mocking smile is indelibly printed.

1. Oloferne wants Giuditta’s raven-black head. With the money from the reward he will buy a new suite and an horse. He spread the rumour, between the shepherds, that Giuditta’s mother got ill and wants to see her. Even a black sheep returns back to the fold when called by blood. Hidden behind a little stonewall that skirts the street, Oloferne waits for his Giuditta, he has brought some bread and a flask of strong wine with him. The long procession of ants coming in for the scraps cuts across the street, disappearing behind the wall where Oloferne lies asleep. This way Giuditta will find him.







1. Adults should never know! / Least of all your father! / He would eat it as soon as he sees it. 2. Admit it, you’ve never seen something like this... 3. It’s the biggest patella in the world! / It’s amazing! / Isn’t it? / Isn’t it?

1. They found it yesterday... We’re doing shifts... To protect it! 2. They didn’t want you to see it... They said you would have eaten it... / Do you think they’re right? 3. No, no, no! That’s why I took you here... Anyway, hurry... They will be here any minute now... 4. Dad? / What are you doing? 5. Nooooooooooo 6. Why? Why? / Hoouthat’sgood... Sure, son, you’re right! / Maybe you wanted some?



1. Oh no, the government emissaries! 2. Hello... You know, we’re checking to see that... 3. Yes, I know. Is everything alright?

1. Well, yes. Seems like your home is fine. / At least, all is parallel and perpendicular. 2. No fine penalty, this time. Goodbye. 3. Report this woman’s name to the anatomy office...





1. Have you acted like some of these women too? 2. They prostrate face to the floor and, undress their rear end, then they let you place the bread in the oven.

1. Once baked, they serve it to their husbands so they can love them more passionately. 2. If you have done this, two years of penitence in fixed days.







1. If you went you can tell me, I won’t get be pissed off, I will understand. / How do I have to explain this to you, I haven’t seen or heard him. 2. But he knows we’re together. / And I haven’t told him. 3. Marco didn’t either. / The reverend’s daughter dumps her boyfriend, he gets sick badly and she goes runs away with another guy, what do you think they’re talking about in town? 4. Everybody is talking about me. / I’m such a bad person… / Oh, don’t say that... Come here. 5. Are you tired? / A bit. / Would you like to... / Always.

1. I’m fucked. 2. It’s an irreversible process, there’s no cure, there’s no hope, it’s a question of time and I’ll lose my sight, hear, the use of my legs! 3. Ehm... Luca... / Shit! Again... 4. It happens continuously and I don’t even realize. / And the doctors? What do they say? 5. They look at me with sad eyes and they tell me to have faith. / You should go to church sometimes, get some comfort in the rituals. 6. The gods! Be damned! / Luca!





1. I like a girl‌ / Who dances the tip tap. 2. I like feet.

1. Michele, give the kids another beer.





1. He doesn’t love me.

1. He loves me.


Ah, Ale, sei tu.

Perché piangi.. il babbo?!

Mamma, dimmi

Ok, ok.

Sta calmo, vengo subito.

Ok ...


1. Mum, tell me. 2. Ah, Ale, it’s you. / Why are you crying... Dad?! 3. Ok, ok. / Calm down, I’ll be there in a while. / Ok...


Ale, sono io, apri.

1. Claudia! / Ale, it’s me, open the door. 2. Fortunately I had snow chains on.

Per fortuna avevo le catene montate.





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