A Composition of Selected Works

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2019 - 2011 A Composition of

Selected Works

Andre Lim Fang

I am deeply grateful to all that has been involved in this journey To my professors whom has shaped my perception of architecture, To my friends who’d drank countless amount of beers together attempting to drown out the stress, To my family for their unending support,

And most importantly, to my mom; my rock, my model maker and my biggest fan. Thank you for always putting up with my untimely requests, for placing my needs before yours and always sacrificing so that I can have a smooth and comfortable life. This is for you, Mom.

2019 2018 2017 2016 2013 2012-11







VIRTUOUS CITY; Manufacturing Open-Source Urbanism Virtuous City investigates the evolving qualities of urbanity in today’s society where data has become a tool for security and capitalistic agendas. The proposal elucidates the potentials of surveillance capitalism through the materialization of open-source urbanism into a city network. Elevated public realms form an integrated network to facilitate the manufacturing and consuming of urban activities facilitated by emerging 3D printing technologies.


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The proposal is conceived through a series of elevated public platforms that explores the untapped possibilities of air space; derived out of the constraints imposed onto the ground plane by counter-terrorist and security measures. A regular 30m grid along the main axes composes the framework for the erection of the 3D printing towers, serviced by secondary supporting programs; Drone Depot, Recylcing Unit, and, Storage Towers. Each towers and its subsidary components are composed of modular parts to achieve maximum malleability; diluting the need for a ‘core’ or nodes to disrupt potential terrorist targets.

At its core, the system bridges the contestations of urban activites across the multiple agencies inhabiting the district. Virtue becomes commodified and serves as a self-regulatory component for the consumption of urban activites It decouples the discourse on prolonged securitisation and the ‘thickening’ of the morphology - Form Follows Fear, Citizens as Passive Spectators, and, Rings of Exclusivity - by implementing a central registry to regulate the utility and attainment of urban activities in this new age of outsourcing and collaborations.

Within a postulated urban vision of extreme securitisation, this paradoxical approach taps onto the potentials of open transactions and places the power - in deciding the construct of the urban fabric - into the hands of the masses.

The ephemeralness of printed urban permuatations empowers the individual in determining the construct of his own urban fabric; within a land scarce context where corporatised skyscrappers are insulating itself away for safety.

The adaptation of emerging 3D Printing technologies to manufacture the procurement of future urban services pushes the extents of what an on-demand society entails.

The city’s inhabitants are categorized into 3 main stakeholders; Corporate Firms, Entrepreneurs, and, Civilian, each with their individual agendas. Virtue is commodified into a framework where good conduct, active participation and urban collaboratives yields higher ‘scores’; that in turn entails greater access to various services.

Business incubators are housed on the tier nearest to the ground plane, forming a spatial relationship with the insular podium-tower typologies to configure a medium for the connection with corporate giants and their outcoursing endavours. The ‘On-the-go’ tier accounts for the majority of citizne’s daily print permutations, sprawling beyond the main axes, and into secondary arteries for added convenience. It establishes a testbed for emerging start-ups and its services or goods, and, provides an alternative to the heavily, constrained, technocratic production of urban activities on the ground plane.

The interjection of test-bedding or beta trials into the daily go-abouts - as observed in emerging economic projections - extends the public and private sphere and encourages the collaboration across parties involved, in formulating a cohesive environment through the Virtruvian System.

PHOENIX; Resource Regeneration Tower Entry submitted to Evolo Skyscrapper Competition 2018. The brief called for the exploration of technological advances, sustainability and innovative design for the 21st century. In Collaboration with Bryant Lau

The proposal is an inquisiton into the mass consumption of natural resources within metropolitan cities. It questions the conventions of a skyscraper - its desirability for height, power and might - and serves as a testament to the alarming rate of depletion; an issue that is worsening within this increasingly capitalistic society. Anchored by the regenerative qualities of a Phoenix, the tower becomes an infrastructure for individualized regenerative time frames for each resource pod to ascend. A network of sectors - centered around specific aspects of its recover - serves these pods to allow for it to journey back to the top, back to its optimal condition, and, back to its existence.


The state of the world we live in today consist of more than 3 billion people plagued by a global food crisis – a number that equates to roughly half of our entire global population. By 2050, these numbers are projected to leap to a distressing range of 59% to 98%, threatening our very existence as Homo sapiens. Existing fail-safe measures undertaken – seed banks and food storage facilities – to address this impending global adversity lack regenerative qualities. The need to act is now. Programmatically, the tower is divided into 3 main clusters / phases from the ground up: Deterioration, Regeneration and Resurrection sectors. These sectors are then further broken down to smaller segments to cater to different necessities: machineries for collection and disassembly purposes in the Deterioration sector, power and water supplies to support living terrariums in the Regenerative Sector, and helipads and drone catchment areas for the Resurrection sector. Together, they create a self-sustaining eco system that can last for years to come.

ALEX; Natural Intelligence Entry submitted to the 7th segment of the Non-Architecutre Competition, “Thinking- Alternative designs for Offices�. The brief called for the visualisation of the future of offices and working life. Top 50 Finalists In Collaboration with Ruth Wong


Why balance between work and life when you can have both? ALEX redefines the very notion of work and questions the need for workspaces. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) strips the humanistic quality of workplaces, ALEX allows you to clone your consciousness --- feelings, mannerisms, thoughts, You! What better way to bring customer social interactions to its utmost genuine and sincerest form.

Why ALEX™? ALEX is YOU Customers are not just meeting a robot, but are interacting with an exact replica of your thoughts, feelings and expertise, and possibly a better looking self. ALEX is the OFFICE Why confine to a single desk space when the office, your office, moves to the customer all at once. ALEX features inbuilt documentation and administrative services linked to a cloud system ready to be endorsed by your corporation any minute.

YOU do the thinking, ALEX does the working The sky’s the limit when time is a concern. Access an assistant with a touch of the screen, capable of interacting, travelling and doing the mental work for you. When life is short, duplicate it. Start now, by heading to the nearest Alexis retailer to maximise your capabilities and take your work to the next level!

WALL-STREET; Commodifying the Domestic Space Singapore’s future sees the development of neighbourhood town centers moving beyond the heartlands of yesterda, with corporate firms dominating key areas. The surge in standards of living coupled with rising housing costs inherently engenders a ‘M-shaped’ society. Majority of Singapore’s population - middle-middle and lower-middle class citizens will face,and, continue to face difficulties in maintaining or progressing up their respective social stratas. A weakening domestic economy and a growing trend of flexuble working habits sees the government’s push for entrepreneurship, social, digital and traditional entrepreneurs alike. The proposal is conceived through temporary accomodations aligned a calculated development of an individual. Purpose driven communal spaces replaces the traditional perception of public spaces and introduces a form of ‘merit-based’ living. The domestic spaces becomes commodified through volunteerism, collaboration and community engagement, and is broken down into a network for the operation of future exchanges financial, cultural and social agendas.


Proto-Typical Public Housing Model

Merit Based Expansion System Residential interactivity - upper middle and lower middles alike - is fostered through the commodifcation of individual dwelling components. Flexiblity becomes key factor in ensuring progression and empowerment is attained through the expansion system.

Framework for Self-Improvement The architecture becomes the physical and hypothetical framework for the progression of Citizens up his social strata. The everchanging building envelope reflects the dynamic progression of its inhabitants up the social stratas.

Physical Connector

Terracing Exposure

HDB Plug-In

Wall or Street? This prototypical housing model bridges Singapore’s increasingly gentrified housing estates. It serves as platform to enable the financial and cultural exchanges to fester beyond the typical top-down approach.

HDB Plug-In Plan Persective

Social Propeller

CONTINUUM; Warping the Canteen Tucked on a drastically sloping terrain, Techno Edge is enfolded by the Faculty of Engineering and School of Design and Environment. Serving as the only canteen for both faculties, overcrowding plagues Techno on a daily basis due to the mashing of two very distinct human flow patterns; queues from the stalls and those passing by. Techno Edge needs to achieve the duality of serving as a canteen while operating as a vertical connection across both faculties. With a single strategy, the design alleviates two overarching problems - the clashing of the stagnated queues with the rapid movement of the traversing crowd, and the huge height difference; 10 metres, between both faculties.


Techno-Edge @ NUS








Split into four storeys, each floor slab varies accordingly to specific site responses at individual levels, channelling in and dispersing crowds, while providing ample space for stalls and services to be carried out effectively. Etched within a forest of lightweight scaffolding-like structures, the emphasis placed on differing floor slabs expresses the transient nature of Techno Edge. The permeability of the external skin blends the vertical connector into its surroundings while bringing in light and views of the lush landscape, straying away from a potentially oppressive labyrinth. The closeness to the exterior draws the user back to the abundance of greeneries surrounding Techno, an important factor in developing a conducive ambience for the programmes within. Morphing the floor slabs with the excruciating climb, up 10 metres, provides a seamless user experience between a canteen and a stair core, ultimately, granting proximity between faculties. Various dining qualities arises through double or triple volume voids resulting from stacking irregular floor slabs together, curating a canteen experience unlike no other

2nd Storey Plan

1st Storey Plan

3rd Storey Plan

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Section AA _ Left Section BB _ Right 1 - Main Thoroughfare 2 - Cafe 3 - Cateen (2Nd Storey) 4 - Canteen (1St Storey) 5 - Lift Core 6 - Dining Platform (Quick Eat)


Roof Manipulation Sequence _ Left 1

Spiralling Dining Platforms _ Right 1 -Default Bi-Thermal Sheet Drawing Light Into Internal Canteen 2 - Bi-Thermal Sheet On Roller Tracks Warping To Shiled Off Solar Heat Gain 3 - Reaction To Afternoon Sun To Prevent Internal Heat Gain 4 - Perihperal Bi-Thermal Roof Drawing In Shadows From Surrounding Foliage 5 - Bi-Thermal Facade As Louvers & Rain Screen 6 - Cross Bracing For Structural Rigidity & Mounting Of Facade 7 - Heat Deflection From Warping

Enveloping the external skin with bi-thermal metal fins, that warps when in contact with heat, maintains an optimal comfort level during peak hours. The manipulation of this external skin regulates air flow within and ensures substantial solar radiation is blocked off during the relentless afternoon heat. The extensive exposure to the landscape draws natural lighting in and reduces the need for mechanical lighting during the day. Tapping on the direction of the prevalent wind, natural ventilation is ensured throughout. Adopting a kinetic facade that transforms according to the time of day and crowd levels further enhances the ever-changing scene within Techno Edge.



Construction Details _ Left Defragmentizing Nodes Around _ Right


Freelance Visualisation


RENASCENE; Volumetric Intensity Translating the works of renowned artist Lim Mu Hue into a musuem sitting on a site in Jalan Besar were the main focus of the brief. At the start of his career, Lim Mu Hue began capturing proletarian activities and the struggles people faced during the postwar recovery period. The art pieces during the 60s were more than just imagery of the struggles. The intensity of lines began carving out the storey, depicting the continuous ups and downs through the strokes that were closely spaced apart. Nearing his death in 2007, he felt the need to revive a vanishing Singapore. As negative spaces began adopting focal points of the piece, the intensity of lines reduced, slowly becoming the background of the piece. The clarity of the background, negative spaces allows LMH to further capture scenes of a homogenous community with a common understanding amongst the people.





CAPTURING 1_ Contrasting Approaches Adopted During Opposite Ends Of Career

Separating his art pieces into 2 clear groups allows the arrangement of pieces to follow a chronological order while those in between these two years were used to provide a further contrast between groups.


2_ Shift In Focal Point According To Years


Ultimately posing as a reflection of where viewers are now rather than informing them of what they had. 3_ Scenic Pieces As Tying Factor Between 2 Groups

4_ Viewing Pieces Of Contrasting Approaches To Enhance Intent


The Alleyways of jalan besar were more than just a mean of traversing, from the hardware shops to hawker stalls that flock the streets, it was highly utilized mainly by proletarian activities found in Jalan Besar. This ever changing landscape slowly gave an identity unique to its own. A continuation of LMH’s efforts to revive and capture local proletarian scenes through his artworks, he was always fixated on promoting dying trades and art. Hence this museum aims at reviving the lost communal buzz and capture emerging local scenes of Jalan Besar and ultimately, create awareness for the art of woodblock printing.


1_ Externalizing Activities

2_ Varying Floor Slabs According To Programmatic Needs

4_ Varying Spatial Qualities - Communal Vs Personal

5_ Museum As An Extension







6 7

Massing Development _ Left



1st Storey Plan _ Right


1 - Outdoor Workshop 2 - Workshop 3 - Seminar Room 4 - Loading Bay 5 - Security 6 - Atrium 7 - Ticketing Office 8 - Cafe 9 - Secondary Entrance




2nd Storey Plan

3rd Storey Plan

4th Storey Plan

Facade + Linkway Details

Facade + Linkway Details


What started off as a workshop hosted by guest lecturers, the conceptualization of the Main Library proceeded on to the an in depth study of spatial organization before actual construction takes place. Having not living up to expectations, the existing dimly lit interiors of both levels merely became an escape during the immensely hot days. Aimed at improving the dynamics of the existing library, the brief called for 2 individual themes that would brand each levels unique to it’s own.


Providing the right amoint of privacy, students would be able to utilize these pods while experiencing scenes from the entire floor

Individual Reading Areas _ Left Cafe / Exhibition Space _ Right

Little alcoves big enough for small groups of students balances the play of privacy and sharing within the entire floor while ensuring visual connectivity isn’t lost.

Level 2 attempts to heighten the senses when one is in a garden. The endless sharing and the freedom to exchange ideas amongst peers enable one to constantly indulge in discovery and creativity.

Although the main bulk of library materials are on the 1st floor, the extension of the cafe pushes for the idea of experimentation and sharing amongst the students.

Providing a garden concept creates a space of comfort and reflection that encourages one to learn and grow through the unique interpretations of garden entities into a library setting.

Casual Reading _ Left Main Entrance _ Top Right Maker’s Space _ Bottom Right

The flexibilty of the Maker’s Space allows students to be exposed to new resources all year round. The flexibilty of this shed allows for different themes occuring throughout the year that would ensure the constant shift in the Library’s dynamics.


Branching into commercial developments, the final year project called for a culture centre in the heart of Orchard road with puppetry as its main focus. With the site located right smaked in the midst of the orchard road buzz, it is key to ensure the continuity of the existing streetscape and to maxime human traffic flow that frongs the shopping belt. The challenge was not to attract a certain group of users but being able to bring together groups with agendas that are of the opposite ends of the spectrum. The concept of reintroducing and exposing puppetry with the positioning of key spaces along the main circulation would pave the way for potential converts to be in their comfort zones while still ensuring the interaction amongst the arts and users.


The challenge was not to attract a certain group of users but being able to bring together groups with agendas that are of opposite ends of the spectrum.

1_ Main Circulation Path

2_ Fluid - Like Path

3_ Sunken Plaza

4_ Integration With Site

Blackbox _Left Artist Studio w Cafes _ Right


The final project for Year 1 revolves around desiging a 2-storey Good Class Bungalow for an artist of choice. Analtyical studies were made based on their habits, preferences, life and work philosophies. This in turn influenced and guided the formation of the strategies. This retreat is designed for Agnes, an artist famous for herrectilinear paintings that so very often enconpassesthe notion of miniamlistic strokes. Keeping to muted and neutral shades, her works emanates calmness and tranquility when viewed upon. A common practice she has before starting on any project would be cleansing her mind, getting rid of any negativity that resides. Being a social recluse that she is, the Tranquil House allows her to conduct her activities with sufficient privacy from the external environment without feeling claustrophobic. This is achieved through the rotation of two ‘L’s at an angle to form a rectangular mass; and as a reflecton of her works and inclination towards rectilinear forms.


Level 1 Interior

Level 2 Interior

Artist Studio


Central Meditative Space

Master Study

Cleansing Linkway

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