Andre Ninivaggi
Six personal adjectives that describe me would be: Talkative Social Friendly Street Smart Hard-working Go Getter Six skills or areas of expertise would be: Snowboarding Sales Drawing Advertising Cars Performs well under pressure I am originally from the Russia and came to this country at the age of 12. From an early age, I exhibited a talent in drawing and grew up drawing houses and cars. That along with my love of computers and video game made it a easy for me to pursue Visual Communications in College. It blends everything I liked to do. I particularly happen to like advertising. Branding comes easy to me, and I enjoy selling my ideas to others. An elevator pitch would be easy for me. I would start by introducing myself, explain my love of advertising, and my passion for the field would come through. Six adjectives from Person 1 Funny quick response thinks on the fly up to date tech savvy resourceful Six adjectives from Person 2 would be: Always on the go has lots of friends street smart talkative helpful smart dresser.