andrea revello portfolio

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contact skills cv

name andrea revello date of birth 25 /02/1986


address via g.reni 89, 10136, torino


phone numbers (+39) 011 3081402 (+39) 340 9758229 @ skype andrereve_86 web andrea_revello abs.pdf english/PET with merit french cad autodesk showcase sketch-up rhinoceros grasshopper

andrea revello

adobe photoshop adobe illustrator adobe indesign adobe première adobe lightroom suite office

competition (3rd place) Historical Hanoi 2013 - Requalification of Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc square and Hang Dao street, in Hanoi’s Old ‘36 streets’ Quarter with arch. Matteo Zambon and Studio8 ( projects/244518-andrea-revello-HistoricalHanoi-2013

The project, starting from a difficult analysis of the complex heterogeneity of the site, tries to give punctual answers: inputs that are able to infect other portion of the city, activating a progressing cycle. The project response is not univocal but - looking for the inhabitants partecipation and sharing - gives some ‘guidelines’ allowing wide fringes of transformation. For the competion I worked as a team with an Italian architect and one of the many emerging Vietnamese offices, trying to explore an hard but interesting exchange between different perceptions and approaches. For more informations and images please visit europaconcorsi web page linked upon in the page.

artworks for the competition


competition A brand for Firenze by Florence municipality with Audi

The brand is shaped by marks that refer to the city. The “ f “ is arch, apse, stadium and piazza: welcomes, embraces and involves, the horizontal line at the same time separates and integrates; the “ i ” becomes an opportunity to close, collect and protect; “renze” is the pronaos, it invites you to break the monumentality encouraging encounter and discovery. The Renaissance Architecture is redesigned with simple shapes to compose the combination “fi”, an almost “bauhaus style” lettering that incorporates the principles of modernism and innovation that characterize a city that never stops, in constant renewal. In its short form of the logo can be reproduced on any output as a symbol of belonging and recognition. The contemporary emblem becomes a way to communicate values of ​​ identification and involvement.

images from the competition entry

Agostino Magnaghi office design studio sketches and artworks for some office’s projects

scuola holden-storytelling & performing arts laboratory of literary architecture prof. matteo pericoli tutor

“A story is not like a road to follow … it’s more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while, wandering back and forth and settling where you like and discovering how the room and corridors relate to each other, how the world outside is altered by being viewed from these windows. And you, the visitor, the reader, are altered as well by being in this enclosed space, whether it is ample and easy or full of crooked turns, or sparsely or opulently furnished. You can go back again and again, and the house, the story, always contains more than you saw the last time. It also has a sturdy sense of itself of being built out of its own necessity, not just to shelter or beguile you.” (Alice Munro, Selected Stories, 19681994)

competition Riordino urbanistico e riconversione funzionale del Comparto dell’Ospedale ‘Degli Infermi’ with arch. Silvia Banfo, Cristina Coscia, Roberta Sassone, Elena Vigliocco competitions/230887-Riordino-urbanisticoe-riconversione-funzionale-del-Compartodell-Ospedale-degli-Infermi-Biella

The competition involves the redevelopment of a large hospital sector located adjacent to Biella‘s historic city center. Our proposal provides for the return of the area to the city, focusing particularly on a public and social vocation. Through the ‘recycling of the soil’ the site exceeds the difference in level toward the surrounding context, opening up to the public. The architectures are re-shaped with new functions according to the possibilities and needs. An operation of minimal interventions with visibility purpose It is proposed in order to attract more investment in the future without in the meantime dismiss the complex.

images from the competition entries

purni apartment via vagnone, turin concept

basement groun floor section

Buying advices for a friend. Purni noticed this typical turin art nouveau house with a very competitive prize for his 350 living + 200 private garden square meters. Impossible to buy alone, but what about if we split it in two indipendent apartments for rental or parents? The addiction of a new internal stairs for the second apartment and the realization of a triple height on the main one, with the recovery of the attic, could meet his needs.

first floor


Camerana&Partners office design competition for a residential tower: project, 3d model, layout and graphic rendering by Moka Studio ( 3d model (Autocad+SketchUp) by myself

polytechnic of turin, atélier «Economic sustainability in architectural design - the architectural project», prof. arch. Massimo Camasso teaching assistant

“Lo strato è il contenuto. Lo strato diviene la sostanza della costruzione compositiva, vista attraverso le sospensioni, i caratteri e i cambiamenti di stato della materia. Lo strato spesso è tema che viene dalle sovrascritture e dalle ripuliture necessarie per ritrovare i campi vuoti, a volte, velatamente protetto riaffiora e riemerge nei tratti in trasparenza. Queste operazioni definiscono degli scarti che in realtà sono l’essenza delle questioni compositive. I temi che si mostrano sono i temi della indubbia storicizzazione che segnano la volontà di voler appartenere, di voler dichiarare di essere stati influenzati. Con differenti gradienti, la struttura diviene lo strato-tema. “

competition (honourable mention) Prix Wilmotte 2012 - Requalification of the Ex-piazza d’armi, st Elena, Venice with arch. Elena Abbate Ideas competition to convert a Venetian industrial site into housing. projects/207581-Prix-W-2012

The project, starting from the observation of how the fabric of Venice is made up of different buildings and sometimes conflicting languages, materials, forms and functions, reflects the complexity of the city and, assimilating the variety; it shows in a contemporary way what emerges in the historic fabric. The form is designed keeping with the surrounding environment, characterized by narrow streets, passages, views, superstructures, bridges. The project is not limited to the construction of a single object, but it tries to imagine a complex and coherent urban environment, connecting and dialoguing with the existing industry. The project, awarded with a mention by the jury of the contest organized by the Fondation d’Enterprise Wilmotte, is exposed in Venice REGENERATION VENEZIA exhibition at the Biennale 2012 and published in the catalog.

competition panels

drawings from the competition entries

sketches and artworks

office BE-Engineering design of the agency website with the platform Wix

office BE-Engineering preliminary design for a mixed-use building in volpiano

Even in Volpiano you can find examples of good architecture, especially in the use and re-use of traditional materials. What is completely missing is the typological research and experimentation. For this preliminary project, we tried to imagine a single building divided into 2 blocks. A public/commercial space on the ground floor - filter and connection between the two sides - hides access to the residential units, two per block, with independent access and distributed over three floors. The arrangement of the distribution elements and the interlocking of volumes allows to distribute the living area of each unit on the whole length of the building.

the neighborhood

the historic center

toward the contryside

living room

open view toward the old town

high traffic noisy street

closed side little openings

livingroom bedroom

secondary mostly pedestrian street

ground floor




first floor

second floor



P regina

P regina


ground floor

first floor

second floor

facade material studies

doc apartment via ugo foscolo 19, turin preliminary design

the existing apartment

new walls and fornitures scheme

Apartment design for a friend. The Doc needed a bath with a view so, In order to obtein wider spaces, some measures have been adopted such as a crossing shower between bedroom and bathroom and a penisula kitchen between the two passages that separate living from sleeping.

living space

the bridge shower

polytechnic of turin-ensa grenoble aedification, grands territoires, villes - scenary e visions for the grésivaudan valley

double degree

supervisor: massimo camasso supervisir: silvia gron directeur d’étude: patrick thépot responsable du master: françoise very

The project of the big scale, or better of the different scale, was the main theme developped in the master at the ENSAG and that I decide to go into. The Grésivaudan Valley, situated between Grenoble and Chambéry, is one of the best European territories for an analysis of the new ways of life and installation that are characterizing the continent. The choice of this territory allow me to bring forth a mutual approach between the theoretical study of the city and the reality of the context, where the first one constantly tests the second. The approach at this work is the overturn of the perspective as a new point of view looking at the big scale project. The research seeks to identify and to describe a method that could hold together and continually cross the different scales: different territories and actors able to communicate and to enter the project with the same “words.” Wish is to be able to section with an only line the valley as the building, imagining and looking for that thread that holds together these pluralities through an articulated but consistent logic.

4 panels, independent and joinable

The degree is published on Politecnico of Turin website and on isuue. For the abstract and further images go at: it_abs.pdf estratto_tesi_andrea_revello

ensag master 2: “aedification, grands territoires, villes” memoire

directeur d’étude: patrick thépot responsable du master: françoise very

transformation diagrams

transformation diagrams


master 2: “aedification, grands territoires, villes” territorial analysis

The project is built as a “possible” in coherence to the specificities of the territory and it is developed in the form of scenarios which are a pretext to requestion it. The project on a local scale acts as an “impulse point “ of the territorial strategy, defined according to the multiple stakes and the fundamental objectives; it makes system with the other local projects and amplifies its quality of activation of the strategy by a network of impulse points. As the various spatial scales do not think in a logic of continuous zoom, from the biggest to the smallest, but as a beam of multiple relations, the long time of the geology, so the historic time and the contemporary time crosses themselves in our approach as intellectual process which allows to think of the current and to come transformations. The attention deplace from the shape to the process and from a static approach to a dynamic approach.

territorial analysis

the grésivaudan: concept diagram

concept model

social analysis


programmatic section

ambiance view

polytechnic of turin

polo d’arte contemporanea - PAC dor[a]rtissima

The project is located in Torino along the banks of the Dora river. The main goal of the project is to recover part of the river banks creating a new pole for Contemporary Art with exhibition areas, studios and clubs. The space is distributed on two different levels: the first one is at the street level where the shells, which characterize the structure, are opened to the pedestrian walkway and create green public spaces for social activities; the second level is rather low and goes to ‘tap’ the water surface with a museum that winds through a suspension bridge across the river. The interest of the project is more connected to the morphological search than to the final architectural shape; the complete freedom to experiment allowed the development and the knowledge of new instruments of investigation for the project.

analysis and process

modeling as a tool

the program

shaping and functional diagrams


polytechnic of turin project for a technologic park ATArch Park

The refurbishment of a former industrial area is the opportunity to test the use of a parametric software to optimize the project of a new covering surface.

SASP torino

project and realisation of the new climbing gym wall in tazzoli, turin +graphics

the project



graphic for events and flyers

publications paper // Appunti architettonici - la Savonnerie di Bruxelles, in Massimo Camasso, Silvia Gron, Elena Vigliocco, Gli spazi della costruzione nella ricomposizione urbana, Celid, Torino, 2013. articles and drawings // Ilka Ruby, Andreas Ruby, MVRDV Buildings, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam, 2013. photo // PRIX W2012 Venise - Fondation d’enterprise Wilmotte, ed. Fondation Wilmotte-Relais Graphique, Paris, 2012. project publication // Cesare Griffa (edit by) with the CAU09 students, Dora profonda, progetti a luci rosse, studiogriffa editions, Torino, 2010. project publication // Oropa Sport - Percorsi progettuali tra memoria e valorizzazione, Alinea Editrice, Firenze, 2007. project publication

web // Project for the competition Riqualificazione della piazza Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc e della Strada Hang Dao, nel quartiere delle Strade Dei 36 Mestieri with Matteo Zambon, Studio8

// Project for the competition Prix Wilmotte 2012 - riqualificazione dell’ex-piazza d’armi, st Elena, Venezia with Elena Abbate

// Andrea Revello, double degree: Aedification, grands territoires, villes - Scenari e visioni per la valle del Grésivaudan -, Torino, 2011.

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