curriculum vitae andrea revello [eng]

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workshops 2013_CNC laser cutting workshop at FabLab Torino 2013_CNC milling workshop at FabLab Torino 2012_tutor at AAA- Stanza cercasi workshop by Polytechnic of Turin with Holden storytelling and performing art school 2012_tutor at Architetture per il cinematografo tra Ottocento e Novecento, conoscenza e valorizzazione international workshop by Polytechnic of Turin and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina 2009_the light project workshop with Ilti Luce (Philips S.p.a.), light re-design in Polytechnic of Turin with the software Dialux 2007_ - Progettazione multisensoriale: Design for All - international workshop in Turin deals with the accessibility design on new and old buildings 2007_l’infrastrutturazione culturale del sistema a Oropa (BI)- design workshop with publication [Benente M., Camasso M., Gron S., Vigliocco E. (a cura di), Oropa Sport. Percorsi Progettuali tra memoria e valorizzazione, Alinea, Firenze 2007] job/internship


February 2013-today: project architect at Agostino Magnaghi Architetto. The collaboration with Magnaghi deaals with the architectural and functional recovery of a historic building in the center of Turin. The relationship between the old and the new, the will to innovate, the relationship with the customer and the heritage’s administration are an important part of this experience.

name date of birth address phone numbers @ skype

| andrea revello | 25 /02/1986 | via g.reni 89, torino | 011 3081402, (+39) 340 9758229 | | andrereve_86


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curriculum vitae feb 2013-today

| project architect at Agostino Magnaghi Architetto

july-sept 2012

| project architect at Camerana&Partners

sept 2012

| professional examination

jan 2012-feb 2013

| project architect at BE-engineering

oct 2011-today

| associate and teaching assistant at the Polytechnic of Turin.

july 2011 nov 2010-apr 2011

| degree in Architecture at the Polytecnic of Turin. Double degree Italy-France with a mark of 110 cum laude/110 | internship at the company BasicNet, BI-franching area, architecture team

june 2010

| degree in Architecture at ENSA of Grenoble, master Aedification Drands Territoires- Villes


| Erasmus with Double Degree program at ENSA Grenoble

feb-aug 2009

| stage at the institution Turin Urban Regeneration – Comitato Parco Dora


| Master of Science in Architecture at II Facoltà di Architettura of Polytechnic of Turin

2005-2008 skills

| Bachelor degree in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin. Presentation of a research and urban project thesis that deals with the perception of a territory (and his landscapes) and their representation

english/PET with merit autodesk showcase suite office cad rhinoceros + v-ray grasshopper


french adobe photoshop adobe illustrator adobe indesign adobe première adobe lightroom

July-September 2012: project architect at Camerana&Partners. The collaboration for a competition is turned to the planning of a tower with offices and residences in the heart of Montecarlo. Working with the project team, I collaborated to all the phases of the planning, from the early sketches to the final modeling, from the interior distribution of the apartments, penthouse and offices to the realization of the final presentation. January 2012-February 2013: project architect at BE-Engineering. Parallel development of several projects at very different scales, from transportable housing units to the renovation of historic buildings, to the design of residential buildings in historical contexts or in the sprawl city. These tasks are joined by a continuous production of graphic materials and presentations for the engineering section of the office. October 2011-today: associate and teaching assistant for the Atelier “Economic sustainability in architectural design – Architectural design” by prof. arch. Massimo Camasso, part of the “Architecture for Sustainability” Degree of the Faculty of Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin. In collaboration with the teacher I have participated actively in the planning and conduct of teaching, contributing to the definition of the exercises, preparing some contributions to the classroom and collaborating with the professor in the progressive corrections of students’ papers. April 2011-today: F.A.S.I. (Italian federation of sport climbing) climbing teacher at SASP climbing gym in Turin. In addition to assistance in the gym and during the climbing courses, I designed the new SASP’s climbing wall. November 2010-April 2011: internship at the company BasicNet, BI-franching area, architecture team. During the internship at BasicNet I worked independently designing and managing corporate brand shops (Robe di Kappa, Superga, K-Way) from the definition of layouts to the inauguration day. The design process involves the design of the works of construction and demolition, the design of the interior arrangement of the furniture and the creation of graphics, the definition of electrical and net systems, direct contact with suppliers and customers and support to the workforce during the construction phase. February-August 2009: stage at the institution Turin Urban Regeneration – Comitato Parco Dora. The internship at the Comitato Parco Dora assumed a large flexibility and ability of adaptation face to the heterogeneity of the tasks to be performed. Depending on the needs I have lent my support as a photographer, graphic artist for flyers and advertising material, I have performed the functions of service and front office window in the area trying help new neighbors to give an identity to this part of town. The services provided by the Comitato are: promotion and support of transformation interventions, collaboration for the development of new services for the district (in collaboration with different sectors of public administration), the networking of public and private services new and already existing, reception of new citizens, communication and coordination of initiatives on the area, accompanying and stimulating projects of citizens sensitive to the issues of their neighborhood.

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