AIESEC Vienna UV 2013

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Hi there!!!

AIESEC and our committee for the University of Vienna (UV) was founded under the vision to bring “Peace and fullfillment of humankind´s potential„ to society. Today, AIESEC is the largest student-run organization with more than 86.000 members present in over 124 countries. Obviously, we could have not been able to achieve our goals without the willingness and contribution of so many talented young people globally. Their valuable willingness has brought back their courage to face themselves every day, the motivation to keep developing each other through all the valuable experiences, the belief to dream big and the passion to make dreams come true. The journey we chose is still very long and difficult ahead, but we have the belief to keep moving forward. That belief comes from our trust in you, who are willing to engage and maximize the positive impact our generation could contribute to the society. Because te you



that belief, come along with

today us in

we sincerely inviaccomplishing our role.

This Booklet was designed to provide a comprehensive standing of AIESEC and UV. The information is intended ach both internal and external stakeholders. It will allow you derstand what we are doing and what it is all about: the

underto reto unpeople.

So keep reading and be the positive change that this world so urgently needs! Sincerely =)

your COMM team 2013-2014.



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AIESEC INTERNATIONAL THE AIESEC DIFFERENCE AIESEC, the world´s largest student-run, non-profit organization, is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to have a positive impact in society.

The key difference between AIESEC members and other students is the skills they develop through enterprise learning while managing the AIESEC program. AIESEC members are global minded, proactive and responsible young With a focus on building personal networks people. They are voluntarily engaged into soand exploring the direction and ambition of cially relevant issues beyond their studies. their future, AIESEC has an innovative approach to engaging and developing young peop- By developing cultural understanding, knoweldge, le into the leaders needed today and tomorrow.. attitudes and skills in the students, AIESEC is a positive force for global development. As a result AIESEC has consultative status at the United Nations to represent the youth of our era.



In 1953, as one of the first international youth organizations, AIESEC was founded in Austria. Today AIESEC is present in Graz, Linz, Salzburg and Vienna. In each of those cities, the organization is actively engaging young peoat 12 different universities. AIESEC members interact with industry, gover- ple nment, NGOs, universities, students and interns from all over the world. This allows members to be some of the most connected young citizens. AIESEC was founded in 1948 and is today active in 124 countries at more than 1700 universities with over 86.000 members, offering each year over 8.800 internships and 7.500 leadership opportunities.

AIESEC UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA AIESEC University of Vienna (Vienna UV) is part of the world‘s largest youth-run organisation. Our entity is one of the biggest ones of the AIESEC family in Austria, because we are following the rule of being progressive, innovative and open-minded. Our main focus is to give young people from our university new options and possibilities for their own development.

SOCIAL IMPACT AIESEC Vienna UV aims to provide a much wider focus on Social Impact through our teams and also gives the opportunity to gain skills in communication, strategies, and management with our corporate and non-corporate partners through our functional areas. This way we can not only organize internships within Austria for students abroad, but also give students from the University of Vienna the chance to explore a new culture and country through choosing a suitable internship from our global pool.


Youth Talent is the local program through which we provide young people the opportunity to be a part of AIESEC. Join one of our teams and develop through practical experience in any of the following areas.



Discover the sales knowhow, apply it in meetings with companies and NGOs and develop effective negotiation and communication skills.

Learn business skills by being engaged in its PR&Marketing, HR or Finance areas of the organization.

Project Management: Develop team working skills by learning how to implement and deliver projects, conferences, events and campaigns, among others.

• Get to know foreign countries & cultures • Learn & develop through practical experience in social projects • Drive positive change in society by volunteering abroad. In AIESEC we believe that the responsible leadership in the youth can have a huge impact on societies. This is why we have partnered with organizations around the globe to offer you the opportunity to go abroad and get involved in projects relating to: • Education • World Issues • Entrepreneurship

• Gain valuable working experience through an internship in a company abroad • Develop your professional & personal skills • Work with people from different cultural backgrounds

We are convinced that doing a professional internship abroad is an exciting, life-changing experience. It allows you to broaden your perspective on different cultures, while gaining professional knowledge and skills in the following areas: • Business • Technical Studies • Social Studies

. . . s a e r a l a n o i t c n u F EBI


a Executive Bo

President C L e h t of Composed ts (VPs) n e id s e r P e Vic areas, (LCP) and 9 l a n io t c n rent fu for 9 diffe r planfo le ib s n o p res naging the EB is a m d n a , ping ienna. ning, develo V f o y it s r e e Univ the LC of th

Dana Gem端nde - ICX

Ioana Dragos - LC President

Andre Dimailig - UR

Andres Felipe Uprimny - COMM

Hazan Pazarlikli - TOM

Mihai Stoian - Finance

Jutta Grabenhofer - IG BOKU

Thomas kimpfler - CR

Sofia Elosegui - OGX

I Marketing and Public Relations


The Communication Teams are responsible for external communication matters. The main focus is to increase awareness of AIESEC among Viennese students, corporate partners and other stakeholder groups. Consequently, the communication teams are concerned with building up cooperations with media-partners, policing AIESEC branding while ensuring the creation and maintenance of effective communication channels in the social media. Additionally, COMM is responsible for the designs and materials (videos, booklets, flyers, posters, ect).


I Talent & Organizational Management

The task of the three teams (Talent Management, Talent Development & AIESEC University) is to help people develop on a personal and professional level by creating different learning environments that offer our members the opportunity for Conscious Learning. In order to achieve that, personal coaching meetings and trainings are organised. TOM members aim to develop an understanding for Human Resource Management (training development, organizational behavior), gain coaching and communication skills, coach people in their development and get coached in their own learning. Furthermore, TOM is responsible for the management of the LC as an organization, which includes strategic planing of the LC future as well as managing the membership base. Moreover, TOM delivers all internal communication and prepares the LC meetings.


I Incoming Global Talent

The job of the ICX Teams is to provide internships for students who wish to come to Vienna and develop their skills in one of the best firms in the country or to be engaged in one of our local social projects. Furthermore the Incoming Exchange Teams are in charge of AIESEC´s interactions with NGOs, social enterprises and trainees. The ICX department is not only establishing connections among NGOs and companies that are pursuing a sustainable approach but it also maintains the cooperation in order to provide internships to its members. The ICX department fulfills diverse tasks like supporting companies in the recruitment process and by organizing all issues incorporated with interns. Hence, AIESEC´s professional approach of handling personnel themes leads to a win-win situation among AIESEC and its partners. Additionally, ICX team members are responsible as well for the planning, organization, coordination and realization of the national project “Colors of the World: Tolerance“ (CoW) Therefore, it can be said that on the one hand, trainees have the unique opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge in the real business life. On the other hand, companies or NGOs can gain considerable advantages from AIESEC interns, who are much more than regular students, especially due to their language skills, multinational approach and their world view regarding many aspects. As a consequence companies appreciate AIESEC trainees and at the same time AIESEC


I Outgoing Exchange

The members of the Outgoing Exchange Teams are responsible for selecting, preparing and re-integrating Austrian students who want to go on Exchange and do an internship through AIESEC. The OGX Teams work closely with an international network of more than 100 countries including our 7 focus regions. Furthermore, OGX GIP is responsible for conducting pool researches and facilitating the internship matching process.


I Initiative Group for BOKU

The purpose of the Initiative Group is the expansion of AIESEC to other universities and FHs. A special focus will be on the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) because there is a big potential of students that want to get engaged with international experiences. The structure of the Initiative Group is different than the one of the other functional areas.

I Corporate Relations


The responsibilities of the CR Teams (Youth to Business & CR) range from the process of creating Partnership proposals, designing new products, creating a strong, brand aligned exposure and image for AIESEC in our stakeholder groups, organizing external events like “Youth to Business“ (Y2B) or Career Days, and conducting researches about potential partners to direct costumer contact via mail, phone or personal meetings. The goal of CR is to build up new partner- and sponsor- ships for our Local Committee (LC). Our aims are sustainable long term relationships to our Partners and Sponsors, which provide value to both parties: On the one side we want to afford diverse activities of AIESEC UV without violating the values of AIESEC. On the other side we want to create and increase value to our stakeholders and build up a win-win situation.


I Finance & Law

The members of the F&L Teams are mainly responsible for supporting the Vice President of this area regarding the budget processes and building a functional structure. Furthermore, they participate in the creation of a set of objectives, including the vision, principles and way of working. F&L keeps a thorough record of all the resources and informs the Executive Board of their situation when needed. The Teams are constantly trying to keep the organization financially sustainable by applying practical and theoretical knowledge, controlling the budget and the realized budget together with the Vice President of Finance and Law, and gaining a good and solid base over the financial situation of the organization.

I University Relations


The goal of University Relations is to recruit students for our four programs: Global Talent, Global Citizen and Youth Talent. Promotion is done mainly through lecture presentations, info stands, info evenings, flyering and postering. Cooperations are also made between AIESEC Vienna UV and entities within the University of Vienna, especially student organizations and institutes.

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Application PROCESS 1. Application To apply please go to and complete the application form.We will have Info Days the 12th and 19th of October to provide further information about the programs we offer.

2. Assessment Center After you are preselected, we will invite you to our office to meet other AIESECers. There is no reason to be nervous about this step as it is just a way for us to know you better.

3. First Local Committee Meeting This is a date you need to have fixed!. We will update you about the day. As AIESEC Vienna UV we are all going to be there to welcome you and help you understand the AIESEC way. Day: 24th of October.

4. Local Induction Conference This is will be your very first conference in AIESEC, you will get the chance to get to know closely your team members,team leaders and EB closely and start your journey for leadership. Since we love participation we can assure you that you will have fun and learn many new things!.. as you can guess it‘s mandatory to join. :)

Abbreviations! @ AIESEC AI AIESEC International BoA Board of Advisors BoL Board of Leaders COMM Communication (Team) CoW Colors of the World EB Executive Board EP Exchange Participant F&L Finance and Law IC International Congress ICX Incoming Exchange (Team) LC Local Committee LCM Local Committee Meeting LCP Local Committee President LCVP Local Committee Vice President NSB National Support Body OC Organizing Committee (at a Conference) OGX Outgoing Exchange (Team) OPS Outgoing Preparation Seminar TLP Team Leader Programme TOM Talent and Organisation Management TMP Team Member Programme TN Traineeship Nominee TtT Train the Trainer (Seminar) UV University of Vienna X Exchange Y2B Youth to Business

Contact & Social Address: Dr.-Natterer-Gasse 6, 1020, Wien National Webpage: Local Webpage: Mail:

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