Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 1 de 10
Euromediación on-line: La mediación por medios electrónicos Andrés Vázquez marzo de 2013 march 2013 Resumen Este artículo ofrece una aproximación a diferentes mecanismos de utilización de las TIC como soportes vectoriales en la resolución de conflictos en línea a través de la mediación electrónica de disputas, particularmente en el escenario europeo y español, así como un avance del tratamiento normativo que los ampara, junto con algunas reflexiones y análisis de la aportación que las herramientas ODR ponen al alcance de los mediadores y las partes para auxiliarles en el objetivo de dirimir las controversias mediante sistemas electrónicos fiables que optimicen las ventajas del procedimiento de mediación. Palabras clave ADR, ODR, mediación, resolución de conflictos, mediación electrónica, mediación on-line Tema Mediación electrónica
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Abstract This article offers an approach to different mechanisms for using ICT as vector supports in online conflict resolution via electronic mediation of disputes.Particularly, in the European and Spanish stage, as well as an advance of the regulatory treatment which protect them, along with some reflections and analysis of contribution that ODR tools make accessible to the mediators and the parties to assist them in their goal to resolve disputes by reliable electronic systems that optimize the benefits of the mediation process.
Keywords ADR, ODR, mediation, conflict resolution, electronic mediation, online mediation Topic Electronic mediation
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 2 de 10
It is estimated that more than 2,000 million people around the world use the web to work and communicate, but also to discover and share content,(Source: Google Inc.). In this global stage the Law 5/2012 of July 6, about mediation in civil and commercial matters cannot ignore to develop the procedures via electronic means, as reflected in the Article 24 of the Act (that possess paragraph 2 and the fourth final disposition). Additionally, exposes the preferential use of electronic means in certain cases of reclamations of quantities. The matching of both elements, mediation and new technologies, give cause -as outlined in the Draft Royal Decree regulating the development of Mediation by Electronic Means –for the electronic mechanisms of dispute resolution. It requires both the legal and technical security which helps to extent their use by reliable electronic systems, compatible with the technological culture of citizens and to generate confidence. This technology "becomes the fourth part of the mediation process, being an extremely important support to amplify their own advantages, having effects on the speed, efficiency and cost reduction." Therefore, actually the adoption of ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) not only decreases the economic costs to users, but also helps them (and the mediators) to save time, which is one of the critical variables of the mediation process. The use of these online platforms helps to eliminate linguistic and geographical barriers. This does not only stand for national barriers, within the territory of the State, it also means a very appropriate settlement system for cross-border disputes. In short, it refers to the globalization and the potential access of many national mediators to the international stage. On Tuesday March 12, 2013, the plenum of the European Parliament approved two Directives of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) , which seek to ensure that consumers in the European Union (EU) have access to a fast, inexpensive and impartial mediation for dispute resolution related to goods or services. In order to prevent that consumers have to deal with lengthy and costly court proceedings, especially as a result of, cross-border or online shopping. The directive will oblige all EU countries to introduce such type of systems in all business sectors and to allocate funds to ensure the impartiality of the mediators who´s consumers may resort to all kinds of goods or services, whether purchased in a physical or digital store, in the country of origin or any other EU country. The mediation will be free service for consumers or establish a "nominal fee" and in most cases, will be resolved within ninety days after the filing of the complaint. To implement this procedure, the directive ODR will authorize the European Commission to create a digital platform where consumers can find claim forms and recommendations in order to guide them during the process. The platform will connect to all national mediators of any dispute resolution entity and will operate in all official EU languages. Member States will have two years to transpose the directive ADR, while the intended digital platform in the Directive ODR will be available late 2015.
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 3 de 10
Since the late 90s, several pioneering entities were launched to propose ODR schemes. Many remained only in that, however their implementation is becoming widespread, with a positive feedback in neighboring countries, which is also recognized in that the mentioned Draft Royal Decree, now reinforced by the directives of the European Parliament. As is the case with the term "mediation" that conceptually has been used to refer to a wide range of situations, many of which are have capacity (due to excess or defect) within the existing regulatory framework. The terms electronic mediation, mediation at distance, mediation via electronic means, ODR,... may lead to confusion, even willfully. In any case, it will be a task of both the legislature and legal doctrine, to clarify conceptually the areas of each one, something already noted in the Draft in order to distinguish between simultaneously (synchronous) and subsequent (asynchronous) communication channels and the simplified process of mediation by electronic means. The same could be said about the responsibility for the proper functioning of the mediation process via electronic means. In other words, the guarantee of privacy, integrity and confidentiality. In fact, in the private sphere international platforms already existed which were designed to operatein the field of civil law regarding the consume in order to help businesses and consumers to resolve their disputes. In this regard, it is important to highlight that while a consumer can have a single dispute with one company, this company can have a very high number of disputes with hundreds or even thousands of customers. Colin Rule , ODR pioneer in the late 90's and director of dispute resolution services in eBay and PayPal (in the first decade of the current millennium) launched the platform called MODRIA , based in San Jose, California. Most disputes in the field of consumption were not directly related to e-commerce or with reclamations of quantities, but with other aspects of commercial disputes and incidents related to problems with the supply and delivery of goods, processing of personal data or corporate image. In the Spanish civil sphere, ODR Solomediacion , a joint initiative of Miquel Tort , Franco Conforti and Alberto Elisavetsky, create the website "mediaronline" in October 2009. This website offered the online software webconf in order to carry out online mediation, although the project was not continued. Subsequently, Mediate On Line , directed by Professor Franco Conforti , from the University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM), becomes the first platform that offers mediation synchronously, supported by a software developed in Argentina, with the collaboration of Professor Elisavetsky. And more recently, the management system + ODR Mediare (SGMARC) from the eJusTIC company, provides a simplified and automatic on-line software for negotiation / mediation. Also the platform Amicuo offers an electronic mediation proceeding, where all communication between the mediator and the parties are made by video (via, telephone or email. In both cases, the parties take advantage of the online mediation platform in order to manage the formalities and documents.
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 4 de 10
Also in the realm of "training", have been existed for many years some platforms such as the Virtual Mediation Lab founded by Giuseppe Leone , from the Association for Conflict Resolution - Hawaii ACR (basically focused on the Anglo-Saxon world) and the Simediar Program in the field of Latin America, promoted by Professor Alberto Elisavetsky of the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Buenos Aires, for the development of online mediation simulations. In the same way that not all conflicts can be addressed through mediation, certainly, all the cases that can be obviously mediated, have to be addressed by electronic means neither. Nevertheless, within the issues or problems that may be inherent to the use of on-line systems, would be found in many cases, the requirement that the parties have the sufficient resources and skills for their use. This is something that would not be a handicap for those who normally use them regularly in different areas of their daily tasks. Of course, communication is an essential element in the resolution of conflicts. It has gone so far to define mediation as "the procedure of equipping conflicting parties with quality communication resources so that they can resolve their conflicts." The criticisms, positions, opinions, desires, needs and feelings that parties emerge during the mediation process, have to be channeled by the mediator in order that the parties can express constructively a communication that helps to contribute to resolve the conflict. (Suares, M. 2002. Mediating in family systems. Buenos Aires. Ed. PaidósIbérica).In my point of view and despite the critical positions towards the ODR systems, the technologies and electronic mediation platforms could be perfectly included in this “communication resources”. In fact and how wildering that may sound; scientific research does not guarantee that with the "conventional" mediation will be achieved better results in comparison to the online mediation. The lack of face to face communication (except, of course, cases where the high level of confrontation or hostility would prohibit it from the beginning), even if this is not the best starting position, the experience and research in the field of on-line mediation, have shown, at least in several studies-that the online environment can also improve the effectiveness of the communication and has the potential to generate a resolution more focused on the parties´ interests. In 2009, the Dutch company Juripax was hired by the Board of Legal Assistance from the Netherlands in order to carry out a pilot project for mediation in cases of online divorce with the aim of verifying that the on-line mediation turned out to be an effective way to resolve disputes caused by these situations. The objective was to develop the process entirely online. In total, in addition to the participating couples, there have been twelve mediators who were involved in this research project (all were trained in the use of specific internet platforms and electronic mediation techniques). Participating couples were offered the online mediation for free in exchange therefor they had to complete an evaluation form after the mediation process. The evaluation questionnaire was designed by the University of Tilburg, the Netherlands, in collaboration with the Board Legal Assistance from the Netherlands and the company itself Juripax. All participants were informed about the aim of the research project and about the fact that all the details would be treated confidentially and anonymously. . © Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 5 de 10
The subsequent conclusions of the analysis were published in two studies carried out by the University of Tilburg, (focusing on aspects of the procedure and quality of justice, Procedural and Outcome Justice in Online Divorce Mediation , an investigation of Gramatikov Martin and Laura Klaming ) and by the Belgian Catholic University of Louvain, (focusing on psychological aspects relating to the emotional experiences of the parties during the on-line mediation process, University of Leuven, Belgium Online Mediation in Divorce Cases ). High levels of satisfaction were reported by the results between those, who carried out the on-line mediation process. Specifically, 90% of the participants who reached an agreement during the mediation process were satisfied with the mediation. Among those who did not reach an agreement, the satisfaction with the mediation process, even though was reached by 82%. The study also offers other interesting findings, such as considering that the solution of the online dispute can compel the parties in dispute to focus on the issues which have to be resolved, rather than being distracted by the emotional aspects of the conflict. Skeptics of ODR argue, that these procedures are "less effective" than face to face negotiations, the absence of nonverbal signals interferes with the understanding of the interests of the other party, and this in turn reduces the likelihood of achieving an integrating agreement. The research does not deny the difficulty that online communication represents in contrast to the attendant communication, because of the absence of a "face to face" and the risk of generating misunderstandings. However, if the parties before the mediation do not known each other sufficiently, misunderstandings, regardless of whether the procedure is performed on-line or in person, can easily lead to negative communication, to mistrust and a dead end. These and other aspects lead researchers to the conclusion that cases of family conflicts and disputes, such as those arising from cases of separation or divorce, are particularly suitable for online mediation because "both parties they already know well enough to correctly interpret each other's actions and motivations that will increase the probability of finding an integrating agreement." The majority of respondents to the research were not been assisted by lawyers and only been based on their own abilities and skills of the mediators to reach an agreement on the issues that have been raised by the conflict. Finally and overall, the experience has been seen as positive in terms of process and outcome. Curiously, both parties have had the same impressions about the quality of the process and the quality of the result. The pilot project has been considered a success and the Board Legal Assistance of the Netherlands ( Raadvoor de Rechtsbijstand ) has decided to include the online mediation process for family law cases in their service offerings.
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 6 de 10
Recently Dr. Keith Ablow , psychiatrist at the medical team of Fox News, a quite critical author of new Internet Technologies (to the point of considering some as toxic) wrote an article, "Skype Revolutionizing Mental Health Care" , in which he affirms that despite the warmth and immediacy of face to face communication in therapies, communications via online platforms present some advantages: "When people talk to each other, they tend not to look away. Their faces are literally a few meters away from each other on the screen", so that a strong connection will be created especially when dealing with emotionally charged issues. The customized use of these platforms, is another aspect that stands out as favorable. The legitimization is another aspect that generally rebel as criticism of ODR. By the law in force in Spain, is basically tied to the rules of the Data Protection Act 15/1999, with the distinction between digital and electronic signatures relating to coding encrypted (and " clipwrap "), and the use synchronous or asynchronous systems mediation. Accordingly, it may result clarifying the following comparative table provided by Professor Frank Conforti, included in his work "electronic mediation" . Electronic mediation
Asynchronous Mismatch Personal involvement temporal - spatial Requirements / technology Computer & requirements Internet Personal Data Protection Yes Ensures LOP 15/1999 Ensures confidentiality No Backup Written
Synchronous Parties need to meet in the same space of time Computer + Internet (high quality) + Webcam + Microphone Headset + Yes Yes Written + oral + visual
In fact, the notarial online certifications that are currently been carried out and the services related to PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), the "timestamping" and the electronic signature , are issued in accordance with the requirements of the Law 59/2003 of 19 December 2003 on the Electronic Signature . It is focused on the recognition of electronic certificates issued by a notary, both to individuals and companies, in their own name or in representation. There are several types like personal, corporate, corporate in representation, Personal in Representation, Personal and Secure Server, each with its own characteristics and requirements. But even if they may be issued on-line by Certifying Agencies (like the Notary Certification Agency (ANCERT) , owned by the General Council of Notaries ) it is necessary to appear before a notary, providing documentation accrediting the identity, power of attorneys or any attribute which may be incorporated. Therefore, we could not consider them entirely as on-line procedures and neither as actions on-line. In any case, we would be in front of hybrid protocols (on-line and pre-presentiality), with all guarantees safeguarded. The mediation via electronic means as it is projected normatively in Spain and without prejudice to the result of the transposition of the now approved European Directives, exist the possibility of developing a comprehensive on-line procedure ( Article 10.2 of Draft Royal Decree regulating mediation by electronic means), without prejudice to the partial use of proceedings at distance ( Article 10. 1 Project of RD).
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 7 de 10
Facing these critical positions in relation to the online technologies applied to the different fields of mediation, data as those provided by Sanjana Hattotuwa from the Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resolution in Sri Lanka, grab attention. In a paper presented in 2006 at the IVODR Symposium of the United States, held in Cairo, Ms. Hattotuwacited a study from the year 2004 in which over 115 ODR operating platforms were referenced at that time in the world. Figures undoubtedly already surpassed as of today´s date. Only the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution - NCTDR , founded in 1998 by the University of Massachusetts, has registered on its website over 60 platforms in a list of provisional ODR service providers. Of course, such an amount of platforms which address various kinds of conflicts leads us to a jungle where it is easy to get lost, both with regard to specific mediation techniques and regulatory frameworks in which these disputes are substantiated, inevitably many in international settings. Without a doubt, the recent European Directives provide a legal certainty framework with respect to the use of these platforms in the Eurozone. ("This transforms the ODR into a basic pillar in the relaunching of the single market," said MEP and author of the text RóżaThun ). It is also paradoxical that many are still putting into question the usefulness, effectiveness and appropriateness of these ICT technologies, while the other already begin to consider them in their current platforms. Something obsolete is calling for a new phase in the use of new ODR tools for new areas of mediation. So, for example, Marta Poblet , ICREA researcher and member of the Institute of Law and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (IDT-UAB), published in June 2010 a very interesting work about ODR which provides a synthetic review, in the international scene, of the current state of online dispute resolution services (ODR). Advancing some of the new ICT tools that can inspire the configuration of a new generation of ODR services and already being called ODR 3.0 (by the way, much to the taste of Sanjana Hattotuwa, cited above), in a monograph "relational justice and electronic methods of resolution (ODR): towards a legal and technical harmonization" of the Journal of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), under the title "ODR 3.0? Lessons from Sri Lanka, India, Kenya or Haiti". From my point of view, the resource of electronic mediation is another (additional) tool that the legislator makes available to the parties and the mediators to assist to conclude an agreement that would resolve the situation prior to conflict, and provide the basis to avoid future conflicts arising from the same cause. The choice of the same will be a decision by the parties and the mediator, who will have to evaluate the adequacy of the procedure for this system in line based on the characteristics of each particular mediation. Neither the currently examined legislation which will structure the use of the samedespite its configuration as a potential comprehensive procedure, which can develop itself from beginning to end-restrain the freedom of the parties or the mediator while using, by allowing to realise all or only part of the mediation process, for this system.
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 8 de 10
In short, the protagonists of the mediation always will be those who decide whether its use is useful or not, but the trend - at least for certain types of susceptible mediation conflicts-seems seems definitely aiming for this platform, with all the support of political groups and European Community Authorities (ADR Directive was approved by 617 votes in favor, 51 votes against and 5 abstentions. abstentions. The resolution ODR was approved by 622 votes in favor, 51 votes against and 5 abstentions.) Hardly surprising if we adhere to the figures: According to estimates by Brussels, an universal access to the ADR / ODR procedures throughout the Union, will gain ga for consumers approximately 22,500 million euros per year (represents roughly 0.2% of the EU´s GDP).
Andrés Vázquez López is University Specialist in Intercultural Mediation and Immigration and University Expert in Civil and Commercial Mediation. He studied law at the Universities of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and at the National University of Distance Education (UNED), Madrid. He also completed postgraduate studies at the UNED. An independent advisor in Digital Corporate and Social Communications. He is member of the Madrid Association of Mediators. Madrid, March 2013
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Enlaces on-line:
Google Inc.
Proyecto de Real Decreto por el que se regula el desarrollo de la Mediación por Medios Electrónicos ctronicos.pdf
Directivas de Resolución Alternativa de Litigios (ADR, en sus siglas en inglés) y Resolución de Disputas Online (ODR) Colin Rule eBay PayPal MODRIA ODR Solomediacion Miquel Tort Webconf 130301FCS06146/3/html/El-PE-aprueba aprueba-unagesti%C3%B3n-m%C3%A1s-eficaz-de de-las-reclamacionesde-los-consumidores dispute-resolution.html
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 9 de 10
Mediar On Line Franco Conforti sistema de gestión + ODR Mediare (SGMARC) plataforma online de mediación Virtual Mediation Lab Giuseppe Leone Association for Conflict Resolution - ACR Hawaii Programa Simediar Alberto Elisavetsky Juripax Procedural and Outcome Justice in Online Divorce Mediation Martin Gramatikov Laura Klaming University of Leuven, Belgium Online Mediation in Divorce Cases Raad voor de Rechtsbijstand Dr. Keith Ablow
Skype revolutionizing mental health care
Clipwrap Mediación electrónica Servicios relacionados con PKI timestamping firma electrónica reconocida Ley 59/2003 de 19 de diciembre de Firma Electrónica Agencia Notarial de Certificación S.L. Unipersonal (ANCERT) Consejo General del Notariado Artículo 10.2 Artículo 10.1 Sanjana Hattotuwa National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution - NCTDR lista de proveedores de servicios ODR Róża Thun Marta Poblet ¿ODR 3.0? Lecciones desde Sri Lanka, la India, Kenia o Haití e.html 20CV_ES.pdf e_UVT.pdf matikov n.pdf 071229&page=wp12172009113058 W69 NACIONAL.htm n=indice n=sellado otariales&option=indice biblioteca&option=legislacion&id=10 ption=informacion_corporativa ctronicos.pdf ctronicos.pdf AFIN%20VON_THUN%20UND%20HOHENSTEIN.html ct&id=20:marta-poblet&catid=12:people -poblet
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress
Online Euromediación: Mediation via electronic means Página 10 de 10
Textos aprobados Parlamento europeo Martes 12 de marzo de 2013 – Estrasburgo
Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre resolución de litigios en línea en materia de consumo. Directiva 2013/.../UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a la resolución alternativa de litigios en materia de consumo. nce=P7-TA-2013-0065&language=ES nce=P7-TA-2013-0066&language=ES#BKMD 0066&language=ES#BKMD-29
© Andrés Vázquez López. Mediador. Especialista en Mediación Intercultural e Inmigración. Madrid, 19 marzo 2013 Esta publicación está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial NoComercial 3.0 España 130319avlpress