OVER TO YOU Dear All, Did you ever make peg dolls when you were a child? We used to have hours of fun with the old wooden clothes pegs, giving them faces and making clothes from scraps of fabric. If you were really lucky you could persuade Dad or an Uncle to give you some pipe cleaners and then the doll could have arms. I remember making a whole family of dolls one wet afternoon. There were grandparents and cousins as well. When it stopped raining and my Mother wanted to peg out the washing you couldn’t find enough pegs and I was in trouble! Best wishes from Jenny Peg!dolls Background: Years ago, wooden pegs with rounded tops were more common than the
ones with springs in them. They were good for making dolls, (or nativity figures at Christmas.) Pipe cleaners made of thin bendy wire made good arms. Questions: Have you ever made peg dolls? What did you use to make the face? What
sort of clothes did it wear? Where did you get the materials from?
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