The Daily Sparkle
The Reminiscence and Activities Newspaper
On 7th September 1952, Egypt got rid of its Prime Minister, Aly Maher. The Army in Egypt had been demanding social and land reforms and they thought Aly Maher was not carrying them out fast enough. It was not a violent coup. Political figures were arrested and there were troops on the streets in the capital Alexandria, but the atmosphere remained calm. Egypt had become independent from Britain in 1922. King Farouk remained King until he was deposed in this wave of unrest.
Wednesday 7 September 2011
We seem to have had a lot of reminiscences about soap! Since we all use it several times a day, it’s not surprising that there are so many to choose from. Does anyone remember Cidal? It took me til now to realise that its name was a short version of ‘Germicidal’. It was a new product in the 1950s when words like ‘hexacloraphane’ were being bandied about to impress us with how many germs it could get rid of. It wasn’t one of my favourites.
Copyright © 2011, Everyday Miracles Ltd. All rights reserved. • 7 September 2011 • Page 1
One summer holiday, Dad and Ma, took me and my sister Susie to the Tower of London. Dad – jokingly I think – said that if we didn’t behave he would leave us locked up there. You had never seen Susie and me quite so well behaved for so long! Anyway – the threat had worn off a bit when we saw two Ravens. I had seen Crows around home and thought they were big – but these Ravens were HUGE. They watched us as we walked by – then took off and landed in front of us, staring us in the face. Susie and me got very scared and demanded to be taken home immediately!
Dear Mary and Jimmy When you went to school, did you do your homework as soon as you came home so that you could play afterwards? Or did you keep putting off the evil moment of getting on with it until the last possible moment? (And probably much grumbling and chiding from parents). The worst option was doing it on the bus on the way to school the next morning. I didn’t do that too many times, but when I did I always got a bad mark for it. Maybe the jerky writing gave the game away! Best wishes from Noel.
Copyright © 2011, Everyday Miracles Ltd. All rights reserved. • 7 September 2011 • Page 2
FAMOUS SCHOOLS QUIZ 1. Who wrote the play School for Scandal? (a) Shaw (b) Sheridan (c) Shakespeare 2. What is taught at Hogwarts School in the Harry Potter films? (a) Circus Skills (b) Magic (c) Horticulture 3.Which school did this famous pupil attend? (a) Greyfriars (b) Blackfriars (c) Bluefriars
SCHOOL DAYS SINGALONG Up in the morning and out to school The teacher is teachin' the Golden Rule American history and practical maths You studyin' hard and hopin' to ---Workin' your fingers right down to the bone And the guy behind you won't leave you ---Ring, ring goes the ---The cook in the lunch room's ready to sell You're ---- if you can find a seat You're fortunate if you have time to ---Back in the classroom, open your ----
ANSWERS 1. pass 4. lucky
2. alone
3. bell 6. books
Keep up, the teacher don't know how mean she looks.
1. Sheridan 3. Greyfriars
2. Magic
Copyright © 2011, Everyday Miracles Ltd. All rights reserved. • 7 September 2011 • Page 3
The Daily Sparkle Carer’s Notes
The Daily Sparkle • Carer’s Notes
17 - 23 Jan 2011
Wednesday'7th'September'2011 PAGE'1'•'TODAY'IN'HISTORY'•'through'the'years'•'7th'September'1952 Egypt'deposes'Prime'Minister Background: The 1950s were a time of disquiet and unrest in Egypt. It had been like this
for 30 years since independence. Aly Maher was one of the political figures who had carried out some social reforms but not quickly enough to satisfy his political opponents. Questions: Have you ever been to Egypt? What is Egypt famous for? How do you think the general public felt when the King and later the Prime Minister were overthrown?
PAGE'1'•'THE'WAY'WE'WERE'•'from'Mary’s'point'of'view Cidal'soap Background: Cidal soap was one of the next generation of disinfectant soaps. It was a bit
less rough than Lifebuoy but still played on everyone’s fear of germs and B.O. Questions: Did you ever use Cidal soap? What did it smell like? Did it lather well? Did you live in a hard water or soft water area? If a product claimed to have many chemicals in it, did that attract you or put you off?
PAGE'2'•'DO'YOU'REMEMBER?'•'from'Jimmy’s'point'of'view' Tower'of'London'Ravens Background: The Tower of London is really a castle. There are many stories and legends
about the Ravens at the Tower of London – most of them made up. The probability is that the Ravens were first brought to the Tower around 1845. They cannot fly away because the flight feathers on one wing are kept clipped. Questions: What sort of places have you visited? Did you go and visit old castles? Have you ever been to the Tower of London? Where is the most favourite place you have ever been?
PAGE'2'•'OVER'TO'YOU'•'Readers’'Letters' Homework Background: It was usually secondary school children who had homework to do, but even
the little ones were often expected to do reading practice, or swot up for the dreaded spelling tests. Questions: When did you first start having homework? When did you do it? Were your parents strict about homework? What else did you like to do in the evening? What happened at school if you hadn’t done your homework? Which teachers gave out the most homework?
PAGE'3'•'QUIZ'•'Famous'schools PAGE'3'•'SINGALONG'•'School'days
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