The )DFHERRN Daily Sparkle The Reminiscence and Activities Newspaper
Thursday 9th February 2012
On 9th February 1964, the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan TV Show in America. It had an audience of more than 73 million viewers. Six weeks previously, hardly anyone in the USA had heard of these four lads from Liverpool. Then, suddenly, their single, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, shot to the top of the American Hit parade!
When I was young, we didn’t have chicken very often. It was reserved for special occasions like Christmas. But I do remember someone giving my father a chicken once. We didn’t ask where it had come from. It needed to be plucked and prepared for the oven, and neither mother nor father had had much practice at doing that.
The “fab four” were greeted by thousands of enthusiastic fans waiting for them at the airport when they landed in New York. When John Lennon was asked afterwards how he found America, he said “It’s easy, turn left at Greenland.”
Well, what a mess! There were feathers everywhere, and it took ages. The thing I remember most was the smell of burning feathers. You had to singe off the last few tiny ones by holding the carcass over a flame. It smelt horrid!
Copyright © 2012, Everyday Miracles Ltd. All rights reserved. • 9 February 2012 • Page 1