I-Magazine 2#5

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RP 49,000

Bintang T-shirts and cheap sarongs... You just won’t see them at FREE LOVE market

It’s not that we hate

Fashion & Art Markets Seminyak Square

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10am-8pm

i features



bookband where to eat





budget or image?

78 hot seat






a view to a kill


men's image



COVER: Salvita for so wanted models PHOTOGRAPHED BY: Spencer Hansen FASHION DIRECTOR: Alex Valenzuela MAKE-UP & HAIR-DO: Monica M. Lawton Clothing, Hats, & Jewelry: Heathen 10

i publisher’s note


editor s Note


(PT Mitra Mandiri Sempurna) andrew@wwmedia.asia REG. NO. 65/HK.HM/IV/BITD/2008 Andrew Campbell (andrew@wwmedia.asia) Guest Editor Alex Valenzuela fashion director diaz GRAPHIC DESIGNER RACHEL MANTIRI PHOTOGRAPHER Handy Tamam creative secretary ocha (traffic@wwmedia.asia) ADMINISTRATION Eno Pratiwi (accounting.eno@wwmedia.asia) DISTRIBUTION Adhi ketut sales enquiries andrew@wwmedia.asia p +62 813 375 73 471 Jl. DHYANA PURA NO. 5, Seminyak - bali P + 62 361 863 79 79 Views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor’s and publisher’s. All material copyright ©2008 PT. Mitra Mandiri Sempurna. The publisher will not be held responsible for copyright infringements on images supplied by advertisers and, or contributors. www.wwmedia.asia


i contributors

Contributors DIAZ, EMMANUEL, ANDREW, TAMAM, FABIO, rachel, spencer, alex


i scoop

bookband We like to make the music smell, taste with fiber. We want you to be shittin some shit tomorrow, feelin good tomorrow, thinking about what you just heard.

Derrick May Interview So, where are you hangin out now, you still in Detroit? Yeah, still in the 'D'... But, always runnin around the world though. Kevin and I don't generally tour together very often, so this is a very special thing. But, we both tour constantly both together or apart. It's been 20 years plus of going somewhere every week and this tour took us to Australia, Bali and then Singapore before we go home. And home is always nice even though it is just Detroit. What was the reason to tour together? Well, the tour is called Hi-Tek-Soul. The idea 16

of it all is really to qualify techno music because it's been manhandled by the worst of the worst promoters, DJ's, wannabes and people that can't even qualify a turd coming out their own arse. Unfortunately the music has lost so much credibility in the past 15 years or so and it's been an uphill battle fighting for it. Myself, Kevin and Carl, Mike Banks; we fight hard man and at some point we have to come together and create something that people can touch or embrace. That's where the Hi-Tek-Soul concept comes from. Basically it is techno music defined in its simple elements: Electronic High, Tech, and Soul music from Detroit. But, trying to convince people to come and hear us play simply just to say we

are here cause we are the guys from Detroit that invented techno music‌ that doesn't fly. So the simplicity of few branding words of Hi-Tek-Soul goes a long way. How has the image of techno music changed in the past 20 years? I can go back and say what I just said of course, but I think we have watched so many people have their way with this thing, you know, and sometimes we moaned and complained and super pissed off. Sometimes we fought a good fight, but we never gave up. Now at this age and at this point in the game we choose our fights, you know, wisely. Because we don't wanna take on the whole world and we don't want to proclaim we are

words Andrew Campbell

the be all and end all of this music, because there are a lot of guys out there doing great music. There are a lot of good guys that will carry the music in a good legacy, and that's cool. I think for what we did and are trying to do, there is always room for improvement based on where we come from and how we see it, our perspective. It's refreshing in a world where people are using laptops and you know all these current DJ's look like Jewish doctors that just graduated from university and they got their big black glasses on and their beards. They look like doctors! Seriously! I laugh at these guys, they look so clean and so young, but they really look like a professional lot, you know. Like a bunch of IT fellas’ playin music and it's really funny, but it's true. And there is nothing wrong with that, give the cats no boundaries. …But where we come from we got a lot of personality and a lot of attitude in this shit, you know. We like to make the music smell, taste with fiber. We want you to be shittin some shit tomorrow, feelin good tomorrow, thinking about what you just heard. Not just feeling it but saying that was like a bar I never really heard anyone get at. You know, like I never really seen anyone jump that high before. And I think that is cool. As long as its there, why not if we can do it. Fuck it! Shit man, I am not quitting. I'm 48 fucking years old man, I aint quitting. I'm still fighting a good fight. Same with Kevin, we aint giving up baby, there aint no time to give up. For sure You know, when my day comes, I’ll know it because kids simply won’t dance anymore and that's it. That's my honest to goodness calling card to take my fuckin retirement cheque. There's nobody can tell me I am too old for this shit. Those kids on the dance floor will tell me when I am too old. They have nothing to fear. They have nothing to hide from me and they will not lie to

me. Because as a unit and a group those motherfuckers will simply not like it. And that will be the end of it. I always used to say that a DJ was only as good as the drugs in the crowd. (laughs)! (Laughs) I understand that brother. Ten to fifteen years ago there we that many disco biscuits on the dance floor it didn't matter what most DJ's played. Change of subject, are you from Australia? Yes The reason I ask where you are from is because Melbourne used to have a great scene. Melbourne used to be the underbelly of many scenes, live music performances being one. It was the Detroit of Australia. That was ten years ago and with the last seven years with the economy bursting that just disappeared. It's incredible how much change. Its gotta be the most expensive city on the planet right now. I am serious, it's horrible. I have never been anywhere where it cost so much for a piece of Barramundi at an average joint. It's like 40 bucks! That's crazy. And a coffee is fuckin 4 bucks. What the fuck is that man? Anyway, what's important is that so many of these important music communities are gone and I think that s one reason why the rebirth of this music has been so weird. You know, we've only had iny tiny pockets of development, like what is happening in Berlin. But, all those guys in Berlin wanna sound like all the other guys in Berlin. So, they are not really challenging anything, those are the doctors like I was talking about with the big glasses. They aren't really challenging each other saying 'I can make a funkier track than you,' we were always like

that in Detroit. We loved each other though. Kevin would borrow my drum machine, but he wouldn't use my drum patterns. He would make his own drum patterns. And when he gave it back to me, I wouldn't use his drum patterns, you know. That's just the kind of thing we had. What I am hearing these days, a lot of it sounds like these guys are all working in the same bed, cooking in the same kitchen. But, some of it comes off really good. And those guys are the ones I really look up to. Luciano has always been really good at what he is doing. You know Ricardo Villalobos, if he can just keep his head on his shoulders and stay focused; this guy is a true talent. Craig is the leader of the scene right now doing wonderful things. There are a few guys around the world truly banging away. But, for most guys, they just don't get it. And places like Melbourne, when they die; it has a resounding effect around the world. Many artists left Detroit, up and left and went to Berlin. Berlin is the place right now? Berlin is not the place; it 'was' the place, but only for a minute. And now its become like, most of those people have left or are trying to leave or just trying to get a job to pay the bills. Cause that romantic shit ran out long time ago. And when you get hungry, n you need electricity, n light, n some motherfuckin heat, you gotta find money. That romantic shit ran out. Berlin gets cold in the winter. (Laughs) You know what I mean? Yeah, you can't just go surfing all day. (Laughs) Yeah, well we are happy to be here in Bali man. We are gonna have some fun, for sure. But, I am worried. I don't want to see this place turn into Ibiza, you know, the villas are way too cheap right now man! This shit is cheap man. Well, it's relative. Yeah I know. Anyway, thanks for your time... 17

i review

Kevin Saunderson Interview Your a little bit harder, I thought I was only interviewing Derrick, so tell me a little about yourself. That's really hard! Hahaha Ok, I am Kevin Saunderson of course. They call me the "Elevator" The reason is because I helped in the beginning along with Derrick and Juan to shape techno music. I've known Derrick and Juan since the age of 12. Derrick's the longest living friend that I have, cause we known each other for 37 years. And we created this music together. I guess I have played a significant role in reshaping and reforming the remix and the first one to get rid of everything from another artist and put all new music to it and use very minimal. I was known for "Inner-city" as well, big hits, big life,


big fun, pennies from heaven an all that shit. So I had a different kinda balance compared to some of my other partners such as Derrick and Juan. I love vocals as much as I love instrumental. I love underground as much as I love vocals and melodies, so I am kinda like a crossbreed. Yeah, that's what I am, but I am originally from New York so my influences can be explained. Back in the 80s, how did you go about developing the new genre of techno? Where you just trippin' out one night and started playin around or was it something you thought out? It was a progression. The first stage was being around Derrick and Juan cause Juan was already experimenting around with music and I really didn't pay attention much but when I went to his house I would see all these gadgets and they looked cool. I didn't know

what was goin' on, it just looked cool. So it was progressive influence; sub-influence… I was an athlete and a fan of sports and stuff like that. So I started there. I was from New York and I was influenced by the dance groove at night on the radio playing disco and extended versions of songs. And then as time went on, being around Juan and Derrick I was just dragged in. By the time I got involved I had all their equipment to mess with right in front of me, just to toy with. Juan had a drum machine and Derrick had a drum machine. I was like 'there's Juan's drum machine, what's that, lets mess around and see what I can do with that thing.' Naturally at the time I was learning how to be a DJ at the time just cause I liked it. I'd see the tables (vinyl decks) and I thought it was cool, I would go back to New York n go to this famous club called the Paradise Garage and hear guy named Larry Luvan play, so I was already being influenced there. Then in time I started experimenting', and Derrick started experimenting'. I was trying to make a record. I did everything I thought I could do; I did the drums, I did the baseline, and did the melody. But, I didn't know how to put it all together. It was like 'how do I complete this?' The way I learned to complete this was, I called Juan and I was like 'I wanna finish this song'. Juan came over and showed me how to mix it. You gotta arrange it… Then he turned it into two tracks, then you can mix it and edit it… Once I seen that, I was off an rollin'. I needed no more help from then on. And that's how it was, I didn't go to school to learn about the key of music or read or write it. I was naturally influenced by music I liked... the elements of funk, the elements of disco, and the elements of electronic. And just by experimenting' and just getting deep into the parameters of synthesizers an programming, the stuff that was not even realizing was I was doing. But, I was doing it cause I wasn't happy with the sounds of the keyboard. I thought 'That sounds alright, but how can I make it something that grabs you'. And that's what I became good at. I created unique sounds that were so different that it was like 'wow, where did that come from?' In the past 20 years, how has the perception of the music you created changed? It's changed a lot. I mean the tools are here now. I mean we went from an analogue world to digital. From Chicago market to New York jumping' in on it. New York is New York, I mean it's always gonna be a part of it. But, the new generation has been influenced, not necessary by us, maybe by the generation that we influenced, influenced them? It changes because people come up differently you know. Cool, thanks...

words Andrew Campbell

i appetite


Look no further if you’re looking for the devilish dish in a whole island and possibly in a whole culinary industry. Mbok Limbok’s specialty is kremes, which is a method of frying chicken, duck, fish and bean curds covered in mixture of flour, eggs, water, spices and MSG. Sort of KFC, in ethnic kinda way. The result made the entire dish extra tasty and crispy (yes all foods are deep fried here!) and guarantees to make you moan while shaking your head. Served in a bowl on top of extra spicy homemade sambal cobek, and you can treasure the warm rice and lalapan (steamed veggies) endlessly as compliment, makes your eating experience here really worthy. But remember, just once a month trip here is enough to satisfy your craving or curiosity for this radical local cooking food without jacking up your cholesterol level too much. It’s open 24 hours plus delivery service. A damn good option to have it while you’re f***in’ drunk to neutralized you from getting too much hangover the next day. MBOK LIMBOK Jl. Patih Jelantik 10 (in front of Istana Kuta Central Parking), Kuta, Bali, 0361-761373 20

The famous Warung Sulawesi is probably one of the most original warungs in the island. It’s the perfect melting pot for all kind of crowds; the hippies, the yuppies, the trendies, the conservatives, the expats, and the locals who love munching on cheap and cheerful Indonesian foods. As a maritime island, Sulawesi offers quite a selection on dish from fish, mostly covered in spice and green chili. But the ‘hotness’ level is friendly for those who can’t take spicy food, and the variety is beyond the ordinary! I never succeeded to be ‘minimalist’ whenever I take the foods from their counter! Try their luscious Ayam Woku, with some creatively cooked vegetables and sinful fried sides like tofu, tempe, eggs, and the list goes on… Not to be missed is their rare traditional sweet desserts, like kue lapis, gemblong, and es pisang hijau to complete your hunger feast. Look out for Bonita, the friendly owner and a successful lifestyle connoisseur. Well, hats off, girlfriend, never take off those trademark ‘larger than life’ hats and lively zesty pashminas of yours, this place is definitely as ‘colorful’ as your style! WARUNG SULAWESI Jl. Petitenget 200Y, Seminyak, Bali, 0361-7950063

WARUNG kolega

warung bambuku

Another must visit warung; this one is hailed from Java. One of the favorites among expats, proven won’t give you Bali belly; Warung Kolega offers ‘milder’ taste for typical standard warung foods. As the trade mark of Javanese culinary, the foods are tasty but a little bit sweeter.

The latest additional of warungs family here is undoubtedly (and my favorite of the season) Warung Bambuku. There’s a sense of warmth and ‘trust’ whenever I stepped in to this homey corner just few meters away from Sunset Road and Kerobokan intersection.

Choose your selection of rice, white, brown, or yellow, with their pecel (Indonesian salad with peanut sauce) and other typical home cooking meals: ayam goreng, sayur lodeh, tumis kangkung, belado telor, tempe kecap, etc. Don’t understand the terms? Go there and check ‘em out yourself! It’s perfect for quick and easy breezy lunch, fulfilling, tasty, cheap, and strategically located in the middle of Petitenget ‘happenings’ area. WARUNG KOLEGA Jl. Petitenget #98A, Kerobokan, Bali, 0361-732480

The brick walls and vintage wooden tables with some splash of vibrant colors giving this place such character. And with the open kitchen, you’ll be able to see what they’re cooking -speaking about ‘trust’, as you observe their food counter you know soon you’ll be digging in to delicious Indonesian flavors. Their beef, chicken, and fish dishes are excellent, plus green sautéed veggies from edible fern, water spinach, pumpkin, bean sprouts, and eggplant. Must try their new innovative fried green pepper stuffed with chicken and wrapped in crumbly dough, yummm… Their magical sambal hijau (green chili) and sambal bongkot (torch ginger chili) are guaranteed to spice up your food, just don’t attempt to put them too much if your tongue gets burned easily by hotness! WARUNG BAMBUKU Jl. Sunset Road No.98, Kuta, Bali, 085935351589 21

i feature

MOVIE To tell you the truth, when I first heard about this movie I was a little put off by the name; it sounded like a typical ;hobbyist; style documentary that would lack any form of professionalism. Oh, man.. I was so wrong.

All the punters sat on the grass to watch the premiere Seminyak screening at Free Love Market. A round of applause erupted as the movie wound to a close. The guy behind me tapped me on the shoulder and said "That movie is the Baraka of Bali."I guess that's the one phrase that I find repeating to everyone when they ask what the movie is about. For me, this documentary has captured the essence of what is so appealing about Bali. For the first time I am seeing an exterior representation other than my own personal perception of the magical blanket that sweeps subtly over us all here. And there's one word that comes up time and again when people speak of Bali: magic. It’s a magic that's stitched into the everyday fabric of Balinese lives. It's rooted in the ancient, and vibrantly alive in the present. It awakens all who are open to it, reminding them of what really matters. It has the power to change lives forever.


Inspired by the Balinese philosophical concept tri hita karana "harmony between the divine, mankind and nature" Bali Is My Life explores the resplendent natural beauty, graceful people and age-old spiritual traditions that characterize this unique island, and the transformative effect they have on all who visit. Miraculously, Bali's core culture remains undiminished in an age of motorbikes and mobile phones, while simultaneously being open to integrating the new. In essence, this is a heartfelt story about exceptional people and profound projects based on Bali, working to maintain and enhance the island's social, environmental and cultural harmony. And it isn't lip service to Balinese culture either. It's balls to the wall in your face "this is how the Balinese roll" like you have never scene before. It's portrayal slams home that this island is not just like any other tourist island or destination. The

narration is exceptional, slightly "The Secret" style, which takes the viewer on a journey of understanding and appreciation of Bali in the higher realms of conscious awareness. Starring (in alphabetical order): Agung Rai, Ayu Laksmi, Chakra Widya, Daniel Elber, Ganga Giri, Glenn Adams, Ibu Rose, John Hardy, John O’Sullivan, Kadek Gunarta, Ketut Riwiyan, Kim Kindersley, Marco de Leonardis, Nadia Hatta, Ni Luh Kartini, Rachel Sugiharto, Ratu Bagus, Ritchie Perrot, Rizal Tanjung, Sanjay Khanzode, Shiva Rea, Uma Inder and many more. Directed by Kim Kindersley Produced by Paulus Arianto, AVB www.baliismylifefilm.com




i shopping

T-Shirt @ Pure IDR 230.000

Striped Tank Top @ Lost In Paradise IDR 220.000

Various Bird Necklaces @ 21 Concept Store IDR 270.000 Tonight Black Dress @ Somewhere IDR 380.000

Shoulder Bag @ Animale IDR 249.000

Ruffled Dress @ Lost In Paradise IDR 250.000

Necklace @ Animale IDR 149.000

Printed Tank Top @ Lost In Paradise IDR 200.000

Ripped Shorts @ Lost In Paradise IDR 350.000

Dyed Bermudas @ Lost In Paradise IDR 310.000 Love and Lies Dress @ Somewhere IDR 290.000 Bra Top @ Lost In Paradise IDR 230.000

Neon Green Pumps, Neon Yellow Pumps @ Animale IDR 429.000


Jersey Blouse @ 21 Concept Store IDR 300.000 Printed Tank Top @ Lost In Paradise IDR 200.000

Love & Lies Izabel Dress @ Somewhere IDR 380.000

Knot Top @ Mode IDR 320.000 Love and Lies Marshmallow Dress @ Somewhere IDR 340.000

THE LOOKS FOR LESS Love & Lies Newspaper Tank Top @ Somewhere IDR 245.000 Printed Singlet @ Lost in Paradise IDR 210.000 Ladies Printed Tee @ Lost In Paradise IDR 260.000

Bag @ Animale IDR 349.000

Pendant Necklace @ Animale IDR 249.000

Assorted Watches @ Animale IDR 289.000


i shopping

Vest @ 21 Concept Store IDR 540.000

Patchwork Bag @ Animale IDR 429.000

Necklace @ Animale IDR 429.000


T-Shirt @ 21 Concept Store IDR 300.000

Prisoner of St. Petersburg Vintage Dress @ Somewhere IDR 490.000

T-Shirt @ Gingersnap IDR 350.000

Shorts @ 21 Concept Store IDR 400.000

Printed Tee @ Deus IDR 320.000

Boots @ Mode IDR 700.000


Printed Pants @ 21 Concept Store IDR 500.000

Dress @ Jamila IDR 582.000

Dee Lite Dress @ Mode IDR 500.000

Knit Fringe Dress @ 21 Concept Store IDR 440.000

Assorted Jewelleries @ Somewhere IDR 565.000 - 767.000 Printed Tee @ Deus IDR 320.000

Peek a Boo Dress @ Mode IDR 480.000

Leather Clutch @ Jamila IDR 405.000

Zip Up Vest @ Animale IDR 389.000

Printed Dress @ Mode IDR 480.000

Night Falls Dress @ Mode IDR 525.000

T-Shirt @ 21 Concept Store IDR 300.000

Skirt @ Jamila IDR 405.000


i shopping

Dusty Pink Shirt @ Deus IDR 500.000

Two Tones Dress @ Lily Jean IDR 1.828.000

Punk Pants @ 21 Concept Store IDR 580.000

Embellished Top @ Lily Jean IDR 1.015.000

Leather Bag @ Anja Sun Suko IDR 2.950.000

Silver Goose Bracelet @ 21 Concept Store IDR 3.200.000 Dyed Blouse @ 21 Concept Store IDR 840.000

Leather Jacket @ Mogil IDR 2.500.000

Bell Bottom Pants @ Press Ban IDR 980.000

Leather Belt @ Jamila IDR 920.000


Black and White Stilletos @ Anja Sun Suko IDR 2.420.000

Sequined Pants @ Lily Jean IDR 3.121.000

Rabbit Ring @ 21 Concept Store IDR 1.450.000

Hand Bag @ Jamila IDR 1.250.000

Long Dress @ Lily Jean IDR 2.225.000

Leopard Stilletos @ Anja Sun Suko IDR 2.420.000

Dyed Jacket @ Anja Sun Suko IDR 1.295.000 Patchwork Ankle Boots @ Mogil IDR 1.500.000 Leather Short Jacket @ Mogil IDR 1.350.000


Stretch Tube Dress @ Lily Jean IDR 1.735.000

Leopard Dress @ Anja Sun Suko IDR 1.330.000

Tote Bag @ Gingersnap IDR 1.800.000 Zipped Patch Shoulder Bag @ Mogil IDR 1.350.000



Green Dress @ Lucky Shop Belt @ Animale Bikini Top & Bracelet Stylist’s Own


Dress @ Selphie Bong Shoes & Ring @ Animale Vintage Belt, Vintage Collar & Earrings Stylist’s Own

Dress @ Ali Charisma Earrings @ Stylist’s Own Bracelet & Shoes Model’s Own

Dress, Shoes & Belt @ Espen Salberg Bracelet Model’s Own

Jumpsuit @Ali Charisma Shoes, Bracelet & Necklace @ Animale Earrings @ Betty Bu

Jacket, Necklace, Bracelet & Shoes @ Animale Bikini @ Mode Vintage Belt Stylist’s Own

Vest @ Betty Bu Necklace, Belt & Shoes @ Animale Gold Swimsuit & Bracelet Stylist’s Own

i scoop


The Ever Misleading Concept of Metrosexuality

Trying to pin down the exact point of departure between a fashion savvy metrosexual and his man-loving homosexual counterpart can be like splitting hairs. It is like questioning which one is more brutal, Alien or Predator? Or who is more psycho, Freddy or Jason? Metrosexual is the popular word used to describe the modern man with a high disposable income who pays great attention to his appearance. They're no longer only found between the covers of fashion magazines, on television or in gay bars, metrosexual men are everywhere now -- and they're always so busy grooming. Some women find that the metrosexual man is more tender hearted than his "ordinary" counterpart. I am not surprised though, whose heart wouldn't go to putty after constant pampering with massage, or a lightening body scrub, a wax here and there; oh, and don't forget the cucumber patches to help maintain the shine of the window to his soul. Surely they'll understand women's feelings and how to treat them better after being treated like one. But how far can this metrosexuality go without mistakenly crossing to the other side...homosexuality? With careful observation and a bit of extra common sense, you can spot the difference between these two types of vain men. Ladies, you may want to take some notes if you think your boyfriends' or husbands' metrosexual-o-meter might have gone just a bit too far. Let's explore how to tell when his dedicated urbaneness has taken a turn down Bent Street. Bare in mind, not all facts stated below are 100 percent guaranteed, but it helps to know if your guy prefers James Bond or Elton John.

If he's often overly fussy, like a cockatoo, about aesthetics and behaviors (such as neatness, decoration or public services) or he gets hysterically happy receiving gifts related to body treatment products (such as body lotion, exclusive shaving cream and after shave, perfume, etc), there's an 88% 46

chance he's homosexual. Pay attention to the way he arrange his tops. Size wise, if it's semi-fitted, that's acceptably metrosexual, but if it's so tight you can see the curves of his gym-toned body, he's most likely pitching his tent for the gay camp. Also watch, if he pops the collar of his polo shirt, or "tries" to look preppy by wrapping a sweater around his neck just for the heck of having a "focal point", then he's 99.5% gay. Flat front trousers serve both categories, they are the most commonly seen, but it's just indicating a modern silhouette and should be considered standard for this matter.

"if you see any evidence of whitening cream or concealer in his toiletries, beware of the 80% possibility he prefers the company of gentlemen." Watch out for his selection of accessories. A metrosexual man will choose fashionable items that are rather functional and most importantly practical. If you see him carrying the "it" tote bag (no matter if it's made from canvas or crocodile leather), wearing shoes that are too pointy or too shiny, has reshaped eyebrows and flaunts colored contact lens, I'm sorry ladies, you can say "buh-bye gay!" to him now. Too much perfume can increase gayness 45%, but if you see any evidence of whitening cream or concealer in his toiletries, beware of the 80% possibility he prefers the company of gentlemen. A "Dragon Ball" hairstyle indicates over the top funkiness, which is simply a style gone passe, but when it comes with bits of fringe and Liza Minelli sideburns, and especially if it has been highlighted here and there, then

you're looking at 92% chance he's not just "with it". Shaved armpits sometime present cleanliness, but don't you think it's a bit girlie for guys? Don't worry too much if he's bulky on the top but has a pair of tooth picks for legs. It's quite common for the metrosexual gym bunny to concentrate too much on the upper-body and forget to exercise the legs. Elements of pop culture can be expressed through a dashing of girlie colors on his shirt, tie, or underwear and the appearance of dear cartoon character on his belongings can raise the queer factor 60%. Last but not least, observe his so-called art collection, be it sculpture, painting or photography. If you find pieces inspired by the male body, then I rest my case right now.

It's the world's modernization trend that demands men make themselves their own object of desire and pride. But it’s their lifestyle orientation that causes us confusion in recognizing which of them is straight, bisexual, or gay. No matter if you have a low opinion of metrosexuals, who can hate them when everyone can enjoy the benefits? There's less problems with men's style, they smell good and neatness is not such an issue anymore. Not to mention the esthetics that delights our eyes. These are "bonus" elements from just being plain macho. Instead of sticking to the stereotypical old fashion man that can be dominating sometimes, perhaps you want to opt for metrosexual man who will probably just dominate your shelf space in your bathroom? I know you wouldn't mind sharing your feminine essentials with your metrosexual partner, so do the math, and if his average percentage of H&M-esque is still below 50 percent, then you have nothing to worry about.

words diaz


Model: Salvita Dress, Crystal Necklaces, and braided leather necklace: Heathen

PHOTOGRAPHED BY: Spencer Hansen • FASHION DIRECTOR: Alex Valenzuela • MAKE-UP & HAIR-DO: Monica M. Lawton • Models: Simon, Kat, Salvita for so wanted models

Simon wears Vest & Necklace by Hilmer, Salvita wears Headress, Necklace, & shirt by Sparrow, Earrings by Tawapa

Kat wears Pin Stripe Vest, Hat & Skirt by Steam Trunk, Necklace & Earrings by Tawapa, Boots by Della Rose

Ace Vest & Bandit pants by Steam Trunk, Wrist cuff by Heathen

Jewelry by Tawapa

Jewelry by Tawapa

Salvita wears Dress & top hat by Heathen, Simon wears Leather Jacket, Tank Top & pants by Heathen Simon wears tank top & shorts by heathen, Salvita wears pants & top by Heathen

w w w . v i v a i b a l i . c o m Seminyak Square, Jl. Laksmana

i scoop

Anti Symbiotic? Self:Q Image:A SELF: "I've watched you every night changing faces to keep her guessing. You've mastered the art of deception." She sees through his layers, she put her face on his weary back. SELF: "she's making you heavy my love, bearing all people's opinion in one backpack, glued to the back of your neck." She kisses his neck. Image: "it's called style darling, last time i've checked you out, you had your bra upside down. You live the illusion of originality, while I live in the real world. Brands keep my chin up high and my dreamless boots anchor my steps. Now help me put on the face of reality, I have a date with my beloved society." She draws near him swaying her curves, caresses him, wipes dusty paint of his body. SELF: if you just strip off some of your porcelain ornaments before you go, slowly, one by one, with each goes a mind, a norm, a mental model and sometimes just a fake sensation." He avoids her truthful eyes. She strips off her clothes too, moaning with pleasure. He stands still astonished with her beauty. SELF: "lie over me here so i can smell your essence, she whispers. Unashamed untouched, with no imposed thoughts, no social constructs, just you and your self." He wants to surrender. Their skin touch, burn with their naked heart. SELF: "What the fuck happens with you?" IMAGE: "When?" SELF: "When you meet her! What's her name? Ah! Yea! Society! What the fuck happens in your brain?" Image: "Oh self! We've been through this countless time! I need her attention. Now go back to sleep. You've drawn me out of my fantasy." SELF: "wake up and face me. I'm your self. You drain me." Image: "I thought you're untouchable, so full, so bright." SELF: "and you're too dense with your fake garments blocking my rays, emitting only shadow to the other side, she sighs. Oh dear, we've drifted so much away from who we are, and the saddest part is the absence of me behind your eyes. And at the stake of what? Her pretentious smiles and materialized love? I am your true love." He has run away from her, avoided himself.


SELF: "lie over me here so I can catch a brief reflection of myself through your skinned body starved by media's paradise." She feels his breath heaved by needs. SELF: "you're an educated fool my love with a hole in your chest. Lie over me here and disappear. Let us be one once again, authentic figure in perfect union." He surrenders his colors, becomes almost transparent to the neutral eye. He lies on her breast. Image: "that rope around my neck is aching." He cries tears of child coming home. SELF: "oh my beloved! How far have you gone in training yourself?" She holds him with love, unleashes him from the illusion of society, of duality. He bows for their own beauty unified in a moment of euphoria, kisses her luscious hips, makes love to her all night. They become one.

words Fida Fadel • image Alex Valenzuela

Not sure you love yourself the way you were born with?

To against Mother Nature and prefer to be the archetypal from those commonly labeled ‘cool’ images is fashionably sinful! Now do this style-psychology test and answer it quickly. List your top three favorite animals and why. For example: 1. Dog (smart, adorable, faithful, fierce) 2. Cat (vogue, snob, pretty, arrogant) 3. Iguana (unique, kind, divine, edgy)

Got yours? Now flip the page to find out what the three animals represent you… The first animal is representing the image that you think other people think of you. The second animal represents how other people look at you. The third is the real you.


i feature

OSAMA’S DEAD! WHO WINS? I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." Martin Luther King Jr.

The scene of a jubilant mob celebrating the death of an individual was nothing new, except this type of broadcast generally shows the American flag being set alight rather than being proudly waved by excited persons chanting USA USA, rejoicing in the murder of the world’s so called most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden. These types of scenes whether being broadcast from the Middle East or in this case the USA have always made my stomach turn, celebrating the death of an human being no matter how despicable has always seemed to be grotesque display of the darker side of human nature. The world is no doubt a better place without Osama and I really have nothing but total distaste for the man or his twisted evil ideology, but there will be no champagne corks being popped for his death. As with the execution of the Bali bombers, by killing him I believe the killers have given him what he wanted, a jihad fighters death and he will now be held up as a martyr with an air of mystic rather than a pathetic old hateful killer. At least the Bali bombers got their day in court so the whole world could see what a miserable group of ignorant perverted human beings they were. From early reports it appears that Osama could have been taken alive but was killed execution style unarmed which under international law was illegal. International Law really seems not to be worth the paper it is written on unless it is the stronger States of the West applying it to weaker States; we never hear the USA supporting investigations into claims of the torture of individuals in their custody, illegal invasions, or some of the activities of the State of Israel upon the people of Palestine, but plenty of 62

talk of International law when referring to Libya, Iran and other nations that are not behaving as responsible world citizens. In a perfect world all States and their actions would be subjected to the same set of Laws and the international court have the power to trial any State or individual which breaks these laws. Unfortunately this has never been the case and unfortunately, I doubt ever will be. International Law aside, would it not have been better to have taken Osama alive rather than killing him and giving the body a burial at sea? Does this scenario leave speculation open to conspiracy theorists from all sides of the political divide? Osama will now be remembered by his supporters as an iconic mystical figure fighting the tyranny of the corrupt West in the mountains of Afghanistan. He could have been subjected to the openness of a trail, head and beard shaved in an orange prison jump suit in the defenders box trying to preach his fanatical twisted logic as the numerous cases of murder were read out while having to face the prospect of the rest of his life in a prison cell; would this not have been a better scenario for the fight against fanatical Islam, a case where the leader is made to look pathetic and the West lives up to its ideals of a fair trial and innocence until proven guilty, therefore taking the ethical and moral high road. Maybe if this was to happen Osama may have had some embarrassing revelations about the time when the CIA were supporting the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan with the assistance of the ISI (Pakistan’s Secret Service) and some of the funding arrangements especially with the USA’s key

ally in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia. He may have known too much to have been trialed and it was better to have him killed as dead men don’t talk! Speculation and conspiracy talk already happening hey. By not releasing photo’s of the body, the vocal opponents of President Obama from the nutty right can claim that he was actually not killed or has been dead for years and that the reported killing was just a ploy to increase the popularity of Obama. Obama’s approval ratings within the USA skyrocketed after the news was released and many commentators have claimed this could be the catalyst to ensure a second term as President. The reason given for not showing the body is that it is too disturbing a picture, although Reuters news agency has already released photographs of other men killed in the raid that are very graphic in nature (www.reuters. com/subjects/bin-laden-compound). Maybe if this talk continues a photo will be released to silence the conspiracy such as when Obama produced his birth certificate putting that matter to rest. Osama on trial also could have finally put to rest the biggest conspiracy of all that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Bush administration planned and executed the whole thing. Many films and blogs continue to appear on the internet with theories and claims that prove that the Twin Towers were brought down by bombs, that Bush and his neo-con colleagues planned the whole thing so they could set in motion their plans for the New World Order. The death of Osama will now just add to their deluded theories as proof that it was a conspiracy. Having Osama on trial exposing his planning and execution, funding, and how the whole tragic event unfolded would have put an end to

words andy mac

all of these theories. However, it may have exposed the incredible failure of intelligence gathering and sharing by the responsible security agencies and raised some key questions concerning the funding of the operation putting strain on the relations with the Saudi’s. Whether you are celebrating or mourning the death of Osama Bin Laden, the reality is that the world is not really that different today than it was before his death. Commentators are claiming that it is a great breakthrough in the war on terror, then in the next breath stating we have to stay vigilante

and keep fighting the wars in faraway lands to keep us in the west safe. The reality is that a war on terror can never be won by the West as with every death of a family member by a drone attack in Pakistan, Palestinian child being killed, Iraqi’s being bombed etc just create more hate and hostility towards the west and creates a situation where more recruits for the followers of Osama’s ideology can be found. The Arab spring demonstrates that the young people of the Middle East really do not wish for an Islamic state but yearn for openness and fairness in their society, the right to choose

their leaders and not be dictated to by dictatorial western supported governments. Is it not in the West’s best interest to take the higher road in regards to ethics and law and order to be an example to the world and have put Osama Bin Laden on trial rather than stoop to the level of the people we are supposedly fighting by killing him? If we are willing to forget the very principles we are meant to be fighting for, does that not give the victory to Osama? PEACE.



Bringing a taste of the San Francisco fashion scene to Bali, the Five and Diamond Design Collective is a group of friends who share a vision and a lifestyle. The collaborative project was created to promote the designers while providing a global resource for unique, artistically designed apparel, jewelry and accessories. The flagship store is located in San Francisco, but their eclectic brands are distributed worldwide.


i scoop

In every edition we feature the clothes that we think are cool and cutting edge, the best picks that often expensive. Through this issue, I decided to do it differently. I go out and choose styles that reflect the directions of the season -the Sporty Spice, the Boho Chic, the Rock Star, the Modern Grecian, and the Funky LBD- but in alternative choices for you whether you’re a big spender or a middle ground shopper. It amazes me though, somehow a t-shirt can cost above Rp.300.000 in a trendier shop while you can get something similar below Rp.100.000 in a factory outlet. It’s still a God damn t-shirt after all! Of course the choice is all yours. The more expensive ones are generally stand for better quality. And there’s nothing wrong to project the X-factor image when we want to present ourselves with styles. Before you accuse us of elitism, let me tell you, I am not a big spender myself, in fact I believe most of us aren’t. My clothes are mostly affordable; it always challenged me somehow to stylize those cheap bits and pieces to appear more expensive. Whether viewed as a prime necessity or just something complementary to the unnecessary style fringe, clothes are



When we can’t afford the real thing, some of us rather settle with ‘the artificial’. We’re all aware that fake is cheap, hypocrisy is crap, but being able to trick your budget and still manage to boost your style statement is definitely tres chic!

Modern Grecian

Faux Chanel, Dior, Gucci, LV and Fendi are just another fashion crime you can easily spot on the shoulder of sassy chicks at five star parties or in the alleys of sweating shopping complex Mangga Dua-Jakarta. Imitation, fake, and knock off often put us in later trouble, be it by a hand bag or scumbags. It is part of existing in a trendy world that we tend to serve and eaten raw by the images we think are superb and represent our pride and egos.

Photographed by: Fabio Lorenzo Fashion Director: Diaz Hair & Make-up: Emmanuel Model: Katie (M Model Management) Special thanks to Biasa Art Space for the venue

indispensable in manipulating our appearance either to achieve that glamorous sensation of being in some walk of fame, or simply for the sake of covering our unflattering body from a walk of shame. Whether you care about image or budget, creativity in style can be entertaining. The good thing about fashion that it is free - there's no obligation to follow it if you don't fancy it. Fashion is unpredictable; it is not about what you wear, but how you wear it. And whether you're a fashion leader or a fashion victim, you will get equal space in the fashion spotlight. Even though style may seem to have too much of a flare, fashion justice will always treat us fair. Happy hunting and go shopping!

words diaz

MIDDLE GROUND (left): • Asymmetrical Knit Dress @ 21 Concept Store IDR 450.000 • Gladiator Boots @ Animale IDR 489.000 • Bracelets @ Pure IDR 80.000 each • Feather Hair Bands @ Pure IDR 110.000 each

TOTAL DAMAGE: IDR 1.319.000 HIGH END (right): • White Dress @ Lily Jean IDR 1.835.000 • Shakuhachi Gladiator Heels @ Mode IDR 725.000 • Hoop Earrings @ Betty Bu IDR 180.000 • Chunky Rings @ Animale IDR 295.000 each

TOTAL DAMAGE: IDR 3.625.000 69

i scoop


Boho Chic

MIDDLE GROUND (Right): • Dress @ Betty Bu IDR 190.000 • Pendant Necklace @ Animale IDR 249.000 • Ankle Slipper @ Animale IDR 429.000 • Scarf (as belt) @ Animale IDR 129.000


HIGH END (Left): • Silk Dress @ Mister Zimi IDR 2.600.000 • Decorative Necklace @ Word of Mouth IDR 2.900.000 • Brass Ethnic Necklace @ Word of Mouth IDR 3.500.000 • Decorative Scarf @ Animale IDR 149.000 • Leather Sandal @Mister Zimi IDR 1.000.000



Rock Star


HIGH END (Right):

• Jacket @ Animale IDR 680.000 • Short @ Pure IDR 270.000 • Chain Belt @ Pure IDR 220.000 • Ankle Boots @ Betty Bu IDR 800.000

• Leather Jacket @ Mogil IDR 2.250.000 • Short @ Hussy IDR 590.000 • Leopard Ankle Boots @ Mogil IDR 1.500.000 • Bag @ Jamila IDR 1.875.000



"...Even though style may seem to have too much of a flare, fashion justice will always treat us fair..." 71

i scoop


Sporty Spice 72


HIGH END (Left):

• Stripe Tank Top @ Word of Mouth IDR 250.000 • Track Pants @ Word of Mouth IDR 495.000 • Colorful Watches @ Animale IDR 229.000 each • Decorative Necklace @ Animale IDR 189.000 • Shoes Model’s Own

• Sweat Shirt @ Mode IDR 550.000 • Pleated Track Pants @ Mode IDR 480.000 • Tribal Necklace @ Word of Mouth IDR 3.500.000 • Metal Bangles @ Animale IDR 120.000 each • Shakuhachi Gladiator Heels @ Mode IDR 725.000



Funky LBD

The MIDDLE GROUND (left): • Little Black Pleated Dress @ Betty Bu IDR 420.000 • Black Clutch @ Animale IDR 249.000 • Faux Pearl Bracelet @ Animale IDR 169.000 each • Shoes @ Betty Bu IDR 800.000

TOTAL DAMAGE: IDR 1.807.000 HIGH END (Right): • Little Black Asymmetrical Dress @ Mode IDR 600.000 • Magnolia Bead Bracelets @ Animale IDR 295.000 each • Stilettos @ Jamila IDR 1.180.000

TOTAL DAMAGE: IDR 2.370.000 73

i shopping

STOCKIST SEMINYAK Animale Jl. Raya Seminyak 31, (0361) 737-154, infoadcbali@gmail.com Pure Jl. Raya Seminyak No.35 Somewhere Jl. Raya Seminyak 22 A, (0361) 731-097 21 Concept Store Jl. Raya Seminyak 47 A, www.21dgrs.com Lost in Paradise Jl. Raya Seminyak 34, (0361) 734-723 Mode Jl. Raya Seminyak 26, (0361) 915-8237 Bong’s Jl. Raya Seminyak 42 A, (0361) 730-580, www.selphiebong.com Jamila Jl. Raya Seminyak 49, shop 2, (0361) 737-919, www.jamila-boutique.com

Ali Charisma Jl. Dhyana Pura No.3, (0361) 734-884, www.alicharisma.com Lucky Shop Jl. Dhyana Pura No.5, 081-9361 46627

PETITENGET Mogil 888x Jl. Petitenget www.mogil.biz Anja Sun Suko W Retreat & Spa, Jl. Petitenget, Seminyak – Bali, (0361) 738106 ext.8024 www.anjasunsuko.com

KUNTI Hussy Jl. Kunti, Kunti Arcade, Shop 9 A, (0361) 805-4009, www.hussy.com.au Word of Mouth 9 Jl. Kunti, Kunti Arcade, Shop 10, Seminyak, (0361) 847-5797, www.wordofmouthbali.com

OBEROI Lily Jean Jl. Laksmana 88x, Oberoi, 081-139 8272, www.lily-jean.com Press Ban Jl.Laksamana 50XX, Oberoi, Bali, (0361) 730-486, pressban@hotmail.com Mister Zimi Jl. Kayu Cendana, +62 858 5745-1767, www.misterzimi.com

CANGGU Deus Jl. Batu Mejan No.8, Canggu, (0361) 368-3385, www.deus.co.id Espen Salberg Jl. Raya Canggu No.168, Bali, (0361) 845-0643, www.espensalberg.com

SPECIAL THANKS TO ALEX VALENZUELA Artist & Designer +62 81237684313 www.alexvalenzuela.com

FABIO LORENZO Photographer +62 81933072872 www.fabiolorenzo.com

CLARI Make Up & Stylist +62 82147561411

MONICA LAWTON Make Up Artist +62 81236717723 www.stylecompassinfo.com

DIAZ Creative Director +62 818410875 www.whoisdiaz.com EMMANUEL Make Up & Hairstylist +62 81916282628 www.emmanuelkristyono.com 74

BIASA ART SPACE +62 3618475766 www.biasaart.com MARIA MAGDALENA +62 361731622 www.jps-warungclub.com

SPENCER HANSEN Photographer www.spencerhansen.net

M MODEL MANAGEMENT +62 81353616685 www.mmodelagency.com, www.facebook.com/ mmodelmanagement

FIDA FADEL Writer fidafidel@gmail.com

SO WANTED MODELS +62 81805684343 www.so-wanted.com

i scene

If you are driving along Jl Petitenget and you blink you might be forgiven for not noticing this new little concept warung. It maybe small but like the name says everything on offer in here reaks of a good deal. Cheap Rp12,000 beers and special gourmet instant noodle dishes set the pace in amongst the eclectic post modern interior design. And if you have any worries about a dirty kitchen, forget it, cause the owner is there cooking right in front of your eyes! We are claiming this place as the best creatively inspired places on the island for a casual hangout and cold beers amongst friends. Good Deal Warung Jl. Petitenget no.25 76

i review


JUNGLE RUMBLE JEWELRIES Hail to all animal lovers, these new additions of handmade sterling silver wild life-inspired jewelries from 21 Concept Store are nothing but cute and distinctive. Obviously made out of nature symbolism and ancient mythology, each of animal character reflects peace and somewhat innocence. Strongly influenced by fine arts and illustrations, what you’ll find in this concept store speak passion. Some of the artworks I found here gave me Bjork-ish kind of twist. Indeed, 21 Concept Store is known for its arty, friendly and unique qualities. There are organically dyed silk outfits, artistic print designs tees, Ikat shoes and paintings among other pleasant yet wearable fashion, art, and sport finds. Yeap, this store carries surf label line as well. We love the sense of adventure from their collections, and again, these animal jewelleries are perfect to describe all the above authentic yet ethnical point of views. 21 CONCEPT STORE Jl. Raya Seminyak 47 A, Bali, www.21dgrs.com


BIASA ART SPACE The word ‘biasa’ does not always stands for its direct meaning, ‘ordinary’. This particular art space is rather funky for a gallery. As you step in to this space, you smell the lavender scent across the long ‘sterile’ hallway. Soon enough you’ll see the geometric wooden stairs as the central axis of the building, leading all your senses to witness modern arts displayed surrounding the room. BIASA ArtSpace has been the host to many group and solo exhibitions, bringing together Indonesian and international artists from different age groups, backgrounds and training. The construction of the space act as a territory and a showcase to expose the existence of art communities and progressive individual evolution of selected artists to widely diversified international public. The gallery building, designed by Italian architect Giovanni D’Ambrosio, has now become a distinct container where artists are invited to dialog and interact with its strong character. We also took advantage of this artistic space as the venue for this issue’s “Budget or Image” editorial fashion shoot. BIASA ART SPACE Jl. Raya Seminyak 34, 80361 Bali, (0361) 847-5766, www.biasaart.com

jalan petitenget 888x www.mogil.biz

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