Andrew Charlton Speaks of Green Economics

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Andrew Charlton Speaks of Green Economics

Andrew Charlton is a well known economist that has had his hands in both politics and business as a public figure who is known to both his colleagues as well as their followers. He has published two books and a number of quarterly essays; he has helped boost the development of Coles’ corporate operations; and he had become the Senior Economic Adviser to former PM Kevin Rudd.

Fair Trade Fair trade practices are crucial to the development of poorer nations, says Andrew Charlton. The recent progress that fair trade policies have seen in this century has been a much needed step forward; however these efforts must go further in order to ensure that everyone gets their fair share. Fair trade is a huge advancement in the global fight against poverty, an issue that casts waves across the globe.

Clean Energy As trade grows along with industries and populations, so will the need for clean energy resources. Demand for housing and transportation will go up, and nonrenewable resources will fade. That’s why technologically advanced nations have inherited the responsibility of discovering green technologies that minimize carbon footprints and preserve the ability for ecosystems that provide crucial resources to the advancement of our societies. We need these resources to survive so they can be further researched and developed for use in ways that are friendly to the quality of air, land and water.

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