Icon Books July-Dec 2014

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July – December 2014



The most co political boo yoursympat from 91-yea sensation H

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The most compelling political book – whatever your sympathies – of 2014, from 91-year-old viral sensation Harry Leslie Smith

Harry’s Last Stand

How the world my generation built is falling down, and what we can do to save it

Harry Leslie Smith June

Late last year 91-year old Yorkshireman, RAF veteran and excarpet salesman Harry Leslie Smith’s Guardian article ‘This year, I will wear a poppy for the last time’ was shared almost 60,000 times on Facebook and started a huge debate. ‘November,’ he argued, ‘has become blood-soaked with paper poppies … I will no longer allow my obligation as a veteran to remember those who died to be co-opted to justify our folly in Iraq, our morally dubious war on terror and our elimination of one’s right to privacy.’ Harry’s Last Stand brings his unique perspective to bear on NHS cutbacks, political corruption, food poverty, the lack of dignity in old age – and much more. As someone who lived through the depression of the 1930s, the terror of the Second World War and the post-1945 consensus, Harry here presents a lyrical, searing modern invective that shows what the past can teach us, and how the future is ours for the taking.

Harry Leslie Smith is a survivor of the Great Depression, a Second World War RAF veteran and, at 91, an activist for the poor and for the preservation of social democracy. His Guardian articles have been shared over 60,000 times on Facebook and have attracted huge comment and debate. He has authored numerous books about Britain during the Great Depression, the Second World War and post-war austerity. He lives outside Toronto, Canada and in Yorkshire.

B-format paperback also available in October / £7.99 9781848317369

Politics 9781848317260 £12.99 CAN $26.00 9781848317277 (eBook) £9.99 (eBook) B-format hardback 208 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


Published w Imperial Wa a powerful fi memoir of a crew memb

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Visceral, shocking a of aerial warfare, th the young men invo lived experience m emotional strain ar

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Published with Imperial War Museums – a powerful fictionalised memoir of a bomber crew member

And Some Fell on Stony Ground

A Day in the Life of an RAF Bomber Pilot

A Fictional Memoir by Leslie Mann with an introduction by Richard Overy


In June 1941, Flight Sergeant Leslie Mann, a tail gunner in a British bomber, was shot down over Germany and taken into captivity. After the war, wanting to record the experiences of the RAF’s ‘Bomber Boys’, he wrote down his inner thoughts and feelings as a fictional narrative, recently brought to the attention of Imperial War Museums. Visceral, shocking and unglamorous, it transmits as rarely before the horrors of aerial warfare, the corrosive effects of fear, and the psychological torment of the young men involved. Although presented as fiction, the book’s solid basis in lived experience makes it ring true – the sights, sounds, smells, and above all the emotional strain are intensely evoked with a novelist’s skill. Providing a unique glimpse into a deadly profession and a traumatic time, this compelling story is introduced and placed in context by historian Richard Overy.

Leslie Mann was born in Penang, Malaysia in 1914. After moving to the UK, in 1938 he joined the RAF. He and his fellow crew were shot down and captured near Düsseldorf in June 1941. He died in 1989. Richard Overy is an awardwinning historian. His book, The Bombing War, was described by Richard J. Evans in the Guardian as ‘the most important book published on the history of the second world war this century’.

History / Fiction 9781848317208 £10 CAN $20.00 USA $20.00 9781848317543 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B-format hardback 192 pages with 8 pages of b/w photos TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Imperial War Museum


Superstars, h cheerleader razzamatazz was the Prem and the Cha League rolle

The North Amer 1970s – was wa played by men

More than just Pelé the world game like Marsh to play footb please the fans.

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Rock ’n’ Roll Soccer first truly internatio and how it crashed but laughing all the

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Superstars, hype, cheerleaders, razzamatazz – the NASL was the Premier League and the Champions League rolled into one

Rock ‘n’ Roll Soccer

The Short Life and Fast Times of the North American Soccer League

Ian Plenderleith

Foreword by Rodney Marsh


The North American Soccer League – at its peak in the late 1970s – was way ahead of its time. It was football as performance, played by men with a bent for flair, hair and glamour. More than just Pelé and the New York Cosmos, it lured the biggest names of the world game like Cruyff, Best, Beckenbauer and the mercurial Rodney Marsh to play football as it was meant to be played – without inhibition, to please the fans. It experimented with rules and innovations that upset purists, and liberated players from the negative tactics of the muddy, hooligan-blighted grounds of Europe. Rock ’n’ Roll Soccer reveals in all its glory the colour and chaos of the world’s first truly international league. How it sold itself in a football-alien continent, and how it crashed back down to earth like a rock star’s private jet, bankrupt but laughing all the way. Ian Plenderleith is a USbased British football writer and journalist. He has written about for the Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, When Saturday Comes and Soccer America. He lives just outside Washington DC. Rodney Marsh won nine England caps between 1971 and 1973 and played for Manchester City, QPR and Tampa Bay Rowdies, where he was later a coach. He worked for Sky Sports until 2005.

Sport 9781906850692 £14.99 CAN $29.99 USA $29.99 9781906850722 (eBook) £12.99 (eBook) Demy paperback 304 pages with 8 pages of colour plates TERRITORY: World ex. USA US RIGHTS: Icon Books / Carol Mann Agency TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


Bestselling f biographer L Caioli tackle controversia yet – Liverpo Luis Suárez

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Bestselling football biographer Luca Caioli tackles his most controversial subject yet – Liverpool forward Luis Suárez


The Remarkable Story Behind Football’s Most Explosive Talent

Luca Caioli September

Liverpool’s Luis Suárez has spent most of his career receiving grudging praise while criticism has rained down on him. When in late September 2013 he returned from a landmark ten-match ban for biting Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic, the latest in a long line of high-profile misdemeanours, it seemed unlikely that Suárez would ever win over his critics. Yet just three months later he was the guest of honour at the Football Supporters’ Federation awards, picking up the Player of the Year Award having scored a staggering seventeen goals in eleven league appearances. It capped the ultimate rehabilitation and left Liverpool fighting off the advances of Real Madrid for a player they had been strongly rumoured to be on the verge of kicking out in the summer. Luca Caioli provides an in-depth look at one of football’s most enigmatic characters, detailing his journey from humble Uruguayan beginnings to his headline-grabbing exploits at one of Europe’s most prestigious clubs.

Luca Caioli is the author of bestselling biographies Messi, Ronaldo, Torres and Neymar, as well as Messi, Neymar, Ronaldo comparing the three players. A renowned Italian sports journalist, he lives in Spain, corresponding for SKY Italia and Corriere della Sera.

Football 9781906850777 £8.99 CAN $16.00 USA $15.95 9781906850784 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B format paperback • 208 pages with 4 pages of colour plates TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Acer Literary Agency


The thrilling of what hap prison camp on 30 Augus ‘Zero Night’

In August 1942 the most audaci Warburg in Ger

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The thrilling true story of what happened at prison camp Oflag VI-B on 30 August 1942 – ‘Zero Night’

Zero Night

The Untold Story of World War Two’s Most Daring Great Escape

Mark Felton October

In August 1942 almost 50 British and Australian officers staged the most audacious mass escape of the Second World War at Warburg in Germany. It was the first ‘Great Escape’ – but instead of tunnelling, the escapers boldly went over the huge perimeter fences using wooden scaling contraptions. The notorious ‘Warburg Wire Job’ was described by fellow prisoner and fighter ace Douglas Bader as ‘the most brilliant escape conception of this war’. Months of meticulous planning and secret training hung in the balance during three minutes of mayhem as prisoners charged the camp’s double perimeter fences. Telling this remarkable story in full for the first time, historian Mark Felton brilliantly evokes the suspense of the escape itself and the adventures of those who eluded the Germans, as well as those who helped them in enemy territory. Fantastically intimate and told with a novelist’s eye for drama and detail, this is a rip-roaring adventure story, all the more thrilling for being true.

Mark Felton has written over a dozen books on prisoners of war, Japanese war crimes and Nazi war criminals, and writes regularly for Military History Monthly in the UK and Military History, World War II, Naval History and others in the US.

History 9781848317192 £16.99 9781848317321 (eBook) £12.99 (eBook) Demy Hardback • 288 pages with 8 pages of b&w plates TERRITORY: UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada US RIGHTS: Andrew Lownie Agency TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Andrew Lownie Agency


Icon’s burge Magpie serie the ancient returns with of treasures.

Oxford Classicis literature, myth and Egypt, usin glittering fragm

Who first thought o an oil lamp? Who ca Roman dinner part head?

From ancient cosm ancient languages t the essential misce at school or not.

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Icon’s burgeoning Magpie series flies by the ancient world and returns with an array of treasures.

The Classics Magpie

A cornucopia of classical curiosities, fascinating facts and astonishing anecdotes from the ancient world

Jane Hood October

Oxford Classicist Jane Hood delves into the history, culture, literature, mythology and philosophy of ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, using her expert eye to unearth unexpected gems, glittering fragments and quotable nuggets from a lost world. Who first thought of atoms? How much can you learn about archaeology from an oil lamp? Who came up with the theory of the ‘wandering womb’? What was a Roman dinner party like? Which tragedian was killed when a tortoise fell on his head?





JaNE HOOD has been a lecturer in Classical Languages and Literature, and in Philosophy, ending up as a Fellow in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Oxford specialising in Aristotle and Ancient Medicine. She has held Research Fellowships in Philosophy in Paris and in Ancient Medicine with the Wellcome Institute in London. She likes nothing more than a few peaceful moments by the sea on the Gower in South Wales.

Also available

From ancient cosmetics to chariot-racing hooligans, from the deciphering of ancient languages to the amazing things the Romans did with concrete, this is the essential miscellany for all curious minds, whether you learned the Classics at school or not.

Classics 9781848317307 £12.99 CAN $22.99 US $22.95 9781848317314 (eBook) £9.99 (eBook) B format hardback 224 pages with occasional b&w illustrations TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


The untold s attack in Ben be an HBO fi producer of Candelabra

Benghazi, Libya the fall of Gadd attacks, a group sights set on the the city.

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The untold story of the attack in Benghazi – to be an HBO film from the producer of Behind The Candelabra

Under Fire

The Untold Story of the Attack in Benghazi

Fred Burton & Samuel M. Katz October

Benghazi, Libya. September 11th 2012. Just over a year after the fall of Gaddafi, and on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, a group of heavily armed Islamic terrorists had their sights set on the US diplomatic and intelligence presence in the city. In the prolonged attack, four Americans died, including the American ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, the Information Officer Sean Smith, and two former Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, working for the Central Intelligence Agency. Based on confidential eyewitness sources within the intelligence, diplomatic, and military communities, Under Fire is the terrifying account of that night, and of a desperate last stand amid the chaos of rebellion. ‘Heart-stopping, minute-by-minute detail … a tale of valor on the ground’ Graydon Carter, Vanity Fair Fred Burton is a former State Department counter-terrorism deputy chief and one of the world’s foremost experts on security, terrorists and terrorist organizations. samuel M. katz is an internationally recognized expert on Middle East security issues, international terrorism, and military special operations and counter-terrorism.

Military History / Current Affairs 9781848317284 £8.99 9781848317291 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B format paperback • 320 pages TERRITORY: UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada US RIGHTS: St Martin’s Press TRANSLATION RIGHTS: St Martin’s Press


Geoff Hurst’s 50 Greatest England’s most iconic Footballers of All Time footballer gives his definitive Geoff Hurst list of the greatest players in November the history of the game

Sir Geoff Hurst, from his vantage point as a true national hero and international football ambassador – and still the only man ever to score a hat-trick in a World Cup Final – risks controversy as he narrows down football’s finest to a select 50 in this brilliant new book. From unerringly consistent shot-stoppers to explosively temperamental forwards, not to mention the odd libero, false nine and wing half, the list brings together the greats of every shape, size and position. Sir Geoff brings many first-hand tales of former teammates and rivals, along with tributes of those he’s admired from the terraces. Each entry is accompanied by a photo of the player in their prime. Is Franz Beckenbauer preferred to England’s heroic Bobby Moore? Has Messi managed to edge ahead of his countryman Diego Maradona? Have Bale or Suarez done enough to make the cut? This absorbing book from one of the great icons of the British game is a must-read for football fans everywhere - and the likely start of many forthright debates...

SIR GEOFF HURST MBE is the only man to score a hat-trick in a World Cup final – for England in their historic 4–2 victory over West Germany at Wembley in 1966. With West Ham United he scored 248 goals in 499 first team appearances. He won the FA Cup in 1964 and the European Cup Winners’ Cup 1965. He was selected by Alf Ramsey to lead England’s attack between 1966 and 1972. He enjoyed spells with Stoke City, West Bromwich Albion, Seattle Sounders and Cork City before returning to England. He lives in Cheltenham.

Sport / Football 9781906850791 £10.00 CAN $20.00 USA $20.00 9781906850807 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B-format hardback 224 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


The sequel t copy-selling Do You Thin featuring ev melting Oxb interview qu

From the ever-curio Clever? comes a bra courtesy of even m

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The sequel to the 50,000+ copy-selling Do You Think You’re Clever? featuring even more brainmelting Oxbridge interview questions

Do You Still Think You’re Clever? Even More Oxford and Cambridge Questions!

John Farndon November

From the ever-curious mind that brought you the bestselling Do You Think You’re Clever? comes a brand-new trip to the far reaches of the intellectual universe, courtesy of even more notoriously provocative Oxbridge interview questions.

• How would you poison someone without the police finding out? • What makes a strong woman? • Instead of politicians, why don’t we let the managers of IKEA run the country? • How do you organise a successful revolution? • Why is it a disadvantage for humans to have two legs? • Why are you sitting in this chair? Whether you’re interested in going to Oxbridge or just want to give your brain a workout, join polymath John Farndon on another exhilarating journey through the twists and turns of thought, and explore just what it means to be genuinely clever – rather than just smart.

Also available:


John Farndon is the author of numerous bestsellers on science, ideas and the natural environment. He has been shortlisted a record five times for the Royal Society Junior Science Book Prize. Do You Think You’re Clever? was shortlisted for the Society of Authors Education Award.

Humour / Reference 9781848316294 £12.99 CAN $22.99 US $22.99 9781848316300 (eBook) £9.99 (eBook) B format hardback • 256 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


A wonderful stocking filler book of science poetry written by teenagers aged 11 to 18


The Wonder of Science – in Haiku!

Students of Camden School for Girls November

Gravity: An attractive force Between all objects with mass Just like you and me Physics, Chemistry and Biology are things of magic and wonder. They reveal complex patterns – and often thrilling chaos – at the heart of nature; the strange alchemy of reactions between invisible atoms; the bewildering origins of our universe in the furthest reaches of time and the connections in our brains that create love, fear, joy – and poetry. Sciku brings together more than 400 revealing, poignant, witty haiku on scientific subjects. Written by students at Camden School for Girls – with all royalties from the sale of this book donated to the campaign to modernize their school science laboratory – these poems show that science may have given us the atom bomb, the laptop and the artificial heart but that it remains elegiac, enigmatic and often mind-bogglingly beautiful.

CAMDEN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS is a comprehensive secondary school for girls, with a co-educational sixth form, in the London Borough of Camden in North London. The girls who contributed to this book range from the ages of 11 to 18. SIMON FLYNN is the author of The Science Magpie (‘a cornucopia of curious facts, anecdotes and quotations ... sure to entertain and surprise’ New Scientist) and is a teacher of science at Camden School for Girls.

Science / Poetry 9781848317949 £7.99 CAN $14.95 USA $14.95 9781848317956 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B-format paperback 178 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


Discover the fired the ima the world’s c they were pr for them – a wanted them

From BBC Antiques almanac that keeps idiosyncrasies of th

Allum’s Almanac 20

• What Lee Har • How much the cost per word • The Victorian property mark odd pre-condi • Why someone for the miniatu

Allum’s anecdotal a world fuelled by his Allum’s Almanac wi

Marc A antique based miscel the BBC since 199 The Antiques Magpie (I by Philip Mould as a ‘d from a professional wh can weave it into words 20

Discover the objects that fired the imagination of the world’s collectors, what they were prepared to pay for them – and why they wanted them in the first place!

Allum’s Antiques Almanac 2015 An Annual Compendium of Stories and Facts From the World of Art and Antiques

Marc Allum November

From BBC Antiques Roadshow specialist Marc Allum comes a new annual almanac that keeps you up-to-date with the stories, facts and often amusing idiosyncrasies of the ever-changing global art and antiques market. Allum’s Almanac 2015 reveals such fascinating nuggets as:

• What Lee Harvey Oswald’s wedding ring sold for • How much the world’s most expensive printed book cost per word • The Victorian dolls’ house that joined the soaring property market, sold by the owner with some very odd pre-conditions • Why someone was prepared to pay over £3 million for the miniature effigy of a dashing bodyguard Allum’s anecdotal and irreverent style gives a unique insider’s insight into a world fuelled by history, avarice and passion. This year and in many more Allum’s Almanac will be a must-read for the collector in all of us.

Marc Allum is an art and antiques writer and consultant based in Wiltshire. A miscellaneous specialist on the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow since 1998, he is the author of The Antiques Magpie (Icon, 2013), described by Philip Mould as a ‘delightful nest of insights from a professional who knows the game and can weave it into words.’

Antiques / Art History 9781848317345 £16.99 CAN $22.99 US $22.99 9781848317352 (eBook) £9.99 (eBook) Demy format hardback • 272 pages with frequent b&w illustrations TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


No-nonsense business advice from John Timpson, Chairman of the eponymous high street chain, from his much-admired Daily Telegraph column

Ask John

Straight-talking, common sense from the front line of management

John Timpson November

John Timpson CBE is one of the UK’s most successful businessmen. He is Chairman of the eponymous high street cobblers, key cutters, engravers and watch repairers, with more than 1,300 branches throughout the UK and Ireland and a turnover of £180m. John is hugely admired across the business world for the ‘Upside Down Management’ techniques that put the growth of the business in the hands of its employees – or of John’s colleagues, as they are called. John’s Daily Telegraph column, ‘Ask John’, has been dispensing straight-talking, no-nonsense business advice for more than five years. This book collects and expands the very best from that column for the first time. From why low cost will never be a real substitute for proper customer service to the etiquette of employing interns, John’s honest, common-sense business advice should be required reading for anyone running a business – whatever the size.

JOHN TIMPSON CBE was born in 1943 and educated at Oundle and Nottingham University. In 1975 he became Managing Director of William Timpson Ltd, the business that had borne his family name since 1865, and he is now sole owner of the company, which has a turnover in the UK of £180m per year. His last book, Upside Down Management (Wiley, 2010) was described by the Financial Times as ‘A practical and inspirational manual for anyone who runs a business’. Timpson and his wife Alex have been foster carers for 31 years, during which time they have fostered 90 children. He lives in Cheshire.

Business 9781848317895 £12.99 CAN $22.99 USA $22.95 9781848317901 (eBook) £12.99 (eBook) Demy paperback with flaps 288 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


In one beau Mark Forsyt erudite book wonders of E

‘Kudos should g onions.’ Daily Te

‘Forsyth takes w history.’ Evening

The Elements of Elo and Katy Perry alike effective because it The Horologicon, a familiar situations,

The Sunday Times N strange connection and buffaloes, and with gardening.

Visit markforsyth-p to view highlights o

Mark F and au copy o Diction present back. In Inky Fool blog in order useless information with books have made him known commentators o on Twitter @inkyfool. 22

In one beautiful box set, Mark Forsyth’s witty and erudite books on the wonders of English

The Ternion Set

A box set containing The Etymologicon, The Horologicon and The Elements of Eloquence

Mark Forsyth November

‘Kudos should go to Mr Forsyth ... Clearly a man who knows his onions.’ Daily Telegraph ‘Forsyth takes words and draws us into their, and our, murky history.’ Evening Standard The Elements of Eloquence divulges rhetorical tricks used by the Ancient Greeks and Katy Perry alike, demonstrating how phrases like ‘Bond, James Bond’ are effective because it’s not what you say, but how you say it. The Horologicon, a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week, is a book on weird words for familiar situations, from ante-jentacular to snudge. The Sunday Times Number One bestseller, The Etymologicon, is a book on the strange connections between words, taking in monks and monkeys, film buffs and buffaloes, and explaining precisely what the Rolling Stones have to do with gardening. Visit markforsyth-presspack.tumblr.com – use the password horologicon2012 – to view highlights of Mark’s coverage so far! Mark Forsyth is a blogger and author who was given a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary as a christening present and has never looked back. In 2009 he started The Inky Fool blog in order to share his heaps of useless information with a verbose world. His books have made him one of the UK’s bestknown commentators on words. Follow Mark on Twitter @inkyfool.

English Language 9781848317383 £35 B format hardback • 768 pages TERRITORY: UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada US RIGHTS: Penguin Berkley TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency




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9781848315754 / 9781848315761 (eBook)


Our successful Magpie miscellany series started life with Simon Flynn’s The Science Magpie and now encompasses five titles. In each book an expert author regales the reader with their enthusiasms and expertise, providing a cornucopia of curiosities, amazing anecdotes and fascinating facts. Simon Flynn’s bestselling collection of enthralling facts, stories, poems and more from science’s history. From the Large Hadron Collider rap to the sins of Isaac Newton, The Science Magpie is a compelling collection of scientific curiosities. 9781848315990 / 9781848314313 (eBook) B format paperback / £8.99 / CAN $17.99 / US $17.95

Join naturalists, novelists and poets as they explore the most isolated parts of the planet, choose your side – pineapple or durian – in the great ‘king of fruits’ debate, and discover which plants can be used to predict the weather. 9781848316584 / 9781848315341 (eBook) B format paperback / £8.99 / CAN $17.99 / US $17.95


With many more titles to come, the series will delight and surprise anyone with a curious nature…

With Antiques Roadshow regular Marc Allum as your guide, go in search of stolen masterpieces, explore the first museums, learn the secrets of the forgers and brush up on your auction technique. 9781848317406 / 9781848316195 (eBook) B format paperback / £8.99 / CAN $17.99 / US $17.95

Oxford Classicist Jane Hood literature, mythology and p Roman and Egyptian world to the deciphering of ancie Magpie is the essential misc B format hardback / £12.99 9781848317307 / 978184

A feast of hundreds of food myths and culinary curiosi John Wayne kept his cow at the fork – to satisfy all appe B format hardback / £12.99 978184316638 / 9781848

Magpie es started life nn’s The Science w encompasses

n expert author er with their nd expertise, nucopia of azing anecdotes facts.

e titles to come, elight and e with a curious

ular Marc Allum as your masterpieces, explore the rets of the forgers and brush e. 316195 (eBook) / CAN $17.99 / US $17.95

Also available in November...

Oxford Classicist Jane Hood delves into the history, culture, literature, mythology and philosophy of the ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian world. From chariot racing hooligans to the deciphering of ancient languages, The Classics Magpie is the essential miscellany for all curious minds. B format hardback / £12.99 / CAN $22.99 / US $22.95 9781848317307 / 9781848317314 (eBook)

A beautiful box set containing paperback copies of the Science, Nature and Antiques Magpies £25 / CAN $45 / US $45 9781848317406 A feast of hundreds of food facts, mouth-watering myths and culinary curiosities – from why on earth John Wayne kept his cow at a hotel to who invented the fork – to satisfy all appetites. B format hardback / £12.99 / CAN $22.99 / US $22.95 978184316638 / 9781848316959 (eBook)

Give a charm of curiosities this Christmas!


30-Second Quantum Theory

The 50 most thought-provoking quantum concepts, each explained in half a minute

Brian Clegg July The bestselling 30-Second... series takes a revolutionary approach to learning about those subjects you feel you should really understand. Each title selects a popular topic and dissects it into the 50 most significant ideas at its heart. Each idea, no matter how complex, is explained in 300 words and one picture, all digestible in 30 seconds.

A beautifully illustrated, full-colour guide to one of science’s most infamously impenetrable subjects


30-Second Quantum Theory tackles a mindbendingly mysterious area of physics, introducing the 50 most significant quantum quandaries and ideas. In a world where the quantum physics of electronics is an everyday essential and new quantum developments make headline news, you will visit parallel worlds, ride wave theory, and learn just enough to talk with certainty about uncertainty theory and to untangle the mysteries of quantum entanglement.


Brian Clegg is a science journalist and author whose numerous books include Inflight Science, The Universe Inside You, Introducing Infinity: A Graphic Guide, Dice World and The Quantum Age, all published by Icon. He also runs popularscience.co.uk

Science 9781848316669 9781848317444 (eBook) TERRITORY: UK & Eire US RIGHTS: Ivy Press TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Ivy Press

978184831 38

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eory tackles a ous area of physics, t significant nd ideas. In a world ysics of electronics and new quantum adline news, you , ride wave theory, o talk with certainty ry and to untangle m entanglement.

Science 9781848316669 9781848317444 (eBook) TERRITORY: UK & Eire US RIGHTS: Ivy Press TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Ivy Press

All titles are 237 x 287mm hardbacks with 160 full-colour pages • £14.99 • eBook £7.99 • illustrations throughout

Brian Clegg July



The Solar Revolution

One world. One solution. Providing the energy and food for 10 billion people

Steve McKevitt & Tony Ryan July ‘An important, much needed book.’ Philip Ball ‘Stirring stuff, and well told’ Fred Pearce, New Scientist ‘A ray of sunshine on the issues of food and energy security’ Nature The energy in just one hour’s worth of sunlight could meet the planet’s food a nd fuel needs for an entire year. This astonishing fact is inspiring a new ‘solar revolution’, and in this compelling book Steve McKevitt and Tony Ryan describe the cutting-edge science and technology that will enable 10 billion of us to live happily and sustainably. The Solar Revolution gives a realistic – and optimistic – picture of how are going to live in the surprisingly near future.

Neymar – 2015

The Making of the Wo Greatest New Numbe

Luca Caioli August

In the summer of 2 the chance that elu Zico and Ronaldinh Brazilian number 1 Cup on home soil.

Aged just 22, it is the o he has yet to compete be a highlight in his s career. Since his form Paulo his story has de prestige and glamour match-winning perfo and Brazil alongside s greatest names.

Luca Caioli, author of biographies of Messi looks back on Neyma Featuring exclusive in teammates and coach and Luiz Felipe Scola scoop on football’s ne

Steve McKevitt is an expert in communications and consumerism.

Professor Tony Ryan OBE is a polymer chemist at the University of Sheffield. He delivered the 2002 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures and regularly appears on Radio 4’s Infinite Monkey Cage with Brian Cox and Robin Ince, and has been on In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg.


Science / Politics 9781848316553 £8.99 9781848315624 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B format paperback • 320 pages TERRITORY: UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada US RIGHTS: Marsh Agency TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Marsh Agency

Football 9781906850753 £8.99 CAN $16.00 US $15.95 9781906850760 (eBook) £7.99 256 page with an 8-page colour photo section TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Acer Literary Agency

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Neymar – 2015 Edition

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The Making of the World’s Greatest New Number 10

tt & Tony Ryan July

Luca Caioli August

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In the summer of 2014 Neymar has the chance that eluded the likes of Pelé, Zico and Ronaldinho to wear the iconic Brazilian number 10 shirt in a World Cup on home soil.

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Science / Politics 9781848316553 £8.99 9781848315624 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B format paperback • 320 pages TERRITORY: UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada US RIGHTS: Marsh Agency TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Marsh Agency

Aged just 22, it is the only major tournament he has yet to compete in and promises to be a highlight in his short but exceptional career. Since his formative years in São Paulo his story has developed into one of prestige and glamour, standing out with match-winning performances for Barcelona and Brazil alongside some of football’s greatest names. Luca Caioli, author of bestselling biographies of Messi and Ronaldo, looks back on Neymar’s unstoppable rise. Featuring exclusive interviews with friends, teammates and coaches, including Robinho and Luiz Felipe Scolari, it provides the inside scoop on football’s newest superstar.

Football 9781906850753 £8.99 CAN $16.00 US $15.95 9781906850760 (eBook) £7.99 256 page with an 8-page colour photo section TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Acer Literary Agency

An updated postWorld Cup edition of Luca Caioli’s brilliant biography of the Brazil and Barcelona wunderkind

Luca Caioli is author of bestselling biographies Messi, Ronaldo and Torres, as well as Messi, Neymar, Ronaldo comparing the three players. A renowned Italian sports journalist, he lives in Spain, corresponding for SKY Italia and Corriere della Sera. 43

Mark Forsyt (Charles Mo Daily Telegra and idiosync brilliant thir

In an age unhe the importance The Etymologico

From classic poetry slogans, Mark Forsy Tiger, burning brigh

In his inimitably en shows how you too aiming for literary i of Eloquence proves need to say it well.

窶連n informative but rhetoric ... Mark Fo He also writes beau

Mark F and au made best-kn on wor Etymolog a Sunday Times Numbe was followed by the sim Horologicon (Icon, 201 Twitter @inkyfool 44

Mark Forsyth’s ‘sparkling’ (Charles Moore, Daily Telegraph) and idiosyncratically brilliant third book

The Elements of Eloquence

How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase

Mark Forsyth September

In an age unhealthily obsessed with substance, this is a book on the importance of pure style, from the bestselling author of The Etymologicon and The Horologicon. From classic poetry to pop lyrics and from the King James Bible to advertising slogans, Mark Forsyth explains the secrets that make a phrase – such as ‘Tiger, Tiger, burning bright’, or ‘To be or not to be’ – memorable. In his inimitably entertaining and witty style he takes apart famous lines and shows how you too can write like Shakespeare or Oscar Wilde. Whether you’re aiming for literary immortality or just an unforgettable one-liner, The Elements of Eloquence proves that you don’t need to have anything to say – you simply need to say it well. ‘An informative but highly entertaining journey through the figures of rhetoric ... Mark Forsyth wears his considerable knowledge lightly. He also writes beautifully.’ David Marsh, Guardian

Mark Forsyth is a blogger and author whose books have made him one of the UK’s best-known commentators on words. His book The Etymologicon (Icon, 2011) was a Sunday Times Number One bestseller and was followed by the similarly successful The Horologicon (Icon, 2012). Follow Mark on Twitter @inkyfool

Language 9781848317338 £8.99 9781848316225 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B format paperback • 224 pages TERRITORY: UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada US RIGHTS: Penguin Berkley TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency


The Ryder Cup

A History of Golf’s Greatest Match

Peter Pugh and Henry Lord September

Played every two years, originally between Great Britain and Ireland and the USA and, since 1979, between Europe and the USA, The Ryder Cup is golf’s greatest tournament. Peter Pugh and Henry Lord present the latest edition of their Cup history, telling stories that include the world’s most successful golfers – Walter Hagen, Henry Cotton, Gene Sarazen, Sam Snead, Ben Hogan, Dai Rees, Lee Trevino, Tony Jacklin, Jack Nicklaus, Nick Faldo, Seve Ballesteros and Tiger Woods.

A revised edition – for the September Gleneagles match – of the ‘authoritative, up-to-date’ (Golftoday.com) Ryder Cup history

Peter Pugh was educated at Oundle and Cambridge, where he was a member of the golf team. He has written many books on golf and golf clubs as well as about 50 company histories, including The Magic of a Name, a three-volume history of Rolls-Royce. 46

With photographs capturing legendary Cup moments, this edition is published on the eve of September 2014’s match at the beautiful Gleneagles. Europe hold the trophy after their dramatic victory at Medinah Country Club, Chicago, in 2012. The Ryder Cup – described as ‘wellresearched … a historical but entertaining account of the Cup’ by National Club Golfer – is the essential companion.

Golf 9781906850739 £8.99 CAN $16.00 US $15.95 9781906850746 (eBook) £7.99 B format paperback • 304 pages with an 8-page colour photo section TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency

The Burglar Ca by a Skeleton

And Other Singular Ta

Jeremy Clay November

‘Clay takes us on a through the seedy, sensational stories in the Victorian pre minutiae of Victoria The Field



From the newspaper Library, Jeremy Clay h lost stories that enthr Victorian Britain.

Within these pages ar and tragedies of nine time when life was ha lived, and gloating ov misfortune a thoroug entertainment.

Deliciously dreadful a The Burglar Caught b you, one way or anoth

Humour / History 9781848317376 £8.99 CAN $16.00 US $15.95 9781848316201 (eBook) £7.99 B format paperback • 320 pages with frequent b/w illustrations TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency

The Ryder Cup

Golf’s Greatest Match

nd Henry Lord September

rs, originally n and Ireland ce 1979, between The Ryder Cup is ament.

ord present the latest tory, telling stories most successful Henry Cotton, Gene n Hogan, Dai Rees, n, Jack Nicklaus, Nick and Tiger Woods.

uring legendary ion is published r 2014’s match gles. Europe hold amatic victory at Chicago, in 2012. bed as ‘wellal but entertaining National Club Golfer nion.

Golf 9781906850739 £8.99 CAN $16.00 US $15.95 9781906850746 (eBook) £7.99 B format paperback • 304 pages h an 8-page colour photo section TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency

The Burglar Caught by a Skeleton And Other Singular Tales from the Victorian Press

Jeremy Clay November ‘Clay takes us on a delightful romp through the seedy, saucy and sensational stories hidden away in the Victorian press ... All the minutiae of Victorian life is here.’ The Field MAN SWALLOWS MOUSE AND DIES PALLBEARER KILLED BY COFFIN IN GRAVEYARD From the newspaper archives of the British Library, Jeremy Clay has unearthed the longlost stories that enthralled and appalled Victorian Britain. Within these pages are the riotous farces and tragedies of nineteenth-century life, a time when life was hard, pleasures shortlived, and gloating over other people’s misfortune a thoroughly acceptable form of entertainment. Deliciously dreadful and deliriously funny, The Burglar Caught by a Skeleton will have you, one way or another, in tears.

Humour / History 9781848317376 £8.99 CAN $16.00 US $15.95 9781848316201 (eBook) £7.99 B format paperback • 320 pages with frequent b/w illustrations TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency

The Bunny Suicides of the 1800s – extraordinary, bizarre and often morbidly funny stories from the depths of the Victorian press

Jeremy Clay is Features Editor at the Leicester Mercury. He is the author of two books, most recently Blokes with Balls (New Holland, 2005). 47

The Antiques Magpie A Compendium of Absorbing History, Stories and Facts from the World of Antiques

Marc Allum November From the mythical artefacts of the ancient world to saucy seaside postcards, The Antiques Magpie explores the wonderful world of antiques and collectables. With Antiques Roadshow regular Marc Allum as your guide, go in search of stolen masterpieces, explore the first museums, learn the secrets of the forgers and brush up on your auction technique.

A brilliant miscellany from Antiques Roadshow specialist Marc Allum, described as ‘a delightful nest of insights’ by Philip Mould

MARC ALLUM is a freelance art and antiques writer and consultant based in Wiltshire. Marc has been a miscellaneous specialist on the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow programme since 1998. 48

You Are the Mu

How Music Reveals Wh

Victoria Willia December

Do babies rememb womb? Is music go What is going on in Ultravox’s ‘Vienna’ ‘Verklärte Nacht’ o ‘Bonkers’ transport particular moment

Meet the garden gnome insured for £1 million, track down Napoleon’s toothbrush, find out how to spot a corpse in a Victorian photograph – and much more.

In this brilliant new e of music in all our live Victoria Williamson e ways in which music first in utero experien to adult life, and the p who we are, as a spec

As Country Life said, the book is not only ‘a very useful overall guide for collectors ... and a source of unlikely information, but a laugh a page. A perfect present for virtually everyone.’

Join Williamson for a music of our lives. Th book reveals as never the universal languag deep inside us all.

Antiques 9781848317420 £8.99 CAN $18.00 US $17.95 9781848316195 (eBook) £7.99 B format paperback • 224 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency

Music / Psychology 9781848317437 £8.99 CAN $18.00 US $17.95 9781848316874 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B format paperback • 272 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency

tiques Magpie

pendium of Absorbing tory, Stories and Facts the World of Antiques

Marc Allum November

tefacts of the y seaside ues Magpie ul world of ables.

w regular Marc in search of stolen he first museums, forgers and brush hnique.

e insured for £1 poleon’s toothbrush, orpse in a Victorian h more.

e book is not only ide for collectors ... information, rfect present for

Antiques 9781848317420 £8.99 CAN $18.00 US $17.95 9781848316195 (eBook) £7.99 B format paperback • 224 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency

You Are the Music

How Music Reveals What it Means to be Human

Victoria Williamson December

Do babies remember music from the womb? Is music good for productivity? What is going on in your brain when Ultravox’s ‘Vienna’, Schönberg’s ‘Verklärte Nacht’ or Dizzee Rascal’s ‘Bonkers’ transports you back to a particular moment in your life? In this brilliant new exploration of the place of music in all our lives, music psychologist Victoria Williamson examines the many ways in which music affects us, from our first in utero experiences of sound through to adult life, and the part it plays in shaping who we are, as a species and as individuals. Join Williamson for a journey through the music of our lives. This upbeat, eye-opening book reveals as never before the extent of the universal language of music that lives deep inside us all.

Music / Psychology 9781848317437 £8.99 CAN $18.00 US $17.95 9781848316874 (eBook) £7.99 (eBook) B format paperback • 272 pages TERRITORY: World TRANSLATION RIGHTS: Icon Books / Marsh Agency

‘A fascinating insight into our relationship with music.’ Claudia Sunderhauf, Waterstones Edinburgh

Victoria Williamson is a lecturer and researcher in the psychology of music who holds academic posts in the UK and Switzerland. She has spoken at TED, Latitude and the British Science Festival, and her writing has appeared in the NME. Her academic research has been presented across BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky and CNN. Victoria also hosts the popular blog musicpsychology.co.uk 49







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Family Fatal Attraction The First 20 Min Football Freakin For Whom the B Fordlandia Forty-fied Foul Play Frank Whittle From Democrat Fundamentalist Future Proof The Genius in Al The Girl on the W The Globalisatio God’s Philosoph The Gold Mine E Googlies, Nutme The Grand Prix C The Great Books Great Operas Groovy Old Men Harry’s Last Stan Harry’s Last Stan The Happiness E Hess, Hilter and The Highest Per A History of Brit A History of Eng Hives and the M Hope for Anima The Horologicon How Big is Your How Far is Up? How I Caused th How to be a Prod How to Rememb Human Being to Improve Your M In Harm’s Way In Search of Sup In the Red Inflight Science The Intellectual Iran Isabel’s World Issigonis Jilted Generation Join the Club July 1914 The Kitchen Ma Knowledge is Po Kuhn vs Popper Latitude Lewis Hamilton Life and Death Life in the Beaut The Lives and Ti A London Count Losing It Love and Longin Love at First Site Love, Sex, Death Lovelock and Ga The Lucky Bugg Lucky Planet The Lying Ape Mafia Son The Magic of a N The Magic of a N The Magic of a N Making Time The Man Who At The Man Who Ra The Manhattan Mark Forsyth’s G Masters of Desig The Men Who M Messi Michael Faraday A Mind of Its Ow Moving Heaven The Nature Mag


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