London Book Fair 2011
Translation Rights List Stand H860
HERGÉ The Genius of Tintin: A Biography Raphaël Taylor Georges Remi, better known as Hergé, is widely regarded as the greatest twentieth-century master of the European bande dessinée. His Tintin books have sold well over 200 million copies worldwide. Drawing from private archives, exclusive interviews and thousands of hours of research, Raphaël Taylor both tells the story of the man’s life – which spanned the greater part of the twentieth century – and searches for the inspiration behind his work. Taylor explores Hergé the man, covering his youth, his controversial life in Nazi-occupied Brussels during the Second World War, his depressive crises, the break-up of his first marriage and the manner in which his later life became a ‘practice of philosophy’. For fans, Taylor’s painstakingly researched biography will bring many new insights; for those who know less about Hergé, this is a beautifully written, sympathetic portrait of a fascinating writer and artist whose work has enchanted millions.
Detailed Chapter Outline: Early March Full MS available: Mid May 2011 Publication Date: 6th October 2011 Rights available: World
Raphaël Taylor is an independent scholar with a Ph.D from King’s College London and is an expert on Hergé and Tintin. He is half-French and bilingual. Born in Scotland, he learnt to read in French with the Tintin books.
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The Practical Guides
Rights Available: World A new brand of the Introducing series useful, focused guides that get big ideas working for YOU Beginning with Psychology, the series will expand to cover subjects such as Atheism, Statistics, Game Theory and the Philosophy of Love in 2012.
Introducing CBT: A Practical Guide Elaine Iljon Foreman and Clair Pollard Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, commonly known as CBT, has roots stretching back as far as the ancient Greeks. It is a talking cure – a branch of therapy widely regarded as effective in curing or at least alleviating the symptoms of a wide range of disorders from anorexia to post-traumatic stress disorder. Whether you’re suffering from a particular complaint or simply feel that CBT’s measured and results-driven approach can be of benefit to you, this is the perfect concise guidebook. Full MS Available: Mid May Publication Date: 4th Aug 2010 Rights Available: World
Introducing Child Psychology: A Practical Guide Kairen Cullen Child Psychology is a branch of developmental psychology, which is the scientific study of systematic psychological changes that occur in human beings over the course of their life span. In this Practical Guide child psychologist Kairen Cullen applies the lessons from a lifetime’s research and practice in the area to help you understand, without jargon or technical language, why your child develops in the way that he or she does, and how you can best create the conditions for their living a healthy, successful and happy life.
Full MS Available: Mid May Publication Date: 4th Aug 2010 Rights Available: World
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Introducing NLP: A Practical Guide Neil Shah Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach to psychotherapy and organisational change, which, though sometimes controversial, has built up a huge following among a wide range of people keen to live fuller, more successful and more rewarding lives. By focusing on how we communicate – the words we use as well as non-verbal communication such as body language – NLP seeks to change our mental habits into those of more successful people. Full MS Available: Mid May Publication Date: 4th Aug 2010 Rights Available: World
Introducing Psychology of Success: A Practical Guide Alison Price What is it about entrepreneurs, industry-leaders, medalwinning athletes or in-demand freelancers that makes them successful over a long period of time? Occupational Psychologist Alison Price explores both how successful people think, and how the organizations in which they work foster a culture of success. With numerous real-life case studies, practical strategies to implement and easy-to-remember points to remember, this book could be your first step to a more successful life.
Full MS Available: Mid May Publication Date: 4th Aug 2010 Rights Available: World
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Introducing Sport Psychology: A Practical Guide Dr. Arnold LeUnes Sport Psychology is the study of the psychological factors that affect participation and performance in sports. It deals with increasing performance by managing emotions and minimizing the psychological effects of injury and poor performance. Some of the most important skills taught are goal setting, relaxation, visualization, self-talk, awareness and control, concentration, confidence, using rituals, attribution training, and periodization.
Full MS Available: Mid May Publication Date: 4th Aug 2010 Rights Available: World
With straightforward mental exercises, point-by-point suggestions for improvement and real-life examples – whether you’re an aspiring athlete or just someone who wants to perform your chosen sport a little better, this Introducing Practical Guide is for you.
Trait Emotional Intelligence: A Practical Guide Dr. Konstantinos Petrides Emotional intelligence is the innate potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remember, describe, identify, learn from, manage, understand and explain emotions. Increasingly it is seen that people who have a higher level of emotional intelligence do better at work in all sorts of fields and in relationships from marriage to casual friends to how you get on with your colleagues. This guide both explores what Emotional Intelligence – particularly the branch known as Trait Emotional Intelligence – is all about, and how you can cultivate a higher EI yourself.
Full MS Available: Mid May Publication Date: 4th Aug 2010 Rights Available: World
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INFLIGHT SCIENCE: A Guide to the World from Your Airplane Window Brian Clegg Acclaimed science writer Brian Clegg shows how you stay up there – but that’s only the beginning. Inflight Science explains the ever-changing view, whether it’s crop circles or clouds, mountains or river deltas, and describes easy-to-do experiments to show how a wing provides lift, how to calculate how far away you are from distant objects, or the population of the towns you fly over. Fascinating facts to discover include: The jet stream winds are so fast that a plane travelling west to east within them can fly beyond the speed of sound. The wingspan of a 747 is around twice the distance flown by the Wright Flyer, the first powered plane, on its maiden flight. With good visibility and total darkness, the human eye is so sensitive that you could see a single candle from the cruising height of a plane.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 7th April 2011 Rights available: World
Inflight Science is a voyage of scientific discovery perfect for any journey – even if it’s just in your armchair.
Brian Clegg is a science journalist and writer. He runs and his previous books include Before the Big Bang (St Martin’s Griffin, 2011), Armageddon Science (St Martin’s Press, 2010), The God Effect (St Martin’s Griffin, 2009) and A Brief History of Infinity (Robinson Publishing, 2003).
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SOCRATES VS. JESUS The Struggle for the Meaning of Life Steve Fuller Socrates and Jesus are among Western culture’s most iconic figures. They are even offered as exemplars of what it means to be human. Both are notable for their forthright views on the extent of moral obligation and the limits of knowledge, the meaning of life and the prospects of an afterlife. They were also both ‘celebrities’, and both died to make a point. But how do the lives of Socrates and Jesus look to 21st century eyes? Would either attract a following today? Steve Fuller compares Socrates and Jesus as guides to living today and, in a point that will prove controversial to our secular reverence for Socrates, he argues Jesus is the more demanding philosopher – and that Socrates is really just a Christ-lite.
Full MS available: May 2011 Publication Date: 2nd June 2011 Rights available: World ex. US
Steve Fuller is Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick. He is the author of Dissent over Descent (Icon, 2008), Kuhn vs. Popper (Icon, 2003) and many other books.
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LOVE, SEX, DEATH AND WORDS Surprising Tales from a Year in Literature John Sutherland and Stephen Fender ‘Love, Sex, Death and Words ... is an enjoyable and entirely arbitrary romp through a leap year of anecdotes, from January 1st and the vexed history of the copyright of Peter Pan to the December 31st publication of Richard Yates’s 1961 novel Revolutionary Road, with stops along the way to visit Nietzsche at his typing lessons and Alexander Pope at his doctor’s. Good, clean, harmless fun.’ John Banville, Books of the Year, Irish Times Love, sex, death, boredom, ecstasy, existential angst, political upheaval – the history of literature offers a rich and varied exploration of the human condition across the centuries.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 7th October 2010 Rights available: World
Find out what happened when the young Alexander Dumas fought a duel on 5 January 1825, how Proust, Joyce, Picasso, Stravinsky and Diaghilev got on at a dinner party on 18 May 1922, the ban on which dystopian book was finally lifted in Australia on 23 March 1933 and much more...
Rights sold: Chinese World except Mainland – Heliopolis Culture Group (complex characters)
John Sutherland is Lord Northcliffe Professor Emeritus at University College London. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and was Chair of the Man-Booker Prize panel in 2005. Stephen Fender was born in San Francisco, and educated at Stanford and the Universities of Wales.
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INTRODUCING SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK A Graphic Guide Christopher Kul-want and Piero Slavoj Zizek is one of those rare philosophers writing today whose fame exceeds academia and who is widely known publicly. Zizek’s work and writings revolve around several interrelated areas. His earlier work is very much involved in elucidating Lacanian psychoanalysis through examples from American cinema as well as high literature and pulp novels. Besides his work on popular culture, throughout his writings from his early work as a journalist in Slovenia to his most recent books Zizek has been concerned with the twin subjects of politics and ideology. Christopher Kul-want and Piero’s Introducing guide deftly explores this revered but often challenging thinker and succinctly shows how Zizek’s entire work can be seen as an attempt to outline a new theory of enjoyment.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 1st September 2011 Rights available: World See much more about the INTRODUCING series at
Christopher Kul-Want is Course Director of the MA in Fine Art at Byam Shaw School of Art, London. Piero is an illustrator, artist and graphic designer whose work has twice been included in the Royal College of Art in London. He has illustrated many Introducing titles. Icon Books Rights List LBF 2011 Stand H860, Contact:
INTRODUCING ECONOMICS A Graphic Guide David Orrell and Borin Van Loon. Brand-new INTRODUCING guide to the subject that makes the world go round. Economics was described by the English economist Lionel Robbins in 1935 as ‘the science of scarcity’ but these days economics is everywhere, and it’s never been more popular – as bestselling books such as Freakonomics attest. But what is economics really all about? What do the great economists think, and what can economics do for us today? David Orrell, author of Economyths, explains all in Introducing’s trademark intelligent but witty style, accompanied by brilliant illustrations from the legendary Borin van Loon.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 2nd June 2011 Rights available: World ex. USA See much more about the INTRODUCING series at
David Orrell is a Canadian mathematician who lives in Oxford, where he also obtained his doctorate. Borin Van Loon has worked on numerous Introducing titles. Icon Books Rights List LBF 2011 Stand H860, Contact:
A CARPET RIDE TO KHIVA Seven Years on the Silk Road Christopher Aslan Alexander ‘Too many travel writers visit Central Asia in a hurry, bulking out their own misadventures with a slice of the region’s colourful history. But the strength of this readable book derives from the author’s patience: after seven years in Uzbekistan, Alexander has provided a frank and penetrating portrait of the country, with all its contradictions and absurdities. He writes with clear-eye observation and courage.’ Times Literary Supplement Chris Alexander originally travelled to Khiva, a remote walled city in Uzbekistan on the route of the ancient Silk Road, to write a guidebook. But he stayed, mesmerized by a world of silk and forgotten 15th-century carpet designs – discovering indigo blue, madder red, pomegranate gold and the subtle shades of life in a desert oasis.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 1st July 2010 Rights available: World ex. USA
Alexander’s entrancing travelogue sees him stripped naked at a former Soviet youth camp, crawling through silkworm droppings, tackling a carpet-thieving mayor, distinguishing natural dyes from sacks of opium in Northern Afghanistan, bluffing his way through My Heart Will Go On for Uzbek TV and seeking sanctuary as an anti-Western riot consumed the Kabul carpet bazaar. Christopher Aslan Alexander was born in Turkey and grew up in war-torn Beirut. While writing a guidebook about Khiva, he fell in love with this desert oasis boasting the most homogenous example of Islamic architecture in the world, and stayed.
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GOD’S PHILOSOPHERS How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science James Hannam SHORTLISTED FOR THE ROYAL SOCIETY PRIZE FOR SCIENCE BOOKS 2010 ‘Wonderful…with an engaging fervor, James Hannam has set about rescuing the reputation of a bunch of half-forgotten thinkers, and he shows how they paved the way for modern science.’ Boris Johnson, Mail on Sunday ‘A well-researched, fluently written account of a fascinating period. Hannam clearly understands the science (and some of it is dazzlingly sophisticated) and he has an eye for the seductive story…the best parts are a triumph’ Catholic Herald Charting an epic journey through six centuries of history, God’s Philosophers debunks many myths about the Middle Ages. As James Hannam reveals, the period gave rise to staggering achievements in science and technology – spectacles and the mechanical clock were both invented in thirteenth-century Europe and ideas from the Far East, like printing, gunpowder and the compass, were taken further by Europeans than the Chinese had imagined possible.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 6th August 2009 Rights sold: Netherlands - Nieuw Amsterdam Germany - Sankt Ulrich Verlag Turkey - Dogus Grubu Iletisim
Dr James Hannam was educated at Oxford and Cambridge where he studied physics and then the history of science. Hannam runs the website which receives up to 40,000 page views a month.
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BATS SING, MICE GIGGLE The Surprising Science of Animals’ Inner Lives Karen Shanor and Jagmeet Kanwal 'Did you know that spiders taste with their feet, that a decapitated cockroach can live for two weeks, that a certain type of parrotfish wraps itself in a sort of foul-smelling snot before taking a nap, and that ants play? I didn't until I read Bats Sing, Mice Giggle.' New Scientist ‘Amazing, moving and enlightening. Bats Sing, Mice Giggle presents the latest findings on the intimate lives of animals with great elegance. I recommend it wholeheartedly.’ Larry King Did you know that bats compose their own songs? That mice giggle when tickled? That porpoises go to sleep in only one-half of their brains at a time? That lizards do push-ups to seduce a mate, or that fish yawn?
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 1st May 2010 Rights available: World ex. USA
Drawing upon the very latest scientific research, Karen Shanor and Jagmeet Kanwal show how animals build, create and entertain themselves and others; how they express grief, joy, anger and fear; how animal ‘friends’ keep in touch; and how some animals problem-solve even more effectively than humans. Karen Shanor is a clinical psychologist, former White House consultant and an advisory member for Discovery Channel's Animal Planet programs. Jagmeet Kanwal is an internationally recognized neuroethologist and was among the first to perform magnetic resonance imaging in awake animals.
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THE WORLD’S GREATEST IDEA The Fifty Greatest Ideas that Have Changed Humanity John Farndon Where would humanity be now without fire, vaccinations, farming … or wine? A great idea is one that has changed the path of human civilisation. But which is the greatest of them all? John Farndon, author of the bestselling Do You Think You’re Clever?, has set out to find the answer. A distinguished panel of experts agreed on a list of 50 ideas, and each chapter of The World’s Greatest Idea sees Farndon explore the argument for a different one.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 7th October 2010 Rights Available: World ex. USA
The candidates are intriguingly varied: Electricity grids enable us to power our cities, but then sewers Rights Sold: Turkey – Dogus Grubu allowed those cities to grow. Without the wheel, Iletisim modern civilisation would be pretty much Romanian – Litera Inernational impossible, but take away Logic and we’d lose the Korean – Woong gjin Think Big Co essential structures for rational thought ... But then Ltd. what would be the point of all of this without the idea of romance? The World’s Greatest Idea is an enthralling voyage of discovery through the most powerful intellectual, social, scientific and creative brainwaves humans have ever had.
John Farndon is the author of many books on contemporary issues, including China Rises and India Booms (Virgin), and Bird Flu and Iran in the Everything You Need to Know series (Icon). He is the author Do You Think You’re Clever? The Oxford and Cambridge Questions, also published by Icon Books.
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THE SOLDIER A Story of Courage, Sacrifice and Brotherhood Darren Moore ‘This is a powerful book, and should be read anyone contemplating taking the queen’s shilling’ Max Arthur From Wellington’s battles against the French in Spain to the horrors of deadly house-to-house fighting by US Marines in Fallujah, this unique history of the soldier provides a penetrating insight into the politics, emotions and psychology of war and its aftermath. Drawing upon hundreds of narrative accounts of warfare written by soldiers (and sailors, airmen and marines) from many nations (including contemporary accounts from Iraq and Afghanistan), Darren Moore’s book, in the words of Martin Bell OBE, ‘really gets inside the soldier’s mind and benefits from setting out the record without sentiment. It is a timely and unvarnished reminder of the reality of warfare.’
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 2nd September 2010 Rights available: World ex. USA
Darren Moore served in the Australian Army for seventeen years and held the rank of major when he left the service. He is a graduate of the Australian Defence Force Academy, the Royal Military College, Duntroon and the Australian Command and Staff College (Joint). Icon Books Rights List LBF 2011 Stand H860, Contact:
ECONOMYTHS Ten Ways that Economics Gets it Wrong David Orrell From the failure of wealth to make us happier to the catastrophic blindness to the credit crunch, Economyths reveals ten ways in which economics has failed us all. A forgotten casualty of the crash of 2008 was the credibility of economics, which for decades has claimed that the economy is a rational, stable, efficient machine, governed by wellunderstood laws. Mathematician David Orrell traces the history of this idea from its roots in ancient Greece to the financial centres of London and New York, shows ten distinct ways in which it is mistaken – and proposes new alternatives. Orrell explains how the economy is the result of complex and unpredictable processes; how risk models go astray; why the economy is not rational or fair; why until very recently no woman had ever won the Nobel Prize for economics; why financial crashes are less Black Swans than part of the landscape; and finally, how new ideas in mathematics, psychology, and environmentalism are helping to reinvent economics.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 6th May 2010 Rights available: World ex. USA Rights sold: Chinese Mainland only - China Machine Press (simplified) Indonesia - Hikmah Publishing Japanese Portuguese/Brazil only - Distribuidora Record S.A
David Orrell is a Canadian mathematician who lives in Oxford, where he also obtained his doctorate.
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DO YOU THINK YOU’RE CLEVER? The Oxford and Cambridge Questions John Farndon Why can’t you light a candle in a spaceship? What books are bad for you? Is feminism dead? Every year interviewees for Oxford and Cambridge colleges are posed such curious conundrums, aimed at separating the merely bright from the truly clever. Providing dazzling responses to 60 of these infamously perplexing problems, Do You Think You’re Clever? explores the twisting paths your mind can take when you’re really made to think.
Full MS available: NOW Publication Date: 3rd June 2010 Rights available: World ex. USA
From philosophy to physics and from literature to logarithms John Farndon traverses the great mountain ranges of the mind and considers why the pole vaulting world record will never exceed 6.5m, whether there are too many people in the world, how crime might be reduced through architecture - and much more…
Rights sold: Thailand - WeLearn Co Ltd Japan - Kawade Shobo Shinsha Ltd Romania - Nemira Publishing House Turkey - Dogus Grubu Iletisim Korea - Random House Korea Chinese (simplified) Mainland, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong & Mac – Xinhua Publishing House
John Farndon, a graduate of Jesus College, Cambridge, is the author of many books on contemporary issues, including China Rises and India Booms (Virgin), and Bird Flu and Iran in the Everything You Need to Know series (Icon). He is the author of The World’s Greatest Idea, also published by Icon Books.
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Backlist Highlights
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