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Andrew Geathers
During my metamorphisis in college, I have learned how to not accept everything and instead question it. I am a revolutionary determined to have the voices of the oppressed heard and recognized. Thus, everyday is an instance of the rejection of the white racist, capitalist, imperialist patriarchy that exist today. I know that this is a turn off for a lot of women, but guess what? At the point where you reject me and the revolution that I am, then you are just another compliant docile body in the system. And I have no time for you. I draw a lot of my inspiration from revolutionaries like Che Guevara, Assata Shakur, The Black Panther Party, and Malcolm X. I am always engaged in intellectual endeavors so that I can improve myself as a person and as a revolutionary. Thus, I am a lone wolf, taking it to the world of corruption that exists and fighting for the people who are oppressed. Viva La Revoluccion!