1 8 6 3
"'W"I:TH F U L L
Vol. 7.-No. 164 j
Mr. P. Waddacor and Mr. J. Groenfield will give
Will be issued as under :Saturday
Fares to Lincoln and back same day.
Til\IE OF STARTING. ""Mn~ -.:;,)i rt.m. \Id'" 2clus 3cluss
0 10 t.* 18 th3 0 7 2 !J .J.0* IS 411!:!11 7 f>:',Jol50 ,!l iir•*t1l7 1'1 2 nr, iill}l5J !l 5!l* 1l7 7 12 (lfi 1 010*j17 f 1' :l 3 U Mdl I :111 4f> ~ D0\9 40*•17 0 12 (i 7 25!l2f> .. l1u P!lt ~n 1 ~ I;) Dt 1%5*1 1 45 !l f> :l 0
124, South Chester Street, Toxtrth Park, Liverpool, will give £25 to be coursed for in an
All .England Rabbit Coursing Sweepstakes,
£ 2 5 I On Satw·day dJ Monday, October 28th ,{) 30th, . Mr.Stanley, T. Johnson's, CatLle Market Inn, Old Swan To be run for in an All-England 440 Yards Handicap, At Hoad, near Liverpool. hntrance Fees :
,e Monday,
October 28
,e 30, 1871.
Doas over SOl o., l 5s. ; under 30lb., 12s. ; under 261b., 8s.~ under 221b., 5s. Auy dispute arising during the Sweep will be settled by the Promoter.
G. R.
Great 120 Yards Novice
I •~
2 11
Mr. P. Waddacor and Mr. J. Grcr.nfield will give
8! 1 1
£25 To be r un for in an Ali-Englantl Novice Handicap, for men that never won above £15 at one time, 'ON SATURDAYS, SOVEM BEB lS ,c, 25.
Returning from Lincoln (G. N.) each day at 6·0 p.m. ':'Third Class Tickets will NOT be is suet! by this train. London Road 81ation, Manchester, Oct. 1871,
Rabbit Coursing Extraordinary.
Great 440 and 120 yards'
On Thursday, 2nd, and Friday, 81·d November,
Manchester (London road) .. 6 Oldl1am (Clegg StreetStation)lii Stalybridge ........ ............ 5 A-hton (ParkParade)_; •...•. 5 Guiol& Brid11e ........... .... G Stock por t ( Tiviot Dale) .. l(J Glos•op ..... .... .......... ~'· Lincoln (G,N.) .... nrr.llhoutO
Has a large assortment of SATCHELS of the best London make, which he can i upply at extraordinary low prices ; firstclass Satchels from 4/6 to 20/·. Names lettered on Labels and Straps on the shor~st notice, by skilled workmen on the premises
Entries of Onr Shilh1g ~ach to bo mwde not !ater A large itock of Field Books always on h·md. Books m a de than l\Ioncla) , October 30th, at the a.bove places, and bound to order BETTING TICKETS printed on an improved principle. Designs made to any pattern. and Acceptances of One Shilling each the Monday following. S tamps 1ts Uas!t . Orders sent to any part of the U nited K ingdom on receip t ot IN ANY PATCERN OR STYI.F.,
R. G. UNDERDOWN, Ge11cral .lhwa[ter,
The oldest Sporting Paper in the North.
1'.0. Order, made payable to G . R. CLEGG,
Street, Manchester.
'I' HE
Any Man entering the Handicap in a fictitious manner so as to lead the Hundic1pper astray will be at once disqualified, or any Man having won a Handicap nt any time must state it at the time of euLry or he will be disqualified, and ~. Entrance and Acceptance money will be forfeited, arid all bets made by him or his party will be lost.
"SPORTING BELL " ' (E S '1' AB L ISH E D 1 8 0 3), Ccntains the most reliable information of each Days' Races, latest Arrivals, London, Manchester, n.nd Tattersalls Betting.
E D I T E D B Y "H E R A L D," Who has been the most successful P,·oplwt of lhe day. Our numerous subscribers can testily to the fact that he has given more winuers tllan any other Turf writer during the present season.
The DAILY " SPORTING BELL" is publi~hod every race morning, in time for the early trains, and is the best meuium for SPORTING ADVERTJ3EMENTS.
HOT DINNERS n·om 12 to 3 o'clock. CHOPS and STEAKS on the shortest notice. London and Dublin Stout. .Milll and Bitter Ales. Well aired Beds.
Delivered "in any part of Manchester, with two Tissues; out of Manchester, ONE SHILLING & SIXPENCE PER WEEK.
R 0 0 M S,
BETTING TICKETS fro m 3s. Gel. per 1,000.
BOOT MANU FACTURER 37, Oldham-street, opposite the Chapel, near corner of Chmch-street. The attention of Gentlemen who study economy are requested to the followin&r : Special lot of Gentlemen's Elasticside Boots, from ..................... 6s. 6d. pr. pair, A Choice lot of G"ntlemen's Calf Leather Elastic-sides, Toe-capped Ss. 6d. & 9s. 6d. The Gentlemen's celebrated Model Boot, Toe-capped, Elastic-sides Ss. 6d. & 9s. 6d, Bluchers and Lacing Boots, (for · heavy wea.r) ... ...... ...... .. .... ... 5s. 6s. to Ss. 6d For the convenience of those Gentlemen who prefer Boots to measure, first-rate workmen are employed, and the best quality of Leather used for bespoke work, to which e;pecial attention is paid. ALL REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED, Notiea the addres5-37, Oldham-street. Estab. lished 30 years.
J. LEWIS, M.D., (by diploma), begs to • announce his treatment is eminently ~>uccess ful for curing, inexpensively and quickly, debility, nervous irritability, relaxation, impurities of the blood, &c. No case undertaken or fee accepted un~nn~, ~d. less a cme can be guar anteed. Dr. L ., may be To be had from G. R. CLEGG, 70, Thomas St1·eet, consulted at 60, Booth Street E ast (one door from R. CHARLES EDWARD JOHNSON, Manchester, and of all Newsagents. Oxford Street, Manchester), daily fi·om 9 to 2, SunLICENSED .A.UCTIONEER AND VALUER, days until one. Fee, £1 ls. ; working classes, !Os. Office a.t GREEN'S, the "FALSTAFF INN," Mar. LARGE CLUB ROOM, suitable for Club 6d. Meetings, or Parties, on l'easonable terms ; ket Place, near the Exchange, Manchester, has the largest selection of PUBLIC HOUSES to choose Prepared by Dr. Lewis, Manchester.-Guaranteed to Cure. apply to H. Lueman, Forresters' Arms, Bridgewater from in Manchester and Outskirt11; prices from £160 Street, Manchester. Without taste or smell; in small compass; uplirit directions, to £4,000, free from Brewers or Spirit Merchants. RE NCH SPECIFIC I>ILL Cures pleasantly in three days Also WINE and BEER-HOUSES,. trom £25 to ALES, PORTER, CIGARS, &c., either sex, without mercury, capiYi, or injections. Diet £400, in all parts, free. Parties seeking such, and &c., us usual. Boxes, 2~. 9tl. and 4s. lid.; by post SJ.. extra. to be well treated, should apply to the above. No OF THE BEST QUALITY. LE GllAND ELIXIR D'IDALIA. connection wiih any other agent. N.B.-Not, the Address. elegant and delightful r emedy for curing n ervous and OBERT FITTON, SPORTSMAN INN, An E S TABLISHED lili8 phy,icfll debi li:y. imparting strength and manly vigou1·. so that CRoss LANE, SALFORn, all the autie~ 0f lite can be perfm·metl with confidence and Begs to inform his friends and the public in general plea>ure. Cases, 4s. Od., Us. O BE LET. A SPLENDID BEERHOUSE , that he has on hand a supply of first-class Ales, with MUSIC HALL attached.-Apply to :R • Manchester Agent•-Wes:marott, 17, Market-st.; Wild, 151, Oxford -at. Porter, &c. Cigars of the finest brands. .Vncelesfiel u- Bates. ~lillstre t. / Huddersficld-Foll, K inff·st. E. MoTTRAlll, St. Stephen's Brewery, St. Stephen's HVi·hdale-RothweiJ, Medi-:a · hall. Pre~ton-Dawsou, 50, Fishergnto street, Salford ; or to theJ" Sporting :aSlll " Office, adford-Pratt, 3, rvega I li~lifu-Jesaop, CQrn ~lurket. Thomas street1_ Maucheste:r.
THE DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS. HAPEL HOUSE GROUNDS, DEIS'fON.- Mr. Harrisoo's £6 10s. 140 Yards Foot Handicap will come off at thfl above (7rounds Tbis Day (.;aturday), the 2~th inst
ULL'S HEAD, Gorton -Bennett'" Snap and Banni,ter's Jack run the best of 21 c?urses, for 101. a side, This Dsl' (•aturday), October :!8, at 2 p.m. There will be the usual R~bbit Sweep, at 3 p.m. ITY G HO U N-c:D"-::>-..- --:'1:::,.,ln,.s_P_a_y_(-S ::-a-,u-t d,...a_v_l.- :M-:-s-s-rs-.-G::-re_e_n. field and Waddacor's 4~0 Yards J;~O All.England Handicap. Also £3 Rahbit Sweep. Entdes close for £25 Sprint Handicap on Monday, October 30.
NIPE INK GROUNDS, Audenshaw.-This Day (Satur. day), October 28, Jackson's Knight, of Lockwood, and Sheard'~ Whiskey. of Almond bury; tho heaviest dog to give 2! yards to the pound , 'fo run at four o'clock, OYAL 0-I.K PAltK.-On Monday, at two o'clock, Rogue and Meny 21 courses. Also A. Grcenl:.algh and G. Lead beater, hotll of Little Lever, run 100 yards at 3.80. Also entries (Is. each) close for Je•n Hugbes's 400 Yards Haodbap, for ,c-, and a handsomo cup. Run Nove-nber 4th and 6th.
C ro.;~ley,
OYAL OAK PARK.-Mcssrs. Beswick, Burns will give £.1.0 to be run for on Satnrtlay and i\Iou . R day, December 2nd and 4th, iu a 205 Yards All-li:ngland
Handicap. Entrance 2s. each, and 3<. to accQpt. All entries to be made to Mr. Joe Crossley, Vino Ion, Thomns.strert, Manchester; or to 1\Ir. Cooper, at the Ground~. by Tuesday, November l.l.th, ancl acceptan ces Tnesdar, No"ember 2lst.N.I3. : The Company will aho give UO to be run for on Saturday, December 30th, unci Mou .lay, Jnnuary lst, iu a 31[) Yards l.landicap. CALLAN'aN is uot in my employ. ment, nor is he transacting aoy busioess on my accou nt. NThisOTICli:.-MlCHAI!:L not inser\ed with any intPothn or doing Michael nu i~
injury, ns I nt all times found him strietly l·.onourablo. Signed, JOHN CHE!i:'l'H I\~I.
~~tbi.eiu ttllO ~dcdinmL
- - ""l
ONLY a very few of the multitude of races deci~led at Newmarket this week were of anything like general interest, the filled-up races as a rule obtaining even smaller entries than usual, and being provocative of little speculation. This may to a great extent be accounted for by the fact that the Houghton Meeting does not now, as formerly, conclude the legitimate racing sea,son, Worcester, Lincoln, Liverpool, ar.d Shrewsbury having yet to be got through; the latter especially putting forth a strong programme, and will no doubt be well patronised by owners of horses anxious to secure t~eir hay an.d straw for the winter season. The only Important Item on last Monday's card was the Criterion Stakes, which is still looked upon as one of the best tests of the merits of our two-year-olds, although it has been shorn of a great . • • • amount of Its pr~sllge smce the estabbshmen.t of the more valuable Midule Park Plate. Only seven of the 52 entered put in an appearance, but, as Cremorne and Prince Charlie were among the number, it may be said with truth that what was wanting in quantity . . was :U~de up for m. quahty. In conse~uence o~ the suspicwn of the 1'lflddle Park Plate wmner bemg a "roarer," or, at any rate, giving symptoms of "whistling," Cremorne was made n. hot favourite, 5 to 4 being taken about him to a good amount, while · d b p · Oh · 5 to 1 coul d be obtame a out !'mce al'he. Whatever the latter may turn out to be next year, he gave no symptoms on this occasion of being touched in his wind, as he won over this severe course easily by a length from Nuneham, while the favourite was . beaten two lengths for second place. The 1es~lt of the race, as a matter of course, caused qmte a revolution in the Derby betting, Cremorne, who had been supported before the race at 6 to 1, declining t 0 twice these oclds. Although Prince Charlie won . . . both thii'l event and the Middle Park Plat~ so easily, he has. not become .such a great favou~I~e for t~e "blue nband" as might have been antiCipated, m consequence of the suspicions above referred to, and some good judges fancy that Nuneham, who seems to improve every time he runs, ,,;· '·:·n out the . better three-year-old. The large al!lJ ..u.l• c . money for which Helmet was backed for tha Derby would seem to be already lost, as he n"ever could go the pace, and finished the absolute last ; but Bethnal Green will doubtless improve on his running in this race . . .' as It was no secret that he . had been stop.,ed m his . . r work m consequence of his suffermg from cracked heels. Cremorne's performance does not look so bad when it is considered that he had to put up the extreme penalty, which is rarely carried successfully, and that he must now be somewhat stale, having . . . been m regular wor kall the season, while the Wlllner was quite fresh. The Cambridgeshire was the only event on Tues· day'a Cll.l'd. of any imiJortance 1 but it waa 1 no doubt,
28, 1871.
quite sufficient in itself for the majority t.f turfites. Gopsall, Field Marshal, and Revoke still further be· Henry maintained his position as favourite up to the hind him. On his running during the week he fall of the flag, despite the heavy outlays on Favo- seemed to have by far the best chance of winning nius, Allbrook, and Vestminster, and Mr. Lombard the Sweepstakes with Favonius, and great regret made no secret of his opinion that the race was a was expressed when it was found that the affair foregone conclusion for the winner of the Newmarket would not come off, forfeit having been paid by the Derby. Baron Rothschild was equally confident of . owner of Sterling. the success of one of his pair, and actually accepted Yesterday's card.contained no less than thirteen 1,0UO to 10 that they would finish first and second. events for decision, all of which produced contests. The Woodyeates party were likewise very sanguine The Maiden Plate, with which business commenced, of success with Allbrook, as the latter had been was remarkable from the fact of Marquis of Lorne tried to be nearly 3s~. better than Ely Dorado, the and Curtius running a dead heat twice, and the third winner of the Cambridgeshire Trial Phtte the pre· time of asking the l'VIarquis only won by a neck. vious day. Of the race itself it will only be neces- Th9 laurels won by Ah-.va on Wednesday were sary now to say that Allbrook, making the most of snatched from him y.esterday by the Sunbeam colt, his light weight, m~de thG running at a clipping pace who beat him by three-quarters of a length for the till within a quarter of a mile from the winning post, 500 sovs. Sweepstakes. The Rowley Handicap at which point he was challenged simultaneously by brought out a field of eleven, W estley being conSabinus and Sterling, and having nothing left iu sidered by " the talent" so well in that 3 to 1 was him for a final effort, Fordham landed Sabiuus the accepted freely abottt him before the worcl " go" was victor by a head, while Sterling ~tnd Allbrook were given, and he never gave his supporters the slightest so close together that the judge awarded it a dead uneasiness, winning very easily by two lengths from heat for second place. Noyre Tauren, of whom Ftibust.ier. That Modcna was a " real good thing" little had been heard since his ignominious display for the Fir~t Nursery was clearly demonstrated by the in the Cesarewitch, was fourth, with Kingcraft close manner in wlnch she carried her 10lb. penalty sucup, which clearly proves, if proof were now wanting, cessfully for the Secone, beatiug her seven opponents that in training these animals for the loug race, nearly as far with h er increa~e tl weight as she did their trainers lost a capital opportunity of landing the previous day when canying the feather. A very miserable day's sport is left for the windthe shorter one. It is simply impos3ible to account for the running of the favourite, who nev(lr appeared up of the meeting, only the Houghton Handicap and formidable in any part of tD.e race, cut it cannot be the Handicap Plate over the Cambridgeshire Course supposed for a moment that he showed anything like being worth the trouble of turning out to witness. his true form, and no one was more astonished than The following may be the result of the day's running: llandicap Plate : DuKE OF I3EAU~'O:R1' or CnERUBIN, his owner at his ignomin.ious display. A ~ood ex.C50 Plate; L uev SuTTON. · cuse can be made for B10ycle, who was kicked so Hough ton Handicap : CouNTRYMAN or VESTMINSTER, severely by Sterling while at the post that the blood Sweepstakes, •r.Y.C.: BnulBRIDGE. flowed freely, consequently no surprise need be felt Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each : Mtss THACKEHAY. that she did not show more prominently. Although HERALD. the performance of Sabinus must be aumitted to b3 pretty good, it sinks into insignificance when cornpared with Sterling's, as the latter was giving the PEDESTRIAN, &c. NOTES OF THE WEEK. winner a year and 4lb, and conced~ng two years and Seldom, indeed, have I witnessed such an amount "'-' 30lbs. to All~rook! No wonder Ins supporter:; can· of confidence entertained in the ability of a dog to not malic out how he lost the Two Thousaml win a large handicap as took place on Saturday last, Guineas. Favonius and Corisande finished seventh at the Royal Oak Park Grcunds. The animal I and eighth close toO'ether but neither could luwe ~llude to was Ta~l~r's N~~tle, of Oldham, who ·was '. . . o ' . mstalled a ''hot favounte before the second round men.ded their posit10n . . The party connected w~th was run, and was freely backed at the absurd price Sabmus are not great wmners, although they ftmmed of 7 to 4. She won her first heat in exceedinglv their horse had a. Jab· chance; but, in the fuca of the good style, and was immediately backed at evens to great things done by Henry bcth at home and in m\l'ry of:t the principal .Pri.:e, thereby paralizing publiC,'They were not so sweet on their gelding's hspectu lattwn on °t~lder ahmmals · . Inththe suhbsbequent . ea 2 o 1 was ai on er pu 11mg roug , ut she chan~o a,s they would other~1sc have been. was cleverly defeated by 'fetlc,w's Polly, of Hebers, In the Glasgow Stakes, on Wednesday, we were a smart little bitch, who had a good start for the introduced to Alava, one of Sir Joscph Hawley's difference in weight. The deciding tie was won by two-year-olds of whom guod accounts had beon cir- j \Vhittaker's. Lady, of ~tdham, by three~quarters of culated, and he so far justified the report!:> concem- a yard,.beatmg Wor.r;t,ll s P~lly, who finished twelve · h' h 'I f p t . d mches m advance of letlow;; Polly. mg 1m, as e won very eas1 y rom a narc11 an Tho City Grounds was visited by about 500 pertwo other opponents. In the All-aged Stakes sous on 8aturuay last, anu the weather being of an Queen's 1fesscnger gained another victory, but he extremely disagreeable description no doubt kept had little to spare, as Eole II. ran him to a heaLl, ~auy away wh~ would otherwise ~avc been present. AO'ility and Sornette finishing a good way in the rAar lh~ event. decided was a one m~le race, the ()Om· o • , • • pct1tors bemg the veteran pedestnans J. Entw1sde, of Mr. Lombard s colt. The Sussex Stakes were alia;; Buck, of Openshaw, and Jqnty Lomax, of Manwalked over for by Peak. chester, the former having twelve and a half yards' The chief items in Thursday's programme wore st,u·t, and the stake contended for was £40. A retue Troy Stakes, the Home-bred Sweepstakes, the po1:t .being c~rrent that Lomax ha~ perf?rmed a l!.,ree Handicap. and the First Nurstlry. Almoner satl~factory tmtl, he was elect~d the fav?urue, 5 to . h . f , 4 homo the current odds on lnm. The Issue of the was considered sue a cer~amty ?r the Troy Staltes race s~pporteLI the confidence of Jonty's backer.;, that odds of 9}o 4 .were laid on htm, and he . landeu and he won, (after lying in .t.he rmtr until 400 yards the "punters their money by a length; H1ghland from home), cleverly, Entw1stle having ceased runFling being twice that distance in front of Liverpo9l. uin,{ 30 yal'ds from home, when he was completely 'Wildfire was served up pretty hot for the Home-bred "done up. " a.k p k Sweepstakes, as little as 2 to 1 being accepted in a At ..the .Rotyahl 0 artt·.· ,botn MonJdayR,,la ;rabbit. . . . coursmg ma c came o e ween . I ey s (ate 1 fiel.rl. of eigllt, but she h.ad notlung t~ do with the .Rooke'll) Daisy of Stocl1port, and W. Leyland's fimsh of the race, wh!Ch resulted m a complete Charley, of St. Helens, the best of 25 sourses for turn-up, Gowdie winning, after a fine finish with £20. coon after the cour!ling had commenced the Muddle, by a heaJ. Twelve went to the post for the owner of Charley dispute.tl the de~isions of the First Nursery, the lowest weight, .M:odena, being referee (Mr. J. H. Cooper) m severalmstances, and . d h subsequently Withdrew lus doO', when the referee elected favounte as 100 to 30,. an t e. result proved awarded the st akes to the 0 wn eor of D a1sy. . that Wadlow had made no mistake With regard to A well-contested wrestling match in the Lanher abilities, as she passed the judge's chair three cashire style, for £50 and a champion challenge cup, lengths in advance of Lampeto, wh:> was, however, at 5score lOlb. each, attracted about 1,200 persons conceding her lots of weight. Sterling was opposed t~ the Boroug~ Grou_:d:t _Old~am, on Saturday. by a pretty good field as regards quality for the Free 'IDheD~th~ets wfe"e J. th u letrtwortbh •. of tOhldhhamd, and . . . 1ggms, o ..... ury, e a er emg e ol er of Handi~ap, n~vertheless the f?rm he showed m the the cup. 'fhe betting was spirited at 5 to 4 on Cambndgesh1re was so supenor that odds of 6 to 4 Diggins, but he suffeted defeat, as Butterwol'th won were laid on him, and he fairly romped iu three the first and third throws, and became the hoMet o£ lengthlii ahead of Shannon, with Gantelet, Verdure, the cup. '
r .~
'fhe sporting fixtures for this day comprise tile opening h.eats of 1\~essrs. Green~eld ~nd Waddaco~·'s quarter-mile handwn,p, for £25 m pnzes, at the Crtv . evemnfj d s, anet, the quotcttlOns . · · were . as• . Groun 1ast foll.ows :-4 to 1 agst Conley, 5 to. 1 Wh~te. 6 to 1 Bailey, and 8 to 1, ot~ers; a rabbrt-co~rsr~g match between Bennett s Snap ancl Banmster s Jack, f · "30 t tl B ll' u c1 G' ·t . 1 · 10 u s ~~ea , or on , t 1e ~pemng or "" , a heats of Mr. Ha.rrison's 140 yards' foot handrcap, at Deuton; a dog mce of 200 yards, with Chadclerton's Soot and Hanison's Dick, for £50, at the Borough Grounds, Oldham j and the opening heats of a 200 yards' dog handicap at the Higginshaw Grounds, Oldbam. CLINKER.
NEWMARKET HOUGHTON MEETING. FRIDAY. two-year.olds.-T.Y.C. Marquis of Lorne ........................ French + t 1 2 Curtius .................................... l\'lartiu Reine .. ....... ................. .......... Fordham 3 St t Cannon 0 A a esman .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . M .
Maiden Plate of 50 sovs, for
v:~~~:nfiliy' '.".".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.J~,~~~
Cincinnatus ........................... Maitlmant 0 . G t 4 t R . t "~~ ·f . f B ett mg: o ags eme, 3· o 1 1v arqms o Lorne, 5 to 1 Curtius, and 100 to 8 bar three .. --Deacl heat between Marquis of Lorne o.nd Curtius, Reine being two lengths behind them. On running off, the result was again a dead heat. On running for the third time, the betting was 11 to 10 on Marquis of Lorne, who won by a neck.
of 10 sovs each, for three-yeai'-olds and upwards.-T.Y.C., 5 fur longs 140 yards. l\ifeleurge ....................................... I-Inxtablc 1 Hoquefort ................................... Fordha.m 2 The Knight ............... . ................... Cmmon (} Phorphorus .................... ............. Maidnient 4 Betting: 5 to 4 agst The Knight, 2 to 1 Roquefort, 4 to 1 Phosphorus, and 5 to 1 Meleurge.-Won by a neck ; same between second and third.
of 50 sovs, for two and threc-year-olds.T.Y.C. Hermitage ... ... ... ............................. Loates 1 _ Queen of t-he Chase .............................. J e(Jery 2 Orangeman ........................ ... ............ French 3 Rex ................................................. Butler 0 Valentine Vox .......................... . ...... Uradwell 0 Betting : 5 t o 4 on Hermitage, t:nd 3 to 1 each agst Queen of the Chase and Orangeman.- Won by a leugth ; three-quarters of a length Letween second aml third. Mr. T. E. Walker claimed the winner.
Sweepstakes of 500 sovs each, 200 n., for
two-years old colts, 8st 10lb, fillies, 8st 7lb.-T.Y.C., 5 furMr. Merry's colt by Gladiateur-Sunbeam Maidrnent 1 Sir J. Hawley's Alava ........................... 1\Ionis 2 Betting : 5 to 4 on Alava, who was defeated by three-quarters of a length.
Handicap Plate
ISelling Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 so vs each, for 1 PR 0 G HA .M :.u:;
P 0 It
'l' HIS
1J }l Y .
two-year-olcls. -T.Y.C. , 5 fnl'!ongs 14.0 yn,nls. Horses marketl tlllls C') h <wu arrinJti., j , adt!ition to . . . , 8 -- l\I , ,~ . , 1 1 1 • ltllna ..... · .. . ....... • ................... v a,l uon t lliJSC tr,nned at N cwrnar.,ct. i 8 5" Lady Dig by ....... .................... Maidrnent 2 ,, . . 8 8 Sister to JEmula ............ ......... Forclham 3 lu eh c. 1 8 2 Little Heroine ........................... MOl·dan 4 One Hundred Pounds, for thre~-years-olds and upB t . Ut L d D' b t s· t t wards. J.Jast three miles of B.O. e tmg : o 4 ags~ a y rg y, 7 ,o 4 1s er o . . "" d L' H . . '·'M. le Prince 1 '·'Arnacleus 11 ,. i.crmu1a, 5 to 1 manna, an 6 to 1 rtt1e erome. -Won by three-quart~~·s of a len?th; ~al~ a le~gth U alt•l)I\St '.l'wchrc betwe.en second and thud. Captam Chustw claimed Handicap Plate of 50 sovs. for three-year-olds and the wmner. upwards. Cumbriclgeshire Course, 1m. 140yJs. Plate of 100 sovs, for all ages.-Last five furlongs *8 12 Scarborough ':'8 1 Chartreuse of D. M. ':'8 10 Jubilee l'7 10 D. of Bea.ufort I Alb.u~ra ............................................ Parry 1 ':'8 10 Free Trade •:'7 7 Mahornet Fehcra ................................... ...... Hibberd 2 ':'8 7 Cock of the Walk ':'7 7 Vestminster 1\ifustapha ....................................... Cannon 3 ':'8 7 Manille ':' 7 6 Houghton Brisbane ................................... 'l' .Jennings 0 ':'8 3 Chevreuss ':'7 3 lVIolly Cobroy Ragamuffin ................................... .Huxtable 0 '"8 2 Pate •:'6 13 Rarnaquin Volary ............................................. Loates 0 ':'8 1 Cherubin ':'G 13 Black Gown (pd Bide-a-Wee .................................... Chaloner 0 Ten miuntes )mst One JEga ........ ..... ...... .......................... "'.V.Gray 0 Plate of 50 sovs. for two-year-olds. T.Y.C. Coutts ............................................ Butler 0 Blue Bear·d .. .... ................................. E vere . tt 0 ':'Annoyance ':'Lucy Button ':'Gerard ':'Hamlet Betti~~: 5 to 2 agst Albuera, 5 to 1 each JEga Tweut,yAfive minutes ~o '.i'wu. and Fehc1~, a.nd 7 to 1 Ragamt;ffin.-Won .by threequarters of a length ; a bad thn·d. Mr. Wmchester Houghton Handicap of 15 sovs. each, for three-year1 claimed the winner oJds and upwards. F.i.ve furlongs 1 W yards. · ':'8 12 Tibthorpe ''8 6 Knt. of Athol Match of 200 sovs.-Bretby Stakes Course. ':'7 G Vestmiuster 8 12 Hose of Athol ........................ T.FreLch 1 ·:'8 11 Countryman j '·'7 3 Pllo~phorus tl 4 Knightley .............................. Cannon 2 ':'8 8 Lincoln ''8 4 :Rossignol ':'7 1 Contralmud The betting opened at 6 to 5 on Rose of Athol, ':'8 4 Flibustier ':'7 0 1\itthornet . and closed at 11 to 10 on Knightley.-Won by two ''8 1 Faith ':'6 12 B llesmere 1 lengths. ':'8 1 Jubilee 1 ':'6 U l\Iorton Bt~.got ''7 12 Adrian 1 ':'G 6 Acd. P1·ussique Match of 100 sovs.-Bretby Stakes Course. 18 5 Lilian ..... ........ .................... Maidment 1 ':'7 12 Pate 8 10 Ruffle ......... ............. ....... ....... Cannon 2 'l'weuty Jninutes past 'l'wo. Betting : 5 to 4- on Lilian, who won by th ree- Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, for a.Jl ages. 'l'.Y.C. quarters of a length. ':'Turntable 1 ':'Llewcllyn ''Albuera 1 "'Bmmbriclge Rowley Handicap of 25 ::ovs each, with 200 added, l-laif' 1•ast Two. fol' three-year-olds and upwards.-R.M. Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, for all ages, Bretby 6 4 Westley ............................. 'l'.Osborne 1 Stakes Course, six fmlongs. 7 9 li'Jibustier ................................. Wilson 2 ':'Glancopis G 5 Revoke .................................... Loates 3 ':'Panopticon ':'Queen of the Chase 8 13 Corisande ........................... Maidment 0 1'Miss Thackeray '~Man ua 8 7 Tibthorpe ............................. Chaloner 0 ':'Par Excelleuce 7 8 Lu~settc ................ ................. Huxtable 0 The match between Mr. Bentley's Squib aucl Mr. 7 0 Moorlands ................................. J arvis 0 Brayley's Grace Dar!iug is oft' by conseut, and Baron G 13 Evohe ........................................ Gray 0 Rothschilcl's Cori~ande rec eivell forfeit · from .1\Ir. 6 13 Cock of the Walk ..................... Macksey 0 Chaplin's Pearl. 5 7 Corbeille ......... . .................... Ashworth 0 - -· --5 7 King l\Iob ............ . ............ W.Chaloner 0 STERLING AND HARRY BASSETT.-ln answer to the Bettiug: 3 to 1 agst Westley, 4 to 1 Revoke, Gto challenge thrown out by the owner of the celebrated 1 Cool; of the Walk, 7 to 1 Moorlands, 8 to 1 each American three-year-old cmck, H:1rry Bassett, Mr. Uo1 beille and King Mob, 10 to 1 Corisande, and 11 0 Gretton, after Sterling's brilliant pcrforrnau ce in the to 7 'ribthorpe.-Won by two lengths; a head be- Free Handicap at Newmarket, on 'fhurstlay, comtween second and third. missioned lVIr. 'rattersall to make the match to run Bassett for £10,000, a mile and a half, even Second Nursery Stakes (a froe handicap) of 25 so vs Harry weights, and give the American £2,000 to run in each, for two-ychrs-old.-Bretby Stakes Course, England. 6 fmlongs. 7 6 Modena (inc. 1_0lb extra) ......... Maidment 1 FUTURE EVENTS. 7 7 Httlton .................................... J efferv 2 8 5 Lampeto ................................. Cannon 3 NOVEMBER. 7 13 Shields ................................. Huxtable 0 4·- Riding's Lady, of Wardle, and Miles's Gip, of Whit worth, 7 13 Scrutiny .................................... Butler 0 11 out of 21 courses, ,£"15 a side.-City Grounds. 7 2 Muddle ................................ W. Gray 0 4--]. Buckley, of Oldham, and J. \\'. Le~ s, of Saddleworth, LancasJ.ire wrestling, ,£"10 a side, at 6scure 10lb.-Borough 7 0 Sister to Mr. Pitt ..... ........ ..... ...... Jarvis 0 Grounds, O ldham. G 12 St. f'anl .............................. W. Cotton 0 4.-Concluding heats of Chadwick's 200 Yards AJ!.England Betting : o to 1 each agst Halton and Shields, Dog Handicap. -Higginshaw Grounds, near Oldham. 100 to 30 Moclena, 7 to 1 Lampeto, 12 to 1 ,\fuddle, 4 and 6.-Hnghes's 400 Yards I-Iandic•p. -·1Zoyal Oak Park. and 1G to 1 sister to Mr. Pitt. --Won by a length 6 and 7· -Cooper's Rabbit-coursing Sweepstakes for dogs under . 30lb, £25 and silver cup. -1-oyal Oak Park Grounds. ami ~~ half ; bad third. ' 11.-J. Moron andJ. Robinson (both of Oicl:lam ), Lancashire
of 50 sovs , for thro<.J-year-J ~ cls antl upwards.-T.Y.C., 5 furlongs 140 yards. 5 9 Preston.... .. ......................... Newhouse 1 8 12 Ado:Jis ................... : .. ............. French 2 6 12 Dul;e of Beaufort ..................... Mack;ey 3 8 5 Rossignol .. .................... ..... 00., .. Martin 0 8 0 Lord Glasgow ........................ ...... Pl11tt 0 7 9 Chernbin ......... 00 ................... Hnxtable 0 7 8 Knight of Athol .. ... ................... F.Webb 0 7 0 Lady Salisbury ........................... Everett 0 (i 10 Panopticon .............................. Wheel er 0 6 9 The Gift ........................... Brown 0 6 7 Fiz .......................................... Loates 0 Fifty Pounds for three-year-olds and upwards.-A.F. 1m. 2fur. 73yds. 6 5 Meny Agnes ............... ................ J ones 0 6 0 Trysail ...................................... Wood 0 Badsworth .............. ... ................... Fordham 1 5 10 Phyrne .................... ............. Sheppard 0 Vintner 00 ..................................... J. Os borne 2 1}. 10 Cross-stitch colt ....................... Archer 0 Betting: 7 to 4 on Badsworth.-Won by a head. 5 9 Hautboy ........................... W.Cl!alonm: 0 5 9 Chaucer ............ ............ ...... ......... Lowe 0 LATEST BE'l'TING. Betting: 9 to 2 agst Panopticon, 5 to 1 Duke of Beaufort, 6 to 1 Merry Agnes, 10 to 1 Trysail, 12 to NEWMARKET, MIDNIGHT. 1 ench Preston, Hautboy, and Adonis, 100 to 7 UVERPOOL AUTUMN CUP. Cross-stitch colt, and 16 to 1 Phyrne.-Won by a 1000 to 100 Agility-taken head ; bad third. · 20 to 1 Sabinus---taken 20 to 1 Exciseman-taken Sweepstakes of 10 sovs each, for two and three20 to 1 Cardinal York-taken year-olds.-T.Y.C., 5 furlongs HO yards. 20 to 1 Sir Bertram-taken Sir Hugo .................................... '!'.French 1 1000 to 45 Rose of Athol....:..taken Hamilton .......................................... Butler 2 1000 to 40 Sylva---taken "\Vilberforce ....................................... Cannon 3 25 to 1 Jester---taken Lucy Hylda .. : ................................ :;.. Brown 0 1000 to 30 Chartreuse-taken JEtna .fiJ.ly ........................ ... ........... W ..Gray o 4000 to 100 Lord Hawke-taken Rose of Eltham ................................. Slwlton 0 40 to 1 Stanley --taken Betting: 5 to 2 each agst Wilberforce, Hamilton, 1000 to 15 Nobleman-taken and lEtna filly, 4 to 1 Rose of Eltham, aml 5 to 1 lOO to 1 Bicycle-tai,en Sit Hugo.-Won by a length i a head between the 100 to 1 Bothwell- taken second and thixd. 500 to 10 Far Away-taken oo . . . . . . .
wrestling, ,£"20 a side, neither to exceed 6score 17l b. -Higgin· shaw Gronnds, near O ldham. 11.-G. Walsb, of Royton, and J. Nuttall, of Manchester, 440 yards, ,£"25 a side.- Royal O~k Park Grouads. 11.-W. Moss, Mossley, and E. L:\\vton, Smallbrook, 712 yds, £10 a side. -Snipe Inn Grounds, Audenshaw. 13. -J. Hall's Tw1g, of New house, and J. Bat!ey"s Dinah, of Littletown. 16 of 31 courses, 6o yards law, £2 5 a side ; neither to exceed 2Ilb.-Royal Oak 1'ark Grounds. 13 and 14. - Waddacor's Rab bit-cour>ing Lege1· of £5 each, 6 out of 11 courses. -City Grounds I S and 25.-Messrs. \\ addacor and Green field's 200 yards Novice Handicap, £25 in prizes. -Ci1y Grounds. IS.-Preliminary heats of .Marsden's 200 Yard-.Dog Handicap, £30 in prizes.-Borough Grounds, nea r Oidham. r8. -.P. Marren and P. t.>allagher (both of Oldham), Lancashire wrestling, £10 a side; Marren to be catch weight, and Gallagher 6'core r8lb. --Higginshaw Grounds, near Oldham 18.-Cooper's One Mile Handicap, £12 and a handsome cup' Royal Oak Park Grounds. ' r8.-.Massey's Switch and Chadwick's Bob (both of .Mossley), I I out af 2I courses, 6o yards law, £28 a ; ide. -City Grounds. 20, 21, and 22. -Cooper's Rabbit.coursing Sweepstakes, £Ioo and Champion Cup.-Roya! Oak J'ark Grounds. 25.-G. Harrison's ~pring and C. l:'earson's Bloss, 15 out of 3I courses.- City Grounds. 25.-Conc!uding heats of Marsden's 200 Yards Dog Handicap. Borough Grounds, near Oldham. 27.-W. Woodstock, St. Helens, and R. Sefton, Rumford, ISO yards, £25 a side.-Royal Oak Park Grounds. 30. -A. Greenhalgh and G. Leadbeater (both of Little Lever), roo yards, £ Io a bide; Leadbeater three yards start.-Royal Oak Park Grounds,
SAMUEL: HARTLEY ......... "'Proprietor. ~' First-class Wines, Spirits, Cigars &c. Splendid Bowling Green and Croquet Lawn. Good Stabling and
Lock-up Coach Houses, within 30 minutes ride from London !toad Station.-Sporting Bell tahen in here. Permission given by the Proprietor to view the Oakwood Hall Grounds. OST OFFICE LUNCHEON AND DINING ROOMS under 7')., Market Street, entrance Q, Ba1•nes Street. Dinner from Joints, including Potatoes, 6d. Pastry ld.; Cup of Tea 2d.; Cup of Tea, with Bread and Butter 4d.; Tea, with Cold Meat 9d. Sandwiches, ld. each. Fine Ales from l!d. per glass. Cigars, Wiue~. Ginger Beer, &c. R. BREWlTT, Proprietor.
~ ~_,. •
CARROLL, RAILWA) INN, 4, GREENGATE, Salford, (late of the Bay Horse, Corporation-street, Manchester), will be glad of a eall from his old friends. First-class Ales, London and Dublin Porter. Cigars of the finest brands, &c. TAR
CLOTHING F:STABLISHMENT, 87, Oldham Street, Manchester.
Black Cloth Suits, irom ... .. .... ... .... . . ... .. ....
Fa.ucy ~rousers, in great variety, from.........
Cashmere and TalMt Vests, double-breasted
HENRY JAooB, Proprietor. THE
O ADVERTISERS.-Business Advertisements, such as Hotels, Innkeepers, Beerhouses, Luncheon Bars, Places of Amusemint, Dancing
Saloons, &c., &c., will be inserted at the following rate (pre-paid):J:o. oF LINEs. 4
PrucE, 1s.
1s. 6d. Special arrangements for other advertisements. JOSE PH
:Begs to inform his friends and the public in general that he has taken THE IMPERIAL WREATH, LEVEH. STREET, Where he will be glad to see old and new friends. First-clal!ls Spirts, Wines, Ales, Porter, Cigars, &c.
ORSE AND JOCKEY, YORK STREET, Chorlton-on-M edlock.
MR. BOYD has opened the above House where he First-class Ales, Porter, and Ci~ars ef the finest brands. Sporting Be11, Tissuis, &c., ta.ke.11 in daily.
will be glad to iee Old and New friends.
DOWNING STREET 1 LONDON ROA.D, Wholesale Dealer in British and Foreign Cig11trl!. Publicans supplied with sample Boxes at wholesale prices. Orders received for Findla.ter & Co's Dublin Stout, and James Muir & Son's India Pale Ale. A TRIAL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED.
PLEASANT INN, Oheetham Hill Road.
Chairman .................. Mr. J. :Echolson. Pianist ..................... An old P rofessional. 1 J
N.B.-Eugagement for a few nights of Mr. Tom Garry the great sensation Comic n,ncl motto Vocalist.
I -----------
(Late of ()03, Rochdale:Roacl, Manchester),
Begs respectfully to inform his numerous fi·iends, that he has taken the above House, and hopes by keeping first-class Ales and Porter, combined with civility and attention, to merit a good support. The " Sporting Bell," Tissues, and other Daily papers, &c., taken regularly. Cigars of Wines, Spirits, Ales, Porter, Cigars, &c., of the best the choicest brands. quality. Open every SATURDAY and MONDAY Evenings with Harmonic Meetings; and on SUNDAY EvenChairman ..................... Mr. Harry Castor. ings with Sacred Music and Judge and Jury, under the management of the Pianist ........................ Mr. E. Miller. CHAIRMAN· - MR. GEORGE HAWORTH. -A:\1ES STAl'i l'ON, (Late of the Robin Hood,) will be glad to see his old friends at the Royal W. J. QUIRK, Oak, 430, Oldham Road, opposite Junctwn Street.
'' Should auld acquaintance be fo rgot. O THE AFFLICTED.-All persons who are suffering from nervous debility, with loss of their natural vigour, should at once consult Professor EYREs, who has practised upwards of thiJ:ty years, and has during tilat time est.n.blished an enviable reputation for many valuable preparations, and who has cured thousands of persons who have been pronounced incurable. P:::<:>fessor EYRES may be consulted personally or by letter in all cases of secrecy, general debility, nervousness, mental and physical incapacity, resulting fi·om self-abuse, &c., from Eight in the morning till Ten at night, at No. 1, Churchgate, Stockport, where he has resided upwards of twenty years. A Cure ~uaranteed. Fee 5s.
Stewart Stuet, Deansqato, MANCHESTER. Ales, Porters, and Cigars of the best quality. WILKINSON, JOINER & BUILDER, 44, , Reather Street, Oldham Road, Manchester. Offices and Shops fitted up. Repairs punctually attended to, and executed on the most reasonable Terms.
Wines, Spirits, Ales &c., of A 1 quality.
Proprietor •.••••.••...... .. ..... •. J oE 0RossLEY. FIRST-CLASS BAGATELLE TABLE. (The best in Manchester.) WINES, ALES, PORTERS, aRd CIGARS of the CH01JEST
Held at the above house, every Evening. First· olass ")Yjp.es, Ales, Porters, Cigars, &c., of the ~ l;!~st <!ualit~.
DAILY SPORTING B]!;LL PRIVATE INTELLIGENCE CIRULAR, And RETURN LISTS, containing the results oi all Races, latest London and Manchester betting, and results of all Foot Races, &c., &c., sent to any part of Liverpool. All Orders received at the office, WHY USE KAYE'S WORDSELL'S PILLS. 9, Renshaw Street, Liverpool. Every description of Sporting Printing executed at the following 1. Because they are the best, safest, and most cerprices:tain Family Medicine. . Betting Tickets-small, per 1,000 ... 3s. 6d. 2. Because they relieve and cure all Disorders of Ditto large, , 1,000 ... 4s. 6d. the Liver, Bilious Complaints, &c. Numbered from 1 to 1,000. I 3. Because in Indigestion, Lowness of Spirits, Satchels and Betting Books at the lowest prices. j Flatulence, and all Complaints of the Stomach, they List Cards, 1d. each. All orders promptly aBd are a. rapid remedy. neatly executed. 4. Because they are a Specific for Diarrhoea, THE DAILY "SPORTING BEI1L,'' Cholera, and Costiveness. 5. Because they are the best Remedies for Coughs, PRIVATE INTELLIGENCE UIRCULAR, Colds, &c., and thus prevent Consumption, Asthma And TWO RETURN LISTS, Containing Full and other Diseases of the Lungs. Returns of all Races, Latest London, Manchester, 6. Because they are an infallible Cure for Nervous and Tattersall's Betting. Results of all Foot Races Disorders, Headaches, Hysterics, and all Female Com- in Sheffield and Manchester, &c., &c. Sent to any plaints. part of Sheffield, at 1s. 6d. per week. 7. Because, by purifying the Blood, they Cure and 1emove the causes of Diseases of the ~kin. SOLE AGENT: J 0 H N 0 A. K E S, S P U R T 1 N (} I' lt I N T E H . 8. Because they are a safe and certain Hemedy for all ages and both sexes. 18, Market-street, Sheffield. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTI£NDED TO. Medicine. at ls.ltd, 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Dcuot, 22, Broad Street, London. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. OLDEN LION HOTEL, 100, DEANSGA'rE, When any irregularity occurs in the DELIVERY (Opposite St. Ann's Street), Manchester. of the Daily Sporting Bell and Tissue, Subscribers are A SELECT HARMONIC MEETING respect-fully requested to forwar~ a notice of the E V E R Y E V E r; I N G . same to the Office, that the complaint may at on-ce Chairman .................. Mr. Sol. Stanley. be enquiJ:ed into and measures taken tc '\nsure Pianist ........................ Mr. T. Webster. prompt Delivery after each Publication, Chair taken at Eight o'clock precisely.
Bpring and Summer Sui~s. from..................
A FREE AND EASY Will be held at the above House, every Monday and . Saturday evening, when all that is essential to the J requirements of a first-class Concert L=toom will be provided. '!'he Proprietor begs to intimate that he has engaged the services of a Professional Pianist. Mr. H~trry Castor, the well-known Comic Vocalist, will appear each evening in some of the latest songs of the clay.
The above Articles Ready-made, or made to measure at the same prices.
HREE CROWNS INN, Corner of Jackson Street and Temple Street, London Hoad, Manchester.
TOM DONLEY (formerly of the King's Arms, Windmill-street, and the Wellington, Didsbury), respectfully intimates to his frienC.;; a nd the public, that he has openecl the above premises with a choice selection of Wines, Spirits, es, Porter, Cigars , &c. OF THE FINEST QUALITY.
OCKET'S & BOTTOM.LEY'S CIRCULARS may be had from G. R. CLEGG, Printer and Stationer 77, Thomas Street1 Manchester.
ocronER. N'market Hought... 23-'.!8
Worcester Aut m..
3~-1. 2
Lincoln Autumn ..••••... 2, Leamington & WnrwickLiverpool Autm.6, 7, 8, 9,1(', 11 shire ll unt .••• 16, 1.7, 18 Shrewsbury •••.•. 13, 14, 15, Croydon S.C .••..••.... 21 16, 17, 18 Kings bury S.C......... 29 DECr:JIDEn. Bromley Steeplechases .•.•• , .............................. ;,, l'rinted and Published by G. R.
at Ill~ :Steam Printint
Oftlees, lU and 'l7 Thomas Street, in the City of Manches~t.