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Thank you to our Sponsors Publication of the annual BBBF Directory is financed entirely from advertisement charges. The Executive Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the following companies: Company ........................................... Page

Company ........................................... Page

ACE Insurance Brokers............................. 40

G4S Secure Solutions Bahrain................ 144

African & Eastern...................................... 43

Gulf Brands International ........................ 151

Al Zayani Investments ............................... 53

Gulf Computer Services.......................... 152

APM Terminals........................................ 274

Gulf Hotels Group................................... 155

Art Rotana ................................................ 67

Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co ............ 157

AXA Cooperative Insurance ............ 1 and 73

Hasan Mansouri Group........................... 159

BAE Systems ........................................... 75

H K Strategies ............................................ 9

Bahrain International Circuit .............IFC & 81

Infonas ............ 167 and Outside Back Cover

BAPCO ................ 84 and Inside Back Cover

Mead Management Services Ltd ............ 191

Bateel....................................................... 86

MESMM ................................................. 192

Behzad Group .......................................... 92

Mott MacDonald..................................... 201

British Council .......................................... 97

Nexus..................................................... 213

Capital Club............................................ 105

Protection Insurance Services................. 226

Cebarco ................................................... 20

Ramada Hotel ........................................ 277

Charles Russell Speechlys ...................... 109

Royal Golf Club ...................................... 235

Crowne Plaza Hotel ................................ 117

Skin Health Centre.................................. 241

DHL........................................................ 123

The Robin Hill Hotel ................................ 271

Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel .................. 127

Trowers and Hamlins ................................ 61

EY .......................................................... 135

Verminex ................................................ 264

Fedex ..................................................... 141

Viva ............................................................ 6

BBBF Corporate Partners 2017

This publication has been prepared on behalf of the Bahrain British Business Forum by:



2 0 1 7

Registration Number ISSN 1985-9929

The views and opinions expressed by independent contributors must not be regarded as those of the BBBF or its members. Publication of any information or advertisement does not imply any endorsement of the views, products or services described therein. Whilst every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information presented, neither the BBBF, its members or its agents may be held liable for any errors or ommisions. The BBBF shall not be held responsible for the character and integrity of any of its members. Members listed are those confirmed by the Executive Committee as at compilation cut-off date.

Contents From the Chair.............................................................4 Ambassador s Foreword..............................................7 UK Trade & Investment Team.....................................10 Visa Application Centre..............................................11 BBBF Mission & Objectives .......................................12 BBBF Executive Committee 2015-2017 ....................12 Special Interest Groups .............................................14 Founder Members .....................................................16 BBBF Executive Office...............................................17 Index of BBBF Member s Companies ........................18 Why Join the BBBF? .................................................21 Alphabetical Index of Members..................................22 Corporate Sponsorship .............................................32 Member Benefits .......................................................33 Member s Company Pages .......................................34 Bahrain Facts & Figures...........................................270 Embassies & Consular Agents .................................272 Airline Offices...........................................................273 Car Rental Companies.............................................274 Hospitals .................................................................275 Hotels......................................................................276 Ministries & Government Offices ..............................278 Regional British Business Groups ............................279 Photo Gallery...........................................................280 BBBForum Advertising Rates ..................................284 3

Welcome to the 2017 Edition of the BBBF Directory I hope that you find this directory which is a comprehensive list of our members, a useful networking tool. Today the BBBF is an integral contributor to the great relationship between Bahrain and the UK, since it formed in 1995 to promote trade relations between UK and Bahrain as well as promoting Bahrain as a regional hub to do business. Last year marked a milestone in history as we celebrated the 200 year anniversary of the bilateral relationship between Bahrain and Britain. It was good to see so many forum members enthusiastically taking part in activities and events throughout the year. In November we were very honoured to have a Royal visit from HRH Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales and HRH Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall. In December we saw a visit from the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, & the Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, who emphasized how important Britain and the Gulf region are to each other – how there are huge opportunities for British businesses in Bahrain and in the region, and how we can work together - ever strengthening the collaboration between our two nations from both a commercial aspect as well as friendship. We continue to enjoy an excellent working relationship with the British Embassy and the United Kingdom Trade & Investment teams. We are sure that H.E. Ambassador, Simon Martin’s dynamic commercial team will continue to support us through a rewarding 4

partnership in the numerous business networking activities that we organise. We are also very fortunate to have permanent British Embassy representation on our Committee, to ensure that we develop synergies, capitalise areas of mutual interest, connect visiting trade delegates to the right people during their stay, and follow-up tangible opportunities. The special business relationship and close friendship that Bahrain and Britain have forged over hundreds of years will serve both islands in good stead, as we seek to undertake more business with each other as reiterated by the British Embassy and Department of International Trade. The rise in interest continues from Bahraini companies interested in forging partnerships and joint ventures to harness British industrial expertise and technical know-how. We are encouraged that the UK government continues with a key focus on the Bahrain market in particular and that the Gulf generally remains pivotal to this ambitious growth strategy. It is clear that Bahrain is ideally placed to capitalise on this economic renaissance, with our geographic advantages linking us to Saudi Arabia by causeway, logistics hubs, regional cost competitiveness and most importantly a diverse, deeply skilled and entrepreneurial workforce. As we move in to 2017 the demand continues to grow and it is pleasing to also see such a large number of British companies seeking to do business in Bahrain and the wider GCC marketplace. We are also pleased to see

From the Chair

increasing numbers of young professionals, both British and Bahraini alike, joining the Forum. With this next generation, the strong relationship between Bahrain and Britain will continue to grow in strength over the years to come. As a supplement to our website, [], the annual membersÂ’ directory has an important role to play. With a distribution of over 1,500 copies, the directory provides an excellent platform for members to locate other members and for members to reach potential business partners and clients. The directory can be found in the British Embassy in Bahrain, business centres of all 5 star hotels in Bahrain, in lounges of Bahrain International Airport and on the desks of senior executives in both the public and private sectors here in Bahrain. The directory also travels overseas with copies being made available to visiting British trade missions and other British Business Groups throughout the Gulf, the Middle East Association, and the Arab British Chamber of Commerce, based in London. A special mention also to our sponsors, who continue to be a great source of financial support and generous encouragement. Their support allows us the financial security to increase the number and quality of events that we organise for your benefit and enjoyment. I would also like to thank all the BBBF Committee and Special Interest Group (SIG) Leaders for their tremendous support and hard work during 2016.

To cater for our ever growing and increasingly diverse membership, and in addition to our regular monthly lunches and dinner functions, the SIGs have been very active in organising additional networking events throughout 2016. We have been very fortunate to have been addressed by some very interesting and dynamic speakers who have shared with us a wealth of knowledge and ideas that we may leverage within our own businesses. Our SIGÂ’s continue to drive forward offering our members and guests a valuable medium for exchanging industry specific ideas. We always welcome hearing ways that we can serve you and make the Bahrain-British business community better in the future, so please do let us know and we welcome your feedback. We are all very proud to serve our members and I am deeply honoured to have the opportunity to represent you as Chairman. We wish each and every one of our members and your respective organisations a very successful and profitable 2017, and we look forward to seeing you, and your guests, at forthcoming BBBF events. Best wishes

Khalid Al Zayani OBE Chairman 5

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Ambassador's Foreword Welcome to the 2017 edition of the BBBF Directory At the beginning of this year, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa was so enthusiastic about the BHUK200 initiative - marking the bicentenary of official relations between the two countries - that he challenged us to stage 200 events in 12 months. As the year draws to a close, I am delighted to announce that we triumphantly exceeded this ambitious target and I know that His Majesty is also very proud of what has been achieved. The 200th Anniversary is a testament to the enduring ties between our two countries, and I hope it hails the beginning of another 200 years of deep, wide-ranging ties between the UK and Bahrain. It has been a year of activity led by our two Governments across many areas and has involved a diverse range of British and Bahraini people, of different ages and from different walks of life across a wide range of areas including culture, food, business, arts, sport and education. May saw the presence of His Majesty alongside Her Majesty the Queen at Her 90th birthday celebrations in Windsor. Here in Bahrain we were also lucky enough to have hosted a series of high-profile British visits , with HRH The Prince of Wales, and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall visiting Bahrain in November. In December our new Prime Minister Teresa May became the first British Prime Minister to address the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council at the GCC Summit in Bahrain, establishing a new strategic relationship between Britain and the countries of the GCC. The Prime Minister was followed a few days later Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson who delivered the keynote speech at the IISS Manama Dialogue Regional Security Summit. It hasn t just been all about Royal and Ministerial Visits: there has also been an enormous contribution from others, both British and Bahraini.

For example the British School staged a wonderfully colourful event for Her Majesty The Queen s birthday where all of the students, many of whom are not British, celebrated their link, through the school, with Britain and The Queen. In terms of culture, the anniversary celebrations have given opportunities for Bahrainis and expats alike to connect with the UK. Never more so than in April when Shakespeare s Hamlet was performed at the Cultural Hall by a touring company from London s Globe Theatre. The event was sold out and we had 150 people watching in the foyer via live link. Education, history and culture met with the display of a WWII Spitfire aircraft which was at Bahrain National Museum for much of the year. The fighter plane was decked out in the livery of a similar aircraft financed by the island s inhabitants to help the British war effort. Bahrain (along with other Gulf countries), financed the purchase of 11 Spitfires during the Second World War. After learning the ropes from the engineers of the UK s Royal Air Force Museum, a team of students from Bahrain Polytechnic were then involved in dismantling and reassembling the plane when it has been moved around the island for various events. This has really helped a new generation of Bahrainis understand the long timeline of the Bahraini-British relations. Before we leave the theme of avionics, I couldn t not mention the Red Arrows fly-past which took place on a sunny November morning at the end of a series of seminars profiling British expertise in Cyber Security. The sight of 9 iconic RAF Hawks flying in formation across the stunning Manama 7

skyline was a most evocative way to highlight British strengths in technology. The following day the Red Arrows completed a second fly past with aircraft from the Royal Bahraini Airforce. This spectacular mixed formation included Red Arrows Hawk T1 fast jets and Hawk 129 jets from the Royal Bahrain Air Force. I think it would be hard to find a better visual of the close links between the UK and Bahrain. Commercially too the anniversary year has proved successful, forging ties which will continue to grow in the coming years. Gulf Air has chosen RollsRoyce to power its new 787 Dreamliner s. British company Benoy, Architects, Master planners, Interior and Graphic Designers, announced they will provide services for the interior design of the new passenger terminal building as part of the Bahrain Airport Modernization Program. London Southbank University has partnered with the Bahrain based Applied Science University to launch a new College of Engineering. It isn t all one way traffic, in August of this year Investcorp (Bahrain based provider and manager of alternative investment products) acquired the United Kingdom s largest independent cyber security service provider; Nebulas Solutions Ltd and then later in October, 3i Group sold its debt management business to Investcorp for £222m. There are also less visible operations such as Bahrain based Midal Cables which is currently refitting the whole national grid in the UK with high-tech aluminium cables. On the military and defence sides, through the construction of HMS Jufair in Bahrain, and thanks to the generosity of the Kingdom of Bahrain, we will soon create a permanent presence in the region, the first such facility east of Suez since 1971, with more British warships, aircraft and personnel deployed on operations in the Gulf than in any other part of the world. 8

This has been a very quick whirlwind overview, and I feel that I have barely touched the surface of the events and achievements accomplished this year. It has been very satisfying to see so much excitement and momentum build around the history and the extent of our 200 year friendship with the UK. This has been especially poignant given that it has been a year of great change and some uncertainty for the UK. But I find it hugely encouraging that there has been so enthusiasm post-Brexit about the possibilities for building new trade and investment links between the UK, Bahrain and the wider Gulf as we leave the European Union. From our side, we can report that there has actually been an upsurge in interest in the UK markets from Bahrain. Indeed the bilateral trade figures between the UK and Bahrain stand at just shy of £495million a 70% increase over the previous 5 years. This is a good sign that discerning Bahraini investors don t see a risk around Brexit. We expect this trend to continue. The Bahrain British Business Forum continues to expand, particularly with the Special Interest Groups it has created. The Embassy s Department for International Trade (DIT) stand ready to assist all British companies doing business here and of course all Bahraini businesses interested in investing in the UK. It has been an exceptionally busy year for us and i wish to thank the BBBF Committee, Special Interest Groups, the BBBF Secretariat as well as the members for your contributions to UK Bahrain relations. Your support is very sincerely appreciated. We look forward to working with the BBBF in 2017. I wish the BBBF and its members a very healthy and prosperous 2017! Simon Martin CMG Ambassador

Reputations aren’t made

in the boardroom Reputations need determination, an ability

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Hill+Knowlton Strategies. Changed and changing.

The Department for International Trade helps companies with a UK base to internationalise; and promotes the UK as a location for inward investment. Examples of our services to UK and UK-based companies Include providing operational support, including export credit facilities to facilitate inward and outward investment, the delivery of bespoke research to: identify, warm up and / or facilitate contact with potential clients or business partners, we can carry out initial market research, assist with product launches, and coordinate events at the British Embassy for your company.

We work with our networks across the UK, sector specialists in DIT s HQ in London, and other DIT teams across the MENA region to promote business opportunities in Bahrain; and to coordinate visits and trade missions to Bahrain and the wider Gulf. DIT currently has 4 full time officers in Bahrain headed by Christian Syme, with Imane Alalaiwat, Yara Tawfeeq & Emilia Mateva. The work of the team is directly supported by the Deputy Head of Mission, Mockbul Ali and the UK Ambassador to Bahrain, Simon Martin CMG.

From left to right

Christian Syme

Head of Trade and Investment leading on strategic relationships

Imane Alalaiwat

Deputy Head, leads on financial and professional services

Yara Tawfeeq

Leads on infrastructure and oil & gas

Emilia Mateva-Smith Leads on education and training, water and environment 10

Visa Enquiries The British Embassy in Manama does not handle enquiries on visas. All visa related enquiries should be directed to the Visa International Enquiry Service: or Telephone: 800-19816 or 0044 1243 218 124 (there is a charge for this service) UK Visa Application Centre Bahrain: 18 Level, Diplomatic Commercial Office Towers, Next to Diplomat Radisson Blue Hotel Block no. 1722, Road No.0317 Manama - Bahrain Latitude 26.241366 Longitude 50.592029

The website address for the visa application centre is: The website address for UK Visas and Immigration is:


Our Mission The BBBF was formed in 1995 to promote trade and investment between Bahrain and Britain in a non-discriminatory, non-political and non-profit making manner. The BBBF is widely recognised in Bahrain and the UK as a leading impartial business sector group. The Forum works to create and sustain a favourable business environment. The BBBF strives to assist and introduce new trade and investments to both countries that can benefit and enhance the common economic interests of our member companies.

BBBF Chairman Khalid R. Al Zayani OBE (See page 56)

Objectives To promote Bahrain as the regional centre to conduct business throughout the Middle East. To complement and improve relations between the local British and Bahraini busi ness communities through the active participation of Bahraini membership. To demonstrate to the local business community the interest and commitment of British businesses in Bahrain.

Committee Member Nasser Al-Arayedh nasser@ (See page 46)

To act as a forum for the exchange of information related to local business opportunities through regular meetings. To liaise with the British Embassy in Bahrain on matters of interest to the Forum and to cooperate with the Embassy and support its initiatives of promoting British interests in Bahrain. To represent the interests of British business in the Kingdom of Bahrain as and when appropriate. 12

Committee Member Rick Hopper (See page 70)

2015-2017 BBBF Executive Committee

Deputy Chair Paula Boast paula.boast@ (See page 108)

Hon Secretary Ben Elsworth ben.elsworth@ (See page 206)

Treasurer Jonathan Trafankowski jonathan.trafankowski@ (See page 204)

Committee Member Mazen Al Umran mazen@ (See page 189 )

Committee Member: Adel Fakhro (See page 38)

Committee Member Christian Syme (See page 98 )

Committee Member: Ava Garbutt (See page 113)

Executive Manager Dena Wales (See page 15) 13

Special Interest Groups

Paula Boast Interim SIG Chair & Construction SIG Head

The special interest groups exist to meet the needs of members who want to learn more about specific sectors or about specialist areas of expertise in a more informal environment. We want to involve the broader Bahrain business community and encourage non BBBF members as well as BBBF members to come to our meetings.

Please support the meetings and come to the shared networking events we organise a couple of times a year.

If you have a strong interest in a business sector and have the passion, time and energy to start a group let us know.

If you have an idea for an event or want to get involved with the interest group organisation as a whole please get in touch.

If you are technical expert who would like to share your knowledge with the broader group get in touch with the appropriate SIG head.

If you would like to be a venue for our meetings contact the BBBF Executive office.

Interest groups aim to meet four times a year. The interest groups started in response to member interest and at the moment we have 9 groups that are outlined in the following page. These are run by individuals who have an interest in the topic themselves and who are willing to manage the process of running their groups with support from the office but they also need to do some of the work themselves. Details of each SIG can also be found on the BBBF Website. How you can get involved;

SIG Sponsors 2017


If you would like to help organise some larger networking events for this year we would welcome support and access to some administrative resources.

2015-2017 Special Interest Group Heads

Simon Bromyard Oil, Gas & Energy SIG Head

David Wales BSc, MIEE ICT Joint SIG Head

Rai Jayasundera ICT Joint SIG Head

Jonathan Trafankowski Financial SIG Head

Emilia Mateva-Smith Georgina Munnik Mike Orlov Joanne Emerson Taqi Women in Business Women in Business Organisational Effectiveness Legal Joint SIG Head Joint SIG Head SIG Head SIG Head

Ava Garbutt Young Professionals Joint SIG Head

Michael Fodor Young Professionals Joint SIG Head

Daniel Edwin Young Professionals Joint SIG Head

Rodney Davis Hospitality SIG Head


Founder Members

The BBBF was originally formed in 1995. Records are incomplete but those involved in the early years are believed to have included the following individuals: Oliver Alexandre Paul Badenoch-Jones Amanda Ball William Beddall Ameen Budagher John Chisholm Jonathan Crosse Brian Davis Mohammed Sadiq Dawani Patrick Dornan Joseph Dunn Helen Edwards Jamal Fakhro David Galbraith Robert Grey Andrew Hedges Peter Hudson Eric Huyer Patrick Irwin Martin Johnson Ismail Khonji Ian Lewis

Julie Lomas George Middleton Ronnie Middleton Richard Monkhouse Grant Murray Raymond Nakfour Adrian Pinto Peter Preston Iain Reid Angela Rice John Riddick John Rundall Barry Seddon Kevin Shaughnessy John Kelynack Skinner Douglas Tait Hassan Ali Tarradah Sean Warren Keith Williams Robert Wilson Kenneth Wordsworth

The Executive Office would be pleased to hear from any member who might have kept records of those early years.

The BBBF Executive Office can be contacted Sunday to Thursday 08.00 until 13.00hrs Tel: 00973 1781 3488 Fax: 00973 1781 3489 Email: Bahrain British Business Forum, P. O. Box 10051, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain


From the BBBF Executive Office Supporting business in Bahrain since 1995 Welcome to the 2017 edition of the BBBF Directory. This who s who book has proved to be very valuable not only to our members but also to British businesses and Trade missions visiting Bahrain. The 2017 edition of the Directory can also be found on our website where members can access their own details online with interactive pages to input information and also post news worthy articles about their companies. In 2016 we launched our BBBF Facebook page to encourage more businesses to be pro active using Dena Wales social media . This is proving to be very successful and popular amongst Executive Manager our members. Last year marked the 200 year anniversary of Bahraini and British relations and we saw ourselves with a lot more activity as we took part in organising various events to commemorate this important milestone in history. Thank you to all our members who supported these events. Our special interest groups (SIG) were also very busy and increased from 7 to 9 groups with meetings doubling from the previous year. The groups continue to go from strength to strength and are now an integral component of the BBBF.. 2017 promises to be a good year for business. We kick off the year with our Welcome to Business in 2017 - networking lunch on the 24th January. Throughout 2017 we have lined up a host of Business Lunch meetings, SIG Meetings and Events including our popular Curry Night, Golf Day and Poppy Ball. These meetings and events offer a great opportunity to meet face to face with others in your respective field and also with other businesses sectors. Sanne Smith The BBBF provides, through these, a platform for networking and exchange Executive Assistant of useful business leads and opportunities amongst our members and their guests. Full details of the 2017 diary dates can be found on the BBBF website: Our membership ranges from SME s to large corporate businesses and in 2016 we saw a continuous influx of new members join the BBBF in all categories. The BBBF Executive office is there to support members. We continuously strive to improve our services and to help members make the most of business networking. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or the committee. Your feedback is most valuable to us. We would like to thank all our members, partners and sponsors for their support throughout last year. Also, the British Embassy and the Department of International Trade Team for their continuous partnership with the BBBF and their support to our members and we look forward to working alongside them in assisting businesses in Bahrain in 2017. Dawn Aldred Dena Wales Executive Assistant Executive Manager 17

Index of BBBF Member Companies Company ............................................ Page 3D Speaking..............................................34 50 Degrees East........................................35 A K Almoayed Group.................................36 A R & EM AJOOR & CO.WLL ....................37 Abdulla Yousif Fakhro Group......................38 ACE Insurance Brokers..............................40 AECOM Middle East Limited......................41 African & Eastern.......................................42 Al Anqaa Communications ........................44 Al Ansari Group B.S.C. © ..........................45

Company ............................................ Page Bahrain SPCA ...........................................82 Banz Group B.S.C. ©................................83 BAPCO .....................................................84 Bateel W.L.L. .............................................86 Batelco......................................................87 BCCI .........................................................88 BCMS Gulf ................................................89 BDO ..........................................................90 Beckett McInroy Consultancy (BMC) .........91 Behzad Group ...........................................92

Al Arayedh Group Holding .........................46 Al Ezzel Power & Al Dur Power & Water.....48 Al Ezzel Power Company...........................47 Al Hamdan Consulting Office .....................49 Al Hilal Group ............................................50 Al Saad Ventures Company WLL ...............54 Al Tamini & Company Advocates ...............51 Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed). ......52 Ali Alsharif Group Co. WLL ........................55 Allied Pickfords ..........................................56

Bin Juma Holding Co.................................93 British Airways ...........................................94 British Club................................................95 British Council ...........................................96 British Embassy.........................................98 British School of Bahrain .........................100 BSME......................................................101 Building Defence Systems (BDS) .............102 Capital Club ............................................104 CBRE Bahrain WLL .................................106

Almoayed General WLL .............................57 Aluminium Services WLL ...........................58 AMEX (Middle East) B.S.C ( c ) .................59 APM Terminals Bahrain..............................60 Arab Financial Services B.S.C....................61 Arabia Aviation Services.............................62 Arabian Exhibition Management ................63 Arabian Magazines ....................................64 Arcadis ......................................................65 Arencon Security Est. ................................66

Cebarco Bahrain .....................................107 Charles Russell Speechlys LLP................108 Citibank ...................................................110 Cluttons...................................................111 Condor Technology .................................112 Court of the Crown Prince .......................113 Crescent Global Insurance Services WLL 114 Crown Consultants International ..............115 Crowne Plaza Hotel .................................116 Cushman & Wakefield (Bahrain) W.L.L. ....118

Art Rotana .................................................67 Aryani Trading............................................68 ASMA Capital Partners B.S.C. © ...............69 Atkins Global .............................................70 Attwood Maritime WLL ..............................71 AXA Insurance (Gulf) BSC ©......................72 BAE Systems ............................................74 Bahrain Airport Company ..........................76 Bahrain Development Bank BSC © ...........77 Bahrain Economic Development Board .......9

D G Jones and Partners (ME) Ltd ............119 Dar Alistishara .........................................120 Designer Shaikh ......................................121 DHL Express ...........................................122 Dilmun Club.............................................124 Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Res. & Spa 126 Downtown Rotana...................................128 DSC Solutions WLL.................................129 EFS Facilities Services Bahrain WLL ........130 Elev-8......................................................132

Bahrain Fincl. Harbour Holding Co.............78 Bahrain International Circuit .......................80

Ernst & Young Middle East ......................134 Expat Angels WLL ...................................133


Index of BBBF Member Companies Company ............................................ Page Façade Design Services Co. WLL............136 Faieq Alzayani Co. WLL...........................137 Fakhro Transport BSC © .........................138 FAMCORP...............................................139 FedEx Express .......................................140 Fives Services Gulf Co.............................142 G. P. Zachariades (Overseas) Ltd .............143 G4S Secure Solutions Bahrain W.L.L.......144 Gentex ....................................................145 GRIP Arabia.............................................146

Company ............................................ Page Lucite International ..................................184 M.M. Sharif Hatam & Sons ......................185 Majestic Arjan by Rotana .........................186 Management Development Centre Int'l. ...187 Mazars Chartered Accountants ...............188 Mazen Alumran Consulting Engineers......189 Mead Management Services Ltd .............190 MESMM Ltd ............................................192 Michael Eddison Financial Solutions ........193 Middle East Trading & Engineering Est.....194

Gulf Agency Company (Bahrain) WLL ......147 Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill (Garmco)........148 Gulf Brands International .........................150 Gulf Computer Services...........................152 Gulf Hotels Group....................................154 Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company ..156 H Squared Consultants ...........................158 Hasan Mansouri Group............................159 HaskoningDHV UK Limited ......................160 Hill & Knowlton ........................................161

Ministry of Foreign Affairs.........................195 Ministry of Industry, Comm. & Tourism .....196 Mohammed Jalal & Sons (Eng & Tec Div).198 Mohammed Jalal & Sons W.L.L. ..............197 Mohammed Jalal Contracting..................199 Mott MacDonald......................................200 Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain.........................202 MSCEB ...................................................203 Muharraq STP Company .........................204 Muharraq Wastewater Serv. Co. WLL ......205

Howard Consultants S.P.C. .....................162 HSBC Bank Middle East..........................163 HSBC Bank Middle East..........................163 Hull Diving ...............................................164 Impact Estate WLL ..................................165 Infonas ....................................................166 Insure Direct (Brokers) LLC ......................168 InterContinental Regency Bahrain...........169 International Inst, for Strategic Studies.....170 Intertrust..................................................171

MWH KHONJI .........................................206 My Spaces ..............................................207 Nass Contracting Co ...............................208 Newton Legal, Newton Consult ...............209 Nexant Limited ........................................210 Nexus Financial Services WLL .................212 Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP .214 Nova Group WLL.....................................215 Novotel Bahrain Al Dana Resort...............216 OAK Utility Solutions & Dev. WLL.............217

InTouch Clinic ..........................................172 Intuitive Education ...................................173 Investcorp Bank BSC ..............................174 Ismail Khonji Associates ..........................175 J.E. Khedouri & Sons...............................176 John A.Davies Landscape Consultants....177 Julius Baer (Bahrain) B.S.C. © .................178 KPMG Fakhro..........................................179 KS International .......................................180 Lancaster House .....................................181

Oasis Training Centre...............................218 Oxford Business Group ...........................219 Peak Consultancy....................................220 Petrolink International ..............................221 Poullaides Construction Co. WLL ............222 Prime Instant Offices & Business Centre ..223 Printech & Printpack ................................224 Protection Insurance Services WLL .........226 Ramada Hotel & Suites Amwaj Island ......227 RCSI........................................................228

Le Bateau................................................182 Le Beck International ...............................183

Red House Marketing..............................229 Retired Members.....................................269 19

Index of BBBF Member Companies Company ............................................ Page RMI Middle East ......................................230 RMR Group .............................................231 Romani Consulting ..................................232 Royal Golf Club .......................................234 RSM Bahrain ...........................................236 Savills ......................................................237 SEC Industrial Battery Company BSC .....238 Sharif Group ............................................239 Shutdown Maintenance Services WLL.....240 Skin Health Centre...................................241

Company ............................................ Page Sysprove Consulting WLL........................250 T J International WLL...............................251 The Bookcase .........................................252 The Domain Hotel & Spa .........................253 The Westin & Le Meridien ........................254 Trafco Group B.S.C. ................................256 Tribal Group.............................................257 Tricom Group ..........................................258 Trowers & Hamlins...................................260 Trust RE ..................................................262

Sovereign Trust & Conltcy (Bahrain) WLL .242 SSH International Eng. Consultants .........243 Standard Chartered Bank ........................244 Standby Consulting (ME) Ltd ...................246 SteppingStone Global WLL .....................247 Streetlight Media Co. ...............................248 Swiss-Belhotel.........................................249

Unisono Co. WLL ....................................263 Verminex Co WLL....................................264 Yateem Centre.........................................265 Yusuf bin Ahmed Kanoo (Holdings) WLL..266 ZuÂ’bi & Partners, .....................................267 Zurich International Life Ltd......................268


Why join the BBBF? BAHRAIN The Pearl of the Gulf has had a long standing relationship with Britain and is still a major trading partner. BRITISH Trade with Bahrain is now subject to significant competition in this era of globalization particularly from countries in Europe and from the USA BUSINESS between Bahrain and Britain must be promoted in order for Britain to maintain its dominant position. The BBBF has been formed to help in whatever way it can to do this and through its close cooperation with the British Embassy seeks to promote exchange of trade and good relations between Bahrain and Britain. FORUM Is defined in the Collins English Dictionary as, “an assembly or meeting to discuss topics of public concern”. The BBBF provides, through its monthly meetings, a platform for networking amongst its members and the exchange and dissemination of useful business leads and opportunities. In addition, in return for a modest subscription, members receive the benefit of inclusion in an annual directory describing the products and services they have to offer and a listing on the BBBF website again with a description of activities, contact numbers and useful links. Membership directories are distributed to members of visiting Trade Missions and are available to businessmen visiting Bahrain through the Embassy and business centres in five star hotels. Simply click on “Sign Up” on our website and click submit, or complete the application form on Page 30. Sounds simple. It is. it must be worth it. Cost of individual membership: BD100 per annum, with an additional BD40 once-only registration fee. Cost of Corporate membership: BD400 per annum, (for up to 5 members) with an additional BD100 once-only registration fee. plus BD40 for each additional applicant. 21

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Abdulghaffar, Ohood............ CPISP (Crown Prince s Int l Scholarship Program...................113 Abdulla, Louise.................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Abdulla, Ala a ...................... My Spaces.............................................................................207 Abu Omar, Rahim ................ Gulf Hotels Group ..................................................................154 Addison, Sue....................... Royal Golf Club ......................................................................234 Ageeva, Anastasia ............... Impact Estate WLL ................................................................165 Aguiluz, Grace ..................... Oxford Business Group..........................................................219 Ahmadi, Sharif ..................... Aluminium Services WLL..........................................................58 Ahmed, Khalil ...................... British School of Bahrain ........................................................100 Ahmed, Salman................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Ahmed, Usman ................... Citibank .................................................................................110 Ahsan, Abdul Majid.............. Crescent Global Insurance Services WLL...............................114 Ajoor, Nabeel ....................... A R & EM Ajoor & Co.WLL .......................................................37 Akanji, Dayo ........................ Arcadis ....................................................................................65 Al Adawi, Anas .................... Sovereign Trust & Consultancy (Bahrain) WLL ........................242 Al Alawi, Nada ..................... Cushman & Wakefield (Bahrain) W.L.L....................................118 Al Ali, Durra ......................... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Al Ansari, Abduljaleel ........... Al Ansari Group B.S.C. ©.........................................................45 Al Asfoor, Fairooz................. AXA Insurance (Gulf) BSC © ....................................................72 Al Asfoor, Mohammed .......... Designer Shaikh.....................................................................121 Al Attar, Sarah ..................... CBRE Bahrain WLL................................................................106 Al Baharna, Shams.............. RSM Bahrain .........................................................................236 Al Baluchi, Hussain.............. Citibank .................................................................................110 Al Banna, Eman................... Arcadis ....................................................................................65 Al Bushara, Wafa ................. Capital Club ..........................................................................104 Al Doseri, Saad.................... Al Tamini & Company Advocates..............................................51 Al Haddad, Hamad.............. Nexus Financial Services WLL................................................212 Al Hajjar, Anwar ................... Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa .....................126 Al Hashemi, Muna ............... Batelco ....................................................................................87 Al Khan, Sameer.................. Trafco Group B.S.C................................................................256 Al Madeh, Hussain Abdali .... Fives Services Gulf Co. ..........................................................142 Al Mahdy, Sherif................... Bahrain International Circuit .....................................................80 Al Mosawi, Elham ................. Infonas...................................................................................166 Al Omari, Harb..................... Skin Health Centre .................................................................241 Al Saad, Fahad.................... Al Saad Ventures Company WLL .............................................54 Al Sabba, Noura .................. British Council..........................................................................96 Al Sadiqi, Dalia .................... Bahrain Economic Development Board......................................9 Al Saffar, Yasmeen............... Bahrain Economic Development Board....................................79 Al Sharif, Hassan ................. Ali Alsharif Group Co. WLL.......................................................55 Al Sharif, Hussain ................ Ali Alsharif Group Co. WLL.......................................................55 Al Shehabi, Fadhel............... Mazars Chartered Accountants..............................................188 Al Soufi, Mahmood .............. Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill (Garmco) ......................................148 Al Zayani OBE, Khalid R. ..... Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 22

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Al Zayani, Abdulrahman H. .. Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 Al Zayani, Hamid R. ............. Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 Al Zayani, Majid K. ............... Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 Al Zayani, Nawaf K. ............. Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 Al Zayani, Rashid H. ............ Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 Alalaiwat, Imane .................. British Embassy .......................................................................98 Al-Amer, Hamad ................... Infonas...................................................................................166 Al-Arayedh, Nasser.............. Al Arayedh Group Holding........................................................46 Aleskafi, Marwa ................... CPISP (Crown Prince s Int l Scholarship Program...................113 Ali Zainal, Ebrahim Moh'd .... Trafco Group B.S.C................................................................256 Ali, OBE, Mockbul .............. British Embassy .......................................................................98 Ali, Hadi Haj.......................... Swiss-Belhotel .......................................................................249 Al-Jowder, Essa................... Ernst & Young Middle East.....................................................134 Al-Khalifa, Salman Bin Isa .... Bahrain International Circuit .....................................................80 Allderidge, Rod.................... Nexus Financial Services WLL................................................212 Almail, Mohamed.................. Hill & Knowlton.......................................................................161 Almoayed, Emad ................. A K Almoayed Group ...............................................................36 Almoayed, Talal ................... Almoayed General WLL ...........................................................57 Almoayed, Tawfeeq ............. Dar Alistishara ........................................................................120 Almoayed, Khalid A K .......... BCCI........................................................................................88 Al-Rayes, Waleed Sharif ...... Sharif Group ..........................................................................239 AlrubaiaanTariq ..................... HSBC Bank Middle East ........................................................163 Al-Salem, Ibrahim ................ APM Terminals Bahrain ............................................................60 Alsalloum, Maan ................... Mob: 3991-9822 email: Alsulaiman, Ahmed.............. KS International .....................................................................180 Alubaidi, Afaf ....................... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Alumran, Ahmed.................. Mazen Alumran Consulting Engineers ....................................189 Alumran, Mazen .................. Mazen Alumran Consulting Engineers ....................................189 Alumran, Dr Dhaffar ............. Ministry of Foreign Affairs .......................................................195 Alzayani, Ali Faieq ................ Faieq Alzayani Co. WLL .........................................................137 Alzayani, HE Zayed R. .......... Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Tourism..............................196 Amin, Buthaina .................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Amralla, Ali .......................... Gulf Hotels Group ..................................................................154 Anthony, David .................... Nass Contracting Co .............................................................208 Aryan, Basel ........................ Aryani Trading ..........................................................................68 Asghar, Shakofa .................. HSBC Bank Middle East ........................................................163 Attwood, Tim....................... Attwood Maritime WLL ............................................................71 Aziz, Samy .......................... Protection Insurance Services WLL ........................................226 Badawi, Ahmed.................... HSBC Bank Middle East ........................................................163 Bailey, David ........................ Mohammed Jalal Contracting ................................................199 Baines, Simon ..................... Al Hamdan Consulting Office ...................................................49 Baqer, Mohammed.............. BCMS Gulf...............................................................................89 Barrett, Jim.......................... Al Ezzel Power & Al Dur Power & Water ...................................48 23

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Barwick, Andrew ................. SSH International Engineering Consultants ............................243 Bassila, Zee......................... The Westin & Le Meridien ......................................................254 Bastaki, Nada...................... CPISP (Crown Prince s Int l Scholarship Program...................113 Bazian, Bashar .................... Intertrust ................................................................................171 Bearryman, Tania................. Intertrust ................................................................................171 Beckett-McInroy, Clare ........ Beckett McInroy Consultancy (BMC)........................................91 Beedie, Debbie.................... British Airways .........................................................................94 Beedie, Jackie ..................... SEC Industrial Battery Company BSC....................................238 Bennett Mathieson, Betsy.... Lancaster House....................................................................181 Bennett, Graham ................. Yusuf bin Ahmed Kanoo (Holdings) WLL ................................266 Bennett-Hughes, Sarah ....... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Bennie, Gordon ................... Ernst & Young Middle East.....................................................134 Benton, John....................... Building Defence Systems (BDS)............................................102 Boast, Paula........................ Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Bonney, Ashwini .................. Citibank .................................................................................110 Botham, Richard ................. CBRE Bahrain WLL................................................................106 Boujaoude, Christian ............ D G Jones and Partners (ME) Ltd...........................................119 Bowles, Karl ........................ Bahrain Society for prevention of Cruelty to Animals.................82 Bowman, Ian ....................... British Council..........................................................................96 Bowzaylo, Amy.................... InTouch Clinic.........................................................................172 Brand, Katy ......................... British School of Bahrain ........................................................100 Bromyard, Simon................. OAK Utility Solutions & Development WLL .............................217 Brown, Gareth R.................. OAK Utility Solutions & Development WLL .............................217 Brown, Peter ....................... DHL Express..........................................................................122 Browne, Stephen................. Cluttons .................................................................................111 Budagher, Ameen................ Arabia Aviation Services ...........................................................62 Buisseret, Mark ................... Trust RE .................................................................................262 Bustin, Peter........................ Façade Design Services Co. WLL ..........................................136 Camara, Mike ...................... Gulf Agency Company (Bahrain) WLL ....................................147 Campbell, Angus ................. Bahrain Financial Harbour Holding Company B.S.C © .............78 Carter, Tom.......................... Cluttons .................................................................................111 Catto, Thomas .................... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Caulfield, Colin..................... EFS Facilities Services Bahrain WLL.......................................130 Chanian, Unkar.................... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Chartres, Stephen ............... Dilmun Club ...........................................................................124 Chishty, Ahsan..................... Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 Clabault, Clementine ........... Oxford Business Group..........................................................219 Clarke, David ....................... DSC Solutions WLL ...............................................................129 Connor, Anthony.................. FAMCORP .............................................................................139 Conway, Peter J. ................. BAPCO....................................................................................84 Conway, Shirley ................... RMR Group ...........................................................................231 Cooksey, Nick ..................... Arabian Magazines...................................................................64 Copeman-Hill, Rupert .......... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 24

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Core, Christopher ................. Mob: 3948-4381 email: Cornee, Patrice .................... Downtown Rotana .................................................................128 Cornock, Oliver.................... Oxford Business Group..........................................................219 Craig, Kevin......................... GRIP Arabia ...........................................................................146 Crosse, Jonathan ................ Julius Baer (Bahrain) B.S.C. © ...............................................178 Crutchlow, Kelvin................. Cushman & Wakefield (Bahrain) W.L.L....................................118 Cunningham, Michael .......... Al Ezzel Power Company .........................................................47 Dalgarno, Arron W............... OAK Utility Solutions & Development WLL .............................217 Daniel, Stephen ................... Ramada Hotel & Suites Amwaj Island.....................................227 David Jeffrey......................... 50 Degrees East ......................................................................35 Davies, John........................ John A.Davies Landscape Consultants ..................................177 Davies, Rodney ................... Gulf Brands International........................................................150 Dawani, Mohammed Sadiq . Printech & Printpack ..............................................................224 Dawson, Andrew ................. Zurich International Life Ltd ....................................................268 de Haldevang, Jan............... Gentex...................................................................................145 de Windt, Antoinette............ Expat Angels WLL .................................................................133 Deakin, Matthew ................. HSBC Bank Middle East ........................................................163 Devereux, Nigel ................... Mohammed Jalal & Sons W.L.L. ............................................197 Devine, Kelly........................ Intertrust ................................................................................171 Diaper, Steve ....................... MSCEB..................................................................................203 Doig, James ........................ Nexus Financial Services WLL................................................212 Dourado, Gavin ................... Fakhro Transport BSC ©........................................................138 Downing, Ann-Marie............ The Westin & Le Meridien ......................................................254 Drissi, Karim ........................ Impact Estate WLL ................................................................165 D Souza, Jason ................... Fakhro Transport BSC ©........................................................138 Dunn, Joseph....................... Retired Members ...................................................................269 Durand, Celine..................... Cushman & Wakefield (Bahrain) W.L.L....................................118 Ebrahim, Fatima .................. Capital Club ..........................................................................104 Eddison, Michael ................. Michael Eddison Financial Solutions.......................................193 Edwin, Daniel J.................... OAK Utility Solutions & Development WLL .............................217 Eikeland, Frank Normann .... The Domain Hotel & Spa........................................................253 El Farsi, Said........................ Crowne Plaza Hotel ...............................................................116 El Hajjami, Emad ................. DHL Express..........................................................................122 El Treki, Rad ........................ Al Tamini & Company Advocates..............................................51 Elsworth, Ben ...................... MWH KHONJI .......................................................................206 Emerson Taqi, Joanne ......... Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP ................................214 Endall, David ....................... British Club ..............................................................................95 Escartin, Emilio .................... Bahrain Development Bank BSC ©..........................................77 Fahoum, Munira .................. Prime Instant Offices & Business Centre ................................223 Fakhro, Adel ........................ Abdulla Yousif Fakhro Group ....................................................38 Fakhro, Fatima Khalid .......... Unisono Co. WLL...................................................................263 Fakhro, Jamal...................... KPMG Fakhro ........................................................................179 Fakhroo, Faezeh Faiz........... Bahrain International Circuit .....................................................80 25

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Farrell, Liam......................... Unisono Co. WLL...................................................................263 Fayez, Fayzez Ramzy .......... Bahrain International Circuit .....................................................80 Fernandes, Savio................. Impact Estate WLL ................................................................165 Fiel, Puralyn (Lyn)................. Investcorp Bank BSC.............................................................174 Finlay, Mairead..................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Fisher, Simon....................... ACE Insurance Brokers ............................................................40 Fodor, Michael..................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Forward, Charles ................. Trust RE .................................................................................262 Frederiksson, Pontus........... Gulf Agency Company (Bahrain) WLL ....................................147 Gadit, Arshad ...................... BDO ........................................................................................90 Gallagher, Alan .................... Lucite International.................................................................184 Galpin, Simon...................... Bahrain Economic Development Board....................................79 Gant, Christopher ................ Ernst & Young Middle East.....................................................134 Garbutt, Ava ........................ Court of the Crown Prince......................................................113 Gauntlett, Feriha .................. British School of Bahrain ........................................................100 Gearon, Patrick ................... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Gilbert, Julie Anne ............... British School of Bahrain ........................................................100 Goodson-Wickes, Harry ...... Cluttons .................................................................................111 Gravener, Mark .................... MESMM Ltd ..........................................................................192 Greatrex, Peter .................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Green, Nick ......................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Green, Simon ...................... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Grieve, William...................... Savills ....................................................................................237 Griffiths, Peter...................... Ernst & Young Middle East.....................................................134 Hajjar, Foutoun .................... Al Tamini & Company Advocates..............................................51 Hallett, Tom ......................... BAE Systems...........................................................................74 Ham, Tom............................ Standby Consulting (ME) Ltd..................................................246 Harajli, Najah ........................ InterContinental Regency Bahrain .........................................169 Hardiman, Mark................... APM Terminals Bahrain ............................................................60 Harrison, Stephen................. H Squared Consultants..........................................................158 Harrison-Mirfield, Stephen ... RCSI ......................................................................................228 Hatam, Abdul Hamid ........... M.M. Sharif Hatam & Sons.....................................................185 Havrilla, Stephen ................. Royal Golf Club ......................................................................234 Hayes, Lee .......................... Al Hamdan Consulting Office ...................................................49 Hearn, Ann .......................... Crown Consultants International ............................................115 Hill, Shaun ........................... Investcorp Bank BSC.............................................................174 Hinnawi, Ihab....................... Batelco ....................................................................................87 Hinson, Andy....................... CBRE Bahrain WLL................................................................106 Hisham, Ahmed.................... InterContinental Regency Bahrain .........................................169 Holmager, Klaus .................. Gulf Agency Company (Bahrain) WLL ....................................147 Hopper, Rick ....................... Atkins Global............................................................................70 Howard, Brian ..................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Howard, Deborah ................ Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 26

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Howard, Richard ................. Howard Consultants S.P.C.....................................................162 Hubaishi, Yousif K................ Petrolink International.............................................................221 Hudson, David...................... Mob: 3947-9109 email: Hughes, Michael.................. RMI Middle East.....................................................................230 Humberstone, Steven.......... Trust RE .................................................................................262 Hunt, Liam........................... Infonas...................................................................................166 Ibrahim, Hayat ..................... BAE Systems...........................................................................74 Idafar, Houda....................... Gulf Computer Services .........................................................152 Idafar, Salman...................... Gulf Computer Services .........................................................152 Ifcic, Jan.............................. InterContinental Regency Bahrain .........................................169 Ilham, Anil............................ Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa .....................126 Isa, Mohamed Abdulla......... 3D Speaking ............................................................................34 Jackson, Mike ...................... Elev-8 ....................................................................................132 Jane, Jonathan.................... AXA Insurance (Gulf) BSC © ....................................................72 Jassim, Mariam A. ............... HaskoningDHV UK Limited ....................................................160 Jawad, Ali............................ BDO ........................................................................................90 Jawad, Basil ....................... BDO ........................................................................................90 Jawad, Habib ...................... BDO ........................................................................................90 Jawad, Jawad Habib........... BDO ........................................................................................90 Jawahery, Abdulrahman ...... Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company.................................156 Jawahery, Ahmed ................ Middle East Trading & Engineering Est ...................................194 Jayasundera, Ravi ............... Sysprove Consulting WLL ......................................................250 Jenkins, John ...................... International Institute for Strategic Studies..............................170 Jennings, Linda ................... The Bookcase........................................................................252 Jennings, Robert ................. The Bookcase........................................................................252 Jessup, Graham .................. British Embassy .......................................................................98 Jhingan, Sumeet ................. Capital Club ..........................................................................104 Johnson, Ian........................ British Council..........................................................................96 Johnston, David .................. Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP ................................214 Johnston, Jonathan............. Gulf Agency Company (Bahrain) WLL ....................................147 Jones, Garfield .................... Gulf Hotels Group ....................................................................17 Joseph, Sunil....................... APM Terminals Bahrain ............................................................60 Joubert, Pieter..................... AECOM Middle East Limited ....................................................41 Juma, Abdulla ..................... Bin Juma Holding Co. ..............................................................93 Kaan, Daniel ........................ Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain .......................................................202 Kadam, Nitin........................ British School of Bahrain ........................................................100 Kadhem, Hashim................. Cluttons .................................................................................111 Kamath, Mansi .................... Unisono Co. WLL...................................................................263 Karimi, Hameed.................... Management Development Centre International Ltd...............187 Kazerooni, Shayma.............. Ernst & Young Middle East.....................................................134 Kelleher, Brian...................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Kesselaar, George ............... KPMG Fakhro ........................................................................179 Key, Stephen ....................... Arabian Exhibition Management ...............................................63 27

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Khallouf, George.................. Sovereign Trust & Consultancy (Bahrain) WLL ........................242 Khan, Qaseem .................... Atkins Global............................................................................70 Khan, Usman J.................... HSBC Bank Middle East ........................................................163 Khan, Ali Tariq....................... HSBC Bank Middle East ........................................................163 Khedouri, Nancy.................. J.E. Khedouri & Sons .............................................................176 Khokar, Omar ...................... Unisono Co. WLL...................................................................263 Khonji, Ismail ....................... Ismail Khonji Associates .........................................................175 Khoury, Mazin...................... AMEX (Middle East) B.S.C ( c )................................................59 Khoury, Nabil ....................... Sovereign Trust & Consultancy (Bahrain) WLL ........................242 Kilmartin, John..................... Bahrain Economic Development Board....................................79 Kinger, Ramesh Kumar........ Nexus Financial Services WLL................................................212 Kissick, Charles ................... Oxford Business Group..........................................................219 Klink, Dr Boutros .................. Standard Chartered ...............................................................244 Konyshevska, Oksana ......... Impact Estate WLL ................................................................165 Kooheji, Ebrahim ................. Crowne Plaza Hotel ...............................................................116 Krause, Alexander ............... Gulf Agency Company (Bahrain) WLL ....................................147 Kumar, Bishwajit Ranjan ...... AECOM Middle East Limited ....................................................41 Laing, Gary A....................... Mott MacDonald ....................................................................200 Lampaditis, Stelios .............. G. P. Zachariades (Overseas) Ltd ...........................................143 Leask, Steven...................... HaskoningDHV UK Limited ....................................................160 Legaspino, Catherine........... Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa .....................126 Linton, Paul ......................... Trust RE .................................................................................262 Lockwood, Michael .............. G. P. Zachariades (Overseas) Ltd ...........................................143 Longden, Heather................ CBRE Bahrain WLL................................................................106 Lynn, James ........................ CBRE Bahrain WLL................................................................106 Mabire, Sari ......................... Hill & Knowlton.......................................................................161 MacLeod, Alex ..................... Mott MacDonald ....................................................................200 Mafaz, Mohamed ................ Gulf Agency Company (Bahrain) WLL ....................................147 Manabat, Anthony ............... Verminex Co WLL ..................................................................264 Mannan, Akshat .................. Atkins Global............................................................................70 Mansouri, Karim .................. Hasan Mansouri Group ..........................................................159 Martin, Simon ...................... British Embassy .......................................................................98 Mateva-Smith, Emilia ........... British Embassy .......................................................................98 Mattar, Nouf ........................ Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Mayoof, Raed...................... Gulf Hotels Group ..................................................................154 McIntyre, Kevin.................... Le Bateau ..............................................................................182 McMorrow, Niall................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Mead, Andrew..................... Mead Management Services Ltd............................................190 Megchiani, Nevin ................. Mohammed Jalal & Sons (Engineering & Technology Division) 198 Mehta, Mukul ...................... Ramada Hotel & Suites Amwaj Island.....................................227 Mendes, Lloyd..................... Fakhro Transport BSC Š........................................................138 Middleton, George............... Red House Marketing ............................................................229 Middleton, Ronnie ............... Al Hilal Group ...........................................................................50 28

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Mills, Gareth ........................ Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Mohammed, Abdul-Haq ...... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Monkhouse, Richard ........... Arencon Security Est................................................................66 Moore, James ...................... Savills ....................................................................................237 Morgan, Amy....................... Unisono Co. WLL...................................................................263 Morton-Shepherd, Clarke .... AECOM Middle East Limited ....................................................41 Moutragi, Azzam ................. Trafco Group B.S.C................................................................256 Munnik, Georgina ................ Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Murphy, Wayne.................... Trust RE .................................................................................262 Nair, Madhaven ................... Atkins Global............................................................................70 Nakfour, Raymond............... Nova Group WLL ...................................................................215 Nakfour, Robert ................... Nova Group WLL ...................................................................215 Nasr, Nael Ramzi ................. KPMG Fakhro ........................................................................179 Naylor, Peter........................ Muharraq Wastewater Services Company WLL......................205 Nicolas, Gilles ...................... Crowne Plaza Hotel ...............................................................116 Noonan, Colm ..................... Mott MacDonald ....................................................................200 Noury, Laurent ..................... Novotel Bahrain Al Dana Resort .............................................216 Nubel, David E..................... Verminex Co WLL ..................................................................264 O Brien, Peter...................... African & Eastern .....................................................................42 O Brien-McQueenie, Ben...... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Olcan, Burak ....................... Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa .....................126 O Neil, Dominic.................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Orlov, Mike .......................... SteppingStone Global WLL....................................................247 Ouston, Michael C. G. ......... Verminex Co WLL ..................................................................264 Pahuja, Raj .......................... Al Tamini & Company Advocates..............................................51 Pallikaropoulos, Konstantinos.. G. P. Zachariades (Overseas) Ltd ...........................................143 Panagis, Panos ................... Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa .....................126 Parker, David ....................... Bahrain Economic Development Board....................................79 Paul, Tim ............................. Mott MacDonald ....................................................................200 Pavis, Neil............................ Arab Financial Services B.S.C. .................................................61 Paw, Vik .............................. Intuitive Education..................................................................173 Peck, Marcus Charles.......... Allied Pickfords ........................................................................56 Peck, Simon........................ Allied Pickfords ........................................................................56 Penhale, Kevin..................... D G Jones and Partners (ME) Ltd...........................................119 Peters, Barry ....................... Arcadis ....................................................................................65 Peters, Ron ......................... Gulf Brands International........................................................150 Peters, Simon...................... Tribal Group ...........................................................................257 Petty, Andrew ...................... Yateem Centre .......................................................................265 Peyre, Herve........................ Swiss-Belhotel .......................................................................249 Pishbin, Shirin...................... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Potter, Richard..................... RMR Group ...........................................................................231 Poullaides, Christos A.......... Poullaides Construction Co. WLL...........................................222 Powell, Ross........................ Hull Diving..............................................................................164 29

Index of BBBF Members Name ....................................... Company ..................................................................... Page Price, Andrew...................... British Embassy .......................................................................98 Punnen, Nina........................ Hill & Knowlton.......................................................................161 Qambar, Murtadha .............. Infonas...................................................................................166 Radhi, Jalal.......................... Impact Estate WLL ................................................................165 Rajab, Mufeed ..................... Investcorp Bank BSC.............................................................174 Rajan, Tharol Soma .............. Trafco Group B.S.C................................................................256 Rasool, Hussain .................. Yusuf bin Ahmed Kanoo (Holdings) WLL ................................266 Rasromani, Jawad............... Romani Consulting.................................................................232 Reardon, Jonathan ............... Al Tamini & Company Advocates..............................................51 Reynolds, Thomas............... Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Rodney, Derrick ................... OAK Utility Solutions & Development WLL .............................217 Roger, Lilian.......................... ART ROTANA ..........................................................................67 Rowlands, Emyr .................. Mott MacDonald ....................................................................200 Rutt, Alan ............................ British Council..........................................................................96 Saban, Raiz .......................... Majestic Arjan by Rotana .......................................................186 Sabkar, Mohammed ............ Peak Consultancy ..................................................................220 Salahuddin, Mohamed......... MSCEB..................................................................................203 Saleem, Hamza ................... Zu bi & Partners, Attorneys & Legal Consultants ....................267 Salman, Khalil...................... Mazen Alumran Consulting Engineers ....................................189 Samson, Steven .................. Insure Direct (Brokers) LLC ....................................................168 Samuel, Ijaz ......................... Infonas...................................................................................166 Sandilands, Neil................... British Council..........................................................................96 Sanyal, Atanu ...................... G4S Secure Solutions Bahrain W.L.L .....................................144 Sarikaya, Turgay .................. DHL Express..........................................................................122 Sellers, Deborah .................. Cluttons .................................................................................111 Sellers, Peter ....................... Cebarco Bahrain ....................................................................107 Shah, Shanti........................ Trowers & Hamlins .................................................................260 Shankar, Priya ..................... Crowne Plaza Hotel ...............................................................116 Shapashnik, Yuliya............... Fakhro Transport BSC ©........................................................138 Shareef, Mahboob............... Bateel W.L.L. ...........................................................................86 Sharp, Peter ........................ Mott MacDonald ....................................................................200 Simpkins, Mark ................... BAE Systems...........................................................................74 Sinclair, Thomas Ian............. T J International WLL .............................................................251 Smith, Jason ....................... Banz Group B.S.C. © ..............................................................83 Solarski, Phillip .................... ASMA Capital Partners B.S.C. © .............................................69 Spiers, Andrew .................... Nexant Limited.......................................................................210 Sridhar, S............................. Trafco Group B.S.C................................................................256 Stahl, Martin ........................ Arcadis ....................................................................................65 Stapleton, Kelly.................... Royal Golf Club ......................................................................234 Stewart, Gordon.................. Bahrain Airport Company.........................................................76 Stimson, Ben....................... Royal Golf Club ......................................................................234 Storm, Arno......................... APM Terminals Bahrain ............................................................60 Suliman, Nour...................... DHL Express..........................................................................122 30

Surendran, Neethu .............. Capital Club ..........................................................................104 Sutton, Steve....................... Behzad Group .........................................................................92 Syme, Christian ................... British Embassy .......................................................................98 Tahan, Wael......................... Sovereign Trust & Consultancy (Bahrain) WLL ........................242 Tanner, James ..................... Investcorp Bank BSC.............................................................174 Tawfeeq, Yara ...................... British Embassy .......................................................................98 Taylor, John ......................... Charles Russell Speechlys LLP ..............................................108 Tesar, Anthony J. ................. Le Beck International .............................................................183 Thackray, Craig.................... AECOM Middle East Limited ....................................................41 Thankachan, Jishu ............... Mob: 3996-4361 email: Thompson, Travis ................ Gulf Brands International........................................................150 Toraskar, Girish .................... Atkins Global............................................................................70 Touk, Manar Abo .................. Mob: +971 523094147 email: Trafankowski, Jonathan ....... Muharraq STP Company .......................................................204 Treadgold, Francis ............... FedEx Express ......................................................................140 Treeck, Jana ........................ Oxford Business Group..........................................................219 Troger, Steffen ..................... Arcadis ....................................................................................65 Turner, Peter Andrew ........... G. P. Zachariades (Overseas) Ltd ...........................................143 Usur, Emre........................... AECOM Middle East Limited ....................................................41 Wafa, Tareq ......................... Tricom Group .........................................................................258 Wagstaff, Stephen ................ Mob: 3965-7222 Wales, David........................ Condor Technology................................................................112 Walker, Hannah .................. Cushman & Wakefield (Bahrain) W.L.L....................................118 Wallace, Abdullah ................ Al Anqaa Communications.......................................................44 Watson, Sara....................... Cushman & Wakefield (Bahrain) W.L.L....................................118 Weymouth, Phil ................... Streetlight Media Co. .............................................................248 White, Suzanne ................... Oasis Training Centre .............................................................218 Wilkie, Caroline .................... Mead Management Services Ltd............................................190 Williams, Nicholas................. Newton Legal, Newton Consult..............................................209 Wilson, Andrew ................... BAE Systems...........................................................................74 Witter, John A..................... Shutdown Maintenance Services WLL ...................................240 Yadav, Amit ......................... APM Terminals Bahrain ............................................................60 Yates, Paul .......................... Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 Young, Stephen................... BAE Systems...........................................................................74 Zachariadis, Michael ............ G. P. Zachariades (Overseas) Ltd ...........................................143 Zainuddin, Amal.................... My Spaces.............................................................................207 Zaki, Mohammed ................ Al Zayani Investments B.S. C (Closed)......................................52 Zaman, Katadah A. Hameed International Institute for Strategic Studies..............................170 Zealey, Mier .......................... BSME ....................................................................................101 Zu bi, Qays H. ..................... Zu bi & Partners, ...................................................................267


Corporate Sponsorship Platinum Sponsor for 36 months You Give w BD 15,000 to be paid in three instalments of BD5000 per year (Payments can be made to suit your budget) We Give w A full page advertisement in the annual BBBF Directory, w A full page advertisement in the BBBForum magazine (3 editions per year). w Logo branding on our website. w Logo branding on all email runs w Link from our website to yours. w A Banner display (roll up) at all functions. (max 12 per year) w Promotional leaflets at all BBBF Functions (on request). w Mention in all press /PR etc releases w Once a month email distribution of any PR to BBBF members (on request) w One guaranteed place on the Chairman's top table at a BBBF lunch meeting Gold Sponsor for 12 months You Give w BD 5,000 (Payments can be made to suit your budget) We Give w A full page advertisement in the annual BBBF Directory, w A full page advertisement in the BBBForum magazine (3 editions per year). w Logo branding on our website. w Logo branding on our website. w Link from our website to yours. w A Banner display (roll up) at BBBF lunch meetings (max 12 per year) w Mention in all press /PR etc releases Silver Sponsor for 12 months You Give w BD 3,000 (Payments can be made to suit your budget) We Give w A half page advertisement in the BBBForum magazine (3 editions per year). w Logo branding on our website. w Logo branding on all email runs w Link from our website to yours. w A Banner display (roll up) at BBBF lunch meetings (max 12 per year) 32

Member Benefits An assortment of benefits for all members may be obtained on production of the BBBF Membership card at the concerned outlet. At the time the Directory was compiled, the companies listed below offered benefits to BBBF Members. Up-to-date conditions may be found in the BBBForum magazine and on the BBBF Website. Please do not hesitate to offer your services to our members by contacting the BBBF office. If any member has any difficulty obtaining a discount, please advise the BBBF Office so the situation can be rectifed. AXA Insurance Bateel Biznet Beckett McInroy British Airways Crowne Plaza DHL Fedex Express Grip Arabia Gulf Computer Services Hasan Mansouri Nexus Oasis Training Centre PRIME Instant Offices & Business Centre Protection Insurance Services WLL Royal Over-Seas League Servcorp


3D Speaking Address: Building 2683, Road 2553, Sar 525 Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 3966-0626 Fax: 1793-0033 Member: Mohamed Isa Executive Speech Coach Mobile: 3966-0626 mohamed@

Company Products & Services Mohamed Isa is fiercely committed coach and speaker helping executives and their teams achieve more sales and productivity so they can enjoy higher levels of satisfaction as they pursue and achieve their dreams and desires. With more than 15 years of experience in coaching clients to achieve remarkable success, Mohamed will help you get more laughs, receive more applause, and send your message across to an enthusiastic audience! His path to becoming a speech coach emerged at an early age. In the early 1990s, when Mohamed was a business student at the University of Bahrain, he was the go-to person when it came to the preparation and practice of class presentations and case studies. He coached many students on how to deliver presentations that engaged their audience in an undeniable way. Clients say remarkable things about the impact of Mohamed s coaching and speaking on their lives and business success, check out the testimonials at his website. Similar benefits await when you decide to invite Mohamed to serve you in the powerful ways that can support your success. What lights him up about this work is knowing that this is his life s calling: to guide his clients to achieve their dreams and desires through becoming charismatic speakers who can grab the audience s attention and hold it to the end, whether they are raising funds for a charity or selling products or services. Mohamed is a co-author of the Amazon bestselling book World Class Speaking in Action, in the categories of Presentations and Public Speaking Reference. He is also a co-author of the Heart of a Toastmaster which won the Best Anthology Award by the International Book Awards where he documents his transformation from being a mediocre speaker to a world-class speaker.


50 Degrees East

Address: Office 1102, 8th Floor, Unisono Tower, Seef Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 3555-6073 Member: David Jeffrey Founder / Creative Director Mobile: 3555-6073 david@

Company Products & Services 50 Degrees East are business catalysts, combining advertising, branding, graphic design, events plus outdoor, ambient, broadcast and social media. We define the best mix, to max out your message


A K Almoayed Group

Website: Company email:

Member: Emad Almoayed Director emad@


Address: PO Box 363, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1721-1155 ext 242 Fax: 1721-1999 Company Products & Services A. K. Almoayed Group is a well established and highly respected family company which dates back many generations. They are among the larger trading companies on the island providing engineering solutions and supplies to the Construction Industry. A. K. AlmoayedÂ’s present lines of business include: building materials, paints, supply fabrication and installation of steel reinforcement, shipping, real estate, sports equipments, and project sponsorship.

A R & E M Ajoor & Co WLL

Website: Company email: Member: Nabeel Ajoor Director Mobile: 3960-9939 ajoortex@

Address: PO Box 402, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1725-1132 / 1772-1717 Fax: 1727-2439 / 1772-2323 Company Products and Services Abdul Rahman & Ebrahim Mohammed Ajoor & Co WLL was established in 1932 as an importer and exporter of all kinds of textiles and having been established for over seven decades enjoys an excellent reputation in both local and international markets with Europe & Asia. Ever since then, we have been expanding our product line and we have been considered as one of the best and largest importers of textiles fabrics in Bahrain. We supply all kinds of uniform materials & home linens to many leading Companies and Government organisations including Ministries, Military, Police, Hospitals and also to leading Hotels. We also deal in: Bed Sheets, Pillowcovers and Cases, Hotel & Hospital Blankets, Terry Towels, Scrub Suits, Patient Gowns, Theatre Gowns, Bath Mats, Bath Robes etc for military hospitals and other leading hospitals in Bahrain as well as for hotels. The operation has led us to expand the Ajoor Furnishing offering to include Curtains, Carpets, Office & Home Furniture amongst its products. Project works for Villas, Apartments and Hotels are a speciality. We make every effort to achieve success by providing an excellent service level to our clients, and benefits to our employees. A heritage of hardwork, honesty and thankfulness have clearly contributed to our long term success. We look forward to serving our current and potential clients with warmth and a service level unparalleled in the textile industry. 37

Abdulla Yousif Fakhro Group

Committee Member: Adel Fakhro Group Managing Director

Address: PO Box 39, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1722-0000 Fax: 1722-5000 Company Products & Services Automotive & Industrial products; Electrical Accessories; Communications & Office Automation Products; Car Rental & Leasing; Quick Service Restaurants; Mechanical & Electrical Contracting & Telecom Services; Shipping Services; Insurance Brokerage. Related British Companies: Dunlop, MK Electric Related Bahrain Companies: Budget Rent A Car, Fakhro Electronics, Fakhro Commercial Services, Fakhro Restaurants Company, Fakhro Insurance Services, Gulf Agency Co (Bahrain) WLL, Fakhro Contracting, Adel Fakhro & Sons



ACE Insurance Brokers W.L.L. Company email:

Members: Simon Fisher Senior Vice PresidentBahrain & Qatar Mobile: 3993-1922 Roy Boutagy Assistant Vice President Mobile: 3940-0292

Address: Office 72, LMC Building 852, Road 3618, Block 436 PO Box 60138, Al Seef District, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1756-2561 Fax: 1758-1040 Company Products & Services Established in 1952, ACE Group operates from over 20 offices throughout the GCC. ACE companies provide the full range of professional insurance related services to government, semi government, major corporates, mega projects and small to medium size business. The services include the provision of expert insurance advice, designing and implementing insurance and risk management programmes, contracts review and administration, selection of securities, and the placement of direct insurance and reinsurance placements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Pioneer of the GCC Insurance Industry Grown to be the largest independent insurance & reinsurance broking organisation in the region Over 60 years experience handling many of the largest regional projects and insurance programs Diversified experience / client base Risk Management Consultants Long standing Broker of Record appointments to some of the largest organisations in the GCC Presence in over 130 countries worldwide through broker network partnerships

AECOM Middle East Limited Address: PO Box 640, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-8796 Fax: 1758-1288 Members: Craig Thackray Country Manager Mobile: 3607-7384 craig.thackray Clarke Morton-Shepherd Director Mobile: 3222-0730 clarke.morton-shepherd Bishwajit Ranjan Kumar Technical Director Mobile: 3604-9902 b.ranjan.kumar Pieter Joubert Snr Principal Infrastucture Mobile: 3606-6534 pieter.joubert Emre Usur Senior Principal Maritime Mobile: 3606-6527 emre.usur

Company Products & Services Our more than 90,000 people designers, architects, builders, engineers, scientists and program managers are trusted advisors to clients with projects in 152 countries. As the premier, fully-integrated global infrastructure firm, we connect unparalleled expertise across services, markets and geographies. No matter the project size or location, our work is differentiated, transformative and necessary. We build iconic skyscrapers and deliver clean water to remote villages. We plan and deliver smart cities, and make others more resilient to change. We preserve habitats and restore damaged environments. We connect people, places and economies with roads, bridges, tunnels and transit systems. We provide services that promote security and peace of mind. For seven consecutive years, we have been ranked the #1 engineering design firm by revenue in Engineering News-Record magazine s annual industry rankings. AECOM has been recognized by Fortune magazine as a World s Most Admired Company for 2015 and 2016. AECOM s business philosophy is to provide the skills necessary to service the building and infrastructure markets, delivering essential local knowledge to clients whilst drawing upon its worldwide resources and skills to address specific project needs. In 2015, AECOM received the accolade of GCC Consultant of the year from Construction Week Magazine.


African & Eastern Company email:

Member: Peter O’Brien Chief Executive Officer Mobile: 3946-6408

Address: PO Box 49, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1783-8041 Fax: 1783-0143 Company Products & Services Exclusive distributors for a wide range of internationally known beverages supplied for the leisure and hospitality industry. These include (but not limited to) Foster's Lager Corona Carlsberg Kingfisher Famous Grouse The Macallan Hennessy Cognac Mumm Champagne Absolut Vodka JamesonÂ’s Irish Whiskey Our Retail Shop is located in Mina Salman Industrial Area. Contact: Mohammed Hassan -1771-8092 We also operate a same day and unrivalled Home Delivery Service. Contact: Louie - 3997-0502


Al Anqaa Communications

Company email:

Member: Abdullah Wallace Director Mobile: 3677-0407


Address: PO Box 30121, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-0911 Fax: 1771-6324 Company Products and Services Communications consultancy

Al Ansari Group Company email:

Member: Abdul Jaleel Al Ansari Chairman Office: 1771-0911 Fax: 1771-6324 Mobile: 3663-1110

Address: PO Box 5648, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-0911 Fax: 1771-6324 Company Products and Services Al-Ansari Group of Companies deals in lighting fittings & accessories. Finance, Marketing & Real Estate in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon & Germany. The Company is the franchise in Bahrain for GUCCI with its store located at Moda Mall (World Trade Centre). Related British Companies: R.Hamilton & Co Ltd - Switches & Accessories. ACDC, IBL and Cooper Lighting - ( Light Fittings)


Al Arayedh Group Holding W.L.L. Company email:

Committee Member: Nasser Al-Arayedh Chairman nasser@

Address: PO Box 15554, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1727-2575 Fax: 1727-2565 Company Products and Services Al Arayedh Group Holding WLL is a family business consisting of: Nasser M.J. Al Arayedh Trading & Contracting Company Construction and Maintenance, Importing chemicals Al Arayedh Properties Company Project developments / letting and leasing of properties Qeba Global Investment Company Investment opportunities locally and internationally Nasser Travel & Tours Company Travel Agency dealing with ticketing / reservation. Package tours both inbound and outbound. Distinction Taining Centre Educational Training & Support


Al Ezzel Power Company B.S.C.(c)

Member: Michael Cunningham CEO Mobile: 3602-2888 ceo@

Address: 12th Floor, Orchid Business Centre, Bldg No 2795, Road 2835, Al Seef District 428 PO Box 11753, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1756-1888 Fax: 1758-3233 Company Products and Services 950 MW Combined Cycle power plant supplying energy to EWA under exclusive long-term contract. 45% owned by Engie through its UK subsidiary Associated British company: Engie


Al Ezzel Power Plant & Al Dur Power & Water Plant

Address: PO Box 11734, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1746-4712 Fax: 1746-7510 Member: James Barrett General Manager Office: 1784-4301 Fax: 1784-0013 Mobile: 6698-7878 jim.barrett@


Company Products and Services Energy & Utilities Provider & Facilities Management. Production of power and water for Kingdom of Bahrain. Operation and maintenance services to power and water plant owners

Al Hamdan Consulting Office Company email: Address: Platinum Tower, 2nd Floor, Office 76, Building 190, Road 2803, Block 428, Seef, Kingdom of Bahrain Member: Simon Baines General Manager Mobile: +966 564 753 689 simon.baines@



Company Products and Services Architecture Engineering Project Management Quantity Surveying Cost Management Surveys Feasibility Studies Construction Supervision

Member: Lee Hayes Commercial Manager Mobile: +966 548 638 699 lee.hayes@


Al Hilal Group Company email:

Member: Ronnie Middleton Managing Director Home: 1771-5219 Mobile: 3945-1642 ronnie.middleton@

Address: PO Box 1100, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1729-3131 / 1729-3806 Fax: 1729-3400 Company Products and Services Publishers of daily, weekly, monthly and bi-monthly newspapers and magazines for the Arab world. Titles include: Gulf Daily News, Gulf Weekly, The Gulf, Gulf Construction, Gulf Industry, Oil & Gas News, Travel & Tourism News and Arabian Knight. The company has an associated though-the-line agency North Star Media which offers a services from brochure design & printing to full corporate ID. Hilal Computers is also a leading reseller of Dell Computers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In Saudi Arabia and Dubai, Hilal CTTC and North Star Computers are part of North Star Technology Group which includes North Star Communications, North Star Commerce, Gulf Connexions (Bahrain’s leading recruitment company) and Star International Real Estate. Through another associated company Hilal Conferences and Exhibitions, the Company stages five trade exhibitions each year – Gulf Industry Fair, gulfBID, gulfINTERIORS, Gulf Property Show and Saudi Industry Fair. Headquartered in Bahrain, Al Hilal Group maintains affiliate offices in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Related British Companies: Cresent Publishing (UK) Ltd. Related Bahrain Companies: Gulf Daily News North Star Technology Gulf Connexions Star International Real Estate Hilal Corporate Communications (HCC)


Al Tamimi & Company Advocates & Legal Consultants Company email:

Members: Foutoun Hajjar Head of Bahrain Office Mobile: 3933-6008 Raj Pahuja Head of Department Mobile: 3933-6002 Rad El Treki Senior Associate Mobile: 6673-2924 Saad Al Doseri Senior Associate Mobile: 3966-7116

Address: PO Box 60380, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1710-8919 Fax: 1710-4776 Company Products and Services Al Tamimi & Company is the largest and most dynamic law firm in the Middle East with 17 offices across 9 countries; covering UAE, KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt. Over the years, Al Tamimi has advised and continues to support government, local, regional and international companies, well recognised industrial organisations, banks, financial institutions as well as international and regional law firms. Our lawyers provide high quality legal advice to clients across all of our practice areas which include but are not limited to employment, sports law, corporate commercial, corporate structuring, intellectual property, healthcare, banking and finance, litigation and arbitration.

Jonathan Reardon Head of Office Al Khobar Mobile: +966 554 888 720


BBBF Chairman: Khalid R. Al Zayani OBE Honorary Chairman Tel 1753-0808

Member: Hamid R. Al Zayani Founder & Partner Tel: 1753-0808

Member: Nawaf K. Al Zayani Chairman Tel: 1753-0808

Member: Abdulrahman H. Al Zayani Managing Director Tel: 1753-0808

Member: Majid K. Al Zayani Director Tel: 1753-0808

Member: Rashid H. Al Zayani Director Tel: 1753-0808

Member: Mohammed Zaki General Manager, Zayani Motors Mobile: 3990-0227

Member: Paul Yates General Manager, Euromotors Mobile: 3973-3799

Member: Ahsan Chishty General Manager, First Motors Mobile: 3366-1211


Al Zayani Investments B.S.C. (c) Websites:

Company email:


PO Box 5553, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain





Company Products & Services Al Zayani Investments B.S.C.(closed) is a dynamic company with a proven track record. It derives its strength from its local solid foundation and its worldwide network of contacts. A policy of investment in profitable national and international businesses and willingness to engage in rewarding joint ventures have established Al Zayani Investments B.S.C. (closed) as a truly successful regional and international enterprise. Its strategy is dedicated to expand and excel with a global vision. It employs state-of-theart technologies to ensure an international competitive edge and stands ready for all future challenges. Al Zayani Investments B.S.C. (c) operates a diverse portfolio of businesses that span the fields of Industry, Banking, Automotive, Healthcare, Manufacturing & Real Estate. Related British Companies: Rolls Royce, Jaguar Land Rover, Mini Related Bahrain Companies: Zayani Motors SPC Euro Motors SPC First Motors WLL Orient Motors Zayani Leasing SPC Zayani Properties SPC Al Zayani Industries SPC Midal Cables Ltd BWWP Manufacturing WLL Metalform WLL Aluminium Wheel Company WLL Gulf Closures WLL Imerys Al Zayani Fused Minerals WLL Investcorp Bank Al Baraka Islamic Bank


Related Banks: HSBC, Standard Chartered 53

AlSaad Ventures Group

Address: PO Box 335, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 7767-2222 Fax: 7766-1111 Member: Dr. Fahad A. R. AlSaad Director Mobile: 3942-2294 fahad@


Company Products and Services Real estate, Food & beverage, Construction, Security and Technology

Ali Alsharif Group Co.

Company email: Address: PO Box 1322, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1754-0012 Fax: 1754-0029 Member: Hussein Alsharif Director Mobile: 3960-1818 husseinalsharif@

Company Products and Services Ali Alsharif Est., are the franchisee of “NEXT” and currently we have three outlets: one as a stand alone in the old city centre Manama from 1993 with an area of 220 sq.m and the other in Seef Mall from 1999 with an area of 420 sq.m. The third outlet with an area of 750 sq.m was opened at the Bahrain City Centre in September 2008. Our Shipping Division “Alsharif Group” represents freight forwarders M/s. Davis Turner, Unit A1, Calder Way, Colnbrook, Slough, Berkshire SL3 0BQ, England.

Member: Hassan Alsharif Director Mobile: 3945-6465 hassanalsharif@


Allied Pickfords Company email: Address: P.O.Box 5069, Sitra, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1773-5355 Fax: 1773-5193 Member: Marcus Charles Peck Managing Director Mobile: 3941-2118 marcus@

Member: Simon Peck Assistant General Manager Mobile: 6676-8768 simon@

Company Products and Services The Allied Pickfords brand is known throughout the world as a premier supplier of moving services. Our history goes back almost four centuries and our Pickfords name has been long synonymous with high quality home moving. From the pack horses of the early seventeenth century to the most advanced shipping and transport methods of today, Allied Pickfords has grown to become the largest dedicated home moving organisation in the world. Today Allied Pickfords and the Allied Network is part of SIRVA, the Worlds largest moving and relocation Services Company. We have more than 800 offices in more than 45 countries. Services include: · Total move management door-to-door · Transport options to suit your needs - air, road and sea · Purpose built packing materials and techniques to offer maximum protection to your household effects · Full house(FCL), part loads (LCL) and small consignments (Groupage) service · Marine insurance to protect your goods during transit · Storage facilities all over the world (including Air conditioned in Bahrain) · State-of-the-art IT systems allow customer tracking 24/7 of their shipments · Local Household moves and Office moves in Bahrain undertaken upon request. We move over 1,000 families every day in more than 175 countries. We are the only provider with the global reach and local expertise to move anyone, anywhere, at any time. Related Bahrain Company Circle Freight International W.L.L. Related British Company Allied Pickfords


Almoayed General WLL Company email:

Member: Talal T. Almoayed Managing Director Mobile: 3221-1222 talal@

Address: PO Box 589, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1717-1616 Fax: 1791-2112 Company Products & Services Almoayed General W.L.L. was formed to focus on managing long-term conservative investments. Following rigorous valuedriven approaches and important investment principles, the company addresses long-range investment horizons and aims for strategic diversified development. Almoayed General W.L.L. takes pride in being affiliated with diverse operations, focusing on select industries.


Aluminium Services WLL

Company email:

Member: Sharif Ahmadi Managing Director Home: 1733-1044 Mobile: 3963-0909 ahmadi.sharif@

Address: PO Box 1417, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1729-0987 Fax: 1729-1643 Company Products and Services Designer, Fabricator and Installer of best quality architectural aluminium products and glass. Related Bahrain Companies: Bahrain Waste Treatment Company WLL, Bahrain Family Leisure Company BSC, Dar Al Khaleej WLL, Paper Arts Products Co. WLL, Global Investment House B.S.C Š, The National Institute for Industrial Training B.S.C Š.


AMEX (Middle East) B.S.C (c) Address: PO Box 5990, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1755-7777 Fax: 1755-7977 Member: Mazin Khoury Chief Executive Officer Office: 1755-7772 Fax: 1755-7880 mazin.khoury@

Company Products and Services AMEX (Middle East) B.S.C. (c) - American Express Middle East has been providing reliable, flexible, tailored and rewarding payment solutions for its Cardmembers, Merchants and Business Partners in the region since 1977. American Express is a joint venture company owned by Mawarid Investment Limited and American Express. American Express is the Card for those individuals who value service, unmatched flexibility, access and rewards wherever they are in the world. Operating across the Middle East and North Africa region, the company issues US Dollar and Local Currency Credit and Charge Cards including The Centurion® Card, The Platinum Card®, The American Express® Gold Card, The American Express® Card (Green) and the American Express® Platinum and Gold Credit Cards. American Express Middle East also offers a range of local currency-denominated Credit Cards to give Cardmembers across the region even greater flexibility. In addition, American Express offers businesses in the region with a range of corporate expense management solutions, including Company and Corporate Cards. American Express Cards are accepted at millions of locations in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.


APM Terminals Bahrain Company email:

Members: Mark Hardiman Managing Director Direct: 1736 5600 Mobile: 3888 5600 Mark.Hardiman@ Sunil Joseph Chief Commercial Officer Direct: 1736 5556 Mobile: 3888 5569 Sunil.Joseph@ Amit Yadav Chief Financial Officer Direct: 1736 5510 Mobile: 3888 5510 Amit.Yadav@ Arno Storm Chief Operations Officer Direct: 1736 5595 Mobile: 3888 5595 Arno.Storm@ Ibrahim Al-Salem Commercial Manager Direct: 1736 5553 Mobile: 3888 5541 60

Address: PO Box 50490, Hidd, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1736-5500 Fax: 1736-5505 Company Products and Services APM Terminals Bahrain B.S.C. (c) is a joint venture with YBA Kanoo Holdings of Bahrain. The company was established in 2006 with the purpose of operating port, marine and related services within Bahrain and its waters. Container operations commenced 2009 after the-state-of the art Khalifa Bin Salman Port was built at Hidd, west of the capital of Manama, replacing the older Mina Salman facility. The Khalifa Salman Port (KBSP) currently features four STS cranes with a container outreach of 18 rows, capable of handling vessels of 10,000 TEU capacity with an annual throughput capacity of 1 million TEUs. Managing one of the few multi-purpose ports in the region, we provide a wide range of services at KBSP, including the provision of container operations, General Cargo, RORO and break bulk projects, alongside our Marine and logistical services that are comparable to the highest international standards. We are committed to providing a world-class facility for our customers, and are continuously looking at further enhancements and developments.

Arab Financial Services B.S.C. Company email:

Member: Neil Pavis Deputy CEO Tel: 1729-9738 Mobile: 3888-9787

Address: PO Box 2152, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1729-0333 Fax: 1729-1122 Company Products and Services Cards processing (Credit, Debit, Prepaid). Card personalisation, Call Centre Services, ATM Driving, POS Acquiring, Payment Services, Payroll Cards.


Arabia Aviation Services

Address: Villa 4573, Road 9931 Area 999 P. O. Box 10325, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1755-3248 Fax: 1753-3248 Member: Capt Ameen Budagher Mobile: 3960-8789 3940-0206 ameen_budagher@ ameen.budagher@


Company Products and Services Services provided in Aviation, Transportation and Environment.

Arabian Exhibition Management Company email: Address: PO Box 20200, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1755-0033 Fax: 1755-3288 Member: Stephen Key Chief Executive Mobile: 3969-8828 stephen@

Company Products and Services Arabian Exhibition Management is a pioneer of professional exhibition and conference organisation in the Middle East. Since its inception in 1977, this Bahrain-based company has successfully staged over 150 events and has become one of the most wellknown and respected organisers in the region. Arabian Exhibition Management is an affiliate of Allworld Exhibitions, the world s largest private association of professional organisers active in the field of international trade shows. Arabian Exhibition Management s current calendar of events caters to a wide range of business sectors including jewellery, consumer goods, oil & gas, refining & petrochemicals and geoscience through events held in Bahrain and Kuwait. Events include:

Autumn Fair, the Bahrain Consumer Products Fair, Bahrain GEO, the Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain Jewellery Arabia, the Middle East International Jewellery & Watch Exhibition, Bahrain Jewellery Arabia Kuwait, the Kuwait International Jewellery & Watch Exhibition, Kuwait KOGS, the Society of Petroleum Engineers Kuwait Oil & Gas Show and Conference, Kuwait MEOS, the Society of Petroleum Engineers Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference, Bahrain Petrotech, the Middle East Refining & Petrochemicals Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain

Related British Company: Allworld Exhibitions


Arabian Magazines

Member: Nick Cooksey Publisher nick@

Address: PO Box 26810, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1700-4575 Fax: 1772-1722 Company Products and Services “Entertaining, informing, and never boring!” Arabian Magazines Group, a division of CG Arabia (WLL), publish magazine titles for the Bahrain/GCC markets (titles include Bahrain Confidential, Gulf Insider, Areej, and Shout). Also undertake most aspects of creative design, advertising services, PR, print management, copyrighting, campaign strategies, event management, marketing, and media consultancy for clients within the GCC, UK, and worldwide.



incorporating Hyder Consulting Middle East & E C Harris Address: PO Box 26073, Seef, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1756-4755 Fax: 1756-4929 Members: Eman Al Banna Director Mobile: 3997-3667 eman.albanna@ Barry Peters Managing Director OIl & Gas - Middle East

Mobile: 3217-0870 barry.peters@ Dayo Akanji Team Leader - Transport Planning & Traffic Eng. Mobile: 3905-6884 dayo.akanji@ Steffen Troger Snr. Highways Eng. Mobile: 3921-8108 steffen.troger@ Martin Stahl Technical Water Director Mob: 3218-4681 martin.stahl@

Company Products and Services INFRASTRUCTURE Arcadis Infrastructure offering cover a range of management, advisory and consultancy services from planning and design stages to execution and delivery. We tailor-make our services to our client s requirements, providing in-house expertise across one or more of our professional streams. BUILDINGS We deliver world-class architectural and engineering design, planning, consultancy, program, project, and cost management solutions for most building types including hospitals, schools, universities, retail, offices, high rise, data centers and industrial. We provide a complete range of integrated solutions for our clients. WATER Our Water business line focuses on the entire water cycle - from source to tap and then back to nature. Through our wealth of experience in the water sector and specialist teams around the globe, Arcadis is uniquely positioned to provide safe and secure water technology. ENVIRONMENT Arcadis is a global leader in developing creative technical and financial approaches for the success and sustainability of some of the world s leading companies and governments. With a focus on activities that restore and protect the environment and enhance the sustainability of natural and built assets, we help convert environmental challenges into a competitive advantage through our expert solutions. 65

Arencon Security Company email: /

Member: Richard Monkhouse General Manager Office: 1723-4032 Mobile: 3960-8568 richard@

Address: PO Box 54522, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1723-4032 Fax: 1724-3816 Company Products and Services Electronic security and surveillance systems including closed circuit television (CCTV), access control systems (Card-Access), perimeter intrusion detection systems and burglar alarm systems (commercial and residential). Security ancillary equipment such as turnstiles, traffic control barriers, safes, ID badging systems, time and attendance. Fire Detection Systems. SCADA Systems & Energy monitoring systems. Related British Companies: Chubb Electronic Security Ltd, Remsdaq Ltd, Cooper Fire Systems, Synectic Systems Ltd, Electric Locking Systems Ltd, Gardiner Security Ltd, Newgate (Newark) Ltd. British Energy Saving Technology Related Bahrain Company: Arencon Contracting


Art Rotana Company email: Address: Al Fanar Avenue Building 2780, Road 5722 Tel: 1600-0111 Fax: 1600-0112 Member: Lilian Roger General Manager Art Rotana Mob: 3222-5886 lilian.roger@

Company Products and Services ART Rotana is located in Amwaj Islands, a group of man-made Islands in the northeast region in Bahrain and only few minutesÂ’ drive from Bahrain International Airport. ART Rotana has 311 luxurious rooms and suites, all ocean front facing and a haven for families and individuals that appreciate the refined qualities of life. Our property provide guests with the cosiness and warmth of a home as well as the splendour of modern luxury that can only be offered at ART Rotana. Guests will be mesmerized on arrival with a refreshing blend of 8 international outletsranging from Italian to Asian cuisines. Make ART Rotana the preferred venue of choice for your next conference as we boast with state-of-the-art meetings and wedding facilities catering to your most specific requirements. Immerse in tropical splendor by enjoying all the exclusive benefits our Beach Club has to offer with five-star amenities around every turn. Guests can get active with our various water sport and fitness activities or simply unwind at the spa. Escape to our tranquil and secluded ocean front oasis and experience what a true 5 star lifestyle is all about.


Aryani Trading Company email: Address: PO Box 941, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1334-3433 Fax: 1774-0330 Member: Basel H. Aryan Managing Director Mobile: 3945-6789

Company Products and Services ARYANI is a Bahrain based company established in 1999. We are a leading supplier of industrial products to various industries in the Kingdom of Bahrain. We represent many internationally recognised companies who manufacture quality products for various water and gas industries. Recently ARYANI Services came to life as a green company. ARYANI Services specialises in surface preparation and rust removal. Our services are:

Profiling Surface preparation is the most important part of a coating system, because it affects the performance of the coating more than any other variable. Profiling is the removal of light paint, oils, corrosion, or just giving new metal a light rough surface for painting.

Rust Removal This profiling is for equipment which has greater geometrical challenges and has great buildup of rust removal to contend with. Most standards dealt with are SA-2.0 and SA-2.5.

Industrial Equipment Cleaning Often various machines become covered with a combination of dirt and oil. We offer ADVARRS as an Industrial Cleaning Service that is chemical free, safe to all internal systems and very effective.

Our customers are all the major industries in Bahrain and several of the Navy forces in the region. 68

ASMA Capital Partners Address: PO Box 60340, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1710-2429 Fax: 1721-5180 Member: Phillip Solarski Internal Audit Head Mob: 6666-0607 phillip.solarski@

Company Products & Services ASMA Capital Partners B.S.C.(c) is a multi-fund asset management firm incorporated as a Bahrain joint stock company (closed) licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain. ASMA Capital manages the Islamic Development Bank Infrastructure Fund II.


Atkins Company email: Address: PO Box 5668, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1751-0400 Fax: 1713-1252 Members: Akshat Mannan General Manager Akshat.Mannan@ Rick Hopper Regional Director - Property Rick.Hopper@ Girish Toraskar Senior Architect Girish.Toraskar@ Madhavan Nair Senior Electrical Engineer Madhaven.Nair@ Qaseem Khan Senior Mechanical Engineer Qaseem.Khan@

Company Products & Services Atkins is one of the world s most respected design, engineering and project management consultancies. We ve been working in the Middle East for more than 40 years, with around 2,500 colleagues in the region. We re also able to draw on the multidisciplinary expertise of more than 18,000 colleagues across the world. Our Bahrain office s local portfolio includes landmark projects such as the Bahrain World Trade Center, Durrat al Bahrain and the Bahrain National Theatre. Atkins is also a lead consultant in assisting Bahrain deliver the National Vision 2030 with our work on the National Planning and Development Strategies for the Kingdom. Our teams around the region consist of technical and support staff specialising in a range of disciplines including; Master Planning Architecture Engineering Design Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Highways and Transport Environmental Sciences Construction Management Utilities - Water and Energy Management Consultancy Defence, ICT & Security Our clients trust us because we put their visions at the very heart of what we do. For every project, whether it s masterplanning a new community, planning a metro network or designing highway infrastructure, we re passionate about applying our creativity and technical expertise to produce sustainable, people-centric urban environments.


Attwood Maritime WLL Address: PO Box 15795, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 3991-9197 Member: Tim Attwood Managing Director Mob: 3991-9197 md@

Company Products & Services Attwood Maritime WLL are able to deliver a scope of services consistent with your requirements regardless of the size or nature of your dredging or reclamation project. We identify and deliver solutions, focusing on providing optimal and workable resultd that work for our clients and the environment. Our marine consultancy services also incorporate practical guidance regarding best execution methodology for your marine projects regardless of the stage it is at; from pre-feasibility through mobilisation to completion and hand-over. Our knowledge coupled with our specialised services can assist you to increase the profitability of your activities; whether you carry out maintenance dredging tasks, reclamation projects, ship, crew or jetty management; Attwood Maritime have the experience in advising, handling, sourcing, planning and estimating using best working practices and methods that can sustain you in all aspects, and at each project phase.

Marine, Dredging and Reclamation Consultation

Marine Construction

Ship Engineering and Specification Advice

Vessel Survey & Inspection and Dry Docking Assistance

Vessel and Crewing Management

Licensing, Permissions, Method Statements, Certification


AXA Insurance (Gulf) BSC © Company email: Address: PO Box 45, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-8222 Fax: 1758-3050 Member: Jonathan Jane Country Manager Office: 1758-8250 Mobile: 6671-6668 jonathan.jane@

Member: Fairooz Al Asfoor Business Development Manager Office: 1758-8239 Fax: 1758-3050 Mobile: 3974-1400 fairooz.alasfoor@


Company Products & Services With over 103 million customers in 64 countries, AXA s strong global franchises and three lines of expertise - Property & Casualty, Life & Savings and Asset Management - provide a distinctive business portfolio. Our business model and strategy have demonstrated their relevance and continue to build on distinctive strengths: Solid position in the markets where we are present; A multi-channel distribution model, allowing customers to decide how they access our products and services; Risk management expertise, which guarantees our financial strength and ability to keep promises; Operational excellence, which allows us to deliver quality products and services at competitive prices; A particular concern for employee development. With a workforce of over 1,050 employees, 44 branches & retail shops region-wide, more than million customers and 2015 gross written premium of over US$ 966 million, AXA is one of the largest international player in the GCC. Present in the region for more than 65 years, AXA in the Gulf offers a wide range of insurance products and services for corporate, SME and individual customers. AXA Gulf has been awarded General Insurance Company of the Year for 2nd consecutive year and Health Insurance Company of the Year at the 2015 Middle East Insurance Industry Awards (MIIA), Insurer of the Year and Personal Lines insurer in 2016 at the MENA Insurance Awards and Best Motor Insurance Product by the Banker Middle East in both UAE & KSA. As part of AXA s corporate responsibility and its commitment to building better understanding about the health risks faced by individuals and the society, the company achieved a new Guinness world record for the most blood cholesterol readings in 8 hours at a single venue.

BAE Systems Bahrain Company email:

Members: Andrew Wilson VP & General Manager Bahrain Mobile 3502-4510 andrew.wilson@ Mark Simpkins VP Middle East Mobile: 3357-8516 mark.simpkins2@ Stephen Young Campaign Delivery Director Mobile: +44 7584 509 360 stephen.young8@ Tom Hallett Business Development Manager, Bahrain Mobile: 3400-6915 thomas.hallett@ Hayat Ebrahim Office Manager, Bahrain Mobile: 3438-4483 hayat.ebrahim@ 74

Address: 32nd Floor, West Tower, P. O. Box 2261, Manama Centre 316, Bahrain World Trade Centre, Isa Al Kabeer Avenue, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel:




Company Products and Services: At BAE Systems we provide some of the worldÂ’s most advanced, technology-led defence, aerospace and security solutions and employ a skilled workforce of some 82,500 people in over 40 countries. Working with customers and local partners, we develop, engineer, manufacture and support products and systems to deliver military capability, protect national security and people and keep critical information and infrastructure secure.

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Bahrain Airport Company / Address: PO Box 24924, Muharraq, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1735-3308 Fax: 1733-1610 Member: Gordon Stewart Chief Support Services Officer Mobile: 3933-9364 gordon.stewart@

Company Products and Services: Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) has been successfully managing and operating the Bahrain International Airport since 2008. Through the provision of world-class Facilities, operational and commercial excellence, BAC has been attracting and supporting airlines, delivering great passenger and cargo services. With a clear vision of sustaining and building Bahrain International AirportÂ’s Position as an attractive hub for airlines and passengers alike BAC spearheads towards the future connecting Bahrain to the rest of the world.


Bahrain Development Bank BSC Address: PO Box 20501, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1751-1116 Fax: 1753-1451 Member: Emilio Escartin Head of Investment Mobile: 3333-8693

Company Products and Services: BDBÂ’s mission is to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and development SMEÂ’s in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Supporting from equity as sponsor and partner of each project, banking and advisory units, in alignment with the economic vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain


Bahrain Financial Harbour Holding Company B.S.C. Address: PO Box 2210, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1710-2600 Fax: 1710-4746 Member: Angus Campbell CEO Mobile: 3416-9393 angus@

Company Products and Services: Bahrain Financial Harbour Holding Company BSC (c) is the masterplan developer for the Bahrain Financial Harbour development situated in the heart of Manama, just off King Faisal Highway. Financial Centre Development Company BSC(c) is the owner of Harbour Towers - East and West, Bahrain s largest Grade A specification office building and the commercial centre Harbour Gate. Harbour Towers comprises two 52 storey office towers proving some 100,000 sq m leasable office space. Harbour Towers is home to some of Bahrain s leading financial services firms as well as legal firms; real estate developers; learning institutes and other leading commercial firms. The 51st and 52nd floors of Harbour Towers - East is the home of Bahrain s premier exclusive private members club, The Capital Club. Harbour Gate comprises some 25,920 sq m of commercial space over 5 levels as well as 4 levels of parking (including 2 levels of visitor parking) and is home to the Bahrain Investors Centre and Bahrain Bourse as well as the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. Harbour Gate provides space for a variety of commercial and leisure uses including F&B to meet the needs of the over 3,000 staff already working here. Harbour Towers and Harbour Gate now has in excess of 4,000 car spaces. Our aim is to enable Harbour Towers to reach its maximum optimum occupancy and for Harbour Gate to become a lifestyle destination. Our website provides further details: For leasing and other enquiries: Telephone: +973 1710 2600


Bahrain Economic Development Board Company email:

Members: David Parker Executive Director Office: 1758 9898 Mobile: 3555-7169 david.parker@ Simon Galpin Managing Director Office: 1758-9951 Mobile: 3900-0917 hana.altareif@ John Kilmartin Executive Director Office: 1758-9999 Mobile: 3221-9098 john.kilmartin@ Y Yasmeen Alsaffar Senior Officer Office: 1758-9987 Mobile: 3325-6652 yasmeen.alsaffar@

Address: 3rd Floor, Arcapita Bulding, PO Box 11299, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-9999 Fax: 1758-3330 About the Bahrain Economic Development Board The Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) is a dynamic public agency with overall responsibility for attracting investment into the Kingdom and supporting initiatives that enhance the investment climate. The EDB works with the government and both current and prospective investors, in order to ensure that BahrainÂ’s investment climate is attractive, to communicate the key strengths, and to identify where opportunities exist for further economic growth through investment. The EDB focuses on several economic sectors that capitalise on BahrainÂ’s competitive advantages and provide significant investment opportunities. These sectors include financial services, manufacturing, ICT, tourism, logistics and transport. The financial services sector is particularly strong in Bahrain and the EDB works to support the continued growth of the banking industry and key sub-sectors, including Islamic finance. For more information on the Bahrain EDB visit; for information about Bahrain visit

Dalia Alsadiqi Officer Office: 1758-9897 Mobile: 3666-9311 dalia.alsadiqi@ 79

Bahrain International Circuit Address: PO Box 26381, Sakhir, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1745-0000 Fax: 1745-1114 Members: Shaikh Salman Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Chief Executive Office: 1745-1003 Fayez Ramzy Fayez Operations Director Office: 1745-1200 Sherif Al Mahdy Commercial Director Office: 1745-1006 Faezeh Faiz Fakhroo Marketing Manager Office: 1745-1070

Company Products and Services Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) is one of the world s premier motorsport facilities a modern, user-friendly and exciting venue in the high-speed, high-tech, high-adrenaline industry of motor racing. Having hosted the Formula One World Championship for 10 years now, the world-class circuit has firmly established itself as The Home of Motorsport in the Middle East . Aside from Formula One, the BIC stages several international, regional and national racing championships throughout the year and regularly hosts corporate, community and charity occasions, making for a packed calendar of more than 300 events per annum. The year 2014 has been a particularly special one for BIC, as the circuit celebrated 10 years since its opening in 2004. BIC also proudly held the 10th edition of the Formula One Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix in April.To commemorate the milestone anniversary, the Kingdom s Formula One race was held at night for the first time, making for a unique, floodlit spectacle. Countless memories have been made over the past decade at BIC each as valuable and irreplaceable as the next and the unveiling of the track lighting system was just the latest and it signaled in a new era of night racing in Sakhir. Through the inspiration of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and Deputy Prime Minister, and behind the leadership of the BIC Board and Management, the circuit has become one of the most valuable stops on the calendar of the FIA Formula One World Championship. For more information on everything on offer at BIC, visit the circuit’s website,


Bahrain Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Company email:

Member: Karl Bowles Deputy Chairman Mobile: 3941-6184 karlb56@

Address: PO Box 26666, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1759-1231 Company Products and Services The BSPCA was established in 1979 by a small group of passionate and committed animal lovers and was officially registered by the Bahrain Ministry of Labour as a humane, charitable, non-profit organisation dedicated to the welfare of animals. The Society is run by a dedicated group of volunteers and receives no funding from the government, depending entirely on income generated by its charity Thrift Shop and from its fund raising events as well as the generosity of the public and local companies for donations. The Society was born in 1979 when six people from very different walks of life a veterinary surgeon, nurse, gynaecologist, horse stable owner, a travel agent and the wife of a DJ at Radio Bahrain came together to create an organisation to prevent cruelty to animals and promote their welfare in Bahrain. That year the organisation was officially registered by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and began its journey to where it is today, a professional, voluntary, non-profit charitable organisation that is dedicated to addressing the animal welfare issues on the island. The BSPCA aims to: Promote kindness to animals and oppose and prevent cruelty to them. Provide food, shelter and medical assistance to all abandoned animals and those in need of care. Successfully home healthy animals coming through the Animal Welfare Centre. Encourage the spaying and neutering of all cats and dogs in Bahrain, both owned and stray. Discourage illegal importation of non-indigenous wildlife and breeding of animals, particularly for financial gain.


Banz Group B.S.C. Company email:

Member: Jason Smith CEO Mobile: 3946-5969 jason@

Address: PO Box 2244, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1781-6070 Fax: 1772-7683 Company Products and Services Banz Trading & Contracting Trading, Contracting, Engineering & Facilities Management Banz Geodis Wilson Global & Local Logistics Solutions, Supply Chain Management & Optimization Banz Operations Warehouse Management, Temperature Controlled Storage (Chilled/ Frozen) BIADCO Bonded Airport Storage, Warehousing, Distribution B&B Logistics Bonded and General Storage, Customs Brokerage, Local & Regional Distribution Glenbeigh Records Management (UAE) Offsite document storage, scanning & imaging, vault storage, media storage Banz Corporate Services Investments through equity participation in Real Estate, Tourism, Manufacturing and other related projects Consular Agent for Ireland: 1772-8146


BAPCO Bahrain Petroleum Co. B.S.C. © Company email: Address: PO Box 25555, Awali, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1770-0404 Fax: 1770-4070 Member: Peter J Conway Supt. BAPCO Learning Team Office: 1775 2539 peter_conway@

Company Products and Services Bapco was founded by the Standard Oil Company of California in 1929. Pioneering the discovery of oil in 1932 in the Arabian Peninsula, the company began exporting its products in 1934 before commencing refining activities in 1936. Since its primitive days, Bapco has contributed greatly to forming the economy of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Wholly owned by the Government of Bahrain, the company is a frontrunner on the regional energy scene, primarily engaged in exploration, refining, distribution of petroleum products and natural gas and sales and export of crude oil and refined products among other activities. Furthermore, Bapco is an important contributor to modern Bahrain, accounting for a significant portion of the region s energy-related activities. The company owns a 260,000 barrel-a-day refinery, storage facilities for 14 million barrels, a marketing terminal, and a marine terminal for its petroleum products. About one-sixth of this crude originates from Bahrain Field, with the remainder being pumped from Saudi Arabia through pipelines, with 95% of Bapco s refined products being exports. A major portion of Bapco s customer base is constituted by the Middle East, India, the Far East, South East Asia and Africa. The company is engaged in the production of high-quality Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Naphtha, Gasoline, Kerosene, Aviation Turbine Fuel, Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel, Heavy Lube Distillate, Fuel Oil and Asphalt, which form the core of its business. Bapco is also involved in the supply of aviation fuel at the Bahrain International Airport, and supplies natural gas to power-generating plants and other industries in the kingdom. Utilising advanced techniques, Bapco also carries out extensive studies to obtain accurate data on existing oil and gas reserves and explore for new offshore reserves. With an environment-centered approach and a steadfast workforce at its helm, Bapco continues to make great strides in the development of Bahrain s economy in the times to come.


Bateel WLL Company email:

Member: Mahboob Shareef Deputy GM - Retail Sales & Marketing Mobile: 3964-4222 m.shareef@

Address: PO Box 18335, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1717-9181 Fax: 1791-2112 Company Products and Services As both a cultivator and curator of fine food, Bateel travels the world to bring exceptional experiences to an appreciative audience. Combining dates with the European art of chocolate and pastry making, Bateel has created a new world of delicacies. Bateel date products are complemented by an exclusive range of traditional gourmet chocolates, sweets, pralines and other delicacies. Like all Bateel products, these delicacies are made from the finest natural ingredients, free of preservatives, with recipes created to satisfy the most demanding connoisseurs. Bateel brings new meaning to the art of gift-giving. Each gift bearing the Bateel name echoes a long tradition of gift offering and is a reflection of thoughtfulness and impeccable taste. Our wide selection of luxurious and traditional packaging offers suitable choices for all occasions, whether for family, friends or business associates. Each package awaits your selection of gourmet chocolates, dates or cookies. Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn:


Bateel International BateelGourmet Bateel International


Member: Ihab Hinnawi Batelco Group CEO Office: 1788-4400 Fax: 1791-4484 ihab.hinnawi@

Address: PO Box 14, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1788-1881 Fax: 1788-3451 Company Products & Services Batelco Group is headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain and listed on the Bahrain Bourse. Batelco has played a pivotal role in the countryÂ’s development as a major communications hub and today is the leading integrated communicationsÂ’ provider, continuing to lead and shape the local consumer market and the enterprise ICT market. Batelco has been growing overseas via investing in other market-leading fixed and wireless operators. Batelco Group has evolved from being a regional Middle Eastern operation to become a major communications company with direct and indirect investments across 14 geographies, namely Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Maldives, Diego Garcia, St. Helena, Ascension Island and the Falkland Islands.

Member: Muna Al Hashemi Batelco Bahrain CEO Office: 1788-5545 Fax: 1791-5545 muna.alhashemi@


BCCI Email:

Honorary Member: Khalid Abdulrahman Khalil Almoayed Chairman of Bahrain Chamber of Commerce Office: 1738-0083 Fax: 1738-0030

Address: PO Box 248, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1738-0000 Fax: 1738-0123 About the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry In 1939, the first Chamber of Commerce in the Arabian Gulf was established in Bahrain under the name of the General Traders Association and continued under that name until 1945 when the name was changed to Bahrain Chamber of Commerce . In 1967 it acquired the present name Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry . The BCCI is considered one of the leading Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the region. It has kept pace with economic development in Bahrain since its inception. The Chamber has played an effective role in enhancing the importance of the role played by the private commercial and industrial sector in the country s development. Since its launch, the Chamber has also contributed to the welfare and prosperity of society through the development and support of its commercial and economic events, as well as providing various services to such events and broadening their scope to keep up with the aims of economic development in Bahrain. Our Vision To represent and support the private sector and to enable it to be the engine of economic growth. Our Mission To provide outstanding services to enhance the private sector's role in stimulating economic development.


BCMS Gulf Address: Office 635, Building 247, Road 1704 Block 317, Venture Capital Bank Building Diplomatic Area Member: Mohammed Baqer CEO Mob: 3939-3444 mohammed.baqer@



Company Products & Services BCMS Gulf is the regional GCC office of BCMS Corporate UK, the leading worldwide sell-side advisor to private shareholders and business owners. The firm is a recipient of the coveted Coutts Bank Family Business Of The Year Award, M&A Advisor Magazine winner for Corporate/ Strategic Acquisition of the Year Award, and holds a Dun & Bradstreet 1 Rating.


BDO Company email:

Members: Jawad Habib Jawad Chairman Mobile: 3963-4040 Ali Jawad CEO Mobile: 3696-9669 Habib Jawad COO Mobile: 3933-6777

Address: PO Box 787, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-0077 Fax: 1791-9091 Company Products & Services For over 35 years, BDO in Bahrain has been providing complete, end to end, high quality solutions to businesses in the region. Combining our international capabilities and local market knowledge with an extensive range of skills and industry expertise, we are able to provide a one-stop shop for all your accounting, audit, legal, consulting, advisory, corporate finance and training needs. BDO in Bahrain is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. BDO provides accounting and auditing, tax and consultancy services on a globally integrated basis with over 1,404 offices in more than 154 countries.

Basil Jawad Partner Mobile: 3691-6666

Related British Companies BDO LLP, UK

Arshad Gadit Assurance Partner Mobile: 3377-7786

Related Bahrain Companies BDO Consulting W.L.L, Jawad Habib & Co., Gulf Intellectual Property (GIP). Branches and Subsidiaries BDO Oman, BDO Qatar.


Beckett McInroy Consultany (BMC)

Member: Dr Clare Beckett-McInroy EdD CCMC PCC CPCC MAC CEO / Master Coach Mobile: 3844-2727 clare@

Address: P. O. Box 502, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1759-0135 Company Products & Service Comprises of qualified and experienced Coaches, Trainers, Researchers, Psychometrists, Writers and Consultants we work across sectors ensuring your professional and organisational objectives are met through bespoke provisions. Rated #1 providers of experiential delivery in MENA, BMC delivers Executive and Team Coaching, brand ignition, change management, as well accredited Coach Training (through to Master Coach) following the bespoke BMCÂ’s published CoachME Model. BMC passionately enables you to reach your potential whilst balancing both theoretical, practical and behavioural transformation. BMC partners with a range of world-class professional bodies including: International Coaching Federations (ICF), Association for Coaching International (AC), University of York, European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), The British Psychological Society (BPS), Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and Saville Consulting. BMC has an enviable track record working with leading organisations including: Crown PrinceÂ’s Scholarship Programme (CPISP), EDB, BNP Paribas, Saudi Aramco, National Guard Hospitals, Rawabi, TrustRE, BisB, DHL, Bapco, British Embassy, Central Bank of Bahrain, Bank Al Jazeera, SAIB, Unisono, The British School Bahrain, Learning Plus, YBA Kanoo, Obaikan, Anfield Education, Zamil, Qatar Financial Centre and Kempinski Hotel, providing leadership development, coaching and CoachME globally accredited training. Our bespoke work with ultra-high net worth families focuses upon learning, development, succession planning, trust and board/executive development. BMC operates BIZNET, a platform for Senior Business Professionals providing executive events aimed at authentic, reciprocal, strategic networking and knowledge share. 91

Behzad Group Address: PO Box 26095, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1770-1166 Fax: 1770-0574 Member: Steve Sutton General Manager Mobile: 3671-2233 steve@

Company Products and Services The Behzad Group has been established since 1973 and is the leading supplier of finishing materials to the construction industry in Bahrain and the GCC. The Groups companies lead the market in the supply and installation of: Tiles, Sanitaryware, Lighting Systems, Kitchens, Furniture, Security, Ironmongery, Marble Flooring and Partitions. With multiple showrooms in Bahrain and the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and operating divisions in the UAE and Qatar the largest sales team in Bahrain we have the strength and capability to deal with the largest commercial projects while still retaining the personal contact needed to deal with the individual private customers. The Group is involved with nearly every significant project in the Kingdom at one level or another and can offer a range of products unparalleled by any of our competitors. Our group can be accessed from most social media platforms as well as direct to the corporate website


Bin Juma Holding Co. Company email:

Member: Abdulla Juma Chairman Tel: 1722-3360 Fax: 1722-3301 Home: 1759-1133 Mobile: 3969-1177 amjuma@

Address: PO Box 355, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1722-3360 Fax: 1722-3301 Company Products and Services LV and MV Electrical power distribution equipment Fire protection, monitoring and control systems Power/energy instrumentation and SCADA systems MATV/CATV systems Computer support systems and services. Related Bahrain Companies: Crown Electro Mechanical Services Uneeco Group of Companies,


British Airways

Member: Deborah Beedie Account Manager - On Business Commercial Development Middle East & Central Asia deborah.beedie@

Address: PO Box 22, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-9615 Fax: 1758-7700 Company Products and Services British Airways operates 7 flights per week from Bahrain International Airport to Terminal 5 at London Heathrow . With an extensive route network, British Airways flies to over 10 destinations in the UK and Ireland, over 50 destinations throughout Europe and 25 destinations in North America. As one of the world s largest international airlines British Airways carries over 32 million people around the world every year, offering award winning products and services both in the air and on the ground. Currently British Airways is more than two years into a £5b investment programme and is the first European carrier to operate both the Airbus A380 and Boeing 787. British Airways On Business loyalty programme for small and medium sized companies, can help your business go further, contact Debbie Beedie for more details. To Fly. To Serve.


British Club Company email:

Member: David Endall General Manager Mobile: 3909-1289

Address: PO Box 26401, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1772-8245 Fax: 1772-8087 Company Products and Services The British Club, which is one of the oldest and most popular expatriate clubs in Bahrain, is located in Mahooz and was founded in 1935 as the Gymkhana club; since then it has gone from strength to strength and has a current membership of approximately 1800 members. The Club offers a safe, friendly atmosphere for individuals and families and has a wide range of facilities for members and their guests. These include a fine dining restaurant "The Ascot" with regular theme nights, a newly renovated coffee shop "The Outside Inn" with a terrace for outside dining, poolside dining, several bars and function rooms which are also available for private parties and conferences. Included in the club membership fee is use of the excellent Health Club, boasting some of the best equipment available in any Health Club in Bahrain, with personal trainers to help build a personal training programme to suit your needs. Additional facilities are the swimming pool, cildren's splash park, squash courts, snooker room and multipurpose courts for netball, tennis and football. The Club also has one of the best stocked libraries in Bahrain. Regular and varied entertainment is provided for our members, including activities for children, which ensures the club is the ideal place to relax and forget the pressures of everyday life.


British Council Company email:

Members: Alan Rutt Country Director Mobile: 3910-3603 alan.rutt@ Neil Sandilands Deputy Teaching Centre Manager Mobile: 3888-2634 neil.sandilands@ Ian Johnson Snr Teacher Adult & Corporate Courses Mobile: 3223-1430 ian.johnson@ Noora Al Sabah Head of Projects Mob: 3998-1586 noora.alsabah@ Ian Bowman Senior Teacher Operations Mob: 3507-2400 ian.bowman@ 96

Address: PO Box 452, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1726-6141 / 1726-6166 / 1726-6150 Fax: 1725-8689 Company Products and Services The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. We opened our doors in Bahrain in 1959 with the aim of creating opportunities by offering our students high quality English language study opportunities. Fifty seven years later the British Council is still considered the primary authority in English language and UK educational services. We also provide a platform for cultural exchange and diversity.

Simon Martin Ambassador Office: 1757-4102 simon.martin@

Mockbul Ali Deputy Head of Mission Office: 1757-4115 mockbul.ali@

Graham Jessup Political & Prosperity Officer Office: 1757-4103 graham.jessup@

Christian Syme Head of Trade & Investment Office: 1757-4124 christian.syme@

Imane Alalaiwat Deputy Head of T & I Office: 1757-4129 imane.alalaiwat@

Yara Tawfeeq Trade & Investment Officer Office: 1757-4113 yara.tawfeeq@


Lt Col Andy Price Defence AttachĂŠ Office: 1757-4112 andy.price@

Emilia Mateva-Smith Trade & Investment Officer Office: 1757-4117 emilia.mateva@

British Embassy Address: PO Box 114, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: Fax:

1757-4100 1757-4101

Products and Services The Department for International Trade, based in the British Embassy, is here to help UK companies internationalise and achieve their export potential in Bahrain. We can also help UK companies already in the market, and promote the UKÂ’s strengths as a location for inward investment to Bahraini firms. Our message to UK businesses, global investors and international partners is clear- the UK is a beacon for open trade and we will continue to be an outward-looking, globally-minded, big-thinking country- a champion for free trade. Being part of the UK government ensures our objectivity and impartiality. The Department for International Trade is a department for the whole of the UK. We have overall responsibility for promoting UK trade across the world and attracting foreign investment to the UK. We are a specialised body with significant new trade negotiating capacity, taking on the responsibilities of UK Trade and Investment, along with the relevant trade functions of the former Department for Business Innovation and Skills. We have oversight of the Defence and Security Organisation and UK Export Finance is an integral part of DITÂ’s operations and strategy. Please send any queries to one of us individually using the contact details opposite. For more information on our services, please see: | DIT Twitter | DIT LinkedIn | Business is GREAT Facebook


British School of Bahrain General email:

Members: Julie Anne Gilbert Head of School Office: 1761-0989 headofschool@ Khalil Ahmed Head of Senior School Office: 1761-0820 seniorsheadteacher@ Katy Brand Head of Junior School Office: 1761-0979 juniorsheadteacher@ Feriha Gauntlett Head of Infant School Office: 1761-0929 infantsheadteacher@ Nitin Kadam Head of Finance & Administration Office: 1761-0894 kadamn@

Address: PO Box 30733, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1761-0891 Infant School 1761-0892 Junior School 1761-0893 Senior School Fax: 1761-0371 Company Products and Services The British School of Bahrain is a selective, international school for boys and girls from the ages of 3 to 18. We celebrate the rich diversity of the many nationalities, religions, cultures and traditions of all our students and we welcome students from all nationalities to apply to our school. We offer a British curriculum, based on the British National Curriculum, with some adaptations to the local context, and we provide GCSE, A levels, BEC and the IB Diploma programme. Our teachers and learning support assistants, mainly recruited from the UK, are well qualified and our academic results are excellent. The pass rate at Advanced level is 100% with over 30% / almost one third, of all grades at A. The school is located in excellent new facilities in Hamala. These include indoor swimming pools, sports halls, all weather outdoor playing surfaces and superb classroom facilities. Each student is encouraged to play an active role in school life, both in and out of the classroom. A major feature of the schoolÂ’s development plan is to develop our use of digital technology and to enhance our links with the local business community. That we are one school and not three separate schools is an important and valued part of our school ethos. It is also the strong basis underpinning our school community and spirit. The school has a strong reputation for excellent pastoral care. We encourage open, two-way communications between home and school and are fortunate to have the strong support of the BSB parents. You are always welcome to contact us and to make an appointment to visit us.


British Schools in the Middle East General email:

Member: Mier Zealey General Operations Manager Mobile 3901-4476 generalmanager@

Address: PO Box 32052 Isa Town Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1779-8402 Company Products and Services Formed in 1982, British Schools in the Middle East provides a quality-assured network of schools helping Heads and Teachers share best practice and keep abreast of the latest educational developments. BSME runs an Annual Headteachers Conference with associated Educational Suppliers Exhibition, a varied and vibrant Continuing Professional Development Programme serving its 100 Members and a range of sports, arts and music events throughout the year. With its Head Office in the UK and represented regionally in Bahrain, BSME continues to grow its Membership throughout the region.


Building Defence Systems (BDS)

Member: John Benton Managing Director Office: 1771-6704 Mobile: 3654-5007

Address: Office 43, Building 737, Road 1510, Hidd 115 Bahrain International Investment Park, (BIIP) Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-6704 Fax: 1771-6705 Company Products and Services BDS is a Bahrain based supplier of Physical Security equipment to the regional Industrial, Governmental and Critical National Infrastructure sectors. Established in 2007 and now Head Quartered at the Bahrain International Investment Park, BDS has operated and supplied across the Gulf region as well as having offices in KSA. Offering a full turnkey capability BDS supplies the following lines of equipment:

High Security Fence and Perimeter Barriers

Hydraulic and Fixed Anti-Ram Gate and Barrier Systems

High Security Bollard and Blocker Solution

Full range of Turnstiles and Pedestrian Access Control

Perimeter Detection and Threat Management Systems

Blast and Ballistic Mitigation

Explosive and Narcotic, X-Ray as well as Under-Vehicle Inspection and Detection Equipment

Class leading PSIM based Command and Control Software

BDS is an approved vendor to a large number of the world s leading Security and Defence contractors as well as having delivered to and worked on some of the region s largest Industrial sites, this has developed a high level of professionalism demonstrated in the standard of service from source, through supply to installation and commissioning. 102


Capital Club Bahrain Company email: Address: PO Box 76181, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1710-0100 Fax: 1710-0101 Members: Sumeet Jhingan General Manager Mobile: 6630-3336 sumeet.jhingan@ Wafa Al Bushara Club Liason Director wafab@ Fatima Ebrahim Senior Membership Manager fatima.ebrahim@ Neethu Surendran Membership & Events Manager Neethu.Surendran@

Company Products and Services Capital Club is Bahrain s premier private City Club where members meet, mingle, dine and unwind in exclusive surroundings while enjoying the Kingdom s finest hospitality and networking opportunities. With a commitment to the exclusivity, Capital Club is a membership-based institution and its premises are for the exclusive use of members and their guests only. Located on the 51st and 52nd levels of the prominent Bahrain Financial Harbour (East Tower), the Club features elegant lounges, premier dining options, private meeting and conference rooms, plus a variety of Club-hosted events that speak to members professional and personal interests. Members enjoy privileged access to sister clubs in Dubai and East Africa, plus over 250 leading private business and recreational clubs around the world as part of the International Associate Club (IAC) programme. Enjoy a variety of international dishes surrounded by exquisite views from the highest point in the Kingdom. With its Asian influences, the Jade Room blends the unique features of the Far East with true style and elegance. A cozy atmosphere and surroundings makes the Library a perfect place for receptions, or to catch up on some peaceful reading. The heart and soul of the Club, offering an all-day menu. Perfect to relax and unwind for lunch or an after-5 libation. Whether you are seeking a venue for an intimate meeting, or hosting an event for up to 150 guests, every occasion enjoys unparalleled levels of cuisine and service to ensure a memorable and productive experience. We recently celebrated the Club s successful 7 years in Hollywood style. Present at the event were the Club s Board of Governors, Senior management of the parent company, Signature Clubs International, valued members and their guests.


CBRE Bahrain WLL Company email:

Members: Richard Botham Senior Director - GM Bahrain Office: 1655-6606 Mobile: 3960-5084 richard.botham@ Andy Hinson Senior Director Direct: 1655-6601 Mobile: 3940-8031 andy.hinson@ James Lynn Director Office: 1655-6607 Mobile: 3638-1863 james.lynn@ Heather Longden Associate Director Office: 1655-6602 Mobile: 3928-8221 heather.longden@ Sarah Al Attar Office & Marketing Mgr. Office: 1655-6603 Mobile: 6665-6650 sarah.alattar@ 106

Address: 33rd Floor, United Tower, Bahrain Bay PO Box 11370, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1655-6600 Fax: 1655-6610 Company Products and Services CBRE Bahrain provides real estate related advice to a wide variety of clients across a broad range of market sectors and has gained a strong reputation for outstanding market knowledge and professional assistance to clients. Our real estate research on the Bahrain and other regional markets is regularly published throughout the region We provide advice to corporate occupiers of commercial real estate through a dedicated account management structure. Our experienced and commercially oriented team aligns real estate strategy to corporate business strategy, maximising project returns. Bahrain Services § § § § § § § § §

Valuations Advisory & transaction services Occupier representation Market research Development consultancy Asset Services Property management Facility management Property leasing consultancy & marketing strategy

§ § § § § § § §

Master plan advisory Design review Investment services and capital markets Operational cost assessments Best-use studies Feasibility assessment Global Corporate Services Retail and shopping centre consultancy

Cebarco Bahrain Address: PO Box 28812, Riffa, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1772-2213 Fax: 1772-2001 Member: Peter Sellers CEO Mobile: 3963-2251 psellers@

Company Products and Services Cebarco Bahrain is solely owned Bahraini Building and Civil Engineering Company and forms part of the KAR Group of companies. Established in 1991 the company has expanded into the region and has successfully completed some truly outstanding projects in record time. Cebarco and the KAR Group has the proven capacity to undertake projects in excess of $1 billion but serves all its clients equally no matter the size of the project. Cebarco’s portfolio extends right across the construction industry from offices, commercial centres, hotels, schools, housing, roads, bridges and marine facilities to name but a few. Cebarco is probably the most experienced contractor in the world in the construction of formula 1 racing facilities. Cebarco prides itself with its collection of prestige projects including, Bahrain International Circuit, Bahrain City Centre, Citi Bank Regional HQ, Bahrain Chamber of Commerce, Shk Isa Library and Cultural Centre, Seef Flyovers, Durrat Al Bahrain Highway, Yas Island Circuit, Yas Island Marina Yacht Club. Cebarco forms part of the KAR Group which includes – Cebarco Bahrain, Cebarco Abu Dhabi, Cebarco WCT, KARGroup, KARTec Engineering Services, KAR Properties, KAR Trading, KAR Performance, Marmara, HKTC, PKE Gulf, FortyTwo and Friarstown Bloodstock Ltd. The group activities include, Construction, Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Services, Development, Trading, Crane Hire and Sales, Specialist Electronics, Performance Cars and Equine.


Member: Patrick Gearon Partner Head of Middle East & Head of Dispute Resolution

Member: Simon Green Partner Head of Real Estate

Members: John Taylor Business Development Director Unkar Chanian Senior Associate Thomas Catto Associate Gareth Mills Associate Georgina Munnik Associate

Member & BBBF Deputy Chair Paula Boast Partner Head of Construction, Engineering & Projects

Member: Rupert Copeman-Hill Partner Head of Business Services rupert.copeman-hill@


Benjamin O'Brien-McQueenie Associate bejamin.o'brien-mcqueenie @crsblaw Afaf Alubaidi Paralegal Yara Aldhaen Paralegal Nouf Mattar Paralegal

Charles Russell Speechlys LLP Address: Floor 24, East Tower, World Trade Centre P.O.Box 31249, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1713-3200 Fax: 1713-3201 Company Products and Services Charles Russell Speechlys LLP is an international law firm with 170 partners and over 500 lawyers worldwide. The Middle East headquarters for the firm is its Bahrain office from which it provides advisory, transactional, regulatory and dispute resolution services to government departments, sovereign wealth funds, major corporates, privately-owned businesses, family offices and private individuals across the GCC. CRS has particular strength in advising clients in the following sectors:

Real Estate & Construction; Financial Services including Banking & Islamic Finance; Healthcare, Retail & Leisure, Sport; and Telecommunications, Media and Technology.

The firm's Bahrain team has doubled in size in the past two years and has made a significant commitment to recruiting and developing the brightest & best Bahraini legal talent. CRS offers a full international legal service covering:

Corporate and commercial; Real estate and construction; Litigation and dispute resolution; Banking & Islamic finance; Intellectual property; and Private Wealth.

The firm is highly ranked for Corporate & Finance and Dispute Resolution in Bahrain in the 2015 edition of Chambers Global and also in Legal 500 EMEA 2014 directory for Banking & Finance, Corporate & M&A, Dispute Resolution, Islamic Finance and Project Finance. All the Firm's Middle East Partners are ranked as 'Leaders in their Field' in the Chambers Global 2015 Directory. Operating from its offices in Bahrain and Doha, the firm offers clients an efficient, personalised and pan-GCC service, as well as providing access to UK and European expertise through a further 8 European offices including London, Paris, Geneva, Luxembourg and Zurich. 109

Citi Address: PO Box 548, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-8588 Fax: 1758-8504 Member: Usman Ahmed Chief Executive Officer Mobile: 3226-3634

Company Products and Services For more than 45 years, Citi Bahrain has played an active role in the financial sector of Bahrain as well as the Middle East. At present, Citi Bahrain operates 2 branches in the Kingdom; the main Citibank House is in the Seef District and the second one is in the Lagoon Mall of Amwaj Islands. Citi Bahrain also has a Financial Centre in the Bahrain Mall. The Bank currently has around 500 employees.

Member: Hussain Al Baluchi Head of Wealth Mngmt. and Branch Banking Mobile: 3961-7909 hussain.albaluchi@

Citi Bahrain is a leading player in Corporate & Investment Banking, Consumer Banking and Islamic Banking. Our clients include global multinationals operating in Bahrain, Bahraini corporates and financial institutions, public sector corporates and individuals. Our products and services for institutional clients include financing, capital markets, advisory, hedging, investments, trade and cash management. The consumer banking arm of Citi that was launched in 1989, is considered a leader in the local credit card market and is a major provider of personal loans and wealth management products. The Bank currently has 14 ATMs spread across the Kingdom. In 2015, Citi Bahrain launched its call center which provides services to more than 200,000 customers today in Bahrain and across the region on a 24 x 7 basis. In addition to addressing customer service requests, the call center has a specialized sales fulfillment desk set up to handle customer needs for other products and services that Citi offers.

Member: Ashwini Bonney Senior Relationship Mgr. Mobile: 3676-2171 ashwini.bonney 110

In 1996, Citi became the first international institution to set up a separately capitalized Islamic Bank - Citi Islamic Investment Bank ( Citi Islamic ), based in Bahrain. Citi Islamic s core business is to offer innovative Islamic financing and investment products and services to its clients across the globe.

Cluttons LLP Company email: Address: PO Box 5856, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1756-2860 Fax: 1758-7055 Members: Harry Goodson-Wickes Deputy Head of International Mobile: 3990-2503 harry.goodsonwickes@ Tom Carter Associate Director Head of Agency Mobile: 3200-9007 tom.carter@ Stephen Browne Director - Head of Property & Facilities Management Mobile: 3996-3487 steve.browne@ Deborah Sellers Associate Director Head of Residential Property Management Mobile: 3989-3396 deborah.sellers@ Hashim Kadhem Surveyor Professional Services Mobile: 3217 7033 hashim.kadhem@

Company Products and Services Cluttons remains the most instantly recognised property brand in the Middle East and has been serving the region since 1976. Our core service lines ensure we can assist clients from beginning to end of their property projects, from plot of land to managed and income producing asset. Strategic Consultancy Services Market Research Development consultancy and feasibility reports Valuation Services Design Consultancy International valuations and appraisals Transaction services Commercial leasing Residential Leasing International sales Retail Leasing and Management Asset services Project co-ordination Property and portfolio management Facilities management Corporate property services We strive to combine integrity and energy with experience and expertise. Our clients come to Cluttons because of the firm s reputation; they stay because they receive a quality and style of personal service that they cannot find elsewhere.


Condor Technology Company email:

Member: David Wales GM - Sales & Marketing Mobile: 3960-3432

Address: PO Box 31756, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1782-0000 Fax: 1772-0665 Company Products and Services Condor Technology (CT) is a Telecommunications and IT solution provider. We provide design, consultancy, installation, maintenance and follow-on support of our solutions for Business, Government and Military customers in Bahrain and throughout the Middle East. Our solutions include Wireless, Microwave, Satellite, Structured Cabling (fiber and copper), Blown Fiber Optic, Security, Access Control, Telephone, Electrical and IT networks to meet all of your ICT requirements. CT are the main distributors for Prysmian Cable and Systems, Hampshire, England, and have used their technology in Arcapita HQ at Bahrain Bay, Riffa Views International School, Bahrain Financial Harbour, and other business developments in the Kingdom of Bahrain. CT is also a distributor for Ruckus Wi-Fi and Palo Alto Next Generation Firewall products. CT takes great pride in incorporating the latest available technology for our customers. We work very closely with suppliers from Britian and other countries to assist them in the development of products. Our staff are always available to meet with you to discuss your requirements.


Court of the Crown Prince Company email: Address: PO Box 29091, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1765-8540 Fax: 1766-4451 Committee Member: Ava Garbutt Higher Education Advisor, CPISP Mobile: 3941-1938

THE CROWN PRINCE’S INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME The Scholarship Programme is a merit based scholarship for Bahraini youth, initiated by His Royal Highness, Shaikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, The Crown Prince and Commander in Chief of the Bahrain Defence Force in October 1999. The principal aim of the programme is to give the opportunity for the brightest, most dedicated and most motivated High School students to study at top International Schools, Universities and Colleges. His Highness s vision is to develop young Bahraini s from all walks of life to take key positions in Bahrain s public and private sectors in order to provide the country with the knowledge that it will need to continue to grow and prosper. It is hoped that this initiative will provide the motivation for high achievers to aim for the top. CPISP recipients are allowed to study in Europe, USA, Canada, Singapore and Australia. Ava Garbutt is responsible for all the CPISP students worldwide, for all their academic, pastoral and financial needs. Ava is also responsible for student internships, Bahrain based and overseas as well as Graduate job placements.

CPISP Alumni / BBBF Members

Ohood Abdulghaffar

Bahrain EDB Mob: 3886-1120

Marwa Aleskafi

Bahrain EDB Mob: 3990-4848

Nada Bastaki

Central Bank of Bahrain Mob: 3363-3966


Crescent Global Insurance Services WLL Company email: Address: PO Box 1719, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-3838 Fax: 1771-7166 Member: Abdul Majid Ahsan Regional Director Mobile: 3648-4816 ahsan@

Company Products and Services Crescent Global is a privately held Insurance and Reinsurance Group founded in 1998 to provide specialist insurance, reinsurance and risk consulting services in the Eastern Hemisphere. Today, Crescent Global is a leading provider of Insurance, Reinsurance, Risk Consulting, Employee Benefits, Human Capital Consulting, Risk Engineering and Supply Chain Management Consulting services to private and public entities, consumer marketplace, local insurers and re-insurers. Crescent Global is a member of the Global Broker Network (GBN). The ability to provide local insurance service in any language anywhere in the world and having access to every reinsurance market on the planet. Crescent Global is a LloydÂ’s accredited & ISO 9001-2008 certified broker and our headquarters in the City of London are opposite the most important insurance market place in the world, LloydÂ’s of London. The business we handle emanates from more than 130 countries via our global office network. In addition to conventional classes of business such as Employee Benefit (Group Medical), General Accident including Property and Engineering, Financial Lines and Marine, our key areas of expertise include the following:Political Risks, Full Political Violence (Sabotage & Terrorism), Public Offering of Securities Insurance (POSI); Specie (Fine arts & collectible),Financial Lines / Professional Risks (such as PI, D&O & Medmaletc.), Bloodstock / Livestock; Event Cancellation (Including Sports such as Cricket match); Accident & Health (PA & Keyman); Cyber Crime. Crescent Global via key hubs in four continents and an unrivaled partner network is the only independent international reinsurance broking group to be open for business 7 days a week, and almost 365 days a year.


Crown Consultants International Company email: Address: PO Box 26881, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 7700-6266 Fax: 7700-6277 Member: Ann Hearn Managing Director Mobile: 3658-2567 annhearn@

Company Products and Services Crown Consultants International is a leading Education and Training consultancy, with 22 years of experience in education services in the region. The company provides a broad range of services including affiliation with an accredited High School Diploma program, higher education search, application and liaison. They also advisory services for the new Higher Education Council accreditation procedures. Another prominent aspect is Health and Safety training and assessment. The company is affiliated with Kellgan Health and Safety UK and provides UK accreditation in a wide range of Health and Safety related courses.


Crowne Plaza Hotel Company email: Address: PO Box 5831, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-1122 Fax: 1753-0154 Members: Gilles Nicolas General Manager Office: 1752-5801 Mob: 3906-4778 gilles.nicolas@ Ebrahim Kooheji Hotel Manager Office: 1752-5801 Mobile: 3944-8200 ebrahim.kooheji@ Said El Farsi Director of Sales Mobile: 6670-6215 said.elfarsi@ Priya Shankar Marketing & Comms.Manager Mobile: 3223-9588 priya.shankar@

Company Products and Services Crowne Plaza Bahrain offers best of both worlds with rooms that are classic, elegant and timeless in nature whilst our rooms, that were recently renovated, are smart, fresh and contemporary making it one of the most flexible and unique destination in Bahrain for both business and leisure. The wide choice of room types in combination with 2000sqm of conference facilities, wide dining options and a city central location, close to International airport and shopping malls, makes it the perfect place to stay. Dining and Entertainment: Spices Indian Restaurant Offer s fresh and exciting dining experience with its wide range of Indian delicacies. Waves Seafood Restaurant Experience the unique seafood market place serving freshest seafood, cooked by our specialty chef or indulge from the extensive menu. La Mosaique Buffet Restaurant All day dining International restaurant, serving breakfast, lunch & dinner, is famous for its Absolutely Fabulous Friday brunch and the choice of theme nights all week. Harvesters Pub Serving the best pub food in town, with live sporting events on the big screen TVs and the latest tunes played by the live band every evening. Tracks Sports Bar showing all live sporting events while serving food and beverages throughout the day. Cappuccinos Located in the lobby, serving freshly brewed beverages and fresh pastries through the day with access to free wi-fi.


Cushman & Wakefield (Bahrain) WLL Address: PO Box 75445, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1332-3323 Fax: 1332-3200 Members: Kelvin Crutchlow General Manager Mobile: 3360-5315 kelvin.crutchlow@ Sara Watson Leasing Manager Mob: 3360-4141 sara.watson@ Hannah Walker Property Manager Mob: 3360-5312 hannah.walker@ Celine Durand Marketing Manager Mob: 3995-8483 celine.durand@ Nada Al Alawi Marketing & PR Assistant Manager Mob: 3360-1220 nada.alalawi@


Company Products and Services Cushman and Wakefield (C&W) and DTZ have merged to create one of the worldÂ’s largest real estate services firms now operating in more than 60 countries around the world with a combined $5 billion of revenue, 43,000 employees, more than 4.3 billion square feet under management, and $191 billion in transaction value. The new Cushman and Wakefield has drawn on the best of both legacy organizations offering the core services of agency leasing, asset services, capital markets, facilities services, global occupier services, investment management, tenant representation and valuation & advisory. Cushman and Wakefield Asset Services EMEA presents as a firmly established offering with offices in 14 countries, 1,500 professionals servicing over 500 clients delivering co-ordinated commercial, technical and financial property management services. Asset Services EMEA currently manages over 26 million sq m of industrial, retail and office space, collecting over $4.4 billion in rent from 6,215 properties per annum. Cushman and Wakefield has served as the managing agent for the Bahrain World Trade Center (BWTC) since 2011. Within this remit, the company is responsible for the leasing, property management, and marketing of 46,526 sqm of office space within the BWTC towers themselves, and 16,700 sqm of retail space in MODA Mall, BahrainÂ’s leading premium quality shopping destination, which is located at its base.

D. G. Jones & Partners (M.E.) Company email: Address: PO Box 26122, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1725-6826 Fax: 1726-2752 Member: Christian Boujaoude General Manager Mobile: 3644-2773 cboujaoude@

Company Products and Services D.G. Jones & Partners have been providing chartered Quantity Surveying services in Bahrain for over 40 years. We have over 50 years experience in the Middle East region. DGJ boasts offices throughout the entire region and has extensive experience in providing quantity surveying, project management, dispute resolution, value engineering and life cycle costing services. We pride ourselves on providing only the highest level of professional services and this is reflected in our local ISO 9001:2008 accreditation. All of our senior members of staff are either chartered quantity surveyors or project managers holding the prestigious RICS, CIOB and PMP qualifications. Our Bahrain office is fully regulated by the RICS and we take an active interest in sustainable development; this is reflected in our annual contribution and membership of the U.S Green Building Council.

Member: Kevin Penhale Associate Director Mobile: 3971-4205 kpenhale@

In Bahrain we have widespread experience of working on residential, hospital, airport, commercial, marine, infrastructure and oil and gas projects. Our broad range of clients include government authorities, private developers and financial institutions. Some of our recently completed and ongoing projects include; u u u u u u

Diyar Al Muharraq Dilmunia Health Island Bahrain Airport Expansion Ministry of Housing Projects Bahrain City Centre Shopping Mall KHUH Oncology Centre

Our Bahrain based team of 37 staff are fully trained in providing only the best level of professional services predominantly in the fields of quantity surveying and project management who can help to deliver your project on time and on budget. 119

Dar Alistishara

Company email: Address: P.O. Box 589, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1755-2266 Fax: 1700-2400 Member: Dr Tawfeeq Almoayed Chairman Mobile: 3965-5222 tawfeeq@

Company Profile Dr. Tawfeeq Almoayed established Dar Alistishara (also known as Consultancy House) on September 27, 1978. The Company provides business consultancy services locally, regional and international. Dar AlistisharaÂ’s professional and specialised advice ranges from manufacturing, shipping and logistics, trading, energy, oil and gas.


Designer Shaik Company email: /

Member: Mohammed Al Asfoor Chief Executive Officer Office: 1759-8041 Home: 1759-1200 Mobile: 3966-1151

Address: PO Box 5643, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1759-8041 / 1759-8088 Fax: 1759-3844 Company Products and Services Mohammed Al Asfoor, CEO and conceptualist of Designer Shaik Inc with registered network offices in the UK and USA. Designer Shaik is a unique Brand that combines luxury and opulence into a theme that encapsulates all the dramatic and mystical links of the desert and recaptures the colourful heritage and culture of The Shaik and Arabia. Since its inception the Designer Shaik design concept has become synonymous with the four Palaces of the Shaik: Palace of Nature, Palace of Fashion, Palace of Jewels, and Palace of Horology, each Palace developing and creating luxury products to an internationally acclaimed high standard. Internationally recognised for its impeccable quality and stunning presentation, Designer Shaik continues to expand its vision striving towards new horizons, while maintaining a top selling position that continues to grow. Applauded by Royalty, Heads of State, Celebrities and World Media, Designer Shaik has a presence in over 50 countries with more than 800 points of sale, reaching many far flung destinations and transcending all cultures. Mr Al Asfoor is also Chairman of Bahrain Express Exchange, Worldwide Currencies and Gold Bullion. Facebook: Designer Shaik Inc Instagram: designershaik 121

DHL Address: Country Office, Noor Building, Umm Al Hassam PO Box 5741, Kingdom of Bahrain Members: Nour Suliman CEO Middle East & North Africa Office: 1732 8631 Fax: 1732-3301 Mobile: +966 508 021 111 Emad El Hajjami Country Commercial Manager Mobile: 3662-2700 emad.elhajjami@ Turgay Sarikaya Vice President - Sales M.East & N.Africa Mobile: 3699-1907 turgay.sarikaya Peter Brown Regional Security Manager Mobile: 3606-1128


Tel: Fax:

Customer Service: 1736-4100 Country Office: 1736-4141 1736-9261

Company Products and Services DHL The Logistics company for the world DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry and The Logistics company for the world . DHL commits its expertise in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services. A global network composed of more than 220 countries and territories and 310,000 employees worldwide offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting climate protection, disaster management and education. DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. Bahrain Service Point Locations: UMM AL HASSAM Noor Building, Umm Al Hassam Opening Hours: Saturday to Thursday : 08.00 to 21.00 Fridays and Holidays : 09.00 to 17.00 BUDAIYA Budaiya Highway Opening Hours: Saturday to Thursday : 08.00 to 17.00 Fridays and Holidays : Closed MUHARRAQ Biadco Building, Air Cargo Area, Bahrain International Airport Opening Hours: Saturday to Thursday : 08.00 to 20.00 Fridays and Holidays : Closed SANAD Sanad Shoping Complex, Rd 4571, Block 745, Al Isteqlal Opening Hours: Saturday to Thursday : 09.00 to 18.00 Fridays and Holidays : Closed

Dilmun Club Company email: Address: PO Box 82239, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1653-6178 Fax: 1653-6001 Member: Stephen Chartres General Manager Mobile: 3615-3734 manager@

Company Products and Services Founded in 1974 the Dilmun Club is a family, sports and social Members Club situated in the residential area of Saar, a short drive from Manama, the main business area of the Kingdom. The Club provides a safe, relaxed and friendly atmosphere for a wide range of social, sporting and recreational activities. It also has a long established reputation for its varied and reasonably priced cuisine. The Club caters for all tastes and styles of food and beverage through its five different outlets. The flagship restaurant Candles provides regular events such as Sunday s Dinner for 2 and Friday s good value Brunch. The recently refurbished Bistro provides a Mediterranean feel, whilst the Amigos poolside restaurant caters more for families, with the heavily discounted children s meal available on Wednesdays and Thursdays proving extremely popular. Items can also be ordered off the full menu in the Bulls Head and Stella Bar outlets. In addition the Club is able to cater for private parties and functions held off the premises. The Clubs sports and social facilities comprise a floodlit riding stables complete with a sizeable number of Club horses, a dive boat, two shared floodlit tennis and netball courts, two squash courts, a floodlit Astroturf 5-a-side football court, a heated/chilled pool, child s pool and two playgrounds. Other facilities include a library with almost 10,000 books, one of the most comprehensive satellite and big screen TV facilities on the island, pool tables, darts and a video games room. The Club also provides both covered and uncovered outside seating areas amongst the Club gardens and grounds. These, together with the newly constructed Stella verandah provide suitable smoking areas to Members.



Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa Address: PO Box 5243, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-1666 Fax: 1753-1633 Members: Panos Panagis General Manager Mobile: 3933-5454 panos.panagis@ Burak Olcan Director of Sales & Marketing Mobile: 3993-7844 burak.olcan@ AnwarAhajjar Director of Business Development Mobile: 3411-5516 anwar.alhajjar@

Company Products and Services The Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel is ideally located in the heart of Manama s prestigious Diplomatic Area and only 10 minutes away from the Airport. The hotel and residence has 367 bedrooms including 141 suites ranging from one to three bedrooms, 4 Food Outlets and a destination SPA with both ladies & mixed fitness facilities. OLIVOS Olivos renowned international buffet offers a dining venue for every event. MONDO Provides a stunning setting to savour creative Italian cuisine. KONTIKI Some of the finest Asian Fusion dishes available on the island accompanied with an al fresco setting.

Catherine Legaspino Sales Manager Mobile: 3222-9516 catherine.legaspino@

FIDDLERS Straight from the emerald isle Fiddlers offers you an array of experiences, whether it be a quiet drink with friends after work, watching your favourite sports team or enjoying the quality live music, we have it all.

Anil Ilhan Sales Manager Mobile: 3222-9164 anil.ilham@

8 meeting rooms, including a ballroom and Bahrain s only rooftop meeting & event venue on the 14th floor with fantastic view over the skyline and the Island, the hotel can cater to any type of event, ranging from a small board meeting to a large scale international conference. For outdoor events, our Kontiki Pool Terrace offers an idyllic setting.


Downtown Rotana Company email: Address: PO Box 82239, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1711-0196 Fax: 1311-9997 Member: Patrice Cornee General Manager Mobile: 3413-5490 patrice.cornee@

Company Products and Services Located in the heart of ManamaÂ’s bustling financial district, Downtown Rotana is ideally situated for both business and leisure travellers within walking distance of local businesses, historic sites and the famous shopping hub of Manama Souq. Bahrain World Trade Centre and Bahrain Financial Harbour are only a few minutesÂ’ walk away and Bahrain International Airport is just a 20-minute drive. The 26-storey hotel boasts floor-to-ceiling windows throughout offering commanding views of the city. All 242 rooms and suites are furnished to the highest degree, giving guests the cosiness and warmth of home, as well as the splendour and modern five-star that can only be offered at Rotana. Four distinctive food and beverage venues including Teatro Downtown bring an elevated dining experience to the city. In addition 1,250 sqm of meeting space including a ballroom with natural daylight and a spacious pre-function area, seven meeting rooms and a business centre provide meeting and event solutions for all requirements. Guests with recreation in mind can access Bodylines Fitness & Wellness Club, exercise in the fully equipped gym or take a dip with a view in the rooftop swimming pool.


DSC Solutions Co. WLL Company email: Address: PO Box 82239, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1750-3128 Fax: 1750-2828 Member: David Clarke Managing Director Mobile: 3838-9519

Company Products and Services At DSC Solutions, we work closely with senior management and community leaders to develop innovative solutions to complex business problems and society s challenging issues. In particular, we aim to provide a platform that enables transformation, learning and lasting change. Focusing on Asia, Africa and the Middle East, DSC Solutions works with clients from the UK and elsewhere to optimize their position, develop new opportunities, build lasting partnerships and transform behaviors. This can take the form of joint ventures, greenfield investments and business planning, acquisitions and commercial agreements to facilitate cross-border activity, especially from the UK to the Kingdom of Bahrain. The founding partners David and Sarah Clarke have lived in and undertaken consulting assignments in many countries throughout the world. They have lived in the Middle East for the past 10 years, previously in North America, Europe and Asia.


EFS Facilities Services Bahrain WLL Address: P. O. Box 5920, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain 7th level, West Tower, Bahrain Financial Harbour Tel: 1710-2960 ax: 1710-2954 Members: Colin Caufield Executive Director Mobile: 3689-7014 colin.caulfield@

Company Products and Services EFS Facilities Services is a regional leader in delivering integrated facilities management services across the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and Turkey. EFS has a proven track record for over 16 years in providing quality facilities management services in the region. EFS outstanding credentials emanates from its prestigious client portfolio that includes some of the biggest names including leading multinationals and government entities. Our FM portfolio comprises of one of the finest client mix ranging from large government entities to many Fortune 500 companies. We offer total facilities management solution comprising of over 75 services through dedicated business verticals such as Oil & Gas, Banking, Industrial, Public Sector, Integrated Workplaces, Education, Retail and mixed use developments. Our facilities management strategy is focused on Operational Excellence, Commercial Prudence and Sustainability whilst adhering to fundamental principles of discipline, attitude and commitment. We establish and nurture relationships with our clients based on Transparency, Trust and Mutual Respect that are integral to our core value system. EFS “Mantra” of People, Structure and Systems has been the key driving force of its organizational strength and management focus. This has helped us to put People First whilst building lean structures and continuously invest in state-of-the-art systems. Led by a competent, experienced management with several decades of combined core industry expertise and past track record, complemented by ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 and 18001 accreditations, we have built and earned our reputation and gained the trust of the top companies in the region.



Elev-8 Company email: Address: Block 339 Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1772-9488 Member: Mike Jackson Director Mob: 3678-4782 majormjackson@

Company Products and Services Elev-8 is a UK company with its Middle East offices based in Bahrain that provides Project Management Consultancy, Leadership Training and Coaching solutions. Projects are commonplace these days and we provide experienced consultants to assist in getting your projects delivered. We passionately believe that training embedded coaching. Recent studies International Coaching Federation and have shown that embedded coaching by up to 50%.

should be supported by by global bodies like the Harvard Business Review increases training efficacy

We also believe that there is a need for both Leaders and Managers in any organisation. Our principal consultant / coach is a product of the English Public school system and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. With over twenty years of delivering IT innovation into many well recognised organisations, Michael delivers project and evolutionary change that transforms both people and organisations. As a certified Marshall Goldsmith coach, the Stakeholder Centred Coaching process is designed for successful executives and high potentials. The process leverages the psychology of successful people assuming a high level of self-determination and agility to move rapidly from awareness to acceptance, through to action. If you are really serious about delivering projects or developing your leadership potential, you should contact us at your earliest convenience. 132

Expat Angels WLL Company email: Address: PO Box 30486, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 3943-2959 Member: Antoinette de Windt Director Mobile: 3832-0439

Company Products and Services At Expat Angels, we understand that moving to Bahrain isnÂ’t just about unpacking boxes but about building a new life. We therefore provide a personal service to individuals and companies that goes far beyond the traditional relocation agencies to ensure people settle successfully and happily in Bahrain. Orientation Tours Everyone has concerns and questions about relocating. There is no better way than to see for yourself. The orientation tour is tailored to each family ensuring that it addresses individual concerns and highlights the major aspects of living in Bahrain. Property Finding If you need an experienced hand to help you find the right home in the right area for the right price based on job location, schooling requirements and personal interests, Expat Angels can help. Gathering good information is crucial as wasted viewings cost time and money, and what should be a pleasurable experience can become very frustrating. We will listen to you, and then use our unique approach to property search to help find you your ideal property. In order to make a house a home, we can assist with the setting up of utilities. Cultural Induction Cultural differences can be the biggest obstacle when relocating to a new country. Expat Angels provide a cultural induction workshop covering the following topics: language, society, culture, religion, social and business etiquette and opportunities for an expat. This workshop helps to smoothen the transition into the new environment. 133

EY Company email: Address: PO Box 140, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-5455 Fax: 1753-5405 Members: Essa Al-Jowder Office Managing Partner Mobile: 3961-8185 Gordon Bennie Partner Mobile: 3930-8100 gordon.bennie@ Christopher Gant Partner Mobile: 3841-0240 Peter Griffiths Partner Mobile: 3987-4434 peter.griffiths@ Shayma Kazerooni Head of Business Development Mobile: 3992-2777 shayma.kazerooni@


Company Products and Services EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit The MENA practice of EY has been operating in the region since 1923. For over 90 years, we have grown to over 5,000 people united across 20 offices and 15 countries, sharing the same values and an unwavering commitment to quality. As an organization, we continue to develop outstanding leaders who deliver exceptional services to our clients and who contribute to our communities. We are proud of our accomplishments over the years, reaffirming our position as the largest and most established professional services organization in the region.

Faรงade Design & Services Co. WLL Address: PO Box 50763, Hidd, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1767-8929 Fax: 1767-8266 Member: Peter Bustin Managing Director Mobile: 3998-7172 peter.bustin@

Company Products and Services Faรงade Design & Services (FDS) offers a comprehensive Architectural Project Consulting, Design Development and Engineering Service of Facades (Building Envelope) to the Middle East Market. Our in-house Team have extensive experience in the design of Structural Glass, Architectural Steel, Vertical & Overhead Framed Glazing and all associated components such as Blinds, Doors, Smoke Vents, Brise Soleil etc. Together with the knowledge of Project Management FDS can provide high quality, sustainability, innovative and value engineered complete faรงade solutions. United Facade Design & Services, (UFDS), Independent Testing of building materials, glazed aluminium systems and cladding systems to AAMA, ASTM, BS EN and CWCT standards, operated independently under Facade Design & Services Co. WLL Group. UFDS is accredited under ISO 17025 and a member of AAMA. Testing is available on-site as well as in our laboratory.For information on this service please visit


Faieq Alzayani Co. WLL Address: PO Box 120, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1731-1566 Fax: 1731-1577 Member: Ali Faieq Alzayani Managing Director Mobile: 3661-1552

Company Products and Services Import, export and distribution of Havana cigars, tobacco ac ces so ries, catering, restaurants, import and distribution of chocolates, food & coffee. Related British Company: Flyair Ltd Related Bahrain Companies: Faieq Alzayani Catering Co., Havana Restaurant, Cicos Restaurant, La Casa Del Habano, Tobacco Road, House of Havana, Bahrain Duty Free


Fakhro Transport B.S.C. (c) Address: PO Box 39, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1721-7788 Fax: 1721-7072 Member: Lloyd Mendes Country Manager Mob: 3880-8449 lloyd.mendes@ Yuliya Shapashnik Senior Sales Executive Mob: 3947-3239 yulia.shapashnik@ Gavin Dourado Relationship Manager Mob: 3900-3826 Jason D'Souza Relationship Manager Mob: 3838-5306 jason.dsouza@

Company Products and Services Budget Car Rental is one of the world's best car rental brands for "budget-minded" renters. Today as an industry leader, Budget continues to appeal to value-driven renters by offering quality vehicles and a rewarding rental experience at more than 3400 locations in more than 128 countries. Did you know, that Budget Rent a Car offers the following comprehensive services ? Car rental from one day to one month; Discounted Monthly rentals; Leasing for corporate and private customers from one year to four years; Chauffeur service from one hour to full term contracts (including cross boarder KSA); Rental & Leasing of commercial vehicles from 1 ton to 40 ton (including body fabrications); Bus rental & leasing to include self drive or with driver; Sales of quality used cars direct to the public. Budget Rent a Car is truly around the corner and around the world, are you needing a car for your next vacation,simply call the Budget Rent a Car reservation team on 00973 17217788 to book your car in any one of the 3400 locations worldwide. Enhance your business or hotel by becoming a quality approved Budget Rent a Car re seller, suiting travel and tour operators and hotels requiring a quality rental company within the hotel premises. Do you own your fleet? Let our service centre take the everyday strain of managing your repairs and breakdowns through our quality approved workshops and garages at Fakhro Motors. With over 27 years in the transport business Lloyd is happy to discuss any of your transport requirements.


FAMCORP Address: Office 307 & 308, Meritas House, 3rd Floor, Amwaj Islands, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1600-1000 Fax: 1600-1999 Member: Tony Connor Managing Director Mob: 3931-7798 tony.connor@

Company Products and Services FAMCORP was founded by Mr. Faisal Al Matrook and has been in business since 1975. The company initially engaged in concrete manufacturing, building materials, the hire of heavy earth moving equipment, and catering equipment and accessories for the airline catering industry. By 1977, it had branched out into the manufacturing of plastics. The company continued expanding in Bahrain by taking the late Mr. Ali Al MatrookÂ’s real estate development business, continuing to this day, 40 years on. In 1987, the company extended its operations to Dubai, broadening the reach and range of its activities to concrete manufacturing, civil and MEP contracting, and high integrity industrial gases as a distributor for Air Products Inc. 1995 saw FAMCORP securing contracts from Dubai Aluminium to manufacture the first regionally produced superstructures, potshells, anode stems, buzzbars, and associated components. The Millennium added a new facility of over 1,000,000 ft2 for the expansion of its precast companies in the UAE, manufacturing hollowcore, pre-stressed and various other precast elements. Within this decade the group established its holding company and investment arm to consolidate its interests. In 2013 the holding company was renamed FAMCORP and now has major stakes internationally in various companies with multiple disciplines.


Fedex Express Company email:

Member: Francis Treadgold Business Development Manager Mobile: 3772-9981

Address: PO Box 2565, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1733-4330 Fax: 1733-2241 Customer Service Tel: 1733-4448 Company Products and Services FedEx Corp. provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services. With annual revenues of $58 billion, the company offers integrated business applications through operating companies competing collectively and managed collaboratively, under the respected FedEx brand. Consistently ranked among the world s most admired and trusted employers, FedEx inspires its more than 400,000 team members to remain absolutely, positively focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards and the needs of their customers and communities. FedEx Express is the world s largest express transportation company, providing fast and reliable delivery to more than 220 countries and territories. FedEx Express uses a global air-and-ground network to speed delivery of time-sensitive shipments, by a definite time and date with a money-back guarantee.


Fives Services Gulf Co.

Company email: Address: PO Box 33604, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Member: Hussain Abdali Al Madeh Managing Director Mobile: 3998-8595 hussain.almadeh@

Tel: Fax:

1783-1183 1783-1138

Company Products and Services After sales services and support for capital equipment supplied to the aluminium production industry in the Middle East region. Related Companies: Fives Solios Ltd, (UK) Fives Solios (FR)


G. P. Zachariades Overseas Ltd Company email: Address: PO Box 5632, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1759-8800 Fax: 1759-8801 Members: Konstantinos Pallikaropoulos Director Mobile: 3946-3137 k.pallikaropoulos@ Michael Zachariades Board Representative m.zacharides@ Stelios Lampaditis Board Representative s.lampaditis@ Michael Lockwood General Manager m.lockwood@ Peter Andrew Turner Director p.turner@

Company Products and Services G. P. Zachariades Overseas Ltd is a leading civil engineering and building contractor offering all-inclusive construction services for a diversified range of Building, Industrial, Infrastructure and Interior Fit-out projects. Established in Cyprus in 1956, and registered in Bahrain in 1976, GPZ has over 50 years of experience and technical expertise to undertake all types of complex, fast-track and specialised projects. The company maintains a strong commitment to high quality workmanship, timely service, professional management and excellent safety standards to consistently deliver the highest level of Client satisfaction. GPZ has undertaken many important and prestigious projects across the hospitality, medical, banking, government, commercial, heavy industry and energy sectors making an integral contribution to the KingdomÂ’s development over the years. Landmark projects include the Ritz-Carlton Hotel (previously Meridien), MĂśvenpick Hotel, Regency Inter-Continental Hotel (complete renovation), Gudaibiya Palace, BDF Hospital, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, RCSI Medical University of Bahrain, Al Jawhara Centre for Molecular Medicine, Royal University for Women, Al Aali Shopping Complex, Bushido Restaurant, HQ Buildings for Bahrain National Holdings, Taib Bank, Trust International Insurance and the Survey and Land Registration Bureau, Durrat Al Bahrain Atolls 3&4, Riffa Views Lagoon Villas, Muharraq Sewage Treatment Plant, Alba Line 5 Expansion, Hidd Desalination Plant and the Al Dur and Al Ezzel Power Plants. ISO 9001:2008 (QMS), ISO 14001:2004 (EMS), OHSAS 18001: 2007 (Health and Safety) Certified. 143

G4S Secure Solutions Bahrain WLL Address: PO Box 15193, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-4409 Fax: 1771-6577 Member: Atanu Sanyal Managing Director Mobile: 3979-9957 atanu.sanyal@

Company Products and Services G4S, the leading global, integrated security company § specialising in the provision of security and related services to customers across six continents. § is active in over 100 countries and has 610,000 employees § is the largest employed quoted on the London Stock Exchange and has a secondary stock exchange listing in Copenhagen § was formed in 2004 from the merger between Securicor plc and Group 4 Falck A/S s security business Facts about G4S Bahrain § Largest and only international security solutions provider in the country § An ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 Certified Company § 550+ full time staff from a multi-national workforce § Draws on unrivalled global support and expertise Our Range of Services Include § § § § § §


Cash, Valuables and ATM Management Electronic Security Systems Manned Security Services Event Security Emergency Response Services Security Consultancy Services


Member: Jan H. de Haldevang Director Land Business EMEA Office: 0044 1451 844 462 Mobile: 0044 7909 255 128 jdeh@

Address: Unit 3 Focus 4, Fourth Avenue, Letchworth Garden City, Herts, SG6 2TU United Kingdom Tel: 0044 1462 578 022 Fax: 0044 1462 478 010 Company Products and Services GENTEX Ops-Core, now with its UK subsidiary GENTEX Europe is the single, integrated source for the entire helmet system portfolio. Encompassing the advanced fast jet and rotary air Eagle and Alpha ranges; to the Ops-Core Land FAST ballistic, SENTRY and FAST Carbon products; to the Police Public Order, Emergency and Fire F600 products. We are confident to bring to market customised, bespoke or off the shelf solutions with integrated visual display, communications, or advanced protection systems to match any situation, threat or environmental scenario. GENTEX Corporation, leveraging a product development and manufacturing history that spans more than 100 years, is a leading provider of innovative solutions that enhance personal protection and situational awareness for global defence and security personnel operating in high performance environments. The company¹s Gentex®, Ops-Core® and GENTEX Europe (Letchworth & Stranraer) family of products and systems include helmet systems for both ground and air applications; aircrew life support systems; advanced optics; ground soldier protective equipment; high performance textiles; respiratory protection, and communications equipment.


GRIP Arabia Company email: Address: PO Box 18259, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Member: Kevin Craig - CPCC Partner Mobile: 3619-9980

Company Products and Services GRIP Arabia brings EOS®; the Entrepreneurial Operating System, to businesses. It is a complete set of simple concepts and practical tools that have helped thousands of entrepreneurs get what they want from their business(s). Implementing EOS will help you and your leadership team get better at three things: 1 Vision

getting everyone in your organisation 100% on the same page with where you re going, and how you plan to get there

2 Traction instilling focus, discipline, and accountability throughout the company so that everyone executes on that vision every day 3 Healthy helping your leaders become a more cohesive, functional, healthy leadership team GRIP Arabia, combines timeless business principles with a set of simple, practical, real-world tools to help entrepreneurs get what they want from their businesses. GRIP Arabia offers comprehensive support to entrepreneurs and business owners who want to implement EOS effectively with one or many businesses. GRIP Arabia uses this powerful EOS system that takes a holistic self-sustaining approach to building great companies; helping entrepreneurs and business leaders get what they want from their business!


Gulf Agency Company (Bahrain) WLL Address: PO Box 412, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1733-9777 Fax: 1732-0498 Members: Pontus Fredriksson Managing Director Mobile: 3200-0221 pontus.fredriksson@ Mike Camara Business Manager, Shipping Mobile: 3969-0205 Klaus Holmager Business Manager, Logistics Mobile: 3840-4118 klaus.holmager@ Mohamed Mafaz International Moving Manager Mobile: 3979-2400 mohamed.mafaz@ Jonathan Johnston Sales Manager Bahrain Mobile: 3992-0720 jonathan.johnston@ Alexander Krause Operations Manager Mobile: 3947-2919 alexander.krause@

Company Products and Services GAC Bahrain is one of the largest shipping and forwarding agencies in the country. Having been involved in major infrastructural projects since its establishment in 1957, GAC Bahrain has unrivalled experience, expertise and contacts in the country. GAC Bahrain is an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 Integrated Management System certified company. GAC Bahrain s commitment to ethical business practices is confirmed with certification by TRACE International. Our state-of-the-art Logistics Centre in Muharraq is the first of its kind in the country. Along with our secondary bonded warehouse located at BLZ, together they house both bonded and non-bonded warehouses equipped with racked, containerized and temperature controlled areas for different types of cargo, offering multi-modal options road, sea, and air under a single roof and provides a highly effective gateway for transit cargo to Saudi Arabia. With customs on site 24/7, we provide prompt cargo clearance and bonded facilities for combined cross docking of air/sea/road operations. That is complemented by a further 5,000m2 of multipurpose warehouse space centrally located in Salmabad, which facilitates local distribution with its modern racking system and containerized personal effects storage. GAC Bahrain represents most International Group P&I Clubs, various Fixed Premium P&I Clubs and medical assistance companies. GAC Bahrain offers in house marine survey services for Bahrain & neighboring countries. Our experienced independent Master Mariner & team offers various vessel condition, draft, marine warranty, cargo survey s & various inspections surveys. GAC also offers Principals at ASRY Dry Dock dedicated freight services for urgent spare parts, bond to bond. Thanks to its strategic location, the storage facility is ideal for holding spares for future calls at ASRY. 147

Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill B.S.C.(c) GARMCO Address: PO Box 20725, North Sitra Ind. Area, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1773-1000 Fax: 1773-0542 Member: Mahmoud Al Soufi Chairman Mobile: 3962-2111 mahmood.alsoufi@

Company Products and Services Established in 1981, Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill (GARMCO) is one of the largest downstream aluminium facilities in the Middle East. With an annual production capacity of 160,000 tonnes, the Company specialises in producing high-quality rolled aluminium products in various sizes and alloys, including sheets and coils. These products are exported to key markets around the world, stretching from Australia to the USA. Accreditation to all relevant ISO, OSHAS and BCMS standards underlines GARMCOÂ’s commitment to quality, health and safety, information security, and protection of the environment. The Company employs over 750 people worldwide, and has an annual turnover exceeding US$ 450 million.



Gulf Brands International Company email: Address: PO Box 26535, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1772-8014 Members: Ron Peters General Manager

Company Products and Services

Travis Thompson Sales Director

Gulf Brands International is a leading supplier of alcoholic beverages within the Kingdom of Bahrain, specializing in a fantastic range of wines from around the world.

Rodney Davies Wine Manager

Premium brands include Kronenbourg 1664, Jagermeister, Russian Standard Vodka, Savanna, Coors Light and Glenfiddich. In addition to supplying hotels and restaurants, Gulf Brands International also has a retail shop located in the grounds of the Gulf Hotel. Gulf Brands International operates a free home delivery service – GBI Express. Order online at


Gulf Computer Services Company email:

Member: Salman Idafar Managing Director salman@

Address: 193 Exhibition Avenue, PO Box 1718, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1729-3313 Fax: 1729-2855 Company Products and Services Established in 1978, GULF COMPUTER SERVICES (GCS) is a leading provider of Information Technology (IT) solutions. Activities include the sales and support of Computer Hardware & Software, Systems Integration, Data Centre solutions, ServerBlade Systems, Storage NAS / SAN, Structured Cabling, Local Area and Wide Area Networking, .NET programming, Point of Sales Solutions, Notebook, PC, Laptop supply, Managed Print Services, Printer Hardware supplies and consumables. Maintenance Contracts and Support offered locally in the Kingdom of Bahrain Enterprise, Mid-Size and Medium Size Business Solutions

Member: Houda Ezra Nonoo Director houda@



Gulf Hotels Group / Company email: Address: PO Box 580, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-3000 Fax: 1771-3040 Members: Garfield Jones Chief Executive Officer garfield.jones@

Company Products and Services Back in 1969, the vision of Gulf Hotels Group was to provide a standard of hospitality, unrivalled on the Island, which was duly delivered with the opening of the original five star property, The Gulf Hotel Bahrain Convention & Spa.

Rahim Abu Omar General Manager Mobile: 3600-0075 rahim.abuomar@

With over forty five yearsÂ’ experience, the philosophy remains the same although the company has changed beyond recognition, continually expanding and upgrading to meet the modern day demands both in the hospitality and beverage sector.

Ali Amralla Director of Business Development & Strategy Mobile: 3698-8881 ali.amralla@

Gulf Hotels Group owns and operates The Gulf Hotel Bahrain Convention & Spa, the Gulf Executive Residence, the Gulf Convention Centre, the Gulf Spa, Gulf Brands International and Gulf Hotel Laundry Services. The Group recently acquired a 100% stake in Bahrain Tourism Company, whose portfolio includes the Crowne Plaza Hotel and the Bahrain Conference Centre, and is a major shareholder in Bahrain Family Leisure Company.

Raed Mayoof Assistant Director of Sales (MICE) Mobile: 3655-1777 raed.mayoof@

Under development is the Gulf Executive Residence in Juffair, due to open early 2018, and expansion into the U.A.E. with the Gulf Hotel Business Bay Dubai, opening in 2019. Gulf Hotels Group also operates properties on behalf of owners including The K Hotel in Juffair, the Gulf Residence Amwaj , the Asdal Gulf Inn in Seef and the Ocean Paradise Resort, Zanzibar. Related Bahrain Companies 1. Gulf Hotel Bahrain Convention & Spa 2. Gulf Convention Centre 3. Gulf Executive Residence 4. Gulf Spa 5. The K Hotel 6. Bahrain Tourism Co.


7. Asdal Gulf Inn 8. Gulf Residence Amwaj 9. Gulf Hotel Laundry Services 10. Ocean Paradise Resort, Zanzibar 11. Gulf Hotel Business Bay. Dubai 12. Bahrain Family Leisure Company

Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company Company email:

Member: Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery President Office: 1773-3888 Mobile: 3968-4447 Fax: 1773 0873

Address: PO Box 26730, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1773-1777 Fax: 1773-1047 Company Products and Services Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company was established in December 1979 as a joint venture between GCC member states for the manufacture of fertilizers and petrochemicals. The joint venture is equally owned by Bahrain Nogaholding Company, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, and Petrochemical Industries Company, Kuwait. GPIC, a corporate social responsibility company, uses natural gas as a feedstock for the production of 1,200 tonnes daily of Ammonia, 1,700 tonnes daily of Urea and 1,200 tonnes daily of Methanol. In addition to the production plants the GPIC Complex, which was built in Sitra on a reclaimed island of 60 hectares, comprises utilities plants, maintenance workshops, offices, stores and laboratories. The company employs approximately 500 people of whom 92% are Bahrainis. GPICÂ’s products are exported all over the world for various uses. During 2014 GPIC exported 70,228 tonnes of Ammonia, 698,272 tonnes of high grade Granular Urea and 459,438 tonnes of Methanol; 2015 is expected to exceed these figures.



H Squared Consultants WLL

Address: PO Box 18543, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Company Products and Services Members: Stephen Harrison MVO MBE CEO & Founding Partner Mobile: 3974-3773 Mobile: 0044 7899 758 910

H Squared Consultants, based in Manama, capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain, offers companies seeking to take best advantage of the commercial opportunities in the GCC a flying start, a helping hand or a more focused direction. The six countries of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) comprise a multi trillion-dollar market, exhibiting high levels of economic and population growth, plus increasing personal wealth and expenditure. They share one primary language Arabic but each country has distinct elements of culture and business practice. The best route to a successful business relationship with any of the GCC countries is to utilise the accumulated knowledge of those who know the region both Gulf nationals and experienced expatriates. H Squared and its partner companies offer clients a range of business-focused services, including:

Establishing generic & specific market opportunities; Connecting GCC and other world businesses; Risk management advice; Business relationship building; and Innovation training, through the established Ignite Your Imagination series in the UK.

H Squared s founder, Steve Harrison, served as a British diplomat for more than two decades. He specialised primarily in trade promotion & investment in the Arabian world and the former Soviet Union, plus politico-military issues. Steve subsequently worked as an Executive Director with the Bahrain Economic Development Board, and International Adviser at the Court of HRH The Crown Prince of Bahrain. Steve has particular experience in the defence & security sector, civil aviation, oil & gas, risk management and crisis handling. 158

Hasan Mansouri Group Company email: Address: PO Box 5185, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1772-8144 Fax: 1772-9976 Member: Karim Mansouri Managing Director Mobile: 3961-3535 office@

Company Products and Services Business Activities Include: Civil and Building Construction, Structural Steel Fabrication and Erection, Heavy Equipment Hire, Commercial and Residential Property owners. Hasan Mansouri Dry Cleaners, Hasan Mansouri Sports. Hasan Mansouri also has extensive business interests in the USA including the historic Mansouri Mansion (formerly known as the Woodfield Inn), North Carolina which is 100% owned by Hasan Mansouri. Related British Companies: Classic Furniture (Newport) Ltd., Great British Lighting, Inn Sight Design. Related Bahrain Companies: Mansouri Mansions Hotel, The Country Club, Maguires Irish Pub, Tiffany's Resturant, M & I Construction WLL. (Grade A building contractors) Spacemaker, portable buildings and quality joinery Hasan Mansouri Engineering, Steel fabrication Hasan Mansouri Plant Hire Hasan Mansouri Dry Cleaning & Laundry Hasan Mansouri Sports (Consultancy & supplies)


HaskoningDHV UK Limited Compay email: Address: P.O.Box 50217, Hidd, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1767-8944 Fax: 1767-8954 Member: Steven Leask Resident Director Mobile: 3994-2748 steven.leask@ Mariam A Jassim Office Manager & PA to Resident Director Mobile: 3961-3305 mariam.jassim@

Company Products and Services HaskoningDHV UK Ltd is the Bahrain branch office of Royal HaskoningDHV. With some 6,000 professionals, 100 offices worldwide in 35 countries and more than 30,000 projects annually for public and private sector clients. A history of 135 years and offices in Europe, America, Africa, the Far East and the Arabian Gulf: Bahrain, UAE, KSA, Qatar, Oman and Jordan. Over 100 experienced professionals in the Gulf with expertise ranging from project management, engineering & CAD support to construction management. In Bahrain we provide consultancy services in master planning, engineering services (Civil / Marine) and construction supervision. Over the past 19 years in Bahrain (the company registered from 1997 to present ) we have been involved in the following projects: Khalifa Bin Salman Port - Dredging, Reclamation & Marine Works Contract, Port Infrastructure Contract & Port Buildings Contract. ASRY Basin Quay Wall, North Area Infrastructure & Maintenance. Bahrain Logistics Zone (BLZ) BAPCO - UKC Study & Engineering Design for Offshore Ship Crash Protection System at Berths No. 3 & 4, T-Head Wharf Mina Salman Masterplan BASREC Facilities Expansion East Hidd Housing Development - Dredging, Reclamation and Shoreline Protection LNG Facility at Khalifa Bin Salman Port- Location Study Bahrain Approach Channel Study and Dredging for Phase 1 New Building Materials Port Feasibility Study Muharraq Sewage Treatment Plant Reclamation Royal Yacht Berth Study and Preliminary Design BDF Berthing Facility & Approach Channel at Khalifa Bin Salman Port


Hill & Knowlton Strategies Address: The Address Tower, Al Seef District P.O.Box 1596, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-3532 Fax: 1753-3370 Member: Sari Mabire Group Account Director Mobile: 3944-9184 sari.mabire@ Neena Punnen Account Manager Mobile: 3222 6726 neena.punnen@ Mohammad Almail Account Executive Mobile: 3635 443 mohammad.almail@

Company Products and Services Hill + Knowlton Strategies is a leading international communications consultancy, providing integrated marketing services to local, multinational and global clients. H+K offers senior counsel, insightful research and strategic communications planning throughout the world. The firm has more than 85 offices in 47 countries, as well as an extensive associate network. The agency is part of WPP, one of the world s largest communications services groups. H+K s long relationship with the Kingdom of Bahrain began in 1985, when the firm established the kingdom s first PR consultancy, which was also H+K s first office in the Middle East. Today, the H+K Bahrain office is a thriving consultancy staffed by both Bahrainis and expatriates and has some of the most experienced communications professionals in the Bahrain market. The office has experience in a wide range of public and private sector areas, including infrastructure, employment, banking and finance, consumer and retail, industrial and real estate.


Howard Consultants S.P.C.

Member: Richard Howard Managing Director Mobile: 3333-1063 richard@

Address: Unit 329, Building 2648, Road 5720, Area 257 The Lagoon, Amwaj Island, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 3606-1098 Fax: 1603-0676 Company Products and Services Howard Consultants SPC is a young and dynamic organisation aimed at supporting key stakeholders within the aviation industry through the provision of safety, quality and learning solutions. With a recognised heritage in airline and airport operations the Howard Consultants S.P.C team of subject matter experts share the goal of imparting their considerable technical knowledge, expertise, competencies and experiences to the benefit of organisations in need of support. Our philosophy is to provide hands on practical solutions with the principle of developing clients to support themselves. Our services include: SMS/QMS Preparation and Implementation IOSA and ISAGO Preparation and Implementation Technical Manual Design and Development Learning and Development Solutions Aviation Support Services Aviation Fuel Services Marketing Solutions


HSBC Bank Middle East Address: PO Box 57, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1756-9999 Fax: 1756-9956 Members: Matthew Deakin Chief Executive Officer Office: 1756-9900 matthewdeakin@ Shakofa Asghar Head of Retail Banking & Wealth Management Office: 1756 9955 shakofaasghar@ Usman J Khan Head of Commercial Banking Office: 1756 9800 Tariq Alrubaiaan Country Head of Banking Global Banking & Markets Office: 1756-9998 tariqalrubaiaan@ Ahmed Badawi Country Head of Corporate Clients Coverage Office: 1756-9898 ahmed.badawi@

Company Products and Services HSBC Offers a wide range of banking services to the Bahraini market, ranging from Corporate Banking, Cash management, Trade, Institutional Fund Administration & Securities Custody and Clearing Services targeted at the business community. HSBC also offers Premium Banking Services such as HSBC Premier & HSBC Advance, which address the needs of Retail Banking. HSBC Premier offers seamless cross-border banking with the promise that customers can take their accounts, credit history and banking relationships with them wherever they choose to live and work. Premier accounts can be opened in local as well as foreign currencies with customers having access to global emergency cash assistance. Customers can also benefit from access to overdraft facilities without arrangement fees. HSBC Advance offers a new banking experience with an all-in-one integrated account. And the account is accessible through multiple channels including an all-round dedicated phone banking, priority branch counters,self-service banking and on-line money management tools information which are available on-line. Other benefits include preferential pricing on loans, overdrafts and mortgages. HSBC provides its services through 4 branches located in Seef, Manama, Adliya and Sanad, 28 ATMs situated at strategic locations in Bahrain. HSBC Operation in Bahrain is home to over 200 employees who work together to maintain HSBC brand, synonymous with integrity, trust and outstanding customer service.

Ali Tariq Khan Head of Global Trade and Receivables Finance Office: 1756-9555 ali.tariq@ 163

Hull Diving Services WLL Company email:

Member: Ross Powell Operations Director Mobile: 3981-9202 ross.powell@


Address: P. O. Box 953, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1735-8812 Fax: 1746-6646 Company Products and Services Commercial Diving, IACS Class Inspections, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), Military & Defence Support Services, Offshore Oilfield Support, Salvage & Demolition, Hydrographic & Bathymetric Survey.

Impact Estate WLL Company email: Address: P. O. Box 5725, Al Seef District, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-5111 Fax: 1753-0307 Members: Oksana Konyshevska General Manager Mob: 3955-5028 oksana@ Anastasia Ageeva Sales & Marketing Manager Mob: 3955-5745 anastasia@ Savio Fernandes Head of Property Management Mob: 3602-6555 savio@ Jalal Radhi Acting Head of Property Maintenance Department Mob: 3880-8017 jalal@ Karim Drissi Senior International Property Consultant Mob: 1753-5111 karim

Company Products and Services Impact Estate w.l.l., a subsidiary of Impact w.l.l., is a limited liability shareholding company with headquarters in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The company focuses on providing a full range of services in the real estate sector to developers, landlords, individuals and corporate clients covering: (1) Real Estate Consulting (2) Facility and Property Management (3) Property Maintenance (4) Property Brokerage Services (5) International Properties Sales. Impact Estate is one of the largest and most successful real estate brokerage and management companies in Bahrain. As a result of dedicated services and outstanding market knowledge the company has won for three consecutive years prestigious awards in the categories Best Real Estate Agency Bahrain, Best Property Brokerage, Highly Commended Real Estate Marketing and Best Consultancy Bahrain from the Arabian Property Awards. The company has successfully completed numerous client projects worth in excess of 200 million U.S. Dollars. Personalized service, creative solutions, and outstanding responsiveness to clientÂ’s needs remain the main philosophy at Impact Estate. For more information on services please visit Impact EstateÂ’s website. We are confident that the combined knowledge, wealth of experience and skill sets of the partnership will lead to a company that truly values customer excellence and sets the bench mark for others to follow. 165

Infonas Address: NBB Tower, 12th Floor, PO Box 18057, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1650-0110 Fax: 1650-0109 Members: Hamad Al-Amer Managing Director Office: 1650 0122 hamad.alamer@ Liam J Hunt Chief Commercial/ Operation Officer Office: 1650-0100 liam.hunt@ Ijaz Samuel Chief Financial Officer Office: 1650-0100 ijaz.samuel@ Murtadha Qambar Manager Commercial Office: 1650-0100 murtadha.qambar@ Elham Al Mosawi Service Delivery Manager Office 1650-0100 elham.almosawi@


Company Products & Services Established in 2016, Infonas maintains a market position as one of the leading Telecommunication Service Providers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Having successfully acquired and deployed a world class, state-of-the-art Infrastructure with full resiliency and redundancy, Infonas aims to continue expanding and enhancing this infrastructure, to ensure that its valued and esteemed clients continue to receive the highest level of service continuity and support for all their local and international communication requirements. Infonas is responsible for the design, installation and ongoing management of the pan-GCC 1800km regional terrestrial cable system which was declared operational in August 2016. This network connects Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE. All of the above highlights the embedded experience that Infonas team now has in implementing and managing large-scale international DWDM/SDH/Ethernet networks. With its innovative portfolio of voice, data, Internet services, data center solutions, IT consultancy and integrated solutions, Infonas have created an energetic and dynamic link between customer and the next generation of telecommunications services A fully established operation and a presence in the UK allows Infonas to expand its services further into the global market place enabling us to serve clients around the world

Insure Direct (Brokers) LLC Company email: Address: PO Box 18700, Um al Hassan, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1782-2622 Fax: 1791-2122 Member: Steven Samson General Manager Office: 1782-2601 Mob: 3655-5259

Company Products and Services Insure Direct Brokers facilitates insurance solutions for a wide range of clients to protect against a variety of risks. We provide solutions for the corporate sector as well as for individuals. Insure Direct Brokers is part of the JLT group which operates in over 130 countries.and employs over 9,500 staff around the world. The company therefore offers a unique combination of local knowledge and world class expertise and experience. We offer the most appropriate risk management solutions to fit our clientsÂ’ needs utilising sector specific expertise from the wider JLT network as required. We provide risk management solutions across a range of industry sectors including financial services, aviation, construction, telecommunications, education and professional services entities and can facilitate insurance to cater for a wide variety of risks including construction, financial risk, property risks, professional indemnity, employee benefits and political risks. Our clients are based here in Bahrain and throughout the GCC. In addition, we also service an area stretching from Libya in the West through North Africa to Ethiopia; the Northern Gulf countries of Lebanon and Jordan; as well as Iraq and Afghanistan.


InterContinental Regency Bahrain Company email: Address: PO Box 777, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1722-7777 Fax: 1722-9929 Members: Jan Ifcic Area General Manager Bahrain Ahmed Hisham Director of Sales & Marketing Mob: 3940-5217 ahmed.hisham@ Najah.Harajli Assistant Director of Sales Mob: 3966-9275

Company Products and Services Conveniently located, in the business and leisure hub of the city, InterContinental Regency offers its guests the perfect location from where to explore the exciting face of Manama. Only a few minutes away from the most popular tourist attractions, impressive shopping malls and famous night spots, InterContinental Regency is the ideal choice for business or leisure traveller. The hotel offers 321 spacious rooms including 2 Club InterContinental floors and 31 luxurious suites. Each room is designed to meet the needs and the expectations of the modern traveller. Featuring state-of-art facilities, attentive and professional service, InterContinental Regency Bahrain is the perfect place to host your event. Our modern meeting rooms range from spacious interconnected ballro oms, capable of hosting up to 600 people, to smaller venues that can be configured for intimate soirees and break-away sessions. While staying at InterContinental, take the opportunity to explore some of the cityÂ’s most sought-after dining experiences from the warm atmosphere of Medzo the Italian Restaurant, succulent meats at the award-winning Legendz steakhouse, endless choice of all-day dining at Selections, the Elements Pool & Lounge complimented by its al fresco surrounding to the promising thoroughfare of Downtown bar. The SPA InterContinental redefines relaxation and rejuvenation in an exclusive, contemporary environment perfected by our signature InterContinental service. Our urban sanctuary embraces a temperature controlled swimming pool, fully equipped gymnasium, squash court, steam room, sauna, Jacuzzi, group fitness studio and spa treatment rooms. Related British Company: InterContinental Hotels Group Plc Related Bahrain Company: United Hotels Company 169

International Institute for Strategic Studies

Members: Sir John Jenkins KCMG Executive Director, IISS - Middle East Office: 1718-1155 Mobile: 3891-1554

Address: 14th Floor, GBCorp Tower, Bahrain Financial Harbour Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1718-1155 Fax: 1710-0155 Activities An independent global think tank researching political and military conflict. The IISS was founded in the UK in 1958 with a focus on nuclear deterrence and arms control. Today, it is also renowned for its annual Military Balance assessment of countriesÂ’ armed forces and for its high-powered security summits, including the ShangriLa Dialogue. A registered charity headquartered in London, The IISS is a nonpartisan organisation, independent of government and other bodies. Its mission is to promote the adoption of sound policies to further global peace and security and maintain civilised international relations.

Katadah A. Hameed Zaman Managing Director, IISS - Middle East Office: 1718-1155 Mobile: 3831-1553

With headquarters in London, the organisation has long-standing regional offices in Washington and Singapore. However, having launched the high-profile Manama Dialogue security conference and the Bahrain Global Forum on geo-economics in recent years, the IISS has established a major presence in the Middle East. The IISS will serve as an effective incubator for some of our bright young diplomats, our future ambassadors and decision makers, through secondment opportunities, immersing themselves in particular areas of specialisation and expertise that are instrumental as we embark on a new era of diplomacy, in a new international environment for foreign policy that caters to an accelerating, globalised world. The Manama office serves as a base for the InstituteÂ’s many research programmes and activities throughout the region. It acts as a link to IISS initiatives in Europe, North America and Asia.


Intertrust Address: P. O. Box 10561, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain 13th Floor NBB Tower Tel: 1710-3482 Members: Bashar Bazian Middle East Head Mobile: 3602-1162 bashar.bazian@ Tania Bearryman Group Director, Jersey Office: +44 1534 753 936 tania.bearryman@ Kelly Devine Assistant Manager Office: 1710-3483 kelly.devine@

Company Products and Services Intertrust is a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, with a network of 41 offices in 30 jurisdictions across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle-East. The company focuses on delivering high-quality tailored services to its clients with a view to building long-term relationships. IntertrustÂ’s business service offering comprises of corporate services, fund services, capital market services, and private wealth services. Intertrust has leading market positions in selected key geographic markets of its industry, including the Netherlands, Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands and the Channel Islands. For further information, please visit


InTouch Integrated Chiropractic Spine Centre Company email:

Member: Dr. Amy Bowzaylo Clinical Director & CEO Mobile: 3410-2553 amy.bowzaylo@

Address: 5th Floor, Building 3013, Road 7543, Block 575 P. O. Box 11164, Janabiyah, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1769-0100 Company Products and Services INTOUCH Clinic offers its integrated services of Chiropractic; Physical Therapy; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Podiatry; Functional Exercise Rehabilitation; Medical Massage; Posture Assessments; Lymphedema Therapy;Work Hardening Programs and Ergonomic Assessments to patients at its new and expansive medical offices located in Janabiyah. Founder and Clinical Director, Dr. Amy Bowzaylo, along with a team of licensed Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Massage Therapists and Rehabilitation Specialists is offering Bahrain its first truly comprehensive pain management and recovery centre dedicated to helping patients overcome debilitating injuries, chronic pain, and a myriad of other conditions which effect daily living. Dr. Bowzaylo, a Canadian native, who has worked in hospitals around the world, most recently acted as Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Triple accredited (JCI, ACI, ACHSI) Saad Specialist Hospital in Saudi Arabia for 7 years before deciding to venture forward with her own practice in Bahrain. For the past three years Dr. Bowzaylo has served as communications officer of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Chiropractic Federation (which includes the Gulf Cooperation Council, Turkey, Cyprus, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Iran, and Palestine). She has also been a guest speaker for the World Federation of Chiropractic in Greece and the First Healthcare Gulf Summit in Bahrain. The INTOUCH team has already been very active in events throughout Bahrain ranging from assessing and treating athletes on the Bahrain Rugby and Football Club squads to coordinating with medical staff for the 2015 Formula 1 Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix, Olympic Distance Triathlon, Challenge Bahrain Triathlon, and Ironman. They are also the Medical team for the Calisthenics World Cup taking place this year in Bahrain.


Intuitive Education Company email:

Member: Vik Paw Information Systems Manager Mobile: 3948-1249 vik.paw@

Address: Office 409, Building 105, Avenue 59, Amwaj Islands, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1603-0710 Company Products and Services Intuitive Education are a professional education management and consulting organisation based in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia focused on the education and training market in the Middle East. Our mission is to provide clients in the Middle East education and training sector with professional and dedicated consulting and education management solutions. Our main lines of business are Education Management and School Improvement programmes. We can assist with school opening, business plan development, market research, strategic planning, school improvement plans, school reviews, system implementation and management, and technology solutions amongst many other areas. Our team consists of experienced education experts and business professionals from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the GCC and elsewhere around the globe. For more information please visit our website and get in touch.


Investcorp Bank BSC

Members: Mufeed Rajab Managing Director Administration Office: 1752-5199 Mobile: 3942-5665 Puralyn Fiel Principal Office of the Chairman & Executive Chairman Office: 1752-5180 Mobile: 3961-9151 Shaun Hill Internal Auditor Office: 1752-5189 Mobile: 3930-0210 James Tanner Head of Corporate Investment - MENA Office: 1752-5144 Mobile: 3996-7343 jtanner@


Address: PO Box 5340, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-2000 Fax: 1753-0816 Company Products and Services Investcorp is a leading provider and manager of alternative investment products, serving high-net-worth private and institutional clients, and specialising in offering multi-product alternative investments on a global scale. Its lines of business include Corporate Investment (investments in unquoted corporate entities), Alternative Investment Solutions (previously known as Hedge Funds), Real Estate, and Credit Management.

Ismail Khonji Associates

Member: Ismail Khonji Managing Director Mob: 3962-3608 ikhonji@

Address: P. O. Box 72, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-4463 Fax: 1771-2292 Company Products and Services Ismail Khonji Associates (IKA) is a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy offering a broad range of high quality consultancy services including civil and structural engineering, architecture, project management and site supervision. IKA was established in March 1984. IKA have an in-depth knowledge of the construction industry in the Gulf Area generally and in Bahrain in particular and are able to offer practical and cost effective solutions to the individual problems faced by clients. Projects have ranged from high rise commercial and residential buildings to bridges and highways, jetties, hotels and resorts, hospitals and clinics and a variety of complex industrial structures. Recent projects in Bahrain have included:

Isa Sports City Soffitel Hotel & Resort King Hamad University Hospital (modifications & upgrades) Financial Harbour infrastructure Repair of GIIC Jetty Applied Science University


J. E. Khedouri & Sons

Address: P. O. Box 37, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1725-3567 Fax: 1724-5306 Member: Nancy Khedouri Managing Director Mob: 3960-5116

Company Products and Services J.E. Khedouri & Sons is a well-established Family Business, since the 1930 s. It is known to be one of the leading local suppliers, as it has always continued to supply a range of finest quality products, imported mainly from U.K. The range of products vary from household items such as TableLinen and Bed-Linen, to other items for Construction or Equestrian use. Depending on the respective customer requirement, J.E. Khedouri & Sons is able to source quality manufacturers and submit samples for customer evaluation and approval. Nowadays, due to market competitivity, it has been opted to no longer stock bulk quantities of miscellaneous items but to supply customers on a subject to order basis only. The most valuable asset of J.E. Khedouri & Sons is in the teamwork of knowledgeable and hardworking people, dedicated to excellence.


John Arthur Davies SPC Landscape Consultants Company email: Address: PO Box 15560, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-0122 Fax: 1771-0134 Member: John Davies Principal and Sole Proprietor Mob: 3928-4336 davies@

Company Products and Services John Arthur Davies SPC Landscape Consultants is a Bahrain registered sole proprietorship specializing in the fine art of landscape and garden design and horticulture - inspired by the philosophy to, please the eye, gladden the heart and nourish the soul. Operating in the Gulf since 1982, the practice was registered in Bahrain in 1994, though its origins can be traced back to the 1820s and the Royal Exotic Nurseries, Chelsea, London, through which its owners and their successors contributed much to the horticultural and landscape excellence of Britain. JAD continues that tradition of excellence inspired and nourished by the spirit of Bahrain. Recent and current projects in Bahrain include Bahrain Bay; Durrat Marina; College of Engineering, Bahrain University; The Ramee Grand Hotel and Spa; palace gardens; a 12.5 hectare equestrian palace garden dedicated to the Arabian horse; the Al Yaal Towers (or the Dancing Towers, owing to their curvaceous lines); a project in support of the Bahrain tourism industry, as well as several villa gardens, plus a fruit farm. Outside Bahrain, our expertise has found expression in the U.K., Italy, U.A.E., Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; also Nigeria, Sri Lanka, India, Malta and Greece. Currently we are involved with projects in the island paradise of the Seychelles in the heart of the Indian Ocean.


Julius Baer (Bahrain) B.S.C. (c) Address: PO Box 11428, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1751-2700 Fax: 1751-2750 Member: Jonathan (Jonty) Crosse Managing Director Senior Advisor Office: 1751-2735 Mobile: 3962-7026 jonathan.crosse@

Company Products and Services Julius Baer Bahrain B.S.C. is the pure play leading Private Swiss Bank celebrating 125 years since we were founded. We supply Ultra High Net Worth individuals and families as well as institutions in the region with a complete range of customized financial services. These include off-shore Trust and Private Family structures, discretionary asset management, direct trading, collateralised lending, deposits, structured notes, foreign exchange, hedge funds, private equity, and access to over 1000 mutual funds and products worldwide. With many decades of experience both in the region and in the Kingdom, the Julius Baer Bahrain team understands the needs and complexities of our local clients in todayÂ’s environment, whether it be for their business or their individual and family wealth. We aim to give our clients global access to the full range and scope of the Julius Baer Group and our goal is to achieve this with honesty, integrity and always with their best interests as our number one priority.


KPMG Fakhro Address: PO Box 710, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain 11th,12th ,13th Floor, Bldg 470, Road 1010, Sanabis 410 Tel: 1722-4807 Fax: 1722-7443 Member: Jamal Fakhro Managing Partner Mob: 3966-1661

Company Products and Services KPMG has had a presence in the kingdom of Bahrain for nearly 50 years. From a small local accounting firm, founded in 1968 by university friends Jassim M. Fakhro and Hussain Kasim, KPMG in Bahrain has become one of the largest and most prestigious professional services firms in the country. KPMG in Bahrain employs over 380 professional staff and partners. We provide clients a suite of locally supported Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We recruit the best and brightest from around the world.

Member: Nael Ramzi Nasr Partner, Management Consulting Mobile: 3998-7139

We currently have 17 nationalities working across our teams, but we also draw on local talent. Bahrainis represent over 60% of our total workforce and hold many of our senior leadership positions. This enables us to combine the strength of KPMGÂ’s considerable global capabilities with local professionals, deeply aware of the opportunities and challenges relevant to Bahrain.

Member: George Kesselaar Senior Manager, Management Consulting Mobile: 3337-7126 179

KS International Consultants & Public Accounts Company email: Address: PO Box 11126, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1783-1171 Fax: 1783-1170 Member: Ahmed Alsulaiman Managing Partner Mobile: 3334-4400 Dr Bakri Bashir Senior Consultant Mobile: 3304-2960 Krithivasan Krishnamoorthy Zenior Director Mobile: 3961-6508 Sampath Kumara Senior Manager Mobile: 3567-6228


Company Products and Services Auditing Services Management Reporting Services Tax, Legal & Admin Services Corporate Finance Advisory Services Risk Management & Technology Services Islamic Banking

Lancaster House Company email: Address: PO Box 54660, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1781 1868 Member: Betsy B. Mathieson CEO - Spa Division Mobile: 3961-3739 betsymathieson@

Company Products and Services World-Class Luxury Spa Consultants, specialising in Spa Projects for Hotels, Resorts, Royal Residences, Hospitals, Health Clubs, Beauty Salons, Day Spas, Medi-Spas, Palaces and Private Residences. INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANCY DIVISION Offices in UK, South America, Germany Bahrain Division offers: Contract Claims Management, Arbitration & Litigation Support Services, Independent Forensic Analysis & Reviews, Expert Witness, Project Procurement Advice MR. G Kenneth Banks FRICS Mobile: +973 3320 0077 UK: +44 7710 53 40 31


LeBateau Company email: Address: P. O. Box 32487, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Member: Kevin McIntyre General Manager Mob: 3888-5091 kevinthomasmcintyre@



1787-8500 Fax: 1714-1106

Company Products and Services Food manufacture & production Bakery items, cakes, pastries, sandwiches. Suppliers to hotels, restaurants, cafes, carting units

Le Beck International Ltd Company email:

Member: Anthony J Tesar CEO Office: 1610-2488 Mob: 3339-3007 tonytesar@

Address: Suite 526, 5th Floor, GB Corp Tower, Bildg 1411 Rd 4626, B.Bay346, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1610-2488 Company Products and Services Le Beck International is a leading specialist security and risk management consultancy with a dedicated presence in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The company has its footprint firmly implanted in the region, with over 15 years of experience servicing a wide portfolio of clients that span the Financial and Critical infrastructure spectrum, as well as Family Groups and HNWIs. Established in 2001 in the Kingdom of Bahrain, with two operational offices in Jeddah and Riyadh and a dynamic pool of internationally sourced and locally based expert advisors, Le Beck has evolved into a trusted partner and widely respected consultancy in its field. The Company has effectively merged its international expertise and in-depth understanding of regional dynamics and cultural sensitivities to provide clients with turnkey solutions that are tailored to individual needs, industries and complex regional market environments. The Company provides sustainable risk management and security services that are fully aligned to a client s business objectives. The end result is a culmination of tools, knowledge and contingency frameworks to help senior executives identify and mitigate potential security risks, threats and vulnerabilities, to protect their most critical assets their people, their business and their brand reputations - ensuring business continuity in the long-term. Le Beck s corporate services are flexible and bespoke, centering on Security Assessments and Audits, Risk Mitigation, Contingency and Business Continuity Planning, as well as the implementation of strategic design systems and tactical plans with defined roles, responsibilities and accountability matrixes, that are essential to the long-term protection of an organisations non-financial assets regionally and internationally. 183

Lucite International Trading (Bahrain) Ltd Company email:

Member: Alan Gallagher Sales Director Mob: 3838-1432 alan.gallagher@

Address: Office 32 Platinum Tower, Building No 190, Road 2803, Al Seef 428, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-2219 Fax: 1758-2267 Company Products and Services Lucite International is a world leader in the manufacture of acrylic-based products and owner of established global brands, including LuciteÂŽ and PerspexÂŽ. The Company is now part of Mitsubishi Rayon Group and is dedicated to excellence in safety, health, environment and cost performance with an emphasis on continuous improvement. We have a simple strategy based on a strong set of Company values; our aim is to 'go further' to drive competitive advantage in the production and marketing of our acrylic-based products creating value through outstanding service and performance for all our customers and stakeholder partners as we do so. As a result of cost and quality leadership, efficiency based on technology and operational excellence we aim to continue to be the partner of choice in our industry.


M M Sharif Hatam & Sons

Company email: Address: P.O.Box 469, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1717-9696 Fax: 1721-0339 Member: Abdul Hamid Hatam Director Mob: 3888-1222 mmshatam@

Company Products and Services M. M. Sharif and sons is a family based company that dates back to the early 20th century. We have a long standing tradition in our family of businessmen. Initially beginning with my grandfather we were tobacco traders and then it flourished into cigarette and cigar trading. Over the years we changed our focus into accessory trading. We own the rights of two companies Alfred Dunhill and Montblanc that we run on a daily basis. We offer high end luxury goods and specifically cater to cooperations who intend giving away expensive cooperate gifts such as pens, cuff links, wallets, bracelets, briefcases and belts. We specialise in bulk but also have shops to entertain walk in customers. Main office is located in Old Manama Soug 50 Meters from Bab Al Bahrain. We also have offices in our shops in both Seef Mall and Bahrain City Centre. Branches Ritz-Carlton: 1758-0889 Moda Mall: 1753-6369 Seef Mall: 1758-1999 Bahrain City Centre: 1717-9696


Majestic Arjaan by Rotana

www.rotana/ Company email: Address: Bahrain International AirportKingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1737-0000 Fax: 1737-0001 Member: Raiz Saban General Manager Mob: 3838-2027

Company Products and Services Majestic Arjaan by Rotana is a first class property that offers a spectacular and luxurious 128 suites conveniently located in Busaiteen District, opposite King Hamad University Hospital and RCSI, 2 kilometers away from Bahrain International Airport and minutes drive to Bahrain World Trade Centre, Bahrain Financial Harbour and the Bahrain City Center Mall. The hotel has an easy access to Sheikh Isa bin Salman Highway and the Saudi Causeway in addition to the major city shopping Centre. Embrace new experiences at Majestic Arjaan by Rotana with its stunning studios, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites offering optimal space and developed as duplexes having both short and long term guest in mind. Majestic Arjaan by Rotana also boasts three specialized food and beverage venues to suit every guest s palate and dining needs. The hotel features the latest high-tech facilities including fully-equipped meeting rooms with the most up-to-date audio-visual equipment and with the delivery of impeccable personalized services that meet the requirements and expectations of its guests either on business travel, relocation or those on leisure vacation. The hotel provides state-of-the-art amenities such as an outdoor temperature controlled swimming pool, Kids Zone, modern cardiovascular and weight training equipment as well as sauna and steam rooms.


Management Development Centre International Ltd

Member: Hameed Karimi General Manager Mob: 3673-2777

Address: Suite 705/706, 7th Floor, Manama Centre 3 PO Box 26305 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1721-6002-ext 223 Fax: 1721-6007 Company Products and Services The Management Development Centre:

Was established 1993 Is a UK-based Higher Education consultancy with offices in London, Bahrain, Muscat and Zambia; Is a provider of recognized postgraduate education and executives training in the gulf since 1993; Is a provider of top class University education in the Gulf States, through face to face, on-location and blended learning techniques; Offers degrees and executive development programmes, which are UK University accredited; Is working towards internationally accredited status via providing University Foundation Programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate and Doctoral levels provider of Higher Education consultancy services through a team on international experts; Manages examination services for several large internationally-focused Universities. Was presented with the Queen s award for Export Achievements (Education services) 2000.


Mazars Chartered Accountants

Member: Fadhel Al Shehabi Resident Partner Mob: 3966-8819

Address: PO Box 60099, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-0079 Fax: 1758-0097 Company Products and Services Mazars is an international, integrated and independent organisation, specializing in audit, accounting, tax and advisory services. Mazars has built a unique integrated partnership and can rely on the skills of 12,500 professionals to fully operate in 56 countries around the world. As the independent market challenger, Mazars has the ability to provide large corporate multinational firms with seamless customized solutions. Its complete, adaptable and flexible range of services also makes Mazars the accounting and advisory partner of choice for smaller companies and owner-managed business as well as highnet worth individuals. Mazars is founding member of the international Alliance Praxity uniting 25,000 professionals in 72 countries where it is present.


Mazen Alumran Consulting Engineers Company email: Address: PO Box 26062, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Adliya, Osama Bin Zaid Road Committee Member: Mazen Alumran Managing Director Home: 1774-1888 Mobile: 3966-5552 mazen@ Members: Ahmed Alumran Director Home: 1774-1888 Office: 1771-5555 Mobile: 3942-8428 ahmed@ Khalil Salman Home: 1766-0557 Office: 1771-5555 Mobile: 6634-4333 khalil@

Tel: Fax:

1771-5555 1771-5007

Company Products and Services Mazen Alumran Consulting Engineers (MACE) is a multi-disciplinary Grade A firm set up in 1985 and now reputed to be one of the leading Engineering Consultancy Offices in Bahrain. MACE offers complete design and supervision services covering Architectural, Structural, Civil and Electro Mechanical disciplines. Highly qualified and experienced professional staff produce designs and detailed drawings and documentation on a networked computer system using the latest CADD software. Over the years wide experience has been gained in a variety of building types including Commercial, Educational, Residential, Industrial, Healthcare, Tourism, Air Transport Facilities, Automobile Showrooms and Service Centres and Interior Design. Two of our current iconic projects are the King Hamad Oncology Project in Busaiteen, which is under construction, and the Dilmunia Shopping center, currently in the design stage.


Mead Management Services Ltd Company email:

Member: Andrew Mead MBE Managing Director Mob: 3627-2969 KSA Mob: +966 506 271 151

Address: 74 Braddons Hill Road East, Torquay TQ1 1HF Tel: 0044 7940 559 925 Fax: 0044 1803 291 410 Company Products & Services Established in 1996, the Company designs, compiles and publishes advertising and corporate promotional material on behalf of companies both in the United Kingdom and in the Middle East. Current publications include The Saudi British Trade Directory produced in Saudi Arabia; The BBG Directory on behalf of the British Business Group in Jeddah; this Directory and the BBBForum magazines on behalf of The Bahrain British Business Forum. The Company maintains an office in Riyadh where working with sponsoring company Jumana House, we manage a full range of creative and pre-print activities for a number of local and international clients. See our website for full contact details

Member: Caroline Wilkie Bahrain Representative Mob: 3671-8115


M E S M M - Middle East Sports Management & Marketing Address: P. O. Box 18656, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 7717-7881 Member: Mark Gravener Associate Director Mob: 3976-6565

Company Products & Services MESMM (Middle East Sports Management & Marketing) is a highly experienced people and event management company, specialising in sport within the MENA region. Whilst having been involved in a variety of projects, most recently overseeing more than 200 individual events for the BHUK200 celebrations, our passion is sport and our mission is to unleash the vast amount of talent within this region, onto the global stage. We work with individuals, clubs and sport governing bodies to develop initiatives and programs, designed to showcase this talent, appreciate the value in sport in the community but also to bring business close to their customers, through a variety of sport disciplines. Hashtag Media is our social media division, born form the need to use online digital media to achieve our aims. Through our successes, our client list has increased exponentially and become a first choice for some of the most recognisable names in the automotive, finance and hospitality industries. Our specialists only work in digital media and truly understand the trends, whilst our senior management team, has the knowledge and breadth of understanding to tune into your business needs. Finally, we have Your online portal to securing tickets for global sporting events, especially the main football league and cup competitions.


Michael Eddison Financial Services Address: P. O. Box 75822, Al Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 00971 508 889 216 / 0044 7746 515 064 Member: Michael Eddison Estate Planner Mob: 3670-6513 mike@

Company Products & Services Mike Eddison has over 35 years experience in the Financial Services Industry and offers a range of non-financial service products such as Will Writing, Probate and Estate Planning Services. A Will is a legal document that protects your family and assets in the event of your unexpected demise. The alternative is to let the government decide who gets what, and when. Without these basic legal structures in place your assets and family would be at risk. Therefore, these professional services are personally drafted for you on a face-to-face basis to ensure that your family and assets are fully protected and your wishes are carried out. As a member of The Society of Will Writers, Michael Eddison offers professional Will Writing and related services ensuring your family and assets are protected. Further information can be found:


Middle East Trading & Engineering SPC

Company email:

Member: Ahmed M. A. Jawahery Chairman & CEO Home: 1769-4550 Mob: 3961-9000 hj6650@

Address: PO Box 10494, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-2010 Fax: 1753-1569 Company Products and Services 1. Services for industrial and power stations. 2. General Agencies, Consultancy & Advisors to International Companies, mainly in the field of power stations, oil & gas and petrochemical industries 3. Bonded warehouse facilities at Bahrain International Airport. 4. Property Developers - Commercial and Residential. 5. English Language Education Centre (American Cultural & Educational Centre) 6. Medical Services. Royal Bahrain Hospital - RBH & KIMS Bahrain Medical Centre-KBMC, RBH-Medex Medical Centre, MRI Centre Related British Companies: Parsons Peebles Machines Ltd, Gates E&S Bahrain WLL London Corporate Trading Related Bahrain Companies: American Cultural & Educational Centre - ACEC Excellence Industrial Maintenance Company S.P.C. Global Logistical Services WLL, Royal Bahrain Hospital - RBH KIMS - Bahrain Medical Centre-KBMC RBH Medex Medical Centre MRI Centre


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Address: P. O. Box 547, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1722-5118 Fax: 1722-6333 Honorary Member: Ambassador Dr. Dhafer A. Alumran Assistant Undersecretary for GCC Affairs and Western Countries

History The 1969 Royal decrees No. 1 and No.2 issued by H.H the late Amir, Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al-Khalifa, were the foundations for establishing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The former created a domain for foreign affairs, and the latter appointed a Director for this new division: Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa. With the establishment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, another directorate was added to the original General Directorate which was formed in 1956. A royal decree was issued for the founding of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after H.H. Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa, Chairman of the State council, announced Bahrain s complete independence on behalf of H.H. the late Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al-Khalifa, on 14 August 1971. The decree defined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs duties and responsibilities in terms of coordinating and implementing all matters related to the nation s foreign policy, and its international relations with other countries and international organizations, in addition to protecting the interests of Bahraini citizens abroad. Vision & Mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Vision Pioneering political and economic diplomacy with a distinctive Bahraini perspective. The Mission Building relationships and frameworks that protect the rights and interests of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its people in the international arena. Striving to consolidate peace, security, stability, justice, and development and to develop bilateral and multilateral relations, based on the principle of good neighbourliness, and on international agreements and conventions, in order to implement the Kingdom s strategy. 195

Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Tourism general email:

Honorary Member: H.E. Zayed R. Alzayani Minister of Industry, Commerce & Tourism

Address: P. O. Box 5479, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Industry Affairs Tel: 1756-8000 Commerce Affairs Tel: 1757-4777 History The Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Tourism through its official website has seen major developments over the years and has since added many online services to the public, including: commercial registration search, application follow-up, business activities requirements, daily price index, citizen complaints, as well as goods prices newsletter. Today it is possible to access those services from any smart phone through: The Directorate of eCommerce and IT is also keen on strengthening its capacity to professionally meet the ever changing requirements of the commercial world, including efforts regarding the preparation and implementation of all legislations and laws related to Electronic Commerce and Information Technology in the Kingdom of Bahrain, including the decree Law No. 28 of 2002 on Electronic Transactions. The Department is also positioned to meet the developing Communication & IT infrastructure needs of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Tourism. The Directorate has also sought to launch and administer various programs in the area of Electronic Commerce and Information Technology and their applications, aimed at raising awareness of its importance, and as well as to set up different activities to enrich the electronic content of Bahrain in order to create components and programs for all local business, based on the historic role of the Kingdom as a regional hub for trade in the region. It also provides the website of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Tourism with the latest technologies so as to ensure its development and maintenance, in line with e-government initiatives in providing the finest electronic services to the public with a constant quest to renew the content of the website and add to its e-services.


Mohammed Jalal & Sons W.L.L. Address: PO Box 113, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-3311 Fax: 1753-2335 Member: Nigel Devereux General Manager Group Operations Home: 1740-5078 Mob: 3966-1373 nigel_devereux@

Company Products and Services Mohammed Jalal & Sons, established in 1948, is a diversified and entrepreneurial conglomerate whose origins lie in trading. Initially, the Group focused on supplying goods for which Bahrain had an identifiable need, such as consumables, materials, furnishing, stationery and cars. As construction activity grew, so did the demand for steel, building materials and specialist plant. The GroupÂ’s portfolio expanded to include sanitary ware and fittings, kitchen equipment, interior design, air conditioning, lifts, escalators and office automation equipment and computers, all of which the Group supply on a regular basis. A network of construction and engineering companies were established to meet Bahrain and the regionÂ’s growing needs. The Group is extremely active in the service sector providing such services as maintenance, catering, housekeeping, pest control, insurance, travel, removal and clearing services. The constituent companies of the Group have, between them, the resources to complete the most complex turnkey projects, which may require design, sourcing of materials and equipment, construction, project management and planned maintenance programmes. A number of Group companies operate in other countries of the region, most notably Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE. Related British Company: British American Tobacco Co. UK, Related Bahrain Company: Mohammed Jalal Cigarettes Department. 197

Mohammed Jalal & Sons W.L.L. (Engineering & Technology Div.) Company email: Address: PO Box 747, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1725-2921 Fax: 1725-4638 Member: Nevin Megchiani General Manager / Director Home: 1764-3505 Mob: 3966-3733 nevin_megchiani@

Company Products and Services Oilfield & Petrochemical equipment & services. Construction & Industrial machinery, Industrial & Occupational Safety equipment, Airport and Aircraft Ground Support equipment, Valves & Control Systems, Products & Services for Power & Water and sewerage activities, etc. Solution providers for oilfield and petrochemical, construction and manufacturing industries. Sales & After Sales Services for construction, industrial and power generation industries, equipment and machinery including Service and maintenance contracts for various types of mechanical and electrical equipment. Related British Companies: Ingersoll-Rand, Douglas Equipment Ltd, Emerson Process Management, Smiths Detection, Plenty Ltd, Godiva Ltd, BS & B Safety Systems, Thwaits Ltd, Powerscreen Co. Terex GB Ltd (Terex Washing Systems) Wellend Industries Related Bahrain Company: Mohammed Jalal Group


Mohammed Jalal Contracting

Company email: Address: PO Box 113, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1725-5729 / 1725-5360 Fax: 1725-9839 Member: David Bailey General Manager Office: 1725-5729 dbailey@

Company Products and Services Building and civil engineering contracting. Related Bahrain Company: Mohammed Jalal Group


Mott MacDonald Company email: Address: PO Box 10471, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1757-6400 Fax: 1791-0087 Members: Gary A. Laing Country Mngr. Bahrain Mob: 3971-2191 gary.laing@ Colm Noonan Project Manager: Water Mob: 3622-2497 colm.noonan@ Emyr Rowlands Associate Mob 3622-2460 emyr.rowlands@ Peter Sharp Technical Director Mob: 3622-2630 Tim Paul Projects Director Mob: 3360-3110 tim.paul@ Alex MacLeod Projects Director Mob: 3622-2639 alex.macleod@ 200

Company Products and Services Opening opportunities with connected thinking. Mott MacDonald is a US$2bn engineering, management and development consultancy. We re involved in: Solving some of the world s most urgent social, environmental and economic challenges Helping governments and businesses plan, deliver and sustain their strategic goals Responding to humanitarian and natural emergencies Improving people s lives Our expertise by sector includes buildings, communications, defence, education, environment, health, industry, mining, oil and gas, power, transport, urban development, water, wastewater and more. Our skills encompass planning, studies and design, project finance, technical advisory services, project and programme management, management consultancy and beyond. For every project, we create the blend of talent needed to create the right result appropriate; cost, carbon and resource-efficient; safe, easy and swift to deliver and operate; reliable and resilient; delivering great outcomes. Mott MacDonald s current portfolio of projects in Bahrain includes:

Bahrain Marina Engineering Design Dilmunia Health Island Infrastructure Water Transmission Development Programme PPP Affordable Housing Project for MoH Deerat Aloyoun at Diyar Al Muharraq Retained Consultancy Services for Road designs 400 kV Transmission development for EWA Masterplan for EWA to 2030

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Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain Address: PO Box 24009, Muharraq, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1746-0086 Fax: 1746-0089 Member: Daniel Kaan General Manager Mob: 3933-5696 daniel.kaan@

Company Products and Services Overlooking the sprawling Arad Bay Lagoon and perfectly situated just across Bahrain International Airport, award-winning Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain offers 106 well-equipped and lavishly furnished guest rooms. Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain is renowned for its gastronomical delights, which are offered in its food and beverage outlets Silk s Restaurant, The Gallery lobby lounge, Flamingo Bar and Palms Bar. The hotel is known to serve the best Friday brunch in the country, plus exciting themed nights such the Meat Lover s Paradise, Thursday Night Out and our fresh Monday Seafood Night. The well-loved hotel boasts a luxurious European-style spa with a modern design, providing result-driven treatments. A perfect relaxation haven, Rimal Spa features 12 treatment rooms including single treatment suites, one double female suite and two traditional Turkish hammam suites with their own steam rooms and heated wet tables. Rimal Spa offers exclusively designed, holistic and non-invasive treatments, using London s Harley Street Skin Care products and CACI nonsurgical face and body lift machines. Voya marine products and signature treatments using seashells add a unique dimension to the spa, which also does its part to support green practices and halal-certified organic products. The hotel also offers a total of six meeting rooms Al Murjan Ballroom, Pearl Boardroom, Gawwas Boardroom, Tawash Meeting Room, Hairat Meeting Room, and Business Centre Meeting Room. The 460-sqm Al Murjan Ballroom offers an elegant venue for banquets, conventions and weddings, and can be easily divided into three smaller halls of varying sizes upon request, with a direct access and free parking area.


MSCEB Company email:

Member: Mohammed Salahuddin President & Managing Director Office: 1721-2122 Mob: 3963-2211

Address: MS Centre, Building 22, Avenue 58, Al Seef District 436 PO Box 1166, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1781-5775 Fax: 1782-5010 / 1791-0825 Company Products and Services Established in 1970, MSCEB has grown over the years to become one of the largest reputed Architectural and Engineering Consultancies in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Known for quality in design and supervision services, MSCEB has long been the consultant of choice for prestigious projects and landmarks in Bahrain. MSCEB is a multidisciplinary consultancy, comprising of Architects, Interior Designers, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Structural and Civil Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Contracts personnel and Construction Administration teams. This makes MSCEB an attractive choice for Clients looking for a single point of responsibility for design and supervision services. MSCEB has recently moved to new premises at MS Centre in Seef.

Member: Steve Diaper Director Interior Design Mob: 3819-9853 steve.diaper@

Related British Companies Over the years, MSCEB has worked with and has delivered high quality services in association with several international consultants, including Aedas, AHR, Gensler, HOK, Jacobs, Rafael Vinoly, RTKL, SOM and Symonds.


Muharraq STP Company BSC(c) Address: Building 200, Road 13, Block 115, Hidd PO Box 10894, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Committee Member: Jonathan Trafankowski Chief Financial Officer Direct: 1756-0511 Mob: 3914-8599 jonathan.trafankowski@



1756 0540 ext 102


1756 0519

Company Products and Services Design, Build and Operate Sewerage Treatment Plant and Deep Gravity Sewer.

Muharraq Wastewater Services Company WLL

Member: Peter Naylor Operations & Maintenance Manager Direct: 1756-0513 Mob: 3841-4881 peter.naylor@

Address: Building 200, Avenue 13, Block 115 PO Box 10939, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1756-0540 Fax: 1756-0519 Fax: 0044 872 115 2596 (Fax to email via UK) Company Products and Services Operate and maintain the Muharraq Sewage Treatment and Sludge Incineration Plants and the Deep Gravity Sewer.


MWH Khonji

Committee Member: Ben Elsworth Business Unit Director Mob: 3633-1167 ben.s.elsworth@

Address: PO Box 5150, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1771-2542 Fax: 1771-4308 Company Products and Services With 7,500 staff worldwide, MWH is leading the world in the water, renewable energy, sustainability, infrastructure and industry market sectors across these service offerings:

Program Management and Management Consulting Engineering and Technical Services Environmental Consulting Services Construction Services

The MWH Khonji team is driven to meet today s challenges, dedicated to innovation and committed to mastering and applying emerging technologies to create client-focused results. Other locations: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Qatar, UK, USA United Arab Emirates Dr Wessam Daoud Tel: +971 4449-5600 Fax: +971 4422-5349 Qatar Peter Fraser

Tel: +974 4480 4622 Fax: +974 4436 8694

Associated British Company MWH UK Ltd. Associated Bahraini Company Ismail Khonji Associates


My Spaces Designs Company email: Address: PO Box 75560, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 7741-6666 Fax: 1791-6664 Member: Amal Zainuddin Founder & Chief Architect Mob: 3339-4664 amal@

Company Products and Services My Spaces Designs team specialises in the delivery and implementation of world class architecture and construction projects, through unparalleled harmony of lines, colours, fixtures and fittings, creating dynamic atmospheres with distinct personalities. Our range of services includes: Architecture, Interior Design Consultancy, Landscape Design Consultancy, Drafting, 3D Modelling and Design and Project Management and Coordination. We have extensive experience working with a number of different projects, from planning and design to site supervision on retail, commercial, restaurants and residential units. Our mission is to strive towards excellence by strategically aligning and integrating our skills and capabilities with our ClientÂ’s goals and objectives. We are committed to adding value to our projects through sustainable design, innovation, creativity and provide the most efficient design solutions for our clients visions.

Member: Ala'a Abdulla Partner & Senior Architect Mob: 6665-5005 alaa@


Nass Contracting Co. WLL Company email: Address: PO Box 669, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1770-8382 Fax: 1770-1714 Member: David Anthony General Manager Mob: 3966-0600

Company Products and Services Bahrain s leading building and civil engineering contractor, successfully serving the construction sector for more than 50 years. Nass Corporation s flagship company, Nass Contracting was established in 1963 and has made a major contribution to the development of Bahrain s commercial and industrial infrastructure, having successfully undertaken projects in virtually every sector of the country s economy. With more than 50 years of experience and proven expertise in the building and civil engineering industry, Nass Contracting s portfolio consists of industrial structures, infrastructure development, pipelines and road construction as well as luxury villas, office blocks, warehouses and other commercial buildings. Offshore works include bridges, jetties and quay wall construction and dredging, land reclamation and shore protection works. The company has a dedicated team of engineers, technicians, skilled and unskilled workers and utilizes the latest construction methods and machinery for its projects and has successfully executed prestigious projects for government ministries as well as the private sector under the supervision of leading consultants. Furthermore, the company has a long history of participating in joint venture, and as consortium partners, with major international contracting companies to undertake highly specialized turnkey projects. Additional support services such as landscaping, asphalting, plumbing and central garage for hiring heavy equipments ensure total solutions that meet client requirements. Nass Contracting is an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OSHAS 18001:2007 Certified Company, and an Approved Center to deliver the ECITB International Health and Safety Passport courses in the Kingdom of Bahrain.



Newton Legal Newton Consult Address: P. O. Box 2805, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: Member: Nicholas Williams Principal Mob: 3876-8155 nicholas.williams@



Company Products and Services Legal services

Nexant Ltd Address: 22nd Floor, West Tower, Bahrain Financial Harbour, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1750-2964 Fax: 1750-3030 Member: Andrew Spiers Senior Vice President Mob: 3810-0127

Company Products and Services Industry consulting services to oil, gas, chemical industries. Planning feasibility studies, M & A Support, financing support


Nexus Financial Services WLL Company email:

Members: Rod Allderidge General Manager Office: 1751-1766 Mob: 3033-3795 rod.allderidge@ Hamad Al Haddad Deputy General Manager Office: 1751-1765 Mob: 3665-0070 hamad.alhaddad@ James Doig Consultant Office: 1751-1736 Mob: 3229-7943 james.doig@ Ramesh K. Kinger Sales Manager Office: 1751-1777 Mob: 3996-1767 ramesh.kinger@


Address: 4th Floor, BNH Tower, Seef Area PO Box 20218, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1751-1777 Fax: 1751-0600 Company Products and Services Nexus Financial Services is the largest firm of Financial Advisers in the region offering a composite suite of insurance, savings and investment products to both corporate and individual clients from a range of international and domestic product providers. We pride ourselves on imparting quality advice and solutions which are specifically tailored to your goals and objectives. As qualified professionals with over 25 yearsÂ’ experience in the GCC, Nexus is a company you can trust and as an independent organisation, free from ties to a particular product provider, we can meet your needs with carefully selected solutions from the worldÂ’s foremost Financial Services & Insurance Companies. Nexus has in the region of 370 qualified professional advisers in the Middle East region and is supported by a cadre of 90 dedicated and qualified support staff. Nexus has operations located in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, The Kingdom of Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon and Qatar along with our most recent operation in Singapore, where we have a further 130+ advisers. We are the provider of choice for the provision of Life & Critical Illness cover, Retirement and Education Planning, General Savings and Investment Planning. In addition we offer a range of Corporate and Individual General Insurance solutions such as Group and Individual Medical, Group Life, motor, travel and contents insurance along with other Employee Benefit solutions.

Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP

Members: Joanne Emerson Taqi Head of Bahrain Office Mob: 3943-0475 joanne.emersontaqi@ David Johnston Associate Mob: 3943-1151 david.johnston@

Address: 48th Floor, West Tower, Bahrain Financial Harbour P.O.Box 20437, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1650-0200 Fax: 1650-0299 Company Products and Services Norton Rose Fulbright is a global law firm. We provide the worldÂ’s pre-eminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have 3800 lawyers and other legal staff based in more than 50 cities across Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. We opened our Bahrain office in 1979. We have a core team of lawyers on the ground and many other lawyers in the region working on Bahrain matters. We have a long-standing connection with the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Bahrain. We have been heavily involved in the development of BahrainÂ’s infrastructure, and have advised on the key PPP infrastructure projects in the country. Our experience gives us a market-leading perspective on legal and regulatory issues, and in-depth knowledge of the key drivers of the Bahrain government and related institutions. Wherever we are, we operate in accordance with our global business principles of quality, unity and integrity. We aim to provide the highest possible standard of legal service in each of our offices and to maintain that level of quality at every point of contact.


Nova Group W.L.L.

Member: Raymond Nakfour CEO Mobile: 3838-3885 Mobile: 3969-9005 ray.nakfour@

Address: PO Box 11037, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Al Wafi Tower, 5th Floor, Offices 51-53 Bldg 880, Road 318, Al Seef Area Tel: 1700-0355 / 1700-1083 Fax: 1789-9098 Company Products and Services Newly established in 2013, Nova Group has incorporated the scope of expanding into the trading, contracting, and F&B industries. Our vision is one of growth and recognition, to strive to perfect every service and investment that our time is spent on. We aim to create a solid reputation within our business industry segments, and develop a favorable standing within the regional market. As a holding company, Nova Group W.L.L. consists of the following entities: Nova Trading W.L.L. Nova Trading is based on the distributorship and sale of a range of products, dispensing through various channels around the Gulf. Our services range from retail, state of the art surveillance technologies, building materials and international food products, to the supply of medical equipment.

Member: Robert Nakfour Managing Director Mobile: 3967-4740 rob.nakfour@

Nova Construction W.L.L. With the right expertise handpicked and seasoned to the task, Nova Construction is ready and willing to take on new projects with new challenges. Our capability spans the industry spectrum, from smaller renovations and fit-outs to multi-million dollar projects. The Comfort Food Company W.L.L. The Comfort Food Company was established in 2013 with the sole purpose of creating, managing and investing in various exciting new restaurants concepts and F&B products around the Middle East. ThinkTank W.L.L. ThinkTank, is a independent agency with a global feel. In our time, ThinkTank has been fortunate enough to have worked with some fantastic clients such as: Imation, Seef Properties, Gulf Holding, RUF to name but a few. 215

Novotel Bahrain Al Dana Resort Company email: Address: PO Box 11037, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1729-8008 Fax: 1729-8338 Member: Laurent Noury General Manager Mobile: 3900-0860

Company Products and Services Novotel Bahrain Al Dana Resort, a luxury 4-star beachside hotel in Manama. It is an ideal mixture of leisure breaks and business trips. Hotel features an outdoor temperature-controlled swimming pool, private sandy beach, fitness centre and spa. The resort is located in the heart of the Kingdom s diplomatic and business area, stands along the Sheikh Hamad Causeway, close to the National Museum and Theater, only 5 minutes drive from the airport. Enjoy our 166 rooms and suites offering sleek comfort and spaciousness in a room designed to meet all your needs. A premium bed and special touches that make the difference. Relax or get some work done, and take full advantage of your stay. Because family time is precious, your children are Novotel s guests everywhere in the world. Children under 16* may share your room and enjoy breakfast at no extra cost. Toys and games for younger and older children are available in hotel lobbies or in our play room. You may prolong the enjoyment of family time by requesting a 5 p.m. check-out on Sundays upon availability. Restaurants LA PERLE: Unique in Bahrain, our seafood restaurant offers the possibility to enjoy both local and imported fresh product from the sea. With a terrace rarely found in Bahrain, you can also simply enjoy a shisha with your favorite drink. ZYTOUN: Our main restaurant displays a feast of international and Middle Eastern treats for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A la carte service is available 24h and Arabic Brunch every Friday.


OAK Utility Solutions & Development WLL Address: The Address Tower, Level 2, Seef District, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-0277 Members: Gareth R. Brown Chief Executive Officer Mobile: 3996-4978 Derrick Rodney Chief Operating Officer Mobile: 3639-3925 Simon Bromyard Projects Director Mobile: 3981-5642 Arron W. Dalgarno Projects Supervisor Mobile: 3995-4606 Daniel J Edwin Projects Engineer Mobile: 3901-3062

Company Products and Services Headquartered in Bahrain with offices in KSA and Turkey as well as Europe and CIS territories, OAK is an international developer of clean-tech sustainable energy & water utilities and provider of specialist service solutions to the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical industries. OAKÂ’s integrated business model is built around four core business lines: Infrastructure Service Solutions; Renewable Energy Utilities; Project Management & Feasibility Services and Operations & Management Services. OAK leverages its resources and expertise across each of these business lines to provide its clients with a comprehensive range of innovative and emerging service and product based solutions tailored to meet their specific requirements delivered by expert Project Management resources based in Bahrain. OAKÂ’s professional staff are highly experienced Chartered Engineers and Certified Project Managers. From its hub in Bahrain, OAK Engineers, Design and Manufacture Scalable Packaged Waste-to-Energy Plants as well as the following Service Solution Offerings: Clean-Tech Energy Production, Waste-to-Energy, Infrastructure Project Finance (Build-Own-Operate) Advanced Pipeline Rehabilitation Services, Advanced Pipeline Maintenance Services, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), International Commodity (Oil) Trading Solutions, Project Management Services, Technical & Commercial Construction Management and Supervision Project Services. We at OAK pride ourselves on our commitment to embracing the nuances, dynamics and unique sensitivities of local markets. OAK values partnerships, our principal objective is to form dynamic and long lasting relationships based on fair and mutually agreed milestone targets wherever in the world we are doing business. 217

Oasis Training Centre Company email: Address: P. O. Box 75719, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1733-0823 Member: Dr Suzanne White Managing Director Mobile: 3639-0305 suzanne.white@


Company Products and Services Educational Consultancy Advice and university placement for students going abroad English for Special purposes (Oil, Gas, Engineering, Legal, Banking and Finance, Insurance, Customer Service, Medical and many more) IELTS and TOEFL preparation Leadership Assessment and Development Psychometric testing Leadership and Soft skills qualifications (from the Institute of Leadership and Management, UK) Insurance qualifications (CII, CPCU, LOMA, III) Positive Power and Influence (Chartwell Learning, UK) Training Needs Analysis Human Resource Management training and development Bespoke facilitation for development, including coaching and mentoring WomenÂ’s development centre

Oxford Business Group

Members: Clementine Clabault Country Director Mobile: 3562-0821 cclabault@

Oliver Cornock Regional Editor ocornock@

Jana Treeck Regional Director jtreeck@

Charles Kissick Editorial Manager ckissick@

Grace Aguiluz Senior Project Coordinator bahrain@

Address: 5th Floor, GB Corp Tower, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1715-1582 Fax: 1715-1516 Company Products and Services Oxford Business Group is a British company founded as a researchpublishing firm in 1994. Today OBG has a worldwide reach, employing more than 200 people in 34 countries and continuing its commitment to producing detailed analysis. The Group publishes authoritative reports and on-line economic briefings covering 34 countries around the world from its offices in London, Istanbul and Dubai and a network of local bureaus in each of the countries in which it operates. Oxford Business Group has been at the frontier of mapping new waves of emerging economies. OBG operates in many of the world s fastest growing markets, offering internationally acclaimed intelligence on regions that are shaping the future balance of economic power. OBG provides on-the-ground research throughout the year, giving its global readership with the business intelligence they need to stay ahead, and assisting clients in making fundamental long-term investment decisions. OBG s annual publication, The Report: Bahrain is both locally and internationally accepted as the most up-to-date economic impact study and serves as a reference guide and a platform for international communication and dialogue. Now in its twelfth year, The Report: Bahrain 2017 will provide an in-depth overview of the country s economic condition and review the major events and trends shaping all sectors of the economy.


Peak Consultancy

Address: PO Box 10593, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Fax: 1727-2176 Member: Mohamed Sabkar Board Member Mob: 3965-7700


Company Products and Services Management Consultancy

Petrolink International Company email: Address: PO Box 5704, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 77121-2848 Fax: 1774-9137 Member: Yousif K Hubaishi Director Mob: 3966-3639 yousifhubaishi@

Company Products and Services The company was originally established for the purpose of trading, principally in the areas of petroleum, and petrochemical products. Petrolink International has a long standing relations with leading produces in the region such as Petrolube (part of the Aramco Group of Companies of Saudi Arabia). Petrolink prides itself on its business relationships with manufacturers, fabricators and suppliers of machinery, equipment and materials. We provide those who we work with, with local services and promote their products and services within the region, we assist with aftersales support and technical assistance when required. We help our principals with pre-qualifications, registrations and approvals with their support.


Poullaides Construction Co. WLL (PCC) Company email: Address: PO Box 33411, Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1782-6660 Fax: 1782-7008 Member: Christos A. Poullaides Managing Director Mob: 3947-9009

Company Products and Services Poullaides Construction Co. W.L.L. (PCC) is an ISO 9001:2015 company which has been registered in the Kingdom of Bahrain in order to carry out Building and Civil Engineering Projects including Electro-Mechanical works and has been classified by the Ministry of Commerce as a Grade AA Building Contractor. PCC operates in Cyprus, Bahrain and Qatar. Our Motto is Building for a Better Future . PCC believe that quality is not a destination but a journey without a finish line . PCC has the versatility to carry out the following types of projects:

Special Building Projects i.e. Highrise, Banks, Hospitals, Schools etc. Industrial Projects like Factories, Sheds etc. Fit-out and Interior Decoration Works Structural Repairs and Rehabilitation Works. Portacabins

In order to tackle all the above type of projects PCC has created the following in-house departments which are currently under development:

Electro-Mechanical Division Interior Decoration and Fitting-out Division Structural Repairs and Rehabilitation Division Waterproofing Division Portacabin Division

Safety and Quality is very important to PCC. PCC has completed 6,000,000 manhours without loss time accident. 222

PRIME Instant Offices & Business Centre Company email: Address: PO Box 3214, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1757-0400 Fax: 1753-2259 Member: Munira Fahoum Managing Director Mob: 3991-7333 munira@

Company Products and Services PRIME was incorporated in 2005 as the first company in Bahrain to specialise in the provision of serviced offices. Over the years, PRIME has continued to diversify and broaden the scope of its services to accommodate the growing business requirements of local and foreign companies doing business in Bahrain amidst increased competition and new challenges. PRIME continues to play a key role in facilitating its clients operations with its unparalleled breadth of business and office services and its local knowledge and expertise with matters such as visa processing, intellectual property registrations, or navigating the various ministerial requirements. Our teamÂ’s thorough understanding of the local market, practices, logistics and culture and our recently acquired ISO 9001:2008 Certification guarantees that our Clients always receive the same high standard of service, delivered with maximum efficiency. In addition, our affiliations with both the Ministry of Industry& Commerce (Affiliated Partner) and with ZuÂ’bi & Partners, Attorneys & Legal Consultants, affords us many advantages and ensures that our Clients are always operating in accordance with Bahraini laws. Whether our Client is an established international business looking to enter the expansive Bahrain market, a start-up company looking to minimalise capital investment or an individual visiting Bahrain on a business trip, our highly skilled and professional team are dedicated to meeting every requirement, tailoring our corporate service solutions to suit our ClientsÂ’ individual needs.


Printech & Printpack Company email: Address: PO Box10162, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1736-9840 Fax: 1736-9023 Member: Mohammed Sadiq Dawani Director Home: 1779-0261 Mobile: 3964-8787 dawaniproperties@

Company Products and Services Printech was established in 1992 with the state of the art offset printing machines. Printech is one of the most experienced printing companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Printpack was incorporated to Printech in year 2004 with the express intent of catering to the growing demand for top quality packaging products from Bahrain s food retail industry and shopping centers. What We Do Design & Layout Magazines Calendars Newsletters Posters Danglers Flyers/Leaflets Raffle Coupons Letterheads Envelopes Business Cards Folders Booklets Annual Reports Brochures


Invitations Greeting Cards Catalogs Promotional Products Cake Box All kind of Paper Bags Brown & White Flat Bottom Kraft Bags Brown & White Square Bottom Kraft Bags Chocolate Boxes French Fry Scoops Burger Boxes Clam Shell Boxes Popcorn Tubs


We are striving to keep each edition of the Forum Magazine up-to-date with current news and events and would be very pleased to receive your Press Releases, with or without pictures, of any new developments within your company, whether it be a promotion, an expansion, a new product or a special event. Please note items sent in must be newsworthy; any material that is simply an attempt to place free advertising will not be printed. Here are three TOP TIPS for getting your press release included. 1) Have A Story To Tell You must have a story to tell, a hook, or an interesting angle. Whilst demand for news is great, the news must still be interesting. So, find your story and develop it. Whilst you try and do this, make sure you think about the following: u u u u

event tie-in articles socially important editorial tie-in articles innovations and developments or unique products unusual events or unique personal accomplishments

2) Think Like a Journalist u



3) Keep Your Press Release Short! With so much to consider when writing a press release it’s not surprising that most people write too much copy. It doesn’t matter how well you have written your press release, if it’s too long then it won’t get read. So keep your press release short. Remove words that do not need to be there. Not convinced? Ask yourself these questions: u


2) Keep it simple Don't mess around with fancy fonts, inappropriate attempts to emphasise with I t a l i c s o r s p a c i n g variations, you're only giving the editior more work to do to turn it into something he wants to include instead of an excuse to ignore it...

So what reasons would an editor want to publish your news? What benefits would their readers get? Is it relevant and timely? Ideally, make the main benefit of your press release the headline. Or try and answer at least three of the classic five Ws -- who, what, when, where and why -- for your publicity angle in the headline. If you do not come up with a compelling headline then the editor may simply not read any further.


How many of these press releases do you think editors get to read for every publication? How many long, badly-worded releases will they read before, eventually, they become instantly put off just by the length of a press release? And how much more likely do you think it is that an editor will read your SHORT, quick-to-read, press release?

Understand now? Keep your press release short, simple as that!


Protection Insurance Services WLL Company email: Address: P. O. Box 33133, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1721-1700 Fax: 1791-0283 Member: Samy Aziz General Manager Employee Benefits Office: 7707-3000 Direct: 1750-5648 Mob: 3940-4160

Company Products and Services Protection Insurance Services (PIS), a Limited Liability Company, was established in the year 1996, to provide extensive professional services on insurance broking, consulting and claims-handling support to corporations and individual clients under one roof for all insurance classes. Having gained significant market experience and strength, Protection Insurance Services, was established to cater to the requirements and to provide a new dedicated insurance and reinsurance broking and advisory services. Protection Insurance Services is a leading insurance and reinsurance broking firm with sound reputation among the insurance community in the Kingdom of Bahrain. As part of a coherent approach to business development PIS will provide international specialised insurance, reinsurance (including takaful and re-takaful) and advisory services to insurance and reinsurance companies and other corporate & commercial entities in its chosen regions. We arrange various contingent covers that are normally available only through specialist underwriters and international markets Protection Insurance Services head office is located in Bahrain with registered branch in Qatar and UK while we have a very ambitious expansion plan to set offices in the MENA region. Our mission Is to establish a partnership between the client, the insurance company and our firm, to provide our clients with coverage and fair and equitable services for loss control and claims. Our number one product is service; service specifically designed to reduce your losses and control your insurance costs.


Ramada Hotel & Suites Amwaj Islands Company email:

Member: Mukul Mehta Cluster General Manager Mobile: 3902-3050 Mobile: 6699-7771

Address: Bldg. 1741, Rd 5715, Block Amwaj 257, Amwaj Islands, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1600-0099 Fax: 1600-0098 Company Products & Services Ramada Hotel and Suites Amwaj Islands offers the finest new accommodation, services and facilities for the most discerning visitors. Located in the heart of Amwaj Islands in Bahrain and only a few minutes drive from Bahrain International Airport, the hotel offers more than spacious rooms and suites starting from 40 sqms to 160 sqms, various dining options and the city s first Moroccan fine dining restaurant. The conference and event facilities can fit from 2 up to 200 guests and the extensive leisure facilities include a gym and a relaxing spa. The hotel is conveniently accessible to both the leisure and business districts of Manama. With its elegant design that blends contemporary and classic style, chic rooms and suites, as well as various dining, leisure and meeting facilities, Ramada Hotel & Suites Amwaj Islands is here to meet the needs and elevate the experience of business as well as leisure travelers.

Member: Stephen J. Daniel Cluster Director of Sales & Marketing Mobile: 3914-7782 Mobile: 6639-3053


A total of 162 spacious rooms and suites Restaurants All Day Dining and First Fine Dining Moroccan Restaurant Spa Gym Swimming Pool, Sauna, Jacuzzi Meeting and Banquet Facilities Long stay rates available



- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland - Medical University of Bahrain

Member: Stephen Harrison-Mirfield Chief Operating Officer Mobile: 3959-0723 sharrison@

Address: P. O. Box 15503, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1735-1450 ext 4130 Fax: Company Products and Services The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Bahrain is the gulfs leading Health Sciences educational institution. Opened in 2004 RCSI Bahrain is a constituent member of the RCSI, a historic organisation from Ireland dating back to 1784. The university has three schools, Medicine, Nursing & Midwifery and Post Graduate Studies & Research. The curriculum taught is a replication of the world renowned curriculum taught in Dublin and as a result the calibre of RCSI BahrainÂ’s graduates is world class. Now in its tenth year of operation RCSI Bahrain has graduated some 850 plus students and has alumni spread across the globe. Student numbers have gone from 29 in 2004 to over 1,300 currently and with a full time staff of some 140 academics and administrators it is a leading light in the Higher Education space in Bahrain. Future expansion of the offerings at RCSI Bahrain looks certain as they continue to lead the way in Health Sciences education in the region.


Red House Marketing Address: PO Box 20461, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1781-3777 Fax: 1781-3700 Member: George Middleton Managing Director Home: 1787-4968 Mob: 3960-4800 george@

Company Products and Services Red House Marketing (RHM) is a Bahrain registered W.L.L. company operational in Bahrain since 1991. The business interests of the company span the entire GCC states. RHM is in the business of marketing products, services and information to corporate and individual clients through publishing, internet and multimedia services, direct marketing, event management and public relation activities. Publishing Established over twenty three years ago, RHM has produced a number of quality publications including Bahrain This Month, Woman This Month, Bahrain Restaurant Guide, MWR Guide and The Bahrain Map and Pocket Guide. Public Relations At RHM we see public relations in a broader context that covers many forms of communication. We deliver interesting and useful information in a highly effective manner through properly structured PR. Market Research We design market studies to suit individual needs. Event Management Attention to detail, good planning and smooth implementation are the keys to a successful event. In the Events division we combine these elements with creativity and common sense to organise and execute the most unique and dynamic themed events suitable for any corporate occasion. Direct Marketing Services We undertake turnkey projects from hire and training of personnel to design and development of systems for a customised approach to marketing products and services. 229

RMI Middle East Address: P.O.Box 82195, Budayia, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1750-0121 Member: Michael Hughes Director Mob: 3924-6003

Company Products and Services RMI Middle East ( is a leading Consultancy, Engineering and Project Management provider. RMI Middle East specialises in risk evaluation, risk prevention and mitigation planning and management of threats or hazards to client assets, personnel, functions and operations. RMI Middle East provides a broad range of Specialist Security, Safety, Fire, Contingency Planning and Training support to major utility, oil and gas, chemical and commercial organisations, financial bodies, educational institutions, hospitals, airports, seaports as well as government ministries and departments around the world. Services provided enable clients to manage risks in a comprehensive and practical manner. Teams consist of specialists in the following key areas:


Physical Security and Safety. Technological Security and Safety. Security and Safety of Personnel. Fire Protection Operations, Administration, Prevention and Engineering. Incident Response. Business Continuity, including Disaster Recovery. Security Management Systems. Safety Management Systems. Information Security. Process Risks. Training.

RMR Group

www. Company email: Address: P.O.Box 54525, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Member: Richard Potter General Manager Mob: 3604-2290

Company Products and Services Visa representation, Construction, Real Estate Services, Heath & Safety Training, Bahrain/British Ownership

Shirley Conway RMR Group Office Manager Mob: 3944-0975 shirleyconway@


Romani Consulting

Member: Jawad Rasromani Managing Director Mob: 3945-7455

Address: P.O.Box 20101, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-7517 Fax: 1753-7518 Company Products and Services Romani Associates is an independent consulting firm operating in Bahrain/Qatar & helping business sectors to achieve excellence in their operations. Our services include Risk Assessment/Tax Advisory Accounting /Bookkeeping/ Payroll Energy Auditing / Engineering Audits Corporate Executive Secretarial Services Tenders Evaluations Sourcing Distribution of International Standards ISO Management System Consulting Quality/ Environment/Safety/Security/HACCP Companies Formations/Business Advisory HR Consultancy Related British Companies British Standard Institute (UK) West End, HR Training & Consulting



Royal Golf Club Address: PO Box 39117, Riffa, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1775-0777 Fax: 1775-0756 Members: Stephen Havrilla General Manager Mobile: 3942-1702 Sue Addison Senior Marketing & PR Manager Mobile: 3944-5025 s.addison@ Ben Stimson Golf Sales Manager Mobile: 3807-8893 b.stimson@ Kelly Stapleton F&B Sales & Events Manager Mobile: 3995-4530 k.stapleton

Company Products & Services The Royal Golf Club offers the best of both worlds; exclusive membership options are available while visitors are also welcome to enjoy the unrivalled facilities on offer. The Club is conveniently located just 20-minutes drive from the capital city, Manama, and the same distance from the Saudi-Bahrain causeway, attracting visitors from all over the Gulf region and further afield. Opened in 2008, the Royal Golf Club boasts a world class 18-hole championship course which was designed by golfing legend and acclaimed golf course architect Colin Montgomerie. The 7102 yard, par 72 Montgomerie course is complemented by the Wee Monty 9hole par 3 course, ideal for beginners to the game or those wishing to work on their short game. State-of-the-art floodlights are installed on the back 9 holes of the Montgomerie course and across the whole of the Wee Monty course meaning that golfers can enjoy a relaxing round of golf in the cool of the evening. The Royal Golf Academy is equipped with indoor tuition suites, a range of golf tuition aides, shaded driving range bays and immaculate practice putting greens, all run by a team of PGA professionals who are available for individual and group golf tuition and clinics. There are a number of dining options at the Royal Golf Club including the award-winning Links Restaurant with its signature Steak Stone, CafĂŠ T at the Royal Golf Academy, the family-friendly Prego Italian Restaurant and the comfortable Repartee Lounge, all of which are open to the public Facilities at the Royal Country Club include an outdoor swimming pool, gardens, play area and multi-purpose sports court while indoors there is a fitness studio as well as ladies and gents gyms, saunas, steam rooms and locker rooms. The Royal Golf Club also boasts a purpose-built function room and two meeting rooms with a shared terrace overlooking the golf courses.


RSM Bahrain Company email: Address: PO Box 11816, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-7787 Fax: 1753-7757 Member: Shams Al Baharna Managing Partner

Company Products and Services Established in 1991, RSM Bahrain has evolved into a leading audit and consulting firm in the Kingdom of Bahrain with branches in Qatar, offering a wide range of services to national and international clients. We are the Bahrain member of RSM International, the 6th largest global accounting network with over 730 offices in 110 counties around the world, and more than 37,500 partners and staff. Together, RSM member firms create an exceptional global community of professionals, with quality as the absolute cornerstone. As an integrated team, we share skills, insight and resources, as well as a client-centric approach that s based on a deep understanding of your business. This is how we empower you to move forward with confidence and realise your full potential. This is The Power of Being Understood. Whether serving public sector organisations, owner managed businesses, private individuals or listed companies with overseas operations, our goal is to help our clients achieve their ambitions. At RSM, we believe in giving clients more. More understanding. More expertise. More confidence. Our services include:

Audit and assurance Consulting Tax Risk advisory IFRS Restructuring Transactions Business and financial advisory

Qatar Branch: Website: email: 236

Savills Address: Suite 21, Seef Star Building, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 3200-4800 / 1700-5208 Member: James Moore Director - Bahrain Mobile: 6699-4272 james.moore@

Company Products and Services Savills operates in Bahrain and the Northern Gulf from seven offices with over 80 staff. In Bahrain, Savills specialises in providing international standard real estate services including:

Development Consultancy Property Valuation Dispute Resolution / Litigation Support Market Research International Investments Residential Lettings and Sales Commercial Lettings and Sales Property Management

The Savills team are widely known as market leaders in all their agency and advisory assignments consistent with the No 1 real estate super brand status the firm enjoys.

Member: William Grieve Senior Consultant Business Development Mobile: 3801-0630 william.grieve@


SEC Industrial Battery Co / Company email: Address: P. O. Box 32225, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1772-1322 Member: Jackie Beedie General Manager Mob: 3962-4415 jackie.beedie@

Company Products and Services With over 36 years experience in the battery and Solar Industry, SEC Industrial Battery Company (SEC) provides high quality Industrial Batteries, Telecom Batteries, Inverters, PV Solar Panels and Energy Storage Systems WorldWide. SEC has a network of offices and agents throughout the World that specialise in offering customers state of the art Solar panels, batteries and battery related products with world-leading technology. Our most popular maintenance free batteries include the SEC CELLYTE Battery range, and the SEC MICROLYTE Battery range.We deliver high performance batteries with extended long life in both Float Service and Deep Cycle. Solar Energy Centre (SEC) a division of SEC Industrial Battery Company Ltd has been manufacturing, designing and distributing Solar Photovoltaic systems and Batteries for over 35 years. SEC was originally established to supply remote Solar PV Powered Telecommunication and Cathodic protection systems to the Middle Eastern market. SEC s operations now include manufacturing of Industrial Batteries, Solar LED Lighting Solutions and wholesale of quality solar PV panels, inverters, mounting structure and kits. SEC is headquartered in the UK with warehousing in Felixstowe, manufacturing facilities in Asia and offices in Hong Kong, Bahrain and Paris. Related British Companies SEC Industrial Battery Company Solar Energy Centre The Low Carbon Economy Ltd


Sharif Group Company email:

Member: Waleed M. Sharif Al Rayes Managing Director Mobile: 3967-4400 waleed@

Address: PO Box 1581, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1774-8999 Fax: 1774-8990 Company Products and Services Sharif Group was established in 1956 as a tailoring business and trades garments, suiting and clothing fabrics which then expanded to the trade of watches, silver and fashion jewelry, leather products, writing instruments, gifts and promotional items, crystals, trophies and awards. The group states objectives and sense of direction combined with quality and dedication, which are values shared not just among management but employees as well.


Shutdown Maintenance Services WLL

Member: John A. Witter Managing Director Home: 1779-0679 Mobile: 3960-8540 smswll@

Address: P.O.Box 5871, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1774-2961 Fax: 1771-3691 Company Products and Services General Contracting Company Over 30 years of service in Bahrain Certified in 3 International Standards: ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Cleaning & Maintenance Janitorial services Security services Pest control High rise external window cleaning We offer these services and more to banks, commercial buildings, shopping centres, offices and compounds Industrial Services Refractory lining Aluminium smelter pot cell de-lining General services for aluminium smelter, petrochemical, oil & gas plants Grit blasting & painting works Mechanical works, welding & fabrication


Skin Health Centre

Member: Dr. Harb Al Omari Owner and Manager Home: 1779-3112 Mobile: 3966-5623 alomari@

Address: PO Box 30083, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1762-6768 /1762-6769 Fax: 1762-6764 Company Products and Services Skin Health Centre covers diagnostic, therapeutic and state of the art procedural services. Render consultations regarding cosmetics and cosmeceuticals.


Sovereign Trust Consultancy (Bahrain) W.L.L. Company email: Address: 5th Floor, GBCORP Tower, Bahrain Financial Harbour, PO Box 60202, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Members: Nabil Khoury Managing Partner Mobile: 3645-6436 nkhoury@ Anas Al Adawi Sales Manager Mobile: 3320-3131 aaladawi@ Wael Tahan Client Relationship Manager Mobile: 6636-3293 wtahan@ George Khallouf Regional Public Relations Manager Mobile: 3339-3379 gkhallouf@


Tel: Fax:

1715-1571 1715-1516

Company Products and Services The first Sovereign office opened in Gibraltar in 1987, and we now have 27 offices in all the major international finance centres. (Bahrain, Dubai, Cyprus, London, Gibraltar, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Isle Of Man, Seychelles, Hong KongÂ…etc.) SovereignÂ’s core business is setting up and managing Onshore, Offshore and Free Zone companies, trusts and other structures to meet the specific personal or business needs of our clients (Individuals & Corporate). Typically these needs would include Trading, Consulting, Bank Accounts, Residency, Citizenships, and Insurance, tax planning, wealth protection, foreign property ownership and facilitating cross-border business. Sovereign currently manage over 7,000 structures for a wide variety of clients worldwide. Majority of the clients are individuals, expatriates, entrepreneurs, freelance consultants, private investors, or wealthy persons and their families. Sovereign have developed a wide range of supporting services embracing asset management, corporate finance and fund raising, specialist tax advice, ship and yacht registration, insurance broking, credit cards, as well as trademark and intellectual property registration and protection.

SSH International Engineering Consultants Company email:

Member: Andrew Barwick Resident Director Bahrain & East KSA Mobile: 3889-2588 Tel: +966 11 454 9114 andrew.barwick@

Address: PO Box 18699, Al Seef, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1758-0758 Fax: 1791-5857 Company Products and Services SSH specialises in the delivery of world class construction projects in the MENA region. We are a rapidly expanding multidisciplinary firm with over 50 yearsÂ’ expertise in architecture, engineering, infrastructure and construction supervision. SSH are respected project leaders, trusted international partners and reputable employers. We aim to be the consultant, strategic partner and employer of choice for the MENA region. Our continued participation in the regionÂ’s premier construction projects reflects our world class expertise in specialist markets and our unrivalled local knowledge.


Standard Chartered Bank

Member: Dr Boutros Klink CEO Office: 1722-3636 Mobile:

Address: PO Box 29 , Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1722-3636 / 1715-0717 Fax: 1722-5001 Company Products and Services Standard Chartered Bank is the first bank in Bahrain, having started in 1920 and played a pivotal role in establishing Bahrain as a key financial centre. With over 90 years in the Kingdom, the Bank enjoys the position of having the most extensive branch network among international banks in Bahrain with 7 branches. In Bahrain, we are one of the leading banks, offering an extensive range of products and services for personal customers, local companies, multinational corporate and financial institutions. Our main objective is to offer outstanding value to our customers by providing a knowledgeable, efficient and reliable service in a personal, helpful and responsive manner. Central to this service philosophy is the professional consultative approach we take with each customer. By getting to know them better, we can identify their needs and match them with quality products which suit them best. Standard Chartered PLC, listed on both London and Hong Kong stock exchanges, ranks among the top 25 companies in the FTSE100 by market capitalisation. The London-headquartered Group has operated for over 150 years in some of the world s most dynamic markets, leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. It is committed to building a sustainable business over the long term and is trusted worldwide for upholding high standards of corporate governance, social responsibility, environmental protection and employee diversity. Standard Chartered s heritage and values are expressed in its brand promise, Here for good . For more information, please visit: Related British Company: Standard Chartered Bank



Standby Consulting (ME) Ltd. Company email: Address: P. O. Box 75824, Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1367-3555 Fax: 1756-4631 Member: Tom Ham Consultant and Client Services Manager Mobile: 3918-7293 tom@

Company Products and Services Standby Consulting has been operating in the Middle East since 2006, when contracted by a Fortune 200 financial institution with head offices in Bahrain to improve and enhance their Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery strategies and plans. Now operating throughout the GCC, Standby offers complete Business Continuity and IT disaster recovery Consultancy services as well as data centre design and project management. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning Business Impact and Risk Assessments Document Training and Embedding Business Continuity and IT Disaster Recovery Plan Testing and Auditing Data Centre Design, review and risk assessment Standby boasts an impressive client directory along with significant experience working within companies from varied markets and industries, with differing resource and revenue levels. Understanding the uniqueness of all companies as well as the different environments they operate in, Standby takes great pride in developing bespoke Business Continuity Management programmes for all of its clients, no matter their size.


SteppingStone Global WLL Address: P. O. Box 31652, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1740-4955 Member: Mike Orlov Partner Mobile: 3844-4001 mike.orlov@

Company Products and Services Founder and President Jean Nicolai sums up the service offering from SteppingStone Global: “Transforming a business into a high performance organisation is all about people. Aligning individuals within an organisation has to be the number one priority. The transformation of the business will surely follow as a direct consequence.” Mission of SSG is to optimise the available human potential and resources by solution-orientated communication and action; commitment is to create sustainable change and more successful cooperation by continuous improvement; the values of SSG are: Win/Win; Respect; Economically Justified One of the main objectives for most of our clients is to create sustainable synergy and alignment within and between departments of their organisations. Core of the SSG service is needs analysis driven by responses from individual confidential interviews with the participants in any programmes, be they strategic brainstorming with board level personnel, senior management or specific training for different levels of staff in the company. These individual confidential interviews lead to customised coaching given the needs of the organisation and the participants in the work - from leadership capabilities, training management skills, aligning individuals and departments with each other, helping people and departments to realise just how interdependent they are with people in other departments - or other specific coaching or training needed in the business. Very people-centric analysis, facilitating, coaching and training unlocking the best out of human and social capital is central to the work: analysis, intervention with active implementation. Steppingstone Global is more than a consulting firm, more than a coaching service and so much more than a training company. 247

Streetlight Media Co. W.L.L. Address: P. O. Box 82401, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 3992-8788 Member: Phil Weymouth Co Owner Mobile: 3992-8788 philweymouth@

Company Products and Services Streetlight Media is a Design, Photography, film and production company based in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Providing a variety of services to construction, design, interior design, advertising, marketing, promotion and event organisations in Bahrain and the GCC. Owned and managed by husband and wife Phil Weymouth and Nikki Bonnici Weymouth. We have long history in this type of business and are long term residence of The Kingdom of Bahrain. Our services include: Art consultant for interior designers, architects, construction, private residence and events. Still photography. Video production. Production service, providing location search, props, talent. Web construction and content provider, text, images and design. Production of advertising content. Fine art and photography printing for exhibition and display The official photographer for the BBBF


Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain Company email: Address: Seef, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 6631-0000 Fax: 6631-0033 Member: Herve Peyre General Manager Direct: 6631-0067 Mobile: 3684-5845 gmsbse@

Company Products and Services Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain is an international hotel, recently awarded the best 4 star hotel in the GCC by the Food and Travel 2016 Awards. The hotel provides superior quality and high standards of service and facilities located in Bahrain s central key business and commercial district, and only 20 minutes drive from Bahrain International Airport. The hotel is in close proximity to both Seef Mall and City Centre Mall, two addresses recognized for being Bahrain s community landmarks and offering an exciting variety of entertainment and leisure activities. It features large & contemporary guestrooms, Swiss-Café restaurant with outside terrace, B28 Bar Lounge with panoramic view, ballroom and meeting rooms, outdoor swimming pool and health club, Salon & Spa and indoor car park.

Member: Hadi Haj Ali Sales Manager Mobile: 3689-3893 sm1sbse@

The Bahrain hotel joins the Group s presently operating hotel portfolio of Swiss-Belhotel Doha, Swiss-Belhotel Sharjah and Grand SwissBelhotel Celik Palas Bursa. The Middle East region also has several projects in various stages of development in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Georgia and Egypt all of which are scheduled to start operations within the next two years. Swiss-Belhotel International currently manages a portfolio of more than 135 hotels, resorts and projects in a dozen countries in the Far East, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. SBI is among the world s fastest-growing international hospitality management Groups.


Sysprove Consulting WLL Company email: Address: P. O. Box 26494, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1725-1676 Fax: 1725-1678 Member: Ravi Jayasundera Director/CEO Mobile: 3963-0392

Company Products and Services Sysprove Consulting is a Business Process and Strategic IT consultancy based in the Kingdom of Bahrain and serving the Middle East. Sysprove provides a range of services enabling organisations improve business processes and utilise technology effectively. Among Sysprove s clients are leading organisations both in the private and government sector. These include organisations in Banking & Finance, Higher Education, Government, Regulation, Manufacturing, Retail, Supply Chain, Logistics, Energy and Healthcare. Services provided include: Business Process Improvement Process Audits Business Process Documentation Process Mining Compilation of Policy & Procedure Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Business Requirements Analysis and Systems Specifications IT Good Practices implementation and IT process improvements (based on ITIL©, COBIT©, ISO27001) Creation of IT Policies & Procedures IT Strategy Compilation IT Audit IT Governance ERP and Core Business Applications Advisory and Project Management Master Data Management (MDM) Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Twitter: @sysprove Facebook:


T J International WLL

Company email: Address: P. O. Box 30551, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Member: Thomas Sinclair Managing Director Mobile: 3940 4890

Company Products and Services Bahrain and International Private Equity investments for over 15 years.


The Bookcase Company email:

Member: Linda Jennings Managing Director Home: 1759-1531 Mobile: 3962-5004 lindabookcase@

Address: PO Box 31084, Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1769-0566 Fax: 1769-0891 Company Products and Services The Bookcase has three main areas of activity: Retail Outlets (books and gifts): We have direct accounts with over 45 British and American publishers and represent many UK publishing houses in Bahrain (Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, etc.) with specialist knowledge in educational (primary to university level) and ELT titles. School and Office Supplies: Sold on a contract basis to educational establishments and institutions throughout the Gulf. We are the exclusive distributor for the Findel Group (Philip Harris, Nes Arnold, Hope and Galt) but also supply from any source within the UK, offering a complete school supply service whatever the requirement. School Book Fairs: These are run in liaison with schools in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Member: Robert Jennings Sales Manager Mobile: 3954-2997 robert@


Other location: Seef Mall Gift Shop, Tel: 1758-1315 We now have a Facebook Page: The Bookcase Bahrain Instagram: bookcasebahrain

The Domain Hotel & Spa Address: P.O.Box 528, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1600-0000 Member: Frank N. Eikeland Assistant General Manager Mobile: 6669-0001 frank@

Company Products and Services Social Club and Luxury Boutique Hotel - The Domain Bahrain - opened in 2013. 36-storeys high, The Domain features a total of 63 suites and 68 rooms, two floors dedicated to wellness and fitness, as well as a total of 9 restaurants and lounges. The top three floors are home to Txoko, a sky lounge with views of Bahrain Bay, IMARI, a contemporary Japanese restaurant and lounge, Le Sauvage, a French grill room, and Le Domain [34] for South of France cuisine. Le Domain Prive, the hotel’s Executive Lounge, is reserved for members and suite guests only. All rooms and suites enjoy unparalleled views and butler service, making The Domain to the preferred business hotel address in Bahrain. The property is owned by Chic & Unique Hotels Group, Hospitality Division of the Faisal Al Matrook Company.


The Westin Bahrain City Centre Le Méridien Bahrain City Centre Company email:

Member: Anna-Marie Dowling Complex General Manager Office: 1717-1176 anna.dowling@

Address: P.O. Box 18394, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Highway, Al Seef Tel: 1717-1000 Fax: 1717-1555 Company Products and Services Located in the heart of Manama, The Westin Bahrain City Centre and Le Méridien Bahrain City Centre are directly attached to the island s most popular entertainment and shopping destination. The Westin Bahrain City Centre The Westin Bahrain City Centre features 200 spacious guest rooms and suites. Each room includes the signature Westin Heavenly Bed. Guests staying on the Executive Club Floors have exclusive access to the Westin Executive Club Lounge serving complimentary breakfast, evening snacks and beverages. The hotel presents a variety of food and beverage outlets and features the brand s SuperfoodsRX menu designed to treat guests to healthy food combinations. Guests can experience total relaxation at The Heavenly Spa, featuring the largest Turkish hammam in Bahrain. The Westin Bahrain City Centre provides the perfect setting for social gatherings, corporate events and meetings with over 1,000 square metres of ultra-modern event space.

Member: Zee Bassila Complex Director of Sales Mobile: 3888-5896 Office: 1717-1400 zee.bassila@

Le Méridien Bahrain City Centre This contemporarily designed hotel features timeless design paying homage to the brand s Parisian heritage. Le Méridien Bahrain City Centre offers 260 guest rooms and suites, all outfitted with the signature Le Méridien Bed. Guests staying on the Executive Club Floors enjoy access to Le Méridien Club Lounge, offering hearty breakfasts, evening hors d oeuvres and a selection of beverages. Le Méridien Bahrain City Centre features over 600 square metres of modern event and meeting space. Both hotels offer the award-winning loyalty programme, Starwood Preferred Guest, giving guests a chance to earn Starpoints to avail more choices, flexibility and benefits at Starwood hotels.



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Trafco Group B.S.C. Company email: Address: PO Box 20202, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1772-9000 Fax: 1772-7380 Members: Ebrahim Mohamed Ali Zainal Chairman Office: 1772-9731 Mobile: 3963-2020 S. Sridhar General Manager Office: 1772-9731 Mobile: 3962-4908 Sameer Al Khan Assistant General Manager Office: 1772-3343 Mobile: 3942-1200 Tharol Soma Rajan Group Financial Controller Office: 1782-7059 Mobile: 3963-2687 Azzam Moutragi Sales Manager Office: 1772-3524 Mobile: 3967-9748 256

Company Products and Services Trafco Group B.S.C was incorporated in the year 1978 as a public share holding company and is listed in Bahrain Bourse. With the core business of the parent Company being Import & Distribution of Food & Non Food products and with annual group turnover of around US $ 100 million, Trafco Group is one among the largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) conglomerates in Bahrain. Some of the international brands in the portfolio are Sadia (Poultry), Rainbow (Dairy), Honig (pasta), Royal Nofolk Baked Beans, Tata/ Tetley (Tea) to name a few. Group Companies BFFC: Bahrain Fresh Fruits Company S.P.C Trafco Logistics S.P.C BWBB: Bahrain Water Bottling & Beverages Co. S.P.C Metro markets S.P.C Awal Dairy W.L.L BLSC: Bahrain Livestock Company B.S.C (Closed)

Tribal Group Address: Suite 81, Kingdom Tower, Road 1901, Block 319 Kingdom of Bahrain Member: Simon Peters Team Lead Mob: 3333-1886 simon.peters@

Company Products and Services Global provider of products and services to the international education, training and learning markets. Tribal is a publicaly listed company on the London Stock Exchange.


Tricom Group Company email: Address: P. O. Box 590, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1722-6697 Fax: 1722-6789 Member: Tareq Wafa Chairman & Chief Executive Mobile: 3966-8845 tareq.wafa@

Company Products and Services A dynamic company based in the Kingdom of Bahrain founded with an aim of bridging between the GCC and the international markets. Tricom GroupÂ’s services include airport equipment & GSE supply, acting as commercial agents, import and export and sale of aircraft equipment and spare parts, International Brokerage, electrical contracting, International brokerage for Oil & Gas, Security, commercial & trading services power & energy , Real Estate and other services. We cooperate with local enterprises seeking foreign associations or international firms and industries looking to establish local presence inclusive of setting up their offices and operations in Bahrain, and develop their business opportunities. Related Bahrain Companies - News Group (Bahrain) - House & Garden Properties - Air Ambulance Middle East - Further Communication European Associate Office: Plane Enterprises Ltd. 31A Thayer Street Marylebone London W1U 2QS USA Associate Office: Impulse Tech.Inc. 1989 Union Blvd. Bay Shore, NY 11706 USA



Primary Nominee: Dominic O’Neil Partner doneil@

Member: Abdul-Haq Mohammed Partner amohammed@

Member: Brian Howard Partner bhoward@

Member: Nick Green Partner

Member: Peter Greatrex Partner

Member: Mairead Finlay Partner

Member: Salman Ahmed Partner sahmed@

Members: Michael Fodor Solicitor

Shanti Shah Senior Associate

Tom Reynolds Senior Associate

Shirin Pishbin Solicitor

Deborah Howard Senior Associate

Louise Abdulla Office Manager

Brian Kelleher Senior Associate

Sarah Bennett-Hughes Associate

Niall McMorrow Senior Associate

Buthaina Amin Senior Associate


Trowers & Hamlins Company email: Address: World Trade Centre PO Box 3012, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel:




Company Products and Services Trowers & Hamlins is a leading City and International firm with offices across the Middle East and in Malaysia and has the most experienced legal practice among international law firms in Bahrain. In common with all foreign law firms, we work with the KingdomÂ’s best local firms to advise on matters of Bahraini law and will work closely with those lawyers to offer the most all-encompassing service. Our lawyers advise an array of international and regional financial institutions, public sector bodies, corporate undertakings and private individuals on a wide range of corporate, commercial and banking matters. We have a first class reputation (both in Bahrain and across the region) for advising on complex cross-border M&A and private equity transactions, capital markets mandates ranging from initial public offerings and rights issues to takeovers and mergers, joint ventures and for general corporate and commercial contracting. We also regularly team up with London colleagues to advise on inbound UK deals for Middle Eastern clients. Our three Bahrain based corporate partners have over 30 yearsÂ’ combined experience acting for clients in the region. We also have a dedicated banking and finance team, which is ranked as a first tier practice by independent publications. The team has collective experience in Islamic, project, real estate, acquisition and leveraged finance, debt capital markets, funds, financial regulations, securitisation, structured products and derivatives. We have established ourselves as the market leaders for real estate and construction advice, with the largest and most experienced team of specialists based in Bahrain. We have also developed a leading reputation for affordable housing across the region, advising on pathfinder projects in several GCC countries. Related British Company: Trowers & Hamlins 261

Trust RE

Members: Mark Buisseret Planning & Business Development Officer Mobile: 3689-9892 mbuisseret@ Charles Forward Head of Finance Mobile: 3602-2177 cforward@ Wayne Murphy Head of Regional Operaions Mobile: 6639-0613 wmurphy@ Steven Humberstone Head of Human Resources Mobile: 3602-2195 shumberstone@ Paul Linton HR Manager Mobile: 6639-0615 plinton@ 262

Address: P. O. Box 10002, Building 125, Road 1702, Diplomatic Area 317, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1751-7171 Fax: 1753-1586 Company Products and Services Trust Re is a closed joint stock company registered in the Kingdom of Bahrain with authorised, issued and paid up capital of US$ 200 million. The Company comprises over 200 employees located in its Bahrain Head Office and Branch Offices in Cyprus and Labuan, Malaysia. It also has a Representative Office in Morocco, operating under the Casablanca Finance City and a Liaison Office in India. Rated A- by S&P and A.M. Best, its geographical scope includes the Middle East, Africa, Asia, CEE, SEE, Russia and CIS countries. Trust Re provides reinsurance protection to many leading direct insurance companies in its geographical area of operation, in the form of annual Treaties on proportional and non-proportional bases with a sizable underwriting capacity. The Company offers Facultative reinsurance in the following classes: Oil & Energy (offshore and onshore), Marine Hull & Cargo, Alternative Energy, Property, Engineering and Specialty Lines. The service offering also includes Life and Health reinsurance. Trust Re enjoys strong relationships with blue-chip, international reinsurers, amongst which LloydÂ’s of London market participants are included. This further enhances its security, already provided for by its strong capital position.

Unisono Company email:

Members: Liam Farrell Partner & Executive Creative Director liam@ Amy Morgan Partner & CEO amy@ Fatima Khalid Fakhro Senior Account Manager fatima@ Mansi Kamath Senior Account Manager mansi@ Omar Khokhar Senior Account Executive omar@

Address: P. O. Box 75308, Sanabis, Kingdom of Bahrain 12th Floor, Unisono Tower, Bldg 614, Road 1011, Block 410, Sanabis Tel: 1755-8787 Fax: 1755-0838 Company Products and Services Unisono is one of the most highly awarded independent creative agencies in the MENA region, and one of only 25 agencies globally to have been selected for the global REBRAND 100 Hall of Fame. Unisono delivers strategic, integrated branding and communications services to a wide range of local and international clients across the MENA region. Strategic brand consultancy, including: brand audit, brand strategy, brand development, rebranding, brand management and brand training Advertising communications, including: strategy and planning, TV, radio, outdoor, press, activations, visualization, retouching, retail marketing and promotions Digital design & development, including: websites, touch screens, microsites, on-line advertising, social media and application development Corporate communications, including: annual reports, staff communication programs, intranets, newsletters and business templates Design solutions, including: digital, print, gifts, brochures, leaflets, signage, menus, exhibitions and stores Events, including: press, product launches, brand activation, exhibition displays and stagecraft


Verminex Co. W.L.L. Company email:

Member: David E. Nubel Director Mob: 3661-0464

Address: P. O. Box 1946, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1728-0188 Fax: 1728-0038 Company Products and Services Verminex was founded in the UK and has been in operation in Bahrain since 1979 and is committed to provide safe and effective pest control to the highest international standards. The basis of our service is as follows:a) b)

Member: Michael C. G. Ouston Director Mob: 3661-0464 michael@

Member: Anthony Manabat General Manager Mob: 3840-6778 gm@ 264


Contracted - Regular service visits to attend the customerÂ’s premises plus additional visits as necessary for a fixed annual fee. Job Work - To deal with a specific problem which may not required regular treatment eg. Fleas, bed bugs, Pigeons. Product Sales - Our showroom stocks a wide range of UK/EU/US branded products, including the innovative Fly Shield range of fly control units which use glue board technology.

Verminex staff are trained to British Pest Control Association standards.

Yateem Centre

Website: Company email:

Member: Andrew Petty Centre Manager

Address: PO Box 60, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1721-5615 Fax: 1721-2969 Company Products & Services Promotion of professional expertise, particularly in the property industry.


Yusuf bin Ahmed Kanoo (Holdings) WLL Company email: Address: PO Box 45, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1722-0220 Fax: 1722-9122 Members: Hussain Rasool Group Corporate Communications Manager hussain.rasool@ Graham Bennett General Manager Overseas Investments Office: 1722-0725 Fax: 1721-0054 Mob: 3960-7962 graham.bennett@


Company Products and Services YBA Kanoo is one of the largest, independent, family-run multinational businesses in the Middle East with a diversified portfolio of innovative products and services. The companyÂ’s businesses span across different sectors including shipping, travel, machinery, logistics, property, power & industrial projects, technology, retail, chemicals and oilfield & gas services to name a few. YBA Kanoo has progressively evolved to become the first choice partner for regional businesses by adhering to the highest international standards and operating at optimum levels of productivity, competitiveness and competency. Related British Companies: Serco -IAL, Courtaulds PLC, British Airways, AXA Insurance, Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Co BSC, Aeradio Technical Services WLL, Bahrain Airport Services, Charilaos Apostolides (Bahrain) WLL, Kanoo Liwa Trading WLL, Maersk Kanoo (Bahrain) WLL, APM Terminals Bahrain BSC.

Zu'bi & Partners

Member: Qays H. Zu'bi Senior Partner Direct: 1754-9605 Mob: 3961-0105 qzubi@

Address: PO Box 2397, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1753-8600 Fax: 1753-2342 Company Products and Services ZuÂ’bi & Partners Attorneys & Legal Consultants is the oldest established local law firm in Bahrain and provides legal services across all leading sectors including banking and finance, corporate, commercial, civil, construction, real estate, labour, IP, to name just a few. Our position as a top-tier legal services provider in Bahrain, the GCC region and other countries is widely recognised by independent legal commentators and publications, and is reflected in our client base of leaders in their fields, mainly Fortune 500 companies and banks, including both private corporations and public institutions, government and quasi-government bodies local and international, as well as high net worth individuals. Services we offer include all areas of corporate, banking, finance and commercial law, litigation, arbitration and local court proceedings. For more details, please view our website at

Member: Hamza Saleem Senior Associate Mob: 3965-5622 hsaleem@

Our partners and associates have been admitted to practice law in many important jurisdictions, including the USA, England & Wales, India, Pakistan, Jordan, Sudan and Egypt, among others, as well as, of course, Bahrain and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The firm regularly advises and partners with other international law firms on major infrastructure projects and financing. Over the past forty years, the firm has gained an exceptional reputation for dealing with unconventional issues and providing innovative solutions specifically tailored to meet its local and international clientsÂ’ legal and commercial needs. 267

Zurich International Life Ltd

Member: Andrew Dawson General Manager Mob: 3219-8393 andrew.dawson@

Address: PO Box 210032, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: 1756-3322 Fax: 1756-4291 Company Products and Services Zurich International Life (Zurich) is part of the Zurich Insurance Group, a global insurer with more than 140 years of experience providing life and general insurance solutions to individuals and businesses in over 170 countries. In the Middle East, customers have been trusting Zurich for almost 30 years to protect their futures and provide financial security for their families and businesses. We leverage ZurichÂ’s global experience, capabilities and financial strength to provide market-leading products and services to our customers and distributors in the region. We use in-depth customer insights and over 50 distribution partners in the region and deliver needs-based life, savings and solutions for individuals, small businesses and

work with to develop investment corporates.

We support these solutions with world-class customer and claims services that provide peace of mind in the knowledge that we deliver on our promise when it matters most.


Retired Members Member: Dr Joseph W. Dunn Retired Business Management Consultant & Trainer Address: Apartment 4, Building 1985, Road 1136, Tubli -Block 711, Kingdom of Bahrain Kingdom of Bahrain email: Mobile: 3685-7875


Bahrain Facts and Figures Information from CIA World Factbook Area .............................................. 760 sq kms approx. Bahrain is an archipelago of thirty three islands and has coastline exceeding160 km Population .................................... 1,378,904 (July 2016 Estimate) Population Growth Rate............... 2.33% (2016 Estimate) Literacy Rate ................................ 95.7% (of the population aged 15 and over) Life expectancy Male .................. 76.7 years Life expectancy Female .............. 81.1 years Local Time..................................... GMT + 3 hours Administrative Divisions ............. 4 governorates; Asimah, Janubiyah, Muharraq, Shamaliyah, Language ...................................... Arabic (Official) English (Commercial), Farsi, Urdu Days of Business ........................ The official weekend is Friday & Saturday. Notable Dates 2016

Jan 1st ............. New Years Day Gregorian Apr 14th-16th...... F1 Bahrain (provisional) May 1st ............ Labour Day May 27th .................... Ramadan starts Jun 25th ............ Eid Al Fitr Sept 1st ...................... Eid Al Adha Sept 21st .......... Islamic New Year 1437 Sept 30th .......... Ashoora Nov 30th ............ The Holy Prophet’s Birthday Dec 16th ........... National Day

N.B. As the Islamic Calendar is based on the lunar cycle, these holidays may fall a day before or after the predicted Gregorian date, and do not fall on the same date each year. Currency ....................................... Bahrain Dinar BD1 = 1000 fils Exchange Rate ............................. US$1 = BD 0.377 approx. BD1 = $2.66 approx Exchange Rate Policy ................. Maintained against US Dollar Currency Regulations ................. No restriction on import or export of currency Visa Requirements ...................... GCC nationals do not require visas, whereas citizens of all other countries do. Climate .......................................... October to April pleasant with cooler December & January, May to September hot and humid. Emergency Telephone Numbers Police / Fire / Ambulance ........... Tel: 999 Traffic & Accidents....................... Tel: 199 270

Next time you visit the UK why not try somewhere different

Bed & Breakfast in the Southwest of England The Robin Hill is ideally located in a central yet quiet area of Torquay, and is just a brief 500 metre stroll down the hill to the town’s harbour, shops, restaurants, bars and seafront. We offer comfortable en-suite bedrooms, a friendly welcome, free parking & wifi and a great breakfast selection. BUT don’t take our word for it... Our most recent TripAdvisor reviews include the following: From the minute we arrived we were made to feel very welcome and valued , the proprietor gave the impression that nothing would be too much trouble. Breakfast was delicious, attentive waitress. Reviewed in December 2016 Hotel is just up the hill from the harbourside and once settled in, it felt like a home from home. Hosts were very helpful without being obtrusive. Highly recommended if you fancy Torquay - excellent prices at this well-run hotel. Reviewed in November 2016 Brilliant - Had a short half-term break last week. Hotel lovely, very clean and comfortable room. Excellent service and made us feel very welcome. Fantastic breakfast choices. Reviewed in October 2016

We’re taking bookings now for next year. Please drop us a line or give us a call for prices and

Embassies and Consular Agents in Bahrain Embassy of Algeria P.O. Box 26402, Manama ..... Tel: 1774-0784

Embassy of the Republic of Iraq P.O. Box 26477, Manama ......Tel: 1774-1472

Embassy of Bangladesh P.O. Box 26718, Manama ...... Tel: 1723-3925

Consulate of Ireland P. O. Box 2244, Manama .......Tel: 1772-8146

Honorary Consular Office of Belgium P.O. Box 21109, Manama ...... Tel: 1769-0846

Embassy of the Republic of Italy P.O. Box 347, Manama ..........Tel: 1725-2424

Embassy of the Sultanate of Brunei P.O. Box 15700, Manama ...... Tel:1772 -0222

Embassy of Japan P.O. Box 23720, Manama ......Tel:1771-6565

Consulate of Canada P.O. Box 2397, Manama ........ Tel: 1753-6270

Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan P.O. Box 5242, Manama ........Tel: 1729-1109

Embassy of the People’s Republic of China P.O. Box 3150, Manama ........ Tel. 1772-3800

Embassy of the Republic of Korea P.O. Box 11700, Manama ......Tel: 1753-1140

Trade Mission of the Republic of China P.O. Box 5806, Manama ........ Tel: 1729-2578

Embassy of the State of Kuwait P.O. Box 786, Manama ..........Tel: 1753-4040

Consular Agency of the Republic of Cyprus P.O. Box 5362, Manama ........ Tel: 1759-8801

Embassy of the Republic of Lebanon P.O. Box 2102, Manama ........Tel: 1757-9001

Royal Consular Agency of Denmark P.O. Box 997, Manama .......... Tel. 1772-5119

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Libya P.O. Box 11180, Manama ......Tel: 1772-2252

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt P.O. Box 818, Manama .......... Tel: 1772-0005

Embassy of Malaysia P.O. Box 18292, Manama ......Tel: 1756-4551

Embassy of the State of Eritrea P.O. Box 54017, Manama ...... Tel. 1772-1817

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco P.O. Box 26229, Manama ......Tel: 1718-0444

Embassy of the Republic of France P.O. Box 11134, Manama ...... Tel: 1729-8660

Royal Consular Agency of the Netherlands P.O. Box 350, Manama ..........Tel: 1753-0704

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany P .0. Box 10306, Manama ...... Tel: 1774-5277

Consular Agency of New Zealand P.O. Box 5881, Manama ........Tel: 1722-3600

Consulate of Greece P.O. Box 5632, Manama ........ Tel: 1759-8800

Consular Agency of Norway P.0.Box 26411, Manama ........Tel: 1781-3088

Embassy of the Republic of India P.O. Box 26106, Manama ...... Tel: 1771-2785

Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman P.O. Box 26414, Manama ......Tel: 1729-3663

Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia ................................................ Tel: 1740-0164

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan P.O. Box 563, Manama ..........Tel: 1724-4113

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran P.O. Box 26365, Manama Tel: 1772-2400

Embassy of Palestine P.O. Box 1102, Manama ........Tel: 1727-6099


Airlines Embassy of The Republic of The Philippines P.O. Box 26681, Manama ......Tel: 1772-1234 Consular Agency of Portugal P.O. Box 11030, Manama ......Tel: 1745-6688 Embassy of the State of Qatar P.O.Box15105, Manama ........Tel: 1772-2922 Embassy of the Federal Republic of Russia P.O. Box 26612, Manama ......Tel: 1772-5222 Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia P.O. Box 1085, Manama ........Tel: 1753-7722 Embassy of the Republic of Sudan P.O. Box 5438, Manama ........Tel: 1771-7959 Embassy of South Africa P.O. Box 21345, Manama ......Tel: 1757-6664 Royal Consular Agency of Sweden P.O. Box 412, Manama ..........Tel: 1733-9799 Consulate General of Switzerland P.O. Box 795, Manama ..........Tel:1713-1213 Embassy of Syria P.O. Box 11585, Manama ......Tel: 1772-2484 Embassy of Thailand P.O. Box 26475, Manama ......Tel:1724-6242 ................................................ Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia P.O. Box 26911, Manama ......Tel: 1771-4149 Embassy of the Republic of Turkey P.O. Box 10821, Manama ......Tel: 1753-3448 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates P.O. Box 26505, Manama ......Tel: 1774-8333 Embassy of the United Kingdom P.O. Box 114, Manama ..........Tel: 1757-4100 Embassy of the United States of America P.O. Box 20564, Manama ......Tel: 1724-2700 Embassy of the Peoples Republic of Yemen ................................................Tel: 1782-2110

COMPANY ....................................................TEL Aer Lingus ........................................... 1722-2633 Air Arabia............................................. 1750-5111 Air India ............................................... 1722-3848 Alitalia .................................................. 1757-8578 American Airlines ................................ 1753-1000 Balkan Bulgarian Airlines .................... 1721-4231 British Airways .................................. 1758-7777 Cathay Pacific ..................................... 1722-6226 Cyprus Airways.................................... 1722-0849 Egypt Air ............................................. 1720-9284 Emirates .............................................. 1758-8700 Ethiopian Airlines................................. 1721-5022 Etihad.................................................. 1751-9999 Gulf Air................................................. 1737-3737 Iran Air ................................................. 1721-0414 Japan Airlines ..................................... 1722-3315 Jet Airways .......................................... 1720-5050 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.................... 1722-9747 Kenya Airways..................................... 1722-5040 Korean Airlines .................................... 1721-3445 Kuwait Airways .................................... 1722-3300 Lufthansa............................................. 1782-8763 Malaysia Airlines ................................. 1727-3001 Malta Airlines ....................................... 1722-0898 Middle East Airlines ............................. 1722-0802 Olympic Airways .................................. 1722-0748 Oman Air ............................................. 1750-0020 Pakistan International Airlines ............ 1722-3808 Qantas Airways ................................... 1722-0743 Qatar Airways ...................................... 1721-2202 Royal Brunei ........................................ 1721-3434 Royal Jordanian .................................. 1722-9294 Saudi Arabian Airlines ......................... 1721-1550 Singapore Airlines ............................... 1721-3054 Srilankan Airlines................................. 1721-1405 Transworld Airlines .............................. 1722-3315 Turkish Airlines .................................... 1751-6100 United Airlines ..................................... 1713-1288 Yemen Airways ................................... 1722-5322


Car Rental COMPANY ................................................. TEL Airport taxis ......................................1732-0982 AI Arwali Car Hiring Est. ....................1726-1881 AI Bader Car Hire (Hoora) ................1727-6087 AI Fajer Rent-A-Car Est ...................1732-2999 AI Hamra Car Hiring .........................1725-9400 AI Mahara Car Hiring ........................1733-6498 AI Meer Rent A Car ..........................1724-4410 AI Thawadi Car Hiring ......................1777-3066 Aradous Car Hiring ...........................1724-4343 Asia Car Hiring .................................1741-1329 Avis - Airport ......................................1732-1239 Avis - Diplomatic Area .......................1753-1144 Bahrain Limo (incld. to Saudi) ...........1724-1444 Bubshait Rent A Car .........................1766-1331 Budget Rent A Car ..........................1753-4100 Budget - Airport ...............................1732-1268 Budget - Sitra ...................................1773-5900 City Rent A Car ................................1726-1133 Delmon Rent A Car -Estate ..............1772-7900 Elite Rent-a-Car ................................1731-1883

COMPANY ................................................. TEL Enterprises Rent A Car ....................1729-2600 Europcar ...........................................1769-2999 Eupocar (24 hrs)................................1732-4403 Express Rent-A-Car .........................1753-2525 Hanco Rent-A-Car ............................1731-0656 Hertz Rent A Car -Airport .................1732-1358 Marshall Car Hiring Co .....................1725-7219 Metro Car Rental ...............................1759-6625 National Car Rental ..........................1731-1169 Regent Rent a Car ............................1782-5222 Riviera Car Hiring .............................1755-3822 Sara Rent A Car ...............................1721-0260 Speed Rent a Car..............................1771-7565 Speedy Motor Services .....................1768-2999 Thrifty Cars Rental ...........................1732-1263 Tooranco Car Hiring .........................1772-8998 Toyota Rent A Car ............................1778-4042 United Car Hiring ..............................1774-1858 World Car Rental ...............................1758-7171 Yacoobi Car Hiring Est. .....................1729-2989

We lift a lot more than containers... At APM Terminals Bahrain, we give the regional market a lift. Being a centrally located terminal, we are built to serve as a hub for the Upper Gulf. We give a lift to the economy for importers, exporters, and port authorities. We lift the standards of safety and provide sustainable and reliable supply chains. That’s how we lift more than containers. For more information, visit


Hospitals Al Amal Hospital Tel: 1760-2602

Fax: 1764-0351

International Medical City Hospital Tel: 1749-0006

Al Baraka Fertility Hospital Tel: 1772-7888

Jidhafs Maternity Hospital Tel: 1755-8666

AI Hilal Hospital Tel: 1734-4199

King Hamad University Hospital Tel: 1744-4444 Fax: 1744-4449

Fax 1734-1969

Al Kindi Specialised Hospital Tel: 1724-0444

Mahroos Diabetes Hospital Tel: 1778-6555 Fax 1778-3555

Albaraka Fertility Hospital Tel: 1772-7888

Muharraq Maternity Hospital Tel: 1746-0777

American Mission Hospital Tel: 1725-3447 Fax: 1723-4194

National Bank Health Centre - Arad Tel: 1746-3888 Fax: 1743-0351

Awali Hospital Tel: 1775-3333

Fax: 1775-3598

National Bank Health Centre - Dair Tel: 1747-8888 Fax: 1732-4548

Bahrain Defence Force Hospital Tel: 1766-6798 Fax: 1765 0808

Noor Specialist Hospital Tel: 1726-0026 Fax: 1726-0002

Bahrain Specialist Hospital Tel: 1781-2080 Fax: 1781-2012

Northern Muharraq Healh Centre Tel: 1746-0888 Fax: 1733-5204

Dr. Tariq Saeed Hospital Tel: 1782-2822 Fax 1782-2899

Royal Bahrain Hospital Tel: 1724-6800

Dr Suilaiman Al Habib Medical Centre Tel:7731 0000

Salmaniya Medical Complex Tel: 1728-4083

German Orthopaedic Hospital Tel: 1723-9988

Sheikh Salman Health Centre Tel: 1734-8888 Fax: 1732-1690

Gulf Dental Speciality Hospital Tel: 1774-1444 Fax 1774-1333

Sitra Maternity Hospital Tel: 1773-0758

Haffadh Specialised Dental Hospital Tel: 1731-1180 Fax: 1731-1190

SMC Medical Centre Tel: 1772-0600

Ibn AI-Nafees Hospital Tel: 1782-8282

UPS Hospital Tel: 1782-2300

Fax 1782-8232

International Hospital of Bahrain Tel: 1759-8222 Fax: 1759-0495

Western Region Maternity Hospital Tel: 1763-1627 275

Adhari Hotel ................................. 1722-4242

Hani Royal Seef ............................ 1711-1016

Al Areen Palace Hotel & Spa......... 1784-5000

Hani Suites & Spa......................... 1758-1100

AI Bander Hotel & Resort.............. 1770-1201

Hawar Resort Hotel ..................... 1784-9111

Al Bustan Hotel............................. 1771-6722

Holiday Villa Hotel ........................ 1729-7922

Ambassador Hotel........................ 1727-7991

Hotel Diva..................................... 1781-0555

Aradous Hotel .............................. 1722-4343

Hotel Ibis Seef Manama................ 1738-6020

ART Rotana Hotel & Resort ......1600-0111

Hotel Novotel................................ 1729-8008

Atlas Hotel.................................... 1727-5500

Hotel Sea Shell ............................ 1771-5865

Bahrain International Hotel............ 1721-1313

InterContinental Regency Hotel 1722-7777

Best Western Olaya Suites ........... 1716-1616

Imperial Suites Hotel..................... 1751-0120

Best Western Plus The Olive......... 1721-1133

Le Meridien ................................1717-1000

California Hotel ............................. 1782-6001

Majestic Arjaan Hotel................1737-0000

Casablanca Hotel ......................... 1723-4444

Manama Tower Hotel.................... 1729-5111

Concord International Hotel ......... 1726-2999

Mansouri Mansions Hotel.........1771-6999

Crowne Plaza Bahrain...............1753-1122

Marriott Executive Apartments....... 1736-3999

Delmon International Hotel............ 1722-4000

Marriott Residence ....................... 1700-2374

Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel ...1753-1666

Mercure Grand Hotel .................... 1758-4400

Downtown Rotana.....................1311-9999

Metropolitan Hotel ........................ 1729-6464

East Coast Hotel .......................... 1729-6888

Mirador......................................... 1731-2000

Elite Grand Hotel ......................... 1756-5888

Mirage Hotel................................. 1729-4444

Elite Seef Residence ..................... 1758-3388

Mishal Hotel.................................. 1729-2927

Exhibitions Hotel .......................... 1729-4777

Moevenpick Hotel Bahrain .......1746-0000

Falcon Plaza ................................. 1772-1121

Moon Plaza Hotel ........................ 1772-8001

Four Seasons Bahrain Bay ........... 1711-5000

Novotel AJ Dana Resort ...........1729-8008

Fraser Suites Seef ........................ 1756-9333

Omar Khayam Hotel .................... 1771-3941

Golden Tulip Hotel ........................ 1753-5000

Oriental Palace Hotel .................... 1722-3331

Grand Safir Hotel.......................... 1736-5999

Panorama Hotel .......................... 1782-6888

Gulf Gate Hotel............................. 1721-0210

Phoenicia Hotel ............................ 1729-5544

Gulf Hotel ..................................1771-3000

Phoenicia Tower ........................... 1731-1666

Gulf Pearl Hotel ............................ 1721-7333

Ramada Hotel & Suites .............1600-0099

Half Moon Hotel ........................... 1721-7766

Ramee California Hotel ................. 1782-6001


Hotels in Bahrain Ramee Grand Hotel & Spa ........... 1711-1999

The Domain................................1600-0000

Ramee International Hotel............. 1772-7230

The Dragon Hotel & Resort........... 1729-3380

Regent Palace Hotel .................... 1771-6888

The K Hotel .................................. 1736-0000

Residence Inn by Marriott ............. 1736-2900

The Palace Boutique Hotel ........... 1772-5000

Ritz Carlton Bahrain Hotel............. 1758-0000

The Westin Bahrain City Centre 1717-1000

Riviera Palace............................... 1740-6200

Tropicana Motel (Hotel) ................ 1772-1010

Sahara Hotel ................................ 1721-1102

Tulip Inn........................................ 1755-9900

Semiramis Hotel ........................... 1729-1444

Tylos Hotel ................................... 1723-0500

Sheraton Bah. Hotel & Towers ...... 1753-3533

Windsor Tower Hotel ................... 1729-7000

Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa ..... 1763-6363 Somerset Al Fateh ....................... 1781-1889 Summerland Hotel ....................... 1729-1200

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Swiss Bel Hotel..........................6631-0000

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Ministries and Government Offices The Royal Court (Riffa Palace) P.O. Box 555, Manama .............. Tel: 1766 6666 . Office of His Highness The Prime Minister P.O. Box 1000, Manama ............ Tel: 1720 0000 Office of His Highness The Crown Prince P.O. Box 28788, Manama ........... Tel: 1766 6333 The Constitutional Court P.O. Box 18380, Manama ........... Tel: 1757 8181 Ministry of Justice P.O. Box 450, Manama .............. Tel. 1751 3000 Ministry of Cabinet Affairs P.O. Box 1000, Manama ............ Tel: 1721 2222 Ministry of Commerce P.O. Box 5479, Manama ........... Tel: 1711 1307 Ministry of Culture P.O.Box 26656, Manama ........... Tel: 1729 8777 .

Ministry of Defence P.O. Box 245, Manama .............. Tel:1765 3333 .

Ministry of Education P.O. Box 43, Manama ................ Tel: 1727 8999 .

Ministry of Electricity & Water P.O. Box 2, Manama .................. Tel: 1754 6666 . Ministry of Finance P.O.Box 333, Manama ............... Tel: 1757-5000 .

Ministry of Municipalities & Agriculture Affairs .P.O. Box 53, Manama ................ Tel. 1750-1501 Ministry of Oil .P.O. Box 1435, Manama ........... Tel: 1729 1511

Min. of State for Consultative Council Affairs .P.O. Box 1600, Manama ............ Tel: 1731 7070

Ministry of Transportation P.O. Box 10325, Manama .......... Tel. 1753 4534 . Ministry of Works P.O. Box 5, Manama .................. Tel 1754 5555 .

The Pension Fund Commission P.O. Box 5250, Manama ........... Tel: 1753 1365 .

The Civil Service Bureau P . .0. Box 1066, Manama ............ Tel: 1753 4646

The Bahrain Monetory Agency P.O. Box 27, Manama ................ Tel. 1754 7777 .

The Supreme Council for Youth & Sports P.O. Box 5498, Manama ........... Tel: 1772 5500 . The Bahrain Stock Exchange P.O. Box 3203, Manama ............ Tel:I726 1260 .

Bahrain Centre for Studies & Research P.O. Box 496, Manama .............. Tel: 1775 4757 . Central Informatics Organisation P.O. Box 5835, Manama ............ Tel: 1772 5725 .

Ministry of Foreign Affairs .P.O. Box 547, Manama .............. Tel: 1722 7555

Civil Aviation Affairs .P.O. Box 586, Manama .............. Tel: 1733 3000

Ministry of Housing P.O.Box 5, Manama .................. Tel: 1753 3000 .

The Council of Representatives P.O.Box 54040, Manama ........... Tel: 177 48444

Ministry of Health P.O. Box 12, Manama ................ Tel: 1728 8888 .

Ministry of Industry P.O. Box 10908, Manama .......... Tel. 1729 0157 .

Ministry of Information .P.O. Box 1075, Manama ............ Tel: 1787 1111 Ministry of Interior P.O. Box 13, Manama ................ Tel: 1727 2111 . Ministry of Islamic Affairs P.O. Box 560, Manama .............. Tel: 1781 2812 .

Ministry of Labour P.O. Box 15989 Manama ........... Tel: 1787-3777 .


The Consultative Council P.O. Box 2991, Manama ............ Tel: 1774 8888

Directorate of Legal Affairs P.O. Box 790, Manama .............. Tel: 1725 9990 General Organisation for Social Insurance P.O. Box 5498, Manama ............ Tel: 1753 2222 Survey & Land Registration Bureau P.O. Bax 332, Manama .............. Te: 1757 7999 Economic Development Board P.O. Bax 11299, Manama .......... Tel: 1758 9969 National Audit Court P.O. Box 18223, Manama .......... Tel: 1756 5111

Regional British Business Organisations KUWAIT

British Business Forum – (BBF) Chairman Paul McKay 2nd Floor, Dar Al Awadi Tower, Kuwait Tel: +965 2232 2038 Fax: +965 2232 2040 Web site: Email:


Jeddah British Business Group (BBG) Chairman: Chris Barsby c/o British Consulate PO Box 393, Jeddah 21411 Tel: +966 12 622 5550 Fax: +966 12 622 6249 Website:: Email: Riyadh Group for British Business (RGBB) Chairman: Mike Gordon c/o British Embassy PO Box 94351, Riyadh 11693 Tel: +966 11 488 0088 Fax: +966 11 488 2373 Web site: Email: Eastern Province British Business Association (BBA) Chairman: Edward Rose c/o British Trade Office PO Box 1868, Al Khobar 31952 Tel: +966 13 882 5288 x 1651 Fax: +966 13 882 5629 Website: Email:


British Business Forum (BBF) Chairman: Maggie Jeans PO Box 552, PC116 Mina Al Fahal Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 2448 7707 Fax: +968 2448 5757 Web site: Email:


Qatar British Business Forum (QBBF) Chairman: Emad Turkman MBE PO Box 3, Doha, State of Qatar Tel: +974 4496 2080 Fax: +974 4493 3091 Web site: Email:


Abu Dhabi British Business Group (BBG) Chairman: Richard Oliver PO Box 43635, Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: +971 2 445 7234 Fax: +971 2 445 0605 Web site: Email: Dubai & Northern Emirates British Business Group – (BBG) Chairman: David J Burns MBE PO Box 9333, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 397 0303 Fax: +971 4 397 0939 Web site: Email: 279



Notes .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 282

Notes .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 283

BBBForum Magazine The BBBForum Magazine serves to advise, inform, entertain and promote members of the British business community in Bahrain. At least 1800 copies of each edition will be circulated free of charge to business leaders in the community three times in 2017. Publication dates for 2017 are expected to be: February, July and October. Actual deadlines will be advised one month before production dates. Advertising Rates for the magazine are as follows: Outside Back Cover BD 600 Inside Front Cover BD 550 Inside Back Cover BD 500 Centre Spread BD 600 Full Page Inside. BD 330 Half Page Inside BD 200 Quarter Page Inside BD 110 Small Box Advert BD 55 Discounts A 10% discount will be given to any Company booking a minimum of three adverts in one year. The adverts may be placed in any combination between the three editions of the magazine and the annual Directory. Payment is required within 30 days of invoice or prior to publication, whichever is the earlier. Multiple adverts may appear in one edition. Specifications Printing is by 4 colour process. CYMK Adverts should be supplied as PC format graphic files at 300 dpi. We are unable to accept film. *.psd, *.tif *.jpg or hi-res pdf files are preferred. Files may be supplied on CD or direct to our internet dropbox, (FTP Address, Username & Password supplied on request) Special note re “Bleed� Adverts. The trim may vary depending on the placement position. Advert designers should allow a minimum of 10mm from any cut or bound edge for critical material. Sizes The finished page size of the magazine is A4 Portrait. i.e.210mm wide x 297mm tall Half Page Ad space at 185mm wide x 125mm tall OR Half Page Ad space at 90mm wide x 260mm tall Quarter Page Ad space at 185mm wide x 60mm tall OR Quarter Page Ad space at 90mm wide x 125mm tall Small Box space at 90mm wide x 60mm tall 284

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