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Andrew Murray
i could write a novel and you still wouldnt know anything about me you would know facts but the only way to get to know someone is through living with them. Im married to jaime and couldnt be happeir with her and our lil baby girl maya. They are my life. I have a passion for snowboarding and all extreme sport, photography and Graphic Design/ fine art. I hope to one day work for a firm where i can combined all of my passions into one. Im from anahiem CA, California will always be the best place in the world to live to me, and ive been all over the world from New Zealand, Italy, Scotland, to mexico and hawaii. I love travling and in fact that is how i met jaime over seas in Italy, my life really seems like a story book sometimes. Ive been extremly blessed by God, and everyday I can't thank him enough for all of the things and wonderful people he has put in my life. That is just a quick run down on who i am.