SMEATON and district
Andrew Thomas Photographer
175 years ago on April 15th 1838 Captain John Hepburn stood on one of the surrounding hills gazing down at the most beautiful part of the colony and said
‘Yep, this’ll do me”
.. and the town of Smeaton was born.
Inside the Mill
Anderson’s Mill
Bir ch’s Creek Ca scade
Anderson’s Mill Weir - Bir ch’s Creek
Mount K oor oocheang
Mount Moor ookyle
Lord Harry Mine - Bir ch’s Hill
Allendale West R ainbow
Smeaton Cemetery
Highl and Cat tle - Smeaton
The Shearing Shed - Green Hill
Berry No. 1 Mine - L awrence
Sme aton Bridge
Winter Morn - Bir ch’s Creek Valle y
Under Wheeler’s Bridge
Wheeler’s Bridge Tr affic Ja m
Bir ch’s Creek fr om the Bridge
Summer Sunset
Clydesdales at the Smeaton 175th Anniversary
“The Falls” K oor oocheang
Foggy Morn - L awrence
The Mill Office
Smeaton SeedMill
w w w. A n d r e w T h o m a s P h o t o g r a p h e r . c o m