Gandhi School Ancol Year Book 2016

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TIMES 2016-2017


Marcella Darmawan

3A 1A



GSA TOPPERS, 2016 GCE O- LEVEL Examinations

Jason Gunawan Lie

3A 1A

Maria Millenia

3A 1A



Gisella Edny

2A 3A



Jeanie Kusuma

1A 4A


Aditya Tjitra Salim



Physics, Chemistry , Maths & Biology


GSA TOPPERS, 2016 GCE A-LEVEL Examinations

Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Materials Science & Engineering at National University of Singapore

Ricky Sanjaya

Nielson Tjandra




Physics, Chemistry , Maths & Biology

Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering at National University of Singapore


Physics, Chemistry & Biology Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Evelyne Febriani

Lawnardo Sugiarto



Physics, Chemistry & Maths

Physics & Chemistry


Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Commerce at University of Melbourne

Oscar Tenggara

1A Physics

Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Manitoba


Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Energy & Environmental Engineering at Chinese University of Hong Kong

“You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!





It is my modest assumption that every teacher in high school should encounter an odd grievance or two about the drudgery and pain that a discipline of this ‘magnitude’ involves. I for one, am not a stranger to this loathing. On one such brainstorming session I could not but ignore one persistent argument on this ‘squabble’- ‘How would schooling be of relevance and of importance in the future? If so, can it evolve to a state that serves the present impulses and needs of its clients? In doing so, would it equip them effectively to meet the rigours of the present world and the future to come?’ Reflecting at the matter in hand, I believe it is but one question that applies to the relevance of every learning practice in this modern world. After all, it should boil down to one true question, how effective are we, as educators equipping the youth, preparing them to make choices and face challenges that lies ahead in these changing times. ‘Vision 20/20’ as the theme for the yearbook’s fifteenth edition, endeavours to document this aspect at Gandhi School Ancol. ‘Vision 20/20’, borrows the idea of the ‘envisioning process’ that takes place at Gandhi School Ancol on the basis of today’s realities, leading to the year 2020 and beyond. A vision that prepares and propels the youth of today into a world community that struggles to address issues as critical as climate change and the obvious, tackling the uncertain landscape of economics. It is assuring to find that we at GSA are headed in the right direction. Pictures of our students participating actively in community assisted services and ‘Go Green’ projects help in instilling the belief that we are developing a community of caring societies and preparing the leaders for tomorrow. The extra and co-curricular activities (documented in the yearbook) are enablers for our students to embrace these challenging times with prudence and contemplation. Yearbook 2016-17, in its own accord bears testament to this ongoing effort at GSA into promoting an equitable access to learning opportunities for the total development of the human mind. In its entirety, its more than a book, it’s a historical account that delves into the community life at GSA. Enjoy! Riddhi Rai Chief Editor, Gandhi Times, 2016-17

Gandhi school is an extraordinary school made so by a tradition of educational excellence over the decades. We offer a balanced learning environment where passionate teachers strive to bring out the best in their students. We have a strategic plan that supports and furthers our 2020 vision by providing clear guidance for our school in a rapidly changing future. We will embrace change, inspire creativity and foster innovation. We will actively promote Pancasila and respect within and between cultures. We believe that excellence is the 2020 goal of our teaching. Gandhi School will make efforts that prepare our students effectively to impact the world of 21st century. Gandhi School is a gem of a place where students transform intellectually, emotionally and socially. My best wishes. Shyam Rupchand Jethnani Chairman - Gandhi School Ancol

At what age did you become aware of your interests? How did you know they were your own interests? Did someone; a parent, sibling, relative, teacher spark an interest in a topic you were/are curious about? How far are you taking that interest? In order for all lifelong learners to make successful contributions to human society they (and we) need to have a clear vision of the source of that focus. What kind of learning does that focus need? Will you be able to sustain that focus, that interest for as long as a life time of learning? Or perhaps is it too early for you to tell? Different people will take differing lengths of time to focus on a preferred course of study. You must keep an open mind, above all be curious about your experiences in all of your environment; school, community, organizations. What do you wonder about? Are you a curious person? How do you know what you don’t know? Do you remember anything about any one of your school trips? Was there an experience on any family trips that you remember that has stayed with you for a long while? How can your personal interaction with your life experiences be guide to your future learning? 20/20 Vision requires us all to see beyond the near and sensitive to all the possibilities that will guide us to our future years. Will the student you are now be proud as you who will become? Murli D. Tolani School Administrator

“I never think of the future; it comes soon enough.” -Albert Einstein We are three years away from the start of the new decade, 2020. Much of what we experience now gives us hint on what to expect at the beginning of that period. But we can only surmise, for the current times are so dynamic that it is almost impossible to be even close to any kind of prediction. Since change has been rapid, now more than ever, there is no other way to prepare for that than training ourselves, especially our students, to tackle these changes. Adapt to change or become irrelevant. Case in point, the Nokia story. Nokia was one of the world’s biggest and most successful mobile phone manufacturers in the world. In fact, at one point, slightly over half of the world’s mobile phones were Nokia phones! Fast forward to 2013. Nokia phone division was acquired by Microsoft. What happened? Steven Elop, Nokia CEO, said in their farewell press conference in March 2016, ‘We didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost’. The fact is – they didn’t do anything wrong in their business; however, the world changed too fast. Their opponents were too powerful, more creative and innovative. They missed out on learning; they missed out on changing, and thus, they lost the opportunity at hand to make it big, to stay big. Not only did they miss the opportunity to earn big money, but they also lost their chance of survival. Those who refuse to learn and improve will definitely one day become redundant and irrelevant to the world. They will learn the lesson in a hard and sometimes costly way. Therefore, we should not even attempt to predict the future. As a school, we just need to train our students to be ready to embrace and adapt to one thing that is always constant: change. Adapt to change or become irrelevant. Ely B. Barrera Principal

There are 3 “visions”: All of them require an ability to be introspective. Holding up a mirror to your own thoughts and actions that you may learn from your own “selfie”. ‘Hindsight’ is a vision of what is in your past. It is always 20/20. Sometimes with regrets sometimes not. What’s done is done and may never be undone. But we can learn and re-learn. ‘Insight’ is a vision of what you are doing now in your present. It’s often blurrily fuzzy because you are not always in control of your reactions to events. It’s often less than 20/20 because we sometimes fail to understand our own motives due to the lack of introspection. ‘Foresight’ is the true test of self knowledge. It is rarely 20/20. But in unusual circumstances, such as those among us who are fortunate to have developed introspective insight, our foresight then becomes fully 20/20. We are able to discern our own path for others who may want to follow. The vision of those who have been found to “Walk Among The Stars” is a guiding light for all to learn from. Never stop creating your own path and/or choosing the best for you to follow. Read biographies. Walter Brownsword School Advisor

Salam Sejahtera …., Bapak Ibu Pendidik yang saya Hormati, perkenankanlah saya menyampaikan harapan dari Bapak Menteri Pendidikan Bapak Prof.Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P agar Pendidikan Pancasila benar-benar diterapkan dan diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan Pendidikan dan Pengajaran di Sekolah Dasar. Saya lebih mengharapkan bahwa pesan beliau tersebut agar dimulai sejak pendidikan di Taman Kanak Kanak yang sedang tumbuh kembang. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut dan masih dalam suasana peringatan Hari Lahir Pancasila 1 Juni saya ingin mengajak Bapak/ Ibu yang sebangsa dan setanah air, dari semua golongan agama, suku dan bahasa yang berbeda , untuk menghargai keberagaman dan menjadi lebih baik kedepan. Sekarang ini digiatkan Pendidikan Karakter dan Kompetensi bidang studi , dalam kesempatan ini agar Pendidikan Pancasila tidak hanya dikembangkan dalam Knowlage tapi lebih ditekankan pada pendidikan perilaku anak didik .Untuk itu maka suasana pengembangan pendidikan di Sekolah Gandhi Ancol mulai dari TK,SD, SMP dan SMA agar dikembangkan suasana belajar mengajar yang menyentuh kepada nilai- nilai Pancasila. Pendidikan Karakter banyak mewadai kehidupan berpancasila , beberapa mata pelajaran dalam pendidikan Agama, Seni , Bahasa, Sejarah, Olahraga, merupakan wadah yang paling subur untuk mengembangkan rasa berbangsa dan bertanah air dalam Kesatuan Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Saya mengharapkan agar sebelum pelajaran dimualai dengungkanlah lagu kebangsaan kita Indonesia Raya dan lagu lagu nasional lainnya. Dan menyelenggarakan upacara – upacara Hari Nasional secara hidmat dan tertib . Berilah contoh yang terbaik dalam kehidupan saling kerjasama, saling menghargai dan saling menghormati dalam semua lini kegiatan di Sekolah Gandhi Ancol. Terimakasih. Salam Sejahtera, Subandio Djojosuwito,S.H

Vision building is a challenging exercise as it aims to construct future scenarios and link the present with the future. Without vision, cultures, communities and civilisations perish. The exercise of vision building can neither be done by only restructuring the present realities nor by sheer dreaming. Vision, dreams and future expectations must merge into contemporary realities. Visions can be realised and transformed into realities by understanding, initiative, commitment and hard work and dreams can be transformed into realities if full trust is put in self, society and the nature. Envisioning is a part of an individual’s planning activities as also that of a nation. Nations, big or small, developed or developing, all conceive and construct future visions and prepare strategies to achieve them. Vision is not to be seen either as a long-term planning exercise or as a road map. In both these cases there is something given, something existing which forms the base. Future aspiration generates vision, and that stirs us to action. Through the eye of creative imagination the vision builder develops a constructive picture about the present. Regarding education, this exercise is being attempted here under three sections, the first relates to society where caring, sharing and using of knowledge are key factors promoting prosperity and well being of the people, the second section relates to knowledge as seen from the institution perspective and the third presents vision statement themes and strategies to achieve them. Arya Vasu, School Bursar

2016 22-29 32-33 12-15 16-21


34-35 36-48


We hear these two words quite frequently but what do they mean? Are we moving in the “right” direction? Let us project forward into time three years and present a picture, like a dream, of how things should be. We can easily keep the goal in front of us, making plans to reach our vision, goals, and achieve growth. Objectives should be hard-baked, concrete, specific, and, above all, measurable. As educators, we must constantly be seeking ways to utilize all forms of education via books and technology to ensure wider and more effective education. Educators must work hard to choose the appropriate media to bring about an overall transformation in students and make them better persons. Sharmila Das FEP High School Supervisor

Pertama-tama mari kita mengucap syukur kehadirat Tuhan atas segala berkat, serta kasih karuniaNya sepanjang tahun ajaran 2016 – 2017 yang senantiasa kita rasakan dalam setiap kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah, semua berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Kepada anak- anak kelas 12, tidak terasa masa belajar di SMA selama tiga tahun telah berlalu. Banyak hal yang Sudah terjadi dan alami dalam kehidupan kalian khususnya selama di sekolah baik itu yang menyenangkan atau sebaliknya. Guru-guru sudah membekali kalian dengan berbagai ilmu semoga kalian dapat mengembangkan lagi di bangku perguruan tinggi. Banyak hal juga nasehat yang sudah disampaikan oleh guru semoga kalian semua mengingat dan melakukannya hingga kalian menjadi orang yang sukses. Masa di SMA adalah masa yang paling indah. Banyak kenangan indah yang selalu diingat dan dikenang. Kebersamaan yang sudah kita jalin hendaknya senantiasa terpelihara hingga suatu saat kita bertemu kembali dalam bentuk reuni. Kami atas nama sekolah mengucapkan selamat kepada kalian semua kelas 12 karena sudah menyelesaikan seluruh program pembelajaran dengan baik sampai akhirnya kalian lulus semua. Kami juga mengucapkan trimakasi untuk prestasi yang sudah kalian capai, mengharumkan nama baik sekolah. Kalian sudah mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk memasuki jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Semoga jurusan yang kalian pilih sudah sesuai dengan harapan untuk meraih apa yang kalian cita-citakan. Akhir kata, atas nama seluruh guru dan karyawan SMA Gandhi Ancol kami mengucapkan selamat dan sukses kepada seluruh peserta didik kelas 12 tahun ajaran 2016-2017. Pesan dari kami, jaga nama baik almamater, andalkan Tuhan dalam segala lakumu dan senantiasa lakukan yang terbaik. Semoga keberhasilan selalu menyertai kalian semua. Sekian dan terima kasih. Drs. Ketut Suarma Kepala Sekolah, SMA

Jose and Rinaldy, usher the graduates Dalvin leading his batch mates for the final pledge. for the investiture.

Class of 2016, take the final pledge - 'striving for academic excellence, conducting oneself with dignity and respecting others'.



Mr. Shyam R Jethnani, Chairman, GSA confers the achiever's award to Vincent Lukito.


Pingkan receives her achiever's award from our Superintendent, Mr. Subandio.

A sight to behold- Teachers and students team up to welcome the graduates with some traditional 'Gamelan' music. Truly in absolute harmony with one another.

Aurelia Agarha from 11IPA2 enacts a Mr. Sugi plays the Bonang during the scene from the Mahabharata as Arjuna. graduation ceremony.

Our school heads inaugurate 'Graduation Ceremony, 2016' by lighting the candles.

Class of 2016 girls bedecked in their traditional Kebayas wear a sombre look while waiting for the ceremony to progress.

Mr. Ely presents Cindy her graduation credentials.

Mr. Walter presents the achiever's award to Catherine, a defining moment indeed.

Mr. Ketut presents Calvin his graduation testament.

From left, Mr. Shyam R Jethnani along with the GSA achievers of 2016Ricky, Ellita and Vincent.

Final goodbye- Vania, Pingkan, Catherine and Cindy bid their final farewell to their teachers as they exit the school hall for one last time as students of GSA.

Jason GL from FEP 10A receives the 'Outstanding Performance Award' from Mr. Ely.

Felicia from FEP 12 Com. receives the 'Best Student Award'' from Mr. A.P Singh.


Celia leading her FEP10 batch mates during the ceremonial march.

Gandhi Seva Loka school heads inaugurating the proceedings for the evening.

Class of 2016 make their final Pledge. The Pledge is a personal vow to affirm their obligations and ideals towards seeking knowledge.

Tasya from FEP 10 receives her graduation certificate from Mr. Walter.

Gisella from FEP 10 receives the 'Best Mr. Walter Brownsword, our guiding light offers his advice to the Student Award' from Mr. Mariadoss. graduates of 2016.

Ms. Lajiya leads the 'Class of 2016' for their final show at Gandhi. Aditya and Alex follow suit solemnly.

Oscar, FEP 12 receiving his graduation credentials from Mr. A.P Singh.

Seek, and ye shall find. Ms. Sharmila intent on handing over the 'light of knowledge' to Alex from FEP 12.

Marcela receives the award for her exceptional performance Our dignitaries for the ceremony- Mr. Walter B., Mr. Ely B., Mr. A.P Singh, Principal, GMIS; Mr. G.C. Mariadoss, Principal, MGS. in academics from Mr. Ketut, Kepala Sekolah. F rom left - Michelle, Kimberly, Vanessa, Mira, Natalie, Lisa, Michelle and Cindy of FEP 12B, capture their final moment at Gandhi.

Mr. Shabbir, the MC for the evening conducts the ceremony with his familiar flourish. Kathrynka (upper right) and Krisel(right) give their customary students' speeches.

Paper Dress Competition

From left -Verren, Chelsea and Aurelia don their dresses made entirely out of paper. The 'Paper Dress Competition' at Gandhi has been an annual event, where a variety of teams participate and compete against one another, bringing about the best in their design and creativity skills. Lyvialda and Vella soothe the tension among the crowd with soulful harmony.

SoignĂŠ Arts & Fashion Day February 22,2016

Lin, Katherine and Edbert sway the crowd with their 'amplitude'.

From left- Cynthia and Elicia enrobed in their paper creations.

It’s obvious that a proportion of the students were gifted with the eyes of world-renowned photographers and the hands of high-fashion designers. The 'Arts and Fashion day’ devised an opening to flaunt these talents in their own stylemysterious, sweet, fun even a dash of crazy.


The student council evermore granted our wish. Their compassion towards the amelioration of the students formulated history on 22nd of February 2016-the long awaited ‘arts and fashion day’. The creativity of students blasted sky high, setting the bar for events to come. The self-explanatory name gave rise to an idiosyncratic mechanism to express inventiveness- paper-dress design- the definition of a perfect synchronisation of both art and fashion. ‘Colourful’ was the selected theme and indeed, different varieties of dresses were fabricated; ranging from old style fashion dress, baroque, mix-modern dress and contemporary dresses. However, the judges forbade any clothing material and encouraged recycled materials.

Brenda and Viriya fashion their collection.

Angel & Aurelia team up for the pose of the year.

Blood brothers? -Gidion and Glenden

Lady and Sir Gandhi, 2016Adeline & Jason

Not to miss the bandwagon, our popular pair- Frederick and Nickola.

Audrey Isman, the lone contestant, the braveheart amogst us all.

Music and dance added splashes of colours to the event. Student bands performed on stage and slackened the pressure of the agonistic atmosphere. Dancers sparked the flame of energy back into the competitors with their rhythmic groove. The day ended with the announcement of the winners and everyone agreed that there needs to be more of such events held. -Gisela Edny, FEP 11 Set the ball rolling!- Devina (left) and team blast off!

Walk the talk at the GSA ramp!

Show Us What You'Ve Got Music is the strongest form of magic! True to this saying, the school hall on September 1, 2016 remained bewitched by this one true spell. Amidst much fanfare and anticipation, Music Fest, 2016 kicked off with an enchanting instrumental performance by Edbert, on the drums. On this day, students at Gandhi get to showcase their musical talent and express their creative half.

The theme for the show reflected the happenings at Coachella Music Festival, California. As such, the music genre chosen by our contestants catered to all enthusiasts. This ranged from rock for the conventional to electronic dance music for the adventurous. To complement this, the ‘dress code’ for the day was bohemian fashion. Much to the relief of our

Boho-chic of the day- Ariel, Christine and Joenna.

teachers, ‘bohemian fashion’ ended up being a well-clad fashion style from the ‘70s. Apparently, it’s Coachella street style fashion too! Another loopy education for our old bones on 21st century fashion and trends.

Felix on the guitar, strums the crowd favourite, 'Treat You Better' 'Hello' croons a soulful Reynaldo, Mash up! with Angeline, Katherine, Edbert and Joey à la Adele.

For the revelers, this event had much to offer in terms of music and merriment. It was a sight to behold, to find our audience croon and sway alongside, while our artistes belted popular numbers. ‘Treat You Better’ crooned Delcia from FEP 11, GSA’s very own Shawn Mendes which kept the audience in an embracing stupor. ‘Let

Me Love You’ hummed Natanine á la DJ Snake/ Justin Bieber; which stirred the romantics among the audience to a frenzy. All good things must end. True to this, the event concluded on a high note with participants being felicitated in recognition of their hard work. For the majority of us in GSA this experience will leave a lifelong interest in this one true magic, music.

Tenny receives the award for her dance performance from Ms. Sharmila, FEP Supervisor.

Felix nails it for his instrumental interlude.

Awards & Honors A

Ms. Sharmila presenting the awards for 'Best Vocal Performance'.

The heroes behind the scene-OSIS.

Felystia, in the background; Yuvella on the guitar and Delcia team up for yet another Shawn Mendes moment; 'Treat You Better'. Edbert, thundering on his drums

Vicella and her team strike a harmony.

'Leave Your Lover', Shanny aka Sam Smith does an encore.


Modern Dance




DotA 2

Aditya, GSA's acclaimed 'DotA warrior' portrays a figure of infinite purpose in the picture above. Customary to its evolutionary path, 'Gandhi Cup' is a multidisciplinary event extravaganza held annually, providing the ultimate platform for all talents across Jakarta to compete and showcase their diverse skills. 'Proclaiming our cup as competition would be euphemism. On the contrary, our annual cup is an inter-school collaboration to establish familiar ties and amalgamate our views on success.', reflects Gisella Edny from FEP 11 on the whole event.



Mural  DesignÂ


Felystia of GSA attempts a 'fast break' against Saint Peter's School after a magnificent 'steal'. GSA won the match 52-10. GSA girls' team carried on their rich form until the semi-finals eventually losing to G-Cup winner's SMAN80.

Discover Your Path

Wilson Kennedy, defends an airball during the semi-final match between GSA and Tarakanita 2. GSA ceded this match to place third, while Tarakanita 2 lost the finals to Calvin School.

Futsal Mr. Walter (extreme left) along with our school heads in an ecstatic mood while inaugurating G-Cup. After a successful interception, William, GSA-A team prepares to dribble past the GSA-B team's citadel. Positioned third after a commendable performance, GSA eventually lost the semi finals to runners up Jubilee School. IPEKA Sunter the winners, proved to be the indomitable lions throughout the tournament.

GSA participants in the 'Modern Dance' discipline pose with the Principal Mr. Ely. After months of arduous practice, our 'dance squad' stood third in this segment. The winners for 2016 being SMAN81.



This term 11th graders from Gandhi School Ancol, had the amazing opportunity to visit the city of Yogyakarta for four days. We reached Yogyakarta at around 8AM. From the airport; we headed straight to a chocolate factory. It had both, the most delicious flavor and the most horrid tasting chocolate I have ever eaten. I ate one of the free samples which turned out to be chiliflavored. I never want to try that ever again. Next we visited Parangtritis beach. Now this beach has a legend, one must not wear anything green. Why? This is because deep in the sea lives a wicked queen who loves to snag swimmers or surfers wearing green attire and enslave them for the rest of eternity. People have disappeared while swimming at Parangtritis but, it’s up to the readers to believe it or not. For safety

Off the beaten track!!- Jeep ride up the mountains of Merapi, the most active volcano in Indonesia.

Wilson, Ryan and Reynaldo enjoying the wilderness of Merapi.

Up the exhausting incline of Borobodur Temple-the largest Buddhist monument in the world.

Cave tubing at Goa Pindul- a karst cave with a subterranean river.

Beach break- Randy and Joenna strike a pose with the famed surf breaks of Parangtritis beach forming a picturesque backdrop.

reasons we could not go swimming in Parangtritis. After having a lavish dinner, we rushed to our luxurious hotel @HOM. On the second day, we started with Goa Pindul. Interestingly, we had to use huge tires as our floating equipment. We outfitted ourselves with lifejackets too. Inside the cave, we saw many stalactites and stalagmites. A thousand sleeping bats were above us and the slightest bit of light shone could wake them up. So, this tingling sensation of fear lurked throughout the 350m long stretch we floated. The third day was the pinnacle of our trip; we left for the Merapi Lava Tour where everyone rode jeeps around Mt. Merapi. I enjoyed this part the most. We were in groups of 4-5 in these 4 wheelers. Our jeep driver was the most extreme, making sharp turns and sudden stops. Parngtritis beach bewitches Randy, Jason and Edbert.

March 1-3, 2016 He was a great photographer too! He took excellent pictures of us with the flair of a pro. With him driving and our ear-piercing screams, it made quite a sight wherever we were. All I can say is that this trip leaves many unforgettable memories with my friends; just as the quote says: “Life was meant for good friends and great adventures,” This definitely, was one good ride of of an adventure.

A moment, worth to cherish- Ryan and Ariel enchanted by Parangtritis and its beauty.

Cheering up the Merapi weather- Devina and Arsri play their part.

Ariel Johar FEP 11 Science, 2015 Scaling heights!- Elton climbs Mt. Merapi to tag himself aptly.

In awe, among the volcanic ruins of MerapiGilbert and Cindy observe the lava ruins.

FEP 11, enjoying the view of Parangtritis beach.

SMA Gandhi Ancol students; product of hard work and stress. The entire preparation to make the possibility of a ‘Bali field trip’ clarify into reality was a roller coaster ride. Rumours spread, students doubted, teachers organised. Patience was key for us students, in studies, also in this long-awaited field trip.

Soekarno Hatta International airport, all overcome with this feeling of contagious exhilaration. Each immigration post had a GSA student filing out one by one. In that moment, we were at the peak of the roller coaster, more than ready for the memorable dive. Next stop, the Isle of the Gods!

24th April morning –clear, cloudless skies- a 180 degree turn if synced with our moods. Restless students gathered in

‘Welcome to Ngurah Rai International Airport’, be our mixed emotions a physical body and it would’ve caused a

‘Captain Gandhi’ aka Vincent and friends take a pose at Pura Ulun Danu Bratan (in the background). One of the holiest Hindu shrines at Bali, straddling Lake Bratan.

turbulence right then and there; anxious, feverish, beyond euphoric. You could feel the energy in the air! We visited an array of markets and temples and each site never fails to radiate the marvellous culture of Bali. The sun was at its peak; Bali’s vibrant colours seemed to glisten under the brilliant light. Students couldn’t help but snap photos under the scintillating sun in every nook of Bali. Not forgetting to visit famous landmarks, Pura Ulun Danu Bratan and Pura Tirta

Pingkan (left, back row) and friends enjoy this trip on a boat.Such field trips for the school leaving batch has always proven to be the most cherished moments at Gandhi.

At Pura Tirta Empul, Class of 2016- One final parting shot.


Empul became the highlight of the adventure with its nostalgic feel and picturesque sight. Those who had visited Bali before experienced a whole new outlook on Bali. First-timers


were awe-stricken with what Bali offered.

'Class of 2016' Field Trip - April 24-28,2016

28th April morning –the sky a twilight- the day we leave for Jakarta. However, 4 days satisfied our craving for stress relief. Caroline and her friends enjoying the view of the Indian Ocean and beyond.

A shore-break at Water Blow, Nusa Dua.

Thrill seekers, Vanessa (centre) and her friends go parasailing. 'Wefie' magic- Kevin and group at mesmerising Lake Bratan.

Final moments at Bali- William, Gabriel, Vincent and Luther grasp the last sun rays at Pandawa.

Vania (3rd from left) with her friends, reclaim another beach in Bali.

Leadership Enrichment Programme November 18-19, 2016 The LDK Trip, which stands for Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan or the Leadership Training Program, is one of the most exhilarating of experiences for those students enlisting in our school’s prestigious student council, OSIS. This outing prepares the new batch of our council members in instilling courage, discipline, unity and leadership development. Our LDK Trip took place on November 10th and 11th, 2016 at the renowned Camp David Resort at Cianjur. We left, early morning at 6.00 AM to avoid the notorious traffic conditions on the way to Cianjur. On the first day, our rookies were trained to march, military style, by personnel from the national army, the TNI. The instructing army men proved to be very strict and disciplined taskmasters. They rarely put up with the flaws our recruits made with their measured treads. Some of them were slow to learn, but eventually caught up. Other than being taught the art of parading, interactive lessons were held by our teachers on how to be a good leader and represent the student body. We the mentors provided them with a variety of fun, problem-solving games to encourage them to work together and to improve their decision

making process. The day definitely proved to be exhausting for all. 'Togetherness', was the main lesson for the second day. Our newcomers divided into groups of 5 had to walk and perform numerous tasks in train formation while putting one’s hands on the other’s shoulders at all times. This encouraged them to work together and have each other’s backs for the team to function effectively.

Both the physical and mental aspect of the trainees got tested during this short stint. They had to overcome their comfort zones and break through their limits. Everyone did a wonderful job. In doing so, the LDK trip was a definite success, providing everyone a learning opportunity. Ariel Tirtanata Johar, OSIS Member, FEP 11



Independence Day Celebrations August 17, 2016

Picture above- OSIS members salute the 'Bendera Merah Putih'. The bicolor 'Red & White' bears significance to the indomitable courage and purity of the people of Indonesia. The day started with a formal ceremony of flag raising, commemorating its importance and paying homage to the freedom fighters and honouring their supreme sacrifice in establishing the Pancasila, the one true pillar of Indonesia. Finally, the day was littered with multiple events to celebrate this occasion.


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Picture above- Our percussionist, Edbert, plays the cajรณn, Livialda on the guitar and Katherine taps the synthesizer while concocting some music in observance of Earth Day. To commemorate this significant day, students cleaned the campus followed by a quiz round to test their cerebral prowess on the matter.

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Graduation, 2017

SMA/FEP Graduation Ceremony May 12, 2017

Picture above- Jonathan Hartanto, our topper from Class 12 science exams this year, receiving his honours from the principal of MGS, Mr. Mariadoss. Graduation Day for high school students at GSA, marks a solemn occasion where they get to band together with their fellow mates and teachers for one last time. The GSA family wishes them the very best for their next adventure in life.



Paper Dress Workshop

Picture, left -Behind the scenes: Deborah and Denny, members of OSIS work hard on the AAFD mural. It is because of such wonderful and supportive backstage toilers that events in GSA turn out to be a grand success. Arts and Fashion Day, is another showcase event, where our high school students get to express their creative skills. The event gets managed by the students entirely too. Alll in all this provides the perfect platform to harness their skills for the future.

'Time flies' perfectly describes my experience on this year’s field trip. Although the trip was for four days, it felt like a day. Waiting for the day to come however, dragged to be a lifetime. Nevertheless, I remember the moment we spent to be as recent as yesterday. On our first day, all of us got beyond elated. Our flight was scheduled to be at 9 in the morning. The only down-side of the plane ride-we didn’t have a say on our seat mates. The minute we stepped on Singaporean land at around

11 A.M., we had a buffet to enjoy lunch together. Thereafter, we spent the afternoon ‘swiftshopping’ –an act of browsing through shops within a short time limit. Not long after, another meal awaited us for dinner. The Merlion, Singapore's national icon, with a lion's head and the body of a fish is a mustsee sight when visiting the city. Very thoughtful of the tour to have Merlion Park included in our itinerary. The second day deemed itself to be indelible. To eat a huge breakfast that day would be a Sharing a 'wefie' at Sentosa beach- Stanley with his cohorts.

Geylang neighbourhood- Ritz, Chelsea, Christie and Gisella chance upon this amazing mural.



Discover grievous mistake as we were scheduled to spend an entire day at Universal Studios Singapore. Having your friends by your side, as you all scream your hearts out in the adrenaline filled rides was a memory to be cherished. We had a free day to tour the whole of Singapore, the following day. Jesslyn and Amelia strike a pose at Universal Studios.

SMA Gandhi at Merlion park strike a memorable pose against the Lion City's fabulous skyline.

Old friends, sat on their benches....Celine and Jesslyn take a breather against the imposing Singaporean skyline.

An evening saunter under the imposing Singaporean skyline.

Out of good judgement, my friends and I went sight-seeing – Marina Bay Sands, Orchard road, Chinatown-the whole day until our heels ached. And finally, the moment I dreaded, came. Even though it was time to say goodbye, all of us didn’t regret the trip even for a bit. Singapore has been a spectacular destination but the 'Lion City' cannot compare to the journey we experienced. 'It's not about the destination, it's the journey' I hope Gandhi School Ancol continues to hold more of these lovely trips. Gisella Edny FEP 11, 2017

Ms. Sharmila, Ms. Chadijah and the girls devise a shade under the Universal globe. At China town, one of the heritage sites of Singapore.

At Universal Studios, our posse ready to pounce onward.

On April 10th, students of grade 10 and 11 embarked on a trip to Malang, East Java. The plane took off at around 10.00a.m. We SMA Field Trip to Malang- Bromo landed in Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport at 11.30a.m. and immediately took the bus to pick apples in Kota Batu. Since it was April 10-13, 2017 already late, we went to Bromo straight away to stay in Hotel Sukapura Permai. The hotel is near Mount Bromo, thus making went near the crater where we our journey at dawn shorter and could ride on horses, then to more efficient. Savanna Teletubbies next. After we visited all the scenic spots in We set off to Mount Bromo at Mount Bromo, we checked out of 5.00a.m. and each five of us rode Hotel Sukapura Permai and later in a Jeep to reach the sunrise in the night visited Batu Night site. We waited and watched as Spectacular which is a nightthe sun rose from the horizon. time amusement park. We stayed Once the sun had risen, we first in Hotel Zam-Zam for the rest of Ms. Wiwiez, at centre, shares a moment to frame with her students at Coban Rondo

Michelle (third from right) and her friends snap an early morning picture at Mt. Bromo.

Enter the Widow's waterfall, Coban Rondo. Legend has it that Dewi Anjarwati, a goddess lies in waiting for her long dead husband to this very day.

Our seekers right on the crater of Mt. Bromo.

our stay. On the third day, our first destination was Coban Rondo Waterfall, then we headed to Eco Green Park and Jatim Park 2, next to each other. Eco Green Park provides us with various animals to see while Jatim Park 2 is an amusement park. At last, we reached Museum Angkut where we saw a vintage collection of motor vehicles from all over the world. We ended our trip to Malang by going to The Bagong Adventure Human Body Museum on the last day. It is a museum in which human body parts get displayed and the people who work there explained to us each of its functions. We departed from Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport at about 3.00p.m. and arrived in Halim Perdanakusuma Airport around 4.30p.m. -Alexandra A. Johansyah X MIPA 1

Travel and friends- Timeless

Edrick and Ivan discover the perfect spot at Mt. Bromo.

Awaiting the splendid sunrise at Mt. BromoEnough time for some posers.

At Batu Night Spectacular- Tired to the bones.

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3rd Row (L to R): Mr. Sugiyana, Mr. Ali, Mr. Sugeng, Mr. Chojin 2nd Row (L to R): Mr. Davy, Mr. Agus, Ms. Caroline, Ms. Yuni, Mr. Aziz, Ms. Prihatni, Mr. Tri, Ms. Theresia, Mr. Ketut, Ms. Lajiya, Ms. Meenu, Mr. Shabbir, Mr. Hendra, Mr. Riddhi, Mr. Biju, Mr. Kumar 1st Row (L to R): Ms. Sharmila, Ms. Erva, Ms. Meriana, Ms. Sumarti, Ms. Nefie, Ms. Yenny, Ms. Jamelah, Ms. Suciati, Ms. Sandhya, Ms. Wiwis, Ms. Anastasia, Mr. Ujung, Mr. Effendi, Ms. Ervina

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Independence Day Celebrations

Picture above- Mr. Ely and Mr. Walter inaugurate the Inter-house Competition. Amidst much anticipation and excitement among the middle school learners, Independence Day at SMP kicked off with much gusto. Children celebrated the day by taking part in multiple events that catered to both their kinesthetic and cognitive development.

Graduation, 2016 SMP Graduation Ceremony June 12, 2016

Picture above- Alexandra receives her award for 'Academic Excellence' in the GCE 'O' Level Examinations. Graduation day at SMP marks the transition of our students from junior high school to high school. Truly, a day to be celebrated.





ACTIVITIES APRIL 01-05, 2016 Danica (extreme right, front row) initiates SMP 9A's routine for the choral speech competition, an interclass event. This day began with the class parades followed by the preliminary rounds for each competition—Choral Speech, Poetry, Storytelling, Drama and Spelling Bee. It marks a multi-event competition where even exhibitions are held, which ranges from the field of arts to the sciences. All in all, this event, strives to tap in the latent potential that each among us harbours in terms of intellectual curiosity and artistic flourish.

T.E.A.M FEP CUP, 2016-April 17-21, 2016

The FEP Cup promised a myriad of strenuous and exciting physical activities for the young and the daring. This is one of the few high adrenaline events that the students at GSA look forward to. The scheduled event for this year was on April 17, 18

and 21. Come April 17, the students were excited to go to Cometa in Pluit for the day’s events. The sporting event began with the formal inauguration by the section Supervisor with the release of balloons as a sign of the free spirit of sportsmanship. At Cometa, events like basketball, Futsal and Badminton saw the team competing fiercely yet with a true spirit of the game. The competing teams were from the different classes and this brought forth a strong class spirit among students of the same class. All the students of a class came together. Their cheers resonated the halls of the complex in unison supporting their classmates. Warm friendships, barriers broken and true harmony were on display. It truly was an education at its

Earth. The students helped in cleaning their immediate environment around the school On the 18th, the events were held in the school hall. The day and this was soon followed by the scheduled sporting events unfolded with a picture taking for the day followed by lunch. In session followed by a movie time. Games like the sack relay, the afternoon, there were some paint me a picture and catching dance events and finally the three day event concluded with the flag were some of the the most awaited awarding highlights of the day. This was followed by an eagerly awaited ceremony. The Supervisors sumptuous lunch from HokBen. thanked the senior students who were the event organisers The final day on the 21st was the as well as the teachers for their relentless service to make this official ‘Earth Day’- everyone wore green honouring Mother event a memorable one for all. highest form.

“Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live. " - Jim Rohn At GSA, this truth forms the core of its curriculum. Here we strongly believe that ‘time out’ of the everyday routine is paramount to a sound education.


Hence, the day, September 23, 2016 – a three day sporting event that the students look forward to every year. On the 23rd, the event was formally inaugurated by Mr. Ely, the principal. In his inaugural speech, he emphasised the importance of physical activity to a healthy mind, body and soul and also the spirit of unity, belongingness and sportsmanship. He stressed on the importance of teamwork and team building together with fun and laughter. The events began with basketball, followed by futsal and badminton. All events were held at the inter-class level and each class had its own distinctive dress code. Besides team events, there were individual athletic events culminating with the inter class relay. On the second day, non-sporting events like the English, Indonesian and Mandarin karaoke events were held, the judges were treated to some highly professional music that

even time stood still to listen to their melodious voices. Other events were the Nintendo and board display. The only sporting event was Table Tennis. The last day was packed with events like the finals of the basketball tournament, the most sought after ‘Best Talent Event’, lip-sync combat and the thrilling sack race and tug of war. The purpose of this event is to bring about a better understanding of human potential that lies in each of us, a better understanding of the true spirit of sportsmanship with every win and defeat. That’s what life is all about!

“Love is a lot like dancing – you just surrender to the music”. PENSI is one event the students of SMP-Gandhi anticipate. One can say that “that is the event’ that lets them express themselves freely. The auditorium is filled with loads of joy and the atmosphere is just contagious, one might guess that there is an outpouring of endorphins in the room and this is just what education is all made a career for themselves in about-the growth of the mind, the fashion industry were invited body and soul of an individual. to be the judges for the day. On November 7th, this is what happened……. The stage was perfect for the fashion parade. The themes rolled out for the event were ‘Vintage dressing’, ‘traditional attire’ and ‘party wear’. The contestants were in their best attires - a feast for the eyes. The judges – the former students of Gandhi who have

Meanwhile, a photography contest held the week before, displayed the best pictures taken by the students. This event was a novel one bringing the best out of the contestants. Some even discovered their love for the lens. Early in the afternoon, after a

sumptuous lunch break, the auditorium witnessed yet another amazing program – the musical event. There was a perfect display of talent, rhythm and music; musical renditions went way back to Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson and Bob Marley. The crowds swayed to the

angelic voices of the contestants and the air was filled with music which once again reminds me of the outpouring of endorphins - a magical feeling lasting a couple of hours. And so, the countless hours of rehearsals had finally paid off. Thanks to the organising committee for these incredible moments.



SMP Field-trip to Yogyakarta- March 21, 2016

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart”. - Confucius Memories of school educational trips are among the most prominent of the formative years, largely because they are a welcome break in the routine for both students and teachers. While their purpose is essentially to educate, they can also be a fun bonding experience for everyone involved.

took an indelible trip to Yogyakarta to experience its rich and diverse cultural heritage. The students were thrilled to acquire a firsthand experience of what they had learned in the text books.

On the first day, they went to Candi Borobudur to see the 9th – century Mahayana Buddhist Temple, a spectacular sight to behold. It allows you to travel This year, on March 21, 2016, the back in time to enjoy an middle school National Students unrivalled combination of history, culture, spiritual and natural beauty. After spending time at the temple we trudged along a bumpy road to the Merapi Museum. This impressive museum is a striking white angular structure resembling a volcano. The museum depicts exhibits dedicated to Merapi with vintage seismometers, a motorbike torched and excavated from molten ash to mention a few. The exciting part is a film of an earthquake simulation that rumbles through the museum walls. We ended the day with pleasant memories of our day and a sumptuous meal. The following day, we took a cruise on the Oyo River that took us to the Goa Pindul Cave Tubing, a magical journey in the underground river through the Pindul cave. On the walls of the cave, we can see the abstract

paintings from water, crystal rock, and moon milk that add to the beauty of the cave. The silence of the cave is deafening and its solitude, enthralling! In the obscure zone, one can see stalactites and the ornaments that formed naturally. In the dark zone, referred to, as the eternal darkness, the guide turns off all flashlights, allowing everyone to be enveloped by pitch darkness for a while. This was the only event for the day. In the evening after we had rested, we enjoyed parlour games, followed

by dinner and it was time to hit the bed. On our third day, we went to visit the Dieng Plateau. The weather was cold, and it rained the entire day. There are some beautiful lakes, hills, breathtaking scenery, as well as refreshing tea and coffee plantations. We watched a movie on how Dieng was built and from there, we moved to Sikidang Crater, a breathtaking spot for nature lovers. The smell of sulphur created a tingling

sensation in the nasal passage,yeah! The crater was indeed very smelly and hot. On the last day, we had some traditional food, shopped for souvenirs and visited the Prambanan Temple before leaving for the airport. This trip was unique in itself, with a myriad of experiences that roused our snoozing senses to the beauty and wonder of nature in all its grandeur. Thanks to GSA for this momentous trip, we look forward to many more.

LIFTING OTHERS Visit to Tunas Bangsa Orphanage- May 12, 2016

“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Theresa The warm morning sun spilled its golden rays to greet the dawn; its promise of a great day ahead for all of us. The class of 8A had been planning for months how they could be of service to the less privileged of our society. Paying a visit to an orphanage was welcomed by everyone and the preparations began. The students sold snacks and drinks during school days to raise funds for the cause; they did it with love and only one goal in mind – the kids at the

orphanage. They also raised funds by asking their fellow students to donate from their pocket money. Their parents came forward to help in raising the funds with their generous donations. Students also donated story books and toys. A lot of stationery and food was also bought from the money raised. With all these prior preparations, we set out to the orphanage on May 12th. We reached the orphanage after two hour’s journey and were warmly greeted by the staff. The orphanage was well maintained with a clean environment and a beautiful and spacious garden for the kids to play. The caretaker of the orphanage ushered us into a briefing room where we were informed about the founding of the institution

and the gut-wrenching cases of assaulted and poverty-stricken mothers who dropped off their babies here or simple abandoned them in unimaginable places like bathrooms and in city trash bins. After the briefing, we were given a guided tour of the orphanage; our hearts ached to see babies as small as 15 – 20 days old to 6-year-old kids who

were there for no fault of theirs. The kids were categorised according to their age and placed in different fully equipped dorms. One could see the joy and contentment on the faces of these kids who teach us the true joys of living our lives with contentment. Finally we met with the kids and all of us opened our wrapped gifts to give to the kids, the joy on their

faces are forever etched in our hearts. We spent some time playing with them and then came the hardest part of parting with a heavy heart. Waving goodbye, we started our journey to our homes where we had everything but taken for granted. That day was a day to be treasured for we learned to be always thankful and contented with what we have.



Educational Trip to TMII-November02, 2016

“Crucial to science education is hands-on involvement: showing, not just telling: real experiments and field trips and not just virtual reality.”- Martin Rees

Museum and the Telecommunication Museum.

The first part of the trip was to IPTEK museum which displayed different experiments in science Every year the students of Gandhi and technology at different levels SMP, FEP embark on a field trip to of complexity. The most exciting discover and experience of the displays were the something new to enhance their earthquake simulation room, the theory learned in the classroom. air pressure test and the This year’s trip was interesting – a Pythagoras theorem board. Time trip to Taman Mini, which housed passed very quickly and one could the IPTEK, Traditional House see the students all excited to try out various experiments but sadly enough, due to time constraints we had to move on to the traditional house museum. At the Traditional House Museum, we saw different traditional houses in their original sizes from different parts of Indonesia, West Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua to name a few. These houses exhibited the day-to-day activities of the people of the region, their lifestyle and the crockery they used every day. At the Electricity Museum, the students were briefed on the history of electricity and the methods that were and are used to harness this energy. The most attractive part of this museum was a dance performance by the robots which the students joined in. The atmosphere was electrifying.

The Telecommunication museum, displayed the history and development of telecommunication here in Indonesia. The most curious attractions were the kinds of equipment people used in the past to communicate. At the end of the tour, students were given free time which they spent riding bicycles, after which it was time to come back to school, all fatigued yet grateful for the wonderful and exciting field trip. Indeed, there is no end to learning no matter what.

“May this New Year be full of faith, hope and love and even among them may love surpass these, filling up your cup of life to the brim. Happy New Year! “ January 27, 2017 is a special day at GSA with a huge populace of Chinese students. The school wore a festive look with decorations and everyone wearing red, symbolising prosperity and joy. It was a week packed with highlights on Chinese culture and values.

恭 新年。 embellish their classrooms with ornaments and decorations symbolising the true spirit of the Lunar New Year. The hallways were bedecked with copious greeting cards hand made by the students.

It is customary in the school to showcase the eagerly awaited The week saw various events like Lion dance – locally known as storytelling, poem recitation, ‘Barongsai’. The students exuded Chinese karaoke and a general an aura of exhilaration as the knowledge quiz on Chinese agile lion dancers performed history and culture. Besides their audacious and astonishing these events, every class had to acts on platforms of

considerable heights. The sound of the drums, gongs and cymbals accompanied the precise movements of the dancers. The room was filled with laughter and elation with every carefully calculated move by the dancers. After a 45 minute performance,

thunderous claps quickly followed its finale. The day concluded on an ecstatic note with emotions running high as the students get ready for a long holiday for the festivities to continue in their homes and communities.

Chinese Writing Competition st

Chinese Writing Competition





SMP Graduation Day June o2, 2017

Picture above- From left, Edina, Elycia, Felycia, Cecilia, Danica and Betty from 9A carry the 'flame of knowledge'. Graduation, 2017 in middle school proceeded with much fanfare as the SMP students transition to High School in the next session. The theme this year focussed on Egyptian aesthetics which offered an enchanting and memorable experience for the graduates.

FEP Field Trip to Bali-April 24- 28, 2017

Picture above- Viona of FEP 9B, proudly displays her creation at Bali Art Centre/ Cultural Park, Denpasar. Although this trip was meant to be a quick getaway from the normal routine of learning in school, our students from middle-school were prompt to pounce upon this fountainhead of Bali's culture and heritage. Students had this wonderful opportunity to learn arts and crafts, traditional Balinese dance or for that matter totally immerse themselves in the Balinese way of life. Truly, to prove the point that learning never escapes the curious. Aside from this, student got to experience Bali, the Bali-way. Yes! for the fun-lovers there was plenty of sunshine and water sports. For the thrill seekers and the adventurous, Bali Tree Top Adventure Park proved to be the ultimate hangout as they skipped from one tree to another. Bali never ceases to enchant and enrich the 'Gandhi Souls' at GSA.

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From L to R: Harpawin, Melvin, Kelvin, Danica, Cecilia, Edina, Ms.Ninuk, Ms.Enah, Ellycia, Felycia, Betty, Andrew Anthony, Nicholas


Back Row (L to R): Jovan, Jason, Nathaniel, NicholasM, Nico S, Andy, Giorgio, Alexandros, Aldrich, ,Krisanto Front Row (L to R): Jesica, Alicia, Celsea, Vicentia A, Ms. Enah, Ms. Nunik, Ms. Ninuk, Viona, Vannesa, Viorent, Nadila, Jovina

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Back Row (L - R): Ms. Ninuk, Dason, Michael P, William, Chan Xu, Dekkan, Mr. Aji, Steven,Silbert, Adcca, Ms. Nunik, Shierly Front Row (L - R): Jennifer, Aurelia, Jessica, Olivia, Ms. Enah, Kheisiaka, Evelyn, Erica, Michelle, Levina, Estela, Patricia


Back Row(L -R): Mr. Danny, Mr. Bambang, Mr. Taufik, Mr. Gunawan, Mr. Arif, Mr.Vincent, Mr. Ely, Mr. Jenhan, Mr. Darmawan, Mr. Hero, Mr. Aji, Mr. Lando, Mr. Arief, Mr. Sizelef Front Row (L-R): Ms. Maria, Ms. Lorita, Ms. Mona, Ms. Irma, Ms. Yulia, Ms. Yogeeta, Ms. Prima, Ms. Ratna, Ms. Ninuk, Ms. Llen, Ms. Enah, Ms. Zhang, Ms. Rashmi, Ms. Nunik

2016 2017








Winnie and Michael, the MC's for the occasion, present their inaugural speech.

Solemn and ready, FEP 6 students during the 'candle lighting' ceremony. Lighting the candle on graduation day at GSA signifies the dawning of knowledge and marks a transition from the darkness of ignorance.

Our school heads inaugurate graduation day by 'lighting the lamp'.

Lighting their path to the future- SD teachers hand over the 'light g of knowledge' g to our graduates.

Mr. Ely presenting the graduation certificate to Gaby. A proud moment to cherish for all our SD graduates.


Andrew of SD6, engaged in his violin rendition to commemorate graduation day at GSA.

Mr. Shyam, Chairman of GSA, felicitates a proud Alexander for his sincere effort and willingness to excel in the field of education.

Phillips from SD6 being presented with his graduation certificate by Mr. Ely and Mr. Walter.

FEP6 students sing their farewell song as they prepare for their next adventure ahead.

A photo op with our school heads and young achievers from SD and FEP6.

Sarah of FEP6 being presented with her credentials

Ms. Serena, welcomes all guests to mark this momentous day.

#GSA Hall# theme- Bali. All decked up for the event.

'Giving what we can' -Alexander leading his batch mates while pledging to pursue eternal knowledge.

Mr. Ely, ushering our graduands while delivering his inaugural speech.

Dear future, we are ready! Ms. Caroline guides her students during their final rite of passage.


LIO O KING SD Production Day- April 15, 2016 “Remember who you are… understand your fears and overcome them”. - Mufasa

"Timon means 'spirited' and Pumbaa means 'Simpleton'", opines Wira as Timon while Jeremy as Pumbaa forages on this philosophy.


SD Production Day this year was a musical adaptation from the blockbuster animation, “The Lion King” that mesmerised the audience at the school hall. The African Savannah came to life on stage with Simba and his friends journeying from Pride Rock to the vast Savanah Plains. Production day this year, showcased a wide range of histrionic skills as the participants explored their creative boundaries while expressing their skills in

The stage pulsated with immaculate oratory skills along with the rhythms of traditional African Djembe drums. Amidst such cadence of pitch, tone, rhythm and timbre, the SD kids chanted the opening song “Circle of Life”. It enthralled the audience. Later on the hunt dancers performance, “Hakuna Matata” and “Can you feel the love " I was on first until that little hair ball was born." squirms Heavenly as Scar (centre). tonight” captivated everyone. Gregory and William as Simba, walked on the wild side with a laugh in the face of danger. Sammy and Gabby as Nala kept speculating the water hole. Audric as Mufasa, Heavenly as Scar, Wira as Timon, Jeremy as Pumbaa; also made the spectators realise that “It’s the circle of life, and it moves us all through despair and hope, through faith and love”.

"You know, if it weren't for those lions, we'd be runnin' the joint" reflects Shenzi, Banzai and Ed.

“Life's greatest adventure is finding your place in the Circle of Life.� , surmised Lady as Rafiki (centre) and so it was, the thought for the day. Lady, pictured here with 'The Lion King' troupe.

Life in the Pride Lands,

Peaceful and so grand,

Living is easy,

Just you believe me.....................

Kellen (right) seems unconvinced with the thrill rides that Trans Studio offers.

.......while Lindsey and Theresia (from left) brave theirs.

"With great power, comes great responsibility." Mr. Ely and the boys smitten by Spiderman.

Our Grade 5 girls cannot but hide their glee while awaiting their time of a lifetime.

A chance encounter with a delighted Mr. Wili, our computer teacher. Our fifth graders flash their biggest smile inside one of the largest indoor theme parks in the world. Trans Studio Bandung never fails to disappoint our younglings with its array of thrill rides, jungle safaris, Hollywood themed alleys and most of all a 'Magic Corner' of epic proportions. TSB has always been a favourite haunt among our students for its sheer volume of fun and for the scholarly minded, it houses an interactive 'Broadcast Museum' too. To sum up, a fun-fun situation for all.

From left- Stefanie, Keline and Adel certify the 'Trans Studio experience'.

Stone hunting at De' Ranch- the 'frogwomen' from GSA.

GO TOGETHER Outbound to Bandung with 71 students of SD and FEP grade 6 from 26th – 29th May exhibited the ultimate level of excitement among the bubbling explorers. A sleepover outing with friends! - marked its own kind of thrill. In addition, the horse riding at ‘De Ranch’ decked-up as the ‘Wild-Wild-West’ boosted the excitement in everyone around. Other fun activities included the gold digging, stone collecting and adventurous flying fox events. Day one dissolved after a sumptuous dinning at Gubug Mang Engking.

Ms. Caroline and the girls share this fun frame together.

Richard(below) mounts his horse for yet another jaunt.

Day two was more sensational - Trans Studio, the biggest indoor theme park, an eternal favourite among GSA students; enthralled all with various games. After a whole day of fun, frolic and exhaustion, the youngsters trudged to their hotel - Best Western La Grande but their experience at the racing coaster, galaxy vertigo, giant swing and magic corner lingered as the talk of the day. The sluggish morning of day three had shopping in the itinerary. Henceforth, after breakfast everyone proceeded to Kartika Sari to purchase the most prized souvenir that Bandung offers, Pisang Bollen or banana balls. Loaded with wonderful memoirs our travellers, however had to return to Jakarta with a reluctant resolve.

Out muscling each other for the ultimate pose- Watch out, Bryan!


SUSHI Grades 1-4 display their Sushi making skills at Sushi Tei. GSA actively organises skill development programmes such as this to promote funlearning and make pupils learn valuable life skills.

Graduation Day, 2017 SD/ FEP Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony May 24, 2017

Picture above and rightOur grade 6 students take the oath, committing themselves to a lifelong pursuit of learning. This Graduation Ceremony at GSA marks the formal transition of our Primary Students to Middle School.

GONG XI FA CAI Chinese new year Celebrations

January 27, 2017

Welcoming the year of the rooster, 2017Primary students at GSA celebrated Chinese New Year, 2017 at the school hall accompanied by the Barongsai troupe. The troupe consisting of 'Lion Dancers' is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture and is said to ward off evil spirits. In the form of a reward the dancers receive monetary gifts in âng-pau or red envelopes.

FEP Production Day- April 07, 2017


Picture left- Grade 2 students perform an encore from the mega hit animation, Moana. "We know the way", bustled everyone in melodious harmony. A distinct deviation from the customary annual plays, Production Day, 2017 went offbeat. Contrary to the customary plays, the event this year, comprised a medley of songs from all class groups, celebrating the permanence of Mother Earth and thanking her benevolence. This day truly turned out to be a day of awakening for everyone present at the GSA Hall.

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Footprint Earth Day Observance April 21, 2016 & 17

Picture left- Grade 2 students play their part by cleaning the school premises during 'Earth Day'. This has been an annual event at GSA where the whole school contribute to the cause by organising awareness campaigns and particularly by cleaning the school campus as pictured above.

All Aboard for a

Milkshake SD/FEP Grade 1 & 2 Outing to Cimory March 27, 2017

Learning hands on! Grades 1 & 2 had an enjoyable day of understanding life skills at Cimory Riverside, Bogor. Mingling with dairy cattle, mastering the art of collecting milk- farm style, preparing world class milk shakes and dipping on giant chocolate fountains, this day surely was an enlivening day for the rookies.

SD/FEP Outing to Bandung- May 18-20, 2017

Picture, right- Introducing....................the shopaholic from GSA! Mr. Walter flaunts his bounty from Bandung. For Jakartans, Bandung has been a favourite haunt to stockpile savoury munchies. For our sixth graders, Bandung proves to be the ultimate getaway for fun, learning and adventure as they explore the highlands of Lembang, culminating with the thrill rides at Trans Studio. This also marks their final outing as primary level students of GSA.


GSA Participants & Winners

Our SASMO, 2017 team proudly display their bounty with the school headsFront Row ( L to R) :Nadia Veronica, Michelle Laos, Zake Isaiah Wijaya, Bryan Jervis, Katherine Helga Wijaya, Shannon Ecclesia Christensen, Syafira Az-Zahra, Feilita Nicky Gracellyn. Back Row(L to R): Mr. Walter Brownsword (Advisor), Mrs. Bonnie (FEP Supervisor), Mr. Ely (Principal), Ms. Esther (SD Supervisor)

Awards & Honors Silver Award

Nadia Veronica

Bronze Award

1. Michelle Laos 2. Bryan Jervis 3. Zake I. Wijaya

Certificate of Participation 1. Syafira Az-Zahra 2. Katherine Helga Wijaya 3. Shannon Ecclesia Christensen 4. Feilita Nicky Gracellyn


Back Row (L to R) : Mr. Boen, Mr. Mulyadi, Mr. Budi, Mr. Hidayat, Mr. Budi Karmanto, Mr. Joko, Mr. Fajar, Mr. Wili, Mr. Yang Tjik, Mr. Felix, Mr. Eppy Middle Row (L to R): Ms. Vera, Ms. Farni, Ms. Adel, Ms. Lilis, Ms. Ani, Ms. Hilda, Ms. Prasanta, Ms. Varsha, Ms. Sabina, Ms. Lely, Ms. Elly, Ms. Fidelia, Ms. Anita, Ms. Rika, Ms. Chandini, Ms. Varkha, Ms. Rosana, Ms. Lucia, Ms. Dina, Ms. Ayu, Ms. Lidia First Row (L to R): Ms. Ika, Ms. Liana, Ms. Sri, Ms. Dorothy, Ms. Flora, Ms. Christy, Ms. Bonnie, Ms. Esther, Ms. Reena, Ms. Maya, Ms. Rakhee, Ms. Jusy, Ms. Lena, Ms. Nazma, Ms. Sharon, Ms. Haruko

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Back Row (L to R): Andy Wijaya, Aaron Kennedy, Sabrina Ishvara Susilo, Catherine Mulyani, Ms. Serena, Lindsey Jocelyn Wardana, Theresia Horman, Wilson Jonathan, Jason Chandra Front Row(L to R): Stanley Andreas, Hanzel Ryan Yuwono, Felicia Valerin, Kellen Irin Utama, Fiona Bernard, Jesslyn Gunawan, Jaskaran Singh Minhas

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119 120-122


Plant SEE Â S Grow MindsÂ

Science Immersion Programme Bean Plant Experiment November 16, 2016

Jacob (left) of PG1 watering his greens. This day marked an eventful passage for our PG kids in terms of receiving invaluable hands-on experience on how plants grow. Such exercises at TK enable our young minds to think critically and foster an environment that promotes scientific enquiry.

Oh! The Places

You'll Go

TK Graduation Day- May 31, 2016

From Left - Giovanni, Elaine, Kaila and Karen render a picture of patience as they wait for the graduation ceremony to proceed. This day at TK signifies the ultimate transition for our kindergarteners into a bigger and wider world. A graduation ceremony at TK heralds the completion of their kindergarten years and marks the commencement of their education at the elementary level.

Science Loose

observe ‘Science Day’. To make matters interesting, our younglings were to observe, on the predict and interpret how a cabbage leaf changes colour on its own. For the experiment, each kid got Science Day Observance the chance to add drops of food colour into a glass of water followed by ‘planting’ cabbage In a bid to stimulate curiosity leaves into each glass with among our young learners, TK different colours. Our young scientists were quick to make organised a science class to

their predictions over what would happen to the cabbage leaves thereafter. Among all the prophecies, everyone left the glasses the whole day for a better result The following morning, our investigators marvelled at the sight of cabbage leaves turning bright pink, orange and blue. The investigation started with observing the results and interpreting them. It was a pleasant surprise to discover how natural investigators our young learners can be. It was a revelation for the teachers to discover how quickly our ‘investigating team’ had concluded their findings correctly. That all plants drink water and transpire, was a foregone conclusion before the class could commence. For the teachers, this was another fruitful day where the learning was hands-on and involving a developmental process that was minds-on too. Kudos to everyone!

Skill Development Exercise- Fruit Juice Making September 23, 2016 With the objective to promote an awareness on nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, our PG and TK kids devoted this day to making fruit juices. Since every class in TK undertook this mission, an assortment of fruits filled the whole TK neighbourhood. Strawberries, mangoes, melons, watermelons, apples, kiwis and a host of fruity combinations flooded the day. Our learners, truly ‘squeezed’ this wonderful day filled with

fun and learning, a magical concoction itself. For our nursery hosts, squeezing oranges proved to be the moment of harnessing their psychomotor skills. ‘Juice-squeezing’, apparently develops hand strength and fine motor coordination, an essential requirement for all the writing they do plus expanding their awareness and concentration. Further, fresh fruits supplemented the idea of building sensory awareness among our young. The icing on the cake, proved to be the drinking. As everyone drank to their labours worth, numerous appeals for second helpings and more resounded the whole TK complex at Gandhi. This proved to be another fine moment of learning as our tots discovered how internal hunger and fullness cues are the body’s way of saying when to eat and when to stop eating. Burp! That summed up the day but what a wonderful way to develop lifelong commitments to healthy living at such an early stage in life. Kudos TK!


SANDWICH Skill Development ExerciseSandwich Making -September 16, 2016

'The proof of the pudding is in the eating.', quite literally!- Alvin Wang of PG1, enjoying his hard earned bread. This proved to be a fun filled event for our toddlers as they hustled throughout the day basting their culinary creation- the ubiquitous sandwich.

Gebyar PAUD, 2016 Early Childhood Engagement ProgrammeMay 15, 2016

On 15th May 2016, more than a thousand kids from about 200 preschools in North Jakarta gathered in Pasar Seni Ancol Dreamland for the annual Gebyar PAUD Engagement Programme. 25 kids from TK Gandhi took part in the event. This event is an annual nationwide programme for early childhood education. It aims to foster cooperation, sharing and overall development of early learners in Indonesia. Our kids took part in 3 sub-events which included a fashion show of recycled materials, a game of sorting balls and a relay race. To compensate for the hard work and cooperation put by our teachers, parents and particularly our kids, TK Gandhi got awarded with two trophies for the fashion show event. Our brave hearts Keyla and Atiesha of TKA1 became the proud recipients of the second and third prize, respectively. The second event on sorting balls had 2 teams participating from TKA1 & 2, who received trophies for their effort too. Team 1 comprising Kelvin Yu, Aretha, Viola, Jenifer, Kimberly and Jihan collected the third prize while Team 2 held on to the third runners up position with Grann, Joyalyn, Gracelia, Caslyn, Cia and Viona as team members. For the relay race, Team 1 with Jacob, Nevill, Chen Hao Jun and Maxell seized the third runners up position while Team 2 with Kentaro, Sebastian, Freddy and Raka stood third. To sum up the day, our kids enjoyed the day thoroughly with a plethora of activities to learn and explore from.

Seek theÂ

Sea Â

Visit to Sea World, Ancol October 13-14, 2016

Picture above- Morgan from TKB1 dutifully feeds the turtle at Sea World, Ancol while on a fieldtrip to learn about the ocean and ocean life. The field-trip turned out to be another fruitful expedition as children received hands-on knowledge on marine life. The star attraction of the day was a sea-lion like creature, the 'Dugong', an Indonesian native and surprisingly a herbivore for its size.

TK Graduation, 2017 TK Graduation Ceremony- May 17, 2017

Picture above- TK graduates perform their last dance as Kindergarten kids before progressing to the next level as primary students. TK Graduation ceremony signifies an eventful day for our young leaners as they look forward to this important milestone.

GEBYAR PAUD, 2017 Early Childhood Engagement Programme- April 10, 2017

Picture above- Alana (centre) of PG2 struts her creation-a dress made entirely out of paper. Gebyar PAUD, 2017 proved to be yet another successful congregation of kids as hundreds of early childhood care centres all over Jakarta took part in this event amidst much fanfare.Gandhi School Ancol as a benefactor got to participate in several sub events ranging from arts to sports. A day that proved to be yet another enriching experience for the kids.


Earth Day Celebrations April 21, 2017

From left - Huang Rui Jing and Jayden play their part, this day sorting trash. A familiar sight at Gandhi during Earth Day, students across all age groups start the day by cleaning the campus and attending various awareness programs to signify the benefits of 'going green'.

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TK Teachers

Front Row, seated [L - R]: Ms. Kirti, Ms. Diane, Ms. Irma Back Row, standing[L - R]: Ms. Afung, Ms. Manjit, Ms. Hernita, Ms. Etty, Ms. Nimi, Ms. Lilis, Ms. Renitha, Ms. Vivid, Ms. Juhrah

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GSA Administrative Heads

Back Row [L - R]: Mr.Vasu Arya, Mr. Ely B. Barrera, Mr. Walter Brownsword Mr. Subandio Djojosuwito, Mr. Ketut Suarma

Front Row[L - R]: Mrs. Bonnie Lee, Ms. Vivid Quatricia, Mrs. Yogeeta Bhambani, Ms.Esther Sugianto, Mrs. Indah Primasari, Mrs. Sharmila Das

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Administrative Staff

Back Row (L - R): Ms. Devi, Ms. Lia, Ms. Chadijah. Ms. Faisah, Ms. Wira,Ms. Juwita, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Teguh, Ms. Erya, Ms. Oppi, Ms. Yulia

Middle Row (L - R): Mr. Ronald, Ms. Nova, Ms. Fida, Ms. Ester, Ms. Empelina, Ms. Kartika, Ms. Musvita, Ms. Rosita, Ms. Afrida, Mr. AriďŹ n, Mr. RaďŹ

First Row (L - R): Mr. Darmawan, Mr. Amin, Mr. Subandio, Mr. Ely, Mr. Walter, Mr. Vasu, Mr. Setiawan, Mr. Charles

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Support Staff, GSA

Security, GSA

ISS Cleaning Service, GSA


he GSA family at Ancol expresses their deepest gratitude and appreciation to our Chairman, Mr. Shyam R. Jethnani; our Administrator, Mr. Murli D. Tolani and Gandhi Sevaloka for their enduring support in this project.

We sincerely thank our principal, Mr. Ely B. Barrera, and our advisor, Mr. Walter Brownsword; for their constant guidance and encouragement towards this endeavour. Also, we thank our Bursar, Mr. Arya Vasu and Superintendent, Bapak Subandio Djojosuwito S.H.; for their significant contribution. We offer our deepest gratitude to all TK, SD, SMP, SMA and FEP supervisors/Kepala Sekolah for their support and devotion towards the success of this project. This yearbook is a collaboration between the staff and students of Gandhi School Ancol. The following people deserve particular recognition for their hard work without which this publication would not have been possible: Co- EditorsKindergarten/ TK section- Ms. Manjit Kaur FEP Primary School/ SD section- Ms. Jyoeeta Roy Bera FEP Middle School/ SMP section- Ms. Maria Vincent FEP High School/ SMA section- Mr. Shabbir Nagarwala Portraits & Class photos compilation - Mr. Ramana Kumar.S. V Advertisements – Ms. Afrida Sitorus Student columnists – Gisella Edny- FEP 11B, Ariel Tirtanata Johar- FEP12A Alexandra A. Johansyah- 10 MIPA1 PhotographyKindergarten/ TK- Ms. Afung FEP Primary School/ SD Section-Mr. Eppy Safitry FEP Middle School/ SMP Section -Mr. Lando/ Mr. Eko FEP High School/ SMA- Tasya Soeherman, FEP11B; Jason Kie, FEP 12A and the students’ council, OSIS. The team mentioned above again deserves special applause for their true resilience and spirit towards completion of this herculean project. In the true sense, it was a ‘trial by fire’ for the whole team to meet up with the deadlines, considering that this yearbook edition covers events from February 18, 2016 to as recent as June 02, 2017. Lastly, Ms. Jennifer Anggelina from PT Makro Glauben Indonesia has been a huge addition in our team towards completing this annual school publication. Thank you for your priceless support and involvement for yet another successful year.


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