Elenin, tekoma (a brown dwarf), nibiru oct 27, 2011 by tolec

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The Facts about each of these Celestial Bodies www.andromedacouncil.com

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1.) What is – Elenin? ANSWER: It is a natural celestial body, a small comet, but made up of more rock than ice and gas. It literally ‘clears the way’ for the arrival of Tekoma (Tay koe-mah), a brown dwarf about the size of Uranus, trailing behind it. Elenin with its elliptical orbit will come into Earth’s solar system, in a manner of speaking deposit Tekoma, and then leave. 2.) Many people on Earth are aware of a pyramid shape that now seems to be located in place of, or covering Elenin. What is this about? ANSWER: We are aware of technology, a monitoring device if you will, that is projecting a pyramid shaped force field over the general area of comet Elenin. It seems only when a problem would occur in space would this device be activated such as it was. It seems this technology is also keeping Elenin and Tekoma on course to minimize possible disruptions by Tekoma to Earth’s solar system. 3.) Then why is Elenin coming toward Earth’s solar system? ANSWER: Elenin is simply clearing the way for Tekoma. 4.) Will the arrival of Elenin itself directly cause any disruptions or Earth changes? ANSWER: no. 5.) Then what is Tekoma? ANSWER: It is a brown dwarf about the size of the planet Uranus. It should arrive in Earth’s solar system approximately this coming mid-October 2011; and is expected to settle into this solar system as a new, albeit smaller, not quite as bright - second sun. It is expected to settle in place between Venus & Earth4 but much closer to Venus, than to Earth. 6.) What about the possible disruptions to this solar system, more importantly to Earth, with the arrival of Tekoma? ANSWER: A combination of multiple Andromeda Council biospheres, you could also call them planetoids, these are essentially very large star ships. They each have a compliment of a few thousand crew people. Collectively these biospheres will project their combined force fields to envelop and buffer planet Earth4 and many other planets in Earth’s solar system as Tekoma arrives. Their efforts will, as much as possible, minimize the potential vibratory effects and disruptions to planet Earth as Tekoma arrives and settles into place. 7.) Isn’t there already a brown dwarf occasionally visible to Earth - next to Earth’s Sun? ANSWER: Good question. Yes there is. It has been there for a long time. It is in the process of turning from red to brown. However, as measured from your Sun, it is approximately 3 billion light years distant away from your Sun. Because of its distance, you on planet Earth rarely see it. 8.) Why is Tekoma coming to Earth’s Solar system? ANSWER: This event, its arrival, is part of its own evolution. It is also the destiny of this solar system to become a binary star system. As a result, Tekoma will also lighten your night sky, that is to say it will make your night sky brighter. From this point forward your night sky will look much more like twilight through-out the various night times occurring around your planet.

8a. What will Earth’s night sky look like with Tekoma in it? Night time: people on Earth will see Tekoma as a mixture of pale yellow & pale orange color at around 8 o’clock, as you would say, on a clock face. Nihohia will seem to have horizontal bands of pale pink/pale purple/pale blue colors, and its moon will be seen as pale bluish white color at just due ‘northeast’ of 7 o’clock. You would see your own Earth moon at around 2PM. Compared to the daytime, these new celestial bodies will all look bigger at night. 8b. What will Earth’s day time sky look like with Tekoma in it? Day time: people on Earth will continue to see the Sun, large & yellow; Tekoma, the brown dwarf, as a body of light, a very small sun throwing off an orange color. Tekoma, compared to your sun, will be about the size of what you would call a new, unused, pencil eraser head. Nihohia, the planet, would be about the size of4 if you took a well used pencil and made a dot on a piece of paper that’s how big Nihohia will appear to be; and its moon as if you made a dot with a fine point pen that’s how big its moon will appear to be. Perspectively, all would be located, if you think of your sun as a round clock face, all would be located in the lower right hand corner at around between 4-5 o’clock. 9.) Then what is Nihohia? ANSWER: Nihohia (Nee-hoe-hee-ah) is a small planet accompanying Tekoma. It is smaller than Pluto, and it brings a very small moon with it. Both are in orbit very close to Tekoma. There are humans living under the planet surface of Nihohia in underground cities. Some people are what you would call Caucasian looking, and some are soft, pale blue skinned looking who are distant cousins of4 people of blue skinned heritage first written about in the oldest texts of ancient India. The races of Nihohia have inter-mixed as well. A person from Earth speaking Hindi today would in some manner be able to speak with these people. They are very calm, harmonious, peaceful people. They are also very highly evolved people. They do not fight among themselves, at all. It is their destiny to come to this solar system, to evolve into the 4th dimension, and to help Earth people with their own multi-faceted transition and transformation into this dimension. There are underground tunnels that go to the various central cities where these people live today. They have technology. Specifically they have a force field in place to shield their planet. The force field protects their planet so that it will not break up, or be destroyed during their travels. Their moon has some space stations underground with people living in them. The same force field technology protecting Nihohia – protects its moon. These people have been moving around the cosmos in Nihohia for about a 100,000 years, and in a cordial friendly way they have communicated with many other civilizations & peoples along their journey. They are currently a 3rd dimensional world with 3rd dimensional people. They will transform into a 4th dimension world just like Earth. So will their people. 10.) What about Nibiru? ANSWER: It is a planet about the size of Jupiter.

It is trailing somewhat behind Tekoma.

11.) Is it inhabited;are there people living on, or underground, the planet Nibiru? ANSWER: Yes. There are 4th dimensional people living on Nibiru. Nibiru’s people became 4th dimensional within the past 2,000 years of Earth time. They would be known to the people of Earth as – the Annunaki. But in reality the Annunaki are only a small portion, a small clan of the majority of the people who are known as the – Nibi (Nib-ee).

12.) What is going to happen in terms of Nibiru entering Earth’s solar system? ANSWER: Nothing. Nibiru will not enter Earth’s Solar system. On behalf of the people of Earth, and the people of Nibiru - the Andromeda Council has negotiated with the people of Nibiru to – not interfere - with the people of Earth. As part of this negotiation the Andromeda Council has secured the help of 5th dimensional beings to use their technology to push the trajectory of Nibiru [and its moon(s)]4 to literally pass far over the top of Earth’s solar system. Therefore, there will be no ‘cause & effects’, no Earth changes caused from Nibiru passing over the top of Earth’s Solar system. None. To Earth’s solar system, it would feel as if a gentle breeze would be blowing by. 13.) Approximately when, which month of Earth time, will Nibiru pass over the top of Earth’s solar system? ANSWER: Nibiru is projected to pass over the top of Earth’s solar system4 approximately sometime between late November to mid-December 2011. Again, to Earth’s solar system it would only feel as if a gentle breeze would be blowing by, nothing more. 14.) Even though 5th dimensional beings will use their technology to push the planned trajectory of Nibiru to instead pass over the top of Earth’s solar system; will there still be any cause & effects from Nibiru on this solar system; in terms of evoking any Earth changes or disruptions? ANSWER: No. There will be no cause & effects from Nibiru passing over Earth’s solar system. 15.) What might be the primary cause of any possible Earth changes that are being openly discussed by so many Earth people; having to do with 2012 & beyond? ANSWER: Most of the possible Earth changes being discussed projected to happen from 2012 – throughout all of 2013 – would be caused by highly charged magnetic energies at the core of a black hole, at the center of the galactic equatorial plane, that Earth’s solar system is about to cross. This black hole – and the 4th dimensional band of higher, faster, frequency energy in the galactic equatorial plane zone – both are projected to cause magnetic disturbances resulting in the literal increased & agitated vibration of planet Earth. This band of energy vibrates at a 4th dimensional frequency that Earth & its solar system is in the process of just now entering, and will vibrate at for the foreseeable future4 at least a few thousand years. Again, keep in mind, as the web site indicates, there are a number of Andromeda Council flagged biosphere’s, or planetoids, star ships with a crew compliment of thousands if you will, which are projecting “force fields” around the planet Earth. The Andromeda Council using the strength of its combined force fields will do its utmost to minimize & mitigate as much as possible4 the agitating energy of the black hole, and the heightened vibration of the 4th dimension, on planet Earth. It remains to be seen how severe, or not, the degree to which the agitating energy and heightened vibration of 4th dimensional space4 will affect planet Earth. But there will be change to the planet. In order for Earth to evolve4 it must adjust, and it must become balanced again. In order for Earth to become balanced, the shifting of the earth’s crust must happen to put the planet back into alignment.

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