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The following steps are required by all employees: 1. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and co-workers as outlined by the “COVID-19 Prevention” section of this manual (per the CDC). 2. Educate yourself on the signs and symptoms as outlined by the “COVID-19 Symptoms” section of this manual (per the CDC). 3. Implement a policy for early reporting of signs or symptoms of COVID-19 as a method of preventing the spread of the disease - if an employee displays symptoms of COVID-19, immediately remove them from the workplace or jobsite. 4. Require sick employees to stay at home.


Jobsite Setup • The jobsite specifc Emergency Action Plan (“EAP”) to include the designated entrances, wash stations, portable toilets, changes areas, and common areas. Other jobsite specifc items, like start / fnish time, staggered shifts, and other COVID-19 related protocols and procedures as mentioned in the overall manual considering on-site conditions and realities will be documented. EAP must be posted and visible at the jobsite. (Examples of such locations are feld offces, workers changing area, restroom facilities). o Determine the appropriate amount of people allowed in any single room at a given time based on the size of the room. Post the occupant limit on EAP and in the room. • COVID-19 awareness signage (in English / Spanish) - posted in jobsite trailers, changing areas, entrances and all controlled areas. • Hand-washing stations, water stations (recommend bottled water), restrooms / portable toilets, jobsite change areas need to be independent from the general public, located in a restricted zone. • Point of entry / exit into the jobsite needs to be funneled through one location with enough space to allow social distancing of 6’ minimum per person as they are waiting on line (“mark distancing,” utilizing a marker on the ground if possible). • Work area to be accessed as much as possible from the exterior of buildings: o Installation of stair towers to access low rise roofs or setbacks, where applicable. (Below 12 stories is typical, to avoid access through building interior and service elevators.) o Exterior access to jobsite changing areas will be used where possible. o Staggered shifts, arrivals / departures, lunch, rest breaks, and gatherings limited to no more than 10 workers (or government recommended limit) in an area. • Limit the number of people traveling in hoists or elevators at one time so that social distancing may be maintained. Remove all outside coverings ton the hoist to promote good ventilation. • Temporary Barriers may be erected as necessary and where practical to separate workers that must work in proximity.

Daily In & Out


• Temperature check; if temperature is over 100 Fahrenheit (°F) / 38 Celsius (°C), they are not allowed onsite and directed to seek medical attention. • Symptoms checklist to verify if ft for duty. • Personal washing of hands, etc. • Recommend changing of clothes from street clothes to work clothes. o Street clothes are to be stored in a storage vessel (e.g. 10-gallon clear bag). o Work clothes should be washed twice a week and transported in the company provided storage vessel to and from the jobsite. Vessel must be sanitized with washing of clothes. o Tyvek suits can be used as an alternative change of clothes to work clothes.


• Clean down your equipment, tools, and work areas. • Personal washing of hands, etc. • Recommend changing of work clothes (or removal of Tyvek suit) into street clothes.


The Daily In & Out Protocol is used whenever someone comes onto the jobsite. This would include lunch break or anytime someone leaves our controlled work area. It is highly encouraged not to leave the jobsite until the end of your shift.

Cleaning & Hygiene • Respiratory etiquette includes covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or into your elbow, disposing of tissue properly, and / or cleaning the body part used to contain the cough / sneeze. o Avoid touching eyes / nose / mouth with unwashed hands. • Hand-washing stations will be stocked with soap or sanitizer. • Cleaning Supplies will be stored and available at the jobsite. o Examples include soap, bleach, cleaning agents, and sanitizer. • Unless properly sanitized, do not share tools & equipment. • Maintain cleaning records with daily logs that document date, time and scope of cleaning. • Jobsite Cleaning: o Equipment, tools, and work areas are to be clean prior to working and after working. o Controlled areas and common areas will be cleaned daily. o Housekeeping and general daily work-created debris removed from the jobsite to be disposed of directly into the dumpster.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • A mask or respirator will be required to be worn properly at all times during work, regardless of task. o Re-usable masks and respirators to be stored in a labelled storage vessel, when not in use. o Disposable masks should be discarded after every use (e.g.: after lunch). • Proper PPE training to occur prior to: job commencement, new work task, or for any new feld personnel on boarded.

o Must regularly inspect and maintain your PPE throughout the day. • Non-sterile disposable gloves or equivalent, and eye protection to be worn at all times during work, regardless of work task. • Eye protection will be required to be worn at all times during work, regardless of work task. • Tyvek suits will be available upon request by workers, even if not required by the work task. • No PPE will be shared. • End of the day PPE care - properly remove, clean, store or dispose of, to avoid contamination of others and / or the site. • Field workers will be allowed to use PPE for their daily commute.

Social Distancing • Six (6) feet of distancing will be standard where possible, or as dictated by the work task. • Usage of common areas will be staggered pre-shift / lunch / and post-shift to limit contact.

External Visitors • Restrict unnecessary personnel from job sites. • “Visitors” include anyone that comes onsite that is not a daily feld worker - includes project managers, engineers, building managers, vendors, NYC DOB, etc. o Excluded from visitor protocol are emergency responders. • All visitors must: o Follow same procedure as the workers for their “Daily In & Out.” o Follow social distancing guidelines. o Wear the appropriate PPE. o Visitors should provide their own PPE, supplying visitors PPE will be on a case by case basis. o Project Superintendent will provide a list of appropriate PPE. o Enter during designated times- these designated times will be established to avoid congregation among the workers during pre & post shifts and breaks. • Site inspections by engineer / architect / testing engineer / manufacturer’s rep. will be assigned a designated person to accompany them during inspection.

Vendors & Deliveries • Material and supplies will be delivered to the street side or sidewalk bridge to limit contact; if required to sign packing slips, use your own pen and do not touch the vendor’s writing pad. • Delivery times will be restricted to avoid pre & post shifts and breaks. • If a vendor is coming into controlled / common areas, they must follow visitor protocol.

Tenant Interaction • Tenant interaction will be limited to designated representatives of the company (a limited number of people) per jobsite will be assigned as designated representative. Examples of positions capable of being the designated representatives are onsite project superintendent, project foreman, and project manager). o All other feld workers are to have no interaction with tenants, public, building personnel during working hours. • When entering tenant space, employees must wear Tyvek suits (or similar) along with standard


o Tyvek suits will be removed and properly disposed of after leaving the tenant space. • Tenant access to our work area will require adherence to the visitor protocol. • Tenant Protection Plan will address any particulars related to tenant protection from COVID-19.

Other Important Considerations • If a worker develops symptoms at any time, notice must be given to their supervisor, the project superintendent and the worker must leave the site immediately. • Notify all (incl. CM’s / GC’s etc.) onsite if anyone has tested positive. • If worker(s) have tested positive, sites must be shut down for industrial sanitization before reopening. • Workers are encouraged to bring lunch from home. • Workers are not to share food, drink, cell phones, personnel tools, clothing, PPE, towels, or equipment. • Equipment that needs to be shared among multiple workers must be properly cleaned / disinfected prior to another worker’s use.

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