4 minute read
In these diffcult times we write to provide you with important information regarding COVID-19.
What WE are doing
We are talking to GC’s, CM’s, Engineers, and / or Owners to encourage implementation of protocols to decrease the likelihood of exposure to COVID-19 on jobsites.
Efforts are being made to do the following:
1. Limit the number of people you come into contact with • Restrict unnecessary personnel from job sites. • Perform shift work where possible or stagger start times. • Limit the number of people in and around confned areas. o E.g.: hoists, shanties, entrances, exits o Staggered lunch, breaks, end of shifts, to groups of 10 o Limit or cancel meetings on site
2. Sanitize • Make hand-washing stations and sanitizer available. • Regularly disinfect shanties, hoists and other common areas. • Unless properly sanitized, do not share tools & equipment.
3. Identify Symptomatic Workers • At the direction of owners / CM’s, workers may be screened and temperature tested on site, if symptoms are present, they will not be permitted on site and will be directed to seek medical attention. • Notify all on site if anyone has tested positive. Where workers have tested positive, sites will be shut down for industrial sanitization before reopening.
4. Use and Care of PPE • The provided PPE is to be worn consistently and properly at all times when at work. Assigned PPE will be stored properly when not in use. • Masks / Respirators will be required to be worn constantly and properly at all times regardless of work task. • Eye protection will be required to be worn at all times regardless of work task. • Non-sterile disposable gloves or equivalent will be worn at all times during work task. • Regularly inspect, maintain, and replace PPE as required. • End of Day - properly remove, clean, store (labeled), or dispose of, to avoid contamination of others and the site. • Absolutely NO sharing of PPE.
What YOU should do
• Keep your distance per CDC guidelines, which as of this writing is set at a six (6) foot minimum between people. • Keep your safety gear on at all times (gloves, mask, and goggles), especially when in confned spaces (shanty, hoist). • Do not touch your face. • Communicate - We can only address the conditions that we are aware of. Workers must communicate with their supervisor immediately upon seeing safety protocols (listed above) not being followed. • No sharing of food, drink, cell phones, towels, personal tools at any time. • Workers must properly clean after eating and / or using the restroom facilities. Properly clean surfaces with disinfectant and dispose of items in the garbage. • Prior to leaving the job site, all garbage in the common area(s) and changing room(s) should be properly removed and disposed of in a debris container. • Respiratory etiquette includes covering your coughs and sneezes with your elbow. • Ensure that the shanty or room is left unlocked and accessible for cleaning crews. Secure valuables accordingly and organize your items properly. • If a worker is injured, don’t touch the injured worker - call the foreman, who will call 911 and have the EMT personnel attend to the injured worker. The foreman will follow the cleanup protocols as set by the company for bodily fuid disinfectant clean up procedure • If a worker, at any time, develops symptoms, they must give notice and leave the site immediately. • Visit the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Website for more information:
Make Good Decisions
It is our responsibility to do our best to make you aware of the risks, and to mitigate them as best we can. It is ultimately your choice whether to work, or not, based on your personal circumstances and comfort level.
• COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that has been shown to affect people to varying degrees.
Some people have a mild response to infection, others may die from it. o If you have a compromised immune system, chronic respiratory illness or other serious health issues, you are at higher risk for a severe reaction if you contract COVID-19 and should consider staying home. • If you think you might be sick or might have been exposed to someone who is sick, you MUST
NOT come to work. Once exposed it can take up to two weeks to develop symptoms. You can spread the illness to others even when you do not have symptoms. • If the risk of coming to work or being on the job site is something you are not comfortable with, we respect your decision to stay home. • The Company understands the decision to continue working, or not, is a diffcult one. Please know that you will not be penalized if you do not come to work due to COVID-19 health issues or concerns. o If you do not intend to come to work please follow the proper protocol to give notice to your project superintendent.