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IIV1PROVE~1ENT PLA~l 26th Street Gat.eway Corridor Into Center City Philadeiphia - - - - - - - -,-- - _..- - - _.. -._ - - - - - - ,.
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201"ovemher I 987 Landscape Improvement S tr2te ~Ji e s ,~ Des ign Development Ske tctq,s
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PrepClred f 0[' Tile Pennsy Ivan i a Hort i cultura I Society Center Cit)' Green 325 Walnu t Str ee t Pi-dl ad<:: lpI1ia P,!>. 191 06
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Background 26th Street Parkway a. Negotiate to manage landscape in interim b. Remove billborads Atlantic Refinery edge a. Trench with composted sewage sludge, plllnted with roses/vines Flyover Ramp a. Phase out immediate installation of llllee on Penrose Avenue Passyunk Groves a. PennOOT planting criteria b. City Streets criteria APPENDICES Il. United Stlltes Stlltutes At Large, 1965, Vol 79 excerpts of "Control of Outdoor Advertising" b. Excerpts from Coalition for Scenic Beauty on billboard controls c. Excerpts about "Earthlife" -composted sewage sludge, proposed ' for plantings at Atlantic Refinery.
page 3 10
16 19 20
I. APPROACH TO THE PROJECT BACKGROUND While the 1974 "city Edges" study achieved some notoriety for Its proposed billboards, little emphasis was gIven to landscape improvements. For example, the study's recommendations for the 26th Street corrIdor ca lled for paintIng the tanks and edgIng the highway with new walls, ralls, curbs, and fencing along "pebble banks kept raked and geometrically hard-edged". When ARCO suggested some plantings, the study recommended against It: "We question whether the 30 foot green belt (located where?) is desIrable. It may be a fire hazard and will be a long- term maintenance cost. .. . A badly maintained greenbelt or one that is out of character with the grand scale and functional geometry of the surrounding equipment may detract frorn the indusLrial aesthetic of the tank farm" [p oIV.167J.
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13 Til & Walnut
Proposed billboard rocommcndOO in "Schuylk ill River Corrioor _.. Cily Et9Js", Murphy Levy Wurman and Venlurl and Rauch, Juiy '974, sponsored by a National Enoowment for the Arts grant
A 1985 study on landscapi ng the proposed flyover ramp at tl1e Penrose Avenue bridge recommended a planting screen for the car crusher s ite that lacked scale and effective landscape plantings -- rather than addressing the Significant new embankment areas. To quote from the "CIty Edges" study: "Not everyone finds the car crusher aesthetically objectionable. 26TH STREET GATEWAY CORR IDOR
Small children and some artists and aesthetes, visitor and resident, ourselves Included, find It, If not beautiful, then possessed of an aesthetic vitality, a 'beautiful ugliness' and a potential for aesthetic development. Furthermore, it is due for aesthetic re-evaluation along with its recent elevation to the new, ecologically commendable status of 'recycling'" ["CIty Edges", p. I V.169J.
Planting screen of car crusher es seen from Penrose Avenue brfdg3, from "Penrose Avenue126th Street Gateway Corrfoor Improvements", Ki Ilinger Kise Franks strow, 1985, sponsored by Phi laPrioo and the Central PhilOOelphia Development Corp.
Planting screen plan for car crusher site (Thyssen Carbo Melals): Lombardy poplar's, Japanese block pines, and hollies In a recent phone call to Wes Simmet of PENNDOT, we learned that the proposed flyover ramp project is being designed by the engineering firm of Buchart-Horn of York PA, but that negotiations with the car crusher for
4 â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘
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Schematlc plM of proposed nyover romp at Penrose Avenue brfcl;je, from "Penrose Avenue/26th street Gateway CorriOOr Improvements", 1985 Also, In a recently released report -- "The Mayor's Task Force on the Airport" -- a monumental, neon-lit, 150-foot-hlgh LIberty Bell has been proposed to become a new landmark, seen by all, from the Penrose Avenue bridge, Whlle some have criticized thIs proposal as "exceedIngly taCky路, It remains to be seen wheU)er thIs proposal wlll also go the way of the City Edges billboards -- gathering dust on the shelf.
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Recommendetlons from "Summary Report, Visual Environment Committee: Mayor's Airport Mvisory Committee," 30 June 1987: "( 1) That a line of trees tle planted along the highway sl00 of the garages, and 6 neon-Ht cornice in red, white and blue, forming arches across the spaces between the garages, be constructed.... (2) That illuminated gateway arches tle erected at the entrancxe and exlt gateways to the airport. using Phlloclelphla symoolfsm. (3) That a tall, illuminated pylon be erected in the unused triangle formed by the exlt ramps, to provioo a focel point and identifying symbol for the airport. The pylon is shown at the maximum height allowable ... ( 150'), w1th a neon 11\, red, whlte and blue Liberty Bell at Its top. The pylon is on direct line with the axis of the Platt Bric93, further reinforcing its visibility and prominence. (4) The cost fof all of the atlove improvements was estimated at $1.5 million."
PROJECT APPROACH Given over a decade of studies and plans on this gateway corridor to the city -- the bulk of which were executed without landscape expertise or advice -- The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's RFP for a landscape Improvement plan Is a welcome opportunity to round out and hopefully Implement an Improvements plan. To achieve this, the Interests and expertise of those who have studied this corridor to date -- particularly the nonprofit organizations that sponsored previous studies -- should not be Ignored. Indeed, these organizations should participate In this study and offer their help In the funding and presentation to prospective donors. In discussing this project with past partiCipants, we asked them whether they would be Interested In serving on an ADVISORY PLANNING & DESIGN COMMITTEE. The following people and organlzatfons have accepted to participate in this committee If our proposal Is chosen: Peter WI ley, Execut ive Director John McGaw, Associate Director
Central Philadelphia Development Corporation 2200 One East Penn Square Philadelphia PA 19107 Phone: 568-2014 Leslie Gallery, Executive Director Patrick Starr, Director of Civic Issues Foundation for Architecture, Suite 1665 1617 JFK Boulevard Philadelphia PA 19103 Phone: 569-3 187 Paula Young, Executive Director PhllaPrlde, Suite 1325 123 South Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19109 Phone: 545-5823 Another resource which offers the opportunity for the "development of techniques to showcase inventive, attractive and low-maintenance plantings" is the wealth of organic materials available Just down the street at the Southwest Sewage Treatment Plant. After dJscusslng this 26TH STREET GATEWAY CORRIDOR
potential with Patrick Cairo, Deputy Water Commissioner of Operations, he suggested that William Torrey, Sludge Utilization Manager of the Sludge Management Unit, serve as our advisor. The Water Department has used sludge, Phllorganic, and compost in various strip-mine reclamation proJects and agrees that there is significant potential in Incorporating these materials Into urban subsoils for new landscapes. Since the city, particularly the Fairmount Park Commission, also has access to vast amounts of subsoil as well as city leaves, use of these resources in making new landscapes was of interest to William Mifflin, Director of Operations and Lasndscape Management of the Fairmount Park CommisSion, who also offered to serve as our advisor. To assist in analyzing the various options for 路soil making", and on the advice of the Water Department, we have contacted Eileen Seaker, an environmental consultant with degrees in horticulture and agronomy, who has done much of the Water Department's consulting work to date on stripmine reclamation. Thus, the following people would also serve on the Advisory Committee: Eileen Seaker Environmental Consul tant 1917 East Branch Road State College PA 16801 Phone: 814-237-9685 William B. Mifflin, Director of Operations and Landscape Management Fairmount Park CommiSSion Memorial Hall, West Park Philadelphia PA 19131 Phone: 686-00 14 William Torfey, SlUdge Utilization Manager SlUdge Management Unit Philadelphia Water Department ARA Tower, I 101 Market Street Philadelphia PA 19107 Phone: 592-6250
One can see Liberty Place. Cit.y Hall. and Lhe Center City skyline from 11ere. but there is no demarked threshold or sense of arrival. The pr'esent 26th Str'eet interchange disrupts and disorients this arrival sequence, The proPo~ied flyover ramp descending to 26th street will be a much more coherent journey,
Landscape Improvement strategies:
i~ 1~--26th
ÂŁxJ st i D.lJ-J;ond i ti ons: The one-mile straight stretch of 26th Strf!et is recognized as a distinct rlnk in the airport-to-center-city drive. The present visual experience is jarring and discontinuous -- over 40 billboards, deteriorated road edges, strewn with trash, and overhead wires and poles create an ugly clutter.
Landscape Improvement Strategies: \., 26th STREET PARKWAY Proposed IJI)QroverQ.Qnts Immediate: I. 2.
Flemove trash and debris from roadway edges. Negotiate landscape management agreements with private land owners, railroads, PennDOT Complete selected projects, including landscape easement along private lands, vines along refinery edge, and Tacony Groves.
Fl eQ.3V i Ilg~!J r bIn.\L._~ nd s t rip illg 26th StreeLroagwa-y-, including stormwater drainage improvements
f-l em 0 \I.e u t W.1Y-JH2k s .911 d PJl t
electl:Jelirres underground, or reroute away from highway edge and landscaped areas
Fleston! disturbed laHdscaJle_~~nd enhanCJLruanlJIUls atJoa<Ledge -- manage landscape to favor development of native landscape character, including flowering meadow with thickets and
groves, and embankment woodlands.
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Landscape Improvement Strategies:
!4A TLANTIC REFINERY EDGE Existing Condi tion~~ I.
Tank farm is visually interfesting and presently well maintained. Immediate view of roadside edge, gravel banks, and chain-link f(!nce is poorly maintained, with deteriorated roa(j edge and strewn with trash.
Proposed Improvements:
Negoiate with Atlantic Refinery to develop an 18" wide planting strip For vines along the base of the chain-link fence. Enrich planting strip trench with Earthlite/compost mix and plant roses ;;md other selected attractive and hardy vines whicIl are tolerant of highway/refinery conditions .
Landscape Improvement strategies: ~.FL VOYER RAMP
I. 2.
I. 2.
PennDOT's proposed f Iyover ramp will e lim inate exi sting strip development and some billboards l~eQuest PennDOT to evaluate extent of disturbance to existing vegetation on embankments -- minimize clearance of mature trees. Coordinate and review development of landscape plans with PennDOT.
Development of 26th Street Parkway Negotiate long-range landscape management guidelines for median areas to limit mowing to narrow strips along road edge and to Favor the development of attractive native plant: communities tolerant of highway conditions.
Landscape Improvement Strategies: '2>.FL VOYER RAMP
I. 7. 3.
nemnant strip commercial and recently abandoned sites Visual clutter of billbo<1rds, signs, over'head wires Well-developed woocllands on rai Iroad embankments
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Landscape Improvement Strategies:
Existing Conditions:
1. 2.
Large areas of turf produce negligible visual impact No visual separation between neighborhood and parkway, except by fences, trash strips, and adjacent ci ty streets 3. Potential of large areas of land -- PennDOT and City Streets -- for installation of parkway landscape, with opportunity . to improve visual character of neighborhood
LJ I...I~' •
25th Slreet
Schuylkill [xprc:,sway 1.0 Center Cily
Landscape Improvement Strategies:
Negoiate with PennDOT to landscape the median areas with ground cover and groves of large, seasonally colorfUl native trees and shrubs, as we II as red cedars. Reduce maintenance to turf strips at road edges and between groves.
long-Range: I.
Negotiate with streets Department to establish street tree planting strips on Ritner Street, possibly involving narrow ing of street width, for continuous and protected band of street trees on expressway side.
Development of 26th Street Parkway guidelines -particularly regarding billboard removals and landscape management of wooded railroad and refinery embankments
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1965 AND
89-241 "
Apr. 20,1965 __ _
Apr. 22,1965 __ _
Apr. 26,1965 __ _
UNITED STATF1985:--"-N--ACT ,r the fiscal yeAr GOVERNMENT PR INT )!M" ____________ _ Apr. 30,1965 __ _
incrCl~se the nl Qdll~ation_
(.he Manpower d
amendedl and
PUBLIC LA IV 89-2BS-OCT. 22. 1965
[79 STAT,
Public \,OIY B9-285 O<:!ober 22, 1965 [S.2084)
'1'0 provide [or
.\N .\CT development find rond befiuLillcntlon oC tbe Federnl-nld highwny 8ystenlR.
!flghwllY BC9utl_ ficlltlon Act of
J 965.
Be it enocted by the Sen{1.te mul lIou"e of Ji'epresentati"e8 U'nited State8 of America in Congress (/J3sembleri,
SEC. 101. Sedion 131 of tiUe Z:.l, United States Code, is revised to re;td as follows:
"§ 131. Control of outdoor advertising
72 Stilt. 889.
"(a) The Congress hereby finds and ,lecl:ires tlml the er<'<Otion and mrril1i-t~,nnl)C,e of onCdool' advertising signs, displttys, and de,vices in nreas a.djn.cent fa the Interstate System and the prima.ry system should be controlled in order 10 protect the public iJl\'estmenl in such highw:t·ys, to promote the{y and recreational value of puhlic travel, an(! to preser"e natma! beaut.y. "(b) Federal-aid highway funds apportioned on or after ,January '1, 1G68, to any Stale which the SecrcUtry determines Jms not made provision for effeetil'c- control of the erection and nJong the Interst~de System and the primar,Y system of o1Jt-door advertising slbrns, displays, and devices whieh are wit·hin six hundred RIl<i sixty feet of the. l1e~l-l'est edge. of the right-of-way n-nd visible. from Lhe. main LnLvelcd way of the system, shall be reduced by n.moun(s equal (0 10 per c.entulYl of the flJHount.s which would ot.herwise be apportioned t.o sueh 51.ate under seeUon 10,1 of this titJe, such lime as such St.ate shall provide for s11ch e.ffective cont.rol. Any amount whjch is \'dthhcld from npport.ionJncnt to 'tIly State hereunder shnJ] be reapportioned to Ihe other St"lc". Wl'C'1e"Or he determines it to be m Ow public interesj'" the Soc,ref-ary may s\1spe.nd, for snch Jwriods as he deems ncco.ssa,ry, the application of this subsection to :1, "( e-) Effcdiyc coni 1'01 me.ans that after .Ta,nmu·y 1, 19G8, sHch signs, displays, and de"ices shall, pursuant to t.his section, be limited to (1) direetiolllll and other oillcjlll signs and not.ices, \yhich signs nnd llotiC(,}3 sha,]] include, bllt not be limit.l~d to, signs nnc! not ices pCl~ nining to naJund wonders, scenic and hist oricfll a ttrnctions, which are required or nut.hodzed by In.w, which shall conform 10 national st,a.ndards hereby aut.horized 10 be promulgated by the Secretary hereunder, ",hich standards shall contllin provisions concerning t.he lighting, size, number, Hnd spacing of signs, and suell other requirements as may be appropriate to iml,Jement this sect.ion, (2) signs, displays, nnd devices llchertising the s~ cor ]cnse of p\operLy up(~n, ","hieh .t1~c~r nre Iocnted, nnd (3) SIgns, dlSpb~'s, and deVIces aclH~lilSJng ncil\'lt,lcS conduct.(xl on t.h0 propertv on whIC.h they aTe localed. "(d) In oreler to promote the rea.sonnhle, orderly an,] e!feeti"" display of outdoor advertising while r(,lllnining ronsi!3tent \vith the purposes of this section, signs, displays, ;tnt! (]e."ice" ",hose size, lighting n"nd spacing, consistent \"i(-.h clls/omary lise is to be delerminc)(.l hy HgrCBment between the several SIMes :mcl the Se('J'ptary, may be. erected and maintain<lC] within six hundred and sixly feel. of the IlCiLJ't'h')L edge of the right·o[·\yay wifhin arcas :1dj:H:cnt' to ih(~ Tnh.'rf'ta,te and prima.ry syst€/llS which aTe zoned indnslrinl or coml11ercird lmder authority of Stnte In:"", or in nnzoned (':()!11merclnl or indust.rinl areas as may be delermined by agreement. between the seyeral States and t.he Secretary. The Slates shall haye full aulhority uncleI' their own zoning laws to zone are-lts for cotnmercinl nJ' indu;.:f rial purpo.,'s('s, and the aclions of the States in this regard ,yill be acceptee! for the
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79 STAT purp{y~.:.c
display' (c) of I
" ( e) Int.e.rst: 1065, W l'emo\'('! fully e require nonc.on " (f) wit.hin
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[79 STAT.
on ot the Federal-nld
)7'esentathJe8 of the
Corie, is revised t-O
1 t, the erection Rnd ys, nnd deviecs in
lary system should nenL in such highc of public ITa,'rl , or after Jauuary 1, has not 11ninCcnn.llee along
Ill.door adveli,isillg
l1lndred and sixt.y Iblc from t.he main 1l1l,,8 equa,l (.010 per )poli.ioned t.o such as such St.aJe shall iI'hich is withheld ~
I'capportioned to
Lhe public
'J,ods as he deems
ale. ,,1068, sHch signs
on, be .limited t~ which signs Hnd
no~jces pm:tail~jllg
\'hlCh Rl'e reqmre,d slandards hereby hereunder, 'which ~htiJlg, size, num~
men/.s as may be
)Jays, and de.-\'ic0.s
ivit ie.s condllc!{?>{l :1nd efred jyC dis~nt with the pIll'· (Y.3e size, ligh! ing B dde.rmincd hy rf('Utry, may be ixly feet of 1he i'llL to the Tllll'r· con1Tncl"ci:d in 1 OJ' jndll~f rilll
le ~cvcrnJ SfnfcCJ rit.y under thpir
11,~{ri:tl pllrp{)'4'~1
:1cc('pt('.d for the
79 STAT.
PUBLIC LA\\' B9-28S-0CT. 22, 1965
p~ll'Poses af I,his l~cL Xot.hing- in this subsecl-ion sha.ll appJy to signs, displays, fwd d 7v lC"S referred 10 in ciau""s (~) nnd Ul) of subsection (c) of I:hls seci.JOn. "(0) AnJ: sign, display, or dcvi,ce Jawfully in exisl(>,llcc [lIang the Jnt.erst~\.t:e Syst-c.m OJ.' the }"'cdernl-a!d prill1:1ry system Oil Se.pfemlX'T 1, 1965, "'IVlllCh (~oe~ not cDnform to chIS s('-('.1ion shnlI not he J'cfpJil'cd to he remon)(.:i unUI ,]u,Iy 1, 1070, Any other Sif".rJl, displnYl or dr,,·jce lawfully e.rcdcd Wl11('.h docs not. conform to Ihis seetioll shnll not be required (0 be removed unl il the end of the fifl h yenT 0 fler il; becomes nonconfonnillg', ' ."(f) TlwS,;cl"jn.ry shall, in conslJltalion wilh the Sillies, proyide wlthlll t.he l'lghts-of-way for,'lS at distances from inte.t'el,lfl-}'ges on !he ~ntel'sLaie System, on whic.h sig-ns) displays, a.nd devic.cs glvmg specIfk lnfOJ:mat;i0n in t-.~le of i.]w tn"'clil1g pllbJic. mny be el'C.('.u:~d and ml\,mbllneo, Sneh slgns shall conform to llational sL::llHlnrds to 1:m prolllul O'a.ted l.")Y tho Se.e-retn.ry, . "(g) .Just COlJ1J,ensation shnil bepaid upoll the removal of the follow111g,?utdoor a vCltlsmg ~lglls,.rhspln,ys, a.nd dCVlces-~ (J) those lawfully lJl eXlslmc" on the dale of (.naelment of t.his subsection, "(2) Ih~sc 1,,,dully Oil any highway matie a pari; of the inleTstat.e or: prnnltl'y sys/'.ell1 on or after the date of enadme.nt of this subsectIOn Cllul before Ja.ll1w.ry 1, ] D68 1 a.Jld " (:J) those Ia.wfllil y ereci",] 'on or a f( or Jan UOT)' 1, JOG8. The }'edera.l of snell eOTnrwnsntion shaJJ be 75 prx c.e-ntum. Such compe.llsa(,joll shn.11 be p,tid [01' the following: "(A) The laking. from Ihe owner '~f such ?ign, disphy, .or deVIce of all. nght., !.ltJe, leasehold, ,wd mlorest lJl such sIgn, <lISpia.", or devlce~; and "(B) The taking from clIe owner of the rea.l properly on which the sig-n, display) OJ' device 1S Ioeat.ed , of t he right erect and s11ch slgns 1 displays, and d(>,vic,cs j hCl'ooll. "(h) All public lands or m'ervaUons of Ihe Uniled SI,,(es which are adjaoe.n!. (0 any poJi.ion of (he In("rstalo Syst<'l11 and the prima.ry ~}'ste.m 8h;1..1l be c.ont.rolled in nccordanc.e with the. provisions of t.hrs seetion and the. nnLionn] 81 andards [lromulga.lcd by chc SecretarY. "(i) Tn order t.o provide infonnation in-Chc specific interest lhe Tn[orrnfl!ion tmvciing ]lublic, th" St.ale highwn.)' departments nrc a.nLhorize.d to centers. maintain mn,ps and 1.0 permit informa.t.jonal dirc·d.ories and a.dv(>.rtising pamphlets to be mnde a"aibble at safely rest areas. Subject. to the "pproval of Ihe Secretary, it Sla(e may also "_stnbJish information e<'11leI'S a.1. safety rest areas for Ihe purpose of illf0111lillg the public of places of interest, wilhin Ihe Stale and providing such olher infonna.t.ion as a. SiR!e may consider desirabJe. Bonus paym<.>nl'O. "(j) Any Slate higl""';y department which has, under this seeliou as in etre.ct on June 30, ] 965, ent.ered into an agreement with the Iflry to c.ontrol the erect.ion und maintenance· of ouf.door advertising c;ig-Jls, dispJaJ Sl and devic(>B in areas adjnccnt to the Interstnte Systclll dud I be cnlliled to recei"" Ihe bonus paymenls as sd. forth in Ihe "g1'eemenl, but no such Siale highway depart.ment shall be e.ntilled to s11ch paymcnts unless t.he Stnte mainta.ins ("he control required under :"1.ICh, ilgrcyment o.r the contToll'(~qllired by .this se.ctioll, whi('hev~l' ~on~ f)()ll!-;~drldel'. Such paylllcJdsshall be palll only froll} appropl"l<lIJolls made fo c.arry out. this Ecdion. The provisions of this sllln:.cZ'tlon shall I1,O!, he construed t.o; any Stn.te from contro]Jing outdoor adverf lSlllg as ot.herwise provic (Xl in t.h is ion. . "(It) NOlhing in Ihis section shall T,roiJibit. a Slnl" from establishIllg standards i!nposing st.rictel' limitations with l'c.specL to signs, dis¥ Playbsl'. and d"V1C"S on the Federal-aid highway syslems Ihan t.hoBe "'i.a Ished under Ihis sect.ion. '
1030 i Notice of rInal dll!te rmfn ...' Ion.
62 Sin!. 928.
Ap prop rI a tIon.
70 Stat. 391. 23 USC 120 note.
PU BLlC LAW 89-285-OC1:. 22, 1965
[79 STAT.
NotJess sixty days before makin(l n finlll determinaUon lO.withhold funds from n StAte under subsectIOn (b) of this section, or to do 00 under subsection (b) of section 1:l6, or with mspect t<> iailing to agree !IS (0 the size, lighting. and sracing of signs, d18pJ"18, and devices 01' as to unzoned commerdn.l or llldu8t..rial nrollS in wl\1(~h signs, displ"ys, and device" may be erecu,d and maintained under subsection (d) of ti,;. ",dian, or with respect to fnilure to npprove under subsect.lOn (g) of section 136, the Secretary shill! give written notice to the Slate of his 1'1'0(>0000 determinlltion and a statement of the reasons therefor, nnd durlllg such pedod shllll give the Stilte an opportunity for a hearing on such determination. Following such headng the Secretary shull issue " written order setting forth his final dot.ermination lind shall furnish a o..opy of such oi"ler to the Stat.e. Wit.hin fort.y.five dllys of receipt of such order, the Stllte may "PP""I such order to !lny United States district court for such State, and upon the filing of such appeal such order shall be stayed until final judgment has boon ontered on such appeal. Summons may be servoo at any phLC<l in the Unil€d Sta.tes. The court shall have jurisdicti,:m to affirm the detennination of the Secretary or t<> set it aside, in whole or in pa.rL The judgment of the court shall be subject to review by the Ull'il€d court of appeals for the circuit in which the Stale is locn.(ed and to th" Supreme Court of the United Slates upon celi,iomri or C<lrtincation as provided in title 28, UnJu,d States Code, S<'..ction 1254. If ..ny part of an apportionment to a Stahl is withheld by the Secretary under subsection (b) of this ooet.iOIl or subsection (b) of ""d.ibn 1:16, the amount so withheld shan not be l'<'apportioned to the other States !IS long !IS a suit brought by such. Stat<> under this subsection is pending, Such amount shan remain available for apportionment in "ccordance with the final judg· ment and this subsedlOn. Funds withheld from apportionnw.nt a11d ,-ubscqtmntly appott.ioned or refLpport.ioned under this sect.ion shall be avaiJa.ble for expenditure for three ful! fiscal years after the date of such u.pportionment or ren.ppo11;ionmcnt as the case may be. "(m) There is aut.horiz('.d to be appropria,too to carry out. the l,ro. visions of this section, out of any money in the Treasury not. ot.lerwise appropriat.ed, not to exceed $2D,OOO,OOO for the fiscal year ending ,rune 30, 1906, Md not [() eXC('h<l $20,000,000 for the fiscal yoltr ending .Tune 30,1967. No Pltrt; of the Highway Trust Fund shltl! be aV!Lil",hle to carry out this section" SEC. 102. The of sections of chap("r 1 of litle 23 of t.he United States Code is amended by gt.riking out "131. Arens adjacent to the Interstate. Syetem."
and inserting in lieu thereof "131. Control ot outdoor adyertlsing."
TITLE II 23 USC 101 et ,,~
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SEC. 201. Chapter 1 of t.itle 23, Uniu,d St.utes Code, is amended to add at the end t.hereof t.he following new section: "§ 136. Control of junkyards "(".) The Conl.,rr"s he.reb" finds and declares tlmt the (,Htabl ishment fwd 1L.'<e and maintenance of junkyards in areas udjaeent. to the Interstate System and the primary system should be eon trolled in order t<> protect. the ,Public investment in such highways, t<> promote t.he sllfety and recreatIOnal value of public travel, and to preserve nat.uml beauty. "(b) Federal-aid highway funds a.pportjoncd on or aftRr .Tunun.ry 1, 1968, to uny State Wh1Ch the Secretary deternlines ha." not made 1'1'0-
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COALITION FOR SCENIC BEAUTY 218 D Sireet, S.E. Washingt6tl, B.C. 20003
Coalition for Scenic Beauty National
Edwnrd T. McMahon
21R D SIT(,(,I, S.E. Washinglon, DC 20003 (202) ~>16路1 100
Executive Direc!or
(202) 546路)]00
Pennsylvani;t OfOce 14 I~5( Front Strcr( Media, PA 19063 (215) 565路9131
Dear Friend: Thank you for your recent inquiry about the Coalition for scenic Beauty. The Coalition is working to save the scenery of our country. Why? Because, like a growing sore on the face of a once beautiful land, uncontrolled signs and billboards are eroding the beauty of America. From sea to sea America is being swamped by a rising tide of visual pollution. America the beautiful is becoming America the ugly, the blasted, the blighted, the home of billboards, flashing signs, and endless clutter. The day is fast approaching when the unspoiled American landscape will endure -- like an endangered species -- only in parks and preserves. Visual pollution has many sources, but the most conspicuous is billboards. Billboards are an industry running amok! Bigger! Taller! Thousands upon thousands! Billboards are going up at an unparalleled rate -- everywhere! Spend even a day actively noticing the number of billboards you see in the normal course of activities and you'll be sobered in the realization that our landscape -- urban and rural -- is being irrevocably destroyed. Growth is inevitable. ugliness is not. We can save our scenery. We can clean up visual pollution, but we need your help. y'Q.l,l-S..A1:L.h?.lJ2 by j OillJJlg-tD_e Coalition f9r s_cellic B3'a1.\.t.Y..", Through the Coalition for Scenic Beauty conce~ned citizens and organizations are banding together to protect the beauty of our country and to liberate our landscape from the purveyors of visual pollution.
He are working to focus national attention on the problem of billboard pollution and to rescue the Highway Beautification Act from the clutches of the multi-million dollar billboard lobby. Hhy do you and I need the Coalition? Because . the Coalition is the only national organization solely devoted to halting the systematic perversion of America's scenic beauty.
- 2 -
Because . . the Coalition gives you a voice in Washington and the opportunity to fight billboard pollution where you live . . Because . . the Coalition is working for tough new anti-billboard laws at the national, state, and local levels. Because . . . without the Coalition nothing will prevent the billboard lobby from spreading visual chaos from one end of Amer ica to the other. I need your help to make our grassroots campaign a success. Frankly, if you're concerned about the beauty of our countryside, our streetscapes, and of your own hometown, you need our help. Membership in the Coalition is $20.00 -- a small investment in the beauty of our country. When you join the Coalition, I'll see to it that you begin receiving our newsletter and special legislative alerts. Your contribution also helps fund a National Center for Sign Control. The Center for sign Control:
assists local communities, groups, and individuals concerned with cleaning up visual pollution;
has a wide variety of information on ways to protect scenic beauty;
collects and distributes legal and technical information on billboards, sign control, and landscape aesthetics.
Please act. tod9.L...t9 help our El_ffQxt t.o save America's scener.Yl To become a member of the Coalition, silnply return the enclosed form with your contribution. If you don't wish to become a member, but still want to help, your contribution will go a long way toward preserving the beauty o.f America. Sincerely,
/J;,uicf2 /~~ Daniel Mandelker President Enclosure
write, call, or personally meet with your representative and senators; tell them you want their support for a tough new billboard control.
Contact your mayor, city councilman, or other local official. Tell them your community needs a ban on all new billboards and effective controls on other signs.
conti6t your state legislators. Tell them billboard pollution is hurting your state. Urge them to enact stricter controls.
If you belong to another group such as a garden club, conservation organization, historic preservation group, motor club, or professional organization, urge them to join the Coalition for Scenic Beauty and to pass a resolution endorsing efforts to control billboard pollution.
write a letter to the Editor of your local newspaper. Better yet, phone the editor or invite him of her to lunch. Urge the paper to do an editorial on the need for sign control.
Contact advertisers. Urge them not to use billboards. Many billboard advertisers haven't given any thought to how billboards are polluting our landscape and eroding the quality of life in our communities.
I want to stop the spread of billboard pollution and help preserve the beauty of America. Here is my contribution: $20
other $____________
Your gift is tax deductible.
Name F irm/Organiza tio11 street City state ______ Z'lp_____________ Phone (Optiona~--------Mail form with your contribution to: Coalition for Scenic Beauty, 218 D Street, S.E., Washington, DC 20003. Make checks payable to Coalition for Scenic Beauty.
Visual Pollution and Sign Control: A Legal Handboook on Billboard Control, by Southern Environmental Law Center. 36 pages" 1987
!'Iest\).etics and Land Use Controle..... by Christopher Dirksen, American Planning Association, , 45 pages, 1986
$1.00 1. 00
1. 00
$ $ $ $
1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Fact Sheets What's Wrong with Billboards Billboard Control: Facts and Myths Billboard Control: What's Going on Around the country Model Ordinance Provisions Examples of cities which Ban Billboards Logo Signs Tree Cutting Highway Beautification Act Billboard CO,ntrol is Good for Business Tobacco Advertising on Billboards Billboards and Tourism Studies and Reports Everything' You Ever Wanted to Know About Billboards (11 pages) The Billboard Industry: A Profile (16 pages)
'$5.00 '
, /"
The Impact of Billboards on Economic Development ( 5 pages)
Legal Strategies for Defending a Billboard Ordinance (10 pages)
$-'-~ . 'f,!'
Postage and Handling Total
$,' " -'----'-
Sltll COllirol News / April-May 1987
BILLBOARD CONTROL What Is Going On Around The Country All across America the issue of billboards has been and is currently being debated. Below are brief summaries of what is happening in some areas,
Jacksonville, Florida
Charleston, South Carolfna
These fast-growing counties totally ban all billboards.
A temporary moratorium was in effect until new regulations were drafted. A J986 city ordinance prohibits any new billboards from being erected, ex.cept in areas zoned "heavy industrial." All non-conforming billboards must be removed within J 5 years.
Martha's VIneyard, Mass.; Palm Springs, Calif.; Scottsdale, Ariz.; Boca Raton, Fla.; Williamsburg, Va.; and Santa Fe, N.M.
In May 1987 voters in Jacksonville, Florida overwhelmingly endorsed a ballot
referendu/11 which bans all new billboards
and requires that all existing billboards ~n
city streets be removed within five years.
Virginia Beach, VirgInia The Virginia Beach City Council vQf.ed in February J 987 to ban all new billboards and 10 prohibit existing billboards from being re~ paired I replaced I or renewed,
Houston, Texas ) HOllston officials have passed an ordi~ nance that prohibits any new billboards from being erected in the city. Scenic cor-
ridors and districts have been established in which existing signs must be removed through amortization.
Raleigh, North Carol/na In 1984, Raleigh passed a temporary moraforium on all billboard permits while revising its sign regulations, Last year, it adopted strict regulations that ban new billboards in all but heavy industrial zones. The maximum size for billboards is ISO square feet on four lane roads, and 75 square feet elsewere. furthermore, the amortization provision in Raleigh's ordinance which requires all non-conforming signs to be removed within 5 Yl years has been upheld by the U,S, Supreme Court.
Tucson, Arizona In April J985 Tuc.soll adopted a temporary moratorium all all billboard permits while revising its ordinance. In September 1985 the City Council adopted an ordinance which banned new billboards larger than 72 square feet and prohibited them completely in historic districts, along scenic streets, ./ gateway roads, airport approaches, certain business districts and numerous other locations. Voters later endorsed the ban on new billboards by a 2-to-l margin in city refer~ endum,
Marin County, Calif.; PitkIn County, Colo.; Montgomery Cdunty, Md.; Fairfax County, Va.; and Morris County, N.J.
PhoenIx, ArIzona In 1986, the Phoenix City ~ouncil p~ssed legislation that prohibits new billboards from being erected in any business zone and along Illost freeways in the city. The same ordinance further limits size and spacing.
These weJl~known resorts totally ban all billboards.
Nags Head, Chapel HIfI, and Southern PInes, North Carolina Billboards have been totally banned from th esc communities
Chattanooga, Tennessee The Cha(tanooga City Council adopted an ordinance in 1986 that requires one exist~ ing billboard to be removed for everyone that goes up. Scenic corridors were also designated that arc Pbillboard free." In addition, size limitations were significantly increased.
Litl/e Rock, Arkansas A temporary moratorium was imposed by the Little Rock City Council in the early 19805. Subsequently, an ordinance prohibiting the construction of new billboards was adopted.
San AntonIo, Texas San Antonio has established billboardfree zones throughout the city. If a new billboard is erected on a legal site, two existing billboards mllst be removed.
Fort Worth, Texas Fort \Vorth passed legislation in 1984 to prohibit the' construction of any new billboards.
Austin, Texas Austin passed legislation in 1984 to prohibit the construction of any new billboards
Durham, North Carolina Durham recently adopted an ordinance very similar to Raleigh's (see above).
States of Vermont, MaIne, HawaII and Alaska All billboards have been eliminated from the roadsides of these states.
State of Connecticut Billboards are prohibited in 117 cities and towns in Connecticut. This includes coil1munities such as Bridgewater, Canaan, Danbury, Darien, Greenwich, Norwalk and West Hartford.
State of Massachusetts Billboards arC prohlbi[ed in 178 cities and towns in Massachusetts. This includes communities such as Amherst, Brookline, Deerfield, Lexington, Provincetown, Sturbridge and Wellesley.
State of VIrgInIa Billboards are prohibited in numerous cities nnd counties in Virginia, Cities which ban billboards include Alexandria, Charlottesville, Falls Church, Fredricksburg, Leesburg, Newport News and Winchester. Counties which ban billboards include Arlington, Clarke, Fairfax, Isle of Wight, Loudoun, and Prince William,
State of CalifornIa Billboards are prohibited in over 100 cities and counties in California. In addition, the state prohibits billboards along landscaped freeways and has a scenic highways program,
What is it? Why should you use it? How is it used? Wh al Is il ? The Earthl il e name repre se nts hi gh qua lity, en vi ronmenta lIy sa fe cOl1lpos ted sewage sludge produced at numerous locations within our marke ting area. Each plant compos ts unde r a s trin gen t se t o f regu la ti ons
w h ich a re es tabl ished and monil ored by the state EPA in whicl,lI,e compos t i s p roduced. Tl, is assures you 0 1 rece iving the c leanes t, sa fes l produc t availab le. Any compos t marketed und er th e Earthlife name must al so mee t ou r standards fo r nutrient content, physica l integrity, p H and consis tency. Different p lan ts, due to Ihei r compos ti ng m ethods. will produce compos t that w ill look d iff erent Irom other p lants . ' This is to be expec ted .The mate rial will va ryslighlly in co lo r a nd texture Irom one plant to th e nex t ju s t a s pea l l110ss and topso il will vary from batch to balch . Howeve r, th e impor tan t cha ra c teristi cs o f Earth li fe . Ilnlikn V:1ryina h;,lche s o f tor so il for e XAmple , :lr8 nxlrernc ly co n sis te nt fr om eve ry com po st lacility. Th ese characte ri stics are: High organic mailer co nt ent EPA approved pathogen des t ruction level Cons istent pH (6 .6 - 7.4) 1%-2% Nitrogen and Phospho ru s Con te nt High micronut rient content (Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, S, Zn. K, etc .) Ve ry low " heavy mela l" co ntent . All produc ts tha t warrant receiving the Ear th li fe name wil l p e rform the same agronomic function unles s
specific ally sta ted . Why Sh ould You Use il? 1. Eart hlile adds much ne eded organ ic matter to lI, e soi l. 2. Te s ts prove Ihat plan ts, tr ees, shrub s and turf gro wn in Earth life ame nded soi l deve lop healthier, more active root syslern s. 3. Ea rthli fe helps so il retain moisture. yet at Ille Si) ln e tim e. promotes good drainage. 4 . Because Earlhlife conta in s a su ff icien t supp ly o f micronutri8nts there is no need to pur chase th ese cos tly supp leme nt s as an additive to yo ur commercia l fertilizer.
5. Earthlile improves soil ion exchange capaci l y. How and Wh ere Should i f be Used? In general Ear thlife is used to amend any soil be fore planting grass seed. shrubs. sad. flowers o r tr ees.
Incorporate Earthlile in to top 6" o f so il be fo re slarting new tUlf . 1 . l s r~ E" rthlif ~ ;n 1110 h;'l c l<fil! w 'lf~n r l;ln lin n I r"'!""!,;
Incorp o rate Earth lite into soi l when preparing flower b eds .
Sod plant ed in so il amended will, Earthlif e quickly es tabl ishes a d ee p. hea ttl,y roo t system . Techn ical da ta sh ee ts on speci fi c u ses 0 1 Compost a re available fr o m you r loca l sales representative .
Co mpost is c urrenlly used I)y som8 farl11 e rs for c rop producti o n . Curren t s ta te regu lations prohibi t it s use o n h omeowner edib le crops
llIl lL!2J]0(}[lJ "w e help you grow"
882 S Mall;J ck 5 1 â&#x20AC;˘ Unl l
(215) 430 -39 60
r:. . Wes l
C h e~ I ('r. PA 19:182
EARTHLIFE SALES CO. 354 N. Main Sfree t Doylesfown, PA 18901 (2 f 5) 348-9288
All ing redien ts in EARTHLIFE mixtures are meas ured by volume. Th e best eq uipment for mixing EARTHLIFE are rotati ng drum type mixers, fl ail type manure spreaders or front-en d loaders. EARTHLIFE CONVERSION TABLE
EARTHUFE contains fully digested sewage sludge which has been
thermophiHcally composted a minimum of 21 days after blending with conifero us and deciduous wood chips . The product is then
1 c ubi c yard spread at 1 in c h thi ckness cove rs 324 square feet.
aged, shredded and screened. This process produces a clean, sale,
1 cubic yard spread at 2 inch thi ck ness covers 162 sq uare feet.
odorless growing medium suitable for soil conditioning and as a base ingredient for sel f formulated blends. Although unscreened EARTH LIFE is used by commercial farmers, it is not recommended lor use on homeowner vegetable gardens.
Number of cubic yards required to cover 1000 square leet. . 1 inch layer that covers 1000 squa re feet requ ires 3.09 yd.' 2 in c h layer that cove rs 1,000 square feet requires 6. 17 yd.' Number of cubic yards required to cover 1 acre 1 in ch layer that covers 1 acre requires 134 yd.'
2 inch layer tha t cove rs 1 acre requ ires 269 yd.' Number of truck loads required to cover 1 acre 1 inch layer that cove rs 1 acre requires 3.35 TIL 2 inch layer that covers 1 acre requi res 6.70 TIL
Tota l Nitro ge n (N)
1-2% Available
Phosphoric acid (P,O, )
1% Solub le
Potash (K ,O)
Should you have any furth er questions rega rding the use o(
EARTHLIFE please caff:
(215) 430-3960
"we help you grow" sa2 S. "htlack St_ Unll E. West Chester, PA 19382
OR ., ,
EARTH LIFE Sa les Co. 354 N. Main Street Doylestown, PA 18901 215/348-9288
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