Finding Clarity

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Ray Dao

Selected Work

Finding Clarity

to clarify to understand to simplify to scrutinize to deliver

02 / 03 Ray Dao Selected Work Finding Clarity The Quest

Designers have their own guiding principle, mine is more of a quest. In every project it is important for me to be able to understand the project thoroughly, to look at it from every angle, to discuss it, simplify it, to pull it apart and then put it together again is my quest. I call it— the process of finding clarity in a story.    The design of every project in this book is based on the understanding of what is relevant in each project. This includes the clarification of a story that elaborates its purpose, a set of images that relates to the viewer, a typographic voice that connects words into a message and the use of color that evokes emotion.    To design is to communicate, and without a proper understanding of what I'm designing for, I would never be able to deliver. The lifelong quest of seeking clarity in every project is just beginning.

for Mom and Dad

prj. 01 / pg. 08

Koval Distillery prj. 02 / pg. 32

A Vital Void prj. 03 / pg. 56

Kalon Store prj. 04 / pg. 84

Food Found

06 / 07 Ray Dao Selected Work

Primal by OEN prj. 06 / pg. 126

Pura Headphone prj. 07 / pg. 146

Coinciding Forms prj. 08 / pg. 172

Up to Seconds


prj. 05 / pg. 106

Project Info Whiskey Rebrand

Class Packaging Design 4

Instructor Thomas McNulty

Semester Spring 2016

project. 01

One That Leads

Categories Identity; Packaging

Koval Distillery

Project info

Koval Distillery is Chicago first distillery ever since the mid 1800s. Since 2008, they started to produce organic whiskey, liqueurs and specialty spirits. Embracing the grain-to-bottle mentality, each step of the spirit-making process is thoughtfully monitored.    The name Koval means "blacksmith", in numerous Eastern European languages, but the word in Yiddish also refers to a "black sheep" or someone who forges ahead or does something new or out of the ordinary.    The design pays tribute closely to the name of the company, with artisanship and uniqueness in mind. Based on a straightforward approach, the owners desire to have a whiskey label that not only iconic and unobtrusive, but also can draw attention into the bottle for its color, flavor and smell.    A simple combination of colors as black, sand, orange was chosen for the label, to resemble the iconic color of the whiskey. In addition, copper foil is used in some typography details to elevate the quality of the label to match with the drink inside. A custom wood box is also made to accommodate the collector edition bottle to emphasize on the "black sheep" meaning. Deliverables: Commercial Bottle; Collector Bottle with Gift Box Format: Paper Labels; Wood Box

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Tasteful Heritage Honest Delicate Natural

Project 1 Koval Distillery

Key Attributes








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Secondary Element: Sheep Illustrations

Main Colors

03: Pantone Solid Uncoated 2323 U 04: Pantone Solid Uncoated 7584 U 05: Pantone Solid Uncoated 2322 U


Texture: Copper Foil


Commercial Bottle Radim Peško / Larish Alte Radim Peško / Agipo

Primary Larish Alte

Secondary Agipo


Regular Bold

Collector Bottle Colophon / Fortescue Colophon / Relative

Primary Fortescue

Regular Bold

Secondary Relative

Bridge Faux Grades Bold

Project 1 Koval Distillery

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Project 1 Koval Distillery

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Project 1 Koval Distillery

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Project 1 Koval Distillery

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Project 1 Koval Distillery

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Project 1 Koval Distillery

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Project 1 Koval Distillery

Project Info Experimental Book

Class Typography 3

Instructor Ariel Grey

Semester Fall 2014

project. 02

From Now On

Categories Print; Book Design

A Vital Void

Project info

Surviving natural disasters is only the beginning. The disasters inevitable leave hidden damage—anciety, fear and distress with long term effects that can last months or even years. The resulting traumas don't make the headlines, but often they do shatter lives.    Not only are survivors touched by trauma, but also, family, friends, and others involved during the aftermath for physical, emotional and spiritual assistance may discover themselves victims of post–trauma stress. This book is a visual case studies and also by manipulating photography, type and design to reflect the traumatic experience, both physically and mentally that all the victims have to go through everyday.    The main approach to the design of this book was based around textures and collages. Textures brought in the genuine distress feeling, yet act as a nice touch for the design overall. The collages acts as a representation of the mind of the victim; faded and unorganized. Also the book is printed in newsprint to make the book looks like its been through a natural disaster itself. The goal is to make the reader feeling like they are in another person's world while going through the book. Deliverables: Coffee Table Book Format: Newsprint Paper, Cotton Art Paper, Soft Cover

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Project 2 A Vital Void

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Project 2 A Vital Void

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Project 2 A Vital Void

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Project 2 A Vital Void

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Project 2 A Vital Void

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Project 2 A Vital Void

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Project 2 A Vital Void

Project Info Artisan Made Goods

Class Packaging 4

Instructor Thomas McNulty

Semester Spring 2016

project. 03

Made From People

Categories Branding; Packaging

Kalon Store

Project info

Kalon lends its name from an old Greek words, meaning the inner beauty. This is a curated lifestyle, living goods and fashion store, where the items inside are living up to the shops name. The store also works with developing countries, and by paying fair prices directly to local artisans, it supports those struggling to lay the basic for sustained business success and also help introducing their product into a bigger market.    Kalon's philosophy is all about carefully sourced materials, traditional processed, good relationships with artisans around the world and diverse backgrounds of each and every items that being sell on the shelf.    Because Kalon collections are inspired directly by the landscapes of where the artisans that collaborate with the store living in. Graphic and typographic components are central to the resulting a consistant image on every packaging. That's why the design of every packages is stripped down to the minimum. The intention is to let each Kalons beautiful products speak for themselves, without getting too much of a distraction from the main brand.

Deliverables: Packaging System Format: Various Sizes, Custom Perfume Bottle, Diecut, Custom Foil Stamping

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Project 3 Kalon Store

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Project 3 Kalon Store

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Project 3 Kalon Store

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Project 3 Kalon Store

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Project 3 Kalon Store

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Project 3 Kalon Store

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Project 3 Kalon Store

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Project 3 Kalon Store

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Project 3 Kalon Store

Project Info Food Search Application

Class Graphic Design 3

Instructor Amir Bahadori

Semester Spring 2015

project. 04

Eating With Joy

Categories Branding; Digital

Food Found

Project info

Search for the best food in your area according to your budget. Put an end to that same old dish, open yourself to a world of more choices and search for the perfect (and affordable) dish for that instant craving.    Food Found is an app that helps you get your eating out fix. The app is not only constantly seeks new locally sourced specialties, but also updates their prices 24/7. So, you will always have an option.    The app also creates an online locally-based review, so that you can read about how other's loved (or loathed) a particular dish that excites you.    The design of the app is contemporary, with an emphasis on typography. It's content driven, friendly and useful. The design is made for easy use, quick access to information and a fluid experience.    Food Found direct approach to its user–interface makes the app simple and focuses solely on only 2 main tasks: How to get the users the food they want, and to get it in the fastest way and the fewest steps possible.

Deliverables: Mock–up Version of the Application Format: Digital

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Project 4 Food Found

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Project 4 Food Found

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Project 4 Food Found

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Project 4 Food Found

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Project 4 Food Found

Project Info Garden Tool Packaging

Class Packaging Design 3

Instructor Thomas McNulty

Semester Spring 2015

project. 05

Beauty Through Rigor

Categories Packaging Design

Primal by OEN

Project info

OEN was founded by Mark Robinson to highlight how design, art and craft can play a part in our modern world. These objects aren’t brash or attention seeking. They sit quietly, doing their job well and becoming seamlessly integrated into our everyday environment.    OEN's taste is founded on a deep love of nature and all things natural. OEN cares about the balance in form and eliminating the unnecessary, a place where art and craft are well balanced. Handmade doesn't have to mean antiquated, that is how Primal was born as a new garden tool line for the brand. It is an idea about a simple, sturdy and timeless trowel that can be used for everything. It is a reminiscence of what you might find in your grandparents garden or farm shed.    The design approach sought simplicity by taking a typographic route centred around function and story of the tool itself. The package aims to reflect the fundamental nature of the parent brand, OEN. A color and photography system was also developed in order to create a consistent image across all 5 packages, despite the differences in each product.

Deliverables: Garden Tool Package System Format: Various Sizes, Laminated Boxes.

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Project 5 Primal by OEN

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Project 5 Primal by OEN

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Project 5 Primal by OEN

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Project 5 Primal by OEN

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Project 5 Primal by OEN

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Project 5 Primal by OEN

Project Info Product Creation

Class Graphic Design 2

Instructor Thomas McNulty

Semester Spring 2014

project. 06

Fit For Life

Categories Branding, Conceptual

Pura Headphone

Project info

Everyday you catch yourself in situations like working on something, walking your dog, jogging or simply reading while listening to music, but you also really want to be aware of the enviroment that surrounds you.    Pura is a revolutionary wireless headset which delivers high quality, personal audio while allowing users to remain fully aware of their surroundings. Pura approaches customers with an innovative and friendly image. The name Pura means pure in Greek, as the company aims to deliver their message in the most transparent and honest means possible.    The branding identity focused on the lively color orange, as it was used to unite a series of elements that not only promotes Pura's product but also underlines the philosophy that makes their headphone unique. Photography is also an essential part of the concept. The pictures are presented show freedom, joy and emotion. The design of the brochure contains many pictures overlayed with orange. The color is there not to scream for attention, but rather stands for the connection between Pura and their customers.

Deliverables: A4 Brochure; Advertising Posters; Direct Mailer; Stationery Format: Various Sizes

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Project 6 Pura Headphone








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Main Colors

03: Pantone Warm Gray 1 04: Pantone Warm Gray 4 05: Pantone 7579 CP 06: Black 90%


Font Bureau Neue Haas Grotesk

Primary Neue Haas Grotesk

55 Roman Text 65 Medium Display


Secondary Element: Line-work Illustration

Commercial Type Haas Grot Display Condensed

Secondary Haas Grot Display

45 Light Display 55 Roman Display 65 Medium Display

Project 6 Pura Headphone

01, 02

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Project 6 Pura Headphone

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Project 6 Pura Headphone

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Project 7 Pura Headphone

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Project 6 Pura Headphone

Project Info Conceptual Book

Class Typography 4

Instructor Ariel Grey

Semester Summer 2016

project. 07

When Forms Merge

Categories Print; Book Design

Coinciding Forms

Project info

A hypothetical world that collapses the real into the imaginary, with buildings that live and commnunicate to people. The tabloid asks you to reimagine the materials around you as a dynamic hybrid of emotion and function.    That is the introduction into Coinciding Forms, a conceptual project synthesizing Brain Computer Interface technology and living organisms into materials to achieve total communication between humans and buildings. This idea came during 2016, when people live in smart houses that respond to their daily needs. But it is nothing but millions of lines of code. What if we give a building emotion, flesh and the idea of being understood by its owner?    The tabloid was designed to replicate the inside of this technology. It piques interest in the imagination. That's why graphics were used to emphasizes the power of the organic layer. Typography plays a important role to show the computing layer underneath. The goal was to make this tabloid feel as close to an actual piece of technology as one wishes to imagine.

Deliverables: Experimental Tabloid Format: French Construction Paper, Oversize.

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Project 7 Coinciding Forms

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Project 7 Coinciding Forms

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Project 7 Coinciding Forms

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Project 7 Coinciding Forms

Project Info Fast–Fashion Retails

Freelance Project Head Designer

Client Up to Seconds

Year Summer 2015

project. 08

Essential Lifestyle Remedies

Categories Art Direction; Branding

Up to Seconds

Project info

Established in early 2015, Up to Seconds has already became top five fashion retailers in Vietnam for the young generation. UTS is famous for their comfortable fabric and flexible in all shapes and forms. Also the brand presents itself as monochrome and minimal, albeit with the essential pastel pink color.    Working closely with both commercial and creative departments, the branding design as well as the store design was focused with the intention of elevating the value-based chain into an upscale, yet accessible beauty destination—focusing on expertise and a young, sophisticated, modern Vietnamese beauty sensibility.    The space inside every store is designed with an aesthetic that closely resembles the design of the brand itself. Monochromatic, white walls, ceiling and defined by a simple layout to let the fashion collections and products come to the fore.    The white, minimal interior is backed up by a touch of pastel pink and clean geometric typography on all the brand applications, wall tags, clothing tags and labels. This overall look presents an understated, yet sophisticated take on modern Vietnamese beauty. Deliverables: Brand Aesthetic, Guidelines, Digital System, Store Interior, Brand Applications Format: Various Sizes, Digital, Prints, Custom Hangers, Custom Clothing Shelves.

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Project 8 Up to Seconds

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Young Feminine Current Accessible Minimal Comfort

Project 8 Up to Seconds

Key Attributes










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Main Colors

03: Pantone Solid Uncoated 7541 U 04: Pantone Solid Uncoated Cool Gray 6 U 05: Pantone Solid Uncoated Cool Gray 1 U 06: Pantone Solid Uncoated Cool Gray 8 U 07: Pantone Solid Uncoated 7604 U 08: Pantone Solid Uncoated 7611 U


Lineto / Circular (for English usage)

Primary Circular

Book Medium Bold Black


Brand Icon

TDF / Averta (for Vietnamese usage)

Primary Averta

Light Regular Semibold Bold

Project 8 Up to Seconds

01, 02:

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Project 8 Up to Seconds

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Project 8 Up to Seconds

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Project 8 Up to Seconds

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Project 8 Up to Seconds

For Those Who Teaches and Inspires

Mary Scott David Hake Tom McNulty Beau Monroe Ariel Grey Sean McGuire Amir Bahadori Darrell Hayden Evan Tolleson — Willi Kunz Wim Crouwel Kenya Hara Charles Eames Rolf Müller Werner Jeker Helmut Schmid Dieter Rams Massimo Vignelli

Instructors Thank you to all the instructors I've had in 5 years in the academy. The portfolio itself could not be completed without your guidance Mary. I am thankful for all the knowledge and advices you've given me. For David, I don't think I would be who am I today without you. The little kid that bugged you every seconds for type lessons and still to this day, I'm still excited to listen to all your stories as the first time I was in your class. And Tom, with my utmost respect for the profound impact as a teacher from you—I wish I could go back and start all the classes with you again. And every teacher that I once was a student; Thank you Beau Monroe, Sean McGuire, Ariel Gray, Amir Bahadori, Darrell Hayden for all the experiences and invaluable lessons from you guys.

I've always envy with you Dad, for what you've accomplished, and still to this day. I'm surprised at the mastery of art, as well as the love and passion for what you do. I hope this is the very first step of me becoming what you've always wanted me to be. And of course, Mom, just maybe I have taken for granted for what you've done in my whole life. I never realized how important every path you wanted me to take in the past, but I get it now. I love and proud of you both very much.

Kim Everything I've done in here is impossible without your encouragement, and that is totally not a stretch. Thank you for all the time that you spent helping me go through all the struggles during school and sometimes, in my life. This book is dedicated to you Kim, my dear ^^

Evan T Who would have guessed, am I right? From the Bob Marley poster, to one of the most beautiful portfolio that I've ever seen. Thank you for always being a critical set of eyes; a person that I can always share my nerdy design stories without being complained; a designer that I can always learn something new from; and a very good buddy in or out of school :) and yes, we can share bookmarks now...

Thank You

Mom and Dad


Cover stock

Arjowiggins Curious Matter Goya White / 91 Text

Contact Info

Ray Dao +1 415.691.0248

Text stock

Finch Paper Finch Fine ID / 100 Text


Colophon / Fortescue Klim / Founder Grotesk

Printing and Binding

Giant Horse Printing The Key Bindary


Ray Dao Kim Nguyen Luke Nguyen

© 2016 All Rights Reserved. Ray Dao

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” / Aristotle

2012 — 2016


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