2012 a d rumour or reality

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Dear Friends, All that is presented here is for Information Purposes only.

The information shared today is only Pane Andov’s personal perspective on reality and possible future events concerning 2012. Nothing more, nothing less. What someone chooses to do with the information is their own choice. Some of the information shared will probably be disturbing to some...or even in opposition to an individual’s beliefs. If someone feels that the information is too much to handle...it is advised that they leave the venue and protect themselves from receiving any further information. Pane Andov will not be held responsible for any action someone takes as a result of the information in this lecture. This lecture is dedicated to the whole of Humanity in true search of the fundamental questions: Who Am I? Where did I come from? What Am I doing here? Where Am I going? Respectfully, Pane (Astralwalker) Andov



Who Am I?

Where did I come from? What Am I doing here? Where Am I going?




APRIL 26th 2009


st ENDS ON DEC 21 2012


Is it just another hoax?


That is...

If you think that there were no other advanced civilizations before us.



Enough.. .

Each, like The Milky Way, is an “island universe� containing billions of stars.

The Milky Way

> 300 billions stars

> 30 billion planetary systems

Nearly all galaxies are members of groups or clusters.

“A panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky reveals the distribution of galaxies beyond The Milky Way. The image is derived from the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC). The map is projected with an equal area Aitoff in the Galactic system (The Milky Way at center).


Those clusters, are part of even larger structures called superclusters.


All of these large concentrations are connected by filaments or sheets of galaxies, which enclose huge, bubble-like volumes of empty space, the cosmic voids.

Cosmic void

Cosmic void

Zooming out

Zooming out

Zooming out

Scale: 1 Parsec - 3.26 Light Years 1 Mega Parsec - 3,262,000 Light Years 1 Giga Parsec - 3.26 Billion Light Years

Zooming out even more

Zooming out even more

Computer Simulation







Let’s continue ....

Today we can understand that in the beginning there were some simple ingredients and some simple rules. Then the number of those simple ingredients started to grow and become complicated. This caused fluctuations to appear which further lead to all sorts of different representations.

This is an image of distribution of matter – versus scale. One other thing that was added into the picture is what is known as dark matter and which does not interact with light the way ordinary matter does. This dark matter is transparent to light and so in order that we can see it, on the image is marked as white marks. So the stuff on the image that is white is the dark matter. It is more suitable to call it invisible matter then it is to call it dark matter.

The stuff depicted with yellow colour is the ordinary matter – the stars and the galaxies. If we pay attention to this pattern and zoom in and zoom in, we can see a lot of filaments, structures and voids. When a number of filaments come together, they make a supercluster of galaxies. When we zoom into our area we can see we are not living in the center of our solar system, we are not living any where near the center of The Milky Way galaxy, our home galaxy is not in the center of a cluster, and we are nowhere near the center of the Universe.

To summarize this part ...

When all available data is combined, a self-consistent picture of the Universe emerges that is radically different from the view 15 years ago: >> The model of the Universe looks flat with an elongating sphere inside following perfect fractal expansion, (further input needed from Planck Satellite) we are simply not sure at this point. (source ESA) >> the Universe is ∼13.7 billion years old, >> contains ∼4% ordinary matter (only part of which is luminous), >> ∼23% ‘dark’ matter (of unknown type), >>∼73% ‘dark energy’ (responsible for the accelerating expansion, but also of unknown origin).

The great unifier of the cosmos is gravity. It holds the stars of a galaxy, and the galaxies of a cluster, together. But clusters, groups, and isolated individual galaxies are all flying away from each other, a continuing aftermath of the big bang, an explosion of space itself that astronomers believe formed the universe 13.7 billion years ago.


If we look at this picture, what we will see is a lot of darkness with some light objects in it. Only a few of those with a shape of a plus (+) are stars - everything else is a galaxy. Only in this image you can see thousands of galaxies. The latest data is showing that out there, are at least a hundred billion galaxies.

The first logical question is - if there are more than a hundred billion galaxies, what does our universe look like?

To generate the best computer simulation of what our universe looks like, the scientific community uses simple tools known as a CSI Primary Tool which is constructed upon the lights arrival time. In fact this tool shows us that looking out into Space is like looking back in time.

The Universe is so incredibly big and we are so small that we can observe it as a time machine. This tool contains Earth in the center and nested spheres all around our planet representing a observation from Earth.

If we take a picture of our Moon (only 238 855 miles away from Earth at its average distance) using ordinary light, we had photographed the moon two seconds ago.

If we take a picture of our Sun (92.9 million miles away from Earth at its average distance) using ordinary light, we had photographed our star 8 minutes ago.

92.9 million miles - average distance

If we take a picture of Jupiter (370 million miles away from Earth at its closest) using ordinary light, we had photographed Jupiter about forty minutes ago.

If we take a picture of the nearest set of stars using ordinary light, we had photographed the closest set of 40 stars ten years ago.

If we take a picture of the center of The Milky Way using ordinary light, we had photographed the galactic center region almost 26 thousand years ago. If you point a light beam from the galactic center towards us, it will take almost 26 thousand years to become visible to us travelling at speeds of 299,792,458 meters per second.

If we take a picture of the nearest large galaxy “Andromeda� using ordinary light, we had photographed the Andromeda galaxy two million years ago.

With Hubble Space Telescope NASA was able to view the Universe hundreds of millions years ago to billions of years

Luckily, today we have few genius’s like George Smoot who has found ways to look even further back.

Astrophysicist George Smoot won the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics - for the discovery of a blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation.�

Let’s see a part of his brilliant work...He is talking about the time when there were no stars and galaxies and the universe was in a process of shaping – still hot and extremely dense.

This is a graphic depiction of The Milky Way in the middle and from the Hubble Space Telescope data the galaxies with spheres marking different times.

Behind the first sphere there are more modern galaxies.

We can clearly see that part of the universe is invisible to us, because it’s so hot and dense that light cannot escape.

We can see how the outer sphere is showing the radiation that is coming from the beginning of time – the point of the first manifestation of creation. --Mainstream science calls it the BIG-BANG, I personally prefer to call it – the first manifestation of creation which represents the beginning of an intelligent pulse.

That creative pulse followed a precise pattern of movement and that same perfect geometrical-mathematical pattern can be seen even today everywhere around us.

Today, through the Hubble Space Telescope and other technological achievements for space observation we have accumulated digital data of only 1 million galaxies, and accordingly to the same input our Universe looks a little different to us, but as soon as we generate new data it will become clear that it looks exactly the same as the 3D depiction of ancient Sri Yantra.

If you are a clear observer without any scientific prejudices or any other belief system limitation, it becomes so obvious to you that Our Universe is alive, dynamic and fully conscious of itself.

Even today we can clearly see that it is following a perfect fractal pattern of contraction and expansion.

13.7 billion years ago

Present Time How sure can we be that something similar to the BIG BANG occurred around 13.7 billion years ago and our current Universe is looking almost like a perfect sphere?

Starting from 1989 there were a set of sophisticated satellites launched to conduit a surveillance of space which provided enough data for the scientific community to do some measurements and to understand how our Universe formed billion of years ago. >> The “COBE” Satellite


The “WMAP” Satellite


The “PLANCK” Satellite (planed) 2009

The “COBE” Satellite – Launched in 1989 and the variations from the beginning of time were discovered.

The “WMAP” Satellite – Launched in 2000. Better pictures were made about these variations from the BIG-BANG.

The “PLANCK� Satellite the third space CMB mission after COBE and WMAP, is designed to extract essentially all of the information in the CMB temperature anisotropies.

The Planck satellite is planned to be launched in April or May of 2009 together with the Herschel satellite. After launching, Planck and Herschel will separate and will be placed in different orbits around the second Lagrangian point of the Earth-Sun System.

Planck will also measure to high accuracy, the polarization of CMB anisotropies, which encodes not only a wealth of cosmological information but also provides a unique probe of the thermal history of the Universe during the time when the first stars and galaxies formed. It will also provide high resolution maps of those variations in new ways which will tell us a lot more about the very beginning of the universe and the secrets of the structure of space and time, the contents of the universe and how the universe started in its original motion.

Summarized (CMB) Cosmic Microwave Background is a mission that has been the most important source of information about the geometry and contents of the Universe.

On the left hand side of the image we can see some mysterious process that kickstarts the universe in the beginning and then a period of accelerating and expansion as the universe goes into the process of cooling to a point where it becomes transparent. Then on the right hand side, we see the period of time that mainstream science calls the Dark Ages, and then further to the right, the formation of the first stars and then their evolution to galaxies, then those galaxies forming into clusters, superclusters and then sheets of galaxies and we can observe how the universe is

Let’s see all of this more closely.

SDSS is a major multi-filter imaging

This SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) image is a digital sky survey showing million of galaxies at once. Every dot on the image is a galaxy. The image itself is digital combination of many pictures taken from the satellites.

Lets see all this more closer.

On the next animation we will a observe a complicated structure - a great wall of galaxies, voids, filaments etc. There are huge areas where we can clearly see that there are no galaxies and in other huge areas we can observe thousands of galaxies clamped together.

It is an interesting pattern, but the scientific community does not have all the data to create a precise computer animation and we will observe computer simulation generated from the surveillance only a million galaxies.Background is a mission that has Summarized (CMB)ofCosmic Microwave

been the most important mainstream source of information about the geometry and contents of the Universe.

There is another survey called 2dF Redshift Survey (Two Degree Field of view). In the next animation we will virtually fly through one of those sheets of galaxies with the Warp speed of a Million.

The next animation that we will see was made by George Smoot’s team of engineers. It took thousands of processors to run for a full month to create what we will see next.

In the animation we will see the filament, the white stuff as invisible matter and the yellow as the stars and the galaxies. We will observe a virtual flight inside the sheet of galaxies, view a couple of filaments intercepting with each other and forming larger clusters of galaxies.

Then we will fly under where the very large super cluster is, so we can see what it looks like from there. During the flight all that we will be observing from the inside will probably be far too complicated but when we observe it on a very large scale we will notice that it is a very complicated design.

When we approach that super cluster of the galaxies we will see how all those filaments of galaxies come together. This observation will probably look the same as if you had extremely advanced technology as to travel so fast into the space-time continuum and as if your technology allowed you to detect the dark-invisible matter.

The entire visible universe and everything that we can see in every direction with Hubble Space Telescopes and other equipment was once in a region that was smaller than an atom. It started with tiny quantum-mechanic fluctuations but it expanded at a tremendous rate. Those fluctuations were stretched to astronomical sizes and those are the same fluctuations that can be observed in the cosmic microwave background.

So lets see the animation which probably is amongst the best that are made so far about the shape and structure of our Universe

What do we need to know about galaxies?

From space observations, astronomers have classified galaxies into three main groups:

-Elliptical galaxies -Spiral galaxies -Barred spiral galaxies

Elliptical These galaxies range in shape from almost spherical (often referred to as lenticular galaxies), to a flattened lens shape. This group encompasses both the biggest and the smallest of the known galaxies in the Universe. The image is a colour composite photo of the central area of NGC 1316, a giant elliptical galaxy in the Fornax cluster of galaxies. Many dark dust clouds and lanes are visible. Some of the star-like objects in the field are globular clusters of stars that belong to the galaxy.

Spiral The distinguishing feature of spiral galaxies is the set of arms winding out from a central bulge. Most frequently, there are two arms, but sometimes there are more. This spectacular image of the large spiral galaxy is based on three exposures in ultra-violet, blue and red light, respectively. The colours of the different regions are well visible: the central areas contain older stars of a reddish colour, while the spiral arms are populated by young, blue stars and many starforming regions.

Barred spiral NGC 1365 is one of the most prominent barred galaxies in the sky. It is a supergiant galaxy with a diameter of about 200 000 light years. A massive straight bar runs through this galaxy and contains the nucleus at the centre. It consists mostly of older stars that give a reddish colour to the bar. The gravitational perturbation from the bar causes interstellar gas and dust clouds to form a pair of spiral arms that extend from the ends of the bar. Young luminous hot stars, born out of the interstellar clouds, give these arms a prominent appearance and a blue colour. The bar and spiral pattern rotates clockwise, as seen from us. One full turn takes about 350 million years.

>> And there are two other types of galaxies that should be mentioned:

-Irregular galaxies -Interacting galaxies

Irregular Under the gravitational grasp of a large gang of galaxies, called the Fornax cluster, the small bluish galaxy is plunging headlong into the group at 600 kilometres per second. NGC 1427A will not survive long as an identifiable galaxy passing through the cluster. Within the next billion years, it will be completely disrupted, spilling its stars and remaining gas into intergalactic space within the Fornax cluster.

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, & The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Interacting The spectacular barred spiral galaxy NGC 6872 that is shaped like an "integral sign". It is of type SBb and is accompanied by a smaller, interacting galaxy, IC 4970 of type S0 (just above the centre). The bright object to the lower right of the galaxies, is a star in The Milky Way. The upper left spiral arm of NGC 6872 is significantly disturbed and is populated by a plethora of bluish objects, many of which are star-forming regions. This may have been be caused by a recent passage of IC 4970 through it.

As we have already presented, galaxies contain billions of stars. Most of the galaxies require a massive compact energy source of enormous strength to stabilize the orbits of stars within them.

The engine which drives the rotation and shape of each galaxy consist of what astrophysicists refer to as a Super Massive Black Hole located in the direct center.

The Hubble Space Telescope started to find them in every galaxy. Surprisingly for the whole scientific community, multiple Super Massive Black Holes were found inside the same galaxy.

As new technology becomes available and new data is accumulated, many old views are starting to change.

Super Massive Black Holes are spinning at unbelievably high rates due to their overwhelming mass. At this high rate of spin, the Black Hole’s projected gravitational field is no longer spherical but rather flattens out to form a massive yet extremely thin spinning disk.

So far, what have we discovered about the centres of the Black Holes?

That they are points with unusual properties.

They have called them points of Singularity.

Points where Space/Time and all known laws of Physics...

.... fall apart.

Singularity is officially found in the centre of Super Massive Black Holes. If we think of a Universe as a Space-Time Web, the gravity of ordinary stars and planets creates a dent in this web.

The immense gravity of the Super Massive Black Hole is so destructive that it distorts space and time to breaking point.

Sandra M. Faber, PhD. University Professor Astronomer, University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics University of California, Santa Cruz

“...At the heart of the Super Massive Black Hole is one of the most mysterious places in physics – THE SINGULARITY! -What happens at the center of the Singularity is a complete mystery and solving it is going to require new Physics for which we don’t have right now. Some people think you can fall through the Singularity and pop up in another part of the Universe, even in a parallel Universe.

The theories for the Singularity are very radical. The truth is we just don’t know...” Sandra M. Faber, PhD.

Do we NEED TO KNOW something else about Super Massive Black holes in the centres of the galaxies?

Yes we do.

Super Massive Black Holes are going through cycles that last thousands of years.

They manifest a slow process of energetic recharge from the previous outburst and when they reach the maximum energetic level of recharging they explode and release huge amounts of energetic particles.

In other words...

At the moment of culmination - the galactic cores explode and they release unknown forms of energy in the galaxy.

It is so powerful that it affects the DNA of Life, the whole energetic makeup of the galaxy and usually stretches to the very distant corners of that galaxy.

It comes from the point of Singularity.

It is completely intelligent and like the point of Singularity possesses unusual properties.

Once it is released, it stretches to the very distant corners of the galaxy..

It doesn't just go up and down as a beam (cosmic jet) from the galactic centre, it also goes along the galactic plane.

Here is the Nexus in action...

The bright core of galaxy M87 is located in the lower left side of each of these Hubble Space Telescope images taken from 1999 to 2006, while the knot called HST-1 is the bright blob at centre. The glowing material at the far right of the image is part of a stream of particles in the jet that speed up and glows with an ultraviolet light. (Image: NASA/ESA/J Madrid/McMaster University)

So it’s happening everywhere...

Not just far away in the distant cosmos but also in our own backyard


Strangely, the ancients knew all about it.

And we consider our civilization advanced?

The Ones that left the knowledge to the Ancients had Calendars responding to the same cycles.

They left records that Time does not flow linearly but in a circular manner – in precise cycles.

They left records that the cycle we have be aware of and which is affecting our planet is 26, 000 years long. They also left records that there is something very important happening every 13,000 years when Earth goes through a half cycle.


The Super Massive Black Hole that is located in the center of The Milky Way Galaxy was given a name, Sagittarius A*. It contains an estimated 3.7 million solar masses.

Decades of intensive space scanning has finally revealed the truth that has always been known by the ancients... The Galactic core of The Milky Way did explode 26,000 years ago...

From that explosion, powerful gamma ray bursts were released into space and they are travelling towards this region of the galaxy. Since the ejected Super Wave from the galactic core is travelling around the speed of light, and we are some 26,000 light years away from it, it will become visible to us in few years.

From that explosion, powerful gamma ray bursts were released into space and they are travelling towards this region of the galaxy.

Since we are 26,000 light years away from the Galactic Center, and the ejected Super Wave is progressing around the speed of light, it will become visible to the human eye in the near future.

The Milky Way’s galactic plane can easy be identified even by an untrained eye as one views the shape and the characteristics of the galaxy.

Hubble-Spitzer Color Mosaic of the Galactic Center


Galactic Center Survey

This is a 400 by 900 light-year mosaic of several Chandra images of the central region of our Milky Way galaxy. The Super Massive Black Hole at the center of the Galaxy is located inside the bright white patch in the center of the image. The colors indicate X-ray energy bands - red (low), green (medium), and blue (high).

The mosaic gives a new perspective to how the turbulent Galactic Center region affects the evolution of the galaxy as a whole. This hot gas appears to be escaping from the center into the rest of the Galaxy. The outflow of gas, chemically enriched from the frequent destruction of stars, will distribute these elements into the galactic neighbouring areas. Because it is only about 26,000 light years from Earth, the center of our galaxy provides an excellent laboratory to learn about the cores of other galaxies.


This hot gas appears to be escaping from the center into the rest of the galaxy. ??? The outflow of gas, chemically enriched from the frequent destruction of stars, will distribute these elements into the galactic neighbouring areas. ???


Galactic Center (Survey) Mid-Infrared Image - Chandra

Galactic Center (Survey) Radio Image This image shows the same region of the galactic center at 90-cm radiation (radio)

What is going on in the Galactic Center?

Source: http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/blackhole_eruption_050127.html

Posted: 27 January 2005 Recent Outburst: The Milky Way's Black Hole Could Erupt Again

"About 350 years ago, the region around Sgr A* was literally swamped in a tide of gamma rays," said study leader Mikhail Revnivtsev of the Space Research Institute in Moscow and the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany. "We are now seeing an echo from a sort of natural mirror near the Galactic Center -- the giant cloud Sgr B2 simply reflects gamma rays emitted by Sgr A* in the past."

The glowing of the gas cloud was first noted by X-ray astronomers. The analysis of Integral's gamma-ray data allowed Revnivtsev's team to reconstruct the relationship of the event to the previous eruption of the Black Hole. The whole scene is about 26,000 light-years from Earth. In reality, the Black Hole's outburst occurred some 26,350 years ago. But it has taken the Black Hole's radiation 26,350 years to hit the gas cloud, be redirected, and reach Earth.

When gas spirals in towards such an immense gravity sinkhole, a portion of the gas is consumed while some is spat back out. Along the way, the material is super-heated and gives off X-rays and other radiation in a highly turbulent region. This causes the cores of very active galaxies to shine brilliantly.

The new study, using data from the European Space Agency's orbiting Integral observatory, found that compared to today, the Black Hole released nearly a million times more energy during the outburst.


The radiation storm moved away from the Black Hole at the speed of light, but technology was not able to witness the event at the time. The eruption has been detected now because it is currently interacting with a cloud of hydrogen gas (Sgr B2) that's 350 light-years from the Black Hole.

European Space Agency's orbiting Integral observatory

X-rays and gamma rays spat out from the Black Hole are now "washing ashore" on the gas cloud, which is known as Sgr B2. In a convenient cosmic twist, the cloud absorbs and re-emits the radiation in a characteristic manner, sending some of it right at us.

This was in 2005

Similar information was announced before and continued during the next three years.

Despite the fact that NASA/ESA’s information about the Gamma Outburst from Sgr A*, was covert information, many researchers noticed that something was not quite right and that NASA/ESA were hiding something major. Something which is of tremendous importance to life on Earth.

New observations of the Super Massive Black Hole at the center of The Milky Way Galaxy had revealed unexpectedly turbulent conditions in the region where matter is sucked beyond the point of no return.

Almost continuous violent eruptions of activity occur where astronomers had thought matter disappeared in an orderly flow. Enormous amounts of radiation have been observed streaming out from the regions where the black holes are anchoring other galaxies.

The new study is the first to detect emissions from superheated gas, called plasma, in the infrared portion of the spectrum. "Previous observations of radio and X-ray wavelengths suggests that the Black Hole is dining on a calm stream of plasma that experiences glitches only two percent of the time�, said Andrea Ghez, professor of physics and astronomy at UCLA who headed the research team. "Our infrared detection shows for the first time that the Black

Hole's meal is more like the Grand Rapids, in which energetic glitches from shocked gas are occurring almost continually.�

"It varies dramatically in intensity from week-to-week, day-today, and even within a single hour," she said. "It's as if we have been watching the Black Hole breathing."

The cause of the volatility is not known...

The new observations were made using the 10-meter Keck II Telescope at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii. “Seeing the Black Hole's external activity in infrared was a breakthrough�, said Mark Morris, a UCLA professor of physics and astronomy who also worked on the study. Most of the plasma's emissions appear to be in infrared, the results show.

http://www.esa.int/esaSC/SEM8SDANMUE_index_0.html 27 November 2006

>> ESA's gamma-ray observatory, Integral, has spotted a rare kind of gamma-ray outburst. The vast explosion of energy allowed astronomers to pinpoint a possible Black Hole in our Galaxy.

This X-ray image was obtained by ESA's XMM-Newton satellite during the night of 22-23 September 2006, and shows the intense X-ray emission of the X-ray nova IGR J17497-2821. The X-ray nova was first spotted by ESA’s Integral gamma-ray observatory.


The outburst was discovered on 17 September 2006 by staff at the Integral Science Data Centre (ISDC), Versoix, Switzerland. Inside the ISDC, astronomers constantly monitor the data coming down from Integral because they know the sky at gamma-ray wavelengths can be a swiftly changing place.

It was during one of the first of these observations that astronomers saw the outburst take place. An unexpected event of this kind is known as a 'target of opportunity'. At first they did not know what kind of eruption they had detected.

Thanks to the quick reactions of the astronomers at ISDC, observations were taken with satellites and observatories all around the world. ESA's XMM-Newton X-ray observatory, NASA's Chandra and Swift space telescopes, numerous ground-based telescopes captured the elusive radiation from this cataclysmic event. Now astronomers are hard at work, understanding what it all means.

(NASA) Infrared Photo of The Milky Way from Earth: nearly centered side view amidst a glowing plasma region of a whirlpool disc (fullest nearing 2012). It becomes clear that approaching 2012, Earth and her system will reach a critical climax and at the point of receiving a maximum of plasma energies as we are even now entering into the brightest, most energetic zone -- the beautiful glowing arms of The Milky Way disc.

What about 2008 ?

PRESS RELEASE Date Released: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Source: European Southern Observatory http://eu.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=26952

PRESS RELEASE Date Released: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Source: European Southern Observatory

VLT and APEX Team Up to Study Flares from the Black Hole at The Milky Way's Core

Astronomers have used two different telescopes simultaneously to study the violent flares from the Super Massive Black Hole in the centre of The Milky Way. They have detected outbursts from this region, known as Sagittarius A*, which reveal material being stretched out as it orbits in intense gravity close to the central Black Hole.

The team of European and US astronomers used ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) and the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope, both in Chile, to study light from Sagittarius A* at near-infrared wavelengths and the longer submillimetre wavelengths respectively. This is the first time that astronomers have caught a flare with these telescopes simultaneously. The telescopes' location in the southern hemisphere provides the best vantage point for studying the Galactic Centre.

"At the VLT, as soon as we pointed the telescope at Sagittarius A* we saw it was active, and getting brighter by the minute. We immediately picked up the phone and alerted our colleagues at the APEX telescope," says Gunther Witzel, a PhD student from the University of Cologne. Macarena Garcia-Marin, also from Cologne, was waiting at APEX, where the observatory team had made a special effort to keep the instrument on standby. "As soon as we got the call we were very excited and had to work really fast so as not to lose crucial data from Sagittarius A*. We took over from the regular observations, and were in time to catch the flares," she explains. Over the next six hours, the team detected violently variable infrared emissions, with four major flares from Sagittarius A* . The sub-millimetrewavelength results also showed flares, but, crucially, this occurred about one and a half hours after the infrared flares.

To escape from the very strong gravity so close to the Black Hole, the gas would have to be travelling at half the speed of light in order for the gas to be streaming out in a jet. Again this is what we observe had happened 26,000 years ago, because of the delay of the lights arrival to Earth. Not just one beam but a whole group of beams were released from the galactic core and at the moment are moving closer and closer to our region.

If what ETs had delivered via crop messages is correct, we can expect the first to arrive somewhere between December 21 – 24, 2012 and the last one to arrive exactly on December 28, 2013.

Scientists at NASA and the University of Kansas say Gamma-ray bursts are the most powerful explosions known. Most originate in distant galaxies, and a large percentage are likely arise from explosions of stars over 15 times more massive than our Sun. A burst creates two oppositely-directed beams of gamma rays that race off into space.

Scientists calculated that gamma-ray radiation from a relatively nearby star explosion, hitting the Earth for only ten seconds, could deplete up to half of the atmosphere's protective ozone layer. Recovery could take years or decades. With the ozone layer damaged, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun could kill much of the life on land and near the surface of oceans and lakes, and disrupt the food chain.

Gamma-ray Afterglow from Galactic Centre Gas Clouds Astrophysicists using the H.E.S.S. gamma-ray telescopes, in Namibia, have announced the detection of very-high-energy gamma rays from huge gas clouds known to pervade the centre of our Galaxy. These gamma rays are expected to result from the even more energetic cosmic-ray particles, which permeate our entire Galaxy, crashing into the clouds. However, precise measurements of the intensity and energies of these gamma rays, thanks to this most sensitive instrument in the world in this energy range, further show that in the central region of our Galaxy these cosmic-ray particles are typically more energetic than those we measure falling on the Earth's atmosphere. Possible explanations for this energisation of the cosmic rays near the heart of our Galaxy include the echo of a Supernova which exploded some hundred centuries beforehand or a burst of particle acceleration by the Super Massive Black Hole at the very center of our galaxy.

The surprise: The H.E.S.S. data show that the density of cosmic rays exceeds that in the solar neighbourhood by a significant factor. Interestingly, this difference increases as we go up in energy, which implies that the cosmic rays have been recently accelerated. So, this data hints that the clouds are illuminated by a nearby cosmic-ray accelerator, which was active over the last thirteen thousand years. Candidates for such accelerators are a gigantic stellar explosion which apparently went off near the heart of our galaxy in "recent" history (Chandra press release), another possible acceleration site is the Super-Massive Black Hole at the center of the galaxy.

The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) team consists of scientists from Germany, France, the UK, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Armenia, South Africa and Namibia.

The results were obtained using the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) telescopes in Namibia, in SouthWest Africa. This system of four 13 m diameter telescopes is currently the most sensitive detector of very high energy gamma rays. These are absorbed in the atmosphere, where they give a short-lived shower of particles. The H.E.S.S. telescopes detect the faint, short flashes of blueish light which these particles emit (named Cherenkov light, lasting a few billionths of a second), collecting the light with big mirrors which reflect onto extremely sensitive cameras. Each image gives the position on the sky of a single gamma-ray photon, and the amount of light collected gives the energy of the initial gamma ray. Building up the images photon by photon allows H.E.S.S. to create maps of astronomical objects as they appear in gamma rays. The H.E.S.S. telescope array represent a multi-year construction effort by an international team of more than 100 scientists and engineers. The instrument was inaugurated in September 2004 by the Namibian Prime Minister, Theo-Ben Guirab, and its first data have already resulted in a number of important discoveries, including the first astronomical image of a supernova shock wave at the highest gamma-ray energies.

Gamma-ray Glow from the Galactic Centre: Additional Information

The giant molecular clouds in the centre of our galaxy. The central part of our galaxy is home to several dense molecular complexes, seen here in CS line emissions. These clouds contain about 50 million times the mass of the sun in the form of hydrogen molecules. (from data provided by M. Tsuboi, see Tsuboi et al. 1999, ApJ Supp. 120, 1) The red circles show the positions of the two bright gamma-ray sources.

Comparison of the gamma-ray emission (after subtracting the two bright sources) with the distribution of interstellar gas. The CS data shown in the previous picture are shown here blurred to the resolution of H.E.S.S. (green contours). The diffuse gamma-ray emission (blue) approximately follows the gas distribution. This can be seen more clearly in slices in galactic latitude and longitude through the two maps (shown underneath). The red dashed line shows the gamma-ray emission that might be expected if a cosmic-ray accelerator was active at the galactic centre 13,000 years ago.

Dr. Adrian Melott of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas, said: "We don't know exactly when the Galactic Superwave came, but we're rather sure it did come -- and left its mark.


Dr. Paul LaViolette, Ph.D

Dr. Paul LaViolette is president of the “Starburst Foundation” – The Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute >> dedicated to scientific research and education on the Galactic Super-wave phenomenon. He is the author of :“The Talk of the Galaxy”, “Earth Under Fire”, “Genesis of the Cosmos (Beyond the Big Bang)” and “Sub-quantum Kinetics”.

Based on his work, he made predictions about the entry of interstellar dust into the solar system ten years before its confirmation in 1993 by data from the Ulysses spacecraft and by radar observations from New Zealand.

One key area of the Starburst Foundations research is concerned with the investigation of Galactic Super-waves, intense cosmic ray particle barrages that travel to us from the center of The Milky Way.

The primary goal of Dr. Paul LaViolette’s research has to do with galactic core explosions - violent explosions occurring in the centre of the galaxies. He also raised public awareness about the Super-wave phenomenon through his book “Earth Under Fire” as well as through various magazine articles.

Research in the early 80’s led him to ice samples from Greenland and Antarctica.

In Greenland he found high levels of cosmic dust in the Ice Age part of the core. Which confirmed the hypothesis that there would have been an arrival of cosmic rays from the Galactic centre around that time.

That arrival had pushed galactic dust into our solar system causing an extreme climate change on all the planets in our system. These cosmic rays filled the area with dust included the Sun, the radiation that reached Earth came from a different spectrum.

From a physical point of view, the doctor was speaking more about a reddish and dusty sky, the difficulty of perceiving the stars in the night sky, but most of all, about the radiation in the infrared spectrum and how it created what Paul LaViolette calls an “interplanetary hothouse effect�.

The primary goal of LaViolette’s expeditions was the search for evidence of increased levels of cosmic dust in the Ice Core Records that matched the last Ice Age.

In order to tell if there was the presence of cosmic dust in the ice he searched for the presence of particular elements.

He was looking for examples of Iridium and Nickel which are present in high levels of cosmic dust but on Earth are present at much lower levels.

Gold was another element he was looking for. He also found the presence of elevated levels of gold in the polar ice.



In particular, he was looking for the precious metal – Iridium. Iridium is about one hundred times more abundant than the rest of the cosmic materials in cosmic dust.

Dr. Paul was using neutrino activation which is when you bombard your sample in a reactor, make it radioactive and then measure the resulting gamma rays.

From that you can tell what is in the Ice.

Dr. Paul LaViolette’s testing was conducted from different depths. He studied ice samples that matched with different periods.

Some of the samples matched the period of the most commonly known animal extinctions on Earth. The period of the dinosaur’s mass extinction.

There were hundreds of findings. Most of the research was conducted behind closed doors.

World News Media own by the Elite does not report such discoveries and suppresses any evidence and results from scientific research.


Luckily, this discovery reached public awareness.

Whatever happened...it happened so fast that animals and other life forms were snap frozen in a second.

There was one major peak around 13,000 years ago and another around 26,000 years ago

13,000 years matches this time frame...Is it going to happen AGAIN?

Many indications point that it will...

One other element that is found in abundance in cosmic dust is – Beryllium.

In fact scientists look for Beryllium10 which is an radioactive isotope of Beryllium. Beryllium10 is created in the atmosphere when the atmosphere is bombarded with cosmic rays.

Beryllium can be found with mass spectrometers. This is a completely different type of analysis. To separate that particular isotope (Beryllium10) from other Beryllium isotopes, you need an accelerator.

The 10 million volt particle accelerator at ANSTO used to measure beryllium-10 in ice cores

Ice core samples that match 13,000 and 26,000 years ago, contained extremely large amounts of Iridium, Nickel, Gold and Beryllium10.




Many charts were designed. Teams from all over the world conducted studies of ice sheet samples. There were different opinions, But they all agreed that there were long periods of nominal values on the charts and then there were huge peaks on the charts. Most of them agreed that the latest peak matched the period around 13,000 years ago and the one before ~26,000 years ago.

The galactic core of The Milky Way ejects huge amounts of energetic particles every 13,000-26,000 years. Exactly the same...

Let’s go on...

Like Earth, our entire solar system has its own atmosphere, called the Heliopause. This "bubble" surrounds the Sun and planets as it travels through galactic space.

Like our earth's magnetosphere, the movement of the heliopause creates a rounded "head" and a narrowing "tail.“ Heliopause: “the point at which the solar wind meets the interstellar medium or solar wind from other stars�.

Until recently, astronomers believed that our solar system was a region relatively free from cosmic dust. The cosmic dust and frozen material of space were kept outside this protective bubble.

This was confirmed when the IRAS and Ulysses spacecrafts showed infrared images of the solar system, surrounded by wispy clouds of cosmic dust that increased in density just beyond Saturn.

So if cosmic dust is surrounding the heliopause, what would make it suddenly enter the heliopause and how would this coincide with huge solar flares? LaViolette envisioned something disrupting the heliopause from the outside, impacting it and drawing cosmic dust inside with it and energizing the Sun.

The energy of such an impact would be immense. The most logical place to look for such enormous energy is at the center of The Milky Way Galaxy.


Infrared Astronomical Satelite (IRAS)

Nearly the entire sky, as seen in infrared wavelengths and projected at a one-half degree resolution, is shown in this image, assembled from six months of data from the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). The bright horizontal band is the plane of The Milky Way, with the center of the Galaxy located at the center of the picture. (Because of its proximity, The Milky Way dominates our view of the entire sky, as seen in this image. The colors represent infrared emissions detected in three of the telescope's four wavelength bands (blue is 12 microns; green is 60 microns, and red is 100 microns). Hotter material appears blue or white while the cooler material appears red. The hazy, horizontal S-shaped feature that crosses the image is faint heat emitted by dust on the plane of the solar system. Celestial objects visible in the photo are regions of star formations in the constellation Ophiucus (directly above the galactic center) and Orion (the two brightest spots below the plane, far right). The Large Magellanic Cloud is a relatively isolated spot located below the plane, right of center. Black stripes are regions of the sky that were not scanned by the telescope in its first six months of operation.

The Ulysses Spacecraft

Perhaps related to this is the puzzling fact that, even though we have witnessed no Galactic explosions or "bursts", the measurements of cosmic dust streaming inside the heliopause has steadily increased to almost three times its original size since the last solar maximum in 2001.

During the solar maximum of each 11-year- cycle, the polarity of the Sun shifts - North becomes South and visa versa.

This brief period of magnetic instability allows some cosmic dust to enter the heliopause because the Sun's "shields" are reduced.

But once the new polarity is established, the Sun usually quickly blocks the dust.

This time (2001) it didn't happen. Cosmic dust has been streaming in from the Galactic center and astronomers are at a loss to explain why.

This is the first time something like this has happened, at least in the time frame of our Sun monitoring.

Not to mention so many anomalies and new phenomena that has appeared this year together with climate change on all other planets. And those changes are far from over.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------Something happened during the last solar maximum in 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------The protective shield around our solar system for some reason became less effective and the galactic dust from outer-space continued to penetrate inside. It’s still penetrating. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------The best conclusion from accumulated data was - that the cause is an unknown dynamic between our Star and the Galactic core. Something that ancient Egyptian, Olmec and Rama cultures were talking about all the time.

It's likely that our solar system is already experiencing the invasive energy from the Galactic equator as we move closer to 2012.

The recent data shows that dramatic and potentially deadly effects can result from solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Substantial data suggests that an event, similar to the one anticipated in the 2012 "doomsday" scenario, occurred about 13,000 years ago and was recorded by ancient humans. This event appears to have lasted for several years in duration and was responsible for the abrupt end of the last ice age as well as a substantial culling of the human population.

The surprising findings of LaViolette, supported by other research, suggests that the extreme solar event corresponded to powerful radiation coming from the center of The Milky Way Galaxy and that it was associated with gamma rays and cosmic dust.

Recent observations have shown a dramatic increase in gamma ray energy in the Galaxy's equator which will be at its maximum alignment with our solar system on December 12, 2012.

Anyway...all that was previously presented makes for somefew some interesting questions: What is this fuss about cosmic rays?

What's so special about them, that we have to be aware of them? Certain amounts of cosmic rays enter our atmosphere everyday and nothing special happens...so what's the message?

>> What is this fuss about cosmic rays?

We are talking about a Super-wave of energetic particles with unusual properties that are coming our way. That same energetic wave of unknown composition has the power to change everything that we see around us, including us. If the calculations are correct, it will be here somewhere in late December 2012.

Maybe for some, this is only a 26,000- year-old deadly gamma-ray outburst from the Sgr A*, something extremely dangerous to be reckoned with . However, for the open minded...it’s a lot more than that.

Image of a nebula surrounding a young pulsar known as PSR B1509-58, (about 17,000 light years away) as taken by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory

It will be contact with the COSMIC DESIGNER himself. Its Bluish-White beams of light will change the DNA of life in everything touched. It is a supreme program from the same COSMIC DESIGNER that created all the planets, stars, galaxies, clusters and super-clusters that we can see. It’s our opportunity for freedom and evolution.

Why Bluish-White beams of light? -----------------------------------

Scientists have found that the core of an active galaxy can shine brighter than the galaxy itself. That is, cosmic ray electrons breaking away from the galactic core, close to the speed of light, produce a bluish bright light, so bright, that it masks the life of galaxy spiral arms and surrounding masses of stars. Since our solar system is currently at the location of a joining point between the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy and The Milky Way, the arrival of cosmic rays will certainly affect us.

I wish this was another joke...like many other illusionary stories we have heard lately...But it’s not.

Also a huge celestial body will be passing very close to our solar system. Its mass is greater than the one of Jupiter and its gravitational influence will be major.

The Shadow Government is completely aware of this...it knows what is coming and is keeping this as quiet as possible. There is a huge underworld built under the earth’s surface and it’s already operational. The preparations for this event have already started.


It has to do with a lot of things...climate change, DNA change, the molecular makeup of the solar system...and also...it has major effects on the Sun.

As we were saying earlier, since we can’t see the galactic core because of its intervening dust clouds, most of the blue light from the galactic core explosion will come from the cosmic ray electrons emitted from the core. During the 26,000 light year journey to us, these powerful cosmic ray electrons would continuously generate a beam a bluish light. Soon after they become visible to us on Dec 13, 2012, a Super-wave of cosmic rays will start to penetrate the protective magnetic field of our solar system.

This will cause a network to form, of faintly luminous cobweb-like filaments stretching out from the sky.

Perhaps the most unpleasant phenomenon to occur in this early stage will be the prompt arrival of an electromagnetic pulse and perhaps shortly afterwards, the arrival of a giant gravity wave.

It will impact our Sun and all the planets in our solar system causing severe weather patterns, natural disasters, and shift of the magnetic and geological Poles. We all know what that leads to.

The gravity which holds the water in oceans at the moment of the flipover (Pole Shift), will no longer be able to sustain its equilibrium (balance) and the water from it no longer controlled by stable gravitation, will escape on one side which means nothing else but a New Global Flood!

This will trigger Tsunamis that are miles high, a tearing apart of the continents, ash fallout from volcanoes and winds like no other seen so far. There is a high probability that this will occur when the precession of the Earth ends on 21.12.2012, (it takes 25,920 years to complete a rotation) The Earth will stop rotating and when that happens, the people that survive will then experience what the ancient records described as “Heaven and Earth switching places. At the beginning of a new dawn, the Sun will rise on a different side�.

2009: January. Floods across North Queensland. Eight dead, thousands of homes and businesses destroyed. Photo: Paul Harris

The North Queensland town of Normanton - Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2009


The Mayan Calendar is primarily based on a point in the Pleiades.

Is this why this spot will no longer be in the same location in the sky on December 21st 2012, and why their Calendar does not continue?

Or did they just run out of paper?


The ancients left clear warnings about this event, thousands of years ago. We have to stop being so blind to the facts!


July 15, 2008, Avebury Manor / UK

From the data that is confirmed or passed on through the pictograms in the crop circles, our star will drastically increase its mass. 22 July 2008 Avebury Manor / UK

But, Crop Circles are all man-made. Right?

At least that is what the world-media is telling us...

From what we know, the Sun is a magnetic variable star that passes through a magnetic cycle usually lasting 22 years, with intense sun spots every 11 years. During the time of the solar maximum there is very high chance that the Sun will produce massive solar storms.

During such a storm, Earth would be under the influence of the Sun’s bombardment, and the highest layer of the atmosphere would become so electrically dense that all equipment or technology that orbits our planet would be exposed to danger.

This hitting of the Earth’s atmosphere will increase as those currents circulate above our planet.

The next Solar maximum matches December 2012. NASA predicts that the next solar maximum will be like no other previously seen. The Sun is behaving unusually (the sunspot anomalies), and is currently showing some unknown properties. There are major changes taking place inside the Sun. Is it also going through a recharge mode?

What’s going to happen when it reaches its maximal energetic level?

It’s GOING to expand in mass, producing a Solar Storm like no other!


Dark spots on the Sun were spotted via telescopes in 1610. Two years later in 1612, an Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei, sketched for publication, some mysterious dark regions that he saw on the surface of the Sun. Today, 400 years later we call these dark regions "Sunspots".

From what we have observed so far, dark regions emerge periodically on the Sun’s surface. These dark regions contain more intense magnetic fields than the rest of the Sun. As these spots can be much larger than Earth, these strong magnetic anomalies slow down the Sun’s convection current – these anomalies normally steer hot gas from deep inside the Sun, up to the surface.

With conventional currents being slowed or stopped, the Sun’s surface temperature can drop 20003000F. A cooler temperature means no glowing gas in these regions, which is why a sunspot's color is so dark. Sunspots are also the origin of dramatic flares known as Coronal Mass Ejections (or CME's). These are big flares propelled by strong solar winds of ionized particles and plasmas into the Solar System at 2 Million Miles per hour or more. Strong magnetic solar storms can do a great deal of damage to our electrical power grids and other electro-magnetic equipment on Earth.

Extreme Magnetic Storms can do ... more damage.

Despite four centuries of study - from old telescopes to modern satellites, solar astrophysicists still do not know precisely how Sunspots work or why there are Solar Cycles. From four centuries of study, we can conclude that Sun is going through an 11-year Sun-SpotCycle. At the solar min, the Sun should be very calm, with a minimum of Sunspots. At the solar max, the Sun should be very active, with maximum of Sunspots.

During the last solar maximum in 2001, the outbursts of the Sun were extremely powerful. One CME was so strong that it went off the charts. Scientists called it the biggest Solar X-Flare on record. It was at least X-20. The solar wind went into space at speeds of nearly 5 million miles per hour. We were lucky that day because that CME missed the Earth.

From the latest observations we can see that those rare sunspots in the Solar Cycle 24 are starting to behave as holes and are absorbing the injected CMEs back inside the Sun.

Something is very different about this Solar Cycle, scientists conclude.

This is a diagram of the percentages of the days in each month with no reported sunspots.

Solar Influences Data Analysis Center (SIDC)

A clear perspective of the transition from one solar cycle to another is given by examining the days of no reported sunspots.

Solar Influences Data Analysis Center (SIDC)

This diagram shows the cumulative number of spotless days during the transition. At the end of 2008, the number was 512 and is still climbing rapidly four years after the first spotless day.

http://www.appinsys.com/NASASolar.htm In 2008, it was observed that 266 of the 366 days (73%) had NO sunspots. Sunspot counts for 2009 have dropped even lower. As of March 31st, 78 out of 90 days (87%) had NO sunspots. In 2008, the sun set the following record: A 50-year low in solar wind pressure: Measurements by the Ulysses spacecraft revealed a 20% drop in solar wind pressure since the mid-1990s—the lowest point since such measurements began in the 1960s. The solar wind helps keep galactic cosmic rays out of the inner solar system. With the solar wind flagging, more cosmic rays are permitted to enter.

http://www.appinsys.com/NASASolar.htm ONCE MORE:

The solar wind helps keep galactic cosmic rays out of the inner solar system. With the solar wind flagging, more cosmic rays are permitted to enter. Heliopause: the point at which the solar wind meets the interstellar medium or solar wind from other stars.

Cosmic rays that are coming from the galactic center are bringing huge amounts of cosmic dust with them and at the moment the Heliopause can not longer shield them.

-What happens when huge amounts of cosmic dust enter our solar system? >>The same thing that happens when huge amounts of dust enters our lungs. >>We choke... >>And so it is the same with the solar system. ...The dust will start to fall on to the Sun... ...And that means a lot of trouble in the 3D realm...

Today, we know that when huge amounts of cosmic dust and gas hit the Sun’s surface, at the moment of impact, it produces a conversion of any gained kinetic energy into heat.

Once huge amounts of cosmic dust and gas penetrate our solar system during the super-waves, cosmic dust and gas is going to hit our Sun; the dust and gas piercing through the surface, irritating the sun, and causing the Sun to burn more hotly.

In addition, cosmic dust cocoons would surround the Sun. This would generate an increase of the Sun’s surface temperature as a result of an interception of the sun’s energetic flux output, and immediately after, a reflection of the same, back to the sun’s surface.

cosmic dust cocoons

These two effects would produce extremely highly-powered solar winds, with the appearance of extremely large and dangerous solar flares affecting all life on Earth. In other words, the cosmic dust and gas arriving at the end of 2012 into our solar system with the coming of the Nexus, The Super-wave Event, will cause our Sun to behave like a T Tauri Star. T Tauri stars are stars that are surrounded by a thin cloud of interstellar gas and dust which when induced, become intensely bright because of continuous coronal activity.

In the end they would become strong emitters of cosmic rays!

T Tauri Star

Anyway...For some reason, the energetic output that comes from the Sun towards Earth and other planets in the system...has changed!

Between the time of the last solar maximum in 2001 and present time, there have been visible changes on every planet including Pluto.

Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes further from the Sun,

Distant Worlds: Pluto and its moons are so distant and so small, even the Hubble Space Telescope can't get clear resolution of them.

Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness.


Uranus: “Really big, big changes� in brightness, increased global cloud activity

Saturn: A major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only 20 years, accompanied by a surprising surge of X-rays from its equator

Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only ~20 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator

Saturn – South Pole

Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds

Jupiter : North Pole

Mars: “Global Warming,� huge storms and the disappearance of polar ice

Venus: A 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantial global atmospheric changes in less than 30 years.

Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field.

Massive Impact: MESSENGER's instruments revealed previously unseen details of Mercury's Caloris Basin impact crater.

But what about Earth?

Extreme changes on every level of existence. JUST TO NAME A FEW: Drastic climate changes...Global warming; the melting of polar ice sheets, the rising of sea levels, earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding, ancient inactive volcanoes becoming active, increased radiation from the Sun as a result of earths weak protective shields.

Extinction of whole species... Unseen “Magnetic Portals“ in the magnetosphere which provide a direct electrical connection between the Earth and the Sun. A major Shift in Consciousness as a result of DNA mutations from an unknown influence. A separation between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. Beings that are present here on Earth are choosing sides.

But before we continue...

Earth is hollow too...

It is the same with other planets.

Our planet is alive.

In the exact centre of our Earth there is a large shiny sphere which is the spirit of our planet - Gaia. It is a creative intelligence that connects everything on this planet, not just in the physical dimensions but in all other dimensions.

To be more precise – our planet is hollow and contains many ancient cities. However, the central sphere shining in the exact centre of Earth emanates from an ancient underground city known as Shambhala.

The Light that we observe from the polar openings is the radiance from Gaia. Gaia is alive and just like us, has a bio-energetic makeup that requires a life-force to stay alive in this 3D reality. That life-force is called mana and it comes from the Sun. From what we can observe, it is similar to the breathing patterns between the Sun and the rest of the planets of the solar system. Every planet has openings at the spots we call the North and South poles, and these openings contract and expand in a certain rhythm according to the pulse of the Sun. It has exactly the same design as the Sun’s connection with Sgr A* , and so on ...towards the centre of the Universe.

If we remove the glasses of our prejudices and belief systems...it becomes crystal clear....It becomes visible to us.

If you could fly close to the surface of the Sun, you would hear a lot of humming noises and sonic booms.

At Stanford University and the University of California – Berkley, physicists have processed radio signals from the Sun and produced an audio file. The Sun vibrates with a hum that goes up and down every five minutes. Stanford scientists – called it – a singing Sun.

They had in their possession, several decades of recorded sunspot radio data. After the radio signal data was processed into audio files and the years were speeded up, it sounded like a heartbeat.

There are no sunspots on the Sun at the moment...is the Sun tired of singing?

Radio telescopes recorded the dimmest “radio sun” since we first started recording it. Careful measurements by several NASA spacecraft have also shown that the sun’s brightness has dimmed by 0.02 percent at visible wavelengths and a whopping 6 percent at extreme UV wavelengths. The Ancients called the cycles: First Sun, Second Sun, Third Sun etc. At the very end of every cycle there were drastic changes on Earth.

The current cycle (The Fifth Sun) according to ancient Mayan systems ends on December 21, 2012.

Back to Earth...

Everything we have been told about the structure of our planet is false. All knowledge concerning the crust, mantle, outer-core and inner-core is mostly false. In fact it is not only false, but a deliberate intention to deceive the public.

Basically, the general public is convinced that the composition of our planet consists of four main layers: the crust, the mantle, the outer core and the inner core. The crust is much thinner (0-30Km) than any of the other layers, and is composed of the least dense calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) aluminium-silicate minerals.

Most of the Earth's mass is in the mantle (30-2900Km), which is composed of iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), aluminium (Al), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O) silicate compounds. Basically, the mantle is solid at over 1000 degrees C but can become viscous and unstable with pressure.

The outer core (2900-5200Km) is composed mostly of iron (Fe) and about 10% of sulfur (S) and again, according to scientists, it is so hot there that this layer is molten.

The inner core (5200-6350Km) is under such extreme pressure that it remains solid (Fe).

Which is false. Like most current belief systems.

Uhh?…I forgot… What about the Lava flows ?

It has got to be coming directly from the outer core right? At least that’s what the Discovery Channel is telling us right?

All media sources are corrupt...don't believe them. They serve only to deceive you.

In fact, evidence has shown that the origin of the lava flow is so much closer to the surface of the planet than to the centre of our planet.

Nevertheless, if you ask a true scientist and he or she is honest, the reply will be: “We have accumulated more data about the surface of the Sun than the depth of the Earth!�

Which is only partly true, since the Elite of the scientific community who work for the Shadow Government know all about this.

How did Astronauts missed this?

They didn't. They were just not allowed to talk...

But some did... Our Earth is hollow, with the two main entries at the Poles.

Just like most of the planets we observe with telescopes and satellites.

Most of what is presented to us about the structure of our universe, our planet, other planets, what we are and how we are all connected; our past, our DNA potential, other life forms in the universe...is mostly false. It is deliberately kept that way, so that the Elite and others above them, can maintain control over us and the planet. So is there someone above the Elite?

-Oh Yes...it goes a lot deeper than that.

Over 70 large and small pyramids SHENSI PROVINCE IN CHINA

Two of these structures in China are much bigger than the Great Pyramid in Giza.

I wonder how those Gentlemen missed that?

After 50 years of SPACE


How the Astronauts missed that?

Tower Zero, Harold E. Holt Naval Communication Station


That we are NOT ALONE!




VIKING 1, 1976






More than 200 monuments with a geometry and precision hardly reachable even today. Deep jungles temples and pyramids, strange structures curved on hard ground, mysterious half-etheric flying beings, gigantic submerged structures, extreme UFOs and USO activity. Its all there. We just have to go and look.

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