Why you need Social Media Management You may have heard the term “Social Media Management” being recommended to businesses and organizations these days, but are not quite sure what it means. While you’re probably familiar with how important word of mouth is in terms of marketing and branding for a company, think of social media as the amplifier. If someone has a good interaction with your brand, they might tell others about it; but if they have a negative experience these days, instead of telling one or two close friends, they are probably going to blast it to their hundreds (if not thousands) of followers and friends on various social network platforms. This is where and why professional social media management becomes a crucial component of your marketing model.
Why Social Media Management Is Important It’s always a bit startling how little attention and importance is placed on social media by brands of all sizes. As we’ve previously discussed here, social media is quite possibly the most important tool in your marketing arsenal, so why would you leave anything to chance? Social media management helps you manage outbound and incoming online interactions, along with other marketing activities, in a professional and efficient manner. By representing your company in a positive and authentic way, social media management can build credibility and awareness for your brand across a myriad of social media platforms – reaching current and potential customers who may not be aware of developments or aspects of your organization. Social Media Management helps you stay competitive in the marketplace. If you feel that social media is not relevant to your business model, think again. According to Nielsen’s 2012 annual social media report, the United States spent 121 billion minutes on social media sites in July 2012 alone. That’s 388 minutes — or 6-1/2 hours — per person. In the U.S. individual spend approximately 20% of their time on personal computers liking, tweeting, pinning, whatever it is they do on social media, and 30% of their time on mobile devices doing the same. In the last year people have increased time spent on Social Apps by 76% and the time people spent on Social Media on mobile devices grew by 24%. What this means is, that the more time people spend on social media, the more they become engaged in a brand. In fact, one in three social media users prefer to contact a company by Facebook or Twitter to comment or ask a question versus picking up their telephone.