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Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Semana Santa Supplement Easter 2015

Torrevieja during Holy Week with information about the processions and the programme of processions each day. Palm Sunday Way of the Cross route and maps

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Thousands of people turn out in the Torrevieja streets to witness the Holy Week processions wherein the drama of Jesus' last hours unfold. Step by step, in tune with the images and bands, the lines of cofradias march through the crowded streets. But is this just a spectacular event, or something with a deeper intent? In this supplement we will bring you the images of Torrevieja processions, the timetable, and try to explain a bit of what it is all about. People who don't darken the insides of the church throughout the year will feel a deep stirring within themselves to participate in these nightly processions. Others are driven by a deep faith in Jesus, his love for us that led to his death and final triumph over death and use this event to demonstrate solidarity with the sufferings of Jesus. Especially on the Friday night when most of the images are processed and over two thousand people participate. bringing together most of the events portrayed in the past week with the exception of The Last Supper, a trono or float that has been seen on Monday and Thursday.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

Semana Santa Supplement

March/April 2015


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

The street is turned into a mobile museum of art in all its forms. Statues in wood and polychrome, lavishly painted, some with realism. The art work of artisans can be seen in the silver work patterns and images battered into the tronos and seen in the lanterns carried by the lines of cofradias. The beautiful, painstaking embroidery sewn into costumes of images and those walking, in capes and badges, in the drapes around the tronos, in the banners of each group.

Several bands play suitable music, some groups from other towns or even military bands. History unfolds with Romans on tambors and cornets. Each trono vies with each other in a passionate pattern of colors of flowers of many types. The scent of incense often assails the other sense as the smoke rises like a prayer. Its an altogether awesome spectacle if one observes each image closely, picking out emotional details of pain and anguish, sorrow and anger, cruelty and forgiveness, hatred and piety, compassion, envy, solicitude, love. There is no doubt that there are many lessons of life to be drawn from these processions if we take them in and mull over them. These are scenes that have brought sainthood to many sinners over the centuries as individuals have realized the full content of the message of God's mercy and love for each person whom He has made in His own image. It is up to each one to discern his

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

own feelings when watching these processions, but they can have a powerful impact on one's senses and feelings. In the life of Jesus we can see that there are many of our own life's lessons that correspond to ourselves - from his birth to his final rejection, despair, fear, death and resurrection. The final procession is on Easter Sunday with two processions meeting together announcing the joy and glory of the resurrection as Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament meets a symbolic image of his grieving mother with black veil. The mourning veil is removed amid shouts of 'Alleleya, He has Risen', in a tradition that Jesus would appear to his mother before any of the other apostles.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Holy Week or Semana Santa begins six weeks before Easter with the arrival of Lent on Ash Wednesday with people receiving the sign of the cross on their foreheads, marked with the ashes of palms that were used the year before. This is a reminder that our time on earth is limited and that whenever our time comes we will return to ashes, we are reminded of our mortality and humanity, in the meantime we have to make the most off opportunities in our lives. Opportunities to improve ourselves, our own lot in life, opportunities to help others and the planet on which we live, especially those who are the most deprived amongst us. A reminder that we should leave this earth in a better state than what we found it in. The ashes are a Biblical symbol of repentance, sorrow, and humility.

The Semana Santa programme is presented shortly after this with a super production of a yearly magazine full of lovely photos of past processions, information about upcoming events, the timetable of the nightly processions and the thoughts of some of those people who participate, including some of the foreigners who are involved in carrying the international paso of Jesus in the Garden of Olives. The poster and cover of the magazine reproduced here is a photo by Javier Torregrosa. There is an overall organizing body the Junta Mayor de Cofradias that decides the order of walking, times etc. Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Each year there is a series of talks, conferences, debates and Masses aimed at helping each person to come to a better realization and, therefore, involvement in the upcoming processions. This is the thirteenth year for these series. A significant honor is when someone is elected as Capirote d’Oro, a position that changes each year. A capirote is one of the hooded figures in the various lines and also called Nazarenes after the idea that Jesus came from Nazareth and therefore these are his followers. Some of the sweets handed out during the processions are in the shape of a capirote. Each cofradia or guild is responsible for at least one float or paso; sometimes a cofradia will have more than one paso to deal with. Another solemn act is a celebration of the lives of those members of the various guilds who have passed on from this life and helpfully sharing in a better one. Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

There are several Catholic parishes in Torrevieja la Inmaculada, Sagrado Corazon of Jesus, San Pedro y Pablo, San Roque y Santa Ana, San Salvador, and in la Mata the Holy Rosary.

During these weeks most groups will organize fund rising events to offer alms to local charitable associations for those most needy. This may also include a social event such as a giant paella. Most years there is some special anniversary perhaps of the foundation of a cofradia or the renewal of an image or the introduction of some new element into the whole affair.

Another event is the procession of the Via Crucis or Way of the Cross with a procession wending its way from the church of la Inmaculada up the hill to the district of Calvary. This year it is on 20th March.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Some men will take it in turns to carry a large crucifix; with a musical band and or choir accompanying them. En route they stop fourteen times with a reminder and prayer of an event from the last journey of Christ, imitating his final steps. Most parishes will hold similar Via Cruces in their own parish, either in the street or inside the church where normally you can see the 14 Stations of the Cross all year round.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

The Friday prior to Palm Sunday is dedicated to the Virgen de Dolores or Our Lady of Sorrows. This is on 27th March this year. Throughout the week prior to this images used in the various nightly processions will be carried to central locations usually accompanied by a musical band. Some of the pasos or floats are kept in the street behind the main church in a large marquee. Normally these will include the Last Supper and the Garden of Olives.

The Pregon is the actual address by someone specially invited to give a discourse on the idea behind all of these processions. This year it will be given by a cardinal Rev. Carlos Amigo Vallejo. Semana Santa is an event that involves most of the town as people carry the paso, walk alongside them, play in a band or sing in a choir, in the security forces and marshals, or merely Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Fotos: Objectivo Torrevieja


Semana Santa Supplement

Drumming up support and Raising funds and food (and toys) for those in need in Torrevieja as almsgiving


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Palm Sunday processions features a midday procession of Jesus Triumphant entering Jerusalem accompanied by palm waving crowd, San Juan Evangelist group (banner on left) and Las Mantillas at night. Children are pastors in La Mata procession.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Children of San Juan Evangelist cofradia have received a special recognition this year.

Samaratin Woman at the Well

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Cofradia de la Convocatorio

Sunday March 29th Palm Sunday Processions begin on Palm Sunday morning, this year on Sunday March 29th with the blessing of palms in the Sagrado Corazon church in plaza Oriente, then a procession to the main plaza de la Constitution carrying the statues of St. John Evangelist and Jesus Triumphant. On some years the procession goes the other way. Part of the cofradia of St. John Evangelist is a group of children who carry their own paso, which has a large Bible on it, underlining the place of sacred texts. Other churches will have similar processions and the one in La Mata traditionally has the parish priest on the back of an ass representing Jesus triumphantly processing into Jerusalem amid a La Mata Palm procession crowd waving palms and olive branches. In the evening “La Mantillas” procession begins at 20:30 from the Sagrado Corazon with the image of the Cofradia de la Convocatrio and Nuestra Señora del Esperanza y Paz - it goes down to the front and along to the Paseo Vista Algeria before doubling back up to the main plaza de la Constitucion. Normally the tambors of the Roman Legion will accompany them but this year with their own group. 10:30 Palm procession from plaza Oriente to plaza de la Constitucion. see map above. 20:30 See map opposite. Plaza Oriente along seafront and central streets to main church. Cofradia de la Convocatorio and Our Lady of Hope and Peace. Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Monday March 30th 22:00 Stating from the plaza de la Constitucion, along the streets of Caballero de Rodas, Patrico Perez, Ramon Gallud, Maria Parodi, San Pascual, Azorin, Caballero de Rodas and the plaza Constitucion. Participating: Cofradia de Convocatrio; Samaritan Woman at the Well; Last Supper; Garden of Olives; Flagellation; Virgen of Stars, Queen of Angels, Saint Jude Thaddeus; San Pedro, Captive Jesus.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

The Last Supper paso Foto: Javier Torregrosa Jesus in the Garden of Olives International paso Fotos Keith Nicol

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Tuesday March 31st 22:00 From plaza de la Constitucion, along the streets of Caballero de Rodas, Patrico Perez, Concepcion, Paseo Vista Alegre, Maria Parodi, Caballero de Rodas and the plaza Constitucion. Six cofradias Participating: Cofradia de Convocatrio; Christ Crucified; Jesus of Good Health, Silent Mary; Fallen Jesus; Veronica, San Juan Evangelist, Our Lady of Sorrows.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Men, women and children all take part at some time in the processions, some walking alongside, some carrying the pasos, others organising or supporting with funds. But all are important in their own way.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Mantillas, candles, flowers, barefoot penitents, music, costaleros - all have parts to play in the sacred drama of Santa Semana processions.

Our Lady of Sorrows accompanied by Las Mantillas

Wednesday 1st April, is a night that hasten of the most emotive events of the week as the two large pasos of the Fallen Jesus meets his mother Mary, Our Lady of Hope, at a crossroads and the costaleros lift the huge floats shoulder high in a last meeting between son and mother, known as the Encuentro, to the tune of the Marcha Real.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

All the security forces participate in Semana Santa processions throughout Spain, usually connected with a suffering Christ, whether police or Legionnaires.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

Semana Santa Supplement

March/April 2015


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

One procession starts out at the plaza Oriente carrying the paso of Jesus carrying the Cross, accompanied by a guard whipping him on. The other procession leaves the plaza Constitution bearing Our Lady of Hope image full of long candles. Both meet on the corner of Maria Parodi and Ramon Gallud streets.

No sweets are handed out on this evening

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Thursday 2 April 23:00 Tonight is the most solemn of the processions of Holy Week as the street lights are dimmed out, there is no music apart from the mournful beat of tambors, or someone singing a saeta from a balcony. The Francisco Vallejos Choir sing as the procession leaves the main church

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Parents encourage children to carry on the traditions of Semana Santa and some nights the procession will stop while someone will sing a saeta hymn of praise in Andalusian style.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

This year there is a change in that the procession from the plaza del Calvario will take place later at 00:30 taking us into Friday morning. Featuring the Cofradia of Our Lady of Piety with its band of drums and the Manuel Barbera Choir.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

GOOD FRIDAY 3 APRIL 20:00 Tonight the 14 cofradias turn out carrying 18 pasos, this is the longest procession as the first paso finishes while the last one is just beginning its journey and onlookers are requested to remain silent when the more solemn pasos pass them by.

GROUPS PARTICIPATING Cofradia de la Convocatoria and the Samaritan Woman, Last Supper, Garden of Olives, the Flagellation, Virgen of the Stars,Queen of Angels, St Judas Thaddeus, St. Peter the Repentant, Jesus the Captive Nazarene Jesus Fallen, Saint Veronica, Jesus Triumphant, Our Lady of Hope and Peace, Christ Crucified, Jesus of Good Health and Maria of Silence, Our Lady of Piety, The Burial of Jesus, Saint John the Evangelist, Our Lady of Sorrows ROUTE. Plaza de la Constitucion, STREETS - Caballero de Rodas, Patricio Perez, Ramon Gallud, Zoa, Ulpiano, Moriones, Caballero de Rodas and return to the Plaza de la constitucion

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015


Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

An 100 men carry the International Jesus in the Garden of Olives paso accompanied by the green and gold clad lines of women and children with some women in the black mourning dress.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Women also carry some of the pasos that have a particular significance for them. The relevance of the Samaritan woman at the well is an obvious example as Jesus tells her how to live in peace and sin no more, without condemning her for her way of life.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

Semana Santa Supplement

March/April 2015


Torrevieja Outlook

Semana Santa Supplement

March/April 2015


Torrevieja Outlook

Semana Santa Supplement

March/April 2015


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

The Standards of each cofradia are works of art in embroidery, each with its symbolism pertaining to each guild. The Veronica cofradia has the cloth that wiped the face of a bloody Jesus and leaves an imprint of his face.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Saturday 4th April 22:30 POPULAR TAMBORS PARADE This is a free for all drum banging parade to which all are invited starting at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre. It is a parade of jubilation announcing the resurrection of Jesus and includes bands of the Samaritan, Christ Crucified, Piedad, Juan Evangelist, and anyone else who likes banging a drum. Parades through various streets ending up with three rounds around the plaza de la Constitucion.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Easter Sunday 5th April 08:00

A very simple but emotional procession. Two early morning processions begin at the same time, but in opposite directions, from the plaza de la Constitucion. They meet at the intersection of calls Fotografias Darblade and Concepcion. Here the image of Mary is veiled but as she encounters her son present in the Blessed Sacrament and realizes he still lives, the black mourning veil is taken from her image and the joyous Alleluias ring out and petals fall from the surrounding balconies.

Semana Santa Supplement


Torrevieja Outlook

March/April 2015

Torrevieja’s holy Week events finally close a week afterwards on the feast of Saint Vicente Ferrer, a patron of Valencia and Murcia Regions. The Monday following Easter Monday is a local holiday also known as the day of the picnic as most people traditionally camp out in the pines of La Mata. The only procession is by the priest who visits the sick nearest to the church taking holy communion to them. He is accompanied by a few men who carry the palio, a sort of canopy, as he carries the sacrament from door to door accompanied by the scent of incense, which is notable throughout all the Holy Week services. Vicente Ferrer was a great preacher who believed in education ands responsible for founding many schools in both regions. The day following this schoolchildren return to classes.

Thanks to Javier Torregrosa, Keith Nicol, Objectivo Torrevieja and Andy Ormiston for the photos in this special supplement Semana Santa Supplement


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