Welcometo EmiratesTowers whethe,app,oach iq Dubabryand,anorsea,
D!M'rhaMidd eEdlaid rhewo/d.
Eurcpeaidthetei(h b le$ irhewo'd,wh ethe
oneofihe wordl md modem.it e5andwil be(omeaslynonymousio rhe emide asthe connedrnqthe rowe6 L rhe EmnaiesTorer soulevaid,reatudnsspa.iouswalkwaFlhk.d by skrlt @unyads,erclusive !hopr,theme Wiih i6 seneriona .rchit*tft designand pain*aklngad.nrlonbde*lledpreclsionand excelen.q Emrder TM6 rymboliserDubait pornioni. the nM ml lennium* a .ity d the (o$cds olthewo d andiheqat$ayto
Eriyr(!$ befrcmal najorro:dsand r5 n nuterr,omDubai hishways,andjun mo,ethanr7 h!da,esofaidmpedsardeE
bu:in$ horelGreqo,y.nan envionmedqeded
A warm reception rhewecomeroEmrdesroweK beqinronq
addvi 106*:yinqaranyofrhehorel!aites rc g r!t rd * ih e a lp d t b y o n e o f n ms c d s fomal iei comperedenrouteb rhehorel.
grensde embaed byaspe6<ddrobb, 3upedy it by nturar iqhr.s.adinqth'oushihe
a.h qo dencdpe$andlivepiano muslcaeate the idealbacrdop lor an infomal meetlnsplac. w rh the n.eprion dk Edly looted b the side the lobbyqenekiesa rclded amblencewnh sna& A glan..upMdr Gv.alsa 30.6drahrqh atium hou5inqhotel meetinqrcomsand ofii@, v ss of Dubaitoan ine/ suesbwih mamoGble artheyqlldeskywadaiiourmenasp!r3a.ond. afthe EmrbresloweE Hore,
i' . iZ --.- - l."
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Roomswith a view moderibr nes hvele,rnd rheiupelbry
prcvdeanoff.eamyromrheorr.e:nd i home
wh.h p'ovdenunninsvsw5of(he. ry Ea.hone
rpa(iou5 de*andacomfo'rabeerqonomtc. ly shndad ta.iriiiesindudea d.dicated
h! evenpo$ible fo, suenr b q/pee haik or surfrhe net from rh. (ohtort ot the I own beds, Thetel.virionsa fo.alpointofthercom.nd a 50providequenswitha..e$ io a sie of .odvenientandiim+$vinqtacift es,in.udinqa viewoirhen<urGntb rk r anyrlmeandipeedy
Our Buvins L')
Power i5
. [ ! . 1 ' L c ' rl
t ' n n rn I ' o ' d rmo n
rfiods maxinrn,
.ortrcriri!. prirnig oppoturnl.i
.1999 prrchrsnrcroluo'! s\oeedic S3;0milllon.nsuhn,gnr tum.nddE bu,i,a I,n.,",,,i,i,tu,riry,outr.l
Our Fee
is Client Fliendly. t,Eoti:\itDP,tt tult c0[Il1!\ Y r.r rh r..:s, .t1rz Duhii rl,\.l]., fdi {r7r1)slr 30e,Fd pr r ! 33rr !,1' r!.ddri;@d!niGje'.{
gh perfomrance , -
a\a\na\rAlA l\_.il \-/L\J \J\Jl
u eEd coid PDdldtb, cd P'rimi'lttc
Vdeoondedandand ivehtemei nkto p acein rhe atesevent atrdhappeninsstkns Dubaandarcund theword arclunsoneorrh. Graniteand mrble'tloorcd bathrooms n the Deluxe Rooms.onbin walkin showeu:nda r pk.hery-woodwadrcbeswrh(hbnelinishej prcvdinqgenercus nobqefordoihlns.Ghs
.omp menbrydrnks:nda5eredioi of ho6 rurluseha3beei hadeofthehoterttians!lar behadfrohrhelvnsrcom'bedroomsrnd!ven thebarhrcon<,wheeru I enqthwiidowshave PresidenrialandoneRoyal suireforguens.Ih! rhrcePresidenriar sune.eachcoveranareaof 230.
Business-class efficiency itofia6theb6iie$rav.rleiwfthal requ.ns handled byhiqhytainedtaffandhiqhtech
to majo'con'e'en(eandbanque$. pdt of thehote! busne$appeal.wftha dqe (ontu'en(etableand seatinqrol up to r B oontwherea backdopofDubai's3pend d natuk llght lloodsinto the roon. TheveD,*eninte.hnooqyisavailablelrom
qlL .L Eir f lsJ! rrn ll i<J.
oneo nq nafiri n nqaid.ontinui y
Ballroomelegance n hore n.inq:nd rheEhar4ToweaHorehas paidr bureto Dubasword f:mousnabeby i:n nqrherrorer! ba roomn ts honoul dearrorhlqerfuic(on5and formag*hs ngs of!pto600 peopelhecodoph n B: hoom:^d A(es 5thrcUgh : dedOledent:i(elothe Jo(h sideofthehote,orbyrrhonwarthrouqh the obbyviarhena ka5eandeG *o,torhepre provides f!n.ron rcom,whi.h a v bkntand
inriyrandthreemodem.honeaid <lyna
i-fi ?
IF tl
Millennium Iandmark grobahubtorbusine$ repuhtionasa Ih s nrurn hdplayedamajor 6 ein theefreqen.eorthe Dubarn a.nywhe'etinee$laditionshave
anothelm|enoneinthe.ity!deveopment' ftomors nal.on.eplro.onnrudion, nrero, dgcdrand nanda*of setuice,rheproperynin 6lmer otbrs nes roDub:tihe..lpo!te Gpb oflheJ\lidd e E;5!mdwn p ayamaF' rcle nsearingrhectyupforthe.ha len96ot