Litmag Orian 2016 final

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By Orian Mattei Rivas



time traveller journal– om

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Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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Traveller Foreword


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time traveller journal– om

THE Beginning

The Time

Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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I STARED OFF THE EDGE of my balcony into the old ruins bellow and wondered how life was when the old buildings were still in use. The world has changed so much and drastically since the time those houses were used. The discovery of magic is the biggest change of all. “Magic” was discovered over 50 years ago by a Howard H. Houdini, a scientist of the metaphysical. He described this “magic” as humans being able to manipulate the laws of reality and physics by using more than just 10% of their brain. However, he says that how much brain power any one person can access is unique to that person, so depending on how much one can access, determines one’s abilities. Since this discovery scientist have been mapping out the percentages and what abilities they grant: 10%normal, 15%-heightened senses, 20%- control of our own body, 25%control of our own aura, 30%- free control of the life energy around us, 35%- control over matter, 40%control of other people, 45%- larger capacity of understanding, 50%able to access a cosmic force.

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10%-normal, 15%-heightened senses, 20%- control of our own body, 25%-control of our own aura, 30%- free control of the life energy around us, 35%- control over matter, 40%-control of other people, 45%larger capacity of understanding, 50%able to access a cosmic force I became curious as to how a boy of 17 would live at the time where “magic” and bloodlines were nothing more than fantasies, and hoped that boy had a better life than me. I am the heir to the “great” Mattei-Rivas family, a prestigious bloodline that originated in the “mother land of Qurica”. We own many global companies, make up a quarter of the military manpower as well as provide weapons, and we have friends in high and low places. To sum up, we are a very powerful and noble family… well at least we used to be. Two years ago the head of the family, my father, was involved in a rather bloody conflict with a rival family, he was…defeated…but not before taking half of the rival family’s man power with him. Then my mother assumed the position as head, but was accused of involvement in my father’s death and was persecuted, but escaped and is currently in hiding (though no one in this world could come close to catching my mother, let along imprison her). The current head is my uncle from my father’s side of the family, Daken. He has turned my family from a noble, powerful force loved by all, to a feared, corrupt, and hated world power. “Now what are you doing out here in the cold?” The question came from behind me, and by judging by that voice, it had to be Felicia Hardy. She is the adopted “daughter” of my uncle and is supposed

He has turned my family from a noble, powerful force loved by all, to a feared, corrupt, and hated world power.

“don’t you dare say my name!” I snapped at her before she could utter another sound from her mouth.

to be my fiancé. Felicia is roughly 5’4, has an hour glass figure, and has long white hair. She studied in the England before coming to live with us, so she can say and act very formal. I for one am not accepting being told who I have to marry, and have of yet accepted her proposal. “I hate being part of this parties Daken keeps throwing” I responded with out turning to face her. “but na…” “don’t you dare say my name!” I snapped at her before she could utter another sound from her mouth. “I have not granted you that right, Hardy” “know your place!” Taking the scolding, Felicia stepped back, and bowed her head in apology, “I’m sorry, Matteieir, please forgive my disrespect” she said, holding back a few tears. I didn’t catch her apology, I was to absorbed analyzing the ruins, it was a while till I noticed she was still bowing her head, waiting for me to forgive her. “Raise your head Hardy, it annoys me to see you like that.” She finally raised her head and settled her self next to me. Then she whistled a weird tune, her eyes glowed blue, and a black cat appeared in a poof of blew smoke. “have you meet Mr. Groovy, Matteieir?” Felicia is able to access 30 percent of her brain, this means she can tap into the energy that flows through all life and manipulate it at her will. With this she is able to create sentient beings out of

Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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“I didn’t catch her apology, I was to absorbed analysing the ruins, it was a while till I noticed she was still bowing her head, waiting for me to forgive her.” energy, this particular one she calls Mr. Groovy. “Yes I have meet him before” I say as I start petting him, he’s surprisingly soft and fluffy for a being made out of life energy. “I know your life hasn’t been the best lately, Matteieir, but you can’t lose hope.” Said Felicia as groovy started to fade away. “I haven’t, I’m not goanna stop till I find out what happed to my father, and prove my mother innocent.” I replied, this time looking her straight in the face so she could tell I was serious. “Then I will help you in anyway I can, and I wont let you not let me” she says to me while she picks up my hand and holds it firmly. “Fine I’ll allow it….and you can call me Nairo” I say as I take my hand back, and start to turn around, when suddenly theirs red electricity around us and in another second the balcony floor starts to crack and crumble! Thanks to the athletic training my dad gave me, if I was alone I could have jumped and flipped my way to safety, but of course I wasn’t. The ground under Felicia started to give way, I had two choices: I could try to save her or I could save myself. I wasn’t rocket science to figure out what to do, so I leaped after Felicia, as she was falling and managed to grab her hand with my right hand, and with my left I held on to the ledge that was still intact. I hoisted her onto the ledge, picked her up, and jumped my way to the balcony door just as the entire floor gave way to the wilderness below.

“Thank you so much Nairo” said Felecia has she held me tighter. “It was nothing, now get off of m-’’ I grabbed her tight and jumped out of the way, as a purple shock wave zoomed past us! “Are you ok Felicia?” I asked while scanning the interior of the ball room. She didn’t have time to respond when my body felt heavy, I couldn’t move! What was left of the floor around me started to crack, and I felt as if I had a car on top of me, Felecia screamed with pain, but before I could do anything we were thrown from the house by and invisible force. As we plummeted to our doom, I “Fine I’ll allow it….and you can heard Felicia crying in my arms holding me call me Nairo” tight, but I didn’t feel fear, in stead I felt anger! I was so angry that I was going to die before I could correct the wrongs done to my family, when suddenly I felt a surge of huge amounts of energy coarse through my body, bluish energy started emanating form my body and started to engulf Felicia and I. Then just as we were about to fall, the ground gave way to a vortex, we fell through the vortex at amazing speeds, I felt like I was going to be flattened by how fast we were going. Then, as quick as the vortex appeared it gave way to a river, knowing I felt a surge of this was going to hurt like hell I shifted my huge amounts of energy coarse body so that I would break the fall, and through my then we hit the water, the last thing I body, bluish remember was feeling an intense pain in purple energy started emanating form my back, and sinking. my body and started to engulf Felicia and I. Then just as we were about to fall, the ground gave way to a vortex, we fell through the vortex at amazing speeds,

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time traveller journal– om


PLANNING μπορείτε να καταλάβετε τι λέω, παιδί;”

Δεν πρέπει να κάνουν τέτοιες κινήσεις του παιδιού, λιγότερο θέλετε να επιδεινώσει την πληγή σου”

Δεν καταλαβαίνω ξένο παιδί τη γλώσσα σας”

παρακαλώ μην προσπαθήσετε να μετακινήσετε πάρα πολύ ακόμα, το τραύμα σας δεν έχει ακόμα πλήρως επουλωθεί.”

my Greek is a little rusty” she said “Greek!?”

Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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μπορεί να τον βοηθήσει έξω | 9 |

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Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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The Ending Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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time traveller journal– om

It’s been eight years since Felicia and I traveled to Greece and meet the great hunter Orion, whom has been training us both. Roughly five weeks after we started training with Orion he introduced us to Homer, the great poet. This was the best move our teacher could have done because Homer was able to teach us how to speak Greek, without understanding a word we spoke in English. He was also able to teach me how to gain better control over my powers, but not enough that I’m able to get us to our time just yet. We leave to the furthest I can get us in the future tomorrow. “Do you have everything ready for your journey, child?” said Orion as he walked up to me. “Yes teacher, everything is ready for our travel” I responded to him as I finished closing my bag pack. “and what about you, huntress? Do you have everything that belongs to you?” asked Orion to Felicia “Yes teacher, I have everything ready for the journey.” Respond Felicia “That’s good then” said Orion as Homer was walking up to him, “are they ready to travel?” asked Homer. “we set out tomorrow at sunrise great poet.” I said. “Ah yes very good” responded Homer

“shall we dine now?” he said as he signaled us to the dining table. We walked over there sat as we were supposed to seat with teachers on one side, students on the other, it was a form of respect shown to the more experienced. However, this time Homer sat on one side and Orion sat on the other, so Felicia and I sat next to the ones we were more attached too: I sat

next Orion and Felicia sat next to Homer, and we ate and talked about the past eight years. The sun’s rising marked the ending of our time in this era, so Felicia and I prepared to leave, when our teachers walked over to give us one last goodbye. “Are you ready to leave child?” asked Orion. “Yes we are teacher” I responded to him, “Teacher lets spare one last time please” asked Felicia to Orion, he smiled and lead her to an open field

Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

were they wouldn’t be disturbed. While they did that, I headed to Homer, “I too wanted to thank you for teaching us Greek and how to get a better control on these abilities” I said to Homer as I took something out of my bag and gave it to him, “what’s this?” asked Homer “its 12 of the best poems I have written with your guidance, I want you to have them” I said to him. “well thank you Nairo, I shall treasure them” said homer as he started passing his fingers over the letters to read them, at that moment Felicia and Orion came back, both sweating, painting, and smiling. “that was a good fight Felicia, just remember to keep your hands up when your defending” said Orion. “thank you for everything you’ve done for us both Orion” I said as I shook my teachers hand for the last time. “It was my pleasure, Nairo” he said as he gave me a bear hug. It was time for our departure, we got our bags, and started running. I concentrated on calling forth my power and after a few seconds of running I felt the energy course through me like it did the first time , I quickly grabbed Felicia’s hand and pulled her close as electricity started surrounding us, and in the next instant we | 14 |

just then he pulled a knife and charged towards me with rage I saw his eyes, but he was far too slow,

zoomed into a vortex. As we ran through the vortex, I noticed that Felicia couldn’t keep up with the super speed I was going at, so I picked her up and continued running. Even with the tips Homer gave me about my powers, I couldn’t keep it up much longer, then the vortex opened and I ran through it and smacked into a stack of hay. We got out of the hey stack and looked around to see where we had landed, from what I could see, it looked like we were in 15th century Britain. “Damn it” I shouted “not even close to our time” I said as I helped pick up Felicia form the hay. “At least you took us somewhere else” said Felicia brushing the hay of her clothing. A man walked from around the corner of a building holding books under one arm, and in his hand he was reading a paper, to which he was so absorbed that he bumps into me, dropping all he was carrying. “oh do pardon me sir I wasn’t completely aware of my surroundings” says the man as he kneels to pick up his fallen books. “Δεν είναι πρόβλημα σε όλα, εδώ επιτρέψτε μου να σας βοηθήσει” I say as I help him pick up his papers. “My word! What strange tongue you speak stranger, and what most peculiar

dress ware you have on, might I inquire your origins?” asks the man looking at me with curiosity and confusion. I had just noticed that I respond to him in Greek, which I was used to speaking for eight years of my life, “Oh forgive me sir, I didn’t mean to speak Greek to a British man” I apologized to him. “Might I request yours and your companions name?” the man asked walking around us, examining our Greek hunters clothing. “I am Nairo and she is Felicia, we are new in Britain” I said to the man, never taking my eyes off of him. “Well if you so wish it, you can accompany me to the theater as you get familiar with the city, I am William Shakespeare” he says bowing to us. “William Shakespeare!” cries Felicia “oh my I love your work Mr. Shakespeare sir” says Felicia as she goes to shake his hand, “oh really, well it is a pleasure to meet you miss Felicia” he says with a grin. “well, well, well, look what we got here boys!” says a voice from behind us, it was a dirty looking man with to big brutes behind him. “oh my I had completely forgotten where it was we were” says Shakespeare pulling Felicia behind him. “look now gentlemen we want no trouble we are simple passing | 15 |

bye” he says as he takes my arm and starts walking away from the men. “now what’s the hurry, stay for a while and talk to us” says the dirty looking man, who snaps his fingers, and the brutes get in front of us, blocking our way. At that moment Shakespeare started to sweat and an expression of fear came on his face. Felicia and I, however, weren’t the least bit scared by this men, in fact to me they looked quite weak and pathetic. “let us pass now, or you won’t ever walk again” I say with a calm expression to the dirty man, whom was annoyed by my expressionless threat. “well see who won’t walk! Get him!” scream the man and the brutes both charge at me. Just as they were about to be on top of me, I sigh, face them and in a swift and powerful movement place my hands on their chests and force them on their backs. The sheer impact of their bodies on the stone floor left severally cracks on it, and gave to a very loud noise that echoed through the ally ways. “what the hell are you!” screamed the dirty man in horror. Just then he pulled a knife and charged towards me with rage his eyes, but he was far too slow, Felicia appeared beside him and grasped his hand with

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Much happened these last two years with Shakespeare: enough strength to brake his wrist. “ahhhhhhhhhhh!” screamed the man with agony. “now why don’t you go run home, little man, unless you want me to brake every other bone in your pitiful body” said Felicia with a cold expression on her face. The man got up and ran away from us screaming. “well that was uneventful” I said as Felicia walked over to my side “I know what you mean” she said to me. “my Lord! You too are incredible!” said Shakespeare with even more amazement in his eyes than before. “You must come with me and tell me your stories!” he said as he beckoned us to follow him. On the way to the theater we thought it best to trust Shakespeare so we told him of our journey and how we needed to get back to our time. I also mentioned that I had yet complete control over my powers, which lead to him offering to help with my training. He believed, after hearing a very brief explanation of how my powers worked (couldn’t disclose to much info or risk damage to the timeline) he believed he could help me dominate my powers through playwriting, for playwriting required much concentration and creative thinking. I accepted

I got to witness the creation of several of his best works, he helped me gain complete control of my time manipulation abilities, and maybe the best of all….

my his proposal and started my two year training with one of the greatest playwrights in history. Much happened these last two years with Shakespeare: I got to witness the creation of several of his best works, he helped me gain complete control of my time manipulation abilities, and maybe the best of all…. Felicia and I got married. I never imagined I would ever fall for my corrupted uncles adopted daughter, but she has been with me from the beginning helping me and never loosing hope, so how could I not fall for her. We married in the year 1605 with Shakespeare as my best man, and the time had finally come for us to face the true evil that lay in our time. “Thank you William, you have taught me so much, as a thanks I give to you the plays which gave me the control over my powers” I said as I gave to him the script for it. “You are very welcome Nairo, I shall read it with great joy” he said. “Now go you two, return to your time and vanquish all those who have wronged you” said Shakespeare as I summoned the electricity that transported Felicia and I into the time vortex “Are you ready to face whomever it is that waits for us?” I asked my wife

Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

“Yes I am, it’s time we let them know who exactly it is that they wronged” said Felicia as she leaned in a kissed me “ok then lets go” I said picking her up and started running like I always did, however this time I knew exactly where I was going: 2017, the Mattei-Rivas family manor, one month after my supposed assassination. We came out of the vortex in the ruins that could be seen from the balcony were we fell. It was winter for the snow was coming down hard. “well it’s time we ended this” I said to my wife as I unsheathed the sword Orion gave me, and Felicia unsheathed the twin daggers that Homer gave to her. With my powers I was able to control how fast I moved in time so I ran at super speeds to the top of the mountain that my family house was on. Felicia also took advantage of my lessons with Shakespeare and also gained better control of her powers, so she summoned a giant blue bird maid out of life energy and flew to the top. We both meet at the front door, “so shall we ring the doorbell?” I asked Felicia, “let me” she said as she closed her eyes for a few moments, and when she opened them they | 16 |

I don’t want to hurt the staff, they are innocent”

were glowing blue. Blue energy started gathering around her hands, she then made a motion as if she was pushing the huge doors of my manor, and out of her hands shout out a giant blue shock wave that tore them down. “how many people are inside honey?” I asked “a few normal servants, a rather large number of guards, and I’m sensing three powered beings in the family throne room.” She said as she jumped off her bird as it disappeared into to smoke. “ok thank you, let me handle this honey, I don’t want to hurt the staff, they are innocent” I said as I walked in side. We walked for about five minutes till we meet the house guards, they surrounded us and pointed their weapons at us. “You two must be the most foolish kids in the world, why would you dare attack the house of the infamous Mattei -Rivas family, do you have a death wish?” asked the captain of the guard. “relax my old friend I am here to claim what is rightfully mine, and purge this house of its corruption” I said as I sheathed my sword and walked up to the Capitan. “halt you!” screamed the Capitan as he drew his sword and pointed it at my throat. “who do you think you are!” he yelled at me, I smiled at

this question and at the top of my voice screamed “I am child of Rafael Mattei and Anect Rivas, leaders of this grand family! I am heir to the Mattei-Rivas legacy and direct descendant of the founder of this family, Orland Mattei!” The Capitan lowered his sword and yelled “No! you can’t be, you died!” It was then that I lifted my sleeve and showed them all what I was wearing “You all know what this is right?” I asked I was wearing an old Timex watch with black leather straps. “that’s the founders watch, which can only be worn by the next heir of the Mattei-Rivas name” said the Capitan in amazement has he put his sword away and kneeled to me. “but who are you?” he asked me, I put | 17 |

him back on his feet “I am Nairo, only friend. I have the power to manipulate time you see, so I’ve been away” I said smiling at him. “I have hated myself all this time Matteieir, I failed to protect you.” he started saying as tears started falling down his face, I hugged him tight and said “you can rest assure old friend I have returned and I’m going to remake this house”. Once we let go of each other he looked passed me and noticed Felicia behind me “my and who might this woman be sir?” he asked as he moved to examine her, “that’s Felicia Capitan” I said to him. “oh my how much you have grown since last I saw you Felicia” said the Captain. “She is also my wife” I said folding my arms and smiling at him, he looked back with surprise and immediately looked back at her and kneeled, “forgive my disrespect mistress” he said to Felicia’s surprise. “oh my, please stand Captain, there’s no need to kneel” she said to him and he obeyed. “I shall alert the boss of your return Matteieir” he said as he walked by me, but I caught his arm, “no Captain I need you to evacuate the manor now” I said with a serous expression. He looked at me and without another word ordered his men to evacuate. “I shall wait for

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your summons Matteieir, it’s good to have you back” he said as he left. “ok now let’s get down to business” I said as we walked to the throne room. We approached the door and I could hear people arguing inside, then Felicia tore down the doors. “who the hell are you two!?” asked my uncle, Daken. The two men next to him were James and Madison Luther, members of the family that attacked us before, the ones that took my father from me. “It’s been a while uncle, can’t you recognize your deer nephew?” I asked with a mocking tone. His face expressed both confusion and horror at the same time and it made me feel so good to see that. “How are you alive?! We killed you! And you looked different!” he said all at once while trying to gasp for air. “I am able to access more than 50% if my brain Daken, thus allowing me to manipulate time to my will.” I said as I started walking to him, which terrified him

enough to make him fall back. The Luther brothers took the shock better and were already drawing their swords, “Felicia dear could you handle these two for me please, I want to catch up with uncle Daken” I said ignoring the brothers and looking straight at Daken. “of course honey” said Felicia as she drew her twin daggers, summoning a giant Mr. Groovy, who smacked both brothers out of the room and through the wall of the manor. “I’ll leave you two alone to talk” said Felicia as she jumped through the hole in the wall towards the brothers. I continued walking to towards Daken, who had finally gotten to his feet and had drawn his sword and pointed it at me. I stopped just in front of him, “well uncle I’m here, right in front you, do you have something to tell me” I asked him with a cold

Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

expression on my face. “I should have made sure you were dead like I did with your father!” he screamed at me as he charged me with his sword, slashing left and right, but compared to the sword attacks of Orion, Daken’s were much slower and were easy to dodge. I never took my eyes off of his face, even while avoiding his sloppy sword attacks. “SO it was you who killed my father” I said with a calm voice. “stop looking at me with that look of pity!” he screamed and raised his sword to deal a heavy attack, which is when I drew my blade, slashed him right in the stomach, and sheathed my blade all in one quick movement. Daken fell to the ground screaming with agony, I stood over him looking down at him. “how did you do it Daken? How did YOU kill my dad?” I asked with a soft and calm voice, never wavering my gaze. “please don’t kill me!” he screamed at me while trying to crawl away, at put my foot on

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I had just frozen all of time, and steadily made my way out of the spot where Daken was concentrating his power. his wound and held him in place, “how did you do it Daken, spit it out!” I screamed at him. Just then his eyes glowed red and he raised his hand at me and I flew back several feet. Landing on my feet I looked back at him, “your father was far to occupied trying to save me from enemy attackers to notice the knife going for his throat!” he yelled as he raised his hand again, then my body felt so heavy that I was forced to kneel. “I am able to control the gravity on any piece of matter in my vicinity” he yelled at me as he climbed over to me trying to keep his innards from coming out. “and now I’m going to kill you too!” said as he started to laugh maniacally. That was the last drop of patience I had for him, the far too familiar electricity started covering my body, “what the hel-’’ Daken started saying when everything around me stopped. I had just frozen all of time, and steadily made my way out of the spot where Daken was concentrating his power. I walked right behind him and unfrozen time, he noticed that I wasn’t were I used to be and started nervously looking around for me. “looking for me?” I asked as I kicked him in

the back. He got up and tried to use his power again, put I stopped time before he could, walked up to his outstretched arm, and used my sword to cut it off cleanly. I unfroze time and heard him scream as he realized his arm was not there. “I have had enough of this uncle” I said to him as I drew my sword and picked him up and held him by his neck, “please spare me!” he said to me, “did my father beg when you stabbed him in the back Daken?” He only looked at me with horror as I ran my blade through his chest. I dropped his body on the floor and went to go check up on Felicia, who was waiting for me at the hole where she through the brothers, “did they hurt you?” I asked her as I hugged her, “no they couldn’t | 19 |

even see me coming.” She said as she showed me their bodies, which where crucified on a wall with her daggers in their chest. I took her hand and walked her to the room my father used to sleep in and opened the balcony doors to look as the sun started to rise, and the stormy clouds clear. “It’s done Felicia” I said to her. “now what happens?” she asked me. “now? Well, we have learned from the past, and confronted the present. So let’s just see what the future has in store for us” I said as we kissed and felt the winds of change brush over us.

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As a token of my gratitude to Homer for teaching me how to get some kind of control over my powers I wrote him 12 poems. Notes from ORIAN MATTEI

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King of the skies, Controller of the uncontrollable Lighting his weapon, thunder his war cry Battled the old ones for the earth, deceived he sloe them all Banished them to the abyss never to return.


Queen of the skies, mother to all. Blessing women and marriage to good fortune. Jealousy and envy plagued her mind, Thou respect for her power was given.

Black shadows are dancing in my head Inspired by the damned THE suffering The hurting The dark persona sat itself in the room Ruling the darkness The loneliness The soulless Birds of prey swooping down from the infernal sky The hauling is so load it produces a deadly silence Air is heavy Deep...Smoky She sees the innocence is chained to his throne She runs to free it But is forced back by powers arcane Ripples of unorganized, uncensored thoughts ideas rushing, Images burning Words ------no words The last notes faded away She realizes the inevitable She can not free her form this temporary prison protected by his black

shadow All she could do was wait, for him to release her. | 21 |

I see a window on a wall A passage to a realm made of water Ruled by 2 immortal souls An uncontrollable typhoon. A combination of forces unravelling through Time Playing with a magical dismay Sometimes dark; more times glowing. He is the Sea, she is the Ocean The masters of tide. Their seed sprung in the waves like a pearl Thus, they are 3 streams; Tangled in time.

I see a wall with a window Our journey to come Together.... Forever


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Born from the union of wise craft and sky, a women of knowledge was born Brought into this world plated in armor and ready to assume her position as a higher power. She stood equal to the sun, the hammer, and war, yet surpassed them all. An owl her messenger, a book her symbol, a sword her fury. Defeated the sea for the worship of her followers, given a temple much grander than most. The temple, desecrated by violent love. This was meet with a worst venom then that of the deadliest snakes. Cursed the violated with a petrifying gaze, scaly touch, and banishment form the pleasures of the flesh. This unjust curse grew in power and threatened the warrior of wisdom To her worshiper’s Wisdom looked, to find a being strong enough to defeat her foe A guide was her masquerade; a child of the ocean was her sword. With smooth movements Wisdom moved her crucial pieces, all to trap, tangle, and execute her enemy, proving her might to all who dare defy her again.


He is the Sun Brother to the moon and son of the sky The rays of light shine down to warm your bum Music his is art, yes that’s the truth Poetry his letter which guides the youth

Plague he’ll bring, test him not! Pray for him to heal you lot He is the Sun; he is the Light. With his truth, letter, and test, he will guard you from what brings you fright

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She is the moon Sister to the sun, and daughter to the sky A spear and armor decorate her pure body And skill and tactics guard her mind She is the huntress of the divine, non is better than her Thou as if her brother had a hand in it, one was born He was son of man, body of man, mind of man Thou…his hunt was strong No beast not fear his name, for not one could escape his hunt The virgin huntress, caught in his strength, declared to the heavens her love for him Thou…he was no god Slain by a monstrous scorpion, his body feel Weep the huntresses heart, to the sky for mercy she sloe the retched insect and gained a trophy for when the moon looked up she saw her lover in the sky she is the moon; her light leads the hunt forever guarding the sky, to protect her hunter

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The fields grew red Not by the setting of the sun But by the sound of swords ripping flesh Bleaching the land with man’s blood Ares stood tall He watched the carnage The women crying, the men fighting, the children hating He beheld it all with a black smile on his lips As night grew dark The corpses settled Their stench ever so foul fogging the night All of the forces defeated All but war, who stood over them in victory

POEMS time traveller journal– om


Two bodies in bed Tangled into the light of the moon Merging into each other’s desires Coping with the limitations they face.

Burned with desire Punished with emotions The chaos of their differences Consumes their chances

It’s the vibes in the air A vast and deep despair A crying of each other’s soul An eternal song of passion

Two naked bodies in bed Exhausted in sweat Dreaming with regret In the loneliness of their reality In the madness of her mind.

They can feel it in their bones It’s the will of the goddess It feels so good Yet hurts so bad

Forever to walk through time... knowing she can never have him

HEPHAESTUS Clink Clank the hammer went To forge the weapon, the titans fear Clink Clank the hammer went To build the sky’s great thunder spear Clink Clank the hammer went To forge Poseidon’s mighty trident Clink Clank the hammer went And Hade’s pitch fork which all slew a giant

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HADES Known as one of the Big Three His elder got the sky, his brother the oceans, and he the underworld Souls are his currency and torment is what he spends them on All mortal beings, face him in the end He is the dark lord of the dead, yet he has a heart Filled with love for his wife, he stands proud and tall To be recognized as a god, brother, husband, and lord of the dead to all.

HERMES Of all Olympian beings, he is the most famous of all Wine, beer, champaign, to him you owe it all Festivities are is domain: parties, fiestas, and balls Grapes are his chosen fruit, with whom he makes his wine Pray to him tonight and you will party just fine.

The Gods, thou mighty, have several flaws One of which is that they can’t communicate at all! For this they have Hermes, the fastest god alive To carry messages from the ocean to the sky His speed his unmatched in all the world All he needs to do is Swish, swoosh, and swash And a message delivered to you, in a flash!

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The Wizard

in the Castle on the Clouds


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The Wizard: “and it’s not just Moby Dick there are countless characters in stories that are being reliving such tragedies whenever someone In a land far off, their lived a opens a book! I cannot stand here Wizard in a castle that was built on and let those characters suffer any clouds. The Wizard loves to read all longer.” kinds of books; they give joy to his Mathew: “So what? Are you going to eternal isolation in his castle. Here do?” the Wizard is talking to one of his The Wizard: “I am going to save the familiars, a crow named Mathew. characters of the last five books I’ve read, and then I shall destroy all sad Mathew: “have you finished another stories, poems, and novels. I will book?” end all their suffering!” The Wizard: “yes Mathew, this Mathew whispers under his breath would be the fifth one this week.” Mathew: “he as surly gone mad!” Mathew: “my, my, and how was this The Wizard: “speak up bird, I can’t one?” hear you.” The Wizard: “honestly quite sad” Mathew: “oh, um, I was The wizard throws the wondering how you are book on the nightstand going to accomplish this and moves to the window. and where are you goanna start?” Mathew: “which one did you read?” The Wizard: “I shall travel to the The Wizard: “Moby Dick” time period this books were written, Mathew: “oh and what makes you so confront their authors about what sad about that one?” they put the characters through, and Mathew flies over to the Wizard and I shall summon the character that has suffered the most. They will live lands on his shoulder. here in my castle with me, never The Wizard: “the whale is forced to burdened by the circumstances of fight for his life and kill others, just their stories ever again!” to survive!” Lightning flashes as the wizard’s Mathew: “do remember that it is eyes glow blue with passion and just a story, all of it is fake” determination. The Wizard: “not to Moby! He has The Wizard: “fetch my staff to relive that cycle of killing over Mathew! We travel to 1818 first, to and over again!” meet with Mary Shelly and rescue Mathew: “there’s nothing you can here monster form its tormented do, so how about you forget about existence!” that and…” Mathew: “…As you wish…” | 27 |

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The Wizard in the Castle on the clouds INTERVIEW

ACT #1

It is the year 1818, Marry Shelly is returning to her home from publishing the first copy of her story “Frankenstein”. She enters her house, which is dark. Marry: “now where is that lights switch?” Lighting cracks outside, the door slams shut and locks itself. The light from the bolt reveals the presence of the Wizard, standing I front of Marry. Marry: “who are you!?” The Wizard: “worry not Ms. Shelly I am not here to cause you nor pain or discomfort, I merely wish to speak to you about what it is you have written.” The Wizard beckons her to the living room of her house. The Wizard: “please sit.” The Wizard taps his staff on the floor, and the nearest chair to Marry moves up behind her and hits her legs, forcing her to sit. Marry: “how did you do that?! Who are you!?” The Wizard: “I am the Wizard Ms. Shelly, and as my name implies I have control over the supernatural force known as magic.” Marry: “…” The Wizard: “I am from a time not belonging to your worlds natural flow, and it is because I live in such a place that I am rather isolated, so I entertain myself with reading books form your world, one of which happens to be your Frankenstein.” Marry: “you’ve… read… my book?” The Wizard: “Oh yes, I have and I have come here to let you know what I’m going to do, and why.” Marry: “what are you going to do?” The Wizard: “I am going to free that creature you call a monster form the hell you force it to endure!” Marry: “What?! I don’t understand, it’s just a book, nothing that happens is real!” The Wizard: “and that is where your simply minded brain is wrong Ms. Shelly! He Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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lives in that book, doomed to relive his hardships every time someone opens it and reads it! But no more I shall call him forth and you shall see!” The Wizard steps to the center of the room, where he places Shelly’s book on the floor and raises his staff. The Wizard: “OH works of fiction and stories of true, I call ye forth to make anew! This being who suffers and drowns in a dark brew, of hardships and obstacles bested by you! Bring him forth into this plain, so that he can learn to live again! With this spell, the rooms start to shake, the book opens and the pages start to come apart forming a tornado in the center of the room. A voice can be heard coming from all around the room. Voice: “call out his name!” The Wizard: “I summon you to me, Monster!” The pages start to form the shape of a giant, brute like creature, once all the pages are assembled, the ink form them start to spread all around the being. Once it is completely covered the ink stats to drain form it, revelling the body of Frankenstein’s monster.

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The Wizard in the Castle on the clouds

ACT #1

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The Wizard in the Castle on the clouds




ACT 2 The Wizard returned to his castle in the clouds with the monster and shelly. He locks marry up in the dungeons, and gives the monster better clothing to wear. He explains that he must go for there are four more characters he must free, and travels to the year 1836 to meet Nathanial Hawthorne, and make him face the minister who’s face he doomed.

until there was nothing left of it. The Wizard: “now then let’s get you out of this gloomy existence, Minister.” Hawthorne: “what are you talking about? How did you do that.” The Wizard: “Silence you!” The Wizard places the papers in the center of the room recites the enchantment. The Wizard: “OH works of fiction and stories of true, I call ye forth to make anew! This being who suffers and drowns in a dark brew, of hardships and obstacles bested by you! Bring him forth into this plain, so Hawthorne: “Now all I have to that he can learn to live again!” do is finish this last paragraph and I will finish The Minister’s Black Veil. Like before, the tornado of papers formed and the voice The Wizard: “I think not asked again. gentlemen” Voice: “Call out his name!” The Wizard appears behind Hawthorne, he gets up in a The Wizard: “I summon you to shock and the chair nocks me, Minster!” over his desk, which causes a The ink started to cover all fire to erupt. the pages and when it drained Hawthorne: “No! My work, help off, the ministers body was me put this out!” their. The Wizard taps the minister’s forehead with the The Wizard: “calm down top of his staff, Nathanial, set down” and he opens his With this words of power, eyes. Nathanial is thrown into the The Wizard: nearest chair. “Awaken!” The Wizard: “I barrow the Ministers: “what… authority of Prometheus, and where am I” command you fire to cease!” The Wizard: “you The fire started to shrink Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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have been taken from your world of suffering and brought into our world. For you see Minister, you are a character in a story made by this man.” Minister: “What do you mean?” The Wizard: “Here this is the story you came from, and he is the one who wrote it.” Minister: “…” The Wizard: “Tell me Minister, do you even know why it is that you wore this black veil?” Minister: “no I don’t” The Wizard: “exactly what I mean, I am the Wizard, and I have freed you from your stories grip on your life.” Minister: “You are the one who maid me feel like that. You were the one that stole my happiness and didn’t he even let me know why? This was all YOU!” The Minister came up to Hawthorne and punched him right across the face, then he regained his composure. Minister: Now then, Wizard, what am I to do now?” The Wizard: “you shall come live with me in my castle, where you shall be surrounded by four others who have also felt pain such as you. We shall also take him, so that he can’t write your story again.” With another tap of this staff, they all disappeared in a puff of smoke. End of ACT 2

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ACT 3 The Wizard arrives at the castle and introduces the Minister to the Monster, they immediately become friends, finding comfort in each other. The Wizard locks up Hawthorne, and produces to go after the next author, Herman Melville, and free the whale he has trapped in a constant cycle of death and pain. Man: “where are you going Mr. Melville?” Melville: “To go a publish my novel, good sir. I’ll be on my way now.” Melville is walking down the street when he passes a dark ally way, where the Wizard waits in silence. Melville: “The book is going to be one great read for sure! I hope Mr. Hawthorne likes it.” The Wizard: “I’m afraid you wont make it to your appointment, Mr. Melville.” The Wizard steps out of the ally and taps his staff on the floor, transporting them both to a stone covered room with no windows and a single chair. Melville: “what? What happened? Where am I? Who are you?” The Wizard: “you mortals are so close minded, always asking who, where, what. You should be asking why! But that’s beyond the point of why you are here. The Wizard extends his arm at Melville, and he goes flying back onto the chair, restrained by an unknown force. Melville: “Answer me dammit! Who are you? What do you want?!” The Wizard: “You are so aggressive, more so than the others” Melville: “Others? What have you done? Answer my questions!” The Wizard: “You will refrain from raising your voice to me, mortal?” time traveller journal– om

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As the Wizard raised his voice, the room shook violently, and his eyes turned blue with arcane power. After a few moments everything stopped shaking, the Wizard calmed down. Melville: “…” The Wizard: “Now as to the matter why I brought you here. I am making sure you do not publish that book of you.” Melville: “Why? It is merely a story to express my creativity! It does no one any pain!” The Wizard: “oh but it does, my good sir it does. It brings great pain to the characters trapped in that reality you have created!” Melville: “You are mad sir, they aren’t real! They are figments of my imagination!” The Wizard: “You only label me as mad because you can not comprehend thinking at this level! I have no need to explain myself to you, I shall release the whale you have imprisoned in those covers, and you shall bare witness.” The Wizard snaps his fingers and they are transported into a giant arched room with a humongous pool in it, filled with salt water. The Wizard: “now watch as I bring forth your victim to confront you. OH works of fiction and stories of true, I call ye forth to make anew! This being who suffers and drowns in a dark brew, of hardships and obstacles bestowed on by you! Bring him forth into this plain, so that he can learn to live again!”


Once again, the tornado of papers forms and the voice asked again. Voice: “call out his name!” The Wizard: “I summon you to me, Moby Dick!” The tornado started moving to the water, and water and ink started to cover all the pages until a giant shape of a sperm whale was formed. Then all the liquid drained away reveling the body the whale. The Wizard taps the head of the beast with the top of his staff, and it opens its eyes. The Wizard: “Awaken” Moby seems rather confused as to where it is and begins to thrash around violently. The Wizard: “calm now my friend! You are in no danger here, I promise it!” The whale hears the sincerity of the Wizard’s words and calms down. The Wizard: “You were trapped in a world where you are hunted for no reason at all, and are forced to kill all you encounter! All of that is only possible because of that man! He is the one who wrote your story and decide that you should be a killer.” The whales huge eye focus on Melville, and it give a rather angry and load roar at him, its sheer force was enough to move him to the wall. The Wizard: “Yes good, but you are not to worry any more, he shall be locked up and never able to write you into your horror again, this I swear to you.” The whale gives a happy hump to the Wizard and dives into the pool.

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The Wizard: “Now all that is left is one more, and I shall be ready to commence my eradication of all tragedies.” Melville: “What!? You plan to get rid of them all?” The Wizard: “Yes I do! Now be gone you!” The Wizard snaps his fingers, and Melville disappears into a poof of smoke End of Act 3

ACT 4 With four out of the five characters, the Wizard sets out to England 1891, where he goes to free the beautiful Tess Durbeyfield and imprison the author that caused her nothing but torment: Thomas Hardy. Hardy: “now that she has crashed and killed her hoarse, I shall now introduce Angel.” The Wizard: “Don’t you dare write one more word!” The Wizard appears behind Hardy and throws him across the room, away form his pen and paper. Hardy: “My word, what are you?” The Wizard: “I am savor of those who the destructive human mind chains up in stories of hate and despair!... ugh I am known as the Wizard.” Hardy: “the Wizard? What does a being like your self want with me?” The Wizard: “I am going to free my dear Tess before you write all her troubles! And not a moment too soon, good now sit their and watch!” The Wizard points to a chair and Hardy goes flying to it, restrained like all the others before him.

The Wizard: “OH works of fiction and stories of true, I call ye forth to make anew! This being who suffers and drowns in a dark brew, of hardships and obstacles bestowed on by you! Bring her forth into this plain, so that he can learn to live again!” Once more, the tornado of papers formed and the voice asked again. Voice: “cry out her name!” The ink started to cover all the pages and when it drained off, the body of a beautiful women appeared. The Wizard taps the the woman’s forehead with the top of his staff, and she opens his eyes. The Wizard: “Awaken now my dear” Tess: “what has happened?!” The Wizard: “calm my dear you are safe now I have freed you before any of your hardships could become reality.” Tess: “What do you mean?” Hardy: “Oh my God, it really is you, Tess.” To the Wizards amazement, Hardy broke his restrains and fell to his knees, crying. Hardy: “I can’t believe it, its you, you’re here.” Tess: “good sir why o you shed tears at the sight of me?” Tess kneels next to Hardy, comforting him. Hardy: “I’m so sorry, Tess please, forgive me!” Tess: “good sir you do not have any reason for apologizing to me, we have just meet.” While all this is happening, the Wizard looks in awe and says to himself The Wizard: “what is this I see? Hardy feeling guilt for…for what he has done to Tess?” Hardy: “Forgive me Tess! Forgive me!”

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The Wizard: “could it be that I was wrong? I believed the humans used their creation powers to spread despair without knowing it?! Without intention!?” Tess: “good sir please you have no need to weep, please…” The Wizard: “stand Hardy, you no longer need to weep. The Wizard places his hand on Tess. The Wizard: “I have done wrong by brining you into this world my child, I must send you back.” Tess: “wh-’’ Tess then explodes in a poof of papers Hardy: “what have you done to her?” The Wizard: “I have sent her back to your story Hardy, where she belongs. You must finish your book.” Hardy: “how can I?! I now know that she is real!!! She can feel everything I do to her, I can’t!” The Wizard: “unlike me, you can have the luxury to forget” The Wizard waves his hand, and the room returns to what it was normally, Hardy moves back to his desk and continues writing as if nothing happened. The Wizard: “Now I must go and undo the wrong I have done.” End of Act 4


Act 5 The Wizard returns to the to his castle and is greeted by the minister and the Monster. Minister: “you have returned, Wizard, yet you do not come with the final character. Why is that?” The Wizard: “I have been wrong all this time my friends.” Monster: “what do you mean Wizard? Elaborate.” The Wizard: “the truth has been made clear to me. You all, your hardships, they were never intended by the authors, they were simply expressing themselves through worlds. You all are the outcome of their expression.” Minister: “you mean to say that just because they didn’t mean to hurt us that its ok!? What sickening thoughts have plagued your mind!” The Wizard: “I mean to say that by bringing you all to live I made real the hardships that were meant only as a form of human expression, and this is not a crime.” Minister: “You expect me to just accept

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that my feelings, the horrible sensations of despair if feel, which were given to me by that man, are not crimes! I won’t listen to this nonsense. I won’t!” Monster: “Calm your selfminister, it is only through a mind at ease that you will understand why the Wizard is right. You, me, and even the whale, we all are fictional characters, we don’t have a body or soul, or even feel emotions. It is only now, in this plain of existence that we are given the physical attributes of our descriptions, and plagued with memories and emotions that were written into our being.” Minister: “but…it can’t be just that.” Monster: “once we are returned to our respective stories we shall be at peace again.” The Wizard: “I had a feeling you would deduct this far quicker than I friend.” Monster: “What can I say, Shelly made me a very intellectual person.” The Wizard: “hahah that she did. Are you ready to go back minister?” Minister: “I won’t be able to grasp your reasoning…until I experience it for myself, so yes Wizard I am.” The Wizard: “and you friend?” Monster: “Yes I am prepared as well; it was truly an honor to be surrounded by men of great knowledge who did not detest me. Thank you Wizard.”

With that the Wizard placed his hands on the two, and they melted into book pages. The Wizard: “I assume you heard everything.” Moby Dick simply winked and waited to be returned to his book. After sending them all back, the Wizard returns all of the authors to the points in time he took them from and erased this events form their memories. Now the Wizard sits in his chair again, starring out the window. Mathew: “Well, have you realized your mistake?” The Wizard: “Yes I have Mathew, but if you knew what I was doing was wrong why didn’t you stop me?” Mathew: “Somethings are better learned if you notice they are wrong after doing them. This was a lesson I could not simple teach you, you had to figure it out yourself if you were to understand.” The Wizard: “yes I do understand now, thank you Mathew.” Mathew simple winked at the Wizard, and flew toward an opened book that was lying on the floor, he dissolved into paper pages, and they organized themselves into the book. The Wizard stood up and read the cove of the book that had previously been Mathew, it read: The Sandman. THE END

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The Bound DRAMAS


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Annabeth is a young woman who is attending the Cryptologist School for Adventures and Explores (CSAE). She is one of the few students to make it into Dr. Stein’s advanced anatomical and social link class for cryptids. Dr. Stein: “Ok everyone settle down, get in your seats! Ok, now for roll call: Gol chrome?” Gol: “here” Dr. Stein: “ok, next: Flera fox?” Flera: “here!” Dr. Stein: “Sai F. Ri?” Sai: “…present…” Dr. Stein: “Inti Loer? Int: “here” Dr. Stein: “and Annabeth Kingsmen? Annabeth Kingsmen? Ms. Kingsmen!?” Annabeth: “I’m here! I’m here.” Dr. Stein: “late on the first day uh, go take your seat now.” Annabeth: “sorry, sorry, sorry” Dr. Stein: “I will now explain the course details. In my advanced anatomical and

social link class for cryptids, we shall not only explore how the bodies of many different cryptids work and apply those functions to our daily lives, but we shall also examine how these cryptids interact with each other and different species. Due to the nature of this coarse, you all will be doing a lot of traveling with me to different locations around the world, for we shall studies this cryptid in their natural habitat to get the best results. Any questions?” Sai: “yes I have one, I’ve heard a little of the final project for this class and it seems rather interesting, can you give more details on it?” Dr. Stein: “I’m afraid that do to the nature of the final, I am not allowed to discuss out side of finals time. Any more questions? No? Good then lets start with a review, what is a cryptid?” Annabeth: “A cryptid are what animals in the field of cryptozoology are referred to. And cryptozoology is the study of non traditional animals on earth.” | 39 |

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The Bound Dr. Stein: “good now who can give me example of several discovered cryptids?”

Flera: “Oh! The Jersey Devil, Big foot, and the chupacabras!” Dr. Stein: “very good! This are some of the first discovered, and we still don’t know much about them. So in this coarse we shall dive into their world and see how they live, how their bodies work, and how we can introduce them into human society.” Flera: “sir how do the cryptic laws affect our work?” Dr. Stien: “good question, first what are the cryptic laws?” Gol: “they are a set of laws passed by the United Nations that define the rights of cryptids, and how to handle them.” Dr. Stein: “right! They are also the reason why we have many cryptids integrated into our society, they allow for any sentient cryptid to become legal and proper citizens of our civilization. And it is under this laws that we operate.” Annabeth: “Of coarse! Because the laws encourage the integration of cryptids into human societies, we have to

investigate different species of cryptids and if they are eligible, help them through the process!” Dr. Stein: “I see you make up your tardiness with your abilities of deduction, Ms. Kingsmen. SO as the lady said we shall do research on cryptids to not only learn more about them, but to help those who are able integrate. So ladies and gentlemen please pack all your belongings by tomorrow night for we leave to our first destination the two days.” Flera: “Sir how many places shall we visit?” Dr. Stein: “it all depends on how long we spend at each, but roughly five to seven different locations.” Sai: “and where do we travel first?” Dr. Stein: “heheh… we go to the Himalayas to study the yeti folk! So pack for the cold.”

Under her breath Annabeth: “this is goanna be a great four years!”

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Macaw: “welcome, welcome! I am Macaw It has been three years since Dr. Stein’s and I shall act as lead supervisor and also as an instructor to you all while you stay class started its travels, they have visited many places like: The with us, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Himalayas, Scotland, New Jersey, etc. Gol: “not to be rude, but why cant we They have encountered many cryptids stay with Dr. Stein?” Act 2

like the Jersey Devil, lochness people, and the wolfkin. Now in their final year before graduating, they travel to the amazon, to meet a mysterious cryptid that very few know exist: the lorikeet people. Dr. Stein: “Now we’ve been through a lot together this past three years, but this shall be probably the hardest task you all will preform in this coarse, I shall elaborate on the matter once we reach the sanctuary.” Annabeth: “I wonder what it is we are goanna meet? Oh I’m so excited!” Sai: “…as long as im with you, it doesn’t matter what we meet.” Annabeth: “aww, come here you!”

They kiss. During the three years Annabeth and Sai became lovers, Gol raveled himself to be gay, and Flera(the oldest of us all) started showing interest in Dr. Stein.

Dr. Stein: “I see you haven’t improved your hearing Gol, he said ALSO as am instructor, implying that I will still be your teacher.” Gol: “forgive me professor…” Sai: “can you finally inform us on what we are going to be doing?” Annabeth: “don’t be so hasty, babe, he’s getting to that part.” Sai: “…” Flera: “so professor?”

Dr. Stein: “ok so before that have any of you guys ever heard of the lorikeet people?” Annabeth: “…” Flera: “…” Sai: “…”

Gol: “I have heard rumors but they could be just that.” Dr. Stein: “Well let me inform you. The lorikeet people are a race of semihuman, Dr. Stein: “we have arrived at the semibird. They have the feet of a lorikeet sanctuary. Now everyone get inside and I bird and also have the wings of on their shall explain our task here.” backs.”

They walk in side the sanctuary, where they meet a man, whom was waiting for them.

Annabeth: “they sound phenomenal. Why have they been kept a secret?”

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The Bound Macaw: “we lorikeets have another… trait to our bodies. We have a different structured brain and because of this we have empathetic abilities. One effect of having this powers is that we are able to sense the presence, emotions, and even thoughts of any person who is thinking of us.” Gol: “We lorikeets? OUR BODIES?!”

continue. HAHAH” Dr. Stein: “any one still thinking about how he works or anything related to that will fail my class. And don’t try to act it out because Macaw can tell who is thinking what.” Annabeth: “…” Flera: “…” Sai: “…”

Dr. Stein: “haha looks like you really can Gol: “…” learn form your mistakes Gol! To put all your assumptions to rest, yes Macaw is a Dr. Stein: “thank you, now Macaw please continue your explanation.” lorikeet.” All: “waoh!” Macaw: “hahahaha! Please calm your minds. HAHAHAHA.” Annabeth: “what’s wrong with him professor?!” Macaw: “Its his empathy, you all started thinking of him right? Well he can feel that, and all of your emotions flooded into him. Lorikeets have different responses to different thoughts, for instance, thoughts of curiosity mixed with the emotion of joy, make them laugh.” Macaw: “AHAHHAHA. Please all of you calm your thoughts about me and I can

After gasping for air for a few seconds, Macaw continues

Macaw: “It is because of this sensitivity to thoughts and emotions that we have secluded ourselves from the world and kept in hiding, but we have recognized that we need to start integrating into your world if we wish to continue our peaceful existence. So the Chief and Dr. Stein have developed a program to do just that, so far it has successfully put fifty lorikeets into your society and they have lived rather good lives.” Dr. Stein: “the program works like this, you five will be pared to five lorikeet

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adolescents and for an entire year you shall be their guardians, and you shall slowly intergrade them.”

is a two-way bridge so you too will be able to sense what they are feeling.”

Flera: “wow that sounds to cool when do we meet our pars?”

Annabeth: “oh..”

Annabeth: “wow that is quite a project Gol: “how will we keep the lorikeets form professor.” getting overwhelmed with thoughts and Dr. Stein: “it is not mandatory for you all emotions of so many people?” to intergrade this specific species, if you Macaw: “that is where the “paring” comes feel you can’t do this then I will look for in. What will happen is that you will each another one that will be better for you. form a metal link with your pared However, if you refuse to do this all lorikeet. This link will focus the lorikeets memory of the lorikeets will be erased mind on you, thus tuning out all other form your mind, to prevent you from minds around them.” overwhelming them indirectly.” Dr. Stein: “I need to know now if any of you don’t want to part take in this, so that Macaw can do the memory erasing.”

Dr. Stein: “However there is a catch, though the program is a success so far, I am required to say that about eighty-five percent of pars fall in love and go on to make a family. The other fifteen percent grow to hate and despise each other, resulting in a failed intergration.”

Annabeth: “I don’t know…”

Sai pulls Annabeth away to the side. Sai: “what’s wrong Annabeth? Isn’t this what we all came to learn how to do?” Annabeth: “I know but… I don’t know.”

Annabeth: “…” Flera: “oh my” Sai: “…” Gol: “why does this happen professor?” Macaw: “the bound formed between the human and lorikeet is very strong, the lorikeet will be able to sense every emotion the human feels, they can even pinpoint what is the source of that emotion, thus making them very romantic. Also you will have not have any privacy while you are connected, the lorikeet will know everything about you. However, in terms of emotion the bound

Sai: “You will be great, you’re the one who’s always connected with the cryptids and helped them feel safe. You will do fine, trust me.” Annabeth: “…OK I’ll do it.”

They walk back to the main group. Dr.Stein: “Have you made your decision?” Annabeth: “Yes we have, we will participate in this.” Macaw: “Ok then please follow me.”

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The Bound

Act 3

They followed Macaw deeper into the sanctuary into a room where three Lorikeets where sitting next to each other, two females and one males. Macaw: “I will now assign you to Lorikeets. Flera you will be assigned to Phara. Sai you shall go with Cybelle. And you Gol will get Jaq.” Dr. Stein: “everyone please go sit next to the your assigned Lorikeets and wait for instructions”

a male lorikeet with chains on his hands and neck Annabeth: “ is he in chains?!” Macaw: “ he's rather violent sometimes so they are their for your protection.” Annabeth: “ I'm confused, why are you showing me him?” Dr. Stein: “ because he is the one you have to intergrade” Annabeth: “ What! Your kidding right?”

Sai: “ what about Annabeth?”

Macaw flinches, and omega gets up from the chair he was sitting on

Dr. Stein: “don't worry about her, go, now”


Annabeth jumps back in shock and fear

Annabeth: “ professor?”

Annabeth: “what the hell?!”

Dr. Stein: “ come follow me Annabeth”

Omega: “fear, discuss, rage! You felt it all as I was assigned to you! If you so much come inside this cell I’ll RIP YOUR HEAD OFF”

He and macaw take her to a room that resembles a interrogation room

Macaw: “ I have heard a lot about you. Stein tells me that you are his brightest student, which is why we are giving you a special case. Behind this glass we have Omega falls, a rather different lorikeet.” Annabeth: “ different how?” Dr. Stein: “he is a delinquent.”

Stein switches on the lights and reveals

Annabeth: “ Ahhhhhhhhh”

Annabeth runs out of the room, and makes it all the way out side of the sanctuary before Sai manges to catch up to her. Sai: “whats wrong Annabeth. Hey don’t cry, come here.”

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Annabeth: “I was so scared Sai! He was so steps in. terrifying!” Macaw: “what are you-’’ Sai: “what happened wha did they show Dr. Stein: “let her go. Trust me” you?”

Annabeth stands just out of Omega’s reach.

Annabeth: “They showed me what a Lorikeet looks like if he becomes a deliquant. Sai it was like lookingat a monster.”

Annabeth: “bound with me, now!”

Sai: “don’t think that way Annabeth. Its exactly that thinking that we have studied to eradicate Annabeth… Listen I think they assigned him to you because they beilive you can rehabilitate him, make him see the light of the world again.”

Omega: “you think you can force me to do anything?”

Annabeth: “come now break my mind like you claim you can!”

Omega gets up from his chair and leaned his head forward, Annabeth stumbled and fell to the floor. Omega: “…”

Annabeth: “I don’t know if I can do this Sai…”

Annabeth gets up and faces Omega

Sai: “You can and you will Annabeth turst Omega: “ poor soul…how has in your abilities.” your mind remained intact?” Annabeth: “your really think I can?”

Annabeth: “It took a lot of work but, with friends and…family, I was able to pull through it all, and you can too Omega, let me help you.”

Sai: “I know you can.”

They walk back into the sanctuary, sai goes to meet his partner, and Annabeth is escorted back inside Omega’s cell.

Omega: “….lets hope.”

Macaw: If you don’t want to you don’t have to Annabeth..”

With that last confrontation, Annabeth and Omega go through a series of complex and unique adventures, that lead to Omegas integration.

Annabeth: “no I want to, please.” Omega: “you think you can change me? ME! I have broken the minds of so many before you girl! Get out, while your still able to walk.”


Annabeth: “…” Omega: “RAWWWWR”

Annabeth unlocks the door to his cell and | 45 |

The Bound time traveller journal– om

This lazy me couldn't go unnoticed forever, I was eventually found out and punished severely. My phone was downgraded to a flip phone, the horror, my electrical entertainment systems were confiscated, and worst of all I was forbidden to use my air conditioner for the rest of the year. To most this punishment wouldn't mean anything, but to a boy native to a humid island in the Caribbean, it was literally hot as hell. Karma also came in its most brutal way, my grades dropped drastically, opportunities slipped out of my reach, and the trust of others vanished. All this loss and failure fractured All this loss and failure fractured my mind and drove me to dark places in my own consciousness.

Personal Narrative THE PROBLEM OF FAILURE SOLVED If I could fix one problem it would be the problem people have with failure. Life is a trial and error process, constantly changing and adapting to obstacles. Failure is unavoidable in the world, because it is human nature to make mistakes. However those who are able to learn from their failures, become capable of carving a stronger path to success. My third year in high school is so far the most shameful year in my academic life. During that year I completely neglected my duties and responsibilities of a student in his third year: I ignored due dates for assignments, refused to study for tests, hid grades from my parents, and stubbornly refused to change my ways. The horrible and honest truth as to why I committed these acts was purely because I gave in to sloth, laziness. As I watched TV, I knew about tests that needed to be studied for and yet did not, homework that needed to be completed would be looked over, all forms of work would be deemed as unnecessary to be done and second to pleasure.

My mind and drove me to dark places in my own consciousness. It wasn't till the end of the year that my transformation into a better person began, but by then it was too late to undo most of the damage done. However this last stand marked my rebirth and just as a phoenix rises from its own ashes, I too rose from this crumbled state and emerged stronger than before. After spending the summer with my family traveling, I came to realize that If I wanted to continue being happy as I was while traveling Paris with my loving family or do similar excursions, I had to erase my old habits and create new ones in order to prosper in my academic and personal life once again. I now do all assignments given to me as soon as possible, never leaving them to last minute. Studies for test begin once the test date is announced, the date is written down in my planner and each day when I finish my designated homework for that day I review the test material. Furthermore, in order to increase my knowledge of possible carriers in the field of my liking, Digital Arts, I attended summer school that offered a general perception into photography, cinematography, and animation. Lastly the relationship and trust of my parents was restored and we are closer than we ever were. All in all I learned that in order to have a happy and fun life work and organization is required to make it happen. With this lesson in mind the lazy incarnation of myself was erased, replaced with this new and improved me, one who is focusing on his studies in order to secure an amazing carrier in Animation. However if it wasn't for the "failed me" I would never had needed to handle my ways and improve myself for the better. By changing the problem of failure and turning it into an opportunity for success, people should no longer fear failure making the world better.

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MY FALL AND MY RISE Life is a trial and error process, constantly changing and adapting to obstacles. Failure is unavoidable in the world, because it is human nature to make mistakes. However those who are able to learn from their failures, become capable of carving a stronger path to success. My third year in high school is so far the most shameful year in my academic life. During that year I completely neglected my duties and responsibilities of a student in his third year: I ignored due dates for assignments, refused to study for tests, hid grades from my parents, and stubbornly refused to change my ways. The horrible and honest truth as to why I committed these acts was purely because I gave in to sloth, laziness. As I watched TV, I knew about tests that needed to be studied for and yet did not, homework that needed to be completed would be looked over, all forms of work would be deemed as unnecessary to be done and second to pleasure. This lazy me couldn't go unnoticed forever, I was eventually found out and punished severely. My phone was downgraded to a flip phone, the horror, my electrical entertainment systems were confiscated, and worst of all I was forbidden to use my air conditioner for the rest of the year. To most this punishment wouldn't mean anything, but to a boy native to a humid island in the Caribbean, it was literally hot as hell. Karma also came in its most brutal way, my grades dropped drastically, opportunities slipped out of my reach, and the trust of others vanished. All this loss and failure fractured my mind and drove me to dark places in my own consciousness. It wasn't till the end of the year that my transformation into a better person began, but by then it was too late to undo most of the damage done. However this last stand marked my rebirth and just as a phoenix rises from its own ashes, I too rose from this crumbled state and emerged stronger than before. After spending the summer with my family traveling, I came to realize that If i wanted to continue being happy as I was while traveling Paris with my loving family or do similar excursions, I had to erase my old habits and create new ones in order to prosper in my academic and personal life once again. I now do all assignments given to me as soon as possible, never leaving them to last minute. Studies for test begin once the test date is announced, the date is written down in my planner and each day when I finish my designated homework for that day I review the test material. Furthermore, in order to increase my knowledge of possible carriers in the field of my liking, Digital Arts, I attended summer school that offered a general perception into photography, cinematography, and animation. Lastly the relationship and trust of my parents was restored and we are closer than we ever were. All in all I learned that in order to have a happy and fun life work and organization is required to make it happen. With this lesson in mind the lazy incarnation of myself was erased, replaced with this new and improved me, one who is focusing on his studies in order to secure an amazing carrier in Animation. However if it wasn't for the "failed me" I would never had needed to change my ways and improve myself for the better. | 47 |

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The state of union address is when the President of the United States in-

forms Congress on the status of the nation, as well as his agenda for his term for which he needs Congresses’ cooperation. This year, President Barrack Obama centered his address on four major topics that he believed should be the focus for his term in office: 1. how to give everyone a fair shot in this economy, 2. how do we make technology work for us, 3. how do we keep America safe and protect the world without becoming its policeman, and 4. how can we make our politics reflect what’s best in us, not worst? All this topics are crucial for the betterment of the United States, however I as a future voter would direct my support towards solving the issues of: How to give everyone a fair shot in this economy, how do we make technology work for us how can we make our politics reflect what’s best in us, not worst?

Important issues mentioned

in the

State of Union Address In his address, President Obama states that “The United States of America, right now, has the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” The president informs us that 14 million new jobs are available, that the unemployment rate is cut in half, and that deficit has been reduced by three quarters. I am not well versed in the status of our nation’s economy so I cannot say weather this statements make our economy the “strongest, most durable economy in the world” however I can say that not everyone can participate fully in it. The President realizes this too and has proposed actions that I believe could give everyone “a fair shot”. He suggests that we center our education on math and science, I support this action for in this day and age those are the skills are the ones needed to land big paying jobs, as well as improve the nation and the world. He also wishes to recruit and support great teachers for us, though I have not experienced the teachings of an inadequate teacher, I am not ignorant to the fact that they are unqualified people sabotaging my generation and the next for failure. Out of all the suggestions he made the one I would support with all my legal power, would be giving two years of free community college. As a senior I am but a few months away from going away to college and starting my training for my future employment, but I am not able to do this if I can’t afford any of it. In this age of metal and binary code humans have developed technology to help better their lives in virtually every aspect. Though this has brought advantages like an open internet for all to use regardless of low or high income, and giving new business leaders the online tools they need to launch their businesses, the President urges for a better control over technology so that it can provided more for us. He proposes more stress on Medical research, and I share his need to urge Time traveler journal | by orian mattei rivas —summer 2016

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its development for I have suffered a loss at the hands or diseases. He wishes for the development of clean energy sources, for not only will they be less expensive, but the preservation of the planet is insured. Lastly he mentioned an improved transportation system, which could provide additional jobs as well cut back our use of fossil fuels. The world of politics is a world I do not normally go into for I am neither that interested nor knowledgeable enough to participate in it. Even if I’m not involved with it, the state of union address has informed me to the problems with it. I was told that the gap between the parties has grown too large due to malice jeopardizing trust and that unwillingness to compromise has plagued its members. That money has corrupted politics by: having the selection of candidates based on how they can better big companies or who is willing to give tax breaks to rich corporations. Worst of all is that it was stated that, and I do share this believe to an extent, the system is rigged to only have powerful or rich voices heard, that the system has gone deaf to the voices of the common folk, or even the poor. This image of politics has disgraced the work of our four fathers, and the lives lost to establish a working system. Hope is not lost however, President Obama is aware of this problems and will provide solutions to them. He demands the stop of Gerrymandering which is, in his words “the practice of drawing our congressional districts so that politicians can pick their voters, and not the other way around.” He strives to end money’s reign over poli-

tics, and give the ignored they voices back. Most of all he wants the process of voting to become easier for the American people by ending intimidation of power holders as well as modernize voting methods. Prior to hearing the state of union address I was ignorant as to the status of my nation. After hearing it, I am more informed and motivated then ever. I am now informed that even how it is, our economy could use changing so that all people, not just the able, can participate, that technology has done so much, but could do more, and that our political system isn’t what was we want to admit. As a future voter, worker, and proud citizen of the United States of America this things made me worry as to how I would survive. How would I make it in this economy? How could I improve technologies in the US? How could I put my trust in a system this corrupt? Left with nothing but questions I was terrified for the future, but as our President stated in his address “we shouldn’t fear the future, but shape it”. Hearing this words and how he was going to stand by them, lit the fires of courage in me, making me prepared to tackle the future without a hint of fear.

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Poetry is a form of literature that uses different qualities of language to evoke additional meanings, emotion, or ideas to that which already possess some. A metaphor is a figure of speech that highlights the similarities (or differences) between two distinct things. Robert Frost, in his poem “the Constant Symbol” suggests that there is a connection between this two forms of expression when he states “[Poetry] is metaphor, saying one thing and meaning another, the pleasure of ulteriority. Poetry is simply made of metaphor.” Many people enjoy writing and or using this two in order to properly express their thoughts and ideas, however I find both poetry and metaphors too difficult and troublesome. As far as I can tell, what Robert Frost says is indeed correct, poetry and metaphors share a great deal in common. First they are both used as a form of expression; poetry allows one to infuse their emotions and ideas into their writing expressing themselves in the manner of their choosing. Metaphors allow the user to display similarities (or differences) in a manner that gives them the freedom of doing it however they desire. Secondly, they both obscure the direct path of the witting by twisting meanings, using complex language, which could potentially confuse the reader.

In reference to both, I personally dislike them manly because of the hassle it takes to interpret them. They disrupt the flow of what the author is trying to say, instead of a direct approach and simply conveying the meaning, they force the reader to investigate and decipher the message on their own. Furthermore the worst thing is writing them. Metaphors are structured so as not to give away the comparison, only hint it, never properly stating it. One of the major rules for writing metaphors is that it is forbidden to use comparative vocabulary like “is” or “as”. I do not see the reason for going through so much trouble to hide the meaning of something, while stating it is simply easier. Moreover, I cannot bring myself to enjoy writing poetry. The detail that annoys me the most is the surplus and lack of rules for writing it. The surplus of rules could be reflected in Haikus or name poems, while lack of rules could be reflected in free verse poems. This duality of solid structure or absences of structure aggravates me because I never know what write or how to write it to make it poetry, making it hard for me to grasp the overall concept of it. As a final point I do agree with Frost in his thought that metaphors and poems are one, they share the attribute of true meaning manipulation as well as share their loose or strict rules that govern them.

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Based on my experience, the most basic suggestion I can offer is staying in air conditioned buildings while going through ones daily routines, and or activities. Some of the activities that can be done in refreshing cold buildings include: studying in libraries, walking around in malls, and going to the movies. Furthermore, nature herself can also provide very refreshing temperatures, if gone to the right places and done the things such as: spending time at the beach, river rafting or even fishing in lakes. Since cold air goes down, it can always be found near bodies of water, providing for a frosty breeze. If one prefers to stay at home rather than outdoors, then they can adapt their room for a colder atmosphere by placing multiple fans around the living quarters to create a fresh breeze. However my most effective idea would be keeping a “cool attitude” during the hot season; for a cool head leads to better ideas, which could lead to a cooler body.

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Cold trouble me no more

The problem I would solve would be on how to keep cool during the year, since I live in a hot climate. I live on the small island of Puerto Rico, located in the Caribbean Sea. Due to our location being so close to the equator, Puerto Ricans don’t experience very strong winters or cold days. The lowest the temperature averages is around the 60 degrees Fahrenheit (F), however since the temperature here does reach 105° F or higher, I do have some ways to stay cool.

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Role of Crime & Punishment in Society

Analytical Essays

JANE EYRE’S MENTAL Charlotte Brontë, in the novel Jane Eyre, express the mental stability and growth of Jane by reflecting it in the atmosphere, weather, and season of the setting she is currently in. Jane’s mental state starts off dark and broken as a result of the constant bullying she endured from her cousins and Aunt at the Gateshead manor. At one-point Jane describes the weather outside as “…cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre, and rain so penetrating…”, the fact that she describes the rain as such mirrors the penetrating feeling in her very heart and soul as those around her shoot foul words hurting her both in the heart and in the mind. This in turn forms the sombreness in two aspects of Jane’s life, the manor itself being one; filled with nothing but hate and disgust for her, creates the dark atmosphere that is shared with the appearance of the clouds. Moreover, Jane’s mind, being mostly surrounded by those who don’t care for her wellbeing, has sank into a dark void of anger and anguish, and of nothingness. Much like the “…cold winters wind…” her mind’s eye sees her as empty and void of warmth, and those made her feel as if she didn’t belong in the manor, “I was like nobody there; I had nothing in harmony with Mrs. Reed or her children.”

Isaac Newton law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, consequently every deed done there are always outcomes, good or bad. In this society crime is always followed by its counterpart, punishment. The relationship between these two forces is believed to be proportional, the greater the crime, the greater the punishment. Fyodor Dostoyevsky portrays this relationship in his novel Crime and Punishment through the different types of crimes Raskolnikov commits and his respected punishments. Crime is defined as an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law. It has been connected to humanity since Lucifer’s betrayal to God, the first crime, and shall follow us until judgement day. Many have wondered why crime happens in the first place. Why do we kill, steal, and blackmail? The best answer that can be given to this question is because we are all humans, imperfect begins who can and will make mistakes. Throughout the years, crime has evolved along with humans, becoming more evolved with each transformation. In the novel, we see Raskolnikov commit two types of crime: Personal and Property. It is seen through this statement “God . . . but can it be, can it be that I will really take an axe and hit her on the head and smash her skull . . . ?”(Part 1, Chapter 5) that Raskolnikov plans and murders the pawnbroker, which falls under a personal crime because he is doing physical harm to another person. His property crime can be seen in his theft of the pawnbroker’s things once he kills her.

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Many people associate crime with “bad people”, those who willingly choose to break the law, but this may not be the case for all those who are deemed criminals. For example, Sonyas’ situation would be the most common for the misunderstood criminals, good people who must resort to the wrong side of the law in order to survive. With this the question of whether a crime can be justified rises. If done for the means of surviving, can a crime committed be forgiven? Take for example a starving child, it has no family, no money, no source of food, so it resorts to stealing what he needs. Should this child be punished for its actions, or can it be forgiven because it did not commit the crime out of malicious intend but out of a need to survive? Moreover crimes effect on society is a truly threatening one. The victims are always seen as the wronged but they can quickly switch to aggressor, depending on the damage the crime has done to them. If the damage is great the victim could develop feelings of vengeance and revenge and, in seeking it out, become a criminal. Crimes counterpart, punishment is the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense. Much like how Lucifer was banished from the silver city, the concept of punishment, like crime, has and will follow us to the end of time. It too has evolved throughout the years to match its counterpart’s development. The two types presented in the novel physical and mental punishments. Being sent to jail is Raskolnikovs physical crime, being physically detained and removed from society. Being driven nearly mad by guilt due to the murder is his mental punishment, admitting “You’ve all been saying that I was mad . . . and just now I imagined that perhaps I really am mad and was only seeing a ghost!”(Part 4, Chapter 2) The relationship crime and punishment share is one based on balance, no one can over excide the other. If crime was without punishment then chaos would form and society would crumble. On the other hand, if punishment wasn’t managed properly people would be too scared to live their lives how they want. It all comes down to a balance, if a crime happens a punishment is administered. With this balance order is achieved and society can prosper. In his novel, Dostoyevsky portrays the proportional relationship between crime and punishment through: the crimes Raskolnikov commits and their proportional punishments. He does this by using theft and murder as his two degrees of crime, and using insanity and jail time as their equal punishments,

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as a genre is used widely by many writers to impress and amaze their readers, but Shakespeare does much more than that, he takes the aspects of the impossible and uses them to impact the emotion in the scenes where they are present. Shakespeare uses a variation of the supernatural within his dramas Macbeth, The Tempest, and A Mid-Summer Nights Dream (AMSND) to influence the atmosphere of their scenes. The fantasy used in AMSND gives off comedic and or intense feeling in the scenes within the play. The first scene were a comedic atmosphere is achieved is when Puck is tasked by Oberon to place a love spell on an Athenian, for which he means Dimitris. Oberon’s lack of details leads Puck to mistake Dimitris for Lysander. Using Puck’s mistake and combining it with the fantasy aspect of casting the love spell, Shakespeare forges a comedic effect to this mistake. Later on in the play, Dimitris and Lysander fight for the love of the same women, which is an effect of the mistake Puck made earlier. This verbal fight scene gives off a tense as well as a comedic feel, resulting from the supernatural cause of it, which is that Lysander is only fighting due to the spell he is placed under. Shakespeare also portrays tense and mischievous emotions to the audience when Oberon casts and dispels his love spell on Titiana.

Fantasy’s effect on the atmosphere of

Shakespearian Oberon’s uses his magic to force Titiana to fall in love with another person, expressing the mischief in the usage of the supernatural, this bending of another’s will, would bring “disorder and chaos in the world” (Cirocki, n.d.). However making Oberon dispel his magic, Shakespeare gives a “touch of that fancy, that whimsy, that lightness” (Masson, 2002) to the scene as well as his characters. Through this play Shakespeare expresses comedic airs to all of his scenes, but the one for which he floods with comedy is the famous scene when Puck turns Bottoms head into a donkey’s head. By making a normal man’s entire head transform into that of a ass’s, a ridiculous image is made, thus contributing to comedic atmosphere, for which even makes Puck laugh quoting “And those things do best please me” (Shakespeare, A Mid-Summer Nights Dream , 1600). In Macbeth, Shakespeare’s usage of the supernatural give off suspenseful or horrific airs to the scenes were they are present. The first scene in Macbeth tells of three witches who are speaking of future events and are quickly called away by their demon companions. Shakespeare has decorated every inch of this scene with his supernatural signature and painted an ominous atmosphere about it. The entrance of the three witches, they suddenly appear in thunder and

lightning, giving their entrance a sort of jump scare affect to the audience. Later they tell of future in which they meet Macbeth, having the sister know what can’t be known makes them look all powerful and something to fear. Furthermore, when they are called by their demon companions whom take the form of a toad and frog, making an animal able to talk and have human thoughts gives them a higher and darker standing. Moreover, Shakespeare likes to play with the mind of the audience, though not considered fantasy now due to proficient medical knowledge, in his time: illusions, voices, and dreams were all considered to be the craft of the beyond. His application of this view of the world is best seen when Macbeth is led by a bloody knife to King Ducan’s room. Macbeth states “I have thee not, and yet I see thee still” (Shakespeare, Macbeth, 1997) making us assume now that he is hallucinating and or gone mad, but since “fantasy lies deep at the heart of his work” (Masson, 2002) Shakespeare plays this insanity as works of supernatural, by doing this he accomplishes to make this scene truly horrific. Lady Macbeth’s sleep walking is another example of how Shakespeare plays with the mind of his characters, in this scene lady Macbeth sleepwalks around the castle and tries to wash off imagined blood while a doctor watches her actions.

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Seeing her like this the doctor states “This disease is beyond my practice” (Shakespeare, Macbeth , 1997) telling the audience that what has happened to her is out of the hands of a medical professional and thus must be the cause of some supernatural aspect. Throughout the comedy The Tempest, the fantasy motif is used to create happy, whimsical, and even gloomy airs that fill the play. The opening scene shows Prospero, a magician, who summons a storm to shipwreck the boat of some who have wronged him in the past. Here we see two feeling about the scene, the first serious and dark, coming from how Prospero destroys the ship and leaves the people stranded on his island. The second feeling is of merciful and calm, Prospero asks his sprite Ariel “but are they, Ariel, safe?” (Shakespeare, The Tempest , 1998) which shows Prospero going through lengths to make sure no one has perished in the storm and that they have made it to the island safely, making the scene rather calm. The play gets somewhat darker with the introduction of Caliban, Prospero’s slave who is the child of a witch and the devil. Caliban’s presence in every scene he is in gives them vulgar or darker atmospheres for several reasons, one is his appearance, which is implied is to be truly horrid, being called “Thou poisonous slave” or “Abhorred slave” (Shakespeare, The Tempest , 1998). Another reason is how he speaks, his lack of respect for all lead him to say things like “Drop on you both! a

south-west blow on ye And blister you all o'er” or “The red plague rid you For learning me your language!” (Shakespeare, The Tempest , 1998) to beings as powerful as Prospero and perverting the scenes for which he has to speak. Furthermore Shakespeare shows his mastery over fantasy to create a truly whimsical scene when Ferdinand and Miranda were to be married. Here Prospero throws the couple a party to celebrate their engagement, he orders his sprite Ariel to bring forth spirits to enjoy the party, for which he brings goddess, gods, nymphs, and even reapers. Having so many celestial beings attended and celebrate makes the scene glow with happiness. Within this three plays, Shakespeare demonstrates his mastery of the supernatural and how he can use it to shape the emotion of the scenes to fit his liking. With the use of a bloody knife he can make the audience feel terror, and with a simple love spell he can make them feel joy. He makes insanity seem like the work of powers beyond and gives man abilities that could bend nature to his will.

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Search for

Justice Justice, a force that decides the difference between crimes and good deeds, the severity of punishments, and whom should be punished. Raskolnikov is a character in the novel Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dotoevesky, who struggles with the concept of what is just. Raskolnikov’s understand of justice is revealed in the form of a justice system he created. He sees the world, judges it, and decides for himself what is just and what is not. Also he acts according to his system and does nothing out of it. This is strongly seen in how he views the pawnbroker, he sees her as a nuisance to society and thus decides to eliminate her.

Raskolnikov also tends to weigh the consequences of his actions according to his view of justice. Since he truly saw the pawnbroker as irrelevant to life he does not believe that his course of action was wrong.

However like all humans, doubt creeps into his mind. He stats to overthink, second guessing his course of action, this nearly causes him to go insane as seen when he returns form doing the murder and contemplates in his room for a while. He spends almost the entire book contemplating this but finally comes to the conclusion that what he did wasn’t wrong, but he still confess in order to redeem himself in the eyes of society. All in all, this search strengthens Raskolnikov’s belief in the justice system he created. At the end of the novel he is completely free of guilt over the murder because he still doesn’t see it as a crime, but as a deed needing to be done. It is due to his search and reassurance of his own justice system that negates the feelings of guilt in him and allow him to sever his sentence with a free conscience.

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