OXFoRD slikovni
SLOVAR za otroke Hart
zalozba ˇ
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Vsebinsko kazalo Napotki za uporabo slovarja • How to use this dictionary
Slovnica in izgovorjava • Language support
Ljudje in dom • People and homes Družina in prijatelji • Family and friends
Tvoje telo • Your body
Telo od znotraj • Inside your body
Čuti in občutki • Senses and feelings
Dom • Home
Gospodinjski pripomočki • Household objects
Hrana in oblačila • Food and clothing Hrana in pijača • Food and drink
Različne vrste hrane • All sorts of food
Sadje in zelenjava • Fruit and vegetables
Oblačila za vsak dan • Everyday clothes
Različna oblačila • All sorts of clothes
Šola in delo • School and work V šoli • At school
Različna dela • All sorts of work
Delovna oprema in oblačila • Work equipment and clothing
Šport in prosti čas • Sport and leisure Šport • Sports
Šport in gibanje • Sports in action
Igre in prosti čas • Games and leisure
Umetnost, glasba in zabava • Art, music, and entertainment Umetnost • Art
Glasbila • Musical instruments
Glasba in ples • Music and dance
Televizija, film in gledališče • Television, film, and theatre
Televizijske oddaje in filmi • TV shows and films
Potovanje in prevoz • Travel and transport Osebna vozila • Passenger vehicles
Delovna vozila • Working vehicles
Zračni promet • Aircraft
Ladje, čolni in druga plovila • Ships, boats, and other craft
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Contents Znanost in tehnologijan • Science and technology Energija in elektrika • Energy and power
Različne vrste snovi • All kinds of materials
Zgradbe in objekti • Buildings and structures
Sile in naprave • Forces and machines
Računalniki in električne naprave • Computers and electronic devices
Živali in rastline • Animals and plants Sesalci • Mammals
Delovne živali • Working animals
Kuščarji in dvoživke • Reptiles and amphibians
Ribe • Fish
Morska bitja • Sea creatures
Žuželke in druga drobna bitja • Insects and mini-beasts
Nočne živali • Nocturnal creatures
Ptice • Birds
Drevesa in grmi • Trees and shrubs
Različne rastline • All sorts of plants
Planet Zemlja in okolje • Planet earth and the environment Mesta • Towns and cities
Na ulici • On the street
Na podeželju • In the country
Pokrajine in bivališča • Landscapes and habitats
Vreme • The weather
Onesnaževanje in varovanje okolja • Pollution and conservation
Planet Zemlja • Planet Earth
Vesolje in vesoljska potovanja • Space and space travel Osončje • The solar system
Vesoljska potovanja • Space travel
Štetje, števila in mere • Counting, numbers, and measurements
Koledar in čas • Calendar and time
Barve in oblike • Colours and shapes
Nasprotja in krajevni izrazi • Opposites and position words
Stvarno kazalo slovenskih izrazov • Slovene Index
Stvarno kazalo angleških izrazov • English index
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Napotki za uporabo slovarja Ta slovar prinaša številne uporabne besede ter hkrati vsebuje mnogo drugih podatkov. Pomagal ti bo izvedeti več o svetu, medtem ko se boš učil novih besed v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku. This dictionary is packed with useful words, and it is also an information book. It will help you find out more about the world at the same time as you are learning new words in two languages.
Kako je slovar sestavljen? • How is it organized? Besede v tem slovarju so razdeljene na deset tematskih poglavij, kot so ljudje in dom, šola in delo, živali in rastline, znanost in tehnologija in mnoga druga. Znotraj vsakega poglavja pa so različne teme, kot na primer družina in prijatelji, človeško telo, čuti in čustva in podobno. The dictionary is divided into 10 topics, including People and homes, School and work, Animals and plants, Science and technology, and much more. Within each topic there are pages on different subjects, such as Family and friends, Your body, and Senses and feelings.
Družina in prijatelji • Family and friends Družine so različno velike. Nekateri otroci živijo le z enim od staršev ali s skrbnikom. Drugi pa imajo velike družine z veliko sorodniki. Stari starši, strici, tete, bratranci in sestrične so člani razširjene družine.
Igre in prosti čas • Games and leisure Ljudje po vsem svetu se že stoletja v prostem času igrajo. Šah, spuščanje
People and homes
zmaja in jojoji imajo zelo dolgo zgodovino. Elektronske igrice pa so novodobna iznajdba.
volants, et yo-yo ont une très longue histoire. Les jeux électroniques sont une invention récente. People all over the world have been playing games for centuries. Chess, kites, and
Families come in many sizes. Some children live with just one parent or carer. Some have large families, with many relatives. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins are all members of your extended family.
1 l
2 l
6 l
4 5 očim in mama la raquette le mother volant stepfather and racquet shuttlecock 7 l
10 l
l l 12 le tarsier • tarsier l
oče in mama 10 le raton laveur • raccoon father and mother 11 le muscardin • dormouse
13 le renard • fox l sestra 14 le porc-épic • porcupine sister l 15 le bernard l’hermite • hermit crab l
16 l’opossum • possum l 17 le tatou • armadillo l 18 le hibou • owl l
9 l
11 l
13 l
14 l
17 l
la console de jeu games console
babica in dedek grandmother and grandfather
15 l
le magazine magazine
polbrat in polsestra stepbrother and stepsister
18 l
le roman le DVD najboljši prijatelj, novel DVD najboljša prijateljica best friend
le lecteur MP3 music player
brat brother
12 l
les écouteurs earphones
le jeu de société board game
16 l
You can find a topic that specially interests you and work right through it. Or you can dip into the dictionary wherever you want.
les balles de jonglage juggling balls
la pièce (du jeu d’échecs) chess piece
le puzzle jigsaw puzzle
stric in teta uncle and aunt
la batte bat
8 l
le cerf-volant kite
l’échiquier chessboard
7 škorpijon • scorpion l 8 skunk • skunk l 9 netopir • bat l
3 l
le skateboard les rollers rollerblades le ballon de foot skateboard football
le yoyo yo-yo
4 polž slinar • slug l 5 sivi volk • grey wolf l 6 jež • hedgehog l
Sport and leisure
Family and friends
Družina in prijatelji
Ljudje in dom
Šport in prosti čas
Games and leisure
Igre in prosti čas
Nocturnal creatures sleep or rest during the day. They come out in the evening or at night to look for food.
1 jazbec • badger l 2 nočni metulj • moth l 3 lemur • lemur l
Lahko poiščeš temo, ki te posebej zanima, in jo preučiš. Lahko pa se tudi poglobiš v slovar, kjer koli želiš.
Animals and plants Nocturnal creatures
Nočne živali
Živali in rastline Nočne živali • Nocturnal creatures Nočna bitja spijo in počivajo podnevi. Zvečer ali ponoči pridejo na plan, da si poiščejo hrano.
l 20
le modèle réduit model
prababica in pradedek great-grandfather and great-grandmother bratranec in sestrična cousins
prijatelji friends
Kako najdeš besedo, ki jo iščeš? How do I find a word? Besedo lahko poiščeš na dva načina. There are two ways to search for a word. Lahko si ogledaš teme v VSEBINSKEM KAZALU. Vsebina Napotki za uporabo slovarja • How to use this dictionary? Slovnica in izgovorjava • Language support
Ljudje in dom • People and homes Družina in prijatelji • Family and friends
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You can look through the topics on the Contents page. 6-7
8-9 Vsaka tema ima svoj barvni ton.
Each topic is colour-coded. 10-11
Tvoje telo • Your body
Telo od znotraj • Inside your body
Čuti in občutki • Senses and feelings
Dom • Home
Gospodinjski pripomočki • Household objects
Hrana in oblačila • Food and clothing Hrana in pijača • Food and drink
Različne vrste hrane • All sorts of food
Les fruites et les légumes • Fruit and vegetables
Les vêtements de tous les jours • Everyday clothes
Des vêtements de toutes sortes • All sorts of Clothes
L’école et le travail • School and work A l’école • At school
Toutes sortes de métiers • All sorts of work
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How to use this dictionary Uporaba slovarja • Using the dictionary
V dodatnih ponazoritvah je besedišče še bolj poglobljeno.
Na vsaki strani so besede ponazorjene z nazornimi slikami, prizori in diagrami. Tako preprosto najdeš besedo, ki jo iščeš, in mimogrede spoznaš še mnogo drugih besed.
Feature panels give more in-depth vocabulary.
On each page, words are introduced through lively images, scenes, and labelled diagrams. So it’s easy to find the word you need – and discover many more words V stranski pasici je navedena tema.
Introduction in both languages adds extra information on the subject.
Side bar identifies the subject.
Animals and plants
Ribe živijo in se razmnožujejo v vodi. Večina rib je pokrita z luskami. Plavajo s plavutmi, močnim telesom in repom. Ribe v vodi dihajo s škrgami. Skozi škrge prehaja v vodi raztopljeni kisik.
Deli ribjega telesa • Parts of a fish hrbtna plavut fin
luske scales
Fish live and breed in water. Most fish are covered in scales, and they swim by using their fins and their powerful bodies and tails. Fish use gills to breathe under water. The gills take in the oxygen that is dissolved in water.
repna plavut tail fin
škržni poklopec gill cover
V zgornji pasici je naveden naslov poglavja.
postrv • trout
morska mačka dogfish bokoplavutarica plaice
Top bar identifies the topic section.
beli morski pes great white shark piraja piranha
zlata ribica koi mečarica swordfish
lobanja skull
Okostje človeka je sestavljeno iz več kot 200 kosti. Te podpirajo telo in varujejo organe, kot so srce in jetra. Na kosti so pripete mišice, da se telo lahko premika.
People and homes Okostje skeleton
Notranji organi Organs
možgani brain
ključnicacollarbone sapnik windpipe prsnica breastbone
Inside your body is your skeleton, which is made up of over 200 bones. Your skeleton protects and supports your organs (such as your heart and your liver). Your muscles pull on your bones to make your body move.
rebra ribs
skuša mackerel
manta manta ray
pljuča lung
losos salmon
sardela sardine
skalarka angelfish
pezdirek minnow
neonka neon tetra
tun tuna
Inside your body
Telo od znotraj
Ljudje in dom Telo od znotraj Inside your body
Uvod v obeh jezikih podaja dodatne informacije o temah.
Živali in rastline Ribe • Fish
jegulja eel
sabljarka blue marlin
ščuka cod
trska pike
srce heart
jetra liver
želodec stomach hrbtenica spine ledvice kidneys kolk hip
Gesla so besede ali besedne zveze v dveh jezikih.
črevo intestine mišica muscle
stegno thigh
mehur bladder
Captions provide words or phrases in two languages.
pogačica kneecap golenica shin
Oznake pomagajo natančno določiti pomen besede. Labels help to pinpoint the exact meaning of a word.
nnnnnnnnn?? • English index
Lahko pa uporabiš tudi STVARNO KAZALO na koncu knjige.
cheminée (f)........................... 19, 61 chemise (f).................................... 28 chemisier (m)............................... 31 chêne (m)..................................... 88 chenille (f).................................... 83
Or you can use the index at the back of the book. chercher....................................... 70 cheval (m)..................................... 74 chevalier medieval (m)................. 30
cheveux (pl).................................. 12 cheville (f)..................................... 13 chèvre (m).................................... 74 chien de berger (m)...................... 74 chien de sauvetage
Stvarno kazalo je v obeh jezikih, tako da lahko najdeš besedo v enem ali v drugem.
en montagne (m)........................ 75 chiffres (pl)..........................110-111
There is an English and a Slovine index, so you can find a word in either language.
chips (pl)....................................... 23 chirurgien (m)............................... 36 chocolat (m)................................. 23 chocolat chaud (m)....................... 22 chou (m)....................................... 27 cinéma (m)............................. 50, 93 circuit électrique (m).................... 63 cire (f)........................................... 64 citronnier (m)............................... 89 citrons (pl).................................... 26 citrouilles (pl).......................... 26, 96 clap (m)........................................ 50 claquettes (pl)............................... 49
concombre (m)............................. 27 concombre de mer (m)................. 80 conducteur d’autobus (m), conductrice d’autobus (f)........... 34
daleč .......................................... 115 dan . ........................................... 112 dati gol . ....................................... 39 debel . ........................................ 115
email............................................. 70 empty......................................... 115 energy conservation................... 103 energy saving.............................. 103
confiserie (f)................................. 95 connecter..................................... 71 console de jeu (f).......................... 42
deblo ........................................... 89 december .................................. 112
engineer ...................................... 34 English.......................................... 33
dedek . ......................................... 10 deleži ......................................... 111 delfin ........................................... 80 deljenje . .................................... 111 delo . ............................................ 32
envelope....................................... 59 equator....................................... 101 e-reader........................................ 71 estate car...................................... 54 estuary.......................................... 99
delovna oprema .......................... 36 delovna vozila .............................. 56 delovni zvezek ............................. 33
eucalyptus.................................... 89 evening ...................................... 112 evergreen forest........................... 98
corde (f)........................................ 69 corps (m)...................................... 13 correcteur d’orthographe (m) . .................................................. 71
deset . ........................................ 110 deset tisoč ................................. 110 deseti ......................................... 111 deskanje ...................................... 70 detel ............................................ 86
exam............................................. 33 excited.......................................... 17 exercise book................................ 33 eye................................................ 12 eyebrow........................................ 12
costume (m)........................... 31, 50 côtes (pl)....................................... 14 coton hydrophile (m).................... 21
devet . ........................................ 110 devetdeset . ............................... 110 devetdeseti ........ 111devetnajst 110
face............................................... 12 fan................................................ 30 farm buildings............................... 97
cotton (m)..................................... 64 cou (m)......................................... 13 coucou (m)................................... 86 coude (m)..................................... 13 coup franc (m).............................. 39
devetnajsti 111 deževno 100 digitalni fotoaparat 71 dihalka 36 dihalni aparat 37
farm house................................... 97 farm buildings............................... 97 fast . ........................................... 115 fat .............................................. 115 father............................................ 10
couper.......................................... 71 couronne (f).................................. 30 cours (pl)....................................... 33
dimnik 19 dimnik 61 divji kostanj 88
February..................................... 112 fern............................................... 91 ferry.............................................. 60
cours d’eau (pl)............................. 99 cousins (pl)................................... 11 couteau (m).................................. 20 craie (f)......................................... 45
dnevi 112 dnevna soba 19 dolina 104 dolžina 111
crane (m)...................................... 14 crapaud (m).................................. 77 cratère (m).................................. 105 cravate (f)..................................... 31
dom 18 domača naloga 33 domača stran 70 dostavno vozilo 57
crayon (m).................................... 33 crêpes (pl)..................................... 25 crevette-mante (f)........................ 80 cricket (m).................................... 39
drevesa 88 drugi 110 družabna igra 42 družabni ples 49
crocodile (m)................................ 77 cuiller (f)....................................... 20 cuir (m)......................................... 64
dvaindvajset 110 dvajset 110 dvajseti 111
cuiseur-vapeur (m)....................... 20 cuisine (f)................................ 19, 20 cuisinière (f).................................. 19 cuisses de grenouille (pl).............. 25 cuivre (m)..................................... 65
dvanajst 110 dvanajsti 111 DVD 42 dve 110 dvižna ploščad 56
cultures et legumes (pl)................ 96 curry (m)....................................... 24 cyclisme (m)................................. 38
dvokrilnik 58 dvorec 67 e-mail (m)..................................... 70
constellation (f).......................... 107 consulter....................................... 70 contraires (pl)............................. 115 contrebasse (f)............................. 47 coq (m)......................................... 75 coque (f)................................. 58, 61 coquelicot (m).............................. 90 coquin (m), coquine (f)................ 17
Kakor koli boš že našel besedo, se boš ob raziskovanju slik in besed zelo zabaval! clarinette (f).................................. 46 classeur (m).................................. 33 clavicule (f)................................... 14
However you find your word, you will have fun exploring pictures and words! clavier (m)..................................... 70 clé USB.......................................... 71 clé de serrage (f)........................... 37 climat tempéré (m)..................... 101 climat tropical (m)...................... 101 cliquer.......................................... 71 cobra égyptien (m)....................... 77 cochon d’Inde (m)........................ 75 cœur (m)....................................... 15 coffre (m)...................................... 54 coleurs (pl).................................. 114 colibri (m)..................................... 87 collants (pl)................................... 29 coller............................................. 71 colline (f).................................... 104
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colonne (f).................................... 67 colonne vertébrale (f)................... 14 coloré (m), colorée (f)................... 16 combinaison (f)............................ 36 combinaison ignifugée (f)............. 37 combinasion spatiale (f)............. 108 compostage (m)......................... 103
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Slovnica in izgovorjava
Knjiga je namenjena učenju angleških besed. Z opazovanjem slik se lahko naučimo novih izrazov cele vrste različnih področij in situacij, npr. Družina, Oblačila, Šport in Vesolje. This book is all about learning new words in English. You will be able to look at the pictures and learn a lot of new words relating to a wide range of different themes and situations, including Family, Clothes, Sport and Space.
Vsaka tema se začne z uvodom, ki je napisan v obeh jezikih. Skrbno preberite vsako predstavitev in jo poskusite razumeti v angleškem jeziku. Po uvodu sledijo slike, ki ponazarjajo temo, vsaka slika je označena v obeh jezikih. Tematske podlage omogočajo pogled v širše in podrobnejše območje povezanih besed. Each theme begins with an introduction written in both languages. Read each introduction carefully and try to understand the English. After the introduction, you will see pictures illustrating the theme, each one labelled in both languages. There are also some panels that give a wider or more detailed range of related words.
Večina samostalnikov v tej knjigi je v ednini, nekateri so v množini. Večina angleških samostalnikov v množini na koncu dobi končnico -s. Na primer, kolesa (wheels), levi (lions), in morske obale (seashores) so samostalniki v množini. Most of the words you will see in this book are nouns. Nouns tell you the names of the different things you can see on each page, such as wheel, lion, and seashore. In many languages nouns are either masculine or feminine, or sometimes neuter. This is called gender. In English, however, nouns do not have any gender.
Samostalniki • Nouns Večina besed v tej knjigi je samostalnikov. Samostalniki so besede, ki poimenujejo različne stvari, ki jih lahko vidimo na vsaki strani, kot so npr. kolo (wheel), lev (lion) in morska obala (seashore). V številnih jezikih so samostalniki moškega ali ženskega spola, ali včasih srednjega spola. V angleščini pa samostalniki nimajo spola. Za besedo, ki se nanaša na eno stvar, rečemo, da je v ednini. Če pa se samostalnik nanaša na dva ali več predmetov, je v množini.
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Language support
Angleška abeceda • English alphabet
When a word refers to only one thing we say that it is singular, and when it refers to two or more things it is plural. Most of the nouns in this book are singular but some are plural. To make most nouns plural, an -s is usually added to the end of the word. For example, wheels, lions, and seashores are all plural nouns.
Glagoli • Verbs Nekatere besede v tej knjigi so glagoli. Glagoli so besede, ki opisujejo dejanje in povedo, kaj nekdo ali nekaj počne. Na primer, brcniti (kick), vreči (throw) ali skočiti (jump), so glagoli. Some words in this book are verbs. Verbs are words that describe an action and tell you what someone or something is doing. For example, kick, throw, and jump are all verbs.
Pridevniki • Adjectives Nekaj besed v knjigi je pridevnikov. To so besede, ki dajejo več informacij o samostalnikih. Pridevniki so navadno zapisani pred samostalniki. Na primer, velik (big) in majhen (small), rečemo velik pes (big dog) in majhen deček (small boy). V mnogih jezikih se pridevniki spreminjajo glede na vrsto samostalnika, ki ga opisujejo, v angleščini pa navadno ostanejo enaki. A few of the words are adjectives. These are words that give more information about nouns. Adjectives usually go before a noun. For example, big and small are both adjectives, and you would say a big dog or a small boy. In many languages adjectives change according to the type of noun they are describing, but in English they usually stay the same.
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