Lory's time is a game-book for children.In this book we can see the daily activities of a cute blue bear. Lory helps the children to move from the game to the reading in a very entertaining way. The book is divided into three bands by that changes the illustration and text. The aim is to match all the images logical or to mix completely in the most interesting and absurd combination. 520 variants are possible! This type of books-games are a gradual transition from game to reading. With countless combinations they develop as logical thinking and creative abilities of the child. Facilitates learning letters and whole words. At this moment the book is only in bulgarian, but you can have fun with the pictures! Look forward for the special edition in English! The book is suitable for children from 2 to 8 years. Size: 13.5 / 14 cm It is published in Bulgaria. ISBN 978-619-188-047-8 The design and illustrations are made by Anelia Pashova.