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HAPPENING BACK-TO- BACK Happening one after another, without interruption.

CONSECUTIVE Following one after another in a series, without interruption.  She was absent for nine  Hamilton is celebrating consecutive days. back-to-back victories in the German and British Grands Prix.  He did 100 consecutive press-ups. CONSECUTIVELY IN A ROW Following one after another in a Happening a number of times, continuous series. one after the other.  Some laboratory staff members  She’s been out four nights in worked 24 hours consecutively. a row.  He smoked four cigarettes  I’ve beaten her three times in consecutively. a row. ONE AFTER ANOTHER/THE OTHER IN SUCCESSION If a series of events or actions Following one after the other happen one after another, each without interruption. one happens soon after the  They reached the World Cup previous one. final for the third time in  They got married young and succession. had four children one after  He fired two shots in quick another. succession. ON THE TROT one after the other  They won three games on the trot.  The class has been cancelled three weeks on the trot now.

RUNNING consecutive; in succession  You've been late three days running.  They won the trophy for the third year running.

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