Utkast 33

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LET ME SHINE Tind er et smykkemerket som ble etabler på tidlig 1900- tallet i en liten hytte paåGlitretind. Tradisjonen bunner i utsmykkninger som er inspirert av den vakre norske naturen de befinner seg i. Nar jeg utviklet pakningsdesignet tok jeg utgangspunktet i deres verdier og tradisjon. Pakkningens form er inspirert fra fjellenes form, mønsteret er inspirert fra strikkemønstere og logoen er inspirert fra rosemaling, sa alle elementene er hentet fra norsk tradisjon. Hver smykkepakning vil ha hver sin fargekode, symbol og monster som indikerer om det er et kjede, ring eller oredobber i pakkningen.

Tind is a jewelry brand that was establish in early 1900 in a small cottage at Glitretind. Their jewelry is inspired by the beautiful Norwegian nature they find themselves in. When developing packaging design, I took basically in their values ​​ and tradition. The packgnings shape is inspired from the mountains shapes, pattern is inspired from knitting pattern and the logo is inspired from rose paintings, so all items are sourced from the Norwegian tradition. Each piece of jewelry package will have their own color code, symbol and Most indicating whether it is a necklace, ring or earrings in packing.




Project Packaging design CLIENT Academic assignment - NKF


Tind er et smykkemerket som ble etabler på tidlig 1900- tallet i en liten hytte paåGlitretind. Tradisjonen bunner i utsmykkninger som er inspirert av den vakre norske naturen de befinner seg i. Nar jeg utviklet pakningsdesignet tok jeg utgangspunktet i deres verdier og tradisjon. Pakkningens form er inspirert fra fjellenes form, mønsteret er inspirert fra strikkemønstere og logoen er inspirert fra rosemaling, sa alle elementene er hentet fra norsk tradisjon. Hver smykkepakning vil ha hver sin fargekode, symbol og monster som indikerer om det er et kjede, ring eller oredobber i pakkningen.


Tind is a jewelry brand that was establish in early 1900 in a small cottage at Glitretind. Their jewelry is inspired by the beautiful Norwegian nature they find themselves in. When developing packaging design, I took basically in their values ​​and tradition. The packgnings shape is inspired from the mountains shapes, pattern is inspired from knitting pattern and the logo is inspired from rose paintings, so all items are sourced from the Norwegian tradition. Each piece of jewelry package will have their own color code, symbol and Most indicating whether it is a necklace, ring or earrings in packing.


EDge Logo

Project Fashin Magazine CLIENT Academic assignment - NKF


When we started the Cambodia assignment we chose to work on the water issue. I think it was hard to get a grip on the assignment and I a struggle a bit on understanding what RAW/school wanted from us. Was it an idea, would we design it etc. These was some of the questions that I was wondering about. I thought it was nice we could contact Troy through the Facebook page and ask him questions, which helped us in the right direction, the Skype conversation I found most helpful, and this is where he gave us the detail information which a big difference to our project. Most of mine, and my group time was spend on research, since we are were working on water filter solutions it made it hard to find what solutions that could work and which would not. Basically it would have been a good thing to have a engineer to check if idea be worked out or not. We contacted friends, families and I also sent out mail to companies that works with energy solutions in hope that they could give us some answer on our questions. I got


some useful answers, but would have liked more. When looking back on the whole process I feel like it was a good idea to have a subject like this one that was a bit different from the rest. But I feel like it lacked a bit of structure, and I do not feel that I am left with a lot of new knowledge for this subject, except information about Cambodia, water pollution, energy sources and the fact that I want to go there end help. Finally, I am pleased with our thinking and the final outcome. It is a idea that we all feel good about, Troy likes it and that he said could work, which is most important. I think I'we done a good effort in the subject and I feel the same for the other, but there were some lack of communication and also some meetings that one in the group could not attend, but other that that we worked well together and are happy about our result.

Portrait - Alexander McQueen

Article - Shoe trends

Article - Accessorize trends

Article - Christian Louboutin

Article - Bettsey Johnson


norway expo Logo



Project Identity design CLIENT Academic assignment - NKF

Jeg vokste opp et sted der naboen var som familie, der hvor kassedamen på lokalbutikken var en av dine gode venner. Jeg vokste opp på bygda, der det var trygt. Der man lekte i gatene til solen gikk ned, der man kunne vandre gatelangs uten bekymringer. Sa gikk ådrene og storbyen Oslo ble mitt nye hjem. Det var større der, naboen var ukjent og det var en ny kassadame nesten hver dag. Sommeren var i 2010 og tryggheten var borte. Ikke bare for meg, men også for alle andre jenter i Oslo. Avisoppslag, politibiler på hvert hjørne og flere nattravner enn vanlige mennesker i gatene. Det var en voldteksbølge som hadde truffet oslo, som en stor flom. Åverdens beste venner paå kvelden og dra at på byen skulle ikke lenger være trygt for oss jenter. Vi måtte holde oss inne. Seå hvordan skal noen forå lov tilå hvordan kan vi vinne tilbake var frihet, hvordan kan vi leke oss rundt i gatene som fiuten mette titte over skulderen I got some useful answers, but would have


liked more. When looking back on the whole process I feel like it was a good idea to have a subject like this one that was a bit different from the rest. But I feel like it lacked a bit of structure, and I do not feel that I am left with a lot of new knowledge for this subject, except information about Cambodia, water pollution, energy sources and the fact that I want to go there end help. Finally, I am pleased with our thinking and the final outcome. It is a idea that we all feel good about, Troy likes it and that he said could work, which is most important. I think I'we done a good effort in the subject and I feel the same for the other, but there were some lack of communication and also some meetings that one in the group could not attend, but other that that we worked well together and are happy about our result.

Brochure- Slow living/ Clean living


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