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THE TAROT CAN REVEAL PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. It tells you about the outcome of your choices. The benefits of using the TAROT : Discover your potential for the future Reveal outcome of a current situation Discover unique tool for self-understanding Know the steps to your personal journey

When is the right time to consult with a psychic or clairvoyant? What type of reading is best for beginners, or those who haven't had a psychic experience in the past? And what about for those of us who are skeptical, cynical or don't yet believe that psychic abilities are even established? Is tarot a good choice for folks who are on the fence... or is there a better or more "direct" type of reading that is preferable? Any of these questions sound familiar? The truth is, tarot cards are a very powerful, YET, very controversial method for planning, plotting and predicting future events and they get a lot of accolades and criticism accordingly. Why? Because in many ways, tarot cards are an anomaly in the general professional counseling, healing and therapeutic niche. For example... - Some well known counselors and therapist who don't believe in psychic abilities at all, are amongst the biggest advocates and practitioners of using tarot as a tool to help guide their clients and patients forward. - Due to the symbolic nature of tarot, and the interpretive "art" as well as the science of symbology and archetypes to predict human behavior... even some well known skeptics are fans of using tarot cards to help people identify problematic problems in their lives, from career counseling, to relationship help to grief relief as well. And of course... Many world class psychics, clairvoyants, intuitives and emotional empaths use tarot as an incredible tool to not only predict the future... but to help their clients re-discover their true life passion and purpose and personal power as well. So how do you know when a tarot reading is right for you? Very simply. When you need an alternative opinion, or a different point of view than the one that most folks find when they seek out life advice from the traditional places. When your mind is open, when your spirit feels adventurous and when you feel FREE and willing to experiment with ideas that are off the beaten path a bit to boot! In my own life, after going through a major life challenge many years ago, I realized that I was getting very little benefit from speaking to a therapist, or even my doctor, and felt stuck in a rut that I could NOT escape. When I told my doctor (a close family relative as well) that I wanted to speak to a psychic, I expected he would laugh, and discourage it completely. Instead, to my surprise, he told me that if I felt it would help, and if an unorthodox source of advice would give me more options to consider, not only did he recommend it... he actually floored me by recommending a reputable reader in the community to contact. That experience for me helped me move on in my life in ways that traditional therapy did not, and for me at least... was a life changing experience of opening my mind to ideas that i had previously thought were silly as well! (and that tarot reader continues to be a part of my life to this very day... and a pretty close friend as well!) Danny Fredricks is a full time writer, publisher and seeker of psychic and spiritual experiences around the globe. He has reviewed, interviewed and documented his personal experiences with some of the most famous psychics, clairvoyants and mediums in the world... through thousands of published articles that have been read by almost 1 million readers. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7204148

THE MAJOR ARCANA Synopsis The beginning of a cycle or an adventure; a risk must be taken

General Description The Fool represents the child in us. He stands for spontaneous new beginnings and an openmindedness free of prejudice. He is the symbol of playful lightheartedness, full of the joy of living, and free from care. The Fool shows us that we can enter a new area of life with wonder and without great expectations, and often without previous experience. He therefore can represent a childlike innocence, the result of which can be recklessness, foolish naivete, playfulness, as well as tomfoolery. The Fool can symbolize the simplicity of a wise and humble insight that we achieve at the end of a long and often tiring search. The Fool can also stand for the joker and the rascal in the traditional sense as well as the one and only honest adviser at the court as the alter ego of the king. In any case, he lives totally in the present, is the symbol of openness and spontaneous honesty, always ready for new experiences. Whether this stance is the result of our refusal to grow up or of the wise realization of our spiritual maturity cannot be decided by the card. The Fool always indicates refreshing experiences that sometimes may have chaotic traits but do not represent true danger, even when we fall flat on our faces.


Creative initiative, skill and opportunities for new ventures.

General Description

The Magician represents cleverness, skillfulness, self-confidence, and actively creating your own life. He stands for a time in which we also master difficult problems and successfully face challenges with a keen consciousness and worldly wisdom. Although this card depicts the strength of conscious powers, it does not express the idea that feeling and other unconscious powers are to be neglected in the process. On the contrary: the extraordinary influential powers and effectiveness shown by the Magician are based upon the secret of deep harmony between the conscious and the unconscious. It is only the inner certainty, which then occurs, that is capable of moving mountains.

THE MAJOR ARCANA Synopsis Wisdom, secrets to be revealed, and the development of intuition.

General Description The High Priestess represents our subconscious powers, our finest senses, our intuitive perception, and an often inexplicable but deeply rooted certainty. She is the key to the mysterious truth that escapes the rationally thinking mind. She knows that the truth that we are capable of telling can never be the eternal truth. Seen from her favorable side, she is the expression of patience, understanding, goodness, and the willingness to forgive. As helper, healer, or prophetess, she uses the power of the subconscious for the good of others. However, her darker side represents the archetype of the "evil woman," the witch who uses her black powers to seduce, lame, and hurt other people. In reading the Tarot, greater emphasis is placed upon her friendly and helpful characteristics. She is traditionally one of the three protective cards, which correspond to Christian mythology, allowing no harm to come to the hero under the protection of the Virgin


Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.

General Description

The Empress personifies the inexhaustible power of nature, with which she continues to bring forth new life. She therefore represents liveliness, fertility, growth, and the birth of something new. She is the infinite source of all life, which expresses our creative potential and our ability to absorb impulses and let something new arise through them. This means growth and fertility on the physical level, artistic creativity on the psychological level, imagination and ingenuity on the level of the intellect, and an increase in perception on the level of consciousness. The continual birth of the new means the constant transformation of our life, as well as the necessity to bear the pain of these births.

THE MAJOR ARCANA Synopsis Material success, stability, authority and ambition.

General Description The Emperor represents the structure-giving element, our desire for stability, security, and continuity. He shows our striving for independence from the conditionality of nature in all of its incalculability. He is the equivalent of our drive for civilization with which we build houses, heating and air conditioning systems to protect ourselves from heat, cold, and rain; cars and airplanes so that we can travel more comfortably and quickly than is possible on foot; and schools in order to secure a certain level of education. That too much of a good thing is sometimes done here should not stop us from appreciating properly the positive sides of this often distrustfully regarded card. The Emperor points out our sense of order, sobriety, discipline, responsibility, and pragmatic conduct, as well as the exaggeration thereof in the form of rigidity, lifelessness, perfectionism, a thirst for power, and an iron show of strength.

Synopsis Guidance on religious matters and the need to find spiritual meaning in life.

General Description The Hierophant stands for the world of belief and a deep trust that stems from this conviction of faith. In older times, he was considered one of the three protective cards of the Tarot, which basically gave the course of a matter a favorable tendency. There is much to be said for this understanding of the card, since the power of trust that it expresses can be related to the trust we have in ourselves as well as the trust we have in a deeper sense in our personal lives and the resulting trust in our future. Moreover, this card shows the path of ethics and virtue and stands for the personal resolve resulting from our fundamental moral values.


A relationship or love affair with a trial or choice involved.

General Description

This card combines two topics. It indicates a great experience in love, yet also presents us with the perception that this step is connected with a necessary decision: the renunciation of the previous framework of life (the parental home, the bachelor existence, the many flirtations) and the clear avowal of one love. Only this step will lead to the overwhelming experience shown by the Lovers. This card therefore used to be called "The Decision." It can also indicate necessary decisions that have little or nothing to do with love. In such cases, it means that we must decide with our whole heart, without rancor, and without keeping an escape route open. Which of the two themes this card emphasizes can only be determined according to the background of the question asked. In any case, it means the great unconditional "yes."

Synopsis A struggle or conflict, yet strong potential for triumph over adversity.G

General Description The Chariot stands for the great leap forward. It shows that we can detach ourselves from our familiar surroundings and go our own way. In doing so, the desire for freedom, ambition, the search for paradise lost, or simply our own need for recognition are driving forces. The Chariot is the only Tarot card that shows the departure to be full of confidence and joy. In all other cases, parting is shown to be characterized by feelings of heaviness and fear. Here, however, is a vigorous, undaunted push forward, initiative, and a great willingness to take risks. The card shows a vast amount of skill (steering the chariot), but also inexperience (entering an unknown world). It must therefore be additionally understood as a warning not to overestimate one's own powers and act too self-confidently and euphorically. Instead, we should, in good time, gain the insight that we still have much to learn.

THE MAJOR ARCANA Synopsis Balance, wisdom and a need for rational, logical solutions.

General Description The card justice contains a number of interrelated topics. It stands for clear, objective knowledge, for conscious and decisivelyreached judgment, for incorruptibility, balance, and fairness. It shows that we will get what we deserve. On the everyday level it says that we experience our surroundings as our echo and will be confronted with the results of our actions, be they good or bad. If we behave in an upstanding and fair manner, our actions will be recognized and properly rewarded, but when we try to gain advantages by questionable means, we will fail. This card expresses a high degree of personal responsibility. It shows that nothing is given to us, but also that nothing is kept from us, so that we alone carry the responsibility for everything that we receive and experience.

Synopsis A time for soul searching and meditation; a need for patience and solitude.

General Description The Hermit is the card of seclusion and turning within. It characterizes an introverted phase in life, during which we shield ourselves from outside influences. We find repose and, above all, are separate from bustling activity and crowds of people. The Hermit therefore stands for an important experience within, through which we can perceive who we are, what we want, and how we can get there. He unites two valuable extremes: the depth of experience and the heights of perception. This card is often wrongly feared by many people. It is only when its qualities are misunderstood that fears of loneliness and abandonment arise. The person who follows the call of the Hermit willingly will find enrichment through clarity, strength, and the joyful experience of being able to be alone with himself.

THE MAJOR ARCANA Synopsis A new chapter is starting; problems are solved through changes in circumstances.

General Description According to the way in which we approach our destiny, we experience the Wheel of Fortune either as an expression of our powerlessness and helplessness or as an indication of a knowledge of life through which we can grow and mature. On the level of events, the Wheel actually often shows situations over which we have no influence at first. The downswing of the Wheel then means that our plans simply don't work out. The weather, the traffic, an air traffic controller's strike, the malice of an object, or some other "higher power" ruin our plans. The Wheel then shows us that the time has not (yet) come to put our plans into effect. This card in the other positions can be a valuable indication of how we can get to the other, ascending portion of the Wheel. It stands for a happy, pleasant, even surprising turn of events.

Synopsis A time for self-awareness involving courage, strength, and determination.

General Description The card Strength has a certain kinship to the card of the Magician (I). Similar to that card, Strength also touches upon the extraordinary power of the secret of a deep, inner harmony. If the great influential strength of the Magician is founded upon the harmony of conscious and unconscious powers, then the vital energy, courage, and passion of this card is an expression of the reconciliation of the civilized person with his or her animal nature. In mythology, this is impressively portrayed by the friendship between Gilgamesch and Enkidu, his previous bitter enemy. This card makes it clear that we cannot aim to hide our instinctual nature behind pallid virtue but should open ourselves much more to encountering the living, sometimes terrifying archaic powers existing in each of us, in order to gradually tame them through loving acceptance and gentle force. When we do this, not only these primordial powers are available to us, but also all of the reserves of strength that we have used up until now to repress these instincts.

THE MAJOR ARCANA Synopsis A sacrifice must be made in order to gain something of great value. General Description The Hanged Man, superficially seen, primarily means that we are stuck and in a dilemma. However, with more thorough consideration we can see that in the external immobility there is a forced repose, as well as the necessity and opportunity to achieve a transformed view of the world and change one's life. The passivity to which we are condemned in such phases is at best illustrated with the image of an illness, which is often actually indicated by this card. C. G. Jung says of the experience that the Hanged Man expresses: "To hang can ( ... ) even be a positively seen 'hanging on', which on the one hand means apparently insurmountable difficulties, yet on the other hand presents that unique situation that requires the greatest effort, and therefore calls the entire person into action.

Synopsis Changes: the end of the old and the birth of the new. General Description Death means parting, the great letting go, the end. It then also prepares the way for the new, for that which is to come. However, the card itself first presents us with the end. This can be positive when it relates to a long wished for, liberating ending, yet it is also natural that we have our most painful experiences with the theme of this card. In contrast to the 10 of Swords, which indicates the random and thereby premature ending, this card always stands for the natural end. This means that it is time to let go of something. The Death card is unjustly one of the most feared. The eternal embellishers, who do not understand it, read the card only to be the proclamation of something new and want to deny us the deep experience of parting and the related life-accepting experiences. "We have separated living from dying and the interval between them is fear" says Krishnamurti, and: "You cannot live without dying."

THE MAJOR ARCANA Synopsis Mixing and blending of opposites; compromise and cooperation.

General Description The meaning of the Temperance card is easier to understand if we call it "Moderation." It personifies the healthy opposite of the next card in the Tarot game - the Devil (XV), which stands for immoderation. Harmony, balance, composure, and peace of mind are the elements that characterize Temperance. This card, then, portrays the joyous experience of being healthy and inwardly balanced, liking and treating ourselves well. This results in our coming into harmony with our surroundings. Connected with the corresponding questions, this card stands for healing and recovery.


Inhibitions, blocks and fears which, once removed, release positive energy.

General Description

Of all the Tarot cards, the Devil is the most difficult to comprehend (in keeping with his nature), since he wears an individual face for each person. The experience that he characterizes is marked by dependence, loss of will, the failure of good intentions, as well as courses of action that go against our convictions. The Devil corresponds to the dark side of many Tarot cards: in contrast to the Magician (I), he is the Black Magician. He is part of the dark side of the High Priestess (II); the insincerity and worship of materialism shown in the opposing principle of the Hierophant (V); the side of the Lovers (VI) that has degenerated to a power struggle or soulless lustfulness; and the corruptible or self-righteous shadow of justice (XI). He embodies the unbridled greed of Strength (VIII); intemperance in contrast to proper Temperance (XIV). He is the ruler of wide portions of the Moon (XVIII) landscape. The Devil naturally appears to us in his most enticing form as the Tempter. The card shows that we are playing with fire and have to be as careful as hell (!) not to burn our fingers in the process. On a deeper level it means that the background of the question brings us into contact with our own shadow side.


Rigid or imprisioning structures need to be torn down and replaced with the new.

General Description

The Tower shows that we have walled ourselves into an area of supposed security that suddenly starts to waver. This is very much a matter of structures and dimensions that have become too small and narrow for us. Convictions and basic principles of life could be affected by this, as well as our thoughts of security in the professional and financial sense. Last but not least, our personal friendships and other partnerships could also be influenced. In every case, the Tower stands for a concept that used to give us a reassuring measure of security, perhaps even a feeling of safety. But now we have grown out of it. These old concepts are usually toppled by surprising experiences, sometimes even true flashes of genius. Since this is a matter of the supposed basis of our security, these sudden changes are often first experienced as catastrophes. It is only when the first shock has been overcome that we sense with relief that we have been freed from old burdens. This breakthrough can be triggered through our own perceptions as well as external events. The I Ching says in this regard: "The storm with its thunder and lightning overcomes the disturbing tension in nature."

Synopsis Hope, promise, renewal, and light after darkness.

General Description The Star is the card of hope, wisdom, and insight into higher correlations. It shows that we are planning or starting things that will reach far into the future. We can rightfully place our hopes in their positive development. At this early stage we are often not even aware of the far-reaching consequences of our actions. It is only when we look back that we realize how the course has been set during the times characterized by the Star. Similar to a newly planted seed, some time is necessary before the fruitful effects of our actions become perceptible. In traditional card reading, the Star is seen to be one of the three protective cards that proclaim joyful success.


A period of illusion, uncertainty and fluctuation.

General Description

The Moon card leads us into the mysterious realm of darkness and night; into the image world of the soul; to our premonitions, desires, and dreams. The bright side of the Moon means romantic dreaminess, lively fantasies, and a strong sensitivity. Yet this card tends to show the dark side, the depths of the soul, gloomy foreboding, and the dread of the invisible and intangible. It is the terror that we feel when we walk through a deserted forest at night, although we don't think twice about crossing it during the day. It teaches us the nature of fear in the dark. Or it is the ancient dread of the demons that have now received new names in our enlightened times: bacteria, viruses, millirems, becquerels, lead-polluted air, and acid rain.

Synopsis Cheerfulness, prosperity, energy and optimism.

General Description The Sun card expresses a great joy of living, vitality, warmth, and confidence. It also stands for the illuminating powers of the conscious mind with which we achieve clarity and overcome problems, annoyances, and uncanny fears. It is additionally a symbol of youthful freshness and the feeling of being reborn. It represents the sunny side of life. On a deeper level, it challenges us to overcome the darkness in ourselves, expand our sunlike nature, and free our "darkened" brother or sister and bring them into the light.


Synopsis Completion of the karmic cycle; reaping rewards, or otherwise, for past actions. General Description The card of judgment is easily misunderstood when we consider its name. judgment, particularly the Last judgment that is meant here, is primarily associated with punishment, damnation, and therefore with fear and terror. However, the meaning of a card must always be derived from the picture and the emotional and mythological images that are behind it. The resurrection portrayed here shows the moving experience of releasing and liberating that which was buried or imprisoned before. It shows that the truth, the divine, is ascending from the dungeon and entering the light. This then gives the card a completely positive meaning. It shows the decisive step to becoming oneself, the successful process of alchemical transformation from which something higher is created from a base substance. On a more everyday level, this card signifies every form of liberation: from worries and need, from unthankful situations and bonds, from inhibitions and timidity. It can also be an indication that our "treasure" is inherent to the plans characterized by this card.

Synopsis The realization of a prize or goal; success, triumph, achievement. General Description The World shows the unity that has been regained, the experience of greatest harmony, and the joyful conclusion of a development. Putting the beauty of this card into words means risking the danger of describing a mawkishly happy ending. On the journey of the hero it shows the blissful conclusion and paradise regained. Interpreted for our lives this means that we have reached our goal. Only in a few cases does this mean the goal in life has been attained - usually an important intermediate stage is meant instead. In terms of external experiences this means that we have found our place, the place where we simply belong. On the level of inner experiences, this card shows that we have taken a significant, perhaps even decisive step towards becoming who we are, towards true authenticity and wholeness. On the plane of events it stands for the world of happy times in which we enjoy our existence with openness and vitality. It can also mean that we maintain international contacts or plans to travel.








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