House Rules

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Interpretation (1)

In the application of these by-laws to any particular sub-divided building. The word “Corporation” shall mean Management Corporation (MC) of Villa Flora Condominium.


Except for sub para (f) (1) of by-law 2, reference in these Laws to a parcel proprietor however expressed, where the context so admits, in the case of a unit occupied by a person who is not the parcel proprietor, shall be construed as including the occupier of that parcel.

2. Duties of proprietor (1)

A parcel proprietor shall : a.

Permit the corporation and its agents at all reasonable times and on reasonable notice being given (except in the case of emergency when no notice is required) to enter his parcel for the purposes of:i) ii)

iii) iv)

Inspecting the parcel: Maintaining, repairing or renewing pipes, wires, cables and ducts used or capable of being used in connection with the enjoyment of any other parcel or the common property; Maintaining, repairing or renewing the Common property; and Executing any work or doing any act reasonably necessary for or in connection with the performance of its duties or the enforcement of these by-laws or other by laws affecting the building.


forthwith carry out all the work ordered by any competent public or statutory authority in respect of his parcel other than such work for the benefit of the building generally, and pay all assessments, charges and outgoings which are payable in respect of his parcel;


Repair and maintain his parcel and keep it in a state good of repair reasonable wear and tear, and damage by fire, storm, tempest or act of God expected;


Pay promptly all monies lem’ed by the Management Corporation for the establishment and maintenance of the Management Fund.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________



Not use or permit his parcel to be used in such a manner or for such a purpose as to cause nuisance or danger to any other proprietor or the families of such proprietor or the families of such proprietor;


Not use his parcel contrary to the terms of use of the parcel shown in the plan approved by the relevant authority; and


Notify the corporation forthwith of any intended change in the proprietorship of his parcel or which he is aware, for entry in the Strata Roll maintained by the corporation for this purpose.


A proprietor shall use and enjoy the common property in such a manner as not to interfere unreasonably with the use and enjoyment thereof other proprietors or their families or visitor.

Common property for common benefit The corporation shall control, manage and administer the common property for the benefit of all the proprietors. Provided that the corporation may, by agreement with a particular proprietor, grant him exclusive use and enjoyment of part of the common property or special privileges in respect of the common property or part of it.


Provision of amenities or services The corporation may make an agreement with a particular proprietor for the provision of amenities or services by the corporation to or in respect of his parcel


Functions of the Management Corporation The corporation shall: (a) Maintain in a state of good and serviceable repair, the fixtures and fittings (including lifts) existing on the lot and used or capable of being used in connection with the enjoyment of more than one parcel or the common property. (b) Where practicable, establish and maintain suitable lawns and gardens on the common property;

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

(c) Maintain, repair and (where necessary) renew sewers, pipes, wires, cable and ducts existing on the lot and used or capable of being used in connection with the enjoyment of more than one parcel or the common property; (d) On the written request of a proprietor or of a registered chargee of a parcel, the corporation shall produce to the proprietor or chargee, as the case maybe, (or to a person authorized in writing by the proprietor or chargee) all policies of insurance effected by the corporation together with the receipts for the last premiums paid in respect of the policies; (e) Without delay enter in the Strata Roll any intended change or any other dealing notified to it pursuant to sub para (f) (1) of part 1 By-Law; (f) Raise contributions from each parcel proprietor in order to establish and maintain a Management Fund in accordance with the provisions of Section 45 et seq of The Strata Titles Act 1985 (Act 318); AND (g) Discharge all its other duties and responsibilities as set out in The Strata Titles Act 1985 (Act 318) and its amendments; in particular as set out in Section 43 of that Act. (h) Allow police personnel with proper identification and the right authority to enter the building and carry out their duties. Note that repossessers or their agents, officers from government bodies or other government agencies, court officials, and debt collectors will only be allowed entry upon having a court order. 6.

Prohibitions for proprietor A parcel proprietor shall not: a. Use his parcel for any purposes (illegal or otherwise) which may be injurious to the reputation of the building. b. Use as fuel any substance or material which may give rise to smoke or fumes or obnoxious smell c. Throw or allow to fall, any refuse or rubbish or any description on the common property or any part thereof except in refuse bins, maintained by him or in refuse chutes provided in the building; or d. Keep any animal in his parcel or on the common property which may cause annoyance to any other proprietor.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________




Use of Apartment Units The apartment units are private residential dwellings and shall not be used for commercial or any other illegal or immoral purposes.


Notifying Occupancy of Apartments Units a)

Residents shall notify the Management upon the commencement of occupancy of their respective apartment units for security purposes. In addition, residents who permit their employees to stay in shall inform the Management of such arrangements


Residents shall furnish the Management with details of the occupants as may be required from time to time. The parties concerned must notify any change of occupancy in any apartment unit to the Management within two (2) weeks of such change.


Owner of parcel unit who let/leased out unit must notify the Management Office in writing with details of new tenant as follows: i. ii iii iv. v.

Full name and address My kad or Passport Number Tenancy period Contact details i.e Email address, telephone number, etc Any other information deemed necessary

Failure to furnish such information will result in the tenant being refused entry/access to the Condominium. d)

Parcel owner must provide copy of “House Rules” to his/her tenant who must abide by it. Parcel owner is to ensure his tenant abides to all House Rules.


Parcel owner will have to give up his/her rights to the use of Condominium facilities once the unit is let/leased out inclusive of, but not limited to sports facilities etc.


Tenant will only be issued with car stickers/access card subject to the parcel owner surrendering their own or previous tenant’s stickers/access card.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________



Tenant will only be allowed entry into the Condominium subject to the owner having settled all outstanding Maintenance and any other Charges due.

General Restriction on Activities Nothing shall be allowed, done or kept any apartment unit or common area which may overload or impair the floors, walls, roofs or any building structures thereof or cause an increase in premium rates or the cancellation, invalidation or nonrenewal of existing insurance policies.


Noise and Offensive Conduct All persons in the apartments shall at all time conduct themselves in a manner that will not cause offense or annoyance to other persons.


Radio, Hi-fi & TV at Reduce Volume Radio, hi-fidelity equipment, television, musical instruments and other like equipment shall be played at reduced volume at all times.



Radio/TV Antenna & Parabolic Dish a)

No radio/television antenna or parabolic dish (i.e Astro dish for example) shall be attached to or hung from the exterior of walls or be allowed to protrude through walls, windows, balconies or roofs unless approved by the Management.


Should there be any violations to the above rule, the MC reserves the right to impose a fine at a rate to be determined by the MC and suck fine shall continue to be charged until full compliance.


The MC reserve the rights to dismantle any radio / television antennae or parabolic dish or ASTRO dish should the residents fail to remove them and any cost incurred by the MC will be charged to the residents.

Throwing, Sweeping & Dusting Nothing shall be thrown out, discarded, emptied or swept out by any person through the windows, doors, or balconies onto the common areas. Garments, rugs, mops or other objects shall not be dusted, shaken or cleaned from windows, balconies, stairways, and corridors or in any of the common areas.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Refuse/Domestic Waste Residents shall secure all refuse/domestic waste in non-porous garbage bags and dispose them in the Refuse Bins located ay ground level. Combustible substances (paint, kerosene and petroleum products), heavy/bulky objects and glass must not be disposed into the Refuse Bins and resident shall arrange for such disposal by themselves.


Combustible Substances No explosives of any nature including fireworks may be stored or used in the apartments. Petroleum products, which may be kept or stored in the apartment shall be limited to the usual quantities incidental to the occupancy of a private dwelling.


Plants Residents who maintain plants shall ensure that their plants are maintained in a manner that will not create a nuisance to other residents, breed mosquitoes larvae or create any stains to the common property.


Broom, Mops & Others Brooms, mops, cartons, notices, advertisements, posters, illuminations or other means of visual communication shall not be placed on balconies, windows, walls, doors or passages so as to be in full view from the outside of the apartment units. Residents who wish to put up any notices at the common notices boards shall obtain approval from the Management.


Restriction on Hanging of Clothes & Others Residents may hang textile items (clothes, towels and linens) on poles, which shall not protrude the windows or the wash areas of their apartments units. Residents are not allowed to hang and dry their clothes, towels, linens, sheets or carpets in the common areas or balcony.


Storage at Common Areas is Prohibited No person shall place, store or maintain in any common corridor, hall, lobby, stairway, walkway, ground or other common area, any furniture, packages or objects of any kind or otherwise which will obstruct transit through or cleaning of such common areas. The Management reserves the right to dispose of the above men tined items and the residents concerned will bear the cost for such disposal.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Motorcycles, Bicycles, Skates & Others Motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles, children’s riding toys, roller skates, roller blades, skateboards and the like (with the exception of handicapped wheel chairs) shall not be ridden in, used or left in any common corridor, stairway or lobby.


Fixtures & Fittings of the Common Property Fixtures and fittings, including any furniture being part of the common property, which are located in the common area are not to be altered or removed from their locations by any resident.


Fire Fighting Equipment Fire fighting equipment shall not be tampered with. However, in the event of a fire, the extinguisher and reels can be used by any resident to put out the fire.


Parking Bays Residents shall park their vehicles in parking bays assigned to them subject to the following terms and conditions:a) That all residents of the Villa Flora Condominium are to use the access card system, failing which they shall be subjected to security check. Vehicle access through the rear gate (Guard Post B) shall strictly be by using the access card. b) Authorized car stickers for the vehicles of residents must be displayed at all times at the top corner of the windscreens on the driver’s side. Loss of an authorized car sticker must be immediately reported to the Management and a replacement would be issued after the payment of a penalty charge to be determined by the Management is paid. c) Only vehicles displaying the authorized car stickers will be permitted into the Car park reserved for residents. The maximum number of stickers shall be issued to the residents as follows: a. Standard Unit – 1 free + 1 additional b. Penthouse / Duplex Unit – 2 free + 1 additional d) Guest/Visitors shall park vehicles only at the designated visitor’s car parking bays. Residents shall ensure that their guests/visitors do not park at any of the resident’s car bays.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

e) No vehicle should be left unattended anywhere within the apartment premises except within the proper designated parking bay. f) Any vehicle parked outside the proper designated car parking bay or at the Parking bay of another resident shall be towed away or clamped at the parking owner’s cost. The wheel clamp can only be removed after payment of a penalty charge of RM50.00 and of a holding charge of RM50.00 per day to the Management. The said charges shall be deemed as contributions to the Management Fund of the Management Corporation. g) Vehicles and goods left in the parking area are at the risk of the vehicle owners. The management will not be liable for any claims, damages, thefts or loss of such vehicles or goods from whatever means or however caused. h) To use the said parking bays only for the purpose of parking private motor vehicles. i) To keep the said parking bays free of rubbish and litter. j) Driving within the apartment premises shall be done with caution and courtesy. Driving speed shall not exceed 15km/hr. k) Use of car horn within the apartment premises is expressly forbidden except in an emergency situation. l) Car alarms, if in use, shall be maintained in good working condition. the management is entitled to stop such use should it be annoyance to other residents caused by frequent false alarms. m) Residents shall ensure that their vehicles are property parked within their designated parking bays without causing any obstruction to their neighbors’ vehicle or to the use of the Refuse Bins. n) No major repairs may be made to any vehicles parked within the premises. “Major repair” will include repairs involving excessive noise, exhaust or spillage of oil. o) Washing of vehicles should be undertaken only in the area reserved for this purpose. p) No shutter or structure to be erected on any of the said parking bays or any part thereof.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

q) The Management Corporation Council reserves the right to redesign and revise the layout of the car park and relocate the parking bays in a fair reasonable manner. 2.18

Shifting In / Out The Management shall be informed at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any shifting in/out involving a professional mover or any large items of furniture. The resident concerned shall ensure that common areas and common property are not damaged in the course of such moving. See Section 5 also.


Employees Every resident must inform the Management of any of his/her employees such as maids, driver and the like; and particulars of such employees will be required by the Management. Temporary passes will be used to such employees and the residents concerned would be charged a fee for each temporary pass.


Guest a) Guests of the residents would only permitted into the building after the guests have provided their particulars to the security guards at the guardhouse. b) Residents may inform the security guards of their expected guests by furnishing relevant details before hand. c) Every resident shall be responsible for ensuring that his/her guests comply with the House Rules at all times and that their behavior is not offensive to other residents of the apartment. Every resident shall be liable for any damages caused by his/her guests. d) Security shall not make intercom calls to units to seek permission for visitors to enter between the hours of 11.00p.m to 6.00a.m. Residents expecting visitors during this time must advise security in person, in writing or via intercom the name and expected time of arrival of the visitor, in which case security will intercom the unit upon arrival to seek permission for entry. Failing this, any visitor’s arriving during this time will be denied entry to the condominium.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


House Pets No household pets of any kind are permitted in any of the apartments or any part of the building unless approved by the Management.


Tampering of Installation & Others Residents are not permitted to change, after or deface any installation, signboards, fixtures and fittings or any other equipment installed in the building.


Disclaimer of Liability The Management Corporation, its agents or its employees shall not be liable in whatever manner for loss or damage to any personal property of or injury to or death of any person in the building unless such loss, damage, injury or death shall have been due to its sole fault or negligence.


Liabilities for damage A resident shall be liable for all costs and expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Management to repair or replace any finishes, fabrics, etc. if such damage or destruction is caused by or contributed to by the residents or his/her employees or guest.


Funeral and Bereavement Arrangements All residents shall not hold such arrangements in their respective apartment units and shall do so at the funeral parlous of their own respective faiths or in homes of their relatives so as to observe the privacy of the other residents in the building.


Change of Ownership / Application For Copy of Quit Rent Receipt a)

Every parcel owner is responsible to notify the Management in regards to any change of the ownership of his/her parcel unit.


Every parcel owner shall settle his/her outstanding account with the Management prior to such change of ownership.


If the change of such ownership is pending the completion of a Sale & Purchase Agreement, the parcel owner is further required to deposit a six (6) months service charge and sinking fund with the Management when

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

he/she applies to the Management for a consent letter and a copy of the quit rent receipt. The balance of the said deposit will be refunded to the parcel owner upon the completion date of the Sale & Purchase Agreement.



For the purpose of processing applications, a parcel owner is required to pay RM150.00 (Ringgit: One Hundred Fifty Only) as administrative charge to the Management when he/she applies for a copy of the quit rent receipt for whatever purposes and or the letter of consent for transfer ownership. The administrative charge of RM150.00 will be deemed as contribution to the Management Fund of the Management Corporation.


The new purchase / owner is required to pay a deposit amounting to RM1,000.00 which shall cover two (2) months maintenance charges, water, quit rent and other charges being security for the due observance and performance by the owners to pay his / her monthly outgoings. This deposit will be refunded without interest less any deductions / sum due when the apartment unit is sold.

Use of Facilities The Management Corporations reserve the right to change the use of common facilities deemed not properly utilized by the residents.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________




Structural Beam / Column The removal or hacking of any structural beam/column is strictly prohibited as this will effect the structural stability of the building. Approval from the Management is required before any non-structural wall/floor can be hacked or removed.


Joint Sealant Removal or stripping of any building joint sealant is prohibited as this will lead to water leakage in the building. Any accidental damage to the joint sealant must be reported to the Management for proper rectification works to be carried out.


Electrical System Do not nail or make any holes close to electrical power points, light switches and fuse boxes. You may accidentally puncture the electrical conduits that are embedded in the wall or floor slab and risk getting electrocuted. Try to nail and hang your fixtures about 600 mm away.


Water Reticulation Do not or make holes above or below the shower heads and taps. You may accidentally puncture a water pipe embedded inside the wall.




Renovation to Bathrooms

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Removal of the floor or wall tiles will damage the waterproofing system already laid into the floor or wall respectively. Proper waterproofing must be re applied to avoid water leakage to the lower floor, especially around the floor traps, sewerage pipes, joints and corners. See Section 4.0 on Renovations. 2.

Installation of Air-Conditioners Wall mounted split unit air-conditioners are recommended for installation within the apartments. An opening should be bored through the concrete wall to provide passage for refrigerant piping and drainage outlet. The mounting of frames for outdoor air-conditioners compressors should be secured to the wall by means of anchor bolts at the designated location approved by the Management. See Section 4.0 on Renovations.


Cleaning Do not use excessive water when cleaning, washing the floor (e.g. splashing water from bucket). It may cause damage especially to the bedroom’s parquets floor. Cleaning by mopping is highly recommended.


New Electrical Wiring / Plumbing Works Any new electrical wiring and plumbing works should be properly installed and exposed. Do not cut grooves into walls to conceal these services unless approved by the Management. If approved, as built plans, drawings must be submitted to the Management immediately upon completion of the works. See Section 4.0 on Renovations.




Disconnection of Water Supply In the event a parcel owner fails to settle his/her outstanding account pertaining to the Management Fund (i.e service charge, sinking fund, water bills, late payment interests, insurance premium, quit rent and any other obligatory costs of the Management Corporation), the Management shall reserve the absolute right and discretion to disconnect water supply to the premises 14 days after the 2nd month billing period. A charge of RM25.00 shall be levied for the reconnection of water supply to the apartment unit. All such re-connection charges are deemed as contributions to the Management Fund.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Late Payment Interest Late payment interest at ten percent (10%) per annum will be levied on all types of outstanding contributions to the Management Fund effective 1st January 2003. Any contribution to the Management Fund will automatically attract such late payment interest if it not settled in full within sixty (60) days from the date of bimonthly billings. All late payments interests are deemed as contributions to the Management Fund.


The Management Corporation has the right to publicize by any means it deems fit the details of parcel owners whose account with the Management Corporation is in arrears by 90 days or more.


Where a defect in an owner’s parcel is causing damage or would be reasonably expected to cause damage to another parcel or to common area, the owner shall upon notification by the Management Corporation rectify such defect. Such remedy is to be effected within 7 days of such notification, failing which the Management Office shall have the right to enter the parcel and effect such repairs as are reasonably required, and to recover costs of same from the owner of the parcel. Where a situation reasonably considered to be an emergency exists, the parcel owner shall immediately rectify the defect failing which the Management Corporation shall have the right to enter the parcel, make repairs and recover costs of same from the parcel owner without further notice. These procedures shall be followed where practical however they shall not restrict any rights and obligations conferred on the Management Corporation and Owners under the Strata Title Act 1985.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


INTRODUCTION The following rules set out the procedures and responsibilities of the residents when carrying out renovations to their apartment units. These rules have been prepared with the objective of preserving the pleasant living environment and harmonious community atmosphere at Villa Flora Condominium. Management shall work to balance the interests of residents’ who are in house and non-resident owners/contractors by actively enforcing the House Rules. Full cooperation from all parcel owners and residents is essential in achieving these objectives. Attention is drawn to Section 2.4 of the House Rules concerning noise and the creation of unreasonable nuisance to other residents. Consistent with that rule, residents in-house must not be subjected to noise or nuisance from renovation that results in unreasonable or excessive interference to their everyday activities. Parcel owners or occupants are responsible for the conduct of their contractors. Parcel owners proposing renovations are strongly encouraged to meet and inform occupants of nearby units including those on adjacent floors before work begins. This will usually minimise overall trouble and cost for the parcel owner and promote a harmonious environment after the work is over.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


APPLICATION FOR RENOVATION WORKS Please take note of the following before you start the renovation of your apartment units:1) In the case of work involving significant hacking, noise or other disruptions to other residents, a renovation shall be considered to be occurring if the proposed works will take more than one day to complete. In all other cases, a renovation shall be considered to be occurring if the proposed works will take more than two days in total to complete.

2) The time frame and the scope of work must be submitted to Management on the renovation form submitted with the renovation deposit prior to the start of the work. A copy of the approved renovation form (the Renovation “Permit�) shall be placed on the notice board one week before commencement of the work to give residents adequate notice and time to prepare for any distress they are going to experience. 3) Management may restrict the issue of permits to control the number of renovations taking place at any one time or in any one part of the Condominium so as to minimize disruption to residents. 4) The renovation deposit shall be forfeited if the parcel owner or their contractor fails to comply with these rules. 5) No parcel owner may have renovation permits exceeding a total of 6 months in total duration in respect of a parcel in any 12 month period.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

6) All work must stop upon expiry of the renovation permit approval. In the event the work cannot be completed in time requested on the approved permit the Parcel Owner may apply for a permit renewal. The permit renewal request shall be treated as a new permit application and must be applied for and approved strictly according to the above rules before work can continue. Failure to stop and obtain a permit renewal shall result In the forfeiture of the renovation deposit and the contractor shall also forfeit any performance deposit paid and shall also be required to lodge a further performance deposit before work may continue. The Management Council shall be notified of all second or subsequent permits and may impose additional requirements as may be necessary to protect the interests of other residents.

7) Anybody undertaking the work other than the parcel owner shall be considered to be a contractor for the purposes of these rules. A Contractor shall be held responsible for the activities and actions of all his employees, subcontractors and associates. In the event the parcel owner or a resident of the unit being renovated is undertaking the work themselves, they shall be required to comply with the same rules as a contractor, in addition to the rules affecting them as a parcel owner or resident.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

8) The appointment of an experienced, reliable and competent contractor is important in ensuring successful completion of the works. Investigate the contractor carefully before hiring him. Management shall maintain a Register of Restricted Contractors who are a) Not permitted to perform work at Villa Flora on the grounds of previous non-compliance with the House Rules. b) Permitted to undertake work only on the condition the contractor lodges a performance bond of RM2000. This deposit will be refunded upon successful final inspection of the works by Management unless already forfeited as provided for elsewhere in these rules. This bond is in addition to all other deposits and securities required by these rules This register shall be available to residents to inspect upon request and residents are urged to check the register before organising work and applying for permits and approvals. Management reserves the absolute right and discretion to reject any contractor if thought necessary or require them to pay the performance bond at any time.

9) Please submit for approval by the Management your application together with the renovation deposit and the details including drawings/plans for the proposed renovation works to your apartment unit. In order to avoid any delay or inconvenience, kindly take note of the following when making your application:a) Two (2) renovations forms will have to be completed by the parcel owner and the appointed contractor. b) A cheque for the renovation deposit shall be made payable to Villa Flora Management Corporation. Upon completion of the renovation works, the said deposit will be refunded without interest and less any liabilities arising thereof after a joint inspection between the parcel owner and the Management. Kindly be advised that you have to contact the Management to fix an appointment for the joint inspection. c) Copy of Receipt for RM2000 lodged by the contractor IF the contractor is required to do so by the Register of Restricted Contractors provided for by Section 4.2 8) or by Management at their discretion.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

d) Plans as required by Section 4.3 1). e) No renovation works shall commence prior to approval from the relevant authorities. Eg: DBKL, Bomba, etc. Management must be furnished with photocopies of the official approval letters from the relevant authorities, eg: DBKL, TNB, etc. f) The renovation deposit payable is as follows :i. RM1000 for minor renovation works involving the installation, additional fixtures and fittings, air conditioning system etc.No Renovation works shall be approved if any service charge payments are in arrears ii. RM2000 for major renovation works involving the hacking of walls/floors/tiles, wet cement and tiling works.

10) No renovations will be approved or allowed to commence if a proprietor is in arrears with payment of the monthly maintenance charge, or any other charges made by the Management Committee. 11) No renovations will be approved or allowed to commence until all parts of this section have been fully satisfied. Renovations that proceed without all the necessary deposits, approvals and permits shall be halted by Management and the contractor immediately removed from the premises and refused entry to Villa Flora until the outstanding matters are rectified by the parcel owner.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.3 GUIDELINES FOR RENOVATION WORKS 1) Management wishes to inform that prior approval must be obtained from the Management and the relevant authorities before any renovation works can be carried out in the premises. The following plans where relevant shall be submitted to the Management:a) Proposed Floor Layout Plan b) Proposed Electrical Layout Plan c) Proposed Plumbing Layout Plan 2) Renovation works shall be carried out during the following hours only:Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday and Public Holiday

9.00 am to 5.00 pm 9.00 am to 1.00 pm NOT ALLOWED

All drilling and hacking works or any other works that are noisy and cause nuisance to other residents must be carried ONLY from 9.00a.m to 3.00p.m subject to approval from the Management. As such, the Management must be notified in writing so that prior notice can be given to neighboring residents. 3) Management may when issuing a permit a. further restrict times for hacking and other works which would reasonably be considered disruptive to residents in house unless they have a consent letter signed by all residents who might be affected. b. Contractors have an obligation to use appropriate tools that permit them to complete noisy or disruptive work as quickly as possible and with the least disruption or nuisance to residents. c. Management may at any time require the contractor to take any other measure or course of action determined as necessary to reduce the impact of works that are disruptive to other residents or are the source of complaints by other residents or are necessary to avoid unnecessary safety risks to residents. Failure to comply on any occasion shall result in Management generating and recording a proved written complaint against the contractor as provided for elsewhere in these rules.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

4) Residents who wish to complain about a breach of these rules by a Contractor may complain verbally or may choose to lodge a written complaint using the form provided by Management. Multiple complaints may be recorded on any one day. Multiple complaints about the same event (at the same time and place) by one or more residents shall be treated as a single complaint. The contractor and owner shall be immediately notified of all written complaints. Management may decide to record a verbal complaint and thereby convert it into a written complaint. Management shall investigate all written complaints and take remedial action if required. Management shall forward a copy of each written complaint and their investigation and record of any action taken to the Management Council within 3 working days of the complaint being lodged. In the event of three written complaints being found to be valid concerning a Contractor or his subcontractors in respect of a particular renovation: a) The contractor shall be required to lodge the performance deposit required by 4.2 8) (b); All work shall cease until the deposit is paid: or b) If a performance deposit has already been paid and a further 2 valid written complaints have been made to Management since the deposit was paid, the contractor shall be entered in the Register of Restricted Contractors and the contractor shall forfeit the performance deposit; or c) Upon Management receiving a further 1 valid written complaint about a contractor after the performance deposit has been forfeited the contractor shall be immediately removed from Villa Flora and banned for 2 years. The Parcel Owner shall bear all liability and costs arising from this event. 5) The applicant, i.e the parcel owner must ensure that all renovation works comply with the requirements of the relevant authorities and obtain all necessary approvals as required by the prevailing acts, by-laws and regulations imposed by the authorities. 6) Hacking and modification to any of the building structural members, breaking of any common party walls or removal of fire rated doors is STRICTLY NOT PERMITTED.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

7) All structural alteration to the original layout plan must be submitted to the Project Architect and Structural Engineer for their approval. Any fees incurred shall be borne by the applicant. 8) Parcel owners and their contractors have full responsibility for promptly fixing, cleaning and restoring the tidiness of common areas and common property such as lifts that have been affected by their activities. In the event they fail to do so, management shall clean and restore all affected areas and a. Shall record a proved written complaint against the contractor as provided for elsewhere and b. the cost of cleaning and restoration shall be deducted firstly from the renovation deposit and then from any performance bond lodged by the contractor. In the event these funds are insufficient, management shall cause all work to be stopped until the debt is settled. 9) During renovation, the contractor should take all necessary precautions to avoid damages to the common property. The applicant will be held responsible for any damages caused to the building during the course to their renovations works. 10) The applicant has to pay a renovation deposit to cover the likelihood of any damages caused during the renovation works or non-compliance of the House Rules and other regulations imposed by the Management. 11) The applicant is responsible for the removal of all renovation debris from the premises and building. The Management will remove any renovation debri’s/rubbish found at the common areas within the building and the cost incurred thereof shall be deducted from the renovation deposit. 12) All renovation materials and debris must be kept/stored inside the renovation premises and not at the common area (lift lobby, staircase, common corridor, airwell, car park, driveway, lawn, etc.). 13) Upon completion of the renovation works the applicant is required to notify in writing to the Management so that a joint inspection shall be carried out before the renovation deposit can be refunded less any deduction for liabilities if any. Renovation deposit will be refunded within 2 weeks after the final inspection of the completed renovation works.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

14) The Management reserves the right to forfeit the renovation deposits without notice if the applicant or its contractor does not comply with the above terms or conditions herein and, if the damages exceed the amount of the deposit, the applicant will be held responsible for the difference incurred. 15) All contactors are not allowed to park their vehicles inside resident car park bay in the premises. 16) All contractors are not allowed to utilize the water and electricity supplied to the common property. Any illegal use of these utilities will be charged to the applicant concerned.


ELECTRICAL WORKS Any alteration of or addition to the existing installation should comply with the Local Authority and TNB’s requirements such as cable sizes, SIRIM approved fittings and method of installation. All electrical installation must be carried out by a qualified electrician or licensed contractor.


PLUMBING ANG SANITARY WORKS Any alteration or addition on the existing plumbing and sanitary installation should comply with the Local Authorities and JBA’s requirements. Installation works must be carried out by a qualified plumber or licensed contractor.


AIR-CONDITIONING WORKS d) A qualified licensed contractor must carry out air-conditioning works. e) Proper drainage system should be terminated at the toilet or balcony floor tap. f) The compressor (s) or outdoor unit (s) must be installed securely at the designated location (s) provided. Please refer to the Management for the proper location for the installation of the compressor (s) or outdoor unit (s) g) The refrigerant pipe(s) from the compressor(s) to the blower(s) must be properly covered in metal trunking and painted in the same color as the common areas.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________




The security personnel reserve to the right not to allow any contractors coming into the condominium if there is no work pass or being informed by the management earlier.


The contractors must enter and leave the condominium through gate A (main gate) when doing their renovation works in the condominium. Using gate B (back gate) to come in and out from the condominium is not allowed.


Contractors parking their vehicle indiscriminately or parking in other resident parking lot will be clamped. A fee of RM50.00 will be imposed to release he clamp.


The contractors must provide their particulars and vehicle details before entering into this condominium to the security personnel. Security pass will then be issued to the contractors to works in the condominium. Failing to do so, they are not allowed to enter.


The security reserved to the right to check the contractors at all times or when leaving the condominium after work.


The contractors must clean up the common area should they dirty the place when carrying out their renovation works in the condominium.


The house owner is responsible for the contractor workers if they are found to be misconduct or misbehaved when carrying out their work in the condominium.


For high rise unit owners, if the contractor workers are found misusing the lift, the unit owner will be fined. The lift key may be obtained from the, management office by paying a refunded deposit of RM50.00.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


GUIDELINES FOR SHIFTING Prior to your shifting in/out, please adhere to the following procedures so as avoid any unnecessary inconvenience to yourself and your neighbors.


Inform the Management at least 48 hours in writing prior to the shifting in-out of your belongings. This will enable the Management to make the necessary arrangement for security clearance and use of the lift. Management reserves the right to refuse access for your mover if you fail to notify the Management.


All transportation of furniture and bulky/heavy items can only be made via the staircase/goods lift.


Your mover must immediately remove all boxes and packaging materials away from the building. Dumping of such materials at the refuse chamber is strictly prohibited.


There will be no shifting in and out on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday unless written approval has been granted by the Management.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________




Resident who are moving in or out from this condominium must inform the management and obtain the clearance at least 48 hours before the shifting date.


The security personnel reserve the right not to allow any moving in or out if they are not being informed about the shifting by the management or there is no work pass given by the management.


Moving in or out can be done during the following days: a. b. c.

Monday Saturday Sunday & Public Holiday

: : :

From 8.00 am till 5.00 pm. From 8.00 am till 1.00 pm. NOT ALLOWED


The workers must provide all their particulars to the main post (post A) and also their vehicle particulars before coming into coming into the condominium. Failing to do so, they are not allowed to enter.


The vehicles used to must be parked in the visitor parking lot. Parking indiscriminately or parking in another resident parking lot without authorization will be clamped. A fine Rm50.00 will be imposed to release the clamp. No vehicles is allowed to come in or go out of the condominium through gate B (back gate).


The security personnel reserved the right to check the workers and their vehicles at any time or when leaving the condominium.


If a container is used in the moving in or out, the container allowed is under the security directions for parking so as to avoid obstructions for the residents movement in the condominium. The container must be removed from the condominium after the working hours of the day.


All rubbish must be cleaned and be removed from the condominium after the moving in or out. The rubbish must not be placed at any place in the condominium or even in the garbage house.


For high rise unit owners, if workers are found misusing the lift, the unit owner will be fined their or their deposit placed to the management will be forfeited. The lift key may be obtained from the management office by paying a refundable deposit of Rm50.00

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


The Management shall reserve the right to amend any of the above guidelines and conditions without prior notice. The parcel owner/tenant are advised to inquire with the Management with regard to the validity of the above guidelines and conditions.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Should there be any violations to the House Rules by the residents, the Management Corporation reserve the right to impose RM 100.00 fine per offence per month and such fine shall be continued to be charged until full compliance.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


You would appreciate that the above in documented for the benefit of all residents in the departments development. Your cooperation is important to preserve the pleasant living environment at Villa Flora Condominium.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________




The swimming pool may be used from 0900 to 2200 hours and only the residents and his guests are entitled to use the swimming pool.


All person must shower immediately before entering into the swimming pool. A person having an infection or communicable diseases shall not use the swimming pool. Spitting, nose blowing and the like shall not be permitted in the swimming pool.


The maximum number of guest per unit who may use the swimming pool shall not exceed two (2). At any time, the security personal reserved the right to lay down the rules disallowing the use of the swimming pool by guest at such times deems necessary in the interest of the residents.


A guest may only use the swimming pool when accompanied by his host occupant who shall ensure that his guest complies to the rules and regulations of the swimming pool.


No person shall wear hair pins, rollers safety pins and other like object while in the swimming pool.


Surfboard, snorkling and scuba gear, bulky inflammable toys and similar objects shall lot permitted in the swimming pool.


No food and beverages shall be permitted in immediate vicinity of the swimming pool except at the servery counter.


Ball sports, frisbee playing, roller skating, and other similar activities shall not be permitted in the swimming recreation area.


No livestock, poultry or other household pets shall be allowed in the swimming recreational area.


Radios, tape recorder, television set and other electronic/mechanical equipment shall not be used in the swimming recreational area except with special permission from the management.


Any person may be required to identify himself or herself when being check by the security personnel.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Any guest who breaches any of the rules and regulations shall be required to leave and will not be allowed into the condominium. Any resident who commits such breech may be required to leave the swimming area.


These rules and regulations are subject to change without notice.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________




The squash, tennis and badminton court may be used only from 0800 to 2200 hours and only the occupants and his guests are entitled to use the squash, badminton and tennis courts.


Players shall be properly attired when playing.


The maximum numbers of guest per unit who may use the squash, badminton and tennis court shall not exceed 2 (two) at any time.


Guests may only use the squash, tennis and badminton courts when accompanied by the host occupants who shall ensure that his guests comply to the rules and regulations contained here in.


An occupant may only book one court each day and shall be permitted to book one hour at a time and for a maximum for two hours per day provided the hours reserved are not consecutive.


Food and beverage are not allowed in the courts or within its immediate vicinity.


No smoking is permitted in the courts.


No radios, tape recorder, television sets and other electronic and mechanical equipments may be brought into the courts.


The security personnel reserve the right to check all persons and their particulars at any time when using the courts. Any person who does not cooperate or fails to comply to these rules shall be removed and not allowed to play in the courts.


These rules and regulations are subject to change without notice.

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RA VILLA FLORA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TINGKAT 2, BLOCK 150, KONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA, JALAN BURHANUDDIN HELMI, TAMAN TUN DR ISMAIL, 60000 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KUALA LUMPUR TEL : 03-77221039 ________________________________________________________________________________________________

9.3 PARTY RULES IN CONDOMINIUM VILLA FLORA Residents who wish to hold a party in this condominium must comply with these following rules: 1.

Inform and obtain prior approval from the management office.


To provide a list of guests and their vehicles particulars attending the party to the security officer or at the security personals at gate A (main post). The list of names and vehicles particulars must be given at least 24 hours before the party starts. Failing to do so the security reserves the right to bar the guest from entering the condominium.


The party must finish latest by 11:00 pm.


The area must be cleaned and cleared after the function. All table and chairs must be placed at their places.


No BBQ and cooking is allowed at the pool side.


The musical and hi-fidelity equipment if played must be at a reduced volume during the function.


The host must ensure their guests are well behaved and must not create any annoyance to other residents/person living within the condominium.


Guests are to confine themselves within the function area and prohibited from making use of other facilities within the condominium.


Guests must park their vehicles in the visitor parking lot at their own risk. Depending on the availability of the parking lots, the security personal may direct the guest to park their vehicles outside the.


Indiscriminate parking of vehicles in the condominium or parking in other resident parking lot will be clamped. A fee of RM 50.00 will be charged if the clamp is to be removed.


Any installation of canopy or other accessories for the party must have the permission of the management office.


Other rules and regulation will be imposed without prior notice as deemed necessary. Shifting party to another place not according to the booking with the management is not allowed.


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