3 minute read
Garden Talk
from SE21 March 2022
by SE Magazines
What To Do This Month
Garden Talk with Janine Winlaw | Instagram @janinewinlaw
As the weather warms up, things start getting busy in the garden – here’s what to do this month.
Fertilise & Mulch
• After weeding, sprinkle soil with an organic fertilser, such as chicken pellets or fish, blood and bone and lightly fork around trees and shrubs - ideally when the soil is moist. Give roses a special rose feed or a balanced fertiliser. • Feed ericaceous shrubs such as camellias and azaleas with ericaceous feed. • Cover bare soil with a 5cm layer of organic matter such as well rotten manure to stop it losing water as weather warms up, watering first if it’s dry. A mulch suppresses weeds and looks smart too.
Move & Plant
• If there’s a shrub that’s outgrown its spot, now’s the time move it. Take as large a root ball as you can, drag it over to its new home on a plastic sheet, add well-rotted compost to the hole, water it well and it should take off. • Plant new climbers, by digging a hole, 22cm away from walls and fences so that the plant is not in a dry ‘rain shadow’. • Create new plants by dividing clumps of overgrown summer perennials. Tease the lifted plant apart with two forks back-to-back and don’t be nervous about a few roots breaking.
Prune & Tidy
• Finish cutting down overgrown perennials and grasses to make way for new growth. • Finish pruning your roses. With sharp secateurs, remove dead, diseased and crossing stems, then prune flowering wood back by a third. Cut to 6mm above an outward facing healthy bud– and wear gloves! • Cut down established cornus (dogwood) to the base to encourage colourful winter stems. • Tackle overgrown climbers now – new buds mean you can see where the stems are dead. Honeysuckle, ivies, rambling roses and winter flowering jasmine can be pruned hard. Summer flowering jasmine can also be pruned by taking out the main stem or two to the ground. • Prune late flowering clematis – such as Jackmannii (Group 3) by cutting them 23-24cm from the ground, to just above a healthy bud – easy! • Deadhead hydrangeas, removing around a third of last year’s growth.
Sow & Grow
• Grow scented sweet peas by make a bamboo wigwam and planting two seeds at 30cm intervals and 1cm deep in situ. Young plants may need help before tendrils twine themselves around the support.
Plant & Deadhead Bulbs
• Snowdrops rarely grow well from dry bulbs so divide or plant them while they’re still green. • Plant summer flowering bulbs such as gladiolus and lilies in a sunny spot. You can also plant out faded forced bulbs for blooms next year. • Deadhead daffodils and let the foliage die back to encourage new flower buds to form inside the bulb.
Cut & Feed Your Lawn
• Start mowing your lawn for first time, just not too short at first. • If you’re feeling energetic, aerate your lawn by making holes with a fork 10cm deep and 20cm apart. • Give the lawn a feed of chicken manure pellets towards the end of the month – ideally when the lawn is damp.
Finally, watch out for slugs
They love juicy new growth and will be coming out in wet weather for a nibble. Try slug nematodes for an organic solution.
Ralph Vaughan Williams
A 150th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday 26th March 7:30pm St. Barnabas Church SE21 7DG
Choral works by Ralph Vaughan Williams - Gustav & Imogen Holst - Rebecca Clarke - Ethel Smyth The DCS is proud to present a beautiful selection of Ralph Vaughan William’s music, including Mass in G Minor, as well as pieces by his great friend Holst. Vaughan Williams and Holst both taught at JAGS, and the work of such important composers as Imogen Holst, Rebecca Clarke and Ethel Smyth provides an additional highlight.
Tickets in advance via Ticketsource and via our website: membershipdcs@gmail.com | www.dulwichchoral.com @dulwichchoral | @realdulwichchoralsociety