10 minute read
Pets Corner
from SE21 March 2022
by SE Magazines
Dogs & The End Of Covid Restrictions
Pets Corner with Leonie St Clair | www.londondogstraining.co.uk
If reports are to be believed all Covid related restrictions have finally come to an end. Many of you will either be contemplating or are already heading back to office life, away from home. For those dogs and pups acquired over the last two years this could amount to disaster.
Owners may not have prepared for complete cessation of Covid rules and their dogs will be used to having owners or extended family around most of the time. A sudden, major change in routine could spark negative associations that stick and intensify. Not all dogs will develop separation issues but a number will and in some cases that outcome could have been avoided. Rather than take the risk it is best to have a plan before leaving your dog for real.
First Test The Waters
Use a remote camera device and set it up on the widest angle possible, so you can monitor the area where your dog normally chooses to rest during the day. The more you can see, the better. Aim to leave the house for no more than 30 minutes. If over that time your dog goes to their rest area and settles and sleeps, then we can assume they are able to cope with some separation. You can build on a recommended basic separation programme If on the trial run your dog starts howling, barking, pacing, toileting, salivating, destroying things or generally looking distressed, then please return home immediately. These are all signs that your dog is in some way unhappy or frustrated and experiencing emotions that could be linked to separation. In this case you are best to seek expert assessment and the assistance of a professional.
What Not To Do
It is important that you do not chastise your dog for any unwanted behaviours arising out of separation from you. It is not their fault they are doing their best to cope, chastising them could also make their behaviours worse. If your dog follows you around the house or is affectionate or sleeps with you, do not feel you must stop these activities. Dogs with separation issues may do all these things, but so do many dogs that cope well with separation. If in doubt ask a specialist. Some dogs that appear to have a mild separation issue may not be getting enough exercise and mental enrichment. It is always a good idea to consider whether your dog is getting enough of either, to enable them to relax at points during the day. Many dogs can with a little help and patience be taught to cope with separation but the work has to be put in by the owner. The worst thing is to make the dog go ‘cold turkey’ through force of circumstance. Other dogs will require professional intervention- a vet visit, to ensure your dog is medically fit is the best first move. Dogs in discomfort or pain will obviously find separation from you scarier.
The Golden Rule
Until you know your dog can cope with separation try not to leave them alone at all, other than for training setups. Consider getting cover from family, friends, and neighbours, and from services like dog walkers and day care.
Thursday 10 March: William Morris, Socialist & Entrepreneur 8pm - 9pm
The Arts Society Dulwich lecture at JAGS Sixth Form Centre. Guests welcome, £10 at the door, no booking required. This lecture looks at the architectural strategies and principles used by Mather to transform these spaces into modern masterpieces, at the same time preserving the historical buildings and creating places that people love to visit. Speaker: Joanna Banham.
https://www.theartssocietydulwich.org.uk/ programme/lectures.
Sunday 13 March: Midcentury Modern®
10am - 4pm. Midcentury Modern® is back after
a 2-year hiatus. These biannual interiors show attracts celebs including Andrew Garfield and Olivia Colman, architects and interior designers returning to Dulwich College, with a feast of highly collectable midcentury, industrial and furniture, smalls, posters and lighting as well as stunning contemporary. Head for the light and bright double height brutalist Christison hall then back to the cloisters. Chat to 85 top dealers and designers with large stands and prices from £10 to £10,000. Ample parking, refreshments and delivery available onsite. Whilst we are happy for children to come along we ask that all pushchairs are left in the free buggy park provided for health and safety reasons. Advance discount tickets available online only including 'Free from 3pm' tickets or pay £11 on the door on the day. Dulwich College, Dulwich, SE21 7LD.
Monday 14 March: Dulwich WI Monthly Meeting
7.30pm-9.30pm. We meet on the second Monday of each month at Fifty Seven, 57 North Cross Road, SE22 9ET https://dulwichwi.com
Thursday 17 – Tuesday 29 March: Recent Work by Louise Ward 10am - 4pm

Local Artist Louise Ward is back at The Jeannie Avent Gallery this spring with her original artworks and limited-edition prints. New works further explore the genre of Still Life using paint, photography and wax on wood and paper. There are also four new black and white pieces and of course a selection of the ever-popular hand - made greetings cards. Open Wednesdays - Sundays. Evenings and other days by appointment. Jeannie Avent Gallery, 14 North Cross Road, SE22 9EU.
louise.ward2904@gmail.com. https://louisewardart.com/portfolio.
Sunday 20 March: London Mozart Players 'Not now, Bernard' & other stories
2:30pm - 3:30pm & 4pm-5pm. What would you do if you found a monster in the garden? Bernard tries to tell his parents but keeps getting the brush off – with dire consequences! David McKee’s classic story Not Now, Bernard is beloved by youngsters and has a powerful message for parents too! Narrator Polly Ives tells these hilarious tales with sparkling verve and energy, while Bernard Hughes’ score, performed by LMP, effortlessly builds an enchanting musical framework. To add the pictures to the words and music, artist Rosie Brooks will sketch along to the stories live, with her illustrations projected behind the orchestra, bringing the characters to life. St John the Evangelist,
Upper Norwood, Sylvan Road, SE19 2RX. https://www.londonmozartplayers.com.
Monday 21 March: Entrepreneurs Circle Local Meeting: Dulwich
6pm-8pm (registration from 5.30pm). The Entrepreneurs Circle Local Meeting is a new type of Business Growth Meeting (with some networking) that's guaranteed to help your business grow. Our meetings always have a featured content session where we share a practical marketing tactic or strategy that you can use in your business to get more customers and make more sales!
You'll get more customers IN the meetings through networking and referrals PLUS you'll also leave with actionable ideas to market your business once you get home too. Whether you're an existing EC member or this is your very first meeting, if you're a business owner from the Dulwich area, we'd love to have you join us at our September Meeting. Whilst this event is exclusively for Members of Entrepreneurs Circle you can join for free via this link https://eclocal.co.uk/Dulwich/join/ or come along as a guest. Join your fellow Dulwich business owners for our Entrepreneurs Circle Local Meeting at:
The Clock House (Upstairs) 198a Peckham Rye, East Dulwich, SE22 9QA.
Tuesday 22 March: Karen Joy Fowler – Booth
7pm - 8pm. Join bestselling author Karen Joy Fowler as she discusses her brilliant new novel, Booth, an epic and intimate novel about the theatrical family behind one of the most infamous figures in American history: John Wilkes Booth. The infamous and ill-fated Booths are a family of thespians, drinkers and dreamers divided by the issue of their day, one that is tearing the US nation in two. Junius is the patriarch, a celebrated Shakespearean actor who fled bigamy charges in England, at once both a mesmerising talent and a man of terrifying instability. As his children grow up in a remote farmstead in 1830s rural Baltimore, the country draws ever closer to the boiling point of secession and civil war. Of the six Booth siblings who survive to adulthood, each has their own dreams they must fight to realise, both on the stage and off it - but it is Johnny who makes the terrible decision that will change the course of history - the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Booth is a riveting novel focused on the very things that bind, and break, a family. Karen Joy Fowler is the author of six novels and three short story collections. We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2014, won the PEN/ Faulkner Prize and has sold over half a million copies. www.karenjoyfowler.com Dulwich
Books, 6 Croxted Road, West Dulwich, London, SE21 8SW. Book via Eventbrite.
To get your listing here contact: angela@semagazines.co.uk
Wednesday 23 March: The Wood That Built London by Chris Schüler
7:30pm - 8:30pm. It is hard to imagine that the busy townscape of South London was once a great wood, stretching almost seven miles from Croydon to Deptford or that, scattered through the suburbs, from Dulwich to Norwood, a number of oak woodlands have survived since before the Norman Conquest. Join Village Books and Alleyn’s School Enterprises for an evening with Chris Schüler who will be discussing his book The Wood That Built London, a compelling narrative history that charts the fortune of the North Wood from the earliest times: it’s ecology, ownership, management, and its gradual encroachment by the expanding metropoli. ‘In this meticulously researched yet accessible work, historian C J Schüler brings to life a largely forgotten slice of the capital’s topography.’ Geographical Magazine Chris Schüler is the author of three illustrated histories of cartography: Mapping the World, Mapping the City and Mapping the Sea and Stars and co-author of the best-selling Traveller’s Atlas. Schüler has also written for The Independent, The Independent on Sunday, The Financial Times and New Statesman.
https://www.village-books.co.uk/events/ LS Atrium, Alleyn's School, Townley Road, East Dulwich SE22 8SU.
Friday 25 March: Wizz Jones, Simon Prager, Alfie Jones
7pm - 11pm. There are few artists with more claim to being a ‘musician’s musician’ than WIZZ JONES!
Inspired by Big Bill Broonzy, Rambling Jack Elliot, Alexis Korner and Ewan MacColl, Wizz learned his craft from the likes of Davy Graham and Long John Baldry in the coffee bars of London’s Soho during the late fifties. He busked through Europe with Rod Stewart, and is cited by John Renbourn and Eric Clapton as an important early influence. With his unique acoustic guitar style, an eclectic repertoire and a ‘right hand worthy of Broonzy’, Wizz continues to tour on the acoustic folk and blues circuit (when covid rules allow .....) Inspired by legendary blues and gospel guitarist, Rev. Gary Davis, SIMON PRAGER has been involved in the British blues scene since the ‘60s. He first came to prominence on an album recorded and released in 1968, Blues Like Showers of Rain, and was part of the "All Star Medicine Show" in the seventies, with Steve Rye and Bob Hall. Simon also played occasionally with the late JoAnn Kelly and accompanied Sonny Terry when half of that legendary duo, Brownie McGhee, became ill. He was part of the ‘City Ramblers Revival’ skiffle group with the late Hylda Sims, Kev ‘doc’ Stenson and others. Nowadays, Simon performs solo and as part of a duo with Kevin ‘Doc’ Stenson. ALFIE JONES is Wizz's grandson, and a great singer and guitarist in his own right!
Wednesday 30 March: Cooking with Scissors – Smart Business Networking
6.45pm-8pm. An opportunity for local business professionals to meet, make new contacts and gain new business. The last Wednesday of every month. Free Admission. To find out more or register: https://cookingwithscissors.co.uk/. The Lordship Pub, 211 Lordship Lane, SE22 8HA

*on door orders over £3500

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