2 minute read
from SE22 June 2021
by SE Magazines
Welcome to SE22
As life is beginning to get back to normal, I am planning my first road trip to see my parents. I leave after I go to print and I really can’t wait to do something different! It has been lovely to go for dinner and sit inside. The only problem is I now have to think about what I am wearing underneath my coat! I recently caught up with Daren Naish, the owner of The Little Clipper who is celebrating 10 years in business this month. Read the Business Spotlight on pages 10 & 11. Our events pages start on page 6 this month with eight full pages of online and in person events happening in and around Dulwich. So there is plenty to do right on our doorsteps. After bringing back the Noticeboard last month, I have been inundated with notices. This month there are some wonderful part-time jobs available at local charities. Find out more on page 24. St Christopher’s Art project has reopened at the Horniman Museum. It has also been shortlisted for UK Exhibition of the year. For the full story go to page 38. The Last Word this month goes to Juliet Barclay aka The Adventure Aunt. The Adventure Aunt creates brilliant learning experiences for children aged 6-12, by themselves or with family and friends. Find out more on page 40.
Until next time. Angela
Angela Burgess, Head of All Things Community
SE Magazines/Around Dulwich
Photograph by Portrayed Photography
Call 020 8693 9040 angela@semagazines.co.uk www.semagazines.co.uk @SEMags
If you would like to advertise in our next issue, you can download our rates from our website any time. Or if you prefer, give me a call!
Welcome .................................................................... 3 Events Calendar ......................................................... 4 What’s On.........................6, 8, 9, 22, 23, 34, 36 & 37 Garden Talk ............................................................. 12 Food & Drink ........................................................... 14 Fitness Tips ............................................................. 16 u3a Day ................................................................... 18 Mindset Matters....................................................... 20 Noticeboard.............................................................. 24 Financial Matters ..................................................... 26 Dulwich Hamlet Football Club ................................ 28 Education News ....................................................... 30 Pets Corner ............................................................. 32 Horniman Exhibition ................................................ 38 Link Age Southwark Open Gardens........................ 39 The Last Word .......................................................... 40 Index ....................................................................... 42
July Deadline - 15 June (please allow an extra two days if design is required)
To advertise in SE22 please contact Angela Burgess on 020 8693 9040 or e-mail: angela@semagazines.co.uk for further information. You can download our rates from our website: www.semagazines.co.uk.
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