What's On - February Notice Please note that all this information was correct at the time of going to press. However please do check details ahead, as the lockdown may be extended and this could affect some events.
Tuesdays 2, 9, 16 & 23 February: Coping with Anxiety
Tuesdays 2, 9, 16 & 23 February: Life Drawing & Painting 6pm-7:30pm. A drop-in series for young people (18-25) with anxiety. Online sessions. The group is a safe space to discuss any anxietyrelated feelings, emotions, and everyday experiences of dealing with the burden of anxiety. Anxiety can really diminish the quality of everyday experiences, from school, work and relationships. We invite people to find a safe space to share their feelings and thoughts. By sharing the problems are often lessened and become easier with support of others. The group is hosted by two assistant psychologists from Circle Psychology Partners. They will offer participants some exercises which help in dealing with anxiety and difficult emotions. Book at: https://www.bellhouse.co.uk/allevents 7pm-8.30pm. This is an online drawing & painting session conducted via Zoom. Long pose life painting and drawing. A single pose held for three hours with 5 minute model breaks every 25 minutes. This class will be run by Freya Tate, a wonderful artist with a sharp eye and a playful line. The session will be life model focused but Freya will introduce chaotic elements to challenge you and move your drawing on to higher levels. The Dulwich Art Group & School, 4a Champion Hill SE5 8AH. www.dulwichartgroup.co.uk.
Tuesday 2 February: Honor Oak WI We meet on the first Tuesday of each month, currently via Zoom, at 7:30pm. twitter.com/honoroakwi www.facebook.com/groups/honoroakwi/ Honoroak_WI Email: honoroakwi@gmail.com 6 | SE23 - February 2021
Wednesday 3 February: &ART weekend, holiday and after school art classes
3:45pm - 5:15pm. &ART weekend, holiday and after school art classes for children aged 5-12 years old. The Scout Hut, 212 Bellenden Road, Peckham, SE15 4BY. https://www.andart.london.
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