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Charity News
Bramhall And Woodford Rotary Club is once again holding the Duck Race and Family Fun Day and this year it will be held at Bramhall Park on Sunday May 15th. The Club is very pleased to announce that Bramhall based Leighton Snow Estate Agents have once again agreed to sponsor this event along with the Vernon Building Society, Lynx Taxis and Robins and Day Peugeot, Stockport. Thanks are also due to Stockport MBC and Strawberry Radio for giving us their support. Before Covid we had hundreds of families turn up on the day many of whom use the increasingly popular free DUCK BUS Park & Ride service. Again we will have THREE (yes, three!) free buses running throughout the day between Bramhall Village (opp Tesco Express) and the Park, Hazel Grove High School and from Church Road, Cheadle Hulme with parking available at the two local schools. Track them with the app on our website (www.bwrotary.org) and then look out for the yellow DUCK BUS. Extra parking will also be available at Linney Road Scout Hut. Please use them if you can but, if you have to come in a vehicle, please park carefully and respectfully. Starting at 11.00am, there will be a variety of duck races to watch and there will be specialty races with local celebrities and businesses getting involved by decorating giant plastic ducks who will go beak to beak in the river. As well as Duck Racing, with some fabulous prizes for the winners, there will be many sideshows a bouncy castle, games, singers, dancing groups and craft stalls. The Classics Cars will be with us again in the Walled Garden and there will be much, much more. There is no admission charge to this event. We have decided that money raised will be for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, Manchester. (they help provide local practical support for those living in Greater Manchester with Motor Neurone Disease, via a dedicated team of local volunteers, many of whom have had personal experience and feel driven to help others) and other charities supported by the Rotary Club. Please drop a donation in one of the collecting buckets. Entry is still free but please enter a duck in a race for just a pound. You could be a winner of £100!