2 minute read
Aqua Babies
Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Stanley Rd, Cheadle, call 0161 973 1931.
Acorn Gymnastics Walking - 4 years. Preschool gymnastics sessions based in Cheadle Hulme. Check the website for available session times and to book. www.acorngymnastics.co.uk 07942-356-589
Baby Massage & More, Meet & Massage and Mother & Baby Yoga - Lushtums
Classes in Poynton, Hazel Grove & Parrswood at local venues or in your own home. Baby Massage & More is a lovely way to enhance your bond with your baby, aid relaxation and sleep, relieve colic and constipation and meet new friends. Postnatal Yoga with your baby to regain your strength and shape one day at a time, whilst having yoga fun with your baby. Babies welcomed with all their moods and states. Pregnancy Yoga and birth preparation also available. Contact Suzanne.wild@ lushtums.co.uk or www.lushtums.co.uk
Baby Chat
Thursdays 10.30 - 11.45am £1.50 per family (mums/ dads with babies upto crawling/12 months) at Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church. Contact church office on 0161 485 1605.
Baby Massage
Learn to massage your baby at a time and place to suit you. 5 week 1:1 or group courses in your own home or in venues in and around Cheadle. Contact Suzanne for more information on 07738-564666. www.babymassagetime.com
Baby Sensory Development Classes
The award winning baby development classes run Monday – Friday at various times from their dedicated and bespoke centre in Cheadle Hulme precinct. For more information please contact Natalie on stockport@babysensory.co.uk or visit their website www.babysensory.com/stockport for class availability and times.
Baby Signing
The Babysign Teacher runs classes and free taster sessions at various venues. For details visit our website: www.thebabysignteacher.co.uk, email: carolyn@thebabysignteacher.co.uk or call: carolyn on 07528 262142. Be amazed by how much your baby could tell you before they can talk!”
Cheadle Library Storytime
Thursdays at 2.00pm to 2.30pm Sharing stories, sharing books. A wonderful opportunity for children and their parent/carers to meet together on a weekly basis to share stories and rhymes in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Suitable for pre school children E: cheadle.library@stockport.gov.uk.
Drama (5-7’s)
Saturdays 1.15pm-2pm.Starlight Performing Arts
Academy CIC, Bramhall Moor Lane, (opp Stepping Hill Maternity Hospital) SK7 5AA. T 0161 439 8009 or 07515 397715. www.starlightperformingarts.t83.net
Jo Jingles
Jo Jingles classes are carefully structured. Each week different educational themes are introduced using well-known nursery rhymes and action songs. Mondays 9.30am - Under 2s and 10.30Over 2s. Wednesdays 9.25am - Over 2s and 10.20 - Under 2s at Bramhall Methodist Church, Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall. Call Laura on 0161 431 0674/07983513491 to book yoru place.
Little Fishes Toddler Group
Fridays 9.30-11.30 in Emmanuel Church Hall, Turves Road. Cost £1.50. contact 01614851154
Litte Superstars Sports Club
Trinity Gardens, Davenport. Mornings and afternoons. Louise 07904 311552.
Little Rews parents and toddlers (0-4year olds)
Thursdays 9-11 during term time in St Andrews Cheadle Hulme hall. Cost £1.50 per carer. Contact children@standrewscheadlehulmeorg.uk
SIntroducing a world of pre school football. Join the miniature recruits, enter the goaliverse, and earn the super power stickers. Classes MondayThursday mornings in Bramhall, Cheadle Hulme, Heald Green & Poynton. Please visit our website for further details 8by8football.co.uk or contact Alex Brown on 07853 273578.
K@STA (R to year 6)
Every Friday 5.30 to 7pm for primary school children. St Andrews Church, Cheadle Road, Cheadle Hulme SK8 5ET. £1 per child. No need to book. Contact 0161 291 9134 or children@standrewscheadlehulme.org.uk