SS15 : The Sorbet Collection by Angela Friedman - Line Sheets

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ange l af r i e dman s pr i ng/s umme r201 5:Sor be t

The s egoodsar emadet oor de r ,andde pos i t sar enonr e f undabl e .Canc e l l at i onsmus tbemadei nwr i t i ngwi t hi n7day s ofpl ac i ngt heor de r .Anyc l ai msofde f e c tmus tbes ubmi t t e dwi t hi n7day sofr e c e i v i ngt heme r c handi s e . Re t ur nswi l lnotbeac c e pt e dwi t houtmanuf ac t ur e r ’ swr i t t e nappr ov al ,s opl e as ec he c kpac kage sc ar e f ul l yuponr e c e i pt .

OrderbySept ember5t hf orSpri ngdel i very#1:February9t h1 3t h,201 5 OrderbyOct ober24t hf orSpri ngdel i very#2:Apri l6t h1 0t h,201 5 Topl ac eanor de r ,pl e as ec ont ac tusats al e s @ange l af r i e dman. c om. Formor ei nf or mat i on,v i s i tourwe bs i t eatht t p: / / www. ange l af r i e dman. c om

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