Market segmentation

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Ángela Garrido Aguilar Marta García Gálvez Natalia Medina Peinado María Jose Labella Hernández

INDEX a.1 Step for an effective segmentation in the Spanish touristic market. a.2 Identification and classification of the existing segment in the Spanish touristic market. b.1 Analysis of variable of segmentation more used in tourism. c.1 Requirement for an effective segmentation. c.2 Identification of this requierement in three of the main segments of the Spanish touristic marketing d.1 Justification of the important of an effective segmentation for the design of an effective commercial stratregy. d.2 Justification of the important of an effective segmentation for the design of an effective commercial stratregy in fuction of the characteristics of the Spanish touristic sector. e.1 Valoration and identification of the three main segment identified in the Spanish touristic market. e.2 Identification in the Spanish tourist market of the different types of products and services offert in each one of the different segment identified in the point e.1 f.1 Identification of the main strategies used with the three segments of the tourist market identified in the point e.1 g.1 Identification of the commercial instruments in each one of the strategies identified in the point f.1 g.2 Check of the used of the commercial instruments in some type of products in different segment using commercial strategies.

A1 1) Determine the need of the segment You have to identify the needs of the costumers and after that group costumers based on their needs. You have to think of this in terms of consumption by customers or what would each of your customer like to have. You should think about the needs that other companies can’t satisfy and solve it with your product. 2) Identifying the segment Once you know the need of the customers, you need to identify that “who” will be the customers to choose your product over other offerings. Quite simply, you have to decide which type of segmentation you are going to use in this case and then addapt the product to each segment. 3)Which segment is most attractive After that we approach the targeting phase in the steps of market segmentation. Out of the various segments you have identified via demography, geographyor psychography, you have to choose which is the most attractive segment for you. Attractiveness of the firm depends on the competition available in the segment. If the competition is too much in a given segment, then it does not make sense to take that segment into consideration.

4) Is the segment giving profit – Now you have different types of segmentation being analysed for their attractiveness and which segment that you think that will give you the maximun crowd. But which of those segments is most profitable is a decision to be taken in this step. This is also one more targeting step in the process of segmentation. 5) Positioning for the segment – Once you have identified the most profitable segments via the steps of market segmentation, then you need to position your product in the mind of the consumers. The basic concept is that the firm needs to place a value on its products. If the firm wants a customer to buy their product, what is the value being provided to the customer, and in his mindset, where does the customer place the brand after purchasing the product? What was the value of the product to the customer and how valuable does he think the brand is – that is the work of positioning. And to complete the process of segmentation, you need to position your product in the mind of your segments. 6) Expanding the segment – All segments need to be scalable. So, if you have found a segment, that segment should be such that the business is able to expand with the type of segmentation

chosen. If the segment is very niche, then the business will run out of its course in due time. Hence the expansion of the segment is the second last step of market segmentation. 7) Incorporating the segmentation in your marketing strategy – Once you have found a segment which is profitable and expandable, you need to incorporate that segment in your marketing strategy. Is very important to have a very clear process of segmentation because of which it became easier to find regions to target.

Apart from this steps we can distinguish other important steps like that highlight the article 'Six steps to defining your target market' by Grant Leboff. - Understand the problems that you solve The starting point in defining the target market for your proposition is to understand the problems that you solve. Once you have a good idea what these are, you can start to work out who is most likely to suffer from these problems. eting/marketing-strategy/your-targetmarket/six-steps-to-defining-yourtarget-market

- Look internally at your company One way of deciding on the right markets to pursue is to think about your company and your business. Do you have particular areas of expertise? Are you better at getting on with certain types of people?All these factors could help you establish a particularly attractive offering.

-Think what else is available Once you have decided the answers to some of these questions you must look at the market to see what else is available. The question you must have an answer to is: Why am I uniquely placed to solve the problem? It may be that for some marketplaces there is no answer. However, in certain sectors or geographical locations there may be a compelling response to that question. If you are unable to answer the question, you either have the wrong target market or the wrong offering. In this case, more work will need to be done before you start targeting your potential customers.

A.2 Segmentation

B1 Bases for Segmentation in Consumer Markets Consumer markets can be segmented on the following groups of variables. 





Geographic Segmentation: Collecting and analyzing information according to the physical location of the customer or other data sources. The following are some examples of geographic variables often used in segmentation. 

Region: by continent, country, state, or even neighborhood like Germany,Austria,Belgium,Denmark,France,United Kingdom and Italy.

Size of metropolitan area: segmented according to size of population

Population density: often classified as urban, suburban, or rural

Climate: according to weather patterns common to certain geographic regions

Demographic Segmentation Some demographic segmentation variables include: 

Age for example in USA (0-14) 22%,(15-64) 66%,(65-OVER) 12%. In Canada(014 )20%,(15-64

)68%(65-OVER )12%. In UK (014) 19%(15-64) 65% (65-OVER) 16%. In Australia (0-14) 21%,(1564) 66% (65-OVER) 13%. In France(0-14) 19%,(15-64) 65%,(65-OVER) 16%. In Germany(0-14) 15%,(15-54) 69% (65-OVER) 16%.

Family size

Gender: male or female.

Family lifecycle

Generation: baby-boomers, Generation X, etc.







Social class

Tourists spending according to travel reason like leisure,bussiness,family and other reasons.

Behavioralistic Segmentation Behavioral segmentation is based on actual customer behavior toward products. Some behavioralistic variables include:

Many of these variables have standard categories for their values. For example, family lifecycle often is expressed as bachelor, married with no children (DINKS: Double Income, No Kids), full-nest, empty-nest, or solitary survivor. Some of these categories have several stages, for example, fullnest I, II, or III depending on the age of the children. Psychographic Segmentation Psychographic segmentation groups customers according to their lifestyle. Activities, interests, and opinions (AIO) surveys are one tool for measuring lifestyle. Some psychographic variables include:

Benefits sought

Usage rate

Brand loyalty

User status: potential, firsttime, regular, etc.

Readiness to buy

Occasions: holidays and events that stimulate purchases

Behavioral segmentation has the advantage of using variables that are closely related to the product itself. It is a fairly direct starting point for market segmentation. Many of the consumer market segmentation variables can be applied to industrial markets. Industrial markets might be segmented on characteristics such as:





Company type


Behavioral characteristics



Tourists entried sorted by type of accomodation like hotels and similar,free house,rent house and other accommodations.

In industrial markets, customer location may be important in some cases. Shipping costs may be a purchase factor for vendor selection

for products having a high bulk to value ratio, so distance from the vendor may be critical. In some industries firms tend to cluster together geographically and therefore may have similar needs within a region.

Company Type Business customers can be classified according to type as follows: 

Company size


Decision making unit

Purchase Criteria

Behavioral Characteristics In industrial markets, patterns of purchase behavior can be a basis for segmentation. Such behavioral characteristics may include: 

Usage rate

Buying status: potential, firsttime, regular, etc.

Purchase procedure: sealed bids, negotiations, etc rket/segmentation/

C1 A market segment should be: 

number of other approaches. 

Differentiable: An ideal market

value or volume. Reliable market re-

segment should be internally homo-

search should be able to identify

geneous but externally heteroge-

the size of a market segment to a

neous.Differences between market

reasonable degree of accuracy,so

segment should be clearly defi-

that strategists can decide whet-

ned,so that the campaigns,products

her,how and what extent they

and marketing tools applied to them

should focus their efforts on mar-

can be implemented without overlap.

keting to this segment.

Actionable: The market segment

Substantial: Simply put,there would

must have practical value –its cha-

be no point in wasting marketing

racteristics must provide supporting

budget on a market segment that is

data for a marketing position or sa-

insufficiently large,or has negligible

les approach, and this in turn must

spending power. A viable market

have outcomes that are easily quan-

segment is usually a homogenous

tified,ideally in relation to the exis-

group with clearly defined charac-

ting measurements of the market

teristics such as age group,socio-

segment as defined by initial market

economic background and brand


perception. Longevity is also important here: no market segmentation expert would recommend focusing on an unstable customer group that is likely to disperse,or change beyond recognition within a year or two. 

paigns,television infomercials,or any

Measurable: Market segments are usually measured in terms of sales

sing,social media cam-

Accesible: When demarcating a market segment,it is important to consider how the group might be accessed and,crucially,whether this falls within the strengths and abilities of the company’s marketing department.Different segments might respond better to outdoor adverti-

Other web pages recommend to be: Responsive: Each market segment should respond better to a distinct marketing mix,rather than a generic offering. The key of the process is to develop a unique marketing mix for a specified target market,if the segment will not be more responsive to a distinct offering,then the segment can probably be combined with another similar segment. Durable: All the above conditions must have stability in the time. acion-de-mercados.html


V Reason of travel (Leisure, free time and holidays.)

V Costs (type of accommodation)

3.672.030 It is measurable because you can count the number of people that travel for this reason

7.239 It is measurable because you can count the number of people that use the accommodations

Worthwile make a strategy for this number of spanish people

Is a big group and for this reason we can obtain profits

It is susbtantial because the number of person that use accommodations is high

Have total accesibility for all the groups according to age,gender..

Is accesible because is addapted to all the groups like familys with children or old people

It is accesible because you can use the accommodations in all the seasons of the year and there are options for all the pockets.

It is differentiable because each group of spanish people have different preferences and characteristics.

It is differentiable because inside the profile of a tourist there are different needs addapted to each person.


Requiremen ts

Measurable 9.440.664 It is measurable because you can count the number of spanish people that travel Susbtantial


Differentia ble



because there are a lot of types of accommodations



tels,hostels,pensions,ho tels-apartments..

Actionable It is actionable because own various marketing tolos.

It is actionable because the resources are efficient thanks to

It is actionable because is efficient with the needs of the customers.

the tools that they use. Durable

Competitiv e

It is durable because the number of spanish people will perdure in the future

It is durable because the leisure holidays are a type of tourism that the customers used to require

It is durable because the accommodations are somehing that are always present in the travel of a tourist.

It is competitive because there are a lot of options and variety related to the prices,the quality and the type of services.

It is competitive because there are variety of type of range,services and products.

Is competitive because nowadays we can find all the types of accommodations according to your needs.

D1 D1

The benefits of using market segmentation are as follows: 1. More effective use of marketing dollars When we divide the customers in segments we realise what is the segment that will make us obtain more profits so we can do a good marketing in this segment in that be worthwile invest. 2. Clearer understanding of the needs and wants of selected customer groups The investigation is the key of the product and services. Through surveys and statistics we can know that the customers claim because if we don’t have big groups with homogeneous characteristics we couldn’t comply with our aim. 3. More effective positioning Developing a service and marketing mix to occupy a specific place in the minds of potential customers within target markets. 4. Greater precision in selecting promotional vehicles and techniques (e.g., advertising media, sales promotion methods, geographic placement). The informatic technology helps the industry through the people that comment about your products and services and make us know what we growth and the company obtains a have to change or maintain in our considerable competitive advantage. strategy and is the faster way to make -Have better communication – One of everybody know about our product. the factors of marketing mix which is absolutely dependent on STP is Some webpages talk about other Promotions or communications. The benefits like; communications of a company needs to -Customer retention: Customer be spot on for its TARGET market. retention is achieved through Thus if you need a target market, you increasing competitiveness. That is, you need segmentation. Communication are making yourself more competitive cannot be possible without knowing by increasing your focus. Maybe you your target market. can’t create a product for all types of -Increase in competitiveness – people but you can create a product for Naturally, once your focus increases, each life stage of a customer. your competitiveness in that market -Precise branding: Every aspect of segment will increase. If you are your company and its products can be focusing on youngsters, your brand tailored to meet the customers’ recall and equity with youngsters will demands: design, customer service, be very high. Your market share might price, quality, etc. increase and the chances of a new -The selection of the distribution and competitor entering might be low. The communication channels is easier brand loyalty will definitely increase. - Is generated new oportunities of Thus market segmentation also

increases competitiveness of a firm from a holistic view -Product development: Focusing in on a specific market segment allows a business to tailor existing products and services to meet the particular needs of those customers. Segmentation also allows the business to design future products and services to address the exact needs of the target market. -New markets : Market segmentation can help a business identify underserved markets, which provide a golden opportunity for a business to establish itself as first in the market. -Business focus: Market segmentation also encourages the business to focus, as trying to serve too many markets or provide too many products dilutes the business brand. http://mercadeoyventasbojaca.blogsp ages-marketing-segmentation67156.html

D2 Is important make a segmentation known the strengths of the spanish touristic market. -Favorable weather conditions to the development of the touristic This type of tourism was the first to be developed in Spain, and today, generates the most income for the Spanish economy. The mild climate during the whole year and the extensive sandy beaches of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean as well as of its two archipelagoes (the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands respectively) have been attracting tourists from Northern Europe for decades. The leading source markets of Spanish beach tourism are the UK (around 24% of the total arrivals in Spain in recent years), Germany and France (around 15-16% each), followed by Scandinavia and Italy (around 7% each) and the Netherlands (around 5%) - A big diversity as a differentiating factor from our competitors The reasons of the arrival of tourists are varied, so is important make a segmentation for each type of tourism or the reasons of travel of each tourist . Some of the strongest areas of Spain are enabling environment, the travel and tourism policy, infrastructure, and natural and cultural resources. With beautiful heritage sites throughout the country, it boasts top marks for its cultural resources, and also scores highly for business travelers with a significant number of international conferences. It has a high ranking on online searches for entertainment – restaurants, nightlife and attractions –

as well as prioritization of the travel and tourism industry and tourism service infrastructure. We can do a segmentation for example, with all the type of tourism that Spain offer like cultural tourism,health tourism,business and congress tourism,leisure tourism,religious tourism or urban tourism. Another good thing of Spain is that we have touristic offer in all the periods of the year,not only in summer with the typical sun and sand tourism, in winter we can offer other type of tourism like the sport tourism in the mountain. The Spanish gastronomy is an important element of attraction too. In 2012 the spanish food attracted 5’6 million of international tourists. -A lot of touristic destinations with an important recognition in the market and with potential of specialization in new products We can make a segmentation with the communities that receive more tourists and what is the type of tourism and touristic product that each destination offer. Catalonia: One type of tourism that we can find here is ecological or green tourism, one of the types of tourism that has emerged recently. The presence of a lot of protected areas, together with the development of the environmental sensitivity make increase the touristic movements for this reason. Valencian Community: Congress and Fair tourism is one of the type of tourism that this community offer. Valencia concentrate an important

business activity and a fair tradition internationally recognised.

Balearic and Canary Islands: In this islands there isn’t low season because the attractions keep constants during the year. A important type of tourism here is leisure and festive tourism . The offer of complementary companies (casinos,discos,pubs..) is a decisive supplement in the election of this touristic destination. The nightlife offer is focus on the big international touristic centers like Maspalomas,Ibiza or Mallorca. Andalucía: One type of tourism important here is the sport tourism. Highlight the use of natural resources like the sky resort of Sierra Nevada, the practise of the tourism sport in all the beaches,the hunt in the mountains,the adventure sports and the golf representing a touristic offer directed to a elite and residential tourism Madrid: Is very important the business tourism due to the big concentration of companies headquarters and production centers being specially important as a financial center. The development of this tourism is proportional with the concentration and importance of the economic activitys and involve a existence of a lot of places in highclass hotels - A huge variety of cultural resources, in some cases with global fame distributed in all the territory We can make a segmentation with the type of cultural tourism that each

community offer, for example: Aragón: Highlight the capital,Zaragoza with the gothic,reinassance and baroqe buildings, the festive events and a lot of monasteries and mudejar buildings. Castilla La Mancha : Is important to highlight Toledo,that is declared human heritage with a lot of cultural goods. Gastronomy is a reason of attraction too, Toledo has been declared gastronomic capital of 2016. La Rioja : This community is linked with the way of Santiago with a lot of monasteries and with significatives points like Santo Domingo de la Calzada. The cultural tourism is reinforced with the existence of ‘ the route of the dinosaurs’ Andalucía: In Andalucía there is an importan heritage of different types of art,the most important the muslim art but highlight too cultural manifestations of roman,reinassance and phoenician art. But the culture in Andalucía is not only this,some of the most identificative manifestations of this community are the folklore (flamenco),craft,gastronomy and religious and ludic manifestations.

-Numerous emergent touristic destinations with a high potential of competitive growth, overall in the big cities and the indoor places. Here we can make a segmentation with the places of Spain that are in a process of growning like : Canary Islands : The touristic rise of the Canary Islands is unstoppable, the island has achieved been located in the first position of rise destinations in Europe and eight in the world. Since

luxury resorts like Grand Hotel Seaside Residence until different options available for all the pockets with a good quality-price relation. Mรกlaga: This city has achieved been located in the third position of rise destinations os Europe due to the incredible beaches, wonderful restaurants and unique attractions. Sone of the most valued establishments are Barcelรณ Malaga and Room Mate Larios. Barcelona : Nowadays the culture here is not only located in the big capital. Barcelona is looking for a way of expanding and a possible way to do that is using the municipalities that go around it to create a new metropolitan area,so the surrounding municipalities are developing their own production center,theatre, music, cinema,gastronomy and traditions. /03/barcelona-sera-en-abril-la-capitalde-las-nuevas-tecnologias-en-turismo/ -de-hosteleria-y-turismo/temario-1hosteleria-y-turismo/tema-60-espaacomo-destino-y-producto-tursticoanlisis-comparativo-y-caracterizacinde-los-principales-destinos-yproductos-tursticos-del-mercadoespantilde/ /abci-fortalezas-turismo-nacionalrecord-201401211739_3.html nenglish/1430989028_591703.html in_Spain

E1. El/la alumno/a ha relacionado y valorado 3 de los principales segmentos que se han identificado en el mercado turĂ­stico espaĂąol. Hotel occupancy in Spain by the Spanish

Spanish tourist that travel in Spain

People that travel by plane

The number of Spanish who accommodate in hotels when they do turism in Spain and the number of abroads who accommodate in hotels when they do turism in Spain are matched. Only with the differency of 1.000.000 of tourist in the month more occupied. The conclusion are there are many Spanish people that accommodate in hotels more or less the same that the abroads who accommodate in hotels in Spain. There are more people that travel by plane from abroad than the Spanish people that travel by plane inside Spain. The means of transport more used of the abroads who travel to Spain is plane but the Spanish people that travel inside Spain use the car for travel. The people that do more tourism in Spain are the Spanish. More that a half the total tourist that travel to Spain are the Spanish.


What will you do? Meet the Palace of the Aljafería in Zaragoza Admire the impressive Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao Visit the picturesque village of Santillana del Mar Travel through the mountains of the Picos de Europa Visit the hermitage of Our Lady of Covadonga Take a panoramic tour of Gijón View the glassed-in balconies of La Coruña Follow the steps of the pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela Travel between the Spanish fjords of Rías Bajas Included Transportation in luxury coaches, with

air conditioning and panoramic windows Experienced multilingual drivers Guided tours with expert local guides Tickets as indicated Accommodation in four star hotels Transportation with one piece of luggage per person Not included Food and drink (unless specified) Tips Cost of optional activities Before Travelling Children under 4 travel for free as long as they do not occupy a seat. All your expenses will be paid directly by your parents. For prices of triple rooms, please contact us. To see the list of hotels, please contact us. The accommodation is subject to availability and the hotels can be

replaced by similar ones if they are not

available. 7MhSHSD5h1dTbjnDIB0NyD1hVRrcTc23TWEgj58ehJ5RoCkg_w_wcB


Hotel occupancy TRIVAGO 0de%20hoteles%20en%20espa%C3%B1a&sem_creativeid=73626003430&sem_match type=e&sem_network=g&sem_device=c&sem_placement=&sem_target=&sem_adpositi on=1t2&sem_param1=&sem_param2=&sem_campaignid=84566230&sem_adgroupid=42 06533350&sem_targetid=kwd5067715613&sem_location=1005414&cip=34125050901&gclid=CjwKEAiA7ejCBRDlp8u F6ezPnjoSJAAPED7MIh5AjlQZIDucJgR17m_NsklBOAACdvdCjTVmo95ohoC0Y3w_wcB






Mobile marketing within the tourism marketing strategy

Become the king of social networks Look for Millennials in your strategy

Control your online reputation as a necessity and obligation Adapt your business to the technological advances in






The tourism is promote through social network trying reach to maxim possible people (twitter, facebook, Instagram, Youtube) The Millennials are those people who are 18 to 35 years approx. And which are characterized by being much more flexible and dynamic than the previous ones.


"Holiday of the future" where it makes a prediction of how the tourist experience will be before, during and after

tourism sector

Video Marketing for Your Tourist Marketing Experiential marketing and emotional marketing in tourism Storytelling, an extra plus in marketing strategies for tourism

Positioning Strategies in Google and Marketing of Tourist Content

Model Customer Experience Virtual Reality will cease to be virtual.

Periscope, Facebook, Youtube, InstaliveInstagram

It isn´t just a hotel room or a dinner in a restaurant, but a global experience is sought that is different and enriching where each and every one of the components can participate The ability to tell stories that thrill in search of creating links with brands is one of the characteristics of storytelling that are being imposed by its wide impact and benefit that generate

The generation of thematic in blogs that serve as magnet to capture potential customers and keep them around that theme.

Becoming increasingly important "Customer Experience", generate memorable and different experiences to your customers. The digital viewpoint of the Barcelona skyline on the Terrace 83.3, which offers information on the monuments of the city, thanks to the technology of augmented reality.

Customer Segmentation

Growth of the collaborative economy

Hyperpersonalizatio n

Reduce the cost of airline tickets

Increase daily spending

Uber, Blablacar, Aibnb o HomeAway

The demand for personalized experiences that adapt to the various factors that can affect and condition a trip: destination, family / alone, leisure / business / both, duration, motivations, etc., Ryannair, Airlingus, Brithis Airways, Justeat, vueling‌etc

G1 Mobile marketing within the tourism marketing strategy Product : The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Place: With this strategy our product is easy to locate and we can use for example Location-Based Marketing: Delivers multi-media directly to the user of a mobile device dependent upon their location via GPS technology. Promotion: Our product is promoted in different types of mobile marketing channels like QR Codes or mobile apps. Become the king of social networks Product : The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Place: The distribution channel that we are goint to use is the internet Promotion: We promote our product through the social networks.It is a new marketing channel that enables simple and fast two-way communication between brands and consumers, no matter what time of day and location of the consumer at that moment. Look for Millennials in your strategy Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Promotion: We promote our product addapting it to the preferences of the millennials. Control your online reputation as a necessity and obligation Product: The product that we are

trying to sell is Spain Place: We are going to use this strategy on the internet Promotion: We can’t avoid the bad comments of some people that don’t like our product but we must try do the promotion without make any mistake because on the internet everybody can see it.

Adapt your business to the technological advances in tourism sector Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Price: We must adapt the price with the competence or we can lose customers. Promotion: It’s important to do a promotion in line with the advances in this sector. If the innovation now is 3D experience we must promote our product using this tool Video Marketing for Your Tourist Marketing Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Place: We are going to use this strategy on the internet Promotion: We promote our product through videos that have been recorded before or videos in real time Experiential marketing and emotional

marketing in tourism Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Promotion: The need for understanding the way a consumer experiences a product and the various stages involved in it need to be further explored and empirically tested. After now that, we can promote our product better. Storytelling, an extra plus in marketing strategies for tourism Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Promotion: A good way to promote our product using this strategy is digital storytelling that is a modern way of using technology to share your experiences with the world

Positioning Strategies in Google and Marketing of Tourist Content Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Place: We are going to use this strategy on the Internet Promotion: One thing that’s working well for our customers is using deep social media listening to better understand what out-of-market visitors think of their destination overall. Model Customer Experience Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Promotion: This is a good strategy in the promotion of a product because

people want to deal with other people, not only brands or companies. Virtual Reality will cease to be virtual Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Promotion: This is an interesting way to promote the product, making the customer feel very near of the product

Customer Segmentation Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Price: We addapt the price to each group of customers Place: The different regions of Spain Promotion : We use different tools of promotion depending on each group of customers Growth of the collaborative economy Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Price: Addapting our product to travel apps Promotion: We promote our product in different apps Hyper-personalization Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Promotion: The product is promoted through customers that used it before and share their experiences with other potential customers Reduce the cost of airline tickets Product: The product that we are trying to sell is Spain Price : If we reduce the cost of the airline tickets more customers will

demand our produc ourism_An_Exploratory_model

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