ARCH 5120 Comprehensive Studio, Spring 2021

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Resilience Humility Honesty

ARCH 5120 Comprehensive Stuido ARCH 5220 Intergrated Building System Spring 2021 Professor David Fannon Professor Michelle Laboy Angel (Anqi) Cao

Ta b l e O f C o n t e n t



pg 1-2

pg 7-12


01 02

05 04

Connectivity pg 3-6 1



pg 17-24

07 06

Adaptability pg 13-16

pg 33-54




pg 25-32

pg 55-56 2

MANIFESTO Prominent historical structures have often continued supporting their communities by serving not only their original purpose, but by also introducing intentions that are adaptable and practical to those that use their designs. It is exactly this resilience in design that we must emulate. Our acknowledgment of these criteria must influence our view of architecture as we attempt to designate those designs which we label as iconic. Although most buildings focus on addressing the specific needs of today, as architectural and community needs evolve over time, we strive for our buildings as a whole to continue serving and supporting these changing needs in accordance with future climates. The danger of climate change looms over the horizon; we must seek to embrace sustainable options and design within these parameters. This mode of ecological resilience should not be limited to a prototypical application. We should continue innovating our methods in order to create stronger buildings that are more adaptable to future climates, which may potentially evolve faster than they have in the past. We should also aim to ingrain resilience in each component of our buildings. Both aesthetic and practical value are assigned to individual structures that make up our buildings. The resulting designs can then thrive on the synergy of these two values, allowing them to be strong structures now and in the future. Aesthetic choices will compliment structural logic; while focusing on the aesthetic component of an individual structure, the intrinsic practicality of the design will be expressed in terms of structural potential. Let us echo the resiliency of the quintessential designs of the past and guide humanity for generations to come.



CONNECTIVITY “In architectural design, the demands of relating a building to a physical location are necessary and inevitable; the site is initially construed and finally achieved in the architectural work.” (Carol J. Burns, On Site: Architectural Preoccupations)

Architecture plays an important role in developing and reflecting the culture and atmosphere of the site and surrounding areas. It can foster an inclusive environment that brings together people of different backgrounds, but architecture has also been known to accelerate gentrification and create social divisions. Because project designs have long lasting effects on the surrounding environments, it is prudent to consider the ramifications of these design decisions and strive to create connectivity rather than separation within a community. In this project, one of the most prominent aspects of the site around the building is the parallel street layout. The building is located between these two streets, so the main goal was to prevent it from causing any sense of separation within the community. A connection system that would result in a dark space underneath or within the design was avoided. Instead, a tunnel system on the side of the building was incorporated. The tunnel shares a space with the interior environment of the building, which in turn helps provide natural lighting in addition to creating more public space. The tunnel helps control a flow of traffic throughout the first floor, while bridging the gap between the two streets bordering the site and providing an opening for the community to use. The hope is to eliminate any chance of gentrification and instill a sense of welcome in those that pass by



Site Plan 1’=1/16”

42°21’53.33”N 71° 3’40.46”W

na Ca


e tre lS


ie Fr t

et re St

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We as architects should strive to reduce the disconnect between ourselves and those that use our designs. In terms of transparency to the consumer, buildings

“Often, extraordinary details, specifications, systems, and maintenance regimes rather than extraordinary spaces and surfaces engendered the consequential aspects of the buildings performance.” (Kiel Moe, Extraordinary Performances at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies)


should hold a level of material honesty through the open presentation of structural components. This transparency should translate over to systemic functions of designs; as they are positioned to provide greater levels of efficiency, they must also retain and excel at their original functions. This level of honesty will bring about a greater understanding of the capabilities of design to the general consumer. We must present our humility as architects to those that use our designs by prioritizing performative efficiency while reducing other aspects that could be considered structurally insignificant. For example, concrete was used as main material throughout the building, which will weather according to the surrounding climate while providing a clear structural framework. The decision to use arches provided a clear main structural component while providing an aesthetic to the design. These facets are openly presented as functioning components of the overall design that can be understood and then potentially altered to serve the people that use it.




* Site cast concrete beam

20’ 17’ 20’ 17’ 10’

GRAVITY LOAD * Site cast concrete Arches, span different direction every other floor.


EGRESS STAIRS (x2) Width: 96 inches (building with sprinkle) Rise: 7.5 inches Door: 36 inches

Construction Type Occupancy Type

Type III A-2, A-3,B

Max Height Actual Height Floor Height

80’ 80’ 12’


Max Floors Actual Floors

6 6


Allowable Area Gross Area

36,000 sqft 31,320 sqft

CONCRETE FOUNDATION pile concrete foundation


Section A 1’=3/64”


Second Floor Plan 1=1/16”


The practice of designing architecture that can be used for the future resides primarily within the realms of adaptability, flexibility and efficiency. In order to successfully design for the future, we must first ensure that our plans can be altered when necessary. Flexibility must be present throughout the building components to ensure they will retain functionality in the future. This can be

“Less is not just more, its forever” (Daniel M Abramson, Obsolescence Notes Towards A History

achieved by carefully analyzing the current and potential future needs of those that will use these designs. For example, the solar panels that were used are an ecologically friendly option to power the electric boiler system while also providing shade to the southwest face of the building. Many of the spaces within the design can also be easily rearranged as they are made with sliding walls. By using an EISF (Exterior Insulation and Finish System), the visibility of the arches as a structural component can be retained as extension of material honesty. These components are openly presented as functioning elements of the overall design that can be understood and then potentially altered to serve the people that use it. Ideally, these standards of adaptability will be maintained and emulated for generations to come.




Green Roof

BIPV System

The building's south-t wall is partially comprised of a thin film of solar cells, placed within vertical glass segments. The surface of the BIPV glass fins that face south use the energy from the sun to generate electricity.

1. 1” Stucco Paint 2. Steel Mesh Wire 3. 6” EPS, R-15, 60 4. 1/2 “Nail Sheeting 1/2” Drainage Layer Wood Stud Backup Wall 5. 5.5” Cellulose Fill (stud wall filling) 6. 2x6 Plywood 7. 1/2” GWB Total R-value with backup wall: 43.5 Total R-value without backup wall: 24.3

The green roof serves both aesthetic purposes and environmental purposes; the lush gardens will be pleasing to stroll through while the rest of the area will be used to house native avian species as well as colonies of bees. The roof will also serve to collect rainwater via a filtration system, which can then be used for the various day to day functions within the building. Storm water collection: up to 396.27 gallons of water per day

8 9

10 28



13 21




14 24


8. Plant Level 9. Growing Medium 10. Filter Sheet 11. Drainage Layer 12. Protection Layer 13. Water Proofing 14. Roof Structure, site cast concrete

12 22


15 23 17





15. UFAD (Underfloor Air Distribution) wooden floor panel (30”x30”) 16. UFAD, raised floor structure-steel 17. UAFD, air duct 18. Perimeter Heating



6 7 25




These windows are 15 feet away from the property line of adjacent building


19. Triple Glazing (Operable) 20. Window Mullions


21. BIPV glass fins, also serve as shading and glazing control) (The BIPV fins are supported within the vertical mullion custom designed to support the glass)



26 27

Natural Ventilation & Daylight Low e triple glazing windows allow natural ventilation through personal control. Different sizes of window openings also allow for varying degrees of sunlight to enter the building. The film from the triple glazing window helps prevent overheating as well as sunlight glare.

Grey Water 30


i Ma


a ntr

e nc

396.27 gallon/day Fresh Water Rain Water Water Filter


Construction Type

Type III-A


A-2, A-3, B

Max Height Design Height

85’ 80’

Yearly Energy Analysis: Regulation Carbon Emission Design Carbon Emission

26 per sqft 31 per sqft

Regulation Energy Consumption Design Energy Consumption

50 kBtu/ft2 32 kBtu/ft2

BIPV Production Yearly

500 kWh

22. Site Cast Concrete Arches 23. Site Cast Concrete Floor 24. Site Cast Concrete Beam


25. Egress Staircase 26. 2 hour fire rating separation wall (on both sides of the wall) 27. 2 hour fire rating staircase curtain wall (no specific fire rating requirements) 28. Elevator

FOUNDATION 29. Pile Cap 30. Pile


STANDARD Codes can be considered an integration of the collective social values and standards of a specific time or place into architecture. Thus, architecture reflects the current “logical” mindset of a social environment. While there exist

“Codes are both an index of changing social values and at the same time a strategy to enforce those values.” (Steven A. Moore and Barbara B.Wilson)

different types of codes that reflect various political, economic or tacit incentives, it may become difficult to grasp and implement the full potential of a set standard in terms of a design. When approaching this project, the relationships between design and building codes were re-evaluated. A “strategy to enforce those values” was devised; in this case, these values were sustainability, adaptability and flexibility. Instead of seeing them as restrictive, HVAC codes were used as a medium through which set standards of design could be reached. The electric boiler system served to meet industry standards while also providing a more ecologically friendly alternative to a gas heating system. The Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) system that was used also upheld a proper standard while allowing a greater degree of design freedom. The arches were devoid of any visible pipe or duct, which were instead allotted to individual rooms. The first and third floors have separate HVAC systems as well. This will guarantee that the UFAD system and kitchen ventilations system will not intermix, while also providing fresh air to other areas of the building.






2-hour rating along exterior and between massing 2-hour rating between floors


3 Sprinkler System, every 90 sq-ft






2-hour rating egress staircase

UFAD Duct (Underground Air Distribution System for future flexibility, raised floor 18”) Supply Air Duct (4’x5’) Return Air Duct (4’x5’)


KITCHEN HVAC SYSTEM 1 Foil Coil Unit for first floor 35”x10”x28”

UFAD water pipe Supply Hot Water Piping, 4” Return Hot Water Piping, 4” Supply Chilled Water Piping, 4” Supply Chilled Water Piping, 4”


and Incubator kitchen at third floor Piping for Fan Coil, 4” see 5 for color coding

Hot Supply and Return Water pipes are connected to Boiler Chilled Supply and Return Water pipes are connected to Chiller

Fails Ceiling for Return Air Ductwork (only located at places where it needs individual control)

3 Kitchen Hood and Exhaust

Green Roof: Water Collection 4

UFAD System UFAD system allows for an easy way of concealing ducts and pipes. In order to preserve the arches and not have visible ducts, return air ducts were only placed in areas that had individual rooms which allowed for personal control.



1 2 Passive Cooling: Opertable Window on the south-west and north-east sides

3 1

Electrical Boiler By using electric boilers (powered by BIPV system that is located on the south-west facade) within the HVAC system, the carbon dioxide byproduct is significantly reduced while eliminating the need for a chimney

Straight Main Travel Circulation


5th and 6th Floor--A-3 1st and 3rd Floor--A-2 2nd and 4th Floor--B



Electric Boiler


Mechanical Room The Mechanical room is placed on the fourth floor to easily serve and connect to all necessary levels as well as save space from operable green roof.



1. Gross Area 2. Cooling Capacity 3. Total Space for boiler room and chilled water plant 4. Space for Cooling Tower 5. Cooling Air Volume 6. Area of Main Ducts 7. Area of Branch Ducts 8. Area of Fan Room

Cooling Tower


1 2



3 1



1 Passive Heating

ACCESSIBILITY 1 Calculated Area of Regue

1 2

Fan Coil System Having a separate fan coil system for the kitchen isolates fume emissions and enables fresh air to circulate. All the fan coil pipes will be placed under the raised floor to reduce the presence of pipe and duct traffic on the ceilings.

31,320 sqft 110 Mcal/sec 700 ft^2 10 ft^2 40,000 m^3/sec 20 ft^2 38 ft^2 1000 ft^2

Chilled Supply Water

Return Air

Chilled Return Water

Supply Air

Hot Supply Water Hot Return Water Perimeter Heating Fan Coil System, First Floor 1=1/16”

Chilled Supply Water Chilled Return Water Hot Supply Water Hot Return Water Perimeter Heating


UFAD System, Fourth Floor 1=1/16” Boiler




2 Hour of Fire Rating

2 Hour of Fire Rating

Sprinkler System NFPA 13: Maximum distance between heads and branchlines: 15’ Minimum distance between heads and branclines: 6’ Maximum distance to wall: 7.5’ Minimum distance to wall: 4’

Sprinkler System NFPA 13: Maximum distance between heads and branchlines: 15’ Minimum distance between heads and branclines: 6’ Maximum distance to wall: 7.5’ Minimum distance to wall: 4’

Egress Path

Egress Path

TYPE III-A--Protected Combustible

TYPE III-A--Protected Combustible

2 Hr. Exterior Walls* 1 Hr. Structural Frame 1 Hr. Floor/Ceiling/Roof Protection

2 Hr. Exterior Walls* 1 Hr. Structural Frame 1 Hr. Floor/Ceiling/Roof Protection

Life Safety Plan, First Floor, 1=1/16”


Life Safety Plan, Fourth Floor, 1=1/16”

26’ 19’




For a building to be considered “worthy of eternity” in terms of resilience, there must exist an adaptable degree of flexibility within aspects of the overall

“....Architecture worthy of eternity must conceive of itself outside its immediate time, not by seeking permanence or imposing immutable standards of beauty, but by humbly serving the future.” (Michelle Laboy and David Fannon)


design. In this project, this standard of worthiness was approached by looking ahead to the needs of future generations. The sliding wall mechanism, for example, provides a method of both expansion and contraction of open space within the floor of the design. This will facilitate an adequate floor plan layout for various coming functions—as of now, the design encourages mingling by keeping office and collaboration spaces open, although these spaces can also become private if the need arises. The arches in the design also add to the overall aspect of resilience present in the building. While also serving an aesthetic purpose, these arches also clearly designate future pathways of adaptation. Instead of hiding the support structure behind walls as one would do with regular columns or beams, the arches instead provide a visible framework that can be expanded or built upon. This reduces the time and effort required for renovations as there will be no need to look for these structural components. They are presented purely and honestly to the users.



Open Office Space

Meeting Room and Office Space

First Floor Plan 1=1/16”

Second Floor Plan 1=1/16”

Trainning Kitchen

Planting Area




Mechanical Room

Small Classroom

Third Floor Plan 1=1/16”

Fourth Floor Plan 1=1/16”

Lunch Room Meeting Room

Incubator Kitchen

Office Space



Fifith Floor Plan 1=1/16”

Sixth Floor Plan 1=1/16”

Collaboration Space Assembly Space



Accessibility is a focal point of architectural design that enables buildings as a whole to promote an inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds. The building should welcome and invite the public to visit and further engage with it. A combination of humble materials and unrestrictive design features creates an accessible, universally welcoming atmosphere and aesthetic where all communities can feel comfortable. Furthermore, embedding accessibility in the building as a whole enables it to humbly serve the communities of both the

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. (James Baldwin)

present and the future. Physically disabled individuals have often been isolated from visiting architecture altogether or are unable to experience architecture to the fullest extent in the way that the rest of the public may enjoy. It is essential for architects to do what they can to help remedy this situation and further foster an accessible environment.The open floor plan and mainly straight traffic circulation of this project convey this welcoming sentiment. The open floor plan allows individuals to both move freely or stay put in the space without obstructing the experience of others. The traffic circulation in this building directs traffic in a straight line and prevents the development of inconvenient areas where it may be difficult to move. These designs as a whole foster an accessible environment that supports the motions and comforts of all people.



Path of Travel, width: 36”

Path of Travel, width: 36”

ADA compliant bathroom

ADA compliant bathroom

ADA,First Floor Plan 1=1/16”

Area of Refuge, 48” x 96”

ADA, Fourth Floor Plan 1=1/16”














S oSouth-West u t h - W e sElevation t 2 2 48


S oSouth-East u t h - E aElevation s t 1 9 50


Nor th-West Elevation 52


N oNor r t th-East h - W eElevation s t 2 154

Theory To Practice


Throughout this course, I found that many of the readings were directly influential to my design. At the beginning of the project, I wanted to draw inspiration from designs that could emulate the beauty and potential of nature while remaining true to their original functions. Learning of Baumschlager Eberle Architekten’s use of specific types of bricks, self-shaded windows and specific window ratios to emulate passive heating and cooling inspired me to pursue designs that could serve more than one obvious function. I would also consider “The Addington: Contingent Behaviors” to be highly influential. I had not considered the capabilities of a building envelope; the way an envelope can be made to transcend beyond a sense of confinement inspired me to work with arches throughout my building. The readings also helped me realize the importance of building codes. Specifically, “Architectural Production and Sociotechnical Codes’’ helped shed light on the importance of the decision making process when choosing certain design components. For this reason, I hope that my decision to use an electric boiler can set an example of an efficient yet ecologically friendly operating standard. “..We recognize that civilization change is not only the successful production of new sociotechnical codes by a few activists, but also the development of new tacit knowledge, values and codes within society as a whole.” The standardization of these reparative methods is essential to serve future clients of our practice.

Practice To Theory The design process of my building was a self reflective experience. As I explored the options for HVAC and UFAD systems, I began to realize the potentials that the arrangement of these systems could bring to the overall design. I found that these strategic placements were representations of the concepts presented in the reading “Obsolescence Notes Towards a History.” I had initially placed these systems with their functions and visibility in mind. However, I realized that I had also achieved a certain degree of reasonable flexibility without sacrificing feasibility for adaptability. Just like Alois Dietheim said, “We are not interested here in the absolute flexibility that fulfils every conceivable adaptation or conversion, but rather design strategies that withstand the conditions of economics-based practice and might supply answers to possible medium or longer-term needs.” I also came across many elements in my design that directly related to the readings of integral urbanism. I plan to use the green roof concept to collect and filter rainwater, as well as to house native avian species as well as colonies of bees.This parallels Joachim Elbe Architektur Tubingen & Atelier Dreiseitl building’s method of water collection within a crowded urban setting. What initially started as an ecologically centered incentive became an attractive aspect of the facade. I wanted to introduce the building as seamlessly as possible to the natural environment as well as the urban environment. I also wanted to avoid politicizing the building as much as possible, so as to avoid gentrification at all costs. The green roof will be an attraction for people to visit the building and explore the gardens above.

Learning Outcome As an engineering student in college, I had become accustomed to thinking very linearly and working with set objectives. Architecture, however, requires a more nuanced understanding of broad concepts and the ability to skillfully put these theories into practice. Realizing that this struggle of transitioning from thinking like an engineer to an architect arose from not fully understanding the “bigger picture” of architectural concepts, and therefore not being able to effectively express my conceptual thoughts via words and drawings, was an important first step. Professors David Fannon and Micehelle Laboy especially helped me adjust the way I think about design. Furthermore, I learned to pause and reevaluate the driving factors behind each of my design decisions. In order to do this, I had to continue practicing big picture thinking. I detached myself from the project and rediscovered my identity as an architect. I was then able to understand the project better overall and realize many of the design decisions were rooted in the concept of resilience and the urge to explore the honesty of material and structure.The discussion of the Kraanspoor structure inspired me to think outside the box in terms of the potentials of my building. I found it very insightful to learn how the facade of a project can be incorporated to become an essential component of an entirely new functioning building. In a sense, this discussion further solidified the concept of permanence and how this theory can be applied to everyday structures. Resilience is one of the most prevalent concepts I came to understand and strongly value. When analyzing the factors contributing to the timelessness of certain historical architecture, I realized the potential we have as a society to coexist and grow with certain design elements in these projects. At times, these may manifest as grandiose relics of past empires, yet others may simply reflect upon their exteriors the marks of their communities in the form of wear. It would seem that not all “worthy” buildings are necessarily famous or iconic, rather they fill a specific role of providing adaptability, reflection, and accommodation within a community to serve future generations to come. This helped me realize that, as architects, we must design humbly in the sense that our buildings should not be viewed as permanent or static entities. Designs should be expected to adapt over time and develop new standards as social and ecological climates change. Only by acknowledging this fact and abiding by this can we truly design for the future. 55


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