Marketing is important in our business, especially in this pandemic, you will need to deal with more marketing strategies to improve your business. With all the different options of marketing that we have, you may be confused with the difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing. You may think that both kinds of marketing are the same, but don't be mistaken. Traditional marketing and digital marketing are two different types of strategy
Let's check it out
1. MARKETING MEDIUM Traditional marketing uses methods such as printing to reach consumers. A good front cover of a magazine or an emotional advertisement on television are examples of traditional marketing. Digital marketing uses digital media for marketing its products. As digital media is easy to access, most consumers will get to browse the advertisement. Digital marketing is more likely to target customer that is more likely to buy their products. The ads post on the internet, or social media are specifically targeted towards them.
2. MARKETING COST Due to certain types of advertisement in traditional marketing needs an amount of material. It can be more costly. For example, flyers will need to involve in printing, paper, and postage, it will become expensive as it will need a large amount of material. But it will be a great way for consumers to get some knowledge on a product. Compare to traditional marketing, and digital marketing will be less costly. Digital marketing uses the social platform for advertising to their potential customers. It doesn't need paper and printing, which will save its cost. Depending on the company's marketing requirement, they can opt for paid ads if they want to.
3. TARGET AUDIENCE Using advertisements such as newspaper and radio advertisements may attract older demographic. If you intend to attract an older demographic, the traditional method may be more helpful. In addition, if you are targeting a local audience, using flyers or billboards will be a good choice. Digital marketing is more likely to reach a younger audience. Young adults tend to use their phone more frequently. They will be able to see the advertisement through social media. If you intend to go globally, digital marketing will be more helpful.
4. CONSUMER INTERACTION There will be less interaction with consumers in traditional marketing. There won't have any physical or verbal interaction between the company and the consumers. Consumers can view the content in advertisements such as billboard ads and pre-recorded commercials but can't respond. Digital marketing will be able to interact better with the consumers compared to traditional marketing. While viewing the company's website or social media account, consumers can immediately ask questions or comment about the product. The consumer will be more likely to engage with that brand and purchase.
5. DATA ANALYSIS Traditional marketing may require weeks or longer to get the result. For instance, you can't tell how many people saw a billboard ad on the road. Or if it is encouraging enough to let them buy your product. You have to use the same advertisement for a longer period to see their analysis results. When it comes to data analysis, digital marketing gives a quick data analysis on campaigns. This will be helpful when it comes to gathering information on what is working and whether it needs adjustment. Depending on the data analytics tools you are using, you can determine which campaign the customer is more responsive to.