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It is a pleasure to thank those who made this possible. Firstly, our Professor Pasquale Mei, for his guidance and encouragement that helped us throughout the whole process of developing this project. We also would like to thank Rafaella and Fabio, who always took the time to share their knowledge and provide advice whenever we needed it. We would also like to express special gratitude to Professors Henrique Pessoa Pereira Alves and Dario Vanetti for their teachings during the Final Thesis Studio.
I would like to thank my parents, Rocio and Tulio, to whom I owe the honor of being here, fulfilling my dreams and accomplishing my goals. Also a big thank you to my brother, Alejandro, without whom I couldn’t have arrived at this point, literally, my number one cheerer. Thank you to Roberto who has accompanied me through all the journey, for his endless pieces of advice and company. And lastly, i would like to thank all my former professors and classmates who shared with me all their knowledge along this beautiful journey.
I sincerely wish to thank Politecnico di Milano, for accepting me into their institution which helped me pursue a memorable academic endeavour. My professors over the academic years have had a substantial role in my academic life, and their in-depth knowledge has broadened my perspective in all aspects. And Last, but not the least I would like to thank my parents Vijeth and Anu, and my brother, Rithik, for their constant support and for making this dream come true. Their contribution is invaluable, and without whom I would have never gotten to experience Politecnico di Milano.
I express my deep sense of gratitude to my dearest family for their unparalleled love, help, and support. Firstly, my father, Lt. R.K. Gogna, who helped me recognize my skills to make an informed career choice. Secondly, both my mother, Indu Gogna, and my brother, Ajitesh, have been highly supportive of my incredible journey at Politecnico di Milano. I am forever indebted to them for giving me the opportunity and experiences that have made me who I am today. Thereafter, I would also like to thank Rohit, for being a constant support for all my endeavors and providing positive encouragement for tremendous growth in life. Just as importantly, I also am highly grateful to my university- Politecnico di Milano, professors, and compeers for this wonderful experience.